Netherlands reveals Russian hackers attacking the Dutch and their own counterintelligence efforts. Link inside

3  2018-01-26 by ThorVonHammerdong (am on mobile, mobile reddit app blows)

Dutch intelligence agencies discussed attempted hacks from Russian groups. After MH17 was shot down in Ukraine, they suspected Russian interference to be responsible and set out to hit back online. They gained extensive access to a russian hacking group and foiled some plans.

This is what's of serious interest to me: do you remember the Dutch election last year? A far right, anti Islam, pro Russia, nationalist candidate ran named Geert Wilders. He was defeated and the world moved on.

The same thing happened in France, though. Macron was up against a far right, anti Islam, pro Russia nationalist. French intelligence reported attempted hacks against Macron's campaign, and there was a fierce social media campaign against him.

Please set aside partisanship to acknowledge the possibility that the same thing has happened to the US. We can agree that Trump rode to fame on the far right, is anti Islam, frequently sounded pro Russia, and is definitely a fierce nationalist. US Intelligence agencies report hacking from Russian groups.

I come to r/conspiracy to discuss whether there was a concerted effort by the Russian government to elect pro-Russian candidates off the backs of the political right or a coincidental swell of nationalism in the west that presents itself as fiery hatred for globalism and anyone associated with it


Looking at the forum today, I ask myself what kind of news has triggered this attack across the board.

Rarely seen such a coordinated attack

Why are you spamming this all up and down the sub?

Oh I didn't know that I was forbidden to spam a shill attack, just like they brigad the forum. This is an attack like I have never seen before, 20 or more submissions and all top posters are of one opinion.

It’s being posted because it’s breaking news. The only shill-posting is your copypasta instead of actually discussing the topic.

It's not breaking news. This took place in 2014.

Initial Dutch hack into Cozy Bear started in 2014, then they watched both the servers and the security cameras for over two years, IDing the Russian SVR hackers in Cozy Bear. Watched them hack the US State Department and the DNC. WaPo article from last April alludes to a Western ally tipping off the NSA/FBI to the hacks, as well as other articles have mentioned a NATO ally tipping off the FBI to the 5 Russian hackers who got picked up while “vacationing” in Europe over a 9 month period last year.

Now we know which country was all up in Russia’s intertubez. That’s the breaking news part of this whole conspiracy that we have been watching unfold before our eyes over the last two years.

No doesnt hold water what so ever, the article shows the the Dutch informed the USA with a few hours and it took the NSA 24 to battle the Russians and this was in 2014. Thus if it happened again, something the article doesnt say because the Dutch NSA only give info about the 2014 hack, then the Dutch would have informed the NSA once more and the hack would be stopped.

This Dutch article (translated to English) mentions at least another instance in which the AIVD notifies the NSA of a successful phishing hack of a White House employee.

They even gain access to the email servers containing the sent and received emails of president Barack Obama, but fail to penetrate the servers that control the message traffic from his personal BlackBerry, which holds state secrets, sources tell The New York Times. They do, however, manage to access e-mail traffic with embassies and diplomats, agendas, notes on policy and legislation. And again, it's the Dutch intelligence agencies who alert the Americans about this.

Then there’s this bit, which make it seem as though these two NATO allies are doing what allies do:

In 2016, the heads of the AIVD and MIVD, Rob Bertholee and Pieter Bindt, personally discuss the access to the Russian hacker group with James Clapper, then the highest ranking official of the American intelligence services, and Michael Rogers, head of the NSA.

In return, the Dutch are given knowledge, technology and intelligence.

According to one American source, in late 2015, the NSA hackers manage to penetrate the mobile devices of several high ranking Russian intelligence officers. They learn that right before a hacking attack, the Russians search the internet for any news about the oncoming attack. According to the Americans, this indirectly proves that the Russian government is involved in the hacks.

Another source says it's 'highly likely' that in return for the intelligence, the Dutch were given access to this specific American information. Whether any intelligence about MH17 was exchanged, is unknown.

Hey look another conspiracy involving Russia, MH17!

Anyways, it looks to me that it wasn’t an isolated incident, and there is a global cyberwar (a world war, you might say) that has been underway for many years and it’s escalating.

Wow the Dutch/English volksrant articles differ so much

beter one

but nothing about the 2016 DNC leak.

First paragraph of the volksrant article I linked to:

t's the summer of 2014. A hacker from the Dutch intelligence agency AIVD has penetrated the computer network of a university building next to the Red Square in Moscow, oblivious to the implications. One year later, from the AIVD headquarters in Zoetermeer, he and his colleagues witness Russian hackers launching an attack on the Democratic Party in the United States.

So that would be 2015 targeting the Democratic Party. Could be DNC or could be referring to other attacks against the Democratic Party.

No 2014 was the hack. the 2015 year is wrong nothing happend in 2015 it was all 2014 just scroll down

In the Summer of 2015, Dutch intelligence services were the first to alert their American counterparts about the cyberintrusion of the Democratic National Committee by Cozy Bear, a hacking group believed to be tied to the Russian government.

is incorrect they where the first in 2014. This article has been edited loads now.

Edit: also the leak happened in 2016, but that doesn’t mean the hack didn’t happen earlier.

Emails where till june 2016 so the hack was in june 2016

So because you disagree with posters, its a coordinated shill attack? Why are you so averse to controversial opinions?

no, bagpipe player, i'm just against a coordinated attack.

If 20 or more threads are opened with the same theme, and you can see from the Up Votes that they belong together.

Would you believe me if I said I found an original dutch source, checked a dozen "new" posts to see if it was getting reposted a lot, and then wrote an extensive post along with it seeking the wisdom of this sub?

Or am I eternally a fuckin shill because you already decided I'm a shill?

Hard to believe, but who am I to accuse you of lying. Then you're probably just one of the unhappy ones who happened to come up with the same idea as 20 others before.

Did you reach the same conclusion when the story about 50,000 lost texts was plastered all over the sub?

ShareBlue was banned from /r/politics today.

That's good to hear. I have nothing against discussions, but I know they weren't here for that, so it's not a shame if they're not around anymore. But I don't think we'll get rid of them!

Dutch guy here, Our NSA called AIVD reported the hack to USA back in 2014, they say absolutely nothing about elections what so ever, that is just the newspapers creating a story.

Reported which hack in 14?


They had access to a security camera in the hallway of where the hackers/trolls where working from :)

Russians have learned that the key to destabilizing the West is through exploiting the ignorance of the uneducated in those countries. It's how Trump rose to power and they will try it in other countries as well.

The question is whether their ultimate goal was in any way to shine a spotlight on the ignorance that is starting to permeate Western societies for some purpose, or whether they just wanted to exploit it.

Have they tried it for sure? France and Netherlands seems suspicious to me.

I imagine it would be to exploit the situation. A strong west is typically bad for Russia