42 things that we should be aware of but no one is talking about from a previous r/askreddit thread

315  2018-01-26 by KarmaPolice777

  1. The entire media being owned by five+/- large corporations.
  2. That we live in the safest time in history and bad eating habits are more likely to kill you than criminals, terrorists, and enemy soldiers.
  3. Acidification of the oceans.
  4. The slave markets in Libya still haven't been acknowledged by the media, as far as I know.
  5. well, there were leaked some audios from the brazil's president being openly corrupt. it was some months ago and he still in the presidency
  6. Super gonorrhea! It’s a mutant strain that is spread via oral sex and is thus far not able to be cured except with extremely powerful, still-being-developed antibiotics.
  7. On July 23rd 2012 a coronal mass ejection crossed Earth's orbit. It missed us by 9 days. It would have taken out most of our electronics worldwide and taken us up to 10 years to recover. Bear in mind, electronics means everything from Reddit and TV to our power and water supplies. I have bought some extra tins of beans just in case.
  8. Soil losing nutrients like phosphorus and magnesium. Edit* to many grab more attention, the stuff in soil that crops and plants need to grow, is going bye bye.
  9. Penicillin and many anti bacterial treatments are losing much of their effectiveness and will eventually be completely ineffectual.
  10. The potential for honey bee and other pollinator species going extinct. This has catastrophic implications for life as we know it. The warning signs have been there for decades. Human activity is suspected to be the main cause.
  11. Why most college kids are going through insane levels of depression...more than half of the classmates I talk to are on some form of antidepressant
  12. Paracetamol is the number one reason for active liver failure. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1403265/
  13. Madagascar is currently experiencing a plague. A proper 'black death' plague.
  14. Something that I personally think no one is really talking about is how in the states, the education system is woefully outdated. The modern education system doesn't do much to promote critical thinking skills. Standardized tests that decide funding are the norm, and teachers just teach to those tests, so students just memorize some things here and there. There needs to be a complete revamp of the system; the current one was designed in the 20th century, for the 20th century. But it needs to be designed in the 21st century, for the 21st century. Focus needs to be put on interpreting and processing massive amounts of information, understanding concepts and not formulas, basic logic classes to point out inherent flaws in arguments, basic programming should be a class offered in all high schools nowadays, and god dammit, a fucking basic journalism course to combat propaganda coming at us from all sides. Navigating the wealth of information out there without these skills being taught is like trying find your way around the pacific ocean on a canoe without an oar. The way we think about education needs to change or society will begin to stagnate. ETA: To the people blaming the problems with the education system on the side that you don't agree with: thanks for proving my point.
  15. Farm murders in South Africa
  16. It's the 1% who cause dissension in our ranks. While we are all calling each other names and protesting each other, they're laughing all the way to the bank, paying people to do their bidding, passing legislation that hurts all of us but fattens their pockets. And people like you and me, Republican & Democrat, Black & White, Conservative & Liberal, Gay & Straight, are getting fucked over repeatedly. We need to stop fighting with each other and focus our frustrations where they can benefit all of us. This division is exactly what "they" want. There are 325 million angry people in this country and that terrifies the establishment, but our anger is misplaced. We are distracted. The truth is - most Republicans aren't white supremacists, and most Democrats aren't ultra liberals who are so wrapped up in political correctness, that they say nothing of value for fear of insulting somebody. They're the outliers. Most of us just want to live and let live. Can you imagine the change we could enact if 325 MILLION people said enough? I'm not talking armed revolution. I'm talking about things like $12,000 insurance policies with $7,500 deductibles that still don't cover jack. If we all said fuck it, and refused to purchase health insurance, the system would collapse on itself and would force change. If we all ordered our medications from Canada for a fraction of what we pay here, the system would collapse. If we all refused Perdue drugs in protest of them flooding the market with oxycodone and decimating our population, Perdue would collapse. I use health care as an example but it applies everywhere. There are bigger things at play here than our personal feelings. Edit: I had the phrase "Wake up sheeple" in here. People with sensitive proclivities took it VERY personal so I took it out so as not to distract the feeble minded from my overall sentiment.
  17. Education and healthcare costs are spiraling out of reach of the common man.
  18. Don't know if anyone else has mentioned it yet, but Elsagate. There's a subreddit dedicated to it, r/elsagate. You know how really young kinds like those mindless videos? Think something in the style of Teletubbies: no plot, no dialogue really, just bright colours and characters bopping around. There's a whole wealth of these kinds of videos on YouTube. Parents can use YouTube Kids, an app, to make sure their children are watching appropriate content. They load it up and let them go. But someone, or some people, or something, is making these mysterious videos in the style of mindless children's entertainment, except the content is super dark. They usually feature popular kids characters (Spiderman, the Minions, Mickey Mouse, or Elsa - hence the "Elsagate" moniker). The cartoons will feature these characters doing all sorts of bizarre things, like getting drunk and cutting their heads open, or peeing in the bathtub. Other examples include having teeth pulled, having needles, being kidnapped. Besides the cartoons, there are also really disturbing live action videos, including this one where a kid is subjected to needles in her bum. Warning, it's pretty disturbing. She clearly doesn't want this, and her parents are exploiting her for YouTube views. So, what's it all about? No one knows for sure. Could be a way to exploit algorithms, rack up views, and make money. Some people think it's some kind of coded child pornography catalogue, where the videos are some kind of preview for the actual content you'll see in the real video. Some people think it's some kind of way to groom children. Others think it's a 4chan-initiated prank. Anyway, it's really disturbing and I'm fascinated and confused. TL;DR: read about Elsagate.
  19. the US is actively aiding Saudi bombings of Yemen, and they target pretty indiscriminately, no one in the media wants to mention that.
  20. Internet privacy. As in privacy in general.
  21. The Australian government is seriously considering letting oil companies drill for oil in the Great Australian Bight. This is a huge huge issue. 85% of the species found in the Bight are literally only found there. They exist no where else in the world 36 different types of whales and dolphins live in the bight, with their breeding grounds in the bight as well. Its the heart of the Australian fishing industry, so byebye quite a bit of fish if there is an oil spill. The Oil spill in Mexico which was the biggest in the world, happened in calm waters. The Bight is known for having some of the roughest waters in the world. If a spill occurs in the Bight, it will be almost impossible to contain, and will utterly fuck up the entire southern coast of Australia. From Western Australia to Tasmania. So not only is Australia killing the Great Barrier Reef, but we are also very close (as in 2018 close) in letting huge oil companies come and try their luck in the Bight.
  22. The economy is doing well, the job market is solid, we're statistically very safe, we continue to make good progress in medicine, we're making great progress towards renewable energy and electric vehicles, technology continues to make telecommuting easier, and benefiting the disabled, we continue to make progress on human rights, I could go on and on... ...and yet we don't feel safe, we're worried about jobs, we don't eat well, we don't get enough exercise, we worry about having the latest iPhone or console or car or house, we think the country that has been plodding along improving since inception is going to hell, and are killing ourselves directly or with drugs, medicine, food, alcohol, cigarettes, sedentary lifestyles, etc... and we can stop, but many of us don't.
  23. The dumbing down of society and the hijacking of all media by the corporations.
  24. The people of Flint, Michigan haven't had clean drinking water since April 24th, 2014
  25. The student loan debt crisis Jesus Christ this stuff needs to be taught in high school before children make decisions that could potentially ruin their lives just because they think going to college is the only option they have. And, currently, the government is doing all it can to fuck students in the ass over student loan debt. For instance: even if you get your debt forgiven, it's treated as taxable income so it's not actually "forgiven" just reduced at best. Also, filing for bankruptcy does jack shit for student loan debt. It's true a lot of people successfully pay off their debt, but there are a lot more people than you'd think that are absolutely drowning in it with no hopes of ever paying it off because of interest rates. I get angry just thinking about it..... Edit: “but if they take out loans why don’t they expect to pay them back???? Hurrrrdurrrrr” no shit. The issue is deeper than that.
  26. The Great Barrier Reef has reached the point-of-no-return and will die off within the next 25 years. This cannot be undone. 27.The Troubled Teen Industry and the fact that as an American you can legally pay for the right to have your child kidnapped, taken away and abused until they're compliant.
  27. New technology and innovations will continue reduce the amount of workers needed to produce goods, and thus jobs will start to dry up. Even new AI are beginning to replace intellectual jobs (AI Lawyer). Job market is gonna go through a serious makeover in the next 30 years.
  28. Saudi Arabia is planning to go to war with Iran soon. In most of the media coverage I see, the saudi crown prince is shown as a bold but good guy, and everyone is watching and waiting how his bets will pay off. Well, I have a guess: a lot of people will die.
  29. Alcoholism can be easily treated with Naltrexone but because the patent is expired the drug companies make nearly no money from the drug, so there is no reason to tell people. It's $1 a pill. It also works on opioids. Also the war on drugs is a massive failure and the US desperately needs to fix it's prison system. Seems like what's most important is whether or not to give tax breaks to the rich currently :(.
  30. The US retirement crisis. If we think it's bad that baby boomers won't leave their jobs, imagine how bad it'll be when Gen-Xers won't either. It's not reasonable to expect every American adult to save hundreds of thousands for an undetermined later date. 1.) People have financial crises, such as medical bills or being unemployed, that must be addressed before any long-term saving, and 2.) It's totally against human nature for every single person to think and plan that far in advance. Like all other developed countries, we need a system that ensures retired persons can at least meet their basic food/shelter needs. Social security was intended to help with this, but we always hear that we can't count on SS to be around. And w desperately need people to retire so the younger generations can join the workforce. Our system of 401Ks, no pensions, and meager Social Security support is a failure.
  31. Gay conversion therapy is still legal and happening in 41 U.S. states and is currently covered by Medicaid. AKA tax dollars you pay go to this. Source Trevor Project Still Trying to Stop This
  32. All the plastic in the water supply seems like it's going to cause a lot of problems.
  33. Some countries will not grow. Even if they do grow it will be far less than what is needed to achieve meaningful, sustainable development. The whole idea behind economic growth is that eventually poor countries will be rich and richer countries will be richer. This will not be the case for many, many countries. How do you deal with the reality that some places will be very poor indefinitely?
  34. China's currency manipulation, at some point it will become a problem but they may fall under the to big to fail.
  35. Overpopulation. There needs to be a stigma over having a gaggle of children. Our schools are underfunded and overstuffed, our ocean is a husk of its former cornucopia-like self, and drinkable water, as a commodity, is going to ascend several tiers in terms of scarcity in the coming decades.
  36. Farmer Suicide. In India over 100,000 farmers have committed suicide in the last decade due to corporate exploitation leading to a perpetual system of debt and neo-feudalism Read: The Patenting of Life, Limiting Liberty, and the Corporate Pursuit of Seeds for more info
  37. With all this talk of mass shootings, I'd like to say this: We need to realize that the vast majority of gun deaths are caused by handguns. The handgun deaths are mainly due to gang activity. Gangs generally have power because they sell illegal drugs. If we legalize the drugs they sell, we will be taking the power away from the gang, thus minimizing gun deaths. Edit: I was wrong, the leading cause of gun deaths is suicide. That means we need to work to make our society more meaningful to the individual, rather than ban guns and expect everyone to stop killing themselves. My overall point is that we have to look at the cause of a problem in order to fix it. Also, I was originally way off on the amount of gun deaths per day, sorry! However, there are still about 100 gun deaths per day. That's the equivalent of a major mass shooting every single day caused primarily by handguns.
  38. The slow death of europe and it's culture. I'm not one of those 'white genoicde' people, but I do think we'll lose certain cultures and our way of life, it'll happen slowly over the next hundred years, the climate change refugee crisis will be the final nail in the coffin for europe. People here aren't having enough children. Mass migration from mainly muslim lands will mean they will replace us in several decades. A lot of people are like 'ah good no more white power bla bla bla' I doubt they'll be happy when half of europe is under sharia law. I guess we can kiss goodbye to LGBT rights, equality for women and a slow erosion in certain rights and freedoms that we take for granted. I try to let people know it might be a risk to let people from MENA countries in, but nobody gives a sht. They say it's racist. I don't think it's racist to say the majority of MENA countries have backwards views. That come from backwards cultures, where gay people are exectuted, there are regular forced marriages and stonings for things like adultery. Why aren't more people worried, if this is what's replacing us ? Muslims aren't shy about wanting a caliphate or sharia. A lot of muslims hate our way of life, so once their the majority here, things will start to change unfortunately. And our governments are determined to make that happen for them. It's just sad. I love Europe. One of my favourite places. I hope I'm dead by the time it becomes totally islamic. There's a book called 'Submission' set in France, read it, it'll inform people of what our future will be like.
  39. Nestle drying up ground wells for their bottled water empire.
  40. Fat isn't causing the obesity epidemic. Sugar is. I'm at work, can't post my sources, but there is a lot of evidence showing fat is actually good for you (80% of your brain is fat and your cells need cholesterol to function) and sugar is killing us. The food pyramid is complete backwards and doctors are pushing a high carb diet that is causing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and so much more. Most doctors don't study nutrition more than a semester or 2! At the same time, the pharmacutical industry makes a lot more money pushing their medications and treatments than actually curing the disease with diet and exercise (which is possible and sustainable!) Just browse r/keto for numerous success stories. Cutting carbs and increasing fat not only leads to weight loss but also increased mood, greater energy, decreased brain fog, and so much more.
  41. Refugee crises around the world, Rohingya Muslims, Syrians, Afghanistan, Somalia, etc. These human beings are being treated worse than dogs and in some cases systemically murdered for their religion, skin color, etc. It is a huge problem that the US only fights about...meanwhile, (and I am sorry for being graphic and distasteful, but this is a horrific situation) babies are being gang-raped and thrown into bonfires in front of their mothers.
  42. Species are dying off at a rate 10000 times background levels. We are in the middle of the 6th major extinction on this planet.

Second comment in...

"The Private Prison industry in America... it's basically legal slavery, and it is absolutely insane if you read into it... I can't believe we've allowed this to go on for so long... and continue to allow it"

Well at least that.

In the modern era, the United Kingdom was the first European country to use for-profit prisons. Wolds Prison opened as the first privately managed prison in the UK in 1992. In the UK, all private prisons are legally required to turn a profit.

yes I remember that thread. Bless you OP for posting what was said then here

seconded. this is a classic example of an appropriate repost!

Sugar is the main problem with all our food. You can add 43. The feminization of men!

Thanks to the initial push from Milo, Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro have been waking people up to this.

Lol, yeah, when I think of manly men I think of Ben and Milo.

Aside from our judgement of physical appearance or awkward tone of voice, Milo and Shapiro are very intelligent and very eloquent and do more to combat the onslaught of feminist absurdity than anyone I've encountered on this sub or in real life. Jordan Peterson in the mix? Lol, bring it on!

Milo is absolutely not an intellectual force. He's just an attention seeking provocateur. Nothing he says has any substance or meaning or backed up by any kind of research. Just anecdotal trolling.

Peterson on the other hand is a genuine academic who is able to put forward his points in a reasoned and well mannered way, the world would be a better place if it was full of Petersons and the Milos were flat out ignored.

Milo maybe a provocateur, but he has sited many of his claims. You might not like him, nor do I that much, but he isn't just spewing complete rhetoric.

He’s also instrumental in helping people to question things that they would otherwise just accept.

Yep! And I strongly feel that if you agree 100% with personality type people, you're probably being catered to. That's why I listen to Milo, I agree with some of it and other stuff I don't, but that's what gets me thinking for myself.

With respect, I thought the same thing about Milo. Then I started watching some of his little provocative debates and podcasts on YT?. He's not ignorant by any means.

Not trying to troll at all, really want to learn more, would you mind providing some academic / scholarly sources that talk about what you brought up?

YouTube is full of videos where all of these men are shown either debating or lecturing.

As for scholarly sources, Jordan is a professor. Other than that I am currently on the road so I will have to default for a little while.

Wait you're saying that Milo and Shapiro are academic / scholarly sources?

I meant more of like first-hand, empirical data type of research... Not someone's commentary and/or.
Scientific studies. Controlled socio and anthropological studies.

I'm not devaluing Shapiro or Milo's beliefs. Lived experience should be weighed equally with scientific study and fact.

I'm just asking for empirical, scientific, data-backed research on the negative consequences of the feminist movement, over time. How have the lives of men and women gotten worse since the creation of feminism? Like, historically speaking, how have the lives of men and women been harmed by feminism? Specific data, historical facts, first hand sources, etc. Or are you just basing your opinion on what you read, your own personal experiences or what Shapiro and Milos tell you? From what I understand, Shapiro and Milos are not social scientists they just take readings and opinions of others and then put it into their own.

Again, I promise I'm not trying to be condescending. Listening to things that "sound true" or we assume to be true because of what we see and hear.... "well they tell us the FBI/nsa are the good guys and I don't see or really hear of them doing anything bad other than catching child porn traffickers and pimps so... Obviously they can't be THAT bad!" is how the real truth gets distorted. Using the FBI as the metaphor again, if you actually look at the empirical data (how many fucked up things they have done over time, how many times they have intentionally lied and manipulated the American people, how their actions have led to the murder and assassinations and ruined lives of hundreds of thousands and arguably millions of people) you know they can't be trusted.

I agree they aren't dumb and they know how to speak. But I also think they are just they are the flip side of the same SJW coin.

They are getting men to realize that men don't need to be sniveling followers oppressed by the Matriarch

Yeah, but that's a pretty extreme description. We can also be manly men who support our wives, mom, sisters and daughters in their desire to not be raped or taken advantage of.

The extreme man hating SJW stereotype exists but they hardly make up the bulk of women or even feminists.

Not in tech, in colleges, or pretty much on the west coast of the US.

There is two 17s so technically 42 is 43

Yes dear.

Get off my tits about it!

What does the feminization of men mean to you? Others can answer if they please.

Taking away the hard working strong men from society. The fashion trends for men the last two years have been straight up feminine clothing. Estrogen by the way of water contamination...

Isnt being a man just being comfortable with yourself? What does "feminine clothes" have to do with being a "man."

No being a man isn't being comfortable with yourself that's just being human. Clothes are just a form of holding that strength back. Would you feel comfortable in this: http://allnewspipeline.com/images/menindresses2.jpg

So if that guy goes and chops down trees for a living, but wears that on his days off, hes not a man?

You're confusing culture with brainwashing.

What's natural about clothes? Shouldn't real men wear nothing at all? Look throughout history and what other men wore, why is what the current culture says what men should wear the absolute truth?

Sources for the estrogen contamination? More men are becoming 'feminized' because it's now more socially acceptable to actually be true to yourself than to force yourself to fit gender expectations. Just because this is becoming widespread doesn't mean there's going to be a loss in hard-working people.

There are very dark forces at work on Earth. They manipulate humans.

Agreed! They are playing the long game that not many can see...

Oh the irony. A man concerned with feminization of men that is obsessed with what other men are wearing.

Way to assume...yeah I’m totally obsessed with men’s fashion. You got me!! I buy clothes all the time...look at me!

FFS man...

A man's actions make him a man, not the clothes he wears. Not to mention, If you look at what men have worn throughout time, the definition of masculine clothing has clearly evolved. What was considered masculine yesterday will be considered fem tomorrow. So chill bro. Worry about something that's worth it.

It’s apart of the whole just one avenue of brainwashing...

Let's get glysophate in there.

Good one. I believe the figure is 98% of us throw glyphosate in our urine every day.

Some of the things you mentioned seem a little bit of fear mongering to me, but a lot of the stuff is something I agree is happening and needs to be dealt with. I broke my phone for the third time and you know what? I'm not going to buy a new one for at least a month. I think it's important to take care of myself and try my best to meditate. We can't save the world, unless we save ourselves.

Yeah all that is mega shitty

Good stuff, but I'll leave this here for you:


Overpopulation sources that aren't biased?

The "new" anti-biotics aren't even biotic, they're just really strong flouride pills that nuke everything.

And can ruin your entire life if you take it. I was floxed by cipro. Mitichondrial dna damage and tendons that tear just from standing up too quick.

And can ruin your entire life if you take it. I was floxed by cipro. Mitichondrial dna damage and tendons that tear just from standing up too quick.

??? Please tell me more. I took cipro 9 months ago. 2 months ago I developed a tendon problem in my wrist. Now I'm wondering if they're related.

Which antibiotics?

The world is dying stop reproducing sheeple seriously basically everything is going to end and there's nothing we can do to stop it other than to stop having kids. It won't stop the inevitable but at least you won't have to add to the problem or worry about what's going to happen to your kid in the future.

That sound a little passive to me...

Nah I really am not having kids, it doesn't look like the world is going to be the way it is past 2100 so it doesn't seem like a smart idea to make more people

Maybe your kids could do more than you're trying to do. The world is the mess it is cause 99% of the people is doing exactly what you're doing, nothing.

Well you don't really know what else I'm doing in my life, I'm not going to accuse you of doing nothing I don't know you. But I will say that it seems like most people are having lots of kids which isn't nothing its a bad thing adding more people isn't going to solve things and the impact and carbon foot print of someone who has children is wayyyyy more than someone who doesn't. And if you completely disagree that's cool my dude I'm just a scrub on the internet I'm not telling you how to live your life this is just the reasoning behind my life choices.

there's nothing we can do to stop it other than to stop having kids.

Seems that you're doing a lot

Why does it bother you that I'm not having kids it doesn't affect you in any way.

It doesnt, what bothers me is your attempt to blame people who have kids for the problems in the world, while you do nothing about it and only goes on the internet and try to convince others to do the same

Whhhaaa oh okay you misunderstood me lol I was wondering what was going on, no I'm not blaming people who have kids I'm saying if you don't have kids already consider not having them that's all or if you have kids don't have more. Sorry for the confusion my dude.

Ok, maybe it wasn't your intention, but when you use the word "sheeple" is kinda what you appears to suggest. But hey, it's your choice to not have kids, and I most certainly have nothing to do with it. Just don't be so defeated, that's what they're trying to, we can still fight this war, and even if you don't have your own kids to fight for, do it for mine, or for your neighbor's, or just because that's what you believe is right. Every person counts, and that is the only reason i'm arguing with you about this. Peace bro

If you have kids, your impact on climate change is many times that of someone who doesn't.

what bothers me is your attempt to blame people who have kids for the problems in the world,

If humans never had kids the world wouldn't be having these issues. Not saying don't have kids though, just saying you can't defend the point that having kids is a massive increase in your contribution to climate change. It is.

If humans never had kids the world wouldn't be having these issues.

Nor we would be having this conversation

How exactly having kids is a massive increase in my contribution to climate change?

Since my son was born I stopped eating red meat, stopped buying useless material stuff, started recycling, started a research in plant community ecology...

So, I guess I could say my son helped the environment?

But, yes, my son is a person, in the system we live every person has a carbon footprint and a huge impact on the climate, but what's your solution then? Human extinction? That would definitely work, I just don't think it's the only solution available, or the most positive one.

Having kids is a natural part of life (ok, not necessarily part of everyone's life, but you know what I mean), and there are many unnatural parts we could change, maybe fight for clean sources of energy? A sustainable way of life? Plant a tree or something? There's lot of things we can do. Climate change is not parent's fault, it is our system's fault.

Nor we would be having this conversation

Which would be better, since you somehow think not eating meat makes up for another human polluting.

Downvote me, stay in denial.

What makes up for your pollution?

Nothing. Nothing makes up for anyone's pollution. That's what I'm saying. And adding more people to pollute is a net negative.

I'm not telling you how to live your life or what to think, I'm giving my opinion. Calm down.

So, human extinction is your call? Nice

I'm not telling you how to live your life or what to think, I'm giving my opinion. Calm down.

I'm calm, and just doing the same.

So, human extinction is your call? Nice

Asks reasonable question, doesn't wait for answer and makes a dumb assumption. I see you're unable to debate me, and want to debate the person you have in your head.

Go figure, should of known just based on your responses in this thread that'd be the case.

And to answer the question. No that's not my solution or 'call' as you say. If it was i would have said that. I just pointed out that bringing a kid into the world is bringing in more pollution. Which is a fact.

It doesnt, what bothers me is your attempt to blame people who have kids for the problems in the world, while you do nothing about it and only goes on the internet and try to convince others to do the same

In all seriousness, we see these things. We are aware. What are we going to do? What can be done? All mental focus now needs to shift to these solutions.

That's the hard step

People need to realize that the main underlying issue to a lot or most of these things is Capitalism. So long as most of the world continues with Capitalism this is all going to get much worse.

Communism doesn't work either. We need tribalism where every village is self sustaining. I'm talking shoe cobblers, blacksmiths, etc. End fiat currency and have all goods and services exchanged for other goods and services with zero interest. Interest, loans, banking all need to die immediately. Globalism must end. Our infrastructure is unsustainable, shipping across the globe must end. Driving cars from suburbs must end. We need a brand new political system or we're going to kill ourselves.

Surely you'd agree, though, that good chunk of the problems listed by OP are due to the way that we make decisions about production. Decisions about what gets produced, how much get produced, where production takes place, how to utilize profits, etc are generally made by private individuals who run enterprises for profit. "Capitalism" is the word we use to describe a whole range of systems that share this defining characteristic.

For example, the reason that our food is killing us is because it is produced for profit. The only people who control production decisions are private citizens looking for profit and naturally they make decisions with respect to profitability rather than public utility.

Coupled with a free market, private ownership of the enterprise for profit was a GREAT system for colonizing the world, settling frontiers, and driving the innovation needed to drive the industrial revolution. In the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, these systems overwhelmed legacy feudal systems by unleashing raw expansive power motivated by profit. Free markets and private enterprise run themselves without much top-down coordination, which would have been impossible given limitations of the era such as hand-computation and slow communication.

But we today we have instant communication and massive computational power at our disposal. Furthermore, we have no more frontier left to expand into, and our global population is coming up against the limits of our ecosystem. We need a new game to play to decide what gets produced and how those goods are divided up. Our current situation calls for efficiency rather than rapacious expansion. We should be coordinating production to minimize waste and DECREASE GDP to the lowest possible levels that will still support the quality of life that we want for ourselves. In short, we need to expand the power of decision-making over production to those affected by production. This concept is known as democracy in governance, and socialism in economics. This way, there is a mechanism by which public good can be prioritized over profit motive. This gets at the heart of all the problems documented by OP above.

Back to the caves then?

Hmmm no, I don't buy it. We can use technology instead, like blockchain and what will come after/on-top of that. This will largely elliminate banks and if everything incl. real-estate is done via this then it can eliminate governmental burocracy and make a system somehow that contains the burocracy within it, it will be inherent in the system and thus uncorruptible. (just a vague idea of the direction we're headed I think)

This is so untrue. Other than the fact that there is no real capitalism anywhere in the world at this point; all economies fail on scale. Too many different people with too many different ideals being mashed into a single system doesn't work for anything.

The issue with any large economy is control. The more control that is exerted, the more corrupt those in charge will be. The less control exerted, the higher the chance of failure of any individual endeavor.

he more corrupt those in charge will be

This is true as long as you realize those in charge are the .0001% and the corporations they control and the politicians they have bought and paid for.

Money itself

The Muslim refugees in Europe are trying to escape the radicals who believe in sharia

No they're not. The vast majority are (male) african economic immigrants. They are illegal, and they have infiltrated europe in numbers far higher than the data shows. Almost all of them are fundamental muslims and apparently it'll only take 40 years before they're the majority, and that's assuming they COMPLETELY stop entering europe NOW (lol good one) and without taking into account the OVERWHELMING amount of undocumented immigrants. So yeah it's probably fucked in 20-30 years.

This comment is frankly hilarious.

Where have you gotten this "information" from? And when you say "so yeah it's probably fucked in 20-30 years", do you mean Europe? If so, I cannot tell you how delusional you sound.

It sounds racist and crazy, but what he's saying is actually generally accepted (by third parties analyzing the situation). There are already areas of Britain in which "white britons" are not the majority. "Muhammad" just surpassed "William" as the most common name for an English child. Literally. If birth rates remain consistent, places like Britain, Germany, and Sweden will be majority Muslim inside of the 21th century

No, it is not an accepted thought. Not sure how you came to that conclusion. While men (as they are commonly the strongest in each family to make the trip to Europe before their family can attempt to flea), most of the refugees are indeed refugees. Islam is not taking over Europe by any means.

(As for the pathetic, irrelevant childrens names point, I happen to know that the current most common name for a new boy in the UK is Oliver.)

I got these conclusions by reading the newly published book "The Strange Death of Europe" by Douglas Murray in which the topic is thoroughly analyzed. I don't believe that criticism of Murray's analysis is very common (at least not the overarching figures - I'm sure many of the small points are debated).

Muhammad is the most popular name (if you include all spellings):http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/muhammad-boys-names-uk-list-william-replaced-a7958221.html

I'm intrigued by that book. I may take a look. But I would like to inform you that if you were to take all the different variants of other boys names in to account as one entry, then Muhammad is still not number 1. It is only number one if you do that only for Muhammad, which is strangely what that article chooses to do.

Okay, that's a fair point

places like Britain, Germany, and Sweden will be majority Muslim inside of the 21th century

Nope. Sorry, not true. The facts bear little resemblance to your statements.

So yeah it's probably fucked in 20-30 years.

Your comments are very misinformed. Do you watch Fox News, by any chance? The numbers aren't there as you've stated. A small amount of research bears that out. This is misinformation to divide and conquer while the .0001% picks your pocket. (Actually at this point they're hanging you upside down and watching everything you own drain from your pockets).

There are many Muslim immigrants in Europe advocating for the instantiation of sharia law. There have been 130,000 cases of female genital mutilation in Brtiain over the past several decades

I'd add that Erdogan is allying himself with terrorist groups to kill kurds while the world eats popcorn.

I'd also add that most of these problems aren't being solved because the masses are distracted by shiny things and easy choices. Sure, most of them care about global warming individually, but only in the safety of a circle of friends and family. Still waiting on them to show up at rallies & protests.

I’ve seen more things disproving overpopulation than supporting it. What is happening is compartmentalization of humans in heavy population centers and making land too expensive to buy and even more expensive to put a house on said land. There is cheap land out there but not the kind of land you may want to build a house on. There are endless acres of land all over the world that can be planted and harvested for food but because of laws, regulations, money, power, willful ignorance and lack of unity, we have put ourselves in a position where the facade of overpopulation is prevalent. There was a good mini-doc on vimeo explaining it all and I may be able to find it.

I'd be very interested in that doc if you can find it! :) Thank you!

A lot of the issues he listed come from overpopulation.

It's not about finding space for people, it's about living in a sustainable society which we're not currently doing.

The question, in my mind, is whether we're not living sustainably because it's impossible for 7-9 billion people to do so, or because the old way is just too profitable?

I think it's perfectly possible to have 9 billion or more live and thrive on this planet, provided that we're bold in our vision, responsible in our actions and sufficiently unified that we're collectively moving in the direction of eternal life (not as individuals but as a species), as opposed to self-destruction.

In todays dichotomy, we either see ourselves as victims of our own flawed nature (and hence ultimately victims of nature at large), or as the self-evident rulers of the Earth, destined to transcend nature all together.

I think both viewpoints are delusions. The best analogue for our collective role on this planet is that of the gardener. The more we life we sow, the more we'll reap. A gardener cannot exploit his garden without thinking about next year, and the year after that. A gardener defends his garden but doesn't destroy the garden of his neighbour. He doesn't eradicate all snails because a few of them have chewed on his lettuce.

I might be overextending the metaphor, but I think it's a pretty good place to start contemplating where we really fit into this picture, and perhaps we can start to conceive of a way of living that is truly, and easily sustainable.

The old way is to profitable. Maybe we will get a chance, but will we have Elrond or Samwise at our side?

You're completely wrong, and also an idiot. The oceans are literally dying off and something like 90% of all arable land is being used for farming. There is a giant mass of shit particles off the entire coast of southern Asia. We're also running out of clean water at an alarming rate. Soil is not only running out of vital nutrients, the fertilizer we use to artificially stimulate growth is leading to massive algae blooms in the oceans and additional dead zones. The clock is ticking motherfuckers.

You say the job market is solid we shouldn't be worrying about it, and in another point you say the automation of jobs is going to f up the job market.


This post smells a lot of /r/im14andthisisdeep

The reason why lots of these points are not being discussed is because a lot of this is old news or common knowledge, Also packing 50ish points into a single post is a great way to encourage only the most superficial discussion on any of those topics since anything scratching on any depth will simply be covered by noise.

1-6 : extremely common knowledge, know for years if not decades. Discussed in depth when the news was current.

8-12 : see note above

14: OMFG, we knew when Nixon was president that the American educational system was in trouble, around 1992 and 1997 we saw a tiny pivot towards teaching students how to use technology appropriately, although apart from those brief sparks in time that concept is only given lip service, as for the political polarisation about the future of education, well that's a result of what started to happen in the 70s, and at the moment it's barreling towards collapse because in America you have one party who wants to teach that Jesus wrote the consititution and another party who wants the country to avoid bankruptcy, neither is willing to spend the money on training teachers or upgrading schools, let alone getting rid of the archaic district system

21: australlia has been drilling oil off the cost of SA for decades now, this isn't news. And SA is one of the lesser states anyway, you mention Tasmania in this point and that's sortof incorrect there is very little oil around there and the waters are calm ( Tasmania is off port Phillip bay and not the bight) source: australlian for 30 years before moving to America

23: see responses to points 1 and 14, this particular downward spiral started when the FCC loosened up rules to what could be called news, and Rupert Murdoch jumped in and said, wow I can make a lot of money exploiting the mentally handicapped.

26: we knew that this was going to happen in the 90s but nobody cared, this is serious and extremely sad. If we are lucky we can reign in the temperatures and start to reseed the coral although it would take well over 200 years for the reef to grow back to its former glory.

27: this started in the 80s, and has been accelerating, although this is actually progress, why pay 50,000 people to build cars when you can pay 5,000 people, and a further 500 to design and maintain the systems. "intellectual" jobs will still be around for atleast 100 years, the current state of automation requires human control for any tasks which require any real decision making and AI is still in its extreme infancy ( at the level that we have no idea if it will ever be able to actually comprehend a book, let alone a set of laws )

29: this requires medication compliance, addiction doesn't work that way, addicts are usually searching for greater meaning and are trying to fill a void which regular people don't have

I want to continue but I must sleep, I may continue tommorrow

Thanks for acknowledging the Brazilian conspiracy, yeah, there were even recorded audios clearly stating the whole coup, and sadly not surprisingly, no one gives a shit

So do you like refugees or do you hate them? Your opinion shifted in like 2 seconds.

How do we remember? That is my problem. The volume of issues and the rate at which they move in and out of public consciousness. I am looking, and still forget. There should be a news website that never updates until the issue is addressed. Day 1105 - We Still Need Bees.

Yeah, in a way, internet is a bitch, any news article we see every single day would cause huge protests 20/30 years ago, today we just click the share button and think we did our part, and forget about it as soon as the next article shows up in our timeline.

Re: Number 40

The US government set up huge tariffs on Mexican sugar as they set huge incentives for American farmers to grow corn. Corn syrup as a sweetener is much more dangerous to the human body than sugar. The junk in our food is a side effect of American militarism and power sitting as a facade for "free market".

By "sugar" they mean carbohydrates, not cane sugar. Some people use "glucose", "carbohydrate" and "sugar" interchangeably.

Cane Sugar is a disaccharide, thus it is a carbohydrate.

Allow me to be more specific: They meant all carbohydrates, not just cane sugar.

Well, all this explains the cynical nihilism that seems to have become the norm.

@7. I remember watch SuspiciousObserver and saw it coming told the old lady to get supplies. Kinda freaked us out.

@11 cellphones and computers. Mental health

Thought provoking post however it is ruined by your ignorance about Muslims and supposedly hating 'your way of life' this is exactly what the NWO want you to think and you have played right into their hands congrats you've just become another member of the sheeple.

Keep up the good posts! I’m always on the lookout for your awesome username cuz I know whatever I’m about to read is of quality and sound

Thanks :)

"We live in one of the safest times in history" followed by a bunch of ways and things that can kill you.

" How many roads must a man walk in his life?"

Most of these are not conspiracies but just doom porn.

well, there were leaked some audios from the brazil's president being openly corrupt. it was some months ago and he still in the presidency

As a brazilian I can confirm this and it's just the tip of the iceberg. Our ex-president is walking around freely with huge charges on his back, just like many other politicians here...

Take a quick look at this: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-42810464 Specially this part: "They increased his original sentence from nine-and-a-half years to 12 years and one month in jail. Even though the 72-year-old was sentenced in July 2017 and that conviction has now been upheld, he could remain out of prison for many months if he takes his appeal all the way to the Supreme Court."

He is free for almost two years after being considered guilty in one of the biggest corruption schemas of the country. And he is just one of the many politicians in this exact situation.

Do I start stocking for the apocalypse yet?

Start yesterday

Fuck man... This is a depressingly accurate summary of so many things I acknowledge as problems but never face all at once.

Read number 38 and then re-read number 16. The Muslims are not taking over and will not take over. That is what the .0001% want you to believe and use Fox News to convince you. Yes there are extremist Muslims and even, to a small extent, extremist Muslim countries. I agree that we cannot ever let Sharia Law become the law of the land. It is simply not going to happen. Do some research on population demographics. It won't take you long to realize that at today's immigration rate and the immigrants present population growth it is not possible in two centuries.

Sugar is NOT causing obesity. A basic understanding of nutrition and you'd know sugar is much harder for the body to store as fat, than it is to store as glycogen in the muscle. There are no macronutrients that are causing the obesity crisis. What causes obesity is a consistent surplus in calories, and inactivity.

Sugar isn't even what causes diabetes. Again, diabetes is caused by overeating all macronutrients.

This should be stickied. So much truth, here. You essentially combined what could have been a dozen or more threads and topics into one concise summary.

I'll either be dead or old enough to see the start of the decline—around 2050—and it scares me. The global population will have reached 10 billion by then and China will have dominated the global market for decades. [Overpopulation and lack of water will be a real thing, not a hypothetical.](On Point with Tom Ashbrook | Podcasts: Can We Avoid Global Catastrophe As The World's Population Heads To 10 Billion? http://wbur.org/onpoint/2018/01/24/can-we-avoid-catastrophe)

Just think....that's 32 years away. So basically think about what's happened from 1986 — 2018....the USSR falling, 9/11, wars, economic collapses...so much happened. So much more will happen between now and 2050 that we can't fathom or predict.

Well fuck. Good call by me to spend part of my Friday evening reading this ray of sunshine.

Party down y'all!

While 5 corps own US Media, the Rothschilds own Reuters, Reuters own The Associated Press (AP). and ALL US news gets their news from those sources.

When added the the ongoing Project Mockingbird, placing CIA operitives into key positions in media, editorial, anchor positions, the news it not only missleading, its uneducational.

ALSO why is no one talking about

The US Army Manual FM 3-39.40

Internment and Resettlement Operations

and how it states FEMA, DHS, and other INTERNAL+external agencies will be involved.

intake proceduries include the prisoners social security #.

and its only downhill from there

if you wanted me to get mad at our world, you did it. how can the news only talk about trump’s tweets but meanwhile all this insane shit is going on. i feel bad for our nature, specifically. we’re supposed to stand up for our planet, not step all over it. all those poor animals and fish.... someone needs to put us in our place...

Surely you'd agree, though, that good chunk of the problems listed by OP are due to the way that we make decisions about production. Decisions about what gets produced, how much get produced, where production takes place, how to utilize profits, etc are generally made by private individuals who run enterprises for profit. "Capitalism" is the word we use to describe a whole range of systems that share this defining characteristic.

For example, the reason that our food is killing us is because it is produced for profit. The only people who control production decisions are private citizens looking for profit and naturally they make decisions with respect to profitability rather than public utility.

Coupled with a free market, private ownership of the enterprise for profit was a GREAT system for colonizing the world, settling frontiers, and driving the innovation needed to drive the industrial revolution. In the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, these systems overwhelmed legacy feudal systems by unleashing raw expansive power motivated by profit. Free markets and private enterprise run themselves without much top-down coordination, which would have been impossible given limitations of the era such as hand-computation and slow communication.

But we today we have instant communication and massive computational power at our disposal. Furthermore, we have no more frontier left to expand into, and our global population is coming up against the limits of our ecosystem. We need a new game to play to decide what gets produced and how those goods are divided up. Our current situation calls for efficiency rather than rapacious expansion. We should be coordinating production to minimize waste and DECREASE GDP to the lowest possible levels that will still support the quality of life that we want for ourselves. In short, we need to expand the power of decision-making over production to those affected by production. This concept is known as democracy in governance, and socialism in economics. This way, there is a mechanism by which public good can be prioritized over profit motive. This gets at the heart of all the problems documented by OP above.

Taking away the hard working strong men from society. The fashion trends for men the last two years have been straight up feminine clothing. Estrogen by the way of water contamination...

Yes dear.

he more corrupt those in charge will be

This is true as long as you realize those in charge are the .0001% and the corporations they control and the politicians they have bought and paid for.

I'm intrigued by that book. I may take a look. But I would like to inform you that if you were to take all the different variants of other boys names in to account as one entry, then Muhammad is still not number 1. It is only number one if you do that only for Muhammad, which is strangely what that article chooses to do.

Back to the caves then?

Hmmm no, I don't buy it. We can use technology instead, like blockchain and what will come after/on-top of that. This will largely elliminate banks and if everything incl. real-estate is done via this then it can eliminate governmental burocracy and make a system somehow that contains the burocracy within it, it will be inherent in the system and thus uncorruptible. (just a vague idea of the direction we're headed I think)