r/politics bans ShareBlue links

203  2018-01-25 by WarSanchez

This is the thread

Is this just for show while they prop up another similar site or is this a changing of the guard?


Submission Statement:

I find the timing of this odd. Could r / politics (don't wanna get accused of brigading) be shaking things up finally? Are they going to go towards the middle ground as to draw in more subs and users?

Nah, they broke a rule. I actually happened to see the thread that probably made them do it.

They posted a story under some "official" username, then commented that they forgot to change accounts and wasn't sure how to delete.

So basically admitted that they were pushing their own stories

I understand that, but this is a conspiracy theory, so I thought I'd at least present some sort of possible conspiracy to make it relevant to this sub.

Haha, sorry. I just happened to see it go down, so was an easy answer

I would if they go more moderate again, but don't see this really being the push to get there again

That seemed like someone making a really dumb joke though. People ironically call themselves shills because it's funny; I can't imagine an actual shill would make a mistake like that.

What's the conspiracy?

I gave you two to pick from. One in the OP: this is a smoke screen to push a new site with the same stuff. Two in the SS: They could be faking going more centrist to attract new subs.

  1. Shareblue is about as centrist as it gets though.

Or a third option, Shareblue broke the rules and they banned them.

I literally have to present a THEORY of a conspiracy to post here. That's what I did.

Shareblue is centrist... As an actual centrist independent I can say you are so wrong it's cringy.

How is SB not centrist?? They parrot the establishment Dems who are firmly centrist libs.

... They parrot dems and you said centrist. Those are not the same thing.

They are not centrist anything. Read there manifesto

Centrist? Blahahahaba

As a regular T_D poster, I would use /politics regularly if it had any semblance of real world balance between Trump support and dissent

nothing changes till the jews are gone.

Fuck off.

LUL I'm really scared now!

Probably just a lonely troll that's using his own shit to proclaim us a "hatesub" that needs to be banned

You are one very persistent person dude. Not only have you admitted time and time again of how many accou ts you have, but now you gave up even hiding your bigotry.

He is trying to make the sub look bad.

The sub makes itself look bad. It's no surprise that conspiracy communities attract these types. With most communities they are eventually taken over and subverted. This community is halfway there.

Look at the users comment history that warsanchez is talking to.

Not only have you admitted time and time again of how many accou ts you have

gonna need a source for that

and I don't know what is bigoted about stating a fact, I'm sorry jews are shitty people and could never build their own country so they have to fuck everyone else's up. Maybe you should go address that issue, it seems to be rather semitic in nature.

I'm sorry jews are shitty people and could never build their own country so they have to fuck everyone else's up.

So what you're saying is, they are "untermensch"? Cause if you are, 1945 is calling.

no, the haavara agreement was signed in 1933. and I could also be refering to any source starting from around 1000BC. you parasites haven't changed much.

I think of you all like that guy from Dazed and Confused, only ever able to hit on high school girls. It is a great analogy, cuz you know, weistein and rose and franken and friends.

I can already feel you getting a little rape-y.

I can already feel you getting a little rape-y.

Lmao who's the rapist here?

That's another thing with you Nazis. You sure love projecting onto other people.

You came to the wrong neighborhood buddy.

That comment thread is so lame. "But what about Breitbart!" when the ban has nothing to do with the content of their articles.

I wanna know when the last time breitbart made it to the front page there.

Believe it was during the primaries when lord and savior Bernie Sanders was all that was on the front page.

Believe it was during the primaries when lord and savior Bernie Sanders was all that was on the front page.

When? Shit I was following it daily & the few times he made the front page it was negative. Considering all the records for fundraising & rally turnouts he should have been on television/reddit front page daily.

Lol seriously? The front of politics every day in 2016 up until the end of the DNC primaries was straight Bernie propaganda.

What are you talking about? Reddit was in love with the progressive movement in the primaries, it wasn't until he conceded and endorsed Hilary that r/politics was like 'guess it's Hilary then'.

This is just patently false

Seriously. Why do they even give a shit. It's like all the complaining they do about supposed Russian shills/bots commenting. Anyone doubting the Trump-Russia collusion theory gets downvoted into oblivion.

Because actual users want legitimate news on there. There are all kinds of problems over there.

Seriously. Why do they even give a shit. It's like all the complaining they do about supposed Russian shills/bots commenting. Anyone doubting the Trump-Russia collusion theory gets downvoted into oblivion.

I'm not a Trump guy, but I figure most of/all that downvoting is bots controlled by the establishment powers that be.

If you look at 2015 reddit compared to now. The downvoting intensity is undeniably much more powerful and at typically less popular times of the day.

TPTB probably got caught with their pants down a bit when that Bernie massive rallies across america late 2015 hit & they then invested resources into controlling the online narrative better from 2016 on out.

If you look at 2015 reddit compared to now. The downvoting intensity is undeniably much more powerful and at typically less popular times of the day.

And they also took away the ability to see votes...

Yeah, go ahead, ban Breitbart. Now what?


Right around when Steve Bannon left the company.

There's a comment chain going on about what if Breitbart pretended to be Shareblue and caused this lol

And we're the conspiracy theorists

Why are you booing us? We're right

I've seen enough obviously phony 4chan posts where someone claims to be a CTR/ShareBlue insider that I can imagine someone attempting a false flag, but I'm going to assume there's some real evidence to back it up. It would have happened before now if someone could just LARP their way into getting an outlet banned.

The mods said they contacted shareblue the company and confirmed the reddit account(s) in question belonged to shareblue (or to shareblue employees).

Mods would know. They have a lot of information about subscribers.

What do you expect from a mass of users incapable of critical thinking or independent thought?

The majority of comments, "MORE CENSORSHIP!!!"


I think part of the problem is that when they found out a moderator was working to promote Breitbart they got rid of the mod but kept allowing the website.

“I try my hardest to make /r/Politics MAGA”

[He] has previously been interviewed by Breitbart in relation to censorship on Reddit and has expressed his support of both Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos and Donald Trump. He has also previously provided technical support work for Yiannopoulos.


Yet the modpost said that they added the rule at a later point

Breitbart wasn't rigging their sub. SharBlue was. It's like they can't even logic over there.

Well overdue. And the reactions are as fun as you'd imagine.

Here's the thing - if a story has any legitimacy, Shareblue will not be the only source, so no actual news is being suppressed here.

That's not even close to why they were banned, if it were then the reactions in that thread would be appropriate.

That's a really bad line of thought there.

Here's the thing - if a story has any legitimacy, Shareblue will not be the only source, so no actual news is being suppressed here.

I don't have an opinion on this ban I don't know the facts. So I'm not defending this website when I say this. What I know is that ShareBlue was some kind of group formed to manipulate the public, and so I'm just assuming it's a positive to ban them.

But banning a source because you assume the important stuff with be reported by everyone is a slippery slope. Why do we need anyone but CNN then? If everyone reports everything that is worth reporting anyway, CNN will be enough.

IMO the only reason to ban a source should be if they are purposely misinforming people.

the DNC political party FUNDED ShareBlue, David Brock and his nerd virgins. The fringe radical minority needed to appear bigger than they are


I don't know if you're trying to inform me or argue with me. Like I said I don't have a dog in this fight. I know ShareBlue was a misinformation and manipulation tool for the left. I was really not trying to get into a discussion about that - more about the line of thought he was on.

You shouldn't assume everything worth knowing will get reported by every source worth following. Seems silly that I should even have to say something like that on a conspiracy theory.

He said:

Here's the thing - if a story has any legitimacy, Shareblue will not be the only source, so no actual news is being suppressed here.

That's what I'm talking about here.

That's not why we should ban sources - we should ban them for purposely misinforming people.

Here's the thing - if a story has any legitimacy, Shareblue will not be the only source, so no actual news is being suppressed here.

ShareBlue is not even a news source. 100% of what they publish is opinion pieces.

and has been botted to the frontpage of reddit since Trump rode down the escalator. Their sensational headlines clickbait lurkers(most of reddits traffic is from lurkers). It's a gross faux of public opinion liberals desperately need on social media sites and why censorship of "wrong think" and promotion of Shareblue was so important.

Similar to HRC dumping money at Casey Neistat to endorse her for President because he had a lot of followers on Youtube.

I have a hard time following your response due to missing words and poor sentence structure.

That's what I would say about Zero Hedge, but if anything it seems to be increasing in popularity here.

Zero Hedge really does seem like some sort of long-running psyop

You need to spot the difference of opinion articles. ZeroHedge posts usually have links you can follow down the chain

Ha ha shareblue aka CTR is so bad at shilling that they even get banned from /politics. Fucking hilarious.

They are transparent, even when pretending to be overly-excited Trump supporters. I often say, you think they'd be more effective when financially motivated, but instead the quality seems to degrade over time, as if they're getting burnt out or as though the 'novelty' is wearing off and now it's simply an obligation.

Shill for truth, shill for the free flow of information; not for money, but for the feels.

even when pretending to be overly-excited Trump supporters

I'm glad users are aware of this type of sockpuppeting.

I love this place, and the...general fuckery?...of the past 2 years has gone far from unnoticed.

Don't they OWN /r/politics? This might be a diversion tactic to make that subreddit seem less compromised, they can just push the same content from other sources.

It's a shame, they should be having more sites on the whitelist (or no whitelist at all), not removing them. Even if Shareblue are incredibly biased, they were obviously so, making it easy to ignore their content. But they broke the rules so that's that, can't really argue in their favour on that, content creators should always be held strictly to the rules, as they have the most to gain from abusing them.

Maybe an archive only punishment would be a better option. It works well enough here on /con for CNN.

OP didn't include the reason, it wasn't a bias issue, they were caught using an account to push a story.

I mean, I know that, did you only read the first sentence of my comment?

But they broke the rules so that's that, can't really argue in their favour on that, content creators should always be held strictly to the rules, as they have the most to gain from abusing them.

They are in panic mode while us bois over here are laughing our asses off

lol there goes half their front page material

Would that rule assist this sub?

Looks like this post is getting slammed. I think they really have a hard on for you recently.

So can this sub ban Zerohedge while we're discussing it?

Looks like the mods aren't biased Brock bots after all.

Good move. Now ban CNN, WaPo, and NYT and you've eliminated 80% of the Blue propaganda machine. Then ban FOX and Breitbart and that takes care of most of the Red one.


As much as i hate Liberal media... THIS

It’s a slippery slope and I don’t believe in safe spaces.

I’ll make up my own mind thank you.

Yep, as long as they get rid of the investigative journalists, Tru...I mean they should be totally safe!

I seriously doubt you're going to find any of those at any of those. Breitbart, maybe.

Cool story buddy

The whole thread is whattaboutism

It seems like a ploy to make it seem like some sort of common ground is being met. I've seen a discerning amount of accounts that previous only treaded and preached very specific narratives of dialogue for a very long time disappear and suddenly within the last few weeks are commenting like "the everyday concerned r/conspiracy user", even sucking up to some of the more "notorious" accounts/mods (their own words/beliefs) and now we have this. I am extraordinarily suspect of what is/has been taking place recently.

The fact they were regularly pushing shareblue links to the front page just shows how far gone that sub is.

I'm a huge lefty, and I hate ShareBlue. Their content is like Huffington Post quality. They just take other news stories, add more spin and a clickbait title.

Shareblue = DNC = Clinton = NEOliberal (extreme right wing deregulated economics shitty trickle down garbage) and NEOconservative (warmonger foreign policy).

Remember the DNC rigged the primaries against Bernie, ALL corporate media was shitting on Bernie 24/7 (CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, etc. etc. etc.)

Nothing lefty about shareblue, my friends. The (extreme) capitalists (elite central banks, wallstreet, corporations, etc.) controlling our governments have always been extremist right wing maniacs. They want us to believe "Democrat VS Republican" is left vs right when in reality it's just two slightly different shades of extreme right.

Whatever happened to anti-establishment non-authoritarian versions of: center left, centrist and slightly right wing? Replaced with extremism thanks to the brainwashing MSM.


Only going to get worse if we don't stop the bastards. TPP for example was some insane corporate takeover attempt (I'm looking at you Hillary Clinton, Gary Johnson and the Republican candidate shills).


Agree on Clinton being a disgusting mixture of neoliberal and neoconservative but would like to point out that, based on the definitions you provided, Trump also falls squarely in those categories.

True, but I didn't want to comment on Trump because of the small possibility that there really is a "4D chess" power struggle of sorts. Not that I buy that theory but just trying to be catious on who I criticize for now. I don't want people to blindly worship Trump like he can do no wrong/"god emperor" bullshit.

But I also don't want him to be victim of a coup and replaced with someone even worse like Pence or Clinton. But yes, the Trump administration is still NEOliberal and NEOconservative. Whether that was Trump's true intention, I'm not sure. I don't know his actual pre-campaign leanings other than he considered himself a "Democrat" (whatever that means anymore).

Wow. I think that is exactly how I feel, but I never knew how to put it.

Yeah man this is basically my Trump judgement journey:

  • Trump stops TPP (yay, maybe he'll be half as good as Bernie!)

  • later, Trump administration does stupid shit like warmonger crap like the previous administration would have, false flag attack, "fire and fury" shit, etc. and a tax reform that seems to give permanent tax breaks for the super rich. ("Ugh so he was a shill afterall! FUCK THE TWO PARTY SYSTEM!!!")

  • Saudi prince and hollywood scandals ("hmm....could it be 4D chess? Are pro-Trump anti-deep state forces involved in this?")

  • Then Trump administration does more stupid shit (removing net neutrality for example). When's he going to get to universal healthcare and ending globalist economics?

So I keep changing my mind but of course I believe there are real paid shills from T_D (plus brainwashed people). I particularly get skeptical when someone from there repeats here the whole "THIS PLACE IS OVERRUN WITH r/POLITICS SHARE EA BLUE! LIBERULIZM IS A MENTAL ILLNESS, MUH LIB vs CON, GET ON THE TRUMP TRAIN LOSERS" like what am I supposed to think with that blatant shilling lol? Those shills can't even admit the Trump administration is doing dodgy stuff and often they engage in divide and conquer, pro-two party system statements.

r/politics and r/The_Donald are both infested with shills, even at the MOD LEVEL. It's like saying only Democrats are corrupt when arguably Republicans are even more corrupt (although I don't play the lesser evil vs greater evil garbage psyop game, both parties are two shades of NEOliberal far right, even the Libertarian party is extreme right).

I don't know much about Q and whether he/she is a genuine non-LARP "white hats" force or just a "black hat" deep state shill trying to stall us and get us to accept shitty things the administration does and think it's just 4D chess. You can tell I'm a bit confused and switch back and forth between "wait give Trump a chance" and "wait no, it's a trick, Trump is controlled, we have to replace him with someone decent!"

Man if this is a good cop vs bad cop bullshit psyop, I'll be mad. We can't let the Trump administration do whatever it wants regardless of whether we believe Trump is in control or not. I wonder how long it would take to actually "drain the swamp". Hypothetically, would a genuine anti-establishment Trump try to undo the blackmail that links everyone in corrupt circles? "Hey George, I know you want out and they have footage of you money laundering for them, but do this for me and by X date we might take down the top of the pyramid without repercussions". Sounds like a movie plot but who really knows what's going on. Maybe it's not as black and white as we think. There are bad people on Trump's side too, what could it mean?

Is it like gray like Britain's Brexit? Remaining would mean staying in the control of the center right to far right corrupt NEOliberal EU (so called "good cop") but leaving it might land Britain in a Tory/Conservative extremist right wing hell hole (bad cop). Although I suspect there is a better, left wing route for Brexit, somehow keeping the GOOD EU laws/regulations and trashing the crappy ones and getting a decent government for once! (Like the Jeremy Corbyn fellow, he speaks truth.)

Man, I think it was a bad idea removing net neutrality, because there might be a psyop move to "bring it back due to high popularity" but actually be a modified corporate trojan horse. If they pull that one, I think it would be safe to say "if it was so popular, why did you go against the will of the people IN THE FIRST PLACE!" :o So I would call bullshit in that case.

Only course of action I have for now, is campaign for getting money out of politics, nationalize the FED, end the treasonous CIA and secret societies, boycott the corporate media, get people to choose more moderate politics instead of the corporate extremists Dem vs Repub near-false dichotomy, maybe Independents like Green party, wake people up about the elite, etc.

It's nice to see some real conspiracy on here. Nicely put.

Thanks friend, hopefully one day the truth will resonate with more people.

Thank you for the info.

Who do you propose I check out properly for 2020? Mitt Romney?

Bernie Sander (does even stand a chance)?

Who else?

I am open, I just want to support a proper one.

Romney is even worse than Obama. IMO, virtually all Republican and most Democrat politicians are too corrupt/controlled and extreme.

Some suggested Tulsi Gabbard (Bernie supporter) but some argued she might be controlled due to being in the Council on Foreign Relations so it's unclear if she's trustworthy. Plus the DNC already rigged the primaries against Bernie, what's to stop them doing it again with another anti-establishment candidate?

I feel that there are a few possible routes that might be better than the corrupt two party system.

Getting money out of politics before 2020, might just give me confidence in voting Dem again if a candidate has zero corporate/banking donors. Repubs have been insane for a long time and usually worse than Dem candidates usually.

Another route would be to campaign for Dr. Jill Stein of the Green party.

And finally, forming a new independent party.

Not sure if there's any other options but I feel we don't have much of a chance with corrupt media and parties so getting money out of politics is a big hurdle we NEED to overcome (I believe). Otherwise rigging will be as easy as last time.

More people demanding the removal of money in politics, will speed up the process.

Nationalizing the federal reserve and ending the CIA might also reduce the power of the elites in terms of interfering with democracy.

We need alternative media channels. The MSM is largely propaganda.

I only really trust people like Bernie, Jill Stein, Ralph Nader, etc. basically the Green party. But it's almost hopeless unless the conflicts of interests are gone and the people start voting a reasonable candidate.

Sorry I can't offer more advice, but I definitely don't trust shills like Zuckerberg, Opera and other Clinton clones. Puppets are usually celebrities or have corporate donations and super PACs, dodgy track record/history, suspicious links, extremist policies, flip flops, lies, adoration from the MSM, etc.

Reddit could really help with campaigning for removing money from politics but shills tend to downvote that stuff unless genuine users outdo them.

As a Bernie supporter thank you for paying attention about ShareBlue.

I thought they were the wrong group to do fundraising through.

Wait, fundraising for what? (Maybe I'm out of the loop.) If you mean the Dem party wasting Bernie supporters' donations by rigging the primaries, yeah that's unfortunate. But on the bright side, millions have heard Bernie's message worldwide which wouldn't have been possible in this rigged system had the people not donated. I hope the remaining unspent money didn't go to the DNC, that would be like rubbing salt in the wound.

Getting money out of politics before 2020, might make it possible and easier to beat the establishment next time with a real Bernie-like candidate, whether it be an independent or reformed Dem. Without getting money out of politics, I don't trust the Dems or Repubs, with rigging being just one reason to hate the two party system. Money out of politics or GTFO! Because who's to say the rigging won't happen again? I feel like America got played, in multiple ways.

Off topic, could I ask politely why you consider yourself a huge lefty? What are your top two issues that push you left?

You didn’t ask me, but I want to answer anyway.

There’s many reasons, but probably number one is pragmatism. It’s simply cheaper, in the medium and long run, to provide good social services to everyone. It’s way cheaper to run a nice mental health hospital than a jail. Way cheaper to distribute aid than military actions. Way cheaper to build roads and schools than walls. Way cheaper to keep water and air pollution free than treat a bunch of cancer.

Also bernie hit squad

Yeah it’s just another anti-Bernie establishment site.

TIL I have been banned from commenting on /r/politics.... I'm not sure when or why it happenes but there it is...

Did you check your private messages? They'll send you a PM if you're banned.

I've not received any PM from them but the "reply" button is disabled on all threads in the sub....does that mean I'm banned?

Maybe, message the mods and say you've apparently been banned but you don't know why and never got a PM about it.

I just sent them a msg ... waiting for reply

x2 here.

Check your address bar, the link OP posted is "np" and that hides commenting

I did that check ... went in from the main menu

Then I am bamboozled. I hope it gets sorted out.

Look at all the downvotes, talk about brigading

Someone didn't pay their invoice, ain't that right u/spez?

This, I approve 🙌🏼

Hope they are banned here too.

That's cool. Still pretty shocking they were ever allowed. They still have a long way to go to make that place even remotely legitimate.

Funny they list "witch hunting" as against the rules when that is pretty much all they do when they spam about Russia all day.

I'm not sure they can put that toothpaste back in the tube.

  1. Shareblue is about as centrist as it gets though.

Or a third option, Shareblue broke the rules and they banned them.

Then I am bamboozled. I hope it gets sorted out.

They are not centrist anything. Read there manifesto