Conspiracy health thread

29  2018-01-27 by treeslooklikelamb

So we have discussed about various conspiracies related to health such as: vaccinations, water fluoridation, modern GMOd diet, vegetarian diet, sugar, pharmaceutical drugs, entheogens, meditation etc.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to compile a list of health practices that are outside of the norm to benefit our fellow members.

I'll start with advocating strongly for meditation.

Just setting aside some time in a day to simply sit and observe your breathing and thoughts can do wonders. This practice will translate to an increase in focus and perception by way of getting used to the feeling of being in the "present".

Much of our lives are spent somehow living in the future or past, worrying about what happened yesterday or thinking about the next thing that will be in store, and meanwhile we miss out on the present. The present now that is always there, and always will be there.

If you haven't done it before all you need to do is 1. Sit down in a quiet place without distractions 2. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing 3. When you notice a thought, just acknowledge the fact that you are currently having a thought and then let it fade away 4. Focus back on your breathing 5. Repeat 3/4

You may want to set a timer for this.

Meditation will increase the quality of your life in subtle ways at first, but will increase exponentially in leaps and bounds as you start to understand the purpose behind it. Later on you will be able to meditate using different methods once you have gotten the hang of being in the present.

Disclaimer: I am not an expert by any means so please excuse my clumsy explanation, I am just a guy just trying to figure it all out. If anyone has any further tips, feel free to share.


Slippery Elm for tummy issues. Miracle stuff!

Sometimes I like to listen to calm, peaceful music in 432 or 528 hz. It helps me focus on the spiritual. Also there’s few or no words which helps calm the mind.

This is especially good during meditation I find.

Oh yeah it really helps me get lost in myself.

Where do you find this music?

Just search youtube for 432hz music (but I use a guitar tuner to double check the tuning so its not off).


This is one of my favorite binaural beats. Truly calming

Dihydromyricetin is supposed to be a anti-hangover remedy, although I haven't verified this myself.

Some is on the way for... research.


or, take Acetyl-L-Carnetine (Carnitine? ugh! spelling sucks) .. before you drink. allows a nice tipsy feeling, seems to consistently stave off the omg-DUMB-drunk feeling, and drastically limits follow-on hangover.

Mixing a table spoon of apple cider vinegar with water and drinking it every day reduces inflammation, which is a leading cause of depression. It obviously won't fix your whole life but it's cheap, accessible and has tons of health benefits.

Also I'm trying to get into Kundalini, I haven't started to practice it yet just reading a bunch of stuff for now but if anyone has resources or advice I'd love to hear it.

I make the water warm and a teaspoon of Manuka honey for taste! Taking it 30 minutes before eating helps digestion.

Ohh I haven't heard of that I'll try it, thanks!

have you heard of a book about Vermont folk medicine by Dr. Jarvis? Apple Cider Vinegar is one of his recommendations, there's lots more.

Meditation, diet and keeping yourself active and try to pick up a hobby that makes yourself feel happy man.

One apple, banana, and pear everyday.


an apple a day seems to help me digest complex foods. banana's have crucial minerals. not sure why a pear a day is useful.

A couple of big ones are buying real food and obtaining clean water. I posted a bunch of sources on this here:

Fluoride is the tip of the iceberg. It shouldn't even register on the radar of people in here because we have much bigger problems with water. Some areas have lied on the water quality tests to hide contamination of lead and other contaminants.

If you are the type of person who still wants to focus on fluoride despite it being such a relatively minor issue, your best bet is to just show other people this:

Children and adolescents who did not drink tap water had lower prevalence of elevated blood lead levels and higher prevalence of dental caries than those who drank tap water.

If you drink tap water, you have a higher chance of elevated blood lead levels. If you don't drink tap water, you have a higher chance of dental carries, but lower blood lead levels.

are there inexpensive devices for testing how bad your local tap water is? (worth filtering, anyway, just would help to have data to show neighbors/family/friends)

Take the stairs. Drink plenty of water and not soda.

Meditation makes me angry and causes me no end of harm. No thank you. Sell your snake oil elsewhere.

Wow, if something like meditation makes you angry then I don't even wanna know what else bothers you in life.. Did you just come here to be negative? Maybe you could enlighten us on how you stay happy and healthy? I guess it might be hard to be happy when sitting in quiet reflection makes you angry, though. smh..

He's not entirely wrong. With some forms of meditation, especially those where I'm trying to work through difficult problems, I can get extremely frustrated, anxious, and angry. These feelings can last quite a while if I'm unable to find a viable solution. I try to notice this, and switch to calming meditative practices, and mindfulness techniques which help me get centered again.

I can see how he can experience this. I myself have issues with positivity. I feel like the more positive I try to be about things the more shit and negative things come my way.

Can't say I disagree.

look into "learned optimism", a book by Dr Martin Seligman. he has a balanced view, that there are times and entire careers that need pessimism, but overall he wants people to have/find/build mental tools to thwart feeling helpless (in contrast, pure positive thinking is potentially dangerous, depending on context). I'm not doing it enough justice; should be available at a library, it's been out awhile. if you're a parent with kids who need that kind of help, he wrote The Optimistic Child, too, which is simplified for busy parents and has cartoon fill in the blank exercises to help your kids with the concepts.

Not a whole lot bothers me in Life. I am generally one of the Most happy positive people I know. Lots of people love to follow my example and lead happy healthy lives.

Movement, enjoying life, doing things makes me really happy. Stillness, silence, loneliness those frustrate me and make me Angry.

As a child we had a Physical Ed Teacher who was trying to teach us Yoga and Meditation. All it did was make me angry. As an adult I revisited each of these. Yoga as a body exercise is great. Wonderful for strength and toning. Meditation, still makes me angry. Walking and Daydreaming I can do all the time, but stillness and opening of the mind, just brings out all my rage.

Being happy is easy. Just look at all the wonderful things in life all the time. Example: had to get up early today...5AM. That could be seen as bad, but going outside to work I saw a glorious sunrise on the way in. Gorgeous Happiness.

I strive to avoid Negativeness, but when I see something destructive like Meditation. I speak out.

Smoke some weed man.. chill out

Can't. Weed make me suicidal. Chilling out, relaxing...that is no good.

Doing stuff, Movement. That is where it is at.

That’s crazy but it does have adverse effects on some. Wish you the best in your non-stop movement.

Thanks! Off to the horizon for me!

Try better meth or crack. Obviously the shit you smoke is trailer park grade

Living in the trailer park, it is really difficult to get high Grade Crack.

meditation like sitting still ohm stuff? try walking in nature, no ipod, expand your senses to your environment; some sunshine is good; I do better with walking and leaving my mental shit behind me on the path, vs trying to sit and mind drift.

Yes, Meditation Like Sitting still and Ohm Stuff. Terrible For me Makes me Angry.

Walking in Nature is Not Meditation. That is getting out and doing well. That I am all for. I walk and Daydream all the Time.

But sitting still to open your mind. NAh, that only brings out rage.

Walk & daydream is the shiz! I've heard it called walking meditation (walking labyrinths is another), when I described it to sit&ohm types. Like, they have a specific thing they get from sitting, but wanted to encourage whatever worked for me.

What part of the country/planet are you in? There's a website that tracks publicly walkable labyrinths :)

Monterey, California, USA

Looks like a publicly accessible one in Monterey:

There are over 400 in California, there may be named burbs near Monterey, but I dont know the area well enough. Here's top of the list:

Yes, there is one in Monterey and another right around the Corner from my dad's place.

Here is a great post on meditation for anyone who needs a little encouragement in starting their practice:

Going vegan completely changed my life. Improved my health, made me look practically 10 years younger, expanded my mind, increased my empathy, introduced me to amazing new people across the globe. More positive effects than even quitting drinking! (Also life changing 🙏🏻)

Same, so glad someone else has had such good results. I've lost almost 100 pounds since going vegan without even trying. Cutting out processed food and fast food makes such a difference, forces you to have to cook for yourself. Also not eating the chemical death soup that is factory farmed meat.

Wow that’s incredible! Inspiring 🙏🏻

If you have back pain, see a chiropractor first.

TLDR fix your microbiome, avoid GMOs, inflammatory foods, flame grilled meat, wheat, soy, any produce from third world countries like China, factory farmed food and especially fish.

Eat a high quality unprocessed diet thats nutrient dense but low in calories. Also make sure your vitamin is safe and doesnt use industrial waste like the racemic form of vit E(dl-alpha tocopherol).

Get lots of lutein and zeaxanthin so you have bionic vision.

or cyanide-cobalamin version of B12.

I take methylcobalamin

Good stuff. There's another one, I forget the name, but a variant that isn't quite the methyl version and is also sought by those avoiding the chemical byproduct version (cyanocobalamin).

Not that anyone should be using it anymore, but the talc in talcum powerd is extracted from asbestos-rich areas. Yum!

And yeah theres a huge class action lawsuit about talcum powder. Probably explains a lot of the ovarian and uterine cancers

Non-Mobile link:

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Some women used it on arm pits :( boob cancer...

The Ketogenic, Low-carb, Fasting communities are growing fast and those people are feeling like good. Just try to stalk their subreddits a bit.

Oh I haven't but I'll look that up