The Media/The Fourth Estate have the concentrated power of defining the narrative. Most journalist are not interested in the evidence of a story, they are more interested in tightening up their side of the narrative.

29  2018-01-25 by That_Is_Precious


  1. Do you believe this title is true? If you think that the media is narrative spinning: do you have solutions to solve it? If you do NOT think the media is narrative spinning: how did you reach that conclusion?

  2. How do we not inhibit the 1st Amendment, but at the same time make corporations accountable for propagandizing information?

  3. With mistrust in the media at a low, how would a media company create mainstream trust?

Note: I am righting this post because of the outpouring of ideas in my last post. By submitting these posts, I am hoping to start a dialogue from a broad range of perspectives. I hope partisanship is left at the door. I hope we engage in these discussions not through winning but instead through understanding.

  1. Disagree, the Zionists and deep state define the narrative and give it to the media. Yes, nonpartisan solutions exist!

  2. Take your wallet and eyeballs elsewhere. The market fixes it. Specific laws like legalizing propaganda need to be repealed first of all though.

  3. Tell the truth in a non-partisan or bi-partisan manner. Even rehashing MSM stories in a less biased manner is a step forward. The silent majority are rational moderates.

Add a Submission Statement so they don't take this down

Make your journalism scientific in its inquiry and answers, and humor us along the way. You’ll do fine with that simple formula.

So logical instead of emotional?

oh bullshit. if it weren't for journalists you wouldn't have much to theorize about. even you need them

Lol, do we have a solution to the rulers spewing propaganda on the masses? You are naive. They are prepared to exterminate the masses if we are not buying what they are selling.


Otherwise they'd print the campaign finance reports of politicians next to their claims.

They don't use the public data available or show it to people because they're pushing a specific narriative for advertisers.