People wonder how the US government got away with killing millions of natives and taking their land while no one stood up to stop the atrocity. Well the same thing is happening today in Palestine and no one can stop it.

157  2018-01-24 by showmeurboobsplznthx

SS: People always bring up the question of how good Germans could let the holocaust happen and actually help. They also ask the same question about how Americans sat idly by while the government killed for land and good americans actually helped. How coukd people do that? Well we are a part of that today in aiding Israel. We just sit back and watch the execution of people defending their land and the land to be strait up taken. We do nothing and actually help by electing pro Israeli presidents and congress members. This is a huge conspiracy of how a small group gwts a larger group to do evil for their benefit. We are the germans who stayed sikent and gelped. We are the Americans who gladly took the natives land and killed any that fought back. Look in the mirror, we are the same.


"We"? I haven't done shit leave me out of this.

Are you an American who pays taxes? You're complacent.

I'm not complacent. I pay taxes because I don't want to be imprisoned. Do you know the definition of the word complacent? Complacent - showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements. Ex:"you can't afford to be complacent about security" synonyms: smug, self-satisfied, self-congratulatory, self-regarding, conceited;

complacent is sometimes confused with complicit and complaisant

Sorry, you're right - I meant complicit. Thanks for pointing out my error. Otherwise, I stand behind my comment. Paying taxes is something everyone does because they don't want to be arrested - but in doing so, we're all complicient in the crimes committed in our name with that money, like it or not. And taxes for sure go to Israel.

I'm not complicit. If you pay someone to mow your lawn and they use that money to buy drugs are you complicit in that? If you say yes then you're stupid.

If you pay taxes and don't do anything to mitigate this, you're complicite. If you pay taxes and vote for pro-Israeli politicians, if you pay taxes and don't tell your elected representatives how important the Israel/Palestine issue is, if you don't join the BDS movement - then you're almost directly putting money into the Israeli's pockets, money used to buy the bombs and gasse they use to kill Palestinians. That's complicity.

Stop your soap boxing.

Dude, this is literally what this post is about. If you disagree, either use your words and present some counterpoints or idk, maybe find another post?

I already did and you ignored it.

If you pay someone to mow your lawn and they use that money to buy drugs are you complicit in that?

No, but if you're a member of a housing alliance who uses your dues to kill homeless people who dare to tread on their lawns and you know this and keep paying dues, you're complicit in that crime.

What's your agenda?

So, you're back to not wanting to discuss it? idgi

I am not complicit for terrorism. I am responsible for my actions and my actions alone. You can protest all you want, but you aren't stopping terrorism. I know I'm not involved in that shit, but if you want guilt trip yourself go for it buddy.

Post hoc ergo propter hoc (Latin: "after this, therefore because of this") is a logical fallacy that states "Since event Y followed event X, event Y must have been caused by event X." It is often shortened simply to post hoc fallacy.

Post hoc is a particularly tempting error because temporal sequence appears to suggest causality. The fallacy lies in a conclusion based solely on the order of events, rather than taking into account other factors potentially responsible for the result that might rule out the connection.

A simple example is "the rooster crows immediately before sunrise; therefore the rooster causes the sun to rise."

You're complicit.

Not if you're regularly speaking out.

It can't be stopped if people don't know about it and there are a lot of people who just aren't aware.

Not to shit on you specifically because I understand where you’re coming from.

But I hate this fallacy, seems to be more popular with young people. That speaking out or creating awareness somehow is valiant effort.

If you don’t like something take action. Nobody cares about your words.

take action

No. That's not the way it works.

If one individual takes action, then that person's efforts will fail against the powers-that-be. They get slandered in the media and as far as anyone knows, they were a crazy lone wolf type who was justifiably put down.

On the other hand, if you can educate the masses and "the mob" so-to-speak, takes action against the-powers-that-be, then the action can very well succeed in changing things for the better.

This clip from A Bug's Life explains it very well.

I don’t think we are that far off. I just don’t think that educating others deserves a pat on the back. Virtue should come after real results are gained.

What action have you taken?

In terms of this not much. But I’m not extolling my virtues for having spoken up. I’m just participating in conversation.

But I’m not extolling my virtues for having spoken up.

No, you're just shitting on others for doing so.

I got no respect for you.


Did you vote for Trump? Is your states rep on AIPAC list? Has your local house rep voted for Israeli aid? Those people represent you so yes You are a part of it.

Did you vote for Trump?

Pretty sure that unless someone wrote in a candidate they would have been supporting Israel with their vote..

Very true. There is no avoiding being a part of the modern manifest destiny westward expansion kill and take from the natives going on.

or didn't vote at all. That's the choice I made.

I don't vote. I don't give a shit about politics.

Do you pay taxes?

Can you read?

Millions of natives... you really need to go learn some history the so called trail of tears killed just 4,000

The Palestinians situation is hardly equatible to the mass genocide committed by mulitple white and brown countries towards indeginious and tribal societies who were far outclassed in terms of techonological and biological advancements and achievements.

When the fuck will people stop down playing the most oppressed faction , the natives, even to this day. Sickening

I'm a huge supporter of the Palestinians, and I agree with you. As horrific as the situation in Palestine is, it's not the same global genocide that went on against native people.

I think the OP was trying to draw a parallel rather than say one was worse than the other, however.

You don't sound at all like you're any kind of supporter of the Palestinians.

Um, okay. I'm not arguing that a genocide is not being committed against the Palestinians (in fact, that is something I have argued several times in this sub), just that - purely by the numbers and countries involved - the genocide of native people all around the world is a larger genocide then what's happening now. Although I'd actually argue that the genocide against Palestine is part of this larger genocide of native people, just a few hundreds years after most Americans think these things ended.

You don't sound at all like you're any kind of supporter of the Palestinians.

Exactly what I was thinking.

I'm a huge supporter of the Palestinians but they're plight is not near as bad as [insert atrocity from the past].

Yea, SURE you are a huge supporter of the Palestinians. Wink wink.

I'm certainly with you. In particular I like your "their plight is not near as bad as [insert atrocity from the past]" comment. It's spot on.

It is the same... Israel is just doing it at a slower pace and saying its not as bad means you are ok with some genocide and land theft as long as its not as bad.

Are you implying that Palestine and israel are anywhere near equal footing in terms of technology? Does the USA provide f-35s and advanced missile systems to both of them, or just Israel? Seems like an apt comparison to me.

Where have you been? The us funds all terrorist groups as well as unsavory counties.. Iran, Pakistan, and North Korea(Clinton 90s)

But thanks for glazing over the genocide towards native Americans that still goes on to this day.

It's not like the Palestinians are fighting with sticks and Flint rocks against guns..

Are you being sarcastic? I really can't tell, because the Palestinians are a bunch of kids that throw rocks at "settlers" in APCs provided by the USA. US taxpayers provide over 2/3 of Israels annual budget.

We should have citizenship there automatically, as tax payers you know

Good idea. We'll destroy it from the inside out. Let's all head over to Israel.

Israel's budget is about $100 billion annually.

About $15 billion is spent on defense.

The U.S total contribution in aid (allocated for defense) is $3.1 billion. Though this was recently raised to $3.8.

Most of that aid is spent acquiring munitions from the U.S defense industry btw.

Yes, that is exactly what it is like.

Your attempt to minimize the harm done by Zionists to Palestinians is what is sickening.


I agree, as well.


"The Native American population in North America in 1500 was about 2 million, and the decline to 400,000 in 1860 represents a 0.22% decline per year. I’m not saying massacres didn’t happen; but in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t look like a genocide, or if it was, it would be the slowest genocide ever. In addition, we don’t know how many Native Americans managed to intermarry with Europeans. If so few as 0.22% married a European, which would be 1 in 454, that would in theory account for the entire Native American decline assuming the Native Americans were at replacement otherwise."

Through the 18th and 19th century the distribution of world news was barely crawling let alone existing. The atrocities and the genocide committed upon the Native American largely went under the proverbial radar...There is however, NO EXCUSE for what is being allowed to happen to the Palestinians. Gaza has essentially become a Warsaw Ghetto. The Israelis have made living conditions there unbearable. There have been so many documented disgusting behaviors and random killings of children perpetrated upon the Palestinians by Israelis...the list is huge.

With the Mass Media in place, the world is quite aware of what is going on in the land of Palestine. Our media is a zionist puppet. They always tell the narrative from the perspective of the poor, poor Israelis (enter crocodile tears and violin music) and the sorrows they must face living next to the "terrorist" threat.

Zionist terrorism

Exactly what I was gonna say.... the jewish state are basically being hypocrits here and repeating the same actions as the Nazi's did when they said they were gonna forcibly remove all jews from Germany and then forced them to live in ghettos before eventually taking them to the camps. Now Israel doesn't want Palestinians living on their land, pushes em out of their homes (prob breaking or stealing many of their possessions), and forcing them to live in ghetto housing or worse prison camps.

It is the same play... but yea, no one seems to be making a big deal about it, tho that is obviously due to MSM propaganda.

Here's an actual Ashkenazi in Israel braggardly going on about doing just what you're all describing.

Yea right. There is no Arabic word for Palestine. Made up word, made up people. Survival of the fittest.

Filistin or in Arabic فلسطين

People argue that it's ok to kill 1 to save 5. When you kill 1,000,000 to save 5,000,000- it's genocide.

Yeah, I love complicating that whole kill one to save 5 thing.

Would you kill one black woman to save five white men?

It might math correctly, but the media will be like.

"White man brutally executes young black woman to save five fellow clan members."

Why does race always have to be a part of it? Are we all 5 and just discovering colors? We’re all human...

This isn't a one-sided issue. Palestine has hardly been passive throughout all this and, as far as I'm aware, all of Israel's actions against Palestine have been retaliatory and never preemptive without precedent. Does Israel launch missiles from it's schoolyards or mortars from it's hospitals? Do Israel's citizens wander over into Palestinian populations and stab random civilians?

While I would agree that we should have members of our elect who possess primarily American interests, I do believe we should be inasmuch to at least help mediate a solution. There are significant population groups of our country who have vested interests in Israel as well, and our leadership should reflect that.

The Americans dressed as natives and would burn a house down, then go retaliate against the natives. The same thing in Palestine.

Do you have any evidence to back up your statement, that would help prove to me this is a systematic issue? Because, if it's a systematic issue (as in, an institutionalized practice backed with the support of its respected governments), then I'll stand up for those being victimized.

Just because of this hasbara top-level comment, I will paste again. Know that your contribution has been counter-productive here, Stalinpart.

To be effective in the information warfare, my opinion is that we should strive to drive the hasbara agents crazy by posting everywhere about the one-state solution.

This is the kind of copy-pasta I enjoy posting in mainstream subs. Full copyleft.

Saying Israel “occupies” the West Bank and Gaza is like saying Bolivia “occupies” the San Pedro prison. Don’t fall for the deception. Israel is sovereign from the river to the sea, and has been for a long time. Eretz Israel! What simply needs to be done is simply grant civil/voting rights to the indigenous population, as white South Africans were persuaded to do through sanctions and divestment.

The two-State solution is a sham. It will never happen in any meaningful way. The only solution is one-State.

I think it is extremely antisemitic to suggest Jews would be unwilling to live in peaceful coexistence with the indigenous population of their country. Except for a very small vocal minority, most do not hold supremacist/bigotted views. I suggest you travel to Israel and realize a huge majority of people there are reasonable and tolerant.

South African whites majoritarily said the exact same thing. Fortunately they were persuaded otherwise, through boycott, sanctions and divestment, and had to renounce their dystopia of a supremacist ethno-State. This is not a territorial issue, it is merely one of civil rights.

The height of antisemitism is to conflate Judaism with the supremacist ideology of Zionism.

You get the idea ... turn the propaganda against the propagandists.

You offer us nothing more than the big lie, that "all of Israel's actions against Palestine (the Palestinians) have been retaliatory and never preemptive...". That's the Zionist Narrative and it's a big lie.

What do think should happen? What would remedy this?

Equality for everyone, without exception and without qualification. That's the only remedy for the mess the Zionists have made in The Middle East.

I see. So then how do we achieve equality for everyone? What do you think a good first step would be?

Stop the illegal settlements, please?

Let's start right there in The Middle East where we have what the United Nations describes as the world's only Apartheid State and many millions of indigenous but stateless people living in areas embargoed and/or occupied by the Zionist Jews who run Israel. All of these people, Jewish and non Jewish, should all have equal rights, equal protection and equal representation under the law, without exception, without qualification. That would be a VERY good first step toward world peace.

Oh please, the United Nations is the Mos Eisley of international politics --its a straight up hive of scum and villainy. The U.N. passes resolutions primarily against Israel, and not at all for the reasons you're thinking. Between 2012 and 2015, 83 out the 97 resolutions targeted Israel, specifically. Who were making these condemnations? Countries such as North Korea, Iran, Yemen, Venezuela... you know, countries that are just pillars of virtue...

Hopefully, you're starting to see the picture...

Meanwhile, the United Nations has done practically nothing about Syria and the clear human rights abuses there, but it has no problem condemning the U.S. for recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital. So I don't think the complaints of the U.N. are at all significant.

The death of the Rothschilds and the khazars to stop posing as Jews and claiming a land that isn't theirs at all as their own historical birthright.

Why is violence at your forethought? Why should anyone more have to die?

But say the Rothschilds are killed, and the Khazars stop posing as Jews and claiming Israel for themselves... Then what? Will that solve all this worlds problems?

Wow, you could play that intellectually dishonest game all day couldn't you?

Everything he said was true. Sorry you're not able to hold a conversation with people that disagree with you.

Palestine has hardly been passive throughout all this

If I break into your home and start making myself a cup of coffee and you start taking action to protect your belongings against me, only a retard is going to say we're both in the wrong.

how good Germans could let the holocaust happen

You're starting on a false premise.

They were good vefore their silence and actions made them bad... Since Israel is doing the same steps leading to a similar situation, does that mean all Israelis are bad from the get go?

Not at all! Jews against Zionism is a growing movement.

You've put it in perspective quite well.. in a way that I'm just waking up to the hypocrisy of it all. Another recent post uses a role switch to see a different side to it. I think most people aren't able to put themselves in the position of the Palestinians, it's something distant and not thought about, when there's people being unjustly oppressed for no other reason than trying to live in their own country. What if Canada started to take over Michigan with financial support from the French government, how would that go down?

If the UN declared that Michigan was Canadian territory I’m sure all the liberals would fall right in line to be honest......

Sorry to burst your bubble there guy, but most natives were killed by diseases brought over by Europeans. And who did the "native Americans" genocide to populate America? Native Americans were not some large peace loving one with nature group. They were small warlike tribes constantly at war with one another. They did horrible things to both each other and the Europeans, so you can stop pretending like they are innocent. They fought Europeans just like they fought each other, and because of their plague-reduced numbers they lost. It's a simple fact. Deal with it.

And 80% of Jews were killed by disease not gas chambers... I can make shit up too bc propaganda. If Germany would of won, no Jews were gassed. Jeeze

Honest question, where does the "millions" number come from pertaining to North America?

It was estimated at 18 million natives at 1776 and 600000 at 1890. Many sources use this. Google it to find a source your accepting of.

No one can will stop it.


When your next door neighbor is ran by Hamas, you're going to want to let them know not to fuck with you. Yes, Israel can be aggressive, but what would doing nothing get them? Blown the fuck up. Thats what it would get them.

You... are fucking stupid. Israelis stole palestine, they are not entitled to be there unless you are going to say a 2000 year old fantasy novel gives them that right.

Who decides who is entitled to be anywhere?

Hamas and Hezbollah are just rich Arabs whobuse force to keep power while receiving aid from Israel to be rich so Israel has a reason to expand and attack people. In 2003 2008 2013 there were Democratic peace movements in Lebanon and Palestine, but Israel increaswd bombings and the hamas Hezbollah leaders murdered the peace leaders. You would think america and Israel would support democratic peace mocements but nope. They want that so they can poland Palestine.

sources or did you pull that out your ass?

Source is a buddies father in law who teaches I'm Beirut. Israel aided Hezbollah by bombing the salafists...

Non-Mobile link:

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Because neither story, especially the holocaust, it entirely true.

Hitler arrested a Rothschild. Everything else was set up to exact revenge on. Germany and to pave the way for Jews to get Israel back.

Why does nobody know about the holodomor? Why do we trust the Russians? What death camps were found in West Germany?

Haavara agreement.

Yep. That agreement really shoots a giant hole in the "They wanted to exterminate them" argument.

Its no diffwrent than Israel rounding up black people right now to deport. If they refuse to keave u can bet your ass Israel will have a dead or alive bounty system for them...

thought i heard somewhere that they had hired mercs to just shoot them or sell them to slavers.

Who knows now days... But I wouldn't say that Jews ruin countries. Shitty men who use religion for gain ruin countries. People who take peace and love from religion make places nicer. The Christians Jews and Muslims in DC fuck shit up globally while the 99.99% of people else where just want peace a place to raise kids and a house and land. Its bad men.

But I wouldn't say that Jews ruin countries.

As an outlying example, the Rothschilds are jews.

Shitty men who use religion for gain ruin countries.

To a degree. But humanity can't get by without religion. Morals need a policemen for the people who can't quite grasp the notion of Consequence.

People who take peace and love from religion make places nicer.

To a degree. Being too peaceful and welcoming has not helped europe with it's lack of assimilating migrants and resulting crime wave.

Its bad men.

Judaism in particular trains people to always try to circumvent rules. Finding ways to get around god's law is 70% of the Talmud.

I am a Jew and I make my place better.

I am a Jew and I make my place better.

Hope so.

Between khammas and likud, there are no good guys, only bad guys. I am often suspicious of anyone promoting one side or the other in this conflict as being more righteous.

Who gives a shit about that shithole

A lot if people do. Who gives a shit about you?

They we're given a state the exact same time as Israel and they refused. They love to play the victim

Yea with no support. And Israel attacked first. Israel's first leader was Iranian and he admitted that Israel had dressed as Arabs to stage an attack to garner support for a war to expand.

I'd love to see this proof

Native Americans were not one big beautiful and successful group that got genocided. They were uncultured barbarian hunter gatherers that all fought against each other, too.

Also, many of the tribes were racist xenophobes for not accepting white refugees that didn't want to follow their local customs.

And some Talmudic israelires are that way. Kicking out blacks and killing babies for religion. They even suck the for skin off babies... They think its ok to kill any nonjew and dont bath and shit on the floor in their own homes... Should we did Talmudic from Israel?

Same anwser I give when people use the native American rhetoric: they lost. Get over it. Reality isn't some balanced experience where fairness rules and we all hold hands. If you are incapable of holding onto what's yours, then you don't deserve it and eventually you will lose it. That's just how the world works, I'm sorry it's cold but if you artificially protect the weak you leave no room for the strong to grow and better the species

Pm me your address so I can go e take your shit ya weak ass. Can't hold onto your money? Shoukdnt have it. And why do the cops stop the poor from robbing the rich?

That's your argument? I'm gonna come beat you up? Wanna compare whose dad is stronger next?

You said if You get beat you don't deserve your stuff

No, but if you're a member of a housing alliance who uses your dues to kill homeless people who dare to tread on their lawns and you know this and keep paying dues, you're complicit in that crime.

Post hoc ergo propter hoc (Latin: "after this, therefore because of this") is a logical fallacy that states "Since event Y followed event X, event Y must have been caused by event X." It is often shortened simply to post hoc fallacy.

Post hoc is a particularly tempting error because temporal sequence appears to suggest causality. The fallacy lies in a conclusion based solely on the order of events, rather than taking into account other factors potentially responsible for the result that might rule out the connection.

A simple example is "the rooster crows immediately before sunrise; therefore the rooster causes the sun to rise."