Lets Talk fluoride.

41  2018-01-27 by Catsarenotreptilians

"It has also been concluded by several research groups that fluoride has the ability to interfere with the functions of the brain and pineal gland. Pineal gland is a major site of fluoride accumulation within the body, with higher concentrations of fluoride than either teeth or bone. Fluoride exposure has also been linked to bladder cancer-particularly among workers exposed to excess fluoride in the workplace. Thyroid activity is also known to be influenced by fluoride. Keeping the view of toxic effects of fluoride on human health, there is an urgent need to find out an effective and robust technology and also efficient materials for the removal of excess fluoride from drinking water [2]."

From Here (is a pdf)

NOW THIS BIG STUDY: https://www.karger.com/Article/Abstract/47443


The purpose was to discover whether fluoride (F) accumulates in the aged human pineal gland. The aims were to determine (a) F–concentrations of the pineal gland (wet), corresponding muscle (wet) and bone (ash); (b) calcium–concentration of the pineal. Pineal, muscle and bone were dissected from 11 aged cadavers and assayed for F using the HMDS–facilitated diffusion, F–ion–specific electrode method. Pineal calcium was determined using atomic absorption spectroscopy. Pineal and muscle contained 297±257 and 0.5±0.4 mg F/kg wet weight, respectively; bone contained 2,037±1,095 mg F/kg ash weight. The pineal contained 16,000±11,070 mg Ca/kg wet weight. There was a positive correlation between pineal F and pineal Ca (r = 0.73, p<0.02) but no correlation between pineal F and bone F. By old age, the pineal gland has readily accumulated F and its F/Ca ratio is higher than bone."

I think the pineal gland is used for astral projection which allows you to literally ascend upon death, if you die without learning to astral, it seems like you are reincarnated, and have a possibility of remember past lives, but nothing about astral projection, all those people seem to go elsewhere upon death (my personal opinion)

Fluoridation is one of the most rigorous and proven harmful things that we know of that is being purposely put into our water supply that is being massively ignored.

Whats your opinion?


Neurotoxin. Population control.

Fluoride at recommend doses is good for your teeth. The problem is not its chemical effects but the ethics of mass medication.

Drinking rat poison is good for your teeth? How does that work.

Every chemical becomes a poison at tge right dose. Fluoride mineralises teeth, the chemistry is well-known. It is all about dosage.

The problem is that medication should be a choice. The stories about fluoride as a poison detract from the ethical issue as they can easily be denied.

Fluoride works topically. If it was effective at 1ppm they wouldn't bother making toothpaste with 1000 times the concentration. Systemically it is a well known poison that also interferes with normal development of teeth destroying enamel formation.

We're not even getting fluoride, companies are selling their toxic radioactive chemicals to cities so they don't have to pay disposal fees for disposing of radioactive waste.

Kind of. It is fluoride, but it is also unpurified industrial waste, that is frequently contaminated with toxic heavy metals and sometimes radioactive isotopes. But the 'logic' is these contaminants are diluted down to 'safe' levels.

Did you know the water you drink contains flammable Hydrogen and a Powerful Oxidizer?

omg not dihydrogen monoxide?

The very same!

Just wondering, how is it good for your teeth if it goes past your teeth in a fraction of a second? And how much ppm of fluoride is there in water to actually help teeth, considering it's swallowed immediately?

The World Health Organization recommends 1 ppm, about 5% of this mixes with your saliva. Toothpaste contains up to 1000 ppm and many foods have naturally occurring fluoride.

It is deadly at about 50 ppm per kg of bodyweight.

Not true.

No true recommended dose is known due to not knowing the full long terms effects of high fluoride consumption.

Secondly, your supposed to let the tooshpaste sit on your teeth for roughly 1-2 minutes after you brush to let fluoride ions to accumulate on the teeth.

Repeat after me: “fluoride is good for your teeth”. Good. Now say it again. And again. And again. And again. And again. Great job. You are smarter than the others. Have a jolly rancher. Anytime you hear anything different, be sure to correct the people. You are smarter than them. You are more special. You are morally obligated to inform them of this universal truth. Humans need fluoride. It’s for their health. Without fluoride humans can not survive. You must tell them. Yes. Their teeth are at stake. You must save the people’s teeth. You are a hero. You deserve praise. The time for questions is over. Humans urgently need fluoride. Make sure everyone gets their daily fluoride. You care about the people don’t you? Yes of course you do. You are smart and special. Repeat after me: “fluoride is good for your teeth”. Keep saying it until everyone knows. You are helping teeth. Fluoride is health. Consume fluoride. Good job. Gold star. You passed the test. You are one of the smart ones. It is your duty to help others consume fluoride. It’s for their teeth. They need you to help protect their teeth. Fluoride is good for your teeth. Please take your daily dose of fluoride. For your teeth. Please help us spread fluoride. Please help us get fluoride into everybody’s water supply. You are our only hope. You must help the ignorant people who don’t understand fluoride. You must help them see. Fluoride is essential. Fluoride is life. Thank you for helping us spread fluoride. You deserve a reward for your hard work. If only more people were smart like you, the world would be a better place. Please remember to consume your daily fluoride. Take care of your health. Remember to rub it on your teeth and gums. Remember to do it every day. At least twice a day. Drink 8 glasses of fluoridated tap water daily. Avoid distilled water. It depletes your body’s store of important things like fluoride. Please help us spread the message of fluoride. It helps your teeth. Teeth are important. Help us. Now you can prove to everyone how smart you are at the same time you get them to drink their daily fluoride. Everyone will know you are smart and reliable. You will be the one everyone loves. You will never be lonely again. People will know you are the one who helped them consume fluoride. Some people will argue with you. You must avoid those people at all costs. Never give in to them. You are stronger than that. They are a danger. They didn’t pass the test like you did. They are not smart like you are.

Repeat after me: “fluoride is good for your teeth”. Good. Now say it again. And again. And again. And again. And again.

A+ write up

Avoid distilled water. It depletes your body’s store of important things like fluoride.


Lol where is that even from?

Thanks for your insightful comments about my intelligence and psyche.

The issue is not the efficacy of fluoride. There is no debate about this because the science is solid. The people who argue against the health benefits do not understand the science.

Discussing fluoride as a poison detracts from the ethical issues of mass medication. The Netherlands does not dose fluoride in water not because it is bad for you but because they believe that medication cannot be forced.

The key to the problem is that water fluoridation is beneficial but not necessary. There are many other sources of fluoride and better ways to prevent decay.

Yes. Repeat these words: “Prevent decay with fluoride. Prevent decay with fluoride. Prevent decay with fluoride.” You totally get it. Thanks to you, more people will be able to prevent their decay. You must help the humans who believe medication cannot be forced. Help them discover the many other sources of fluoride. They are counting on you. They don’t have the same intelligence and psyche as you. Only you have access to such rarity. Your intelligence and psyche are superior to many others. It is thus your obligation as an intellectual to spread the message. Fluoride is important. Fluoride prevents decay. This isn’t just propaganda from a toothpaste commercial. This is what separates healthy humans decaying ones. There are two types of people in this world: the ones with optimal fluoride and the ones with decay. Fluoride isn’t a neurotoxic poison. That is an unintelligent argument you must resist at all costs. Remember your mantra: “Prevent decay with fluoride. Prevent decay with fluoride. Prevent decay with fluoride. Prevent decay with fluoride.” May your intelligence and psyche save us from decay.

You are not responding but ranting and missing my point.

I lack your intelligence and psyche. Please understand.

It's you who is missing the point.

There is no credible evidence that taking fluoride in water has ever prevented a single dental cavity. The forced-fluoridation fanatics often try to claim that the low rates of dental caries in western European countries which do not have artificially fluoridated public water supplies are due to naturally occurring fluoride in water, or some other kind of artificial fluoridation such as salt fluoridation. They are lying. They also rely on studies which do not measure individual fluoride exposure, are not randomised, are not blinded, are not clinical trials, do not properly account for confounding factors, are highly prone to systematic error, and are typically funded by corporations such as Colgate-Palmolive. https://forcedfluoridationfreedomfighters.com/scotland-and-the-netherlands-inconvenient-examples/

Fluoride is highly toxic and a cumulative poison, like lead, arsenic, and mercury. I have asked many forced-fluoridation fanatics to tell me how much accumulated fluoride in the body they think is safe. So far not a single one of them has been able to answer the question. It is unlikely to just be a coincidence that the US, Australia, and Ireland, which have had high rates of forced-fluoridation for decades, also have high rates of joint problems, and poor health outcomes in general. https://forcedfluoridationfreedomfighters.com/a-preliminary-investigation-into-fluoride-accumulati

Just because two things happen together does not imply causality. Australia also has an obesity problem which can explain those symptoms.

The toxicity of fluoride is well known. About 50 mg per kg body weight is lethal.

You don't need to tell me about the difference between correlation and causation, genius. Referring to the obesity problem just begs the question as to what causes the obesity problem, which has also been linked to fluoride exposure. What you don't seem to understand is that if something results in a toxic effect in a large proportion of the population, it is virtually inevitable there will be other toxic effects. You also appear to have no understanding of the difference between acute toxicity and chronic toxicity. The fact is you can't cite a single moderate quality original research study which indicates that taking fluoride in water is anything but harmful and useless, let alone a good quality study. You are just blowing hot air.

You would think crest would dislike this but it's really the city and state water department who wouldn't like it. Also in Certain states it's illegal to collect rain water 😐

Yeah but that has more to do with irrigation and water rights for those down stream...

Also we aren’t talking about mom and pop with a rain barrel, we’re talking about large farms that have large retaining pond...

black tea is full of f. grapes are full of f as are many artesian springs. these are the preferable sources. there is no reason to use even fluoridated toothpaste let alone tap water where the source of f is industrial toxic waste..


Its true that it comes from waste, but that doesn't matter when it's chemically 100% fluoride.

except its not. they add the waste directly to the water supply. they dont refine it or anything. that would be too expensive.
the goal here is not to improve your dental health. the goal is to get rid of as much of toxic waste as possible, because proper disposal would cut into their profits.

Not true. Synthetic flouride is terrible for you. Natural flouride found in springs and fresh grown food is what we should have in our toothpaste, not the industrial imitation byproduct that is poisonous and responsible for many side affects

Do you think natural flouride still has some toxic effects on the pineal gland/body? Like calcifying it? Synthetic is definitely out the window though, sodium fluoride in toothpaste is garbage. But I wonder about calcium fluoride in organic stuff.

That's a good question actually and I'm not too sure myself. Definitely something to look into but I almost wonder if it wouldn't

I've switched to fluoride free toothpaste but what about green tea?? Apparently it has some natural fluoride but does this particular type affect the pineal gland negatively? Will it calcify it or whatever? "Natural" fluoride vs synthetic (sodium fluoride I assume is one of the bad ones).

Tried looking into it but haven't found anything conclusive yet. Does anyone astral project (or other pineal gland related activities) and drink green tea too? Does it interfere with your ability? Is it like an on/off switch or a gradual degradation of ability/pineal gland health?

well it might calcify it a little bit, but at least you are not poisoning your whole body with industrial waste. this is not only about pineal gland - we must have a holistic approach. and the pineal gland can be detoxed, i prefer the hard cider/acv method because thats what i have. each year, 30-40 gallons over a few months. the acids are supposed to dissolve and flush out the crystals. to me melatonin and good circadian rhythm is important.

as for astral projection - i dont believe in it, but - /user/TheKinkyNerd2point0 does, maybe he can help you

Thanks, will look into the apple cider vinegar thing.

The fluoride in grapes which have high fluoride content is mostly from fluoride-based pesticide. The idea the naturally occurring fluoride is more or less harmless is a myth anyway. There are millions of people suffering from skeletal fluorosis and other serious adverse health effects from naturally occurring fluoride.

If you die you just go to the next place no matter whats going on with your pineal gland. You're not a fucking projector you don't need the bulb in your head to be able to shoot info onwards or you're doomed... Not only that, you've implied a non-material universe and existence that is somehow dependent on a material thing to function. It makes no sense.

Trust me on this breh: your eyes are more important to the functioning of anything supernatural than the pineal gland. Though, still not good for your awareness to have it working improperly.

Your vision actually works from the inside out, so whatever you see is just how the brain interprets various signals of the physical world. It reflects the signal and gives out an image just like a projector. Quite a good more thorough explanation is given here: https://www.ted.com/talks/anil_seth_how_your_brain_hallucinates_your_conscious_reality/transcript

If its believed that consciousness lives in the pineal gland, then calcification of it will mean you have a much harder time connecting to your consciousness. Leaving you detached from your consciousness allows for easier manipulation of your physical state, as you end up focusing on it more.

Consciousness exists in a separate dimension that experiences the world.

You speak of the afterlife as if you've experienced it?

Plenty of people have experienced it, NDEs, dreams, astral projection, clairvoyance and channeling.

You can include me in that group, but I would never claim to know what happens in the afterlife.

I never implied or claimed I did. I just claimed I know how this world functions with the non material. Pineal gland has nothing to do with your soul.

I just claimed I know how this world functions with the non material.

Would you mind expanding on that? I'm genuinely interested. Do you "travel the astral"? If so, would you mind sharing any of your experiences?

Interesting how the pineal gland is often is associated with the soul though, isn't it? René Descartes called the pineal the "seat of the soul". (not that I agree with Descartes on everything)

Any thoughts on how the pineal supposedly produces dmt or the piezoelectric qualities of the gland?

Although you say it has nothing to do with your soul, do you think there is any other spiritual or metaphysical (or other widely unknown) aspect of the pineal gland?

Astral projection is fake as fuckkk

yes! so much bs - chanelling, summoning, automatic writing, portals, aliens, reptilians, the list is endless.

Flat earf, hollow earf, expandinf earf. The quality here has gone to shit

but wait, there is more! nibiru, crop circles, ley lines, interdimensional beings, ufos

Username checks out btw

You don't deserve your user name.

Literally all of that, save for maybe reptillians depending on your definition, is quite real. I'm going to guess you've never tried any of this or had any kind of supernatural encounter.

but you did

Of course I did, that's how I know it's real.

what did you do?

I practice both astral projection and auric sight and have had numerous supernatural encounters in the physical.

you are sure you are not imagining all this

I'm 100% positive I'm not imagining it. Hallucinations don't rip the covers off your bed in the dead of night, toss things around your room, or cause every single one of your battery powered toys to go off at once and keep them going off despite the removal of said batteries. Auric vision has a scientific explanation found in magneto-sensitive proteins called cryptochrome that are found in our eyes that are same used by birds and insects to view magnetic fields for navigation. Astral projection has not been extensively studied but there are many reports of medical trauma induced OBE's leading to people being able to repeat conversations their body wasn't even in the room for.

what motivates you to be involved in this?

and.. you still have toys?

The pursuit of truth.

No I don't, that instance was from when I was a child.

i wish you succeed, take care

You as well.

Auric vision? Mind letting us know how to achieved it? I can sometimes see splashes (lava lamp-like) colors in the dark which I had assumed was melatonin or DMT or something released by the pineal gland.

Is it in any way related to the cryptochrome think you mentioned? Trying to figure out what it means and wondered why I find it difficult to get to sleep at a reasonable hour lol. I don't remember seeing these before I ditched fluoride toothpaste.

It's pretty simple, just look at an outlining area of the body and slightly lose focus. Essentially you're trying to "look at the air" around a person and not behind, in front, or directly at them. You'll eventually begin to see a brighter outline around the body that's about an inch thick that follows bodily movement. With practice you will begin to see black and white sparks and jagged lines, then eventually color. You will be viewing the bioelectromagnetic field that our bodies and nervous system gives off, that's where the cryptochrome comes in.

I spent about 5-10mins trying this with my hand and got green and mostly blue colors around my hand. But when I lose focus, the colors go instantly.

Sounds like you have a knack for this, it took me a long time to start seeing color and to this day it still takes a lot of concentration.

It's impossible for me to say without actually viewing your aura but a pure green color tends to express someone who is comfortable being around others and blue often denotes a calm, rational intelligence.

Interesting! Thanks for that man. I did wonder why there were two colors. Perhaps if I practice more regularly, I might be able to see other peoples' auras like you can.

I don't doubt it, sounds like you'll be viewing other's auras in about a week if you practice everyday. Use your new found ability wisely though, you'll be able to know things about people before they say anything so it can be very off putting and even insulting to some.

Ah alright, I'll keep that in mind, thanks! BTW, what about astral projection? Definitely going to stop trying at night (lol) but in the day. If you have any good instructions, let me know.

you need a breakthrough DMT experience

I've had several, AP is still BS

You have had several DMT breakthrough experiences and still use that kind of language? You must be impervious to enlightenment somehow.

Because I don't go along with every new age woo-word?

Fluoride is an industrial waste product made in the aluminum manufacturing process. ALCOA used to have to pay for the removal of the waste. They came up with the idea of selling it as a product that is good for teeth. So basically it was a business move to sell the industrial waste product to water supply companies instead of paying to have the poison removed from their plants.

Fluoride or not, if you are ignorant of fundamental truths it doesn't really matter. We need a culture of knowledge more than clean water...

Death by a thousand paper cuts

Yeah but we are not the body so this shouldn't be our main issue.

Our main issue is transcending fear of death (or Any type of fear due to fear and aversion)

The odds are certainly against achieving this understanding.

Death by a thousand cuts also creates a small barrier with each cut.

Each fact that is conditioned into us increases the distance to understanding.

This is false.

You are the only thing increasing the distance.

You are here because of your choices.

There is fluoride in the water in your experience because of your choices.

This is an experience, not an accident.

The things that happen to us are due to something far in the past. It's not that everything needs to be perfect, THEN you seek truth.

You seek truth now and it will slowly become more favorable. Otherwise expect it to get worse.

Best thing is to cultivate knowledge and stop worrying about fluoride. When you do this, you will eventually be in a body where people aren't fucking you over...because you have proved you aren't just a fuck trying to fuck others over.

Why would you be granted a birth suitable for enlightenment if you haven't showed any endeavor yet? First desire then deserve.

The importance of human rights is a fundamental truth, and forced-fluoridation is an abuse of human rights.

Please don't assume I'm against human rights. I'm not. I'm just trying to point out a more essential truth.

If it's importance was fundamental, it would always be true. Human rights is a peripheral truth (still a truth). All beings should have the rights to avoid unnecessary suffering, but it comes in due course regardless. Why? Karma (unless you are somehow under the belief this whole universe is random)

Obviously it's important but it's relative to the time and place.

More fundamental than rights is knowledge of the self. Even when the body is oppressed, the self is unaffected. Only due to false identification with the body does the self become disturbed.

You are really just making excuses for avoiding political action.

And you are making excuses not to transcend duality.

I am a water and wastewater operator. Fluoridation is done in many large and mid sized cities. We are told it has to do with the dental health of children.

Fluoridation is expensive and far more toxic than chlorination. If fluoride is handled incorrectly it will kill you.

Flouride like nitrate (found in commercial meats) damages the potassium iodine sypmporter. Because of this recycling of of I2 from the thyroid because much harder and can result in cellular death. Also, more regarding nitrate, damaged sympoters (but possible flouride given the time for research) studied in low income communities in the inner city of Harlem exposed to nitrate shorten the height of children by 2-3in

I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids. 

Are you LARPing?

Dr Strangelove

Astral Projection is bullshit. (my personal opinion)

Astral projection is bullshit. Reincarnation is when you have child(ren).


Subversion is real - "omg see what those tinfoil hat guys said? Bunch of right wing racists durrr"

What was racist about it?

I prefer fluoride-free toothpaste because it isn’t as drying. I wish water filtration companies like Pur, Brita would start filtering out fluoride.

Thanks for the info, OP. I've been posting about calcified pineal glands lately as well.

One thing I found interesting and have yet to dive into is what this study concluded: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1419179/

Individuals with calcified pineal glands have a notably worse sense of direction, magnetoreception if you will. Immediately reminds me of ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and ley lines and what not. Incomplete thoughts, I know, but I thought it was interesting and intend to do more research on that.

That fascinating.

I don't know about the astral projection angle as I've been able to do that just fine having been exposed to large amounts of it during childhood (I have fluorosis on my teeth), even if with more difficulty than others. I think it has more to do with inhibiting the secretion of endogenous NN-DMT, this is the neurotransmitter responsible for viewing the world with a spiritual lens and leads to a reduction of egotistical and self centered attitudes. It keep us divided and fighting among ourselves for petty reasons, keeps us controlled. Could also be an attempt to hinder our spiritual evolution as there seems to be many who are waking up despite the intentional poisoning of our minds.

Do you have any advice on how to see with "spiritual lenses"? Is this in any way related to child like perception and curiosity? I've had virtually no spiritual experiences and wonder what I'm doing wrong because I'd like to entertain such ideas without judging them prematurely but testing them for myself. I have not been able to astral project.

If you can't do it by yourself, which is nothing to be ashamed of in a world rampant with materialism, I recommend taking psilocybin mushrooms, LSD, or NN-DMT. These are medicines and tools that facilitate spiritual learning and psychological healing.

Astral projection is difficult in its simplicity, so no surprise there. It took me a lot of time and practice before I had my first experience and that was more or less by accident. I suggest not trying before bed but waking yourself up early in the morning when you're body is still mostly asleep.

Add these handy sources of Fluoride: Nine out of ten anti-depressants, waxy paper that contains butter, French fries, wrapped around an In and Out burger, immunizations, dentists, toothpaste, permitted in "organic" vegetable pesticides, CFC's, teflon pans, bone meal, in wine from cryolite sprayed on grapes, in tea, added to some mineral supplements.

One of my parents cleaned teeth for a living. They said after the introduction of fluoride the amount of cavities they saw greatly decreased. Then they saw more white spots start to appear on theeth which is too much fluoride. Therefore we do not need near as much as they currently put in the water and in our tooth paste. Let's not forget how it got in our water in the first place large industries not knowing how to get rid of a by product called fluoride as it could not be legally dumped.

The issue is that they really shouldn't be putting flouride in tap water, that is swallowed.

Tooth paste used properly should not be swallowed, at all, you are supposed to brush your teeth as normal, however long you want that to be, then your supposed to let the toothpaste sit for 1-2 minutes on your teeth to let the fluoride actually be absorbed/or whatever by the teeth. After that you are supposed to rinse your mouth out REALLY well to make sure there is none leftover.

Secondly, the amount of toothpaste people use is RIDICULOUS, pea size drop for an adult is absolutely fine, and you shouldn't be coating the inside of your mouth with tooth paste like its mouth wash AT ALL, when you brush your teeth, it should be on your teeth and gums, if its bubbling too much, or if you have too much water in your mouth, its likely your putting too much toothpaste/water into your mouth.

Toothpaste with its fluoride should not chill in the mouth, its something for teeth, a lot of people like to swish toothpaste in their mouths like its fucking mouthwash and its like "NOOOOOOOOO".

Fluoridated tooth paste is fine, people just have ABSOLUTELY no idea have no actually brush their god damn teeth properly with it.

Secondly, the addition of fluoride in the water supply is a double hit, your not really absorbing it into your teeth appropriately, most of the build up is probably due to simple heavy fluoridation, but the bigger problem is your swallowing a massive amount of fluoride through simply drinking water. Its dangerous.

Now with people who brush their teeth properly, this is just as dangerous, and is MORE likely to lead to white spots caused by heavy fluoridation.

People who do NOT brush their teeth are likely to have less problems with their teeth, but still no matter if your doing it right or wrong, swallowing that amount of fluoride is not healthy in any way.

The fact that they add it to the water supply really goes to show how much they either have a complete agenda behind this, or its laziness.

There is literally no reason to add fluoride to water, spend the money to give toothpaste and toothbrushes to low income households, team-up with a company, that's publicity and could save officials (municipal, whoever) money.

The other odd thing is the fact that if there are elites of this world, it is highly likely they are drinking this heavy fluoridated water as well, so in my opinion, it seems to be general laziness and a lack of understanding of the full effects of heavy fluoridation in general in my opinion.

Or if you want to be REALLY conspiracy theorist about it, the alien overlords from Mars or wherever are trying to dumb down ALL of humanity, no matter if that human believes themselves to be elite, it is plausible that this may be some type of spiritual warfare, an attempt at stopping mass ascension by beings that have already ascended as high as they can go, but took a wrong path or a bad direction or some shit and hit a dead end, see we can go beyond this dead end and don't like that, consider it insulting, etc etc.

Either way, heavy fluoridation is occurring and is something that is truly having a negative effect on EVERYBODY.

Fluoride ruined my daughter's teeth. Too much flouride. When you are young and poor you don't worry about the water. It sucks that it isn't a choice.

what motivates you to be involved in this?

and.. you still have toys?

The pursuit of truth.

No I don't, that instance was from when I was a child.

Yes. Repeat these words: “Prevent decay with fluoride. Prevent decay with fluoride. Prevent decay with fluoride.” You totally get it. Thanks to you, more people will be able to prevent their decay. You must help the humans who believe medication cannot be forced. Help them discover the many other sources of fluoride. They are counting on you. They don’t have the same intelligence and psyche as you. Only you have access to such rarity. Your intelligence and psyche are superior to many others. It is thus your obligation as an intellectual to spread the message. Fluoride is important. Fluoride prevents decay. This isn’t just propaganda from a toothpaste commercial. This is what separates healthy humans decaying ones. There are two types of people in this world: the ones with optimal fluoride and the ones with decay. Fluoride isn’t a neurotoxic poison. That is an unintelligent argument you must resist at all costs. Remember your mantra: “Prevent decay with fluoride. Prevent decay with fluoride. Prevent decay with fluoride. Prevent decay with fluoride.” May your intelligence and psyche save us from decay.

Auric vision? Mind letting us know how to achieved it? I can sometimes see splashes (lava lamp-like) colors in the dark which I had assumed was melatonin or DMT or something released by the pineal gland.

Is it in any way related to the cryptochrome think you mentioned? Trying to figure out what it means and wondered why I find it difficult to get to sleep at a reasonable hour lol. I don't remember seeing these before I ditched fluoride toothpaste.

There is no credible evidence that taking fluoride in water has ever prevented a single dental cavity. The forced-fluoridation fanatics often try to claim that the low rates of dental caries in western European countries which do not have artificially fluoridated public water supplies are due to naturally occurring fluoride in water, or some other kind of artificial fluoridation such as salt fluoridation. They are lying. They also rely on studies which do not measure individual fluoride exposure, are not randomised, are not blinded, are not clinical trials, do not properly account for confounding factors, are highly prone to systematic error, and are typically funded by corporations such as Colgate-Palmolive. https://forcedfluoridationfreedomfighters.com/scotland-and-the-netherlands-inconvenient-examples/

Just because two things happen together does not imply causality. Australia also has an obesity problem which can explain those symptoms.

The toxicity of fluoride is well known. About 50 mg per kg body weight is lethal.