Guys you are fucked.

0  2018-01-25 by [deleted]



You don't know shit

And how do you personally know exactly?

He, personally, has been selling the cops all those guns and ammo.

Wait, we're fucked, but they're also fucked? Sounds like a wash to me.

Most the police and military are Trump supporters so you're wrong.

Doesn't mean they will turn their guns on Americans because Trump ordered them to.

They certainly won't because because the Marxist shadow government told them to. As OP implied.

There is no Marxist shadow government. That'd actually be pretty great. And this illustrates OP's point precisely because all Trump or whichever figurehead has to do now is say the American people are marxists, or deep state pawns, or soyboy faggots, or whatever, and all those Trump supporters with guns and uniforms are sufficiently indoctrinated that's all the reason they'll need to start shooting en masse.

A Marxist shadow government would be pretty great?

You can fuck right off.

And a good day to you too comrade.

Communists are worse than Nazis.

Any type of shadow government is treason, thanks for ousting yourself as anti-democracy. I also see you pushing Hillary's BS talking points about why she lost the election "the data team dropped the ball"

Bullshit, Hillary is seen as the wicked witch of the west and nobody likes her. That's why she had to shit on democracy by rigging the primaries and then after months of pretending to be pro democracy and lecturing Trump about accepting the results if he loses, she fucking lost and still won't accept the results.

Fuck off

Fuck you too. The most hilarious part of your delusional fascist drivel is making shit up about what I think of Hillary. Don't be in a conspiracy sub if you're just parroting regime propaganda.

You're calling me a fascist but you just said it would be great if there was a shadow government of Marxist.

You're just making noise with your face that you've heard other people make. You clearly have no fucking clue what a fascist is.

I didn't make a god damn thing up, it's in your history.

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Wow, you're going three years back in my posting history? And you're doing all that work and still saying that this article about the 2014 election applies to Hillary? You're an idiot.

Don't be in a conspiracy sub if you're just parroting regime propaganda.

Regime propaganda,. Like how you come here to post MSM nonsense

Guys the real conspiracy is climate change denier! Matche Bros save the planet, get your vaccines and resist Trump aka Hitler.

Get fucked traitor.

Climate change is indeed the real conspiracy, but I'm not surprised a right winger has no problem ruining the lives of future generations if it helps further enrich a handful of elites.

Get fucked yourself.

Marxist propaganda.

Agree. When it was Obama, he was gonna come gun us all down. I think they're two sides of the same coin, but still. OP is caught up playing one side is better. They're both shitty.

They already turn their guns on Americans, even without Trump ordering them to.

Who, cops? I was thinking the military wouldn't take orders to fire on American citizens. Am I wrong in thinking that this has not happen before?

Yeah, I was talking cops. Though there have been a couple bombings/firefights against US citizens abroad in the terror wars, and the national guard has been called up against rioters, protesters, and strikers on numerous occasions (allegations of them shooting people in Katrina, but besides that probably not since the 70's). Which means unless you count Native Americans its probably been since Reconstruction that the regular military's been turned on citizens within the border.

It would be foreign mercenaries if they need American citizens to be routinely fired upon. They'll likely be wearing American uniforms, though. Either way, people ought to stop feeling safe because they think the military is somehow on their side.

That's not true at all. Maybe an area like where I am that has the most federal agents outside of D.C., but even the most liberal of cities have like a 1/10,000 ratio of government agents to civilians

The cops have the ammo and the numbers to take over quick.

How many cops do you think there are?

In my town of 4,000 there are 12 (mostly nice guys)

That number is close to the average for the country - Which is approx. 300 people per 1 officer.

So I can't see how OP thinks the police can take over.

Damn, I thought teachers had it rough...

No. We are all going to be just fine.

Not gonna happen like that younglin'. Let the slow roll keep you guessing until we live in a fully connected society with no privacy and constant monitoring. Ease of computers to put you at the scene of the crime if you speak out. Enjoy.

Yea it is going to happen like that. It's not going to be a slow boil.

Lets reconvene in 3 years.

Any thoughts on the new Walmart/FEMA camps? He’s not totally wrong here. First Walmart now Sam’s club?

We were all fucked on our day of birth, which started the countdown to the day we die. Find Jesus, through wafers and wine....

Communion wafers taste like ass. Use some freshly baked unleavened bread.

What if I told you, that the original wafers were human flesh and the original wine was human blood :(. I cannot find the painting, but... /u/captainapollyon, you know what I'm talking about (you posted this). Help a bruh, out?

My homie! Thanks!

So here's the problem, what you say sounds all good. Except for it's not. We all have life. And it needs to be respected. Saying your fucked any way makes you a stupid son of a bitch. Even a simple commune is capable of supporting life. It may not be the most invigorating but it's happy and full.

Just saying fuck it makes me say fuck you.

We are the cattle that turn a profit. Why kill a cash cow?

When the cow no longer produces milk, then it's to the slaughterhouse. It won't be too long until most of America is too poor to be squeezed of any taxes or any more production. If most of America starts getting truly hungry, they wouldn't think twice before firing into the crowds, and slamming rioters with long sentences.

Some one gets it.

You know how to sit on your hand for 10 minutes first so it feels like it's somebody else doing it and that's about it.

sounds like a good time to revamp "Hands Across America" /s

Unironically, there are far worse ideas than this.

You had me right up until the trump voter thing.

There is no difference between Trump voters and anyone else.

The way the dumb dumbs feel about politics is exactly how it is intended. Everyone’s drinking the fabulous koolaid served up by the media. Options are given, so everyone has their own preferred flavor.

Even your koolaid has been accounted for.

I like you little jab at the end. But I don't run a fucking cult. I'm not that charismatic. And I would never kill my followers because I'm going to jail. I love all life.

The super conservative are the people doing the thing.

Police have family

Military have family

Guard have family

All take oaths to the constitution

All do the job to keep the peace and public order (which is actually the public good - anarchist scum).

Lots fought for the country AGAINST foreign powers, and then comeback cops.

Most of these men and women are the guardian class by nature.

Our culture defines their heroic status as servants and not 'royal guard'

The second amendment makes the US population the largest armed in the world.

You were saying about numbers. .. .

As, for ever soy-boy without a firearm, there is one guy with exactly twelve to hand out.

Lol yea. The 5% live in this scenario.

Soooo you are saying, America is the world ?

I'm chilling the fuck out enjoying life. Whatever makes you feel better about not doing the same, I guess. Step your game up.

Time to move my brown ass to some hick town where everybody fucks their sister and holds KKK rallies, I'll definitely be safer there.

Not with that attitude, but otherwise, yes. Yes, you would.

And a good day to you too comrade.