Everything you know is a lie.

154  2018-01-27 by zombieznub

You are being lied to on a daily basis. Im not exaggerating when I say that most of humanity is in a deep hypnotic trance that makes it impossible to realize the truth. Everything your government feeds you is toxic. Your food is usually fake, processed and full of shit that you don’t even know exist. Most likely the food you buy for your family to eat comes with a list of ingredients on the back and it sounds like a chemistry set. But do you even read it? They put lead, fluoride, and chlorine in the water, then tell you, but do you still drink it? Oh so you want to eat healthy? Try these genetically modified fruits and vegetables we have for you! The education is also full of blatant lies and irrelevant bs to get you trained and used to working for the next 50 years til you die. Don’t want to work? Well no food for you then because you need these fictional pieces of paper we invented just to eat. Oh and of course your television is brainwashing you. Have you ever actually paid attention to it? Have you ever woken up and just flipped through the channels and realized what the fuck is actually on there? Pure subliminal evil. Everything on tv is made with the sole intention of hypnotizing you into a docile state to not question the reality that you magically woke up in. Sad to say even my favorite cartoons like rick and morty, futurama, south park, have tons of subtile subliminal plot-lines which set you to a fixed streamline of narrow thinking. Usually, shows like this can either make the truth seem like a joke and only possible in a cartoon, but sometimes they can make you think just a tiny bit more about your existence. And last but not least, American politics is basically WWE for old people. Remember that time when donald trump shaved vinces head and got stone cold stunnered? Yeah thats exactly what id expect to see on cnn. What bothers me is that people can not see through the shell of what it is. OLD PEOPLE PRETENDING TO CARE ABOUT YOU, PLAY FIGHTING OVER FAKE LAWS THAT THEY DONT EVEN HAVE TO FOLLOW. Hillary is never going to jail for those emails if she hasn’t even gone to jail for stealing billions from HATI. Donald trump isn’t going to get impeached because he doesn’t really do anything anyway. The president is just a puppet to represent the people. The American people feel insulted to have such a president, well you fucking should because maybe now you will realize that our entire country is full of shit.

Sad thing is, this honestly isn’t even close to the tip of the ice berg.


So on the topic of lies,


protect your DNA, don't let the lies of others influence it. The world if filled with lies because it creates less competition in the end.

Go on.. this sounds interesting.

We humans are in a race, a DNA race, of becoming gods.To be fair all living creatures are in that race. You see what's happening to those other creatures. They have no chance with us lets be fair.

the mechanism for everyone is the same, evolution. What your ancestors did is what you are. what you do is what your offspring will be.

You can create less competition by letting others lie towards themself's. Over many generations will this create creatures that are blind to certain truths of nature. Like those other animals, they have no chance really. They live their lives in self build lies, generations old.

The biggest scam in the world

Go On

Indeedily do sir!

You speak the truth...

Excellent post. Same in UK. Corrupt as shit and expect us to be slaves working 60 hour weeks for shit money. Police force, NHS and benefit cuts. Politicians are all liars having the arrogance to think that we think we have some choice in their ridiculous ideas. Our government are tax evading, pedo protectors. But never mind, at least we can watch Celebrity Love Island.

Celebrity Love Island? Is this an actual show?

Indeed it is.

I realized how rotten our society and human nature in general was a while back. It made me quite down for a while. Then I decided I'm just going to personally reject it and live a wholesome life myself. Have integrity, be nice to people, eat healthy, and reject the materialistic back stabbing society culture norms we have in place

Fuck yeah bud this is really all you can do. Just try to be a good person. Being a good person is doing the right thing when no-one is looking.

As I get older too, I realized when I was a naive teen and a naive teen GF, at the very least we were, for the most part, genuine and real with each other in terms of love/sex/relationships. As you get older though, there is more bullshit everyone gets programmed with, especially dating, most woman (I could even argue majority) are so horribly programmed by western culture and all the dating apps, its ridiculous.

Best you can do is be HIGHLY aware of ego, brainwashing, surroundings, and the matrix

My thing now is to kill all negativity. Even if it makes me seem petty I don't care. If you aren't bringing positive energy to the table and instead just bringing nothing but negativity I want nothing to do with you. My circle is much smaller than it was when I was in college but it's filled with better people and that makes a huge difference on overall happiness

100% agreed. I dont listen to others complaints, and surround myself only with successful (work), loving (fam/friends), and loyalty (my dog).

Anything that's separatist, religious, labels, sjw or the other end of the spectrum, I'm gone

This thread is gold

It's interesting how things change when you decide to no longer take part in gossip. People pick up on it pretty quickly and stop subjecting you to that nonsense.

That’s how I decided to live after being awoken.

That is what I think is strange when people argue what constitues a conspiracy. I think nearly everything is at least questionable!

Everything is worth questioning.

Except the one thing...you know. Never question Zionism.

Question everything. Especially the stuff that results in outrage or accusations when you do question it. That's usually a good indicator there is more there than meets the eye.

Wise words. I agree.

Think for yourself . Question authority.

Try to find joy and satisfaction from inside yourself. I have agreed with you for many years. The more I speak of it the more isolated from the zombies I become. Reality is real. The universe is amazing. Life here on earth is fascinating to me everyday. Be thankful for your ability to be awake. Do not regress. The truth will set you free.

The kingdom is inside you

yes well said, avoid happiness from chemicals like alcohol, nicotine, caffine, sugar, video games, it will only addict people

True. I can’t think of anything in this society that isn’t weaponized against us. We our way overdue for revolution and those that think Trump is doing anything benevolent have been utterly deceived.

Let’s all flee the cities and create organic homesteads. That’s my plan and boycott might be our best bet if enough people cooperate. This wicked machine runs on our energy thus we must stop feeding it.

Well said.

Please break up this block post. Thank you.

Why are we not in the TPP? Why are we not in the Paris Accord? How are we all getting tax cuts?

According to Socrates the prisoner that escaped Plato's Allegory of the Cave would want to return to the cave and free the others. But they would violently resist leaving the cave because that is all they know.

The cave is being formed around us in the form of a dystopian world government that will enslave the entire planet for centuries. Trump has put in motion actions to tear down the cave. And he is being violently opposed for it.

Trump!?? Are u kidding me? that old man does not give a fuck about environment

This is not a post or comment about environmentalism.

Who mentioned the enviroment? Also Muh Paris accord RRRREEEE!

The man cares about dissembling the media. For this alone, we will be forever indebted, as it is through the media that our country transitioned to fascism several decades ago.

It is through the media that fascism continues to rule America.

Trump is the first not-fascist president we've had since maybe JFK.

That was spot on until the trump delusion.

So you believe Trump is working towards a world government?

He dismantled a lot of their planned world government infrastructure. TPP, Paris climate, working on NAFTA, stopping the flood of replacement citizens.....He even went to the head of the globalists the world economic forum and pitched the financial benefits of having a free sovereign nation.

Well said...and it is, in fact, just the tip of the ice berg.

Please use paragraphs for long text posts.

We can rise above the animal.

Please double space, in order to separate paragraphs.

Kinda hard to read otherwise.

Rick and Morty are helping to undo the brainwashing, by necessity that includes the same techniques as you are calling out. Excellent post and analysis though.

Look into trauma based mind control if you haven't already, hypnosis requires bypassing the critical factor, what these people are doing is very dark.

You might change your mind on Trump and HRC, maybe the conspiracy is even larger than you think.

As much as I love Rick and Morty, I must disagree.


“Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gonna die; come watch TV.”

“Fuck you, fuck nature, and fuck trees”


“My God’s the biggest dick that never existed”

“Listen Morty, I hate to break it to you, but what people calls "love" is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard, Morty, then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage. I did it. Your parents are gonna do it. Break the cycle, Morty. Rise above. Focus on science.”

Just a couple example of the nihilistic, atheistic, pro-matrix messages this show delivers.

Trauma based mind control is very real. Having spent time on the Marines, I’ve experienced extreme versions of this and see it everywhere now. Especially in the media/entertainment world.

Just a couple example of the nihilistic, atheistic, pro-matrix messages this show delivers.

Pro matrix?

Depends on if you identify with rick or morty imo. But I agree the creators of the show havent fully sold out to the elite just yet. I believe one of the main reasons its so popular is because of how genuine the show and the characters feel. Rick also drops a lot of genius knowledge that can possibly have a slight impact on the public, But the subtle subliminal message of the show is to just not give a fuck.

As for the mind control and hypnosis yeah Im well aware of the horrible horrible things these people do to people and its sad. Also I know the conspiracy is pretty large and out of most peoples comprehension. Even the conspiracy community isn't ready to learn this information yet. And most have probably already dismissed it because some of it is so fucking crazy.

Don't assume you know who browses this sub and what they know or believe.

Agreed but next time use paragraphs as this is a pain in the ass to read. Gracias.

"If you don't open your mind, and if you don't quit believing dogma, if you don't quit believing what people tell you, if you don't stop believing what Dan Rather tells you on the six o'clock news, or your local minister down at your church, or your mother or the President of the United States, and if you don't start digging to find the truth yourself, you, you, the sheeple, are the marionettes, dancing while the invisible ones pull the strings. And until you change that pattern of your life, you will always be the puppet on the end of someone else's string. And I know that that's not what you want to be, is it? Well, if it's not, change your life now. Stop believing what you are told unless it checks out in your own research, your own experience, your own digging. Each of us must find our own truth, and if we are really looking and digging, we're ultimately going to come to something near the same truth for all of us. And I can tell you now that most of us have been living in fantasyland for all of our lives. We don't even know anything near what the truth of any matter is. And we must begin an honest search, starting from the beginning, wiping the slate clean, cleansing our mind, and looking at the world, beginning again as though through the eyes of a new-born child. And you will find that most of what you ever been taught in your entire life is a lie...is a lie."

- Bill Cooper

Best and most straight-forward post I've seen in here for quite some time.

not me dog i'm woke as hell

I always like to live by one rule

question everything

I thought you were gonna say a 1/4 mile at a time. Ride or die.

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Step outside your bubble and you'll see the world can be a beautiful place.

Are you ok? Did you just discover all this today...

Are you new here? /s

Clothes, though, what does it mean when the tears of slaves are sewn into our shirts?

And our shelter, every line drawn to project careless power? Every panel and fiber built with carbon burned to the atmosphere?

And our music, which is full of either sexual predators or their horribly-injured prey and we pretend they sing about something else because we are distracted by the words?

And our schools, designed to mold ready-made and protestless factory workers but now there are no factories?

And our medicine, which is a machine to turn pain and suffering into money? The mop-up crew for anyone the food doesn't kill?

Yet food is the worst. If you want to break from the system, you have to start with food.

Again? This happens every week! I learn some new shit. Someone says "Everything you know is a lie." , I gotta believe them right?

Back to the books, I guess.

First episode of Big Mouth half way in..

Okay, can we be excused? - Once you pay the "snuggle tax. " - Come here. - Come here. - Mom! - [SIGHS] - Oh, I could eat you alive. - Can you not do this in front of Andrew? - You smell like fresh-buttered baby. - Give me a whiff. - Mom, loosen your grip. - I want to put you back up inside. Okay, we're going up now. Goodbye. Love you, Nicholas. Love you.

source, https://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/view_episode_scripts.php?tv-show=big-mouth-2017&episode=s01e01

paragraphs are not a lie.

Everything I know is a lie? Do I need to add the information in your post to that too or are you the only truth out there?

We live in a human built construct. I'm not saying the actual tangible world around us like nature—but the one inside our own heads, the one we were taught.

School has always been but a factory to churn out workers—its very essence with the teachers (supervisors/bosses) and work and bells has always been to precondition the youth for an adult life of getting up every day to work. That, at least should be common sense.

We were lied to as kids and thought adulthood would mean freedom but all it really meant were more chains and responsibilities. We are mere cogs in this giant system that has been passed on generation after generation.

Your first sentence is actually an assumption.


After several years of reading alternative news, and reading this sub, I also came to realize how everything is a lie. It goes far beyond what we can imagine.

Lie rules this world. Lies, lies, lies. Lies all around. It's insane.

As I write this, I have David Bowie's song playing in my head, and I find it sums up it all well :

But the film is a saddening bore

'Cause I wrote it ten times or more

It's about to be writ again

As I ask you to focus on

Sailors fighting in the dance hall

Oh man!

Look at those cavemen go

It's the freakiest show

Take a look at the lawman

Beating up the wrong guy

Oh man!

Wonder if he'll ever know

He's in the best selling show

Is there life on Mars?

The worst part is people cling on to the deception, they need it. There are only 2 options just go with it, or you see thru the lies. Seeing thru it doesn't make it easier, in many ways it's worst. Then you want to try and wake everyone up and warn them how we are being assaulted and controlled, and you get laughed at and mocked, called crazy. But I think some already know subconsciously, and the angry reaction is a defense mechanism because the truth is horrific.

You all need to lighten up and give a damn about something.

Op I agree with actually everything you said and now with more false flags , crisis actors and main stream media bs we are worse than ever

No shit and use paragraphs ffs

Why would anyone down vote this lol

Descartes for millennials

Invest in your community, local business, local food. Know your neighbors, know your local police officials. Stop trying to save the world, just fortify your neck of the woods with positivity and preparedness. Best we can hope for I think sometimes.

Well, not all of us ... but, yeah.


"The lie detector determined that was a lie" - Maury

Where do they put lead into the water? OR could it be that the lead in the water comes from the pipes in which the water flows?

Also do some of the chemicals in the water, especially those in bigger reservoirs, reduce the bacterial growth. Imagine perhaps the water for such cities like NY or LA leaving without those ingredients, would there be a chance that this could cause dysentery and typhoid fever?

Well i understand being very sceptical about food and it's ingredients, that's why i favour biological produced food and mostly try to avoid the whole of industrial produced food, especially meat where a lot of medicals were used in the process of the feed up of the animals. Also there's a lot of stuff like flavor enhancers in food that doesn't belong there.

But i think you're portraying it a bit too easy and simple.

The fact that so many people accept the medication of their public water supplies by itself shows they are brainwashed. In any genuinely democratic society such a ridiculous idea would not even be contemplated.

Why is this one of the top posts of the day?

This is like, the first level of being woke?

This sub ised to discuss ways to filter water/gather rainwater, avoid purchasing from corporations, homesteading, bugout bags, and all manners of prepping that didn't link to InfoWars products. (I mean, ok, some of you were obsessed with Jesse Ventura...)

Is the baseline of this sub so wholly replaced that this stream of consciousness is a new idea?

Grow my own fruit and vegetables, chickens for eggs, couple of cows for dairy. Don't watch TV. Read books.

"you are all being lied to but I know the truth!"

Ironically your quotations are a lie. I never said that.

Tell me: How many ingredients did you know existed in these, all-natural, foods?



These aren't processed either, these chemicals appear naturally in all types of foods, no matter if it's human-made or not. Chemicals aren't inherently bad, and just because you are not that familiar with them doesn't mean they aren't good for you.

Have you heard of (5R)-[(1S)-1,2-Dihydroxyethyl]-3,4-dihydroxyfuran-2(5H)-one? That's Ascorbic Acid or Vitamin C and essential for your health. Or how about (3β,5Z,7E)-9,10-secocholesta- 5,7,10(19)-trien-3-ol? Also called Cholecalciferol or Vitamin D.

Celebrity Love Island? Is this an actual show?

I thought you were gonna say a 1/4 mile at a time. Ride or die.