Does anyone think it is odd that the Shareblue shilling on r/politics isn't in the MSM? 3,700,000 citizens were manipulated.

97  2018-01-27 by RecoveringGrace


Maybe they'll cover it tomorrow. It's this today

"What Trump’s Reddit Supporters Are Discussing After Reports He Tried to Fire Robert Mueller" -

"Fake Celebrity Porn Has Become A Thing Thanks To AI And Reddit" -

Dunno, TIB. Neither looks even close to the story that 3 million social media subscribers have been manipulated by a paid effort with an agenda.

I agree. I would reckon a conservative site will have to pick this one up soon though.

Any news source should see this as a story, politics be damned.

We'll see. Hopefully it's not more lying by omission.

I posted it earlier. Just skimmed it though.

About the celebrity porn thing, I seem to remember a feature from a decade ago called Nailin’ Palin.

Having political groups trying to infiltrate online communities isn't anything new. A foreign government doing it to influence elections in other countries is newsworthy.

A foreign government doing it to influence elections in other countries is newsworthy.

lol, no it's not. Are you young or something? Look into what the CIA has been doing since it's inception. It's common fuckin' knowledge...

Apparently it is news when it is something like "ReleaSETHememo". The AP sent that out at 4 am, blaming Russians, iirc. Here, we have nearly 4 million Americans being manipulated by a political corporation. Shouldn't that be news?

You're right, we should hear about it much more often, just so that we can finally get a feeling for relations again.

You can't really believe that a few FB ads or millions of Twitter posts are comparable to this one.

United States involvement in regime change

Murder has been occurring for thousands of years. It's still newsworthy and reported.

Foreign governements influencing elections in other countries has been going on for a long time. Newsworthy, reported.

Shareblue deceiving millions of people on one of the largest trafficked sites in the U.S....nah.

Do you really think that 3.7 million ADULT Americans are on Reddit?

Likely. Most adults that I know are done with FB, Twitter, etc. Many are on Reddit.

I would guess that half of American Redditors are under 18.

I have read that the most common demographic is 23 yo males, but that was before the last campaign cycle.

Brb- going to check. Google has already (this week,) admitted it is wrong on facts most of the time, but let's see what they have to say..

58% Of Reddit Users Are Between The Ages Of 18-29. People between the ages of 30-49 account for 33%

Can I shout out as a 48 yo female???

Honestly, I think that Reddit has worked those stats to try to show that Reddit is anemic and lame. The best mole move ever.

David Brock's shills are lying and abusive, they do great damage to the mental health of the population, they should be charged criminally for this.

Please document when you see anyone, regardless of political ilk, abusing anyone.

It's ridiculous your comment here is downvoted. Like how could this be a bad thing in any way unless you have stake in the abusers?

they do great damage to the mental health of the population, they should be charged criminally

If you wanted to convict someone of causing damage to mental health, you would need specifics: names of the people doing the harming, names of the people who were harmed, and the words that caused the harm.

You don't have any of that. What you have is a conspiracy theory with no facts to support it. That's good enough for a fantasy, but not good enough for a conviction in a court of law.

Which is why threads like this exist. To remind us of what's going on so we investigate it more.

You don't have any of that

Don't be so sure.

Here's one employee of

Verify HERE. Look at Submissions by type and domain, activity timeline, and activity by time of day.

He treats posting to reddit like a full time job. Largest contributor of posts?, over 250 posts from there as of 1/25/18.

Good find. Apparently he's a gun grabber, too.

He's by far the craziest one of those I've come across. That's how I originally got involved figuring out who he was. He constantly spams a sub I like adding "-because guns" after any story about someone getting shot. This has been going on for well over a year.

Proof that world news was also bought.

Reddit doesn't have a great reputation in the MSM. When all people see are jailbait and deepfakes, we kind of look like perverts.

Do you know why they are purposely kept at a distance from the MSM. Because they lack control of the narrative. That is why CTR aka ShareBlue existed. Their original intent was flooding social media with MSM opinions to drive traffic and clicks before bot farms. They have been somewhat coordinated with MSM through MediaMatters and political non profits. They are on the same team just different roles.

I wouldnt hold your breathe; I dont even consider this news. Shareblue was pretty open about their intentions/purpose. Someone or some group just stopped wearing their name tag. I’m not sure I even buy that.

Back in the old days before you kids pissed all over my safe space, we would be discussing why they were banned. -grumpy old man

You think that a subreddit of 3,700,00 "citizens" (still juiced from when it was a default, and many not citizens of the US) removing a source from their whitelist for a rule violation is newsworthy?

Or do you mean using their undeclared alt account to post articles is newsworthy? With zero evidence of actual vote manipulation, mind you.

Come on now, this is the most trivial internet drama possible, and demanding MSM coverage of it is hilariously overestimating the importance of Reddit. I imagine you won't see anything on CNN, Fox, or the big 3 about this for the same reason you didn't really see anything about the_donald vote botting to the point of requiring site wide changes, or the whole fatpeoplehate or Pao drama. Because it doesn't actually matter.

I want to know what public funding they have had.

"They" being who in this case?

Share blue. Is the they. And guys asking how they were funded for harassing people online. I will take it further and ask how much public money has/is going twords harassing and undermining free speech online.

harassing? Where did that happen? Opinions you disagree with aren't harassment.

Oh, the irony...

Crazy Trumpster. /r/conspiracy loves Shareblue, CTR, MediaMatters and pedophile creep David Brock now.

I guess you didnt get the memo!

And clearly they do not want you knowing anymore than you already know by the looks of this thread.

Do you ask the same about Breitbart?

Is there a story about Breitbart that I missed?

Shareblue is often called the Breitbart of the left, so I'm wondering if you've looked into public funding that right-wing media organizations have, or if you're just concerned about left-wing media funding?

Have they been caught red handed running a shill game and subsequently gotten themselves banned from r/politics?

What does that have to do with their funding? Do you ask about the funding of all non-whitelisted domains on the politics sub, or just the left-leaning ones?

I'm asking it of the one caught shilling without disclosing their affiliation. When we catch another one and it doesn't make the news, I'll make a post about it.

I have absolutely no idea why anybody would expect reddit drama to be in the news.

Just so you know, It's a good question, slate reported when r/politics banned motherjones:

That's cool, but not MSM..

I agree, but I didn't see anyone reporting it, not even right wing blogs who you would think would hop on a story like this.

Are you seriojsly that self-centered that you think that all reddit users are us citizens?

He didnt say us

Lol, what? Did I say anything about nationality?

What did you mean with "citizens" then?


Denizen of what?

The planet.

Why would you expect the msm to report on such a trivial thing?

How is that trivial? It is paid manipulation of nearly 4 million people.

What on earth makes you think that all subscribers have read those articles?

You don't think that out of every story they pushed, they didn't reach the subscribers of the sub?

No, I do not think that every subscriber of that subreddit was reached by shareblue.

Do you have any evidence that this was the case?

How many subscribers do you think saw a Shareblue story on r/politics?

Certainly not 3.7 million.

Nice attempt to spin. Noticed you had massive upvotes soon after.

What are you trying to say?

That OP never said US citizens. You make an incorrect and negative statement and instantly get 12 upvotes. Like your incorrect opinion is popular and the 11 others who upvoted (instantly) and coincidentally misread OP's message as well?

As far as the media is concerned, Reddit is a website where people either post cat pictures or jail bait. The later being the only thing that grabs their attention. Anyway, it's not like the users of r/politics had a problem with Shareblue's content being posted. It routinely made their front page daily with comments ranging from excited agreement to literally shaking with agreement.

Also, who's "citizens" are you talking about?

Indeed that sub totally lapped that shareblue content up and asked for seconds. The problem was externally it makes it look hopelessly biased, which is basically common knowledge.

There are a lot of people there that have and do speak out about the total astroturfing by SB. But they get drowned out and muted by all the downvotes and shills.

It makes sense too. The shareblue agenda is really not aligned with reddit views. Reddit is generally very progressive wrt to political views. Before the mass astroturfing Bernie Sanders was by far the most popular candidate on there and his views massively supported. Shareblue HATES Sanders and anything that is non-centrist which completely is at odds with the progressive agenda. It's hard to notice it but you have to sort by controversial because it's all massively downvoted as shills parrot the talking points of the day.

I think most people just gave up and moved on to other subs and sites tired of the peopaganda. It really is an evil thing these shilltanks have done, trying to gaslight millions of people and astroturfing corporate politics where people are trying to sincerely converse about their viewa. To me it is really damaging

Does MSM ever even comment on anything to do with obscure online media? Shareblue is a news aggregator, it's not even that notable.

You think Reddit is "obscure"?? My OP is asking about a single subreddit that has 3.7 million subscribers. How is that "obscure"??

The media seems to only be concerned with shilling done by Russians.

This is the answer. They literally accuse the other side of doing what they do. Russian collusion and Bots are simply democratic collusion and shareblue bots. It really is that simple. Look at the first comment thread on this post. Shareblue remnants are here to defend their "honor".

Odd? Yes. Expected though. Remember this integrated Nazi-like propaganda scheme also wants us to think ShareBlue's far left agenda is centrist. Most people with a brain see through their shit and MSM is aware so they are keeping it on the low.

Most leaders of media outlets and guys like David Brock are big buddies.

Share blue. Is the they. And guys asking how they were funded for harassing people online. I will take it further and ask how much public money has/is going twords harassing and undermining free speech online.


The planet.