Obama was supposed to have a scheduled appearance last night, can anyone find proof he was there?

24  2018-01-25 by FranktheShank1

SS: Q posted yesterday that Obama retained legal counsel. He was supposed to show up here for an appearance last night.

If you google "obama jewish temple 1/24/2018", the first hit will show the proof that he WAS scheduled. But if you click on the website, nothing.

Now if you go on facebook and search for Streicker Center, you can see many people posting about it but i can't find a single comment from anyone after the appearance. No pictures, nothing. I'd link you but apparently that's also not allowed here anymore for some reason.


Funny, I can’t find anything either. Hmmmmm...

you know if he was there, facebook would be full of pics/vids and the streicker center would have posted about it

Funny, shills don’t like us talking about it.

I searched on FB and could only find one person who snapped a pic from the event but that's it. Really odd there isn't more than 1 photo on FB but I'll have to dig on Twatter and IG some more...

Was he in the pic?

Can you verify it was taken last night? Seems odd only 1 pic would be out there....especially since he's been posting pics to IG and stuff that are months/years old anyway.

Archive link to the FB post: http://archive.is/WN5ii

Isn't that cute OB calling himself a liberal Jew...god I hate all spineless pandering politicians.

politicians have to pander, it's part of their job.

Best photo I've found


Some people on twitter have posted photos, not many of the big man


The official venue account says it happened


Yea, but Q said, so those photos must all be fake

Retaining Councel doesn't mean you cant leave the country....

I don't understand why your comment is being downvoted. It's a true statement. TMOR brigades on I suppose.

Because the idea that they're actually retained is retarded.

Hiring a lawyer, for whatever reason, is retarded? That's what retaining council means.

I love the hyperbole, but is it that wrong to just ask questions online? Even if it could be a larp?

Shouldn't the goal to be to clear up disinformation than to be bullies?

A guy posted pics of the event. Couldn't explicitly see Obama, asked him if Obama was there. Waiting for his answer

Why is this a conspiracy?

something something Q anon claimed Obama lawyered up.

This guy is a CBTS_Stream person.

They think everyone they hate (Obama, Clintons, Soros, Trudeau, etc.) is secretly being held at Guantanamo Bay, on a plate to Guantanamo Bay, or being arrested tomorrow to be sent to Guantanamo Bay.

They've thought this for months, now. It's always happening TOMORROW! But it never happens.

Nothing will dissuade them, because they're LARPing and it's fun for them, I guess.

He's def been arrested and will be joining crooked Hillary and Pedosta in jail shortly.

You are completely, 100% DELUSIONAL.

Lol I was joking.

Thank God. There are real comments, just like this in /r/CBTS_Stream

We aren't here to make fun of people's ideas about what's going down, we're here to find the truth together. Question the narrative, right?
What about hope that these horrible-excuses-for-human-beings will be arrested soon?

It's simply delusional to think that Obama will end up in jail. For what?

Look into FISA abuse, email investigation. A lot of things. All this and more in the Memo. #ReleasetheMemo

oh, you're one of those people...

Divide and conquer.

One of those people that want transparency and justice? Yes, I am.


Who are you asking to release the memo? Like, who are you trying to convince? Who has any power over the memo that doesn't want to release it?

These are good questions! Do some more digging and you'll find out like I did.

That's not an answer! If you don't have an answer to a very basic question then why should I take you seriously at all?

I did give an answer. What makes you think it's very basic?
You have to look into it yourself to best understand. Put the effort in to find the truth!

Or why don't you just tell them..? The answer you gave was "I"m not telling you, do it yourself."

But you were asked a pretty simple question that you tellingly avoided answering -- who are you asking to released the memo? Who has any power over the memo that doesn't want to release it?

It answers nothing. You told him to "do more digging" which leads me to believe you have no concrete answer. People who do have concrete answers don't deflect and avoid questions by telling others to "do more digging". Imagine if a teacher or doctor did that when you asked them a question. Would that satisfy your question?

That would actually. It would be teaching them how to learn, versus teaching them what to learn, as they do now.

So rather than have a doctor explain your illness/treatment plan, you’d rather look it up yourself. Or have a teacher during a lecture just say, look into it yourself rather than explain the lecture and references.

We should all be doing both. Investigating and learning on our own as well as from experts.

I've looked into it, which is why I know it's inherently bullshit.

The president can unilaterally declassify it tomorrow if he wants. Nunes' republicans have a majority on the committee and a majority in the Senate. A Senator like Ron Johnson can read it on the Senate floor, a la the Pentagon Papers.

There is literally nothing standing in the way of them releasing it other than themselves.

So, again: Who do you want to release the memo?

It's not about who, it's about the Memo itself and what it contains. #ReleaseTheMemo is a way to spread awareness about the Memo, and also a hope that someone with access to the Memo will release it early. It is going to be released regardless.

So basically you admit it's a silly promotional gimmick?

Trump could unilaterally order it released tomorrow. He can do that. He's the president. The fact that he hasn't leads me to believe that even the GOP knows it's horseshit - effective as a tool they can use to drum up outrage, but easily debunked when released.

If they didn't, they'd have released it.

That's an interesting conclusion. That would be very disappointing! However we do know it's legitimate from many who have read it and spoken out about it.

It's not silly or promotional. It's news suppressed by most networks that needs to be shared another way.

I don't think you understand the contents of the Memo and it's implications.

However we do know it's legitimate from many who have read it and spoken out about it.


as if any of them had any credibility.

It's not silly or promotional. It's news suppressed by most networks that needs to be shared another way.

And the only ones preventing it from being released are Republicans.

I don't think you understand the contents of the Memo and it's implications.

Sure I do. It's Devin Nunes' SOP to a T:

1) Invent crisis based on cherrypicked or distorted facts.
2) Spread crisis through Trump's lapdogs in Congress and his Pravda, Fox News. Really hype it up. Make it look like groundbreaking stuff.
3) The facts come out and oops, this was way overhyped and the people involved barely did anything wrong, if at all.
4) People only remember the first part where it was this huge thing, not it being disproven.
5) Rinse and repeat.

Like, remember "unmasking" and the crisis over Susan Rice? And then it turned out that everything she did was completely properly done? Yeah.

It's the same shit. Devin Nunes can release his fanfiction whenever he wants, and it's going to be cherrypicked, distorted nonsense that will soon be easily disproven, because that's what Nunes does.

Why does this get downvotes? Should we not question the narrative?

He may have only been served.

Maybe that's where he went to find a lawyer. After all....

Was he in the pic?

Can you verify it was taken last night? Seems odd only 1 pic would be out there....especially since he's been posting pics to IG and stuff that are months/years old anyway.