You mean to tell me, a blatantly obvious anti-president shilled post hits the front page of /r/conspiracy, with 500 upvotes and over 800 comments, then after banning obvious shills, a "banned for asking why" post pops up? Its a fucking setup

0  2018-01-26 by [deleted]



Submission Statement: The thread that popped up earlier today about Trump in this subreddit was an orchestrated setup against one of the mods here at /r/conspiracy in an attempt to get them demoded.

kinda salty there eh?

I take this to mean that the mods here are good and they want their own in to start culling out all the dissidents till /conspiracy mirrors all the trash subs already out there.

/conspiracy mirrors all the trash subs already out there.

Like r/politics perhaps?

Which is funny because he is top mod. There is almost nothing that can change that. The situation a few months ago was extremely unique, and AP will not likely make similar mistakes.

All this drama is just stupid. AP ain't going anywhere, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Djezes, so because people have a different opinion then you/him, they should be banned?

I hope not!

The day people get banned for differing opinions is the day we should leave reddit and find a new site to browse

When did anti-president posts become a problem?

When they mirror cnn headlines.

CNN is constantly churning out articles. Limiting yourself to having only opinions that are counter to CNN seems like an absurd constraint.

It was an attempt to oust a mod. You can be anti-trump all you want.

I don't agree with that at all. The defense of the mods here is suspicious as well...

Right, we should only cite randomconservativefucktardDOTCOM on this sub.

links to CNN are banned because they used the full force of their company to black mail a guy for making a meme.

LOL why is his comment downvoted, it's exactly right.

I cant believe half the retards have got the new talking points yet. Fox has all ready reported it has true.

I think mods need to create a poll, because I think its fairly even ( Ds and Rs ) in this sub.

You left out all the independents, libertarians, anarchists, and the rest of us that are sick of the bullshit two party system.

I think it's hilarious you think this sub is half democrats half republicans.

You are correct. Hell im Canadian, im neither aswell.

For real. I would hope this sub would contain a high population of independents and outliers considering the seemingly popular opinion that America is being played by both sides.


There are literally dozens of us!

Libertarian meetings around where I am now are sparse sausagefests, kind of like a high school chess club. Terrific people - smart, principled, and dedicated. Not enough of them :(

Typical fucking libertarian can't use the metric system.

If you gathered all the users in one warehouse and provided booze, you'd get an amazingly diverse party, an all-out brawl, and/or a truly strange orgy.


First you'd have to get most of us to put aside the suspicion at getting invited to a random warehouse to get us to show up.

I assumed it would just be a mass kidnapping.

Nope. No real user here sides with those trolls and shills.

And good luck with this thread , OP. They're triggered and on a brigade rampage.

I'm a real user. We've talked before. I don't think it helps anyone to believe that most people that disagree with you arent real.

Then why do you care about contest mode? Tell me how it affects you.

It's fine if we want to put every thread here in contest mode. The problem is I think it's used when people don't like the top comments. So they want to shuffle it up so the most popular comments are hidden. And that's soley based on whether a couple people disagree politically with the top comments. That doesn't seem cool to me.

If the vote counts were organic, I would agree with you.

But if you've been here a long time, you'd know that they are most definitely not organic whatsoever.

If you're a real user here, you should be against vote manipulation even if the comments being artificially boosted are comments you agree with.

Let's be honest here. Depending on the post, people from politics might brigade and some people from the_donald might brigade. Some days the front page here has 3 identical posts with identical titles from the_donald. I just don't see those posts getting put in contest mode. So in my opinion, let's have every thread that way, or not do it. Because it's used as a tool when certain folks don't like the top comment.

Why the fuck must people suck off the president to be acceptable in this sub?

This question shows me you have completely missed the point. Finding think you could miss it more than you have. Congratulations.

They're triggered and on a brigade rampage.

Imagine being so pathetic, you have nothing better to do with your time then troll on reddit.

Imagine being so pathetic, you have nothing better to do then promote the piece of shit president.

Tell us how you really feel bb

That I can't fathom how people gurgle the balls of a 71 year old obesed man. The taste just has to be awful...Do you use like a jolly rancher or something to help with it?

Shhh is ok bb

Honestly though,why do you support someone like Trump? It makes no sense to me way he has the following he does

Who hurt you

The bootlickers here.

Because they're helping prop up the idea of merging conspiracy theorists with conservative politics and taking away the non partisan appeal. Sucking us into the paradigm and thinking trump is a "good guy" taking down the elites. It's all bs.

Sub is wall to wall shills right now. Nothing will be fun today.

Yeah, just got tagged in TUMOR and pretty sure the guy low key threatened me.

I can't be sure though because I don't speak dumbass. Is there a dumbass to English translator somewhere? Haha.

Meh, I just do what I want and when I get a mailbox full of shit I just hit mark all as read and go about my day lol. I feel bad for these shills that put so much work into their responses, I literally never read them. But I figure if I make a comment that makes them feel compelled to reply with a dissertation, I'm helping out the sub by tying them up licking windows.

Boy are you in a sad state in your life right now, where literally nothing can convince you to re-examine your preconceived notions. I hope you can get out of this phase, for your own sake!

It works

What works? Your ability to lock your view of the world up and remain forever close-minded?

Yea, if you are talking about the "how do we get a mod removed post" I agree. Especially the timing with politics shareblue death.

If you think it is about trump, you are very very wrong lmao. Consider all the "this is trying to make this sub look bad" posts.

Bottom line, the mods have a blatant pro trump conservative bias and it has no place in a sub like this.

Plus, he banned like 30 people in under an hour. That's not responsible modding.

But how can we believe what an 11 day old account thinks is best for this sub?

Yours is barely 60 days old. Account age means Dick here. Most of us have been lurking for years before we made accounts.

I’m not the one flying around telling people what’s best and what isn’t. I’m just laughing at you all.

Plus, he banned like 30 people in under an hour.

please explain to everyone how you know that. Your general use of "our" is very telling in your comments.

the mods have a blatant pro trump conservative bias and it has no place in a sub like this.

in a sub like this.

Go find a tall building, and dive off of it.

There's a mod log, friend. You can go and see all the bans.

There are PLENTY of anti Trump posts in this sub, If you forgot what biased is, go look at r/politics.

I would say its fine to be pro trump or anti hillary or whatever.

Its only when you start banning people....for no reason.....that has no place in any subreddit.

I got banned in one subreddit for saying prisoners should be required to work instead of getting free meals everyday

I got banned from another sub for answering this question: is there anything i should be expecting after i have my abortion? I said yeah each time you see a kid or baby you will probably think of that baby in your belly you killed.

In both cases i felt like those were reasonable responses and not a fair reason to be banned.

But if we keep banning everyone who has an opposite opinion from our own. ....the whole reddit hive mind will just get worse and worse until there are no dissenting opinions.

What color is the sky? Its blue! No its carolina blue. No its actually baby blue you are banned!

Sounds like you're unhappy with this sub. You should spend time in one you like better.

Nah, someone has to babysit this place

Maybe you can respond to your previous comments to me while you are "babysitting".

The usual suspects are here :)

Go to T D if you want a place that worships the president.


Are you implying that we should be worshiping the president here too?

Sounds like he's a little butthurt that we won't bow down to his demagogue so fake tear

Actually I don't like the president. But I said no because it looked like you were telling people what to do. You don't have any authority, so "no" seemed like the right thing to say.

Different guy bud.


Yes it's true, and obvious. But I think the reason it's obvious is that the predictable outrage over how obvious it is is part of the scheme. It doesn't work unless we're angry.

The idea is to stir up trouble, get everyone at each other's throats, divide everyone on every possible line. Turn up the heat until every post on any subject descends into namecalling and mudslinging, to the point where the sub becomes unusable. Then pop! out come the dramaposters with inboxes simply overfilling with horrid slurs and physical threats that nobody ever sees, and it's an emergency - admin intervention, out with the old, in with the new. Finally, a place to catch up on all those NFL conspiracies while I eat my Taco Bell and watch the latest Marvel show on Netflix.

The way to prevent this, is to be chill. The pop! doesn't work unless there's enough hostility already present to make it plausible. That doesn't mean ignore them, or accept what's happening, or change anything about what you think or talk about. Just that if we all keep it chill - see the funny side, see the tragic side, feel for the human behind the keyboard regardless of who owns that keyboard - we'll eventually win. Like, easily. It'll be hilarious.

Go to t_d if you want cock worship trump. This isn't the sub for it.

And go to /r/politics if you want to spam your Democrat talking points.

Oh wait, even they're fed up with you.

Absolutely right OP. This has happened before and a mod was kicked for it. I guess they're trying it again.

Shills really fucking hate contest mode. Why? Because they come here to to push their chosen narrative and suppress counter-narratives. Contest mode simply reorders top level comments randomly instead of by votes, and hides vote count on comments. No opinions are censored, and there are no additional barriers to participation. It just makes brigading ineffective because brigades can no longer control the discussion with targeted voting.

When the mods had that sticky about submission statements, I suggested that they put everything in contest mode by default. It won't stop all shilling, nothing will, but it will deprive shills of their most useful tactic: Vote brigading comments.

Check this out. I didn't create this graph, I found it in one of the many posts complaining about T_D users brigading, but it actually shows the opposite. In the plot of T_D vs non-T_D, you will see that future T_D users were here, getting upvoted, before Trump ever decided to run for President, and before T_D was even created. You will also see that T_D users were not in here downvoting everyone. There is no divergence. T_D users scores spike, and non-T_D users also spike. There's a big increase in activity prior to the election around when wikileaks was dropping emails and PG was hot, but the voting behavior stays the same. That changes after the election. T_D users scores drop significantly while non-T_D user scores rise. This is evidence of significant vote brigading. The index line makes it even more obvious. After the election there is a massive drop in average comment scores. Non-stop brigading in the comments. It is blatantly obvious in any political thread. Just look at the thread OP is talking about. Anything not pushing the correct narrative is downvoted below the threshold.

Me watching r/conspiracy crash and burn as it becomes a r vs d sub

I do agree this sub is becoming just another political forum, I disagree that it is a R vs D battle. The R’s and D’s worked together to intentionally destroy this country for their own gain. They are the same team, always have been.

Let's be honest here. Depending on the post, people from politics might brigade and some people from the_donald might brigade. Some days the front page here has 3 identical posts with identical titles from the_donald. I just don't see those posts getting put in contest mode. So in my opinion, let's have every thread that way, or not do it. Because it's used as a tool when certain folks don't like the top comment.

Are you implying that we should be worshiping the president here too?