Muted for asking

939  2018-01-26 by 14_16_22_BlisterBlue

I noticed the Trump thread on the front page was put into contest mode so I messaged the mods to ask why and if they could change it back to normal because it makes discussion difficult.

The mods didn't reply they just muted me, not even a courtesy reply. Basically telling me to shut up and fuck off I guess?

Please note this isn't intended as an attack on the mods I just don't know where to turn for information.


Apologies for the muting, the modmail was getting concern trolled fairly hard today and OP's message came smack in the middle of it.

As for the contest mode in the other thread, polite and constructive comments were receiving many dozens of downvotes, which regular users of /r/conspiracy will recognize as indicative of manipulation.

If certain bad actors from other subs continue to abuse the downvote button, threads will continue to be placed into contest mode so that every user is given a fair shot at participating.

If this behavior continues, we will consider disabling downvoting universally on /r/conspiracy.

lol your other comment got rekt.

No it just shows that people are trying to perform a character assassination on someone. The amount of cruelty spatted at this individual is truly appalling. Besides, how many mods sticky comments on threads especially concerning mod activity? Everyone.

The mod is acting like an asshole with tge unjust bans and the general abuse of power but it's all just character assassination even when he keeps digging the hole all by himself.

I keep seeing these claims but no one to back them up. You really think he's going to ban all these people, he alone? Where are the PM's, the screenshots? Looks to me like a lot of 'people' want him out so they can do whatever they want to this subreddit. It's as clear as day, but hey, I'll just let lurkers see for themselves the same types of responses given and the same actions done over and over again towards this mod.

Hopefully they realize what these 'people' are doing and try to at least support this mod because I have a feeling without this mod, this subreddit will truly be censored.

Edit I'm getting a few PMs from posters who have had their comments deleted and accounts banned from /r/conspiracy because, to put it bluntly, they posted things that disagreed with the mods or, occasionally, called out the mods. I'm not sure if I can share them without the mods bringing down the banhammer on me. I welcome anyone else to PM me.

Right there in the top comment.

I don't see the actual pms, just mentions of them. I can say I have a mountain of evidence that apples are really oranges, but without actual proof shown, it's just words. And that's what I keep seeing, just words being thrown about with no evidence to support the claims.

And I don't see censorship here. I see people allowed to voice their complains a little TOO MUCH. I see people as you demonstrated, allowed to even say things that would typically get them banned in another subreddit. So really, HOW is this subreddit being censored now?

This sub is still the least censored sub on all of Reddit IMO. And that is also why these people are here to ruin it. It's really frustrating that they are actually guilty of what they accuse their "opponents" of doing. Nobody wants an echo chamber, but that is what the place becomes when the brigades arrive. Nobody wants censorship but the upvotes/downvotes effectively sensor when the brigades arrive. Also people that want to legitimately discuss the conspiracy can't because they will get downvoted. Only people being upvoted are comments ridiculing /r/conspiracy users.

Because efforts at social control don't work when a minority group considers their opinions superior and bans dissent.

Not at all, its a sign that we will not tolerate outside manipulation of this subreddit under any circumstances.

Yet your "inner circle" keeps shrinking. It's a natural tendency of all human societies as you of all people should know.

All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.

Are you saying that's why the moderators of the hate subreddit and question lied in order to convince their users that they weren't the ones breaking the Reddit EOS but rather the victims of an attack?

Sort comments by controversial to get the real conspiracy users and their thoughts.. thx mods


Also use RES to identify controversial posts and tag people so you can recognize patterns.

Can you just stop modding? Nobody likes you

Speak for yourself. No one else wants to look as ignorant as you do.

I like them and I disagree with them on just about everything. I think they should stay.

What do you like about them? I'm honestly curious

I like them in the sense that I think we are two people with similar interests in the end but just have very different opinions how to get there.

Both of you want this sub to become the Donald 2.0?

Aww, you’re so cute.

I like him

Things that make you go hmmmmmm

Oh god you're one of those people.

yeah, this is the subreddit we come to, to be like that together without ridicule

yeah, this is the subreddit we come to, to be like that together without ridicule

Kind of a bummer, it was a lot better before the 60+ year old conservative hmmmm-ers kept their uninformed conspiracies in those sad confederate flag flying facebook groups.

That is what is great about this sub and exactly what the brigaders are trying to ruin. We don't ridicule or downvote people into oblivion for having a controversial opinion. However the brigaders absolutely bury controversial opinion while upvoting relatively garbage comments ridiculing the users of this sub.

There are no rules, It's barbaric behavior. They slit throats of truth on our subs in order to achieve an objective that is beyond comprehension, and they like to brigade and then they like to hide out.

But we're going to smoke them out with lightbringing sorting algorithms.

The brigadiers must take our statements seriously.

Yup. The whole wave of Hivemind that has come here to ridicule people is one of the more disgusting things I’ve seen. I guarantee they wouldn’t act like that in person, but they get to feel tough behind their anonymity.

Fuck off, I like him. It’s mostly just shills and top mind morons who don’t like him, and they can eat a bag of dicks.

nice lie we all kno there are mods on the subreddit that are compromised and sold off to astroturfing companies gj u sold out your free speech

we will consider disabling downvoting universally on /r/conspiracy.

Given the amount of mobile viewers and people who just turn off subreddit style, this does literally nothing.

Remember when r/politics tried it in a serious study (I want to say with MIT?) and it turned out to just slightly put off new commenters, and nothing else?

If this behavior continues, we will consider disabling downvoting universally on /r/conspiracy.

Isn't that a css hack and can be turned off with ease?

Yep. Just uncheck the subreddit style button. It also won't work for the massive amount of people on mobile devices. The only thing they can do I guess, is to hide the scores for a longer period, but that doesn't stop the downvotes, it just doesn't show the score for up to a maximum of 24 hours.

it just doesn't show the score for up to a maximum of 24 hours.

which is when the vast majority of manipulation occurs.

So are you saying that's a better option then? Cause if people can't see the score, then they won't be swayed be popular/unpopular opinion. Hiding downvotes through CSS wouldn't be very effective IMO.

That's the idea behind contest gives every comment an equal chance.

Placing every thread in contest mode would certainly be interesting...

I guess it wouldn't hurt to experiment with it. I don't see the harm in it, but there's a lot of idiots out there that just like to argue with anyone about anything, so you're bound to get some backlash, even if it turns out to be a much better system.

Something needs to be done, and you shouldn't be roasted for trying to help the community.

Yeah some of us got your back /u/axolotl_peyotl. Keep up the good fight. It has to be hard and demoralizing. Some of these people are ridiculously nasty.

Your comment was reported for your trouble.

ignores reports

and thanks!!

So do that instead of that terrible contest mode.

Better get ready to place more anti trump threads in contested mode!

Still calling your fellow conspiracy users shills and trolls I see.

We know you didn't do anything wrong. You're a great mod. I'm glad you made that choice. Brigading can easily happen if these measures aren't taken.

Doesn't every user already have a fair shot at participating? We all can make a post or comment, no one is literally preventing someone from using r/conspiracy. Using contest mode to mitigate downvotes isn't assuring equal opportunity (we already have that), it's assuring equal outcomes.

It levels the playing ground by preventing blatant manipulation of votes to control the conversation. Votes can effectively control what is seen and what isn't. Contest mode removes that power. No regular users here like to be told how they should be thinking/feeling about ANY subject. That is all that goes on in those brigade threads.

Thank you for this comment!

Keep up the great work.

Universal contest mode is an idea I can get behind!

being indicative of manipulation.

So when you don't like the downvotes it's manipulation.

As I said in a message I sent to the mods. Contest mode is a very effective way of combating brigaders or shills because contest mode prevents biased manipulation of what comments are seen and what comments aren't via the upvote/downvote button. I still believe this sub is the LEAST censored sub on all of reddit and would like to see it stay that way.

Contest mode has no place here. Having to manually expand everything stifles discussion more than downvotes ever have.

Why not just make the sub private of you guys are going to contest mode everything that gets a littl3 bit of attention?

Doesn't seem like contest mode helped keep TMoR out very much.

Of course not. It's a positive feedback loop. When you do go above and beyond to do the shit everyone mocks you for, they're going to go all-in on mocking you about it.

It was probably intentional. There was no brigade before it was put in contest mode. There most likely is now. Gives the mods perfect cover now to justify their bias.

Of course not. It's a feedback loop. When you do go above and beyond to do the shit everyone mocks you for, they're going to go all-in on mocking you about it.

It was probably intentional. There was no brigade before it was put in contest mode. There most likely is now. Gives the mods perfect cover now to justify their bias.

Of course not. It's a feedback loop. When you do go above and beyond to do the shit everyone mocks you for, they're going to go all-in on mocking you about it.

It was probably intentional. There was no brigade before it was put in contest mode. There most likely is now. Gives the mods perfect cover now to justify their bias.

there was no brigade before? false.

Can you prove it?

Of course not...Trumpettes always ask for sources and proof but never provide it.

This is very, VERY true actually.

Ah, so no.

Why did I expect anything less

Stupid comments you agree with getting downvoted doesn't mean manipulation or brigading.

you're totally right floorspud! there is nothing fucky going on here at all! nothing to see folks, move along!

Yep the only reasonable is shills and manipulation, not that a lot of people don't like what you have to say.

streisand effect in full force

Because vote brigading.

This isn't rocket science.

Did the mods tell you that? I didn't get a reply at all, just muted.

No, I've seen it countless times on those MSM articles that hit the front page.

Any comment disagreeing with the narrative gets brigaded down to -50.

Looks like the mods are fighting back.

Fuck yeah, mods.

Is it common practice to mute people for asking simple questions without even having the common courtesy to respond?

If you're getting a flood of questions by triggered trolls that are pissed they can't control the vote counts anymore, then I can see why it would happen.

If you're an actual user here, the motive for putting a thread in contest mode would be obvious.

You do know that banned users can still vote...right?

Who cares... this argument is next to retarded anyways if you ask me.

It’s just a distraction and outsiders trying to make Conspiracy look bad. Seems to be working..


Seems rather odd to me but thanks for explaining. How do you identify brigades?

Did a comment I like get upvoted? Organic community support. Did a comment I like get downvoted? TMOR shills! ShareBlue! That bastard Soros!

It's totally scientific!

It's obvious when top voted comments are talking shit on /r/conspiracy users as a whole. Then rational comments just asking questions or even insinuating part of the story may not be true they get downvoted to oblivion. This isn't /r/politics or T_D. We encourage logical discussion as well as people disagreeing. When silly ad hominem attacks are being highly upvoted and people in doubt that are asking questions are heavily downvoted it is a pretty obvious and blatant shift.

Everything about this comment, mockery of the sub as a highly upvoted comment is brigaded bread and butter.

That thread was being manipulated and it's quite obvious for those with eyes to see.

I noticed it was quiet this morning when I found it then later the thread did seem to come to life again. Can you sticky comments in contest threads? That might be an idea to let people know what happened!

Geez...what happened?

I agree you whole heartedly.

Hey ban me you shit licker. You guys are so crazy I think you'll probably kill yourself when he gets impeached. It's a shame really, I do pity crazy fuckers like you.

So why was that not a stickied comment in the thread?

I value your input if you believe it's manipulated, but I would also like to come to that conclusion myself. As it stands, it looks like you're influencing the discussion.

How is giving each comment a fair shot in an actively brigaded thread manipulating the discussion?

The effect is quite the opposite of manipulation.

That being said, I apologize for not stickying a comment and I'll add one tout de suite.

because it makes discussion difficult.

Tell that to the rational and constructive comments that were downvoted dozens of times for their troubles.

For example, these comments are sitting at below 2 dozen votes:

Seriously, what stops these propaganda outlets from just making this shit up? They've been caught lying multiple times.

The NYT Is partly owned by Carlos Slim, the worlds second richest person and a personal enemy of Trump. Anything the NYT reports I take with a grain of salt because the influence is too easy to pass up. In this case it doesn't matter, Trump did a no-no. But in editorials and similar articles, I pass them off as fluff.

Not only that, but the comments replying to them are concerned about why they received dozens of downvotes for politely engaging with the conversation.

If legitimate /r/conspiracy users are going to receive dozens of downvotes for their trouble, then they will continue to flee from this sub in droves.

Not on my watch.

It feels like some mods want a certain subset of users to stop coming here, but also retain enough malleable minds to maintain the illusion of an organic community.

its pretty obvious

Thanks for replying, I was just shocked I got hit with the mute button rather than one of the mods saying that to me!

TMOR concern trolls have been spamming the modmail today, apologies.

Cool, no harm done.

Damn, they hit the modmail, too?

What is their deal with this lil ole sub? What the hell makes us so threatening? We're supposed to be the placr no one takes seriously, yet here we have this concerted muddie the waters... Makes you wonder.

They are just calling them TMOR trolls to justify their actions.

Let's just say I don't envy the mods of r/conspiracy, that's for sure.

It's a voluntary position and the less they do the more they will be praised.

the less they do the more they will be praised.

Why have mods at all, then? ;)

Excellent question.

It's a voluntary position and the less they do the more they will be praised.

By 1 month old accounts? Yeah, probably. But we aren't after the praise of 1 month old accounts.

Speak of the devil. I wonder why there are so many new accounts?

TMOR will never amount to anything outside of reddit so just brush it off homie

Is that the excuse today?

It's the excuse every time

Why hide the upvotes on my comment?

Are you still and here? Why are you tagged?

You're doing great! What you are doing is the only real way to fight against the shills and their downvote bots.

Maybe people just don't like the source being questioned instead of talking about the story. And then there's the "Everyone that disagrees with me is a shill" crowd, who aren't polite at all because they're disparaging differing opinions.

Right? I mean, at this point even Fox is confirming the story.

I like all the comments talking about how we use contest mode all the time on posts with subjects we don't like. Afaik, it has been several months since we put anything into contest mode at all. Unless I am mistaken?

you're mistaken

Then surely you can show me.

Sounds like we should go with my idea months ago and make all popular threads contest mode. :)

I have been saying that the whole time. And the shill freakout just never gets old.

True! But man...they are making it harder and harder to come here. I know that is their goal, but it’s getting old.

Very very old.

Getting very old for me too. Contest mode all the posts until they give up and go away. There's obviously nothing in it for them besides controlling the narrative. Why else would they get so enraged when their power to control the conversation is taken away?

They freak out sooooo bad, I can only think it is catastrophic for them in some way that isn't clear to me. I honestly don't know why it upsets them so much. When a thread is in contest mode, I just read everything. It makes me work harder at understanding the thread. How can this be bad in any way whatsoever? It can't, and that is why you know the vast majority of the people that complain are shills. We always got a couple that will even complain about the color of the rope they get hung with, that isn't the same.

Complain away guys =) I look forward to the day you force our hands hard enough that we put every...single...thread... in contest mode. None of your bullshit will work. Your fake consensus will be gone. And we will be able to talk about whatever we want. And the only people that will be able to participate will be the ones willing to put in the work to understand their fellows.

Very well said. Couldn't agree more.

Well, since you asked, here's one that came up. This was the initial post:

He re-posted it as a sticky in contest mode (no longer stickied now though):


That is locked, doesnt look like contest mode. But you're right I think, I remember a Roy Moore post getting put in contest mode.

I'm on mobile. I wasn't disagreeing with you, it just isn't clear from my app.

yall a bunch of trolls and liars I guess. It is so easy just to drive by like that and say some bullshit, knowing that dozens of people will roll through and see it, believing it without verifying. Fucking liars

cool, maybe you can delete that edit calling us liars since you have been proven wrong

I didnt call you anything. But the people i am talking about are a bunch of trolls and liars, so it stands.

They’re definitely a bunch of trolls and liars. Really unsavory folks.

You are not a gatekeeper. Your job is to make sure users comply with the rules. Your job is not to pick and choose who is legitimite and who isn't.

Exactly. And you don't get to abuse your power because a comment you agree with was downvoted a lot.

Yes, this. People seem confused about this....

Yes, this. People seem confused about this....

he’s doing the job that the admins should be doing.

The NYT broke the Clinton email server scandal story FYI. I've also been informed that you guys are still muting people you banned without explanation. You are making Obama look transparent.

Maybe they got downvotes because they are wrong? Every news media has picked this up and NYT still does respectable journalism by checking their sources and verifying its true.

I’m a legit conspiracy user and I downvote that garbage


"checking their sources"

"verifying it's true"

Holy shit you're hilarious.

I don't know what's so hard about understanding that this community does not trust MSM sources. Even when they tell the truth, their are still crafting a narrative through spin and lies by omission. Anyone who downvoted this healthy skepticism regarding MSM sources is not here with good intentions. At least disagree with us respectively and don't fuel the downvote war. That's all it takes.

No I totally get it, don’t believe everything you read. But this story has been taken up by pretty much every news source.

And saying oh it’s the nyt so it’s fake, is not healthy skepticism it’s just dismissing a story because of its source.

Well yeah, that's how fake news works. The New York Times or CNN or some other shit rag publishes garbage based on anonymous sources, and then the other MSM parrots chime in to legitimize the original fake story.

If I may ask where do you get your news from?

I read the msm fake news articles critically but to say everything they publish is garbage is extreme

It's controlled garbage in the sense that they carefully package their narrative into pretty much all of their publishing. Yes, they print plenty of true information, but they distort the truth as much as they can get away with at all times. This distortion has become so severe that I believe it is a threat to our society.

I don't consider any source to be a valid news source for anything remotely political or controversial. I sample the whole spectrum from MSM garbage to conspiracy forum garbage. Occasionally I spot an example of decent journalism somewhere in between, but I don't really take any of it at face value. I pay more attention to the actual words and actions of people which I can confirm for myself and largely ignore whatever knee-jerk reactions are being pushed in the various narrative streams. I have my gut instincts about how all of this fits in with the real story, but I don't accept any if the popular narratives with certainty.

But MSM sources have proven themselves to be essentially propaganda outlets, that much I feel quite strongly about. It very much appears to me that they have been weaponized against the current president. Their bias is so severe that I consider it most likely that they are fabricating this entire story about trying to fire Mueller.

You should remove this thread mate, then watch the /r/politics users meltdown

Lol you were downvoted heavily, straight up proving the point you are making. Just sad honestly.

What makes a user legitimate? Whether a mod thinks so?

Exactly. They ban the old accounts then claim the new accounts must all be shills.

So if I start posting in the Podesta conspiracy threads saying everying coming source X is a lie and it could just be made up, and I get downvoted. Will you put that into contest mode too? Or is that only done when you disagree with the post too?

Hahaha do you really need to ask

They'll use an alt account to call you a libcuck.

Not on my watch.

F*&#ing A

The mods here a the fucking worst.

Then why the fuck are you here?

Go make your own conspiracy subreddit then. Stop bitching about the owners but continue eating at the restaurant.

Dumbass shills

Why the fuck are you here?

Go make your own conspiracy subreddit then, and prohibit complaints. Stop bitching about the clientele while eating at the restaurant.

Dumbass people-who-call-everyone-whose-opinion-offends-them-shills.

Dumbass people-who-call-everyone-whose-opinion-offends-them-shills.

So how you call people offended by mods restricting downvotes to let ALL comments shown equally?

Ok Mr. Salt life.....

all these flavors, and he chooses to be salty :(


Go back to your hole where nothing can trigger you.

Well aren't you just the saltiest little manlet

go away

Hating mods != Being a shill

They've had to put it into contest mode to deal with the Top Minds brigades

They've had to put it into contest mode to deal with the Top Minds brigades

That's funny because the mods in question are top minds regulars, they post there almost every day.

I notice you didnt mention what they post. The fact that the post there means nothing.

Ever heard of "Don't feed the trolls"?

I made a legitimate observation. Your insinuation is that their posting on top minds makes them suspect. Of course you are leaving out what they post there, which is critical if anyone is to believe your narrative.

I see a lot of people attacking the mods in order to receive a ban, just so they can toddle back to TMOR wearing it like a badge of honour. It’s quite pathetic.

Your downvotes (and soon to be mine as well) should suffice enough to show you that you're absolutely right.

Yep. I think these people forget they’re trying to play a conspiracy forum.

They're not sending their best.

I concur with your assessment.

The strange thing is, the group I see complaining most about the mods tend to be newest to the subreddit.

Doesn't seem strange to me. You aren't going to become a long time member doing the thing most likely to get you banned.

lol, not how this sub works. You have to be a real bag of dicks to get banned.

The guy you responded to has now been banned.

And nothing of value was lost. Glad you are having "fun" though.

Did you reply to the wrong person here?

Nope, I've seen this exact charade already numerous times though.

Thats not true at all. You can get banned here for arguing about validity of conspiracies or evidence. It's really easy.

That is completely untrue. Getting banned without warning or reason is not uncommon here.

excellent point, redditor for 10 months!

More like 5 years but I burn accounts just about yearly.

Cute of you to check, though.

I do this too and it is very annoying when you can't even have debates because no matter what you say, how good of points you make or facts you present, you will be discredited because of your account age. I personally think it's a chickenshit tactic. I also am not big into digging through a users post history as I don't think it is relevant to whatever point it is they are trying to make. If they have a good point with facts to back it up why should it even matter? It's just ad hominem nonsense.

AP explained exactly why the post was in contest mode.

Any time a thread that paints Trump in a negative light gets upvoted here it gets put in contest mode by certain mods with the excuse coming from overtly pro Trump mods and users being "brigade". AKA it made the front page of reddit and all sorts of people want to discuss a major potential conspiracy in American politics

Aw cute. You think /r/conspiracy can make it to /r/all. Must be a new user.

We were banned years ago from reaching /r/all, unless you are subscribed to this sub our posts never get to /r/all

Wow, that’s condescending...why can’t we engage in respectful discourse?

Was not trying to be condescending. It was meant as a brotherly comradeship. As in: it’s cute that you’re here and think we aren’t despised enough to be removed from /r/all. Welcome to the world of conspiracy theorists. Silenced for having interesting perspectives.

lots of little flowers here. you have to be delicate with the words. after all, the world is just one giant happy place so it's better we stay soft.

I feel like I've definitely seen /r/conspiracy on /r/all. One example that comes to mind was during the Last Vegas shooting.

We were banned years ago regarding a comment, I believe from Magnora, regarding Israel and colonialism.

I wasn’t trying to be condescending. It was a light joke of more welcoming intent then anything like: aww you think we are allowed to end up on /r/all you clearly don’t know how despised we are on here- brotherly comradeship. I don’t insult people on the internet. Amazing how fast I was downvotes though.

wow the vote brigading is reaching levels i've never seen today. reeks of desperation.

Amazing that I’m being downvoted for posting a fact.

It's not a fact. /r/conspiracy is regularly on the front page. And every time it is, people cry about shills and brigading

Sorry you’re correct we are banned from /r/bestof. I made a genuine mistake.

Someone taking accountability for a mistake, not something you often see on the internet.

Hockey player.... accountability is how we are raised

Best way to correct mistakes it go edit the original comment so others can see.

Can’t on this ap hence the comment

You weren't trying to be condescending by saying "how cute"?

I said aw cute

And it's adorable that you don't see that as condescension.

lmao nice heavy irony there.

Not sure how to edit on this ap.

I mixed up /r/all and /r/bestof. We are banned from /r/bestof

man, it's weird how I stumbled in here from /all... sounds like a conspiracy!

AKA it made the front page of reddit and all sorts of people want to discuss a major potential conspiracy in American politics

You're point would actually have merit unless you have actually gone into one of those threads and see that the only discussion going on is how dumb /r/conspiracy users are or how they be obsessed with Trump/Russia because it is the biggest conspiracy ever. Or preemptive strikes against anyone who might argue the legitimacy of the claims being presented in the Anti-Trump article. Very little discussion goes on about the actual topic. People are more concerned with how /r/conspiracy regulars are reacting to the topic more than the topic itself. Which makes you wonder why there is such a concentrated effort to guide the conversation here. We're just a bunch of tin-foil hat wearing fools remember? Why the fuck do you care what we are talking about or what we do or do not deem the most important topic of the day?

I came here because the front page of All is saying the Dutch have video proof of a Russian psy ops campaign in the US, sounds like a huge conspiracy!

All that’s here are people complaining that they can’t talk about it or anti Muslim shit. It’s pathetic. They just signed a bill that says the CIA doesn’t have to report its budget to Congress allowing the President to create a secret Army and the front page post is people celebrating that they were right about that stupid hijab cutting thing that no one actually gave a shit about.

There’s a REAL conspiracy happening and for once there’s proof and it’s being investigated by the FBI and they are being pretty open about it but no one here seems interested. It’s so weird. These guys are acting so obviously guilty! You don’t have to read a ‘biased’ article to watch Miller stuttering and stammering and spouting BS but no one here seems to wanna talk about it. That’s why I care.

All that’s here are people complaining that they can’t talk about it or anti Muslim shit Anti-muslim shit? What are you talking about?

Garbage about them “taking over” or just blaming anything that happens on them.

show me some examples. I browse frequently and I can honestly say that is nothing but a straw man.

That story about the girl lying about getting her hijab cut off was stickied to the top and had a really silly title like “why we were RIGHT!”. The fact that something that wasn’t even a conspiracy (someone lied for fame and was caught) was stickied to the top and this story about an actual conspiracy is labeled controversial says a lot. I’m the thread the top comments are about the secret agenda of Islam and how this whole thing was planned by them. It was someone lying for fame, I’m all for discussing how larger powers use fame to control people but this wasn’t some evil Muslim master plan.

Also have seen a lot of people blaming the Las Vegas massacre on ISIS instead of the American citizen that committed it. No specific link, but look in any thread. It’s there.

Jesus Christ bud. I don't know if it's insecurities or what but /r/conspiracy is not racist. They pointed out a false flag attack, which is one of many, that have been carried out against muslims to indicate there is more racism/violence against them than there is. You want someone who treats muslims unfairly look at the US fucking government. We created terrorists. Also that other sub you linked not ractist. Simply talking about race or comparing how a nation state treats one race vs. the other IS NOT RACIST. Racism is the belief that one's race is superior to all others. That's not what's going on there bud. I can't help you though as you must just see racism everywhere you look because it's obvious you look for it where it isn't.

I only see racism in threads that link to neo nazi websites, threads that talk about evil cabals out to shut down ‘white culture’ , threads that say Jews want to destroy the earth, threads that blame an Islamist extremist group for something a crazy American did. I guess you might be right that this isn’t racism, I guess you could call it bigotry or just being an uninformed xenophobe. Why was that hijab story stickied and have so many upvotes? It’s not even a conspiracy! If you can’t see the bigotry and dog whistles in a the title and content of the final link, then scroll the comments where you will find links to neo nazi websites, anti Semitic books and speeches, and more ‘white rights’ garbage. On a whole I don’t think this is a sub for bigots but there is clearly a group of people who post here that have a proclivity for that kind of trash.

The president has attempted to fire the guy investigating him for ties to a foreign government, this is a huge conspiracy and I want to talk about it and not have it devolve into “FAKE NEWS!” or it gets locked and a post about people complaining how white people are treated (how is this a conspiracy?) gets 950 upvotes.

I agree the US government treats Muslims unfairly, go ahead and make a post on here all about that and see how much traction you get.

I am not attacking you, I’m just pointing out that this sub has a proclivity for bigoted behavior.

i seem to remember an excellent post on vaccines the other day that has apparently ruffled some feathers of those with deep pockets and a horse in the race

That's not even a bad thing. Open discussion should be welcome here.

If there was axtual brigading (beyond the norm), I feel it would be appropriate, but I'd also want some kind of proof...

Me too. Contest mode would be an effective anti-brigading tool, but also easily be abused.

I.e, using it only on threads critical of Trump.


Remember that thread that was posted in r/thedonald that openly invited all their members over here? This sub hasn’t been the same since.

Oh it was pretty iffy before. But at least there was some subterfuge

ie because liberals are the main culprits of brigading; one of their propaganda sites was banned from r/politics just today.


how can it be abused? all it does is make votes useless. isnt it good? its like a forum ffs. everyone equal, no hiding of opinion because of downvotes is the best way to protect about brigade. why are you against that?

Exactly, Reddit being majority left leaning would bring flocks of people from front page trump headlines and just bury any attempts at neutral discussion around him.

That's exactly how it seems to happen. Balanced discussion goes out the window in those threads.

Nobody is going to sift through 5000 comments on a post to try to find meaningful conversation. Particularly when 90% of the comments are "trumptards btfo" and "maga cuck libs".

yeah bud, 5000 comments, all trumptard shit. sure bud. Look at all those 5000 comments posts on the frontpage. it's full of em.

yeah honestly. The picture that /u/nyqzoo paints is what you actually witness while browsing the front page. You literally have to sort by controversial just to find meaningful conversation. Same goes for when this place gets brigaded. Meaningful posts get buried and contest mode is just a mechanism that would help those posts see light of day.

Well now that this thread was also put into contest mode for some strange reason you can try scrolling through and see how hard it is to find anything at all worth looking at. At least you could sort by controversial before like you wanted to.

You found my comment and it's pretty damn far down here. It's only when threads are brigaded that there are too many comments to deal with. So IMO put it in contest mode on all posts and the brigaders won't even come because they lose their power to completely disrupt. Without the brigaders there won't be 1,000 useless comments to sort through and constructed conversation can easily take place. Win win

I just replied to what was in my inbox. I don't think I'll be back to this thread.

Is this true, or merely exaggerated for effect? Because while the few contest-mode threads that I've seen have always been unflattering re Trump, I've also seen plenty of upvoted anti-Trump threads that were not put in contest mode...

I've been reading r/conspiracy for about 2 years now, and I have never once seen any thread other than threads that make Trump look bad be put into contest mode.

I could be wrong, and there could be a few exceptions, but it typically gets used on popular negative Trump posts that are especially hurtful to his presidency.

I remember one that wasn't anti-Trump being put in contest mode. It was a thread complaining that only anti-Trump thread being put into contest mode. Which was quickly spammed by MAGAbolt(Drone Puppet's alt) in order to kill the top level comments with spam. Not long after that, Flytape attempted a coup.

We almost never get contest mode for post of EITHER side. TMOR bridgaded a post, and now they've come back to cry about it.

You have proof of a brigade? People disagreeing is not brigading

I created r/trumpconspiracies but haven't had the time to do shit about it.

193 points. LOL

Nah, they definitely brigade it. Fuck em. Good work, Axotyl!

As the OP of that post, I'd also like to hear why it was put in contest mode.

If you're a "real conspiracy member" then why the fuck do you even care if it's in contest mode?

Does it prevent you from reading comments? How does it inconvenience you? The only thing it does is not allow anyone's perspective to be buried by downsides. So what?

It doesn't seem to happen to any threads except those that cast Trump in a bad light.

No, it's threads from the MSM that get brigaded.

Once again, unless you're participating in trying to bury comments with downsides, how does this affect you?

How do you know if something is getting brigaded vs. just hitting the reddit front page and attracting a wider subset of users?

If it's not pro Trump it's brigaded, clearly.

Brigaded = Opinions they don't agree with

It hurts their ability to propel propaganda to the tip of the thread and that's simply it. If anything they should be happy that any pro-Trump message is being equally obfuscated, even though obfuscation of opinions is hardly a good description if what is actually taking place. Sorry, shills!

Yeah, that too.

In conclusion, the only users that are going to be all butthurt about it are the ones who are participating in manipulating threads.

Wow, not even 2 hours and we're almost pushing -20, TMoR sure does throw a fit when they don't get their way. Sorry you guys can't ensure your propaganda is on top and your obvious hyperbrigading is literally what led to it happening!

Exactly. Nail on the head there bud. All contest mode does is make it so the conversation can't be directed by upvotes/downvotes and that is it. The ONLY people that would be mad about this is people trying to steer the conversation. It treats all comments equal. I love it because it obviously strikes deep against those that do come in here trying to control the conversation. So it works exactly like it is supposed to. I wouldn't care if ALL the posts in /r/conspiracy were put in contest mode. I think it would be a drastic strike against all shilling efforts which try and tell us how we should be thinking and how we shouldn't be thinking.

This thread is getting brigaded too.

They sure are triggered

And I agree with you. I hate the vote system. If all the threads were put on contest mode, a lot of the manipulators would lose interest in this sub pretty quickly.

Yeah fuck em. They lose the whole "Only anti-Trump articles are put in contest mode, waaah waaah" if we just put them all that way. They try to act like this is some sort of censorship but is really just an annoying hindrance to their operation. Contest mode weights all comments equal. THAT IS IT. It doesn't make sense that would piss anyone off that doesn't have stake in the comments being weighted. It does not hinder discussion it just prevents the ability to weight certain comments as "better" than the others. /r/conspiracy users would want to avoid any system deciding for them what comments are good and what comments are bad, I would think. You know free-thinking, not vote manipulated thinking?

This thread is getting brigaded too.

to fucking hell. But i love kicking the hornet nest. I'm having a good time res tagging for faster screening of comments in other threads. It's so obvious it reminds me of the good old early-CTR days.

I didnt know what contest mode did, but now that your heavily downvoted comments explained it, it makes so much sense that they're triggered to hell by it. I would love to see this sub go contest only for like a week trial or something. im already filtering by controversial most of the time but this would actually hurt their work.

Contest mode cripples discussion in a thread. Don't get me wrong, it has its uses, but any time you try to go back into a contest mode thread to see what new comments have been added to said thread you realize it is very difficult to do that.

It makes it harder to follow and have conversations in the comments? It inconveniences me because it's much harder to real all the comments nad to respond and follow conversations.

As the OP of that post, I'd also like to hear why it was put in contest mode

Because that thread was so obviously shilled to the fucking ground, it was embarrassing to even click and read that thread. It was cringe worthy brigading that wasn't even masked to seem innocuous.

Also, who TF are you saying you're a real conspiracy member? IF YOU WERE A REAL CONSPIRACY MEMBER YOU'D UNDERSTAND THEIR POSITION.

It's perfectly fine to disagree with the mods, but that whole thread is a trap and set up. The mods knew it was brigaded and shilled, didn't remove it and put it in contest mode instead.

How TF are you going to REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE out about the mods when they didn't even remove a post which was obviously inorganic in everyway? They still left it up.

Im on the mods side with this 110%.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a thread put into contest mode after being brigades by the donald, which seems to happen often enough.

Everyone always says this place is td2.0 or gets brigaded by TD folks, yet every pro trump comment is downvoted to hell as it should be. So obviously that’s not the case.

as it should be

Are you kidding about being neutral?

I never claimed to be neutral, I personally like trump but on a conspiracy forum there shouldn’t be love for the president. Hence my comment about pro trump stuff should be downvoted on a conspiracy forum.

If anything it’s obvious this place has a strong left wing bias.

Haha, ok man. That's clearly why the "The Clintons killed [insert latest death here]" posts are always near the top.

Yeah a couple of those with 200-300 upvotes yet anon sources by the NYT or WaPo gets 500+ upvotes as long as it’s anti trump. Get real if you don’t see the obvious bias I can’t help you. Just look at the comments on that contested thread it’s all left wing circle jerk.

Awe does the little snowflake need a safe space?

me too. have a real vote.

Also, who TF are you saying you're a real conspiracy member? IF YOU WERE A REAL CONSPIRACY MEMBER YOU'D UNDERSTAND THEIR POSITION.

WTF kind of gate keeping is this? I am a real conspiracy member and even if I disagree with you, you can't just decide I'm not.

The post was not inorganic. I posted it. I've never posted on TMOR, I don't read it, I pretty much use reddit exclusively for /r/conspiracy. The replies I saw, during the first few hours of the post, were by and large from people who read and post here regularly. Just because they don't agree with your viewpoint doesn't mean you can just label them as fake.

were by and large from people who read and post here regularly.

and you know this because you've been on this sub for such a long time.

I am a real conspiracy member

[checks comment history]


I'd love to hear what in my comment history makes me not a real conspiracy member.

oh, it's factual that you've clicked the subscribe button I'm sure

Anyone who doesn't know what's going on here, this is a TMOR thread, they have been harassing our head mod axolotl_peyotl as they want him/her to quit so as they can get one of their shills in place instead.

This thread has clearly been vote manipulated to the front page, if you examine below you'll see many respected members of /conspiracy heavily downvoted.

Bullshit. Many here want him out because he's clearly very partial the red team. He's also acted very juvenile on many occasions for no reason and needs to go. This has nothing to do with TMOR, they're just calling a spade a spade at this point. We need level headed ops that can be impartial and not get worked up over shit that all mods have to deal with.

And since we're on the subject of TMOR. Why are they the target when post after post after post is brigaded by t_d users but none of those threads EVER go into contest. The thread that went into contest last night wasn't even near the level of comments or upvotes that many of the t_d threads that reach the front page here. The moderation of this sub is under a lot of scrutiny and rightfully so.

Why are they the target when post after post after post is brigaded by t_d users but none of those threads EVER go into contest.

Yes please. I'd love to see an attempt at a legitimate answer to this question.

The mods here ARE TMOR users. They all have tons of Alts too.

This is a controlled thing they have going on here, and they don't think we all know.

What the fuck are you on about

They made a fairly clear and concise point, would you like to point out where you lost track?

Lol that's not what a "point" is. Jesus.

What he did was make an accusation. Learn what words mean

Hardly an accusation, more an observation given their activities and behavior are clear as day, but don't let me stop you from being a condescending asshole.

Exactly, and the massive downvoting explains their desperation to hide observations like this.

No, that was pretty obviously an accusation. Where's the proof?

Oh right. He/she didnt include any.

Look up what an accusation is.

Proof - r/topmindsofreddit

Maybe you should learn what words mean and you will understand.

Congratulations. You linked me to a subreddit.....

I don't agree with any of what you've said, really, but its insane that this got your banned.

Damn, I've heard it all now! Of course you got banned, you're a lying little weasel hiding behind a 12 day old account.

This is a prime example of why we need to increase the 7 day quarantine period before new accounts can post comments here. Throwaway accounts post whatever nonsense or abuse they want, and unlike real accounts, they don't care if they get banned.

Anyone looking at the mod log can tell

  1. This wasn't the comment that got you banned.. Hence why it's not removed

  2. Neither of the mods you just mentioned banned you.

They all have tons of Alts too.

Projecting much?

He muted me recently for reporting a very anti Semitic post. I was kind of shocked.

not sure why that would need to be reported?

Then perhaps you are on the wrong sub.

Am I? I've been on this sub for years yet newer people tell me im on the wrong sub. How much do you know about this sub in 12 days? enough to read the sidebar rules? Seems not.

Because it's against the sub's #1 rule

"1. Bigoted slurs are not tolerated."

Which one was it?

Because it broke the sub's rule's 1, 4 and 11.

See for yourself, He never removed it.

I didn't mute you

My bad, I checked and you are right. It was \u\Ambiguously_Ironic who muted me. You just decided it was cool to leave it up the 2nd time I complained.


Not true, but your account is just over a month old

Many here want him out because he's clearly very partial to the red side of the partisan divide

I haven't noticed any bias, while I can tell some mods prefer Dems and others prefer Rep, I've actually never noticed a different with AP. He/she seems fair

This has nothing to do with TMOR

That's a lie and most likely a sign you are from there and part of this agenda, especially with such a new account. TMOR have been regularly starting posts linking to AP and sending in brigades, it's at the point where AP could win a legal battle against the people/organizations involved, clear harassment. The plan is almost certainly to see if they can crack AP and make AP resign, ShareBlue want one of their people as head mod.

And since we're on the subject of TMOR. Why are they the target when post after post after post is brigaded by t_d users but none of those threads EVER go into contest

t_d themselves have been the victims of TMOR and other negative forces, and even if t_d did do something wrong it wouldn't mean that it gets TMOR off their harassment and brigading.

T_D and TMOR are on equal footing as far as shitting all over reddit goes and for you to take the side of either pretty much makes it evident that you have horse in this race. I just want to see equal treatment to brigading no matter the source. You want to protect one side. And as far as the age of my account, I didn't know you were the gatekeeper of this sub?

You can't use account age as a way to discredit posters when the mods are banning established accounts.

yes you can

Well I'm discrediting you right back!

you cant! i have more years than you!!! ;)

Why are they the target when post after post after post is brigaded by t_d users

Thereeee it is

Right!?!? I was waiting on that .

It was only a matter of time before the TMOR shills and every other triggered socialist on this god forsaken website somehow found a way to blame t_d.

In ever thread it happens

this is absolute horseshit. he is one of the last bastions of hope for this subreddit. TMORs tactics are transparent and disgusting. same thing happens again and again on reddit, and people pretend like we dont know the playbook for taking over a sub by now

He’s ban happy. He’s the death of this sub

Some mods here, not saying all of them aren't just shills but high level insiders.


They wish, tbh

peyotl is a russian shill and it's baffling that conspiracy has ignored that blatantly obvious fact. This is just TD lite. Frankly it's amazing that these shit fucker mods let any anti trump news at all.

thanks for speaking up. i wonder if they realize how much they stick out here

HA! TMOR is pretending to hate that mod.

Most of our mods are TMOR users. This is a controlled system they have going on

You'll also see many people who post here regularly (no idea if that makes them 'respected' in your idea - probably not, since they disagree with you) are upvoted.

People are allowed to disagree. That doesn't mean they're some organized malignant force conspiring to disagree with you.

It’s always the same number of upvotes and downvotes. You’d think they would be able to manipulate the votes in a way that wasn’t so obvious.

This thread has clearly been vote manipulated

More people not agreeing with you does not mean manipulation.

This is just bullshit. It's not like people are asking in a disrespectful way.

Excuse me, they are being very disrespectful to our dear leader.

Lolol our "puppet in chief"

Hahaha...."Supreme Court" = Supreme leaders for life

"The Constitution is what we say it is." - Supreme Leaders

It was put into contest mode because the owners of this forum have a vested interest in making the sub look super pro trump.

Just like Alex jones, cernovich, and Paul Joseph Watson, Ben garrison, they all flipped and became pro trump gatekeepers.

Remember, trump was a Trojan horse, a false prophet, and the social engineers want to merge the conspiracy culture with support for him as a "good guy".

Fuck that shit..

/u/14_16_22_BlisterBlue /u/canitbe73

Can't disagree with the mods

Welcome to Soviet r/Konspiracy, i am Komrade Killary Klinton, you can call me KKK for short.


As you know Freedom is illegal here. So no free-speech today.

Our goal here is to paint anybody visiting the forum and looking for the truth as racist-antisemite and pro-trump nazi.

And as you know, no bad mouthing Komrade Trumpolin because republican bias. (Or else "deir gunna take yur guuuuuns !!)

(And atheist-Jesus forbid, don't ever call Ron Paul out as the controlled opposition he is.)

That would be all propaganda for now, get back to work in the gulag cyka.


k, lal ?

love this loll

Oh boy let me brake out my trusty popcorn bag and tinfoil hat .

Holy fuck. r/Konspiracy is fucking perfect

Your ideas are intriguing to me and i wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

It was put into contest mode because the sub about conspiracies really hates it when people suddenly become interested in conspiracies about Trump.

It's obvious to anyone with a brain that the thread was getting a lot of attention on account of the president trying to fire the person investigating him. If aliens were just discovered or if JFK came back from the dead, people would come to this sub too.

But the mods are right wing cultists, so they can't stand anti trump news. So they latch on to any excuse to stifle it.

You can blame CNN and the rest of the network for people not believe any Conspiracy against Trump , they really fucked it up there.

Ah yes, it’s all CNNs fault, let’s forget about Fox who goes out there and covers up for this guy every day and feeds their viewers horror stories of “secret societies” lol. If you want a good laugh, look at how Sean Hannity took the news “it’s a fake distraction... oh wait its real but it doesn’t matter”

Bull shit I lupm Fox news with the rest of the garbage meadia

Fucking nailed it


CNN (MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, etc) suck because they claim to be unbiased when they horribly slant leftist, anti-GOP, anti-Trump, etc.

Fox sucks because they are biased but at least they are honest about it.

And the truth shall set you free!

Fox sucks because they are biased but at least they are honest about it.


But seriously, when has Fox EVER admitted to being biased??? This dude is smoking the kool aid

Hannity, Carlson, O’Reilly, Ingraham, etc, etc. They are all up front about their bias.

The person said Fox is open about their bias.

Not those shows. Fox has never admitted to their bias.

Even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day.

And for Trump he only needs one time to be right to be president

No one would need to believe the credibility of anyone else.. there's tape of the man talking you realize this?

And still he is your president ahhahah suck on that.

If anything he's exactly like manafort, and your contribution to that is even more telling.

My agenda is to fuck with Extreamest like yourself.... Right or left I don't give a fuck the Truth is in the Center.

I'm glad you think I'm extreme. Just stay away from me, with your idiot thoughts and buffoonery afoot amongst troglodytes and fools alike.. Being treasonous to your own people is pretty disgusting. You're not the center if you're talking shit about who's everyone's president: you're a fool.

Your post history smears otherwise..

Keep scrolling I go after the Trumpciles and racist fuckes too.

Yeah they are such ideologues that they continually let people like you break Rule 10.

How have I broken rule 10?

right wing cultists, so they can't stand anti trump news

And this explains why we can't have discussions about Trump. The vitriol towards Trump on Reddit is far beyond reason. The, let's say "passionate", anti trumpets quickly turn to name calling and personal attacks.

This is the 4th time now that Trump was getting impeached "For real for real". And once again the trolls are demanding it gets plastered everywhere.

You can't claim that your message is being stifled when it is on every other sub. Go back to r/pol.

Jesus, could you have put more of a spin on this bullshit? You’re not in your safe space anymore.

Exhibit A.

Yes, yoilu are exhibit a

Lmao mods here are sabotaging conspiracy threads about Trump yet the vitriol towards him is the reason why we can't have discussions. Get a grip.

The behavior of anti trumpers is why the thread had to be shut down. No one is buying your attack on the mods because they don't tolerate your bullshit here.

Yeah, this isn't the first time they have done this either, I'm trying to recall the other time they did this. Shady as hell!

The first post on this sub to ever get an 'unverified' flair was the thread about the pee tape dossier.

I'd love to see the reasoning behind that decision.

Couldn't taste it.

TIL /r/conspiracy mods are prescient.

they are probably russians

I agree. I just don’t understand how this uproar didn’t happen when the majority of mods were replaced in one (kind of) virtual swoop.


There should be a post count vote count something so all these shitty accounts can be cleared... this brigade shit's retarded.

Anti trump does not equal pro democrat.

Doesn't matter us versus them mentality.....retarded

But the mods are right wing cultists

Yes, yes they are...

161 points. LOL

MODS please remove this whole thread, the TMOR shills/trolls shouldn't be allowed to manipulate themselves and their BS to the top of our front page. It will confuse some newbies who don't know what's going on

Anyone who opposes your viewpoint is a shill, huh? Isn't that convenient.

I literally cannot tell if this is satire.

because you're new here. like so many people it seems. especially in this thread.

Why can’t you accept that your views are not as popular as others? Why are you trying to silence others because you don’t agree? That’s a dangerous place to be in.

I sure know why.

Because they people controlling this forum have a vested interest in controlling the narrative to a pro trump pro conservative narrative. The Trojan horse trump psyop.

I think Alex Jones endorsing trump and the trends we’re noticing could indicate an attempt to combine conspiracy theorists with the right so that we can collectively destroyed.

You nailed it, that's exactly what they're doing.

Merging the conspiracy culture with conservative politics, taking away our non partisan appeal.

Burn that psy op to the ground and get back to our roots.

This. THIS.

Very much this

As a left leaning libertarian this pisses me off to the nth degree.I think there are areas where we need government regulation and spaces where government doesn't belong. But that doesn't fit nicely into the left right paradigm so I'm just labeled a Nazi conspiratard and told to fuck off

As someone who stays out of politics, fuck! This is alarming!


/r/conspiracy: "How many layers of irony are you on?"

"Idk, like, 6, or 7, my dude"

/r/conspiracy: "You are like a baby. Watch this"


Haha, I love it.


So are you just going to play dumb and act like brigading isn't a problem on reddit? Especially controversial subreddits?

What is the difference between Brigading and hitting the front page?

Why have public discussions if the mods are going to freak out when the public gets involved. If a sub is meant for members only it should be made Private.

I'm not playing dumb. But I watched the first few hours of that post, and the overwhelming response from regulars who usually post on /r/conspiracy were the kind that, quite frankly, don't fit the mod's opinions or, increasingly, their overt agendas. I think that is what put it in contest mode, ie real users disagreeing and saying things the mods don't like, much more than any sort of organized brigade. Quite frankly I think organized brigades happen much more infrequently than people think here. Unless you're claiming simply making it to /r/all means a post is brigaded, which goes against the very idea of Reddit.

There’s a mod log. Does it show who did it?

What a shock - so called 'bridgading'

This post should be put into contest mode as well, because a brigade group is running a train on this bitch!

Don't talk about the mods or you'll get banned.

Please join r/noshill . We would be happy to have decent content providers . <3

axolotl_peyotl - as the active top mod, would you be okay, in the name of transparency, with me sharing some of these PMs and/or the comments people claimed got them unjustly banned?

No. Take your last paycheck Shareblue gives you and go home

Username checks out

Removed. Rule 10. 1st warning.

I can respect that.

Sorry for calling them out but I'll endure a comment removal for them to be grilled.

You mods need some sort of assistance with the bullshittery.

I have also had pms from people talking about unjust bans, I can't comment to the veracity of the claims but there have been several, from aged accounts.

I posted something after a_p's sticky yesterday asking hiw we as users could safely bring up the possibility of a mods removal without retaliation and looking for community and mod feedback. It was immediately deleted with no rule cited. I messaged the mods asking about it and got no response. In a later thread i asked balthanos about it and you can follow that convo in my recent post history, but i was basivally told it wasnt conspiracy related and that due to "active brigading" anything related to this topic is being erased. Doesnt sound like a great system to me, but i had multiple users basically telling me to kill myself and stop concern trolling, and balthanos would only tell me to go to the admins if i had an issue which seems very against the mindset of how i thought this sub was run.

This sub has been comprised over the past year and the sketchy changing of the old guard mods is the most blatant reason to consider.

Yeah and people harassing the only original mod left and constantly spreading crap about that mod is just going to make this subreddit similar to others controlled by corporations. Do people not have any foresight AT ALL?

I lurk here frequently but I only understand a fraction of the picture, yet even I can see how dramatic the change has been.

Right. The influx of downvotes on certain keywords or threads, the vilification of people, all those 'conspiracy' theorists can't see that the very thing that destroyed all these other subreddits is happening here and few people are standing up and not only refusing to help each other, but refusing to help the one person fighting it all. /u/axolotl_peyotl is all we have left.

It's so sad to see someone get rundown. They're trying to break him so that way he leaves for good and the subreddit will be under control of someone who has an agenda to push. We have to support him.

I'm with ya bud. The character assassination of /u/axolotl_peyotl is in full effect.

Did it to themselves?

For being open about their political leanings? The Horror! Fuck them

Do you know the meaning of moderation?

How do they operate with bias?

Sit my child, and I shall tell you a tell of the history of the sub over the past two years.....

Where is the rest of your post? All you've proven is how douchey you can be. Show me some biased moderation.

You believe people are brigading trump posts because it's a plot against him! LOL

The posts are everywhere, you even go in to some of them to defend them... I mean, I don't know what else to tell you, you tell me... LOL

You believe people are brigading trump posts because it's a plot against him! LOL

That is where you are wrong. I don't think this is a plot against Trump but a plot against open balanced discussion in /r/conspiracy.

Interesting that this comes directly after his fantastic post on vaccine safety. This is a coordinated character assasination and brigade. So many fake users pushing this. This is a hostile takeover and those who actually frequent this sub need to recognize this need to support our mod, whether you agree with his personal politics or not.

Axolotl is not someone we should be protecting or defending.

Care to share the username you usually use for conspiracy so that we can judge if your opinion of this sub even carries weight?

All opinions carry weight. You're not the gatekeeper of this sub.

You don't seem to think all opinions carry weight. You constantly bitch about other people's opinions.

Left for whom?

They’re Falling like dominoes. Last year it was politics. But it started with jailbait and Ham planets (hilarious sub and name). They went after the low hanging fruit first and are slowly working their way up.

More like scorched earth, hope you pay more attention when you drive...

Exactly this.

I'd like to turn this around to a bit more of an optimistic tone. The best way forward is to keep our heads up and look at what we are doing right so we can continue to do that and get better at it. The good news is the mods can't remove this post without causing even more backlash, including within the mod team. This post is on my front page right now. I know a lot of people in this sub are pessimistic about being able to influence Trump supporters, but it shouldn't be that way because I have seen so many great posts in here exposing Trump just like I have seen so many great posts exposing other politicians.

I know at least 3 of the mods are anti-Trump, especially /u/alllie, so we have that going for us. Example of anti-Trump post by Alllie. I know this because I used to think all of the mods were pro-Trumpers until I found evidence to the contrary. That should be good enough for a balance of powers check to make sure we at least have a voice in here.

Half or more of this community is receptive to anti Trump information (proof below). All we need to do is keep showing everyone the dirty truth about both parties. It goes both ways.

"Drain that Swamp: Trump's Interior Chief's Hometown Friends Receive $300 Million Contract to Restore PR Power Lines - Company Only Has 2 Employees" 5,340 points, 86 percent upvoted:

"In 2004 Donald Trump accepted $160 million from George Soros" 3,754 points, 80 percent upvoted:

Anti Jeff Sessions post, 26,000 points, 79 percent upvoted:

"WikiLeaks document showing that saudi arabia funded ISIS. How can trump supporters just stand by and let donald trump sign a 100 billion dollar arms deal with a country that is funding terrorism?" 3,900 points, 90 percent upvoted:

"Michael Flynn resigns: Trump's national security adviser quits over Russia links" 3,800 points, 84 percent upvoted

2,500 points, 85 percent upvoted: "House Republicans with support form Trump passes sweeping legislation to roll back banking rules on globalist bankers who caused the great recession"

"Behind Fox News' Baseless Seth Rich Story: The Untold Tale" 2,300 points, 72 percent upvoted:

6,300 points, 84 percent upvoted, gilded: "Dear The_Donald: Why you censoring weed posts?"

"Donald Trump's Muslim ban excludes the countries linked to his business empire - AND the countries of origin of the 9/11 terrorists. And not a WORD of this on /r/conspiracy?" 1,500 points, 82 percent upvoted

"Donald Trump has added his FIFTH Goldman Sachs crony to his staff" 1,400 points, 87 percent upvoted

"Donald Trump supposedly told House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) he supports cutting Social Security but will not admit it publicly because it would hurt his election chances. He openly says he will lie to the people about it because he knows that the people are against it." 1,250 points, 75 percent upvoted:

"Dear T_D readers, Please read this post. I am ready for your downvotes. If you are a trump supporter who also visits this sub, here is a message for you. The_Donald is one of the most heavily censored subs on reddit. Try posting anything that questions the supremacy of Donald Trump. Your post will get removed and you will be banned." 1,200 points, 84 percent upvoted:

Another one at 2,800, 94 percent upvoted, article about Trump/republican tax plans:

"Trump told aides he was especially disturbed after learning Mueller would be able to access several years of his tax returns" 640 points

"Leaked emails show WikiLeaks and Trump Jr. Conversing about possible deals between them" 9000 points with gold, 77 percent upvoted.

There are also a lot of posts that say "Fuck both sides." Examples:

We who watch know the game is rigged not from right to left but from the top to the bottom. Politicians are like middle management for international finance

.. we should stay focused on the fiat money system and it's controlling members

. . Stab the all seeing eye with a Big stick!!!

I'm not a mod.

*Former moderator. It's just my luck that I decided to highlight a former moderator. Very sorry about that.

That user isn't a mod here?

I was under the impression that this user was still a mod here. It was very difficult to find proof of this user modding here before, but here is another former moderator (flytape) discussing Alllie being a former mod of this sub:

Waaaah, someone was muted. Let's ban all the old non-shill mods and bring in new ones.

If Reddit were smart, they would just come out and be open about their bias and control of the site, and how the advertising works. Instead of this weird, takeover every sub by complaining a lot and frankly making the content suck, but then people move to new subs, and then it happens all over again. But the thing is, really you're just antagonizing all your users in the worst way possible, such that they'll never return to this site once they leave it.

Looks like FB/YT are also heading down this self-destructive path.


so... r/conspiracy2 anybody?

I once had a MOD delete my account for no reason! A couple of weeks later I finally got the account active again only to find out the MOD had been PMing my girlfriend the whole time, trying to hook up!!!!

And when I say PMing I’m referring to the process of making a “penis mold” and mailing it to girls you like.

people claimed got them unjustly banned?

Who is claiming they were unjustly banned?

Would you like me to list the people who've PM'd me thus far? I'm assuming, since they PM'd me, they won't mind me publically listing them.


Of the users banned today, one was overturned with a warning, but the rest I'm confident were the result of multiple rule violations.

Some of the people who messaged me:

/u/SouthernJeb - Here's what got him banned, despite being a long-term member of the sub (more than 2 years, with an account name that's 5+ years old)

/u/pinko_zinko: "I pointed out that a mod could shitpost non-conspiratorial content."

/u/LordDongler: "I got banned for poking fun at Trump supporters being such special snowflakes."

/u/stupidfuckingtroll: "i was also banned after i posted a graphic that was critical of Fox news. i suspect my ban was for that along with my previous posts and comments which have been critical of trump."

/u/montrev: "i'm banned from conspiracy for stating facts too."

/u/peekitup: "I was banned a while back after posting series of articles critical of the new administration. The claim was that I insulted certain members of the sub but no clarification for what the insult was exactly was ever given."

/u/ufuz42: "I got banned yesterday for disagreeing with AP. I asked him why and he quoted something back to me that I said to him, and I followed it up with basically saying well nice to that it’s a ban because you don’t like me and what I have to say and he didn’t respond."

/u/U_CAN_TRUST_HILLARY: AP "Called out one of his divisive shit posts he called me a shill and banned me on the spot" - after this user had been posting on conspiracy for 3 years

/u/osm0sis: "Probably for commenting on a thread where people were discussing an account less than a month old that was spamming the same pro Trump repeatedly, and then tried to insult other users in a top level comment.... Really don't think I made any ban worthy comments and tried my best to add to the level of discussion"

/u/greenie7680: "I was another person banned by Axolotl simply for asking why a mod was showing such open bias and cussing at commenters. Got perma-banned after having no action taken against me before."

/u/AmadeusK482: I was responding to a belligerent pizzagate believer and I believe I was banned for expressing my doubts

Finally, I'll post the whole message I received from /u/ CHARLESBRINK:

mark me down too as someone else who was banned for questioning the mods partisanship and bias.

4 days ago /u/JoeyBulgaria posted this story:

Mod /u/axolotl_peyotl [-12] commented:

Hey Joey what are you going to post about once this bullshit political theater is revealed to be all smoke, mirrors and propaganda?

that comment was downvoted to -71

Completely brazen partisanship. No shame about it either.

My comment was:

how are you a still a mod? you clearly have an agenda.

I was banned on the spot.

Here's a sample of other comments by users that /u/axolotl_peyotl banned in that thread:

Didn't you make some big, grandstanding announcement recently about how you were going to knock it off with the political arguments and be a more responsible mod? (+78)

Why do we have a mod that actively trys to shut down discussion of a bonafide investigation into the Whitehouse? This is insane jesus (+53)

Indictments for manafort/gates, guilty pleas by Flynn and Papadapolous who are now actively working with the investigation= smoke, mirrors, and propaganda? We've gone from "no one in my campaign ever met with russians" to "well almost everyone in my campaign met with russians multiple times including my own son and son-in-law but don't worry that was about adoptions.." Why the lies from the very beginning if this was all political theatre? It's weird that your a mod of this sub yet you feel the need to constantly defend the acting US administration from a conspiracy with mounting evidence all the time..... very strange (+46)

all 3 of those users along with 19 others in a were banned by that mod in a 48 hour period for absolutely nothing.

These are just some of the posters who messaged me (others were unclear and though I think they were banned, I wasn't sure). I'm just the messenger and haven't looked further into their claims, so please don't ban me for this.

If anyone would like their name removed (or added!), or wants me to add additional details, please message me.

I didn't ban the majority of these accounts...did any message the /r/conspiracy mods or appeal their bans?

Most of these users weren't even banned today as well...

If any user in this list wants to appeal their ban, please message the /r/conspiracy mods.

I was unjustly banned but my man /u/axoltl_peyotl just straightened it out. Seems like a good dude to me.

Apparently there are no legitimate supporters of Donald Trump. Only brigadiers. Funny. Nice to know the mods of r/conspiracy are cucks too.

Please go back to the r/Donald and enjoy your time there.

I guess the moral of the story is dont downvote people trying to hijack the thread and deflect from the content, because it might be considered brigading.

Can someone tell me the point of a public mod log when using that to criticize the mods is bannable?

Because they want to be transparent about which mod bans you for having an opinion they might not like.

Maybe it was because u had no submission statement

It wasn't my thread and there is a submission statement.

I guess it’s not funny anymore

The thread was being brigaded.

Like this one

AKA, the president of the united states tried to fire the republican investigating him for conspiring with Russians and people naturally go to the sub literally named conspiracy.

If aliens were discovered to have killed JFK, would you lot be crying when people went to the conspiracy sub to talk about it?

If you have proof aliens did that, I'd be all over it. Do you have PROOF Trump did that? Also, "trying to" isn't actually doing it...what stopped him? Can you give a serious answer?

Also, "trying to" isn't actually doing it...what stopped him? Can you give a serious answer?

Does this warrant a serious answer? The NYT headline reads: "Trump Ordered Mueller Fired, but Backed Off When White House Counsel Threatened to Quit". I mean, reading the headline is literally the least amount of research you can possibly do into a topic.

I don't read that absolute garbage newspaper. I don't have to read THAT headline. That's your world, your reality.

Do you have proof?

The number of upvotes and downvotes on comments and eyeballs.

Reminds me of the something awful forums.

Man, I used to love the ROM pit. Never used the forums much, but man, that place was great back in the day.

Back in the day can never be used to much on the Internet now.


I love the fact it has triggered the /r/politics users.

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There’s a significant overlap in both the TMOR and Politics outrage subs.

The Hivemind

People don't go there to rage, they go there to laugh at loony bins

I like how they are clearly monitoring this sub/that post and people are pretending there wasn't a brigade. Like how obvious could it be?

Who spends their time on reddit just monitoring other subs and posting about reactions instead of actually discussing the issues directly?

Fucking retarded idiots and people who must be paid, at least I hop someone pays them otherwise they are the saddest bunch of losers in the history of mankind

I believe the call that "triggering libs" over on your other subs.

You think that's who was triggered by this thread?!!

I guess you forgot you were looking into a mirror.

it was APs post on vaccine that has brought out the paid corporate PR posters. he hit "the" nerve

God they’re so pathetic. How sad must your life be to obsess over what other people say in some Internet forums. They must have no novel or interesting thoughts of their own.

This is retarded and could be discredited without muting or contest mode. Did anyone find out the reason?

Anyway regarding the Trump Muller thing. Trump ordered Muller fired. The source claiming this is all anonymous, same sources as all the other overblown bullshit the media does. Trump never fired Muller. I get anything wrong here?

Yet look at the top comments on that contested thread, people replying to fictional whataboutisms etc.

People eat up this nonsense when it agrees with their side. They just look dumb when it ends up being retracted though.

"according to four people told of the matter"

Yeah. Sure.

Guys, this sub is for only talking about confirmed conspiracies, amirite?

Some people are so dense when it comes to dear leader. Would it change your mind if his biggest fan confirmed it live, on air?

The source claiming this is all anonymous

but an Anon on 4chan told me the claim was false.

was put into contest mode

Ha! I fucking called it!

Because you knew it was being brigaded.

Because I knew that a thread critical of Trump must not gain traction

By that reasoning we’d never see a post critical of Trump on the front page.

That isn't put into contest mode...

We seem to have a lot of new accounts upset about contest mode.

I've been in this sub for years and frankly that was some skeevy shit pulled by Trump-sympathetic mods.

lol, if youve been here for years, explain the last 6 months on this sub. go ahead. Then explain how politics went from ultra pro sanders to the point they were the major reason he got campaign funds to start with and all of a sudden he becomes the enemy and you get clinton people bashing sanders supporters.

explain bud. cause David Brock already explained it to us in a PR release explaining they have teams for reddit and twitter to "control the narrative" of the bad "bernie bros".

Go ahead. You've been here for so long you can explain.

With all due respect I don't have to explain shit to you :D

I wasn't replying to you so you can go pound sand.

Why make a reply if you're not going to respond? You replied to literally say you won't reply.

I've been here forever and I don't give two shits about contest mode. Why are their panties in such a bunch?

Here's what it looks like to me. Keep in mind, this is just how I see it.

Someone makes a post that paints Trump in a bad light. Defenders of Trump get downvoted and buried. Post gets put into contest mode so upvotes/downvotes don't matter anymore, and the defenders no longer get buried.

Their excuse: We're getting brigaded by that other sub that hates us, so this is our defense.

You never said why they got downvoted in the first place. It's not organic.

Maybe, but where's the proof? How can you tell what upvote or downvote was mine? How can you tell what wasn't?

You can't just assume that it's always bots that downvote a certain perspective. Maybe other people just don't agree with it since users use votes as agree/disagree. Until you can prove which ones are which, you can't assume they're inorganic anymore than you can assume they're organic.

Maybe, but where's the proof?

What would satisfy you? How about in the brigaded threads VERY innocuous comments get downvoted? It's not rocket science here.

why you think pro trump arguments should be downvoted/hidden by default? Because they're wrong?

why you think pro trump arguments should be downvoted/hidden by default? Because they're wrong?

Tell me where I said that pro trump arguments should be downvoted/hidden by default? I didn't.

It's not up to me what people upvote downvote, but that doesn't mean that a mod should throw it into contest mode because comments aligning with his bias got downvoted.

And we have some usual defenders that only come out to protect daddy.

funny that you talk about "new accounts" while having an account that doesn't even predate the trump presidency, much less his presidential run.

did the koch brothers pay you to write that?

A shill accusation, from a TMOR-dweller who forget to switch accounts. Brilliant!

a :TMOR dweller"? I browse /all, as I've done the past 8 years on this site, long before it was completely ruined by people like you.

I'll have you know that the lizard people paid me to write this message.

The opinion of perma-outraged TMOR dwellers are irrelevant here. When you lie down with the dogs, you get up with fleas. Happy itching!

I've been subbed here long before your boot-licking ass showed up to suck authoritarian dick.

And yet you’ve only managed a handful of comments, those of which are attacking this sub/ it’s users.

Got no more time for you, dude. Have already given you more attention than necessary.

you didn't go deep enough into my history, I stopped spending time in here once it became a trump sub

Rule #10

If people could be critical of Trump without massively downvoting everyone with a different opinion, then nobody would have anything to bitch about and contest mode would never be used like this.

That's just a reddit problem altogether. People use votes as agree/disagree. They will always do so until something is changed site-wide.

People use votes as agree/disagree

If only it was actual people

alex jones paid me to say that george soros paid me to say that the russians paid me to say that hillary clinton paid sharia bliue to pay me to say this

are you trying to make a joke?


I hope you are aware that people can and do buy upvotes and accounts. It's why it's more important that the argument is sound than that it's agreed with. And the more downvoted a logical argument is, the more the downvotes look sketchy. You can't downvote reality, as much as you want to.

If people could be critical of Trump without massively downvoting everyone with a different opinion

oh yes, let's hold people who aren't pro-trump to a completely different standard than the rest of the website. it's not like you trump fans downvote anything any everything that perturbs you

Holy shit, you realize there are like 3 subreddits on ALL of Reddit where pro-Trump comments aren't downvoted to oblivion. Look around, the anti-Trump crowd is clearly winning the downvote war here, and by massive numbers. This is one subreddit where we shouldn't downvote based on our personal feelings about politics, but a few times a week we get a completely one-sided political shitshow where anyone who dares to go against the narrative gets downvoted to -20 or more. I don't care about your political beliefs, that kind of behavior is downright shameful and shouldn't be welcome in this community.

this safe space stops becoming a trump echo chamber once it hits /all, it's that simple. can't handle people disagreeing with you? go to a private sub, though I don't know why you'd care since this place stoped being a conspiracy sub and turned into T_D 2.0 a year ago.

while I'd love for people to vote/downvote based on the comment adding something to the conversation, and not as a like/dislike button, it's never really worked that way here.

I don't care about your fucking political beliefs and I don't care about the political beliefs of anyone who comes here from /r/all. Anyone who participates in the downvote brigade permanently banned from this community. We are not a Trump safespace, we are a community that values free thought. If people want to have an open mind about Trump that is their right. If people want to spin conspiracy theories about Trump that is their right. If people want to come in and mock us because we boast a wide spectrum of ideas outside of the mainstream narrative, then they can fuck right off and the mods are are doing the right thing by banning these people and disrupting their influence here.

Anyone who participates in the downvote brigade should be permanently banned from this community.

people from /all didn't ask for this sub to show up on their front page, and when it does, people from /all not sharing your political ideology doesn't make it a "brigade". sotp being such a baby.

How many times do I have to say this isn't about political ideology? It's about people coming here and misusing downvotes because they can't handle the variety of political opinions of our members. All political views should be welcome here since this is not a political forum. We may discuss politics frequently because they related to conspiracies, but we are forced into a battleground rather than a discussion.

how many times do I have to explain tp you how public subreddits work? don't like playing with the rest of reddit? yell at the mods for not making the sub private. end of story.

Removed. Rule 10

Why does it matter, default is /r/shallnotbenamed, I'm sure it was tops there too.

on which of your accounts?

That link leads to nothing bud.

Check my comments from 17hrs ago.

It looks like Nazi Germany over there. Wtf.

The moderators of this subreddit are as biased as the moderate of politics or the Donald. Perfect example of how a little bit of power is all that is needed for corruption to creep it's way into the minds of people. Sadly there is no real alternative, I have yet to find one. All we can hope for is a to mod to clean house and remove all the corrupt ones.

If you don’t like the Mods you don’t have to use the sub. You’re also free to make your own sub Reddit.

Conspiracy mods are the best.

I've been here long before these mods came and I will be here long after they are gone.

I've been here long before these mods came and I will be here long after they are gone.

Sadly there is no real alternative, I have yet to find one

Really?? Gigantic internet and you can't find anything? I can think of at least 5 websites off the top of my head, not to mention Youtubers (not a big video guy). Geez, just read wikipedia and use it to branch off into topics. That's how I really got started. You don't need people's comments.

You don't need people's comments.

You do if you want to discuss conspiracies.

So what are the alternatives to reddit? are not the person i was "discussing" with. Why the need to butt in? You don't need my list of alternatives, do you really?

When you're caught being a cunt but don't want to say "my bad." This is a public website, people you "weren't talking to" will talk to you. If you have an issue with discussion don't post at all you tool.

You are not discussing, are you? ZERO karma? REALLY?

I think you're being a prick, want to investigate my account? I too would like to hear about other conspiracy websites.

Investigate IE hover over your account name.

And why would I want someone calling me a prick to come to other forums I go to, here and elsewhere?

I too would like to hear about other conspiracy websites.

there's this thing called google. Go to the library to read a book about it.

peak internet dweebery. I HAVE MORE INTERNET POJNTS! REEEEEEEEE! go sit down somewhere you sperg.

I don't give two shits about karma or points. I care about why people come here to "discuss". If they have almost no comments otherwise and attack people, they aren't here to discuss at all. Like you.

you literally bragged about your epoints...

No, just why would someone use a almost nothing account in that way? Not odd at all. And I don't care about karma, I get downvoted all the time. Who gives a crap? I could just post on politics with crap talking points and bad comedy and rack up thousands of points, but I prefer to talk like a real person. I didn't say "look at how many points I have". I did not brag.

And I'm sure that's why you use a junk account with only four comments...three to comment about me. Now why is that???

They asked for one, so why wouldn't you help provide them with one?
Also, if you wanted to keep things direct to that person, PM. Otherwise, it's a free-for-all where anyone can reply to anything.

Because in past comments they attack people and really don't discuss conspiracies. They are not asking in earnest, that's why.

Says one random internet user about another indistinguishable internet user.

Past comments aren't indistinguishable.

What is indistinguishable is your credibility and the person's you are accusing, as viewed by everyone else on the internet other than you and that person.

Not at all...many users on here and other subs consistently post excellent stories and have insightful comments, and they are certainly distinguishable from the rest.

because like cathloicism's father, son and holy ghost, he's got five different moods with which he reads brietbart and infowars. because he isn't a sheep, you are.

I didn't catch this comment but I would like you to know that I find it a pretty interesting. I'm sure you can pick up on anomalous wording in comments like I can. :)

let me guess, stormfront, infowars,, brietbart, and jdate?

Hah, I don't go to any of those. I can't listen to Alex Jones for more than a minute.

not going on all, I expected, but not going on any, I'm surprised. so what are top 5 then?

Well, beyond Voat, I'd rather not say. Mainly smaller sites that try to reconcile the sacred and profane. I'm a pretty compulsive reader, and I just find that certain people have had life experiences that uniquely shape their research into being, consciousness, the "set-up" of the universe and how religion and mystery, and even magic, play into it all. Not that politics hasn't been interesting, though.

I'm looking for discussion sites and I actually like it here, that is if the moderators don't censor the users. I find it interesting that there are users coming in to defend censorship of the mods. Don't you think users can decide for themselves what information to value and which to discard?

Where did I defend censorship by the mods? And for your question, why does it matter what I think? Is my personal opinion on the matter that important to you?

I never said you defended censorship, look what I wrote. You are right, I'm not interested in your opinion.

The fact that you got downvoted for pointing out the hollow nature of the arguments should be enough to prove how hollow the arguments he used are.

magnora7 is announcing an alternative site very soon. Stay tuned.

Yea, sounds like this sub isn’t for you. What a shame. Cya!

Sounds like you don't know what you are talking about. What a shame. Cya around!

What the hell is "Contest Mode"?

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That’s some shady shit.

is it? looks to me like how forums work.

Except that’s not how forums work. That’s just how Donald Trump related posts work.

every comment is equal, cant hide forum posts because too many people didnt like it. why would you want to hide people comments in a conspiracy sub? I always sort by controversial to not miss those.

Why would you not want protection against burying comments?

Every comment isn’t equal though and the people of the sub decide which comments are quality and which ones are trash.

no, i decide. that's why i go on conspiracy subs, because i trust no one to decide for me what is good or bad information. i dont even trust myself on that, constantly challenging my own opinions. All this does is unhide comments that were sank, like there is so many on this page.

Why the fuck are people thinking +/- comments are a way to determine truth on a conspiracy sub? Like wtf?

If every thread was in contest mode it wouldn’t be as big of an issue, but it’s only the negative Donald trump threads that are put in contest mode. I never said that it showed how truthful something is. In theory those that contribute to the conversation will be upvoted that doesn’t mean those posts are the truth it just means they are quality posts.

In theory those that contribute to the conversation will be upvoted that doesn’t mean those posts are the truth it just means they are quality posts.

Look at the downvoted comments here. Many are informative or opinions yet heavily downvoted. This is why they had to do that. Because it doesn't work like in theory anymore.

What are you talking about? The majority of the downvoted posts on this topic are a variation of "DOWNVOTE BRIGADE! INCOMING SHILLS!"

Those aren't the post I was talking about. If you cannot see the helpful comments that are heavily downvoted it proves my point that it does silence speech.

I sorted by controversial and I really didn’t see anything I would deem quality. Here’s the thing, they can make all threads contest mode but they only make anti trump posts contest mode. We have direct reposts from t_d and they have a proven hot net but nothing happens.

so you didnt see my comments you replied to? They're all downvoted.

Your comments aren't quality lol. You completely ignored what my point is. Sort by controversial and you will see almost all (besides one mod trying to defend himself) of the downvoted comments are just bitching about brigading, which gets downvoted because it adds absolutely nothing to the conversation.

Well, I have multiple comments NOT about brigading that got massively downvoted, and they were perfectly logical. Multiple people even chimed in to attack me. That does not happen in most conspiracy threads, ever.

Well, the people, and hundreds of organized shills with their botnets.

You mean botnets like this?

You say that as if you cant just click the arrow and open the comment.


cant hide forum posts because too many people didnt like it

You mean like how the mods can remove anything they dont like and just call it "leftist brigading".

Shills job is to publically kill dissenting opinions by opening them to "masses ridicule". If you hide the downvotes, it is hard to make an opinion look stupid if you have no counter argument. It would lead to much higher quality discussion

Also mods didn't remove anything

I didnt mean in just that thread more of a sub wide thing. Wasnt trying to lie

Soild point on the downvotes tho got me there

I have no idea of a sub wide thing like this. I'm usually not interested in the meta posts and drama shit of this sub. Maybe it happens but what I'm seeing in new is pro trump posts being heavily brigaded like 100 up votes but 250 comments. Then the opposite for the left leaning commentaries. It got to the point now I have to go to the Donald sub to get actual discussion from the "other side" without threads being completely derailed. This sub isn't about sharing ideas when people get downvoted for their opinions on things we can't prove on one side or the other.

Maybe it happens but what I'm seeing in new is pro trump posts being heavily brigaded like 100 up votes but 250 comments

I agree too many soros bots still around.

everyone agreed both sides are assholes. Now it's all about trump is bad Sure he is, doesn't mean the other side isn't bad too. Let us expose everyone.

ditto, we need to realize there is no left or right in this country just the elite fascistic military industrial complex we are coming for you Hillary

That's a lot of hiding!

Sounds better than upvotes deciding which comment is at the top. Mob rule isn't a good thing.

You know you can sort comments, right?

But many others might choose not to and thus would miss potential downvote-brigaded comments.

Mob rule? you mean majority rule. This is like saying it’s brigading when it’s actually just a terrible point.

Besides, That is exactly what “best” is for and why it’s the default. It’s the most agreed upon as the downvoters get a voice in best.

Sorting by random is deceptive and hides great informative posts. it puts bullshit besides logic and equates them.

Sounds like somebody who's salty that his pro-trump comments are never at the top.

They should just call it Anarchy Mode.

It’s original intent was contests with no bias given to early posters or group think. This is a blatant abuse of power

Contest mode solves the ahill / brigade problem with the click of a button.

Showing comment score on Reddit leads to such ridiculous echo chambers.

Having said that, if it wasn't there, we just have to trust Reddit when they tell us which comments are at the top.

Honestly, I prefer it. I know it's not a popular opinion, and I definitely don't think it should be a site-wide thing, but I hated how our karma system worked for a long time. Contest mode is more chaotic, but everyone has a chance to have their voice heard. It allows discussion to last longer if you get invested, and makes it more likely that people will read past the first comment thread. I do feel it works better for smaller subreddits, though. I don't expect many people to agree, but that's my two cents.

Cool, thanks for the perspective.

The selective enforcement of it makes it look like an attempt to disrupt discussion on certain topics.

That thread was blatantly brigaded.

There was no discussion, certainly none that was "normal". It's the usual million comments that just shit on this subreddit and complain that the story is being "suppressed" or it "won't make the front page" while literally being the top post.

I'm glad I'm not the only one noticing this. I say we contest mode all the posts.

The mods use their authority irresponsibly.

Insert generic comment against the moderators here

Here's a solution: Put every thread into contest mode

It is obvious that partisans on both ends of the spectrum are trying to dictate the narrative of this sub. Putting threads into contest mode would stop this from happening. It would prevent circle-jerking, and it would prevent comments from being downvoted into oblivion.

I would be in favor of doing this on this sub, especially if it starts out as a trial.

Moderators are power positions given to cronies and friends.

As such, they see themselves above everyone and above being questioned. That's why autocracy is such a hard thing to do properly.

Nothing more authoritarian than a rule that says you can't question this sub. I know it says "attack" but I know many users that were banned for attacking when they simply wanted answers the same way as op.

I yelled at a mod once for deleting a thread because i forgot the SS and he was actually very forgiving and reinstated it once i put in a proper SS. There are some good ones, but without oversight or transparency they will be the minority.

I got banned from a sub because I was new and didn’t know the do I appeal this? Is the ban forever?

Pretty much. Just move on. Most subs are complete garbage circle jerks.

But if you go to they might be able to reverse it. Typically not.

"Attack" is one of the media favorite words the last couple years. They use it to describe anything anyone they don't like does or says. E.g. 'Trump attacks CNN for innacurrate story' no the word is criticizes you dolts, attack means to physically harm someone. They intentionally misuse words for some reason IMO.

Ask the mods about /r/TheInside

It's a hang out of selected individuals and its where the last tranche of mods came from.

Moderators are power positions given to cronies and friends.

That kind of reminds me of something.


I'll give you a hint, when event planners get jobs with HUD.

The mods are just really "selective" of what gets contest mode or about what news stories they dont like about a certain Russian intelligence asset.

Reminds me of /r/reactiongifs mass banning yesterday

didnt you know that if a negative post about trump is posted or upvoted here then that means this sub is being brigaded! /S. They are trying to turn this into a boot licker echo chamber.

Who needs this sub for an echo chamber. I can read the NYTimes and Washington Post every day.

The brigading is obvious. You can easily see it in which comments get upvoted and which get downvoted to hell. You'd have to be blind not to see it.

the only obvious brigading is when this very anti authoritarian sub suddenly did a 180, along with alex jones, and started suckign authoritarian cock late 2016.

T_D brigaded this sub successfully, and it's refreshing to see the actual members of this sub finally push back.

Yeah I saw when the sub took a complete 180 and modern political articles(its not a conspiracy when its an active world politics issue being fully covered by mainstream media) get upvotes past 1K while classical, well researched conspiracy posts barely crack 200(and the ones that do get slammed as pointless and unworthy of discussion).

And if users point something out, or counter argue the articles, they get instantly downvoted, into the -50s and beyond, even if they are contributing to the conversation meaningfully. Don't follow the narrative? You get downvoted.

I really would like to see the mods shut down the political nonsense. There's subreddits for it(politics and t_d offering both sides). If i want my politics fix I know where to go. This sub should exclusively be for conspiracies.

Deep state cover ups, media manipulation and propaganda, world financial power and control, assassinations of truth seekers and politicians and the cover ups that happen, secret societies, and occult/paranormal/alien cover ups.

A post about CIA agents working in the various media outlets? That's a conspiracy. A sitting president being actively investigated with reports from mainstream and alternative sources is not a conspiracy, it is an active political topic.

Lmao it’s 110% brigaded. Your playing dumb isn’t fooling anyone.

Jesus Christ, your brigades are such unsophisticated shit. Your brute force tactics are transparent. Mods should just go through this thread and wipe out every one who's a part of it.

Just rip it off, like a band-aid.

Wow, look. /r/conspiracy is now a pro-government echo chamber that silences decent. I’m truly shocked.

You can blame /u/Flytape for that.

Wow look, nobody cares what moronic generalizations you want to make about this sub.

Well there cant be a secret society in the fbi because no one has heard about it. CNN Jan. 26, 2018

Yup, CNN hasnt heard about it so it doesnt exist...

That's because those people don't want a discussion. They'd rather stay in their safe space echo chamber.

Is there a way to mute anything Trump/Hillary/Russia related on this sub? It brings out the worst in everyone and goes no where, EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

No idea. I've never posted here before until now. LOL

said bacon gordon liddy

ITT : Ass blasted liberals. They banned their precious ShareBlue from /politics. They will be coming here more frequently.

Lol. Lol. Lol.

Downvote me all you want. My life is much better than yours.

What the fuck, is this /r/politics lite? I gave this place a chance, but I'll catch you guys later when you get the place sorted out.

No its not, I can tell because you are boasting to strangers

Stay booty blasted.

Its sounds like you crawled right off the set of Idiocracy and never stopped talking like that

I definitely did. And I’m glad you’re here to consume it.

Removed. Rule 5.

What is contest mode?

it randomizes posts and hides replies. Mods claim it stops brigading. Users say its used to hide anti-Trump stories.

There's a good deal of evidence that it was devised as a way of disrupting anti-trump chatter on here. Furthermore, there was also one former mod who created several (dozens) of alts and would completely astro-turf the fuck out of the comments, spamming it with his posts so that virtually every other comment you saw was one of his. Basically the same effect as putting in loudspeakers shouting nonsense near protesters so that their speech is muted.

Not even conspiracy theory what Im saying either. That shit actually fucking blatantly happened. And only on anti-trump posts. Then those mods launched a failed insurrection and "quit in protest". Who knows what they do now or what strings they pull but youll see them roaming around the subreddit, especially on anti-trump posts.

I was here for that. I agree with what you say, but I thought I would try to give both sides view.

There's a good deal of evidence that it was devised as a way of disrupting anti-trump chatter on here. Furthermore, there was also one former mod who created several (dozens) of alts and would completely astro-turf the fuck out of the comments, spamming it with his posts so that virtually every other comment you saw was one of his. Basically the same effect as putting in loudspeakers shouting nonsense near protesters so that their speech is muted.

There must be logs of this. Who was the mod and what were their alts?

Not a log but I went looking for the old drama threads.

Here's a good one. The mods name was dronepuppet

Maybe a serious discussion should be had about removing the protrump mods that can’t keep their opinions out of their duties.

ah there it is. calls to remove mods by new accounts. you do realize that any user that has been on reddit longer than a year knows the playbook for a hostile takeover of a sub right? these attempts are transparent and pathetic. keep up the good fight AP

My account is older than yours 😂

Uhhh...what? His account is 6-years old, and your account is 2-years old.... 🤔

Uhhh...what? His account is 6-years old, and your account is 2-years old.... 🤔

Maybe it’s an aggro brag for his two years service

oh yes the 7 year old account is a new account while your three year account is an old one. I guess my 8 year account is also a new account in your eyes.

His account is 6 years old while your account is only 2 years old on comparison.


There was your discussion. Move along now.

So you’d be totally cool with a pro-Clinton moderator abusing their power? Good to know.

They exist on the team already. Funny you didn't mention removing them, though.

Isn't it?

I’m interested in evidence of pro Clinton conspiracy mods. If you can point to me them burying a Clinton story as this mod tried to bury a major trump story. And I’ll gladly support their removal as well.

If you can’t keep your personal politics out of your position you shouldn’t have it.

Contest mode doesn't mean burying a story. This isn't the first time they've done it. Contest mode serves a very specific purpose, one the mods have spoken about numerous times before. I am not doing the research of that for you because you're too lazy to use the search feature.

As for pro-Clinton mods, if you don't know who they are then it's very clear either you're new here or you're letting YOUR personal biases get in the way. They didn't exactly hide during the election.

Asking for evidence isn’t baiting its asking you to back up your claims. Which I’ll continue to wait for you to do.

So you're just going to ignore that contest mode isn't covering something up?

Also, you're asking me to back up a claim that I never made. I never said pro-Hillary mods abused their powers. That you believe I did shows you lack basic reading comprehension.

I said that there are mods that users feel abused their powers to help Hillary Clinton. That's a vastly different claim from the one you're asking me to back up.

I will not name mods because I wish to avoid a Rule 10, but again it's clear you're new here. Some mods pushed very hard against PizzaGate, even removing threads, during the election. Many users took that as proof of pro-Clinton biases. You are not asking for those mods to be removed, and I find that interesting.

I should also note that removing a thread during the peak of something is a much bolder move than putting a thread in contest mode. Where's your calls to have those mods removed?

Just like you, I'll wait.

Again, I’m waiting for you to back up your claims. You’re obviously shifting this elsewhere. Somehow to pizzagate whatever. Please back up your pro Hillary mod claims. That’s all I’m asking.

Also putting a thread in contest mode was clearly done to keep the thread from growing by protracted modes who try to steer where threads go based on their political affiliations. Which is the basis for this thread.

Please keep on topic. Good day.

You asked for something mods did that was viewed as pro-Hillary. I gave you an example and now I'm deflecting? Be less transparent next time.

And I won't name the mods because that could get me a Rule 10. Again, you clearly spend no time here. If you did, you'd know that.

Just wanted you to know I read clear down through here and I agree with you Also the person you are debating is having a real hard time seeing the point you are making about how the mod team leans both ways.

That poster is right about rule 10. Calling out specific mods for criticism is prohibited.

I don't give a shit who mods support politically. I do care about mods who let this place become another political shithole.

Some people feed of conflict. Any conflict. Get people triggered.

I love contest mode. Brings the shills to their knees.

Contest mode all the threads I say. People interested in controlling the conversation here will get frustrated and leave after a while.

What is contest mode?

They definitely hate it, so naturally, I’m a big fan.

They don't even respond now....this is the best.

Mods are a bunch of asshurt snowflakes who can't stand to see dear leader criticized.

I just got banned from /conservative, and they refuse to say why. I wish voat would pick up more traction, but I don't like their layout, so sterile.

Could be username maybe, I had a comment from a mod at r/canada about mine and was cited as part of reason for my ban there.

modding like kafka

Fuck the mods. I'll say it for you. This site is run by man-children and under developed prepubescent i.d.i.o.t.s.


Is there a conspiracy to make Trump look better among the mods of r/conspiracy?

"There is no brigading" "It's like Nazi Germany here" "Mods are alt right" Mass downvoting half of the users in this thread for having a different opinion or having a possible explenation

It's like the pot calling the swan black.

Roses are red. Mods abuse their powers.

Something something something, golden showers.

I was really disappointed in "the dark tower"?

This sub reddit is nothing but filth, I need a shower.

Nothing to see here, it's all rainbows and flowers.

this is (partly) why Reddit sucks

Here's how you can have a subreddit that's modded to your own biases:


I think this is how that North Korea guy runs his country as well

It doesn't take a genius to realize that reddit is compromised and has been for a couple years now.

why isn't this thread in fucking contest mode?

/did i win yet?

censorship on reddit has been in full swing for quite some time. ive been banned in several front page subreddits. most ridiculous was when i got banned for claiming that michelle obama was a man. i forgot what subreddit it was though

Turn to

Leave Reddit and don’t look back.

If it wasn't a racist shit hole maybe

Voat is pretty neutral. Seems like you’re the one who’s racist.

I got muted and banned from joining the conversation as well.

I noticed that too because yesterday in that post my comments were at +5 or +6 and now the scores are hidden.

Man it's hilarious when all the conspiracy theorists argue about a conspiracy theory going on in /r/conspiracy lol

The paranoia level is fairly common within conspiracy circles. When you start connecting the dots in such a way where everything about the government is out to get you, then sooner or later it snowballs to where everyone is out to get you. It's healthy to take a break and relax if possible once and a while.

Just because you're paranoid Doesn't mean they're not after you

They're the government. They're after everyone. --- Head of State (2004)

Top active mods need to be removed.


Hope you enjoy a sub filled with partisan shitposting and bootlicking

That is what it has become due to the Hivemind invasion. It was far less partisan before, but some of these conspiracies struck too close to home so the Establishment set the Hivemind, bugmen and shills in it. Axotyl is doing a wonderful job fighting against it.

How do you not see that he is pushing the establishments agenda?

I thought he was pushing Russian agenda? Which is it?

I’ve been banned from this sub and T_D and wolrdnews for questioning mods.

This site is dog shit.

man I will never forget the first time I came to the sub and saw a story at the top of the front page with a mod note that said something like "unsubstantiated". It seemed so out of place, because thats the idea of the conspiracy subreddit, unsubstantiated things that seemed fishy. Sure enough, it was one of the earliest stories about Trump and Russia. And still to this day, I havent seen those kind of mod notes on any stories other than ones about trump. Never Seth Rich, Uranium One, anything. Just trump

One of my posts got a "controversial" tag. First and last time I saw that.

True. This sub seems more of alternative news than “conspiracy”. I still like the sub, but could use more lizard people and aliens.

I think I can shed some light on this using data. Here is a tool that takes billions of comments on reddit and correlates subreddits with the same users. For instance, if you erase the nba and cleveland and just put conspiracy in the first field, you see what other subs share similar users. If you change the number of entries it shows, you will see that the_donald heavily correlates with this sub (so does uncensorednews, but that's another story). That easily explains the defense of Trump that you see so much of in this sub.

But here is where it gets interesting. If you leave conspiracy in the first field and change the next sign from plus to minus and then put the_donald in the next field, you get very interesting results. What that does is take the conspiracy users and subtract out users that also post on the_donald. Here is what you see:

1 collapse
2 environment 3 skeptic 4 Bad_Cop_No_Donut
5 Psychonaut
6 worldpolitics
7 Marijuana
8 C_S_T
9 TrueReddit
10 Foodforthought

That sounds more like conspiracy theorists, doesn't it?

I highly recommend anyone who is looking at the comments section here to see what the posting histories are for each top level comment and come to a conclusion on your own. The conspiracy rabbit hole goes deeper.

There is a legitimate conspiracy unfolding right here in /r/conspiracy. There's clearly hordes of users that come in and try to steer the conversation. They get pissed when the mods try to mod and create threads like this. I say we do contest mode in every post until they give up and go away.

This subreddit is a joke

No, the problem is bigger. Reddit as a whole is a joke compared to its former self. Compromised, corporate controlled, social engineering, echo-chamber psy-op. This sub (and politics) is just a perfect microcosm of that.

True, but this subreddit is still a joke.

Brigade a post and come here to cry about it.

I was banned from this sub for criticizing Trump and I have dozens of PMs from people who suffered the same fate. I was recently unbanned after several months for what was supposed to be a two-week ban.

It’s an open secret that you just can’t talk about political conspiracies here that reflect poorly on Trump. You get branded a shill and banned.

biggest conspiracy in modern history? way to show everyone that you dont know shit about conspiracy

What is the biggest conspiracy in modern history in your opinion?

debt slavery

I said modern political history.

Do like r/conspiracyundone and ban people tied to bots and trolls.

The problem with the mods is they are too worried about looking fair.

Rules for Radicals.

"Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have."

"Never go outside the expertise of your people."

"Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy."

"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."

"A good tactic is one your people enjoy."

"A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."

"Keep the pressure on,"

"The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."

"The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."

"If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside"

"The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."

"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

Nope, that doesn't help what they want to do which is the opposite of the majority..

This is a TMoR / SB post.

Power corrupts. Even tiny bits of it like being the moderator of a subreddit.

Yup. This sub has dropped to a low point and has become a trump dick sucking hobby horse. Sad to see but not surprising. Good job mods

/u/axolotl_peyotl makes this sub a complete joke imo.

Looking at the state of the sub, I would prefer every post put in contest mode.

Reddit was great before comments.

I agree. This would be an excellent move to combat the obvious brigading here.

If the any of this partisan news shit shouldn't even be here. Pro Trump, anti Trump. Who fucking cares. It's just partisan "conspiracies" made to drum up the base of left/right.

None of this shit belongs here, it's literally buzzfeed quality posts brought to you by NY times. What happened to evidence and actual connections? I'm not trying to defend Trump here, but the amount of "left" leaning topics and comments in these posts are disgusting. It's just as bad as when we get a bogus "Q-anon" pro Trump post.

I approve of the contest mode and think we need more of it in these partisan fuckhead threads.

The entire ban/mute list that axolotl peyotl did yesterday should be wiped out. He was raging and abused his mod powers.

Exactly! And all he does is bitches about TMOR every week. He needs to step down as a mod

Well I'm sure he did ban people who were brigading from TMOR and should be banned, but I'm also sure there were plenty of opportunities to ban them before when he was on a power trip.

Uh fuck top minds? They’re some of the most small minded, Dunning-Krueger idiots on the web.

I'm not defending them. I just stated it gets tiring hearing axolotl rant about them every week

Well, I don't think TMOR will get better if he's gone.

I have no dog in the fight I dgaf this wI'll be be my 1st and only comment on reddit unrelated The Silph Road/Pokémon go I'm just a nigga bored looking this whatever you lie to yourself (myself included playing a damn mobile game) about what this shit show is I do not know half wtf yall talking about in this here but from the outside looking in I must say you all sound like a bunch of bitches going on about what equates to bullshit defined as the world goes to hell in a hand basket at the very least let's agree that in your disagreement your all united in the fact this is in no way shape or form helping the world as it crumbles around us so cheers to pointless arguments while the rich get richer and the poor get poorer at the hands of the greatest weapon of mass destruction the world has or will ever know stupidity P.S. fml

a certain media group was banned from another large sub lately, the lives of the mods here are gonna suck balls for the forseeable future, they are gonna feel like they are driving up hill in a rwd truck in 6 inches of wet mud for a few months until this media group finds its way back into the sub they were banned from

There's a hang out of their duties.


it should be BLATENTLY obvious to any real conspiracy posters that we are witnessing the reaction to A_P's incredibly imformative post on vaccine safety and efficacy. These are paid corporate PR posters attempting a character assasination of someone who dared to touch the subject which you are not to mention. I hope the real users of this sub can all recognize this for what it is

Who is the primary person responsible for this sub?!? These mods need to be put down.

The mods here only care about pushing their narrative but then cry brigade because most people disagree with them.

Is it common practice to mute people for asking simple questions without even having the common courtesy to respond?

Seems rather odd to me but thanks for explaining. How do you identify brigades?

The number of upvotes and downvotes on comments and eyeballs.

Your ideas are intriguing to me and i wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

And for Trump he only needs one time to be right to be president

You’re sitting here shucking and jiving for the government and calling for people who don’t agree with you and Trump to be banned from the subreddit. It’s pathetic. My account’s five years old and I’ve been on this sub for years. Go back to the_donald. People here are sick of your authoritarian lies. I won’t be silenced by you and the rest of the jackboots.

My account is older than yours 😂

/r/conspiracy: "How many layers of irony are you on?"

"Idk, like, 6, or 7, my dude"

/r/conspiracy: "You are like a baby. Watch this"

Because in past comments they attack people and really don't discuss conspiracies. They are not asking in earnest, that's why.

Is there a way to mute anything Trump/Hillary/Russia related on this sub? It brings out the worst in everyone and goes no where, EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

Investigate IE hover over your account name.

And why would I want someone calling me a prick to come to other forums I go to, here and elsewhere?

A few weeks is a super duper long time!

When expressing righteous outrage over the muting of a member, it's best to use our most aged accounts, so people can understand the truly heinous nature of the crimes you're suddenly railing against.

Lol that's not what a "point" is. Jesus.

What he did was make an accusation. Learn what words mean

I too would like to hear about other conspiracy websites.

there's this thing called google. Go to the library to read a book about it.

Uhhh...what? His account is 6-years old, and your account is 2-years old.... 🤔

Uhhh...what? His account is 6-years old, and your account is 2-years old.... 🤔

Haha, I love it.

Which one was it?

*Former moderator. It's just my luck that I decided to highlight a former moderator. Very sorry about that.

said bacon gordon liddy

because like cathloicism's father, son and holy ghost, he's got five different moods with which he reads brietbart and infowars. because he isn't a sheep, you are.

oh yes the 7 year old account is a new account while your three year account is an old one. I guess my 8 year account is also a new account in your eyes.

Yep the only reasonable is shills and manipulation, not that a lot of people don't like what you have to say.

His account is 6 years old while your account is only 2 years old on comparison.

Just wanted you to know I read clear down through here and I agree with you Also the person you are debating is having a real hard time seeing the point you are making about how the mod team leans both ways.