January 31st

204  2018-01-29 by Quetzalcoatlwasright

Couple of rare astronomical events stacking up on top of each other. The rare double full moon (blue moon), blood moon, and lunar eclipse all in one.

No fear mongering here, just from a magical perspective, this day will be an opening for heightened paranormal activity

It’s a good time for you to meditate and/or focus on a creative endeavor, and/or open yourself up to the sprit world. This kind of thing only happens every now and then.

You can bet that the elite will be using it in their rituals. I have found that if I meditate and send love to their victims during these astronomical events, it helps calm everyone involved, their souls that is. Maybe it’s just superstition, but it’s a good practice. At some point on Wednesday, just say a prayer for human trafficking victims. Can’t hurt.


Worth a shot!

Why do you call yourself Quetzalcoatlwasright?

Because he was one of the great teachers of man’s past.

Curious. Why do you think that?

It would take a long time to explain. Combination of research, coincidence, personal interaction, and educated guesses.

Basically ran into an individual who once claimed to be Quetzalcoatl. Also, learned from a Native on peyote that Quetzalcoatl was a dragon hunter not a dragon. There was a historical mismatch.

very cool!

So wikipedia got it wrong, again. Shocker: To the Aztecs, Quetzalcoatl was, as his name indicates, a feathered serpent, a flying reptile (much like a dragon), who was a boundary-maker (and transgressor) between earth and sky. He was a creator deity having contributed essentially to the creation of Mankind.

Yes, that is the official version. Thoth and Horus are bird headed humanoids in Egyptian lore. It’s all poetic I think. I think of these ancient gods as either A) forgotten heroes or B) forces of nature.

What about the Serpent Mound in Ohio built hundreds of years before Columbus? ? There are feathered serpents everywhere in history...too much of a coincidence for me for them not to be real beings.

Reptilians, I believe. And they’re not all bad.

I believe that they are depicted as serpents because they bring knowledge, and the feathers because they came from the sky.

Perhaps they’re not reptilian at all.

Our star brothers

I hope someday we'll find out!

It'd be awesome to hear the rest of your beliefs and experiences!

Thank you! That alone would make me sound like a crazy person to most of you! lol. I neuter myself pretty hard on this site because I wanna take part in the group.

But yes, once I met a young Hispanic man with crystal blue eyes, at a party, who shared a bunch of secrets and riddles with me, then disappeared. Not two weeks later, I was abducted by the Greys.

I once was on LSD, and experienced merging with a reptilian entity. I would laugh the experience off, except for the fact that for the next week I had near superhuman strength and stamina. It was quite weird.

I’ve communicated with what claimed to be angels and demon; they’re not as different as you would think. Demons are like us, only lower and angels are basically just cosmic cops.

The whole world’s crazy! It’s awesome! Take a walk in a park and meditate and thank the universe that you have some semblence of happiness because we live in a multiverse with insane possibilities, and things could be a lot worse, but here we are!

eyes like the sky

That's super interesting! Would you be down to tell us/ pm me the story of the greys and the experience with quetzacoatl? I don't want to sound sarcastic, I believe you and really want to learn as much as i can in this life!


Read all the comments

Pm me if you have questions.

Thank you!

No problem!

Thank you. I have similar beliefs and experiences.

Yep youre probably crazy! Where are the Greys and where did they take you? Are they hidden like big foot?

except for the fact that for the next week I had near superhuman strength and stamina.

Did you document any of these new features?

Ive had none of those experiences at all yet I still feel the same way. I simply had the realization that anything I or anyone can imagine can also be real. somewhere. 10 years of smoking helps with the open mindedness i guess. or one good trip lol.

Damn, that seems pretty interesting. I'd be willing to read a book about this stuff, if you'd be interested in giving me any suggestions.

Graham Hancock's Magicians of the Gods and Fingerprints of the God's.

Quetzalcoatl is a mole person (aka Agarthans). One of the more benevolent factions of mole people. Same as Viracocha by the Incas, the Ant people by the Hopi, Kukulkan by the Mayas, Gucumatz in Central America, Votan in Palenque, and Zamna in Izamal.

They were re-educating the survivors of the last great cataclysm/flood on Earth.

He said he would give us signs when he would return.

He did return and we deported him. Turns out a shaggy middle eastern looking character with a sun tan doesn't fit in MAGA.

"if I meditate and send love to their victims during these astronomical events, it helps calm everyone involve"

How can you know this to be true? Unless... you're taking part in the rituals! SATANIST JEW!


Heard they were heating their hot tubs up for the weekend!!!

The rare double full moon

We get one about once every two years on average. Not that rare.

blood moon

That's just a folklore name for a total lunar eclipse. Happens as many as three times a year.

blue moon

That's another term for a second full moon in a month.

and lunar eclipse

That's what a "blood moon" is.

So in other words, you said two things four times, and what you're talking about isn't even especially rare. There's certainly nothing paranormal about it, for jimmy's sake.

More common doesn't mean less magical. Also, it is very rare to see all those things together. I've read the last time was 150 years ago.

Blood moon is not the same and linar eclipse and does not happen every year

Blue moons only happen every other year. So... 1 out of every 730 days..

Pretty damn rare.

There is nothing rare about it. It is the same full moon we get every ~28 days. That it happens twice in January this year is simply a byproduct of our calendar.


Well look, I support your spiritual pursuits and am all for this

It’s a good time for you to meditate and/or focus on a creative endeavor, and/or open yourself up to the spirit world.

But it is always a good time for that.

And this is not an astronomical event, its a artifact of the way we count days.

And why wait til Wednesday to pray for human trafficking victims?

You’re picking and choosing. Personally, I pray for them every day.

Wednesday there will be a lot of energy.

Wednesday there will be a lot of bloodshed behind closed doors.

It’s a time to attack, with our energy,


Astronomy: the branch of science that deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole


Definitely. And I was imprecise with my criticism. The fact that it is the "blue moon" - the second full moon of the month, has no spiritual effect on people. People may infer spiritual value to it and that's fine. But that's the problem, it becomes "once in a blue moon" and we can do better than that. Am I making sense to you?

Unfortunately, not really. Here’s the deal.

We should always be praying for human trafficking victims

Blue moons, eclipses, blah blah blah, forget about what they mean to you

They mean aaaaaalot to the people in control. Energy is a weapon. Your energy is a weapon.

A full moon, any full moon, is a time when the enemy’s gates have been flung open. It’s why we usually have disastrous or scary things happen on a full moon, it’s for their defense.

As I making any sense to you?

I can get with a lot of what you are saying here. But I am not aware of any correlation of disastrous or scary events happening because of the full moon, unless you are talking about increased flooding due to high tides during a storm. Can you be more specific?

Look into your history. A lot of crazy stuff happened amidst Astronomical anomolies like eclipses and such. Wars, famines, great scientific discoveries and the birth of future heroes. It’s not all bad. It’s just energy

Ever wondered how mathematically improbable it is that the sun and moon would be the exact perfect distance away from Earth in order to allow an Eclipse to be possible?

It’s a miracle in itself.

It does not happen by accident. Forces are at work.

Ever wondered how mathematically improbable it is that the sun and moon would be the exact perfect distance away from Earth in order to allow an Eclipse to be possible?

Yes, I have wondered. Quite a coincidence isn't it? Of course the moon used to be much closer to earth and it is slowly moving away. But it is right where it is right now. Whats your theory?

To me there’s only two real possibilities and one of them sort of branches off from the other.

  1. Everything is alive, including forces of nature, stars, and planets. They are conscious and take part in mortal evolution.

  2. Some intelligent progenitor race put it there.

That's fine, but what about purpose? for what specific reason is the moon parked where it is?

I see beauty in the coincidence and my spirit soars, that's enough.

But your theory may be correct.

I’m not sure, but I would assume it’s many for reasons, not just one. Some people see it is a gatekeeper for our souls, others see it as a prison. Some people see it as our mother, as the shell of a dying world, Maldek, that out of its destruction came life on Earth (Tiamat). The possibilities are really endless, all we can do is theorize on the purpose, but I think I’ve discovered for sure, at least in my mind, that they are alive and that we’ve been lied to about the nature of the universe.

Well you are doing way more than theorizing on the purpose when you suggest active meditation on the full moon is effective towards mankind's well being. :) I guess I want specifics on the mechanics behind this kind of spiritualism, not a broad unprovable theory, but I suppose that is a sort of oxymoron. I don't mean to diminish any attempt to better humankind, but when someone says "hey look this is the day we should try to make things better because of this or that" I worry that they miss the point - that if it was everyday we wouldn't be where we are at now. We have been lied to in a sense, but we lie to ourselves even more.

All true! Again, I said this is other comments, you and I and everyone should be praying and meditating for the tortured fouls on the planet every day

There are certain times that are more effective especially in a group setting such as a group meditation.

In Tibet, to heal cancer patients, they lay them in a courtyard surrounded by hundreds of chanting monks. The group energy often had the ability to kill the cancer outright.

Alone I’m a threat.

Together, we can move mountains.

Alright then, see you on the 31st!
Nice chat Quetzal, thanks!

Likewise :)

As you said =

Yes, that is the official version.

But I am a freethinker and I don't accept this (the blue moon part) as an astronomical event, it is a calendrical event.

That I understand and agree. By the way the calendar is organized, determines what we call a blue moon.

What of the rest?

What of them? The event has passed. What has changed? Celestial events should be enjoyed and meditated on. Humankind should not rely on magical thinking. It can prevent one from taking action which is how we effect change.

I agree wholeheartedly. I was speaking to the rarity of the combined aspects. Blue, second full moon in a month. Blood, shadow from earth that makes moon appear red, and a lunar eclipse. The combination of these three things makes it a rare event. That is all.

It was a rare event. I didn't get to see it - too cloudy where I was, but I did get up a little early just so I could! In general I don't approve of Magical thinking, but we should always enjoy rare celestial events. We need to appreciate everyday events too I guess is partly what I was meaning. We shouldn't wait for rare events to try and make a difference!

It's a artifact of the way we count days, by using astronomical events, which are cyclical, to determine where we are in space (literally) and time (wrinkles and all.)

you're fun at parties, huh?

He moons everyone

Nah, it is 4 different things at the same time.
Super moon (closest to earth), blue moon (2nd full moon in a month), blood moon (meaning the sun light is hitting it at the right angle to paint it red), and lunar eclipse (moon is in Earth's umbra).


A blood moon is when the moon is eclipsed and appears red in color.

Also, it's not the rarest thing in the world, and each phenomenon alone isn't very rare at all, BUT all (Super (appearing especially close, Blue (two full moons in one month) Blood (appearing red) Elipse & Full) happening at once is pretty darned rare.

I'm not saying it'll cause mystical happenings, but I'm saying everyone should go look at it. Everyone should just in general look at the night sky more often if they can, in as unpopulated an area as they can so they can actually see the stars. it's amazingly beautiful.

A blood moon is when the moon is eclipsed and appears red in color.

That happens every total lunar eclipse.

happening at once is pretty darned rare

In a real sense, it's not rare at all. Each of those things is a regular oscillator. That they should line up periodically should not be surprising. It's certainly not a good excuse for wah-wah-woo-woo. We stopped worshipping the moon thousands of years ago.

A blood moon is when the moon is eclipsed and appears red in color.

That happens every total lunar eclipse.

It doesn't always. It depends on the atmospheric conditions. And of course, sometimes it's cloudy and you can't even see what color it appears. At least in my area, it's supposed to be clear.

I agree about the wah-wah-woo-woo. And if by 'in a real sense', you mean in the context of the age of the universe, you're right. In my personal context, I like looking at the moon and stars because they're beautiful and I'm already 50 so I definitely won't be seeing this combination happen all at once again in my lifetime. I'll be going out to take a look, but I won't be worshipping it, just looking at it through a telescope.

I think the part "don't be scared" was directed to people like you.
He didn't say any paranormal, he just pointed out the chronological and astrological coincidences on that date, and it's special cause it's the fucking astral bodies, which all ancient civilization thought was important and it affects you and the world more than you know. Stop being a party pooper.

open yourself up to the spirit world

Nah I'm good lol

Just a taste!

So should I meditate or how in the heck can I get some of that moon mist?

It’s all up to you! Do what feels right and by right I mean, do what feels like your contributing to the reknewal and love taking place on our planet. If that means, starting a new work out plan, do it! If it means, meditating for extra long and maybe fasting or sacrificing some of your time for others’, do it! Just do something that if God himself was to come down at that moment, he would say, “there’s someone on my team.”

Faygos got you covered 99 cents fam

You gonna leave?

Nah, Imma stay




My god. This sub.

Would you rather it be political drivel? This is at least interesting

I know, right?

Removed. Rule 10.

All hail Zorp!

Which was your favorite, Organize It or Organize It 2: Engage with Zorp?

Why based on any proof is it different than any other day

Because it's going to be a trifecta of a blue moon, super moon, and blood moon, which hasnt happened since 1886

Something that the moon only does every 150 years or so is happening. Every month it gets full, every few years it fully eclipses, Every I don't know how often, but not every night it's close enough to earth to appear much larger (super moon) and (another one I don't know the timing of) while being eclipsed, it will appear red. It does all of these things sometimes, but on the 31st, it will be doing them all at once. It's worth a look.

Oh boy- here we go. I’ve felt odd since that eclipse in August.

Maybe you're just..odd.

You might be ill. This should explain further. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMGIbOGu8q0

Just as side comment:

I CAN'T STAND this whole ascension symptom meme in the astrological / new age crew.

Headaches? Ascension symptoms. The Flu? Can't Sleep? Feeling foggy? Promoting illness and bad vibes as normal and even a badge of courage could be a whole conspiracy right there

Literally no one here is doing that.

I’ve seen it happen a lot actually. Feel the same way about it too.

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That’s actually my birthday


We are not in the Jason months. June, August, September, October and November....aka power months for the dark priesthood...just like the movie. Not saying that nothing is going to happen, if anything does it would counter the opposite.

Wouldn’t you say that all months belong them, in their eyes? May Day, May 1st is actually their most important holiday, Beltane.

The Eight witch Sabbats take place every six and a half weeks. The whole year is full of bloodletting I’m afraid.

Imbolc is February 2nd.

Its not as cut and dry. They do stuff outside of those months or seasons, those months are the highest points of the masculine energy. They are working their ass off to keep the feminine energy at bay, aka negative.

Indeed. I’m just suggesting that many of them certainly follow the sabbats. I would know, I used to. ;)

More of a joke than a conspiracy, but it gets up to the front page lol why?

they're dead serious if you didn't figure it out by the downvotes

So Asthrology is a joke? Tell me more about that...

Hell is closed and all the demons are here on earth.

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."

I wouldn't partake in a Tryptamine on the 31st personally.

I'm going to eat a bunch of mushrooms and lsd

Have fun!

I've been thinking about this too--whether it is something direct and obvious to us or not, the spiritual and metaphysicals waters are certainly making some big waves this week. Some folks on this sub, which has become overly political, will be dismissive and say "BUH, ITS JUST ANOTHER DAY, IT HAPPENS ALL THE TOME FAIRY WORSHIPPERS" ... Just pay those people no mind :) A day that comes once every 150ish years is special, whether you believe in yhe esoteric or not. It's a cool day! And hopefully there are others like yourself, trying to exude positivity and good energy to those who need in most during these times...much respect to you

Gracias mi amigo!

Yes, I feel the energy as well. You can’t blame the others who don’t, the energies come to all of us, and most of us are simply unprepared for them. This is our talent. Our curse. They build the civilization, the engineers and the scientists. I build the mind, as a healer and shaman.

Two sides, same coin.

This. Right now many people are left-brained Imbalances and are so deep they can't even fathom why that is a problem. Keep spreading the message of the true alchemical union of right/left brain, sacred masculine and sacred feminine.

We’ll all get there ;)

As a non believer in that sort if thing, send some of that positivity my way, it'll be my first day of basic training for the Navy

Interesting you're in this subreddit and entering the NAVY

Infiltration, hopefully.

Lol tell me about it

Talk about conspiracy, today I got 3 replies in my reddit to comments from months ago. Coincidence? or time travelling?

Make sure to ask TONS of questions. RDCs love that in a sailor. What is your rate going to be?

ETN best rate in the Navy

Am I not allowed to think it's a special day and it's not magical?

Nothin wrong with that at all! Admittedly, I spent most of my life being a bit dismissive of that stuff myself. Now, at 26, I don't know what exactly changed my mind...but something did. However, all throughout college I thought these astronomically signifigant days were COOL, but nothing more. And hey, on the off chance that mystical stuff isn't real, well it's still a badass moon day and that'll never change haha

It's cool. It just means we're all gonna die.

If it was only that easy!

awesome! I was hoping someone would know when one of these would happen. I’ll be there.

I agree, but I think numbers are a neutral force. The elite use them, and we can as well. That’s my take on it.

If they can harness our power, our good intention can be used for ill. I worry about helping them inadvertently.

For example, in the wake of 9/11, with the parades and constant media, think of the pain they exacerbated, again and again, they ate it up. Literally. And we were just trying to mourn in solidarity. They created the event, corrupted our pain and used it.

Also, certain times correlate with certain frequencies and specific manifestations... I don't necessarily want to connect with THEIR deities.

A fair criticism. It certainly is dangerous. Logically though if evil exists, so to does good exist.

I think these forces (many of them, perhaps not all) are neutral

Well damn. That's during a meeting I have at work.

'I have found that if I meditate and send love to their victims during these astronomical events, it helps calm everyone involved, their souls that is. "

How have you verified this?

Dissect the words I said, “everyone involved”

That includes me, the seeker, they, the abusers, and they, the victims.

It’s all astral projection, something I cannot prove to you, but something you must prove to yourself. If I’m wrong and I’m crazy, it’s no harm no foul, you will still be helping by supporting them spiritually. If I’m right.. then maybe all these leaks and sexual scandals and child porn busts didn’t just happen by happenstance..eh.

Thank you for responding. I am afraid that explanation makes little sense to me. I have some background in the occult, but I no longer believe in the supernatural. I ceased my inquiries into the arcane when i found out that Blavatsky and Castaneda, et al., were frauds. During your astral projection, you visit a something like a symbolic plane, is that correct? And there you communicate with entities representing "they1," and "they2?" What an interesting experience that must be. Like an Alex Grey painting? I remember experiencing such things, but eventually saw the man behind the curtain was me. Just my reflection, to put it poetically.

I have a theory, by the way, that the Quetzalcoatl myth may have originated in the migraine aura phenomena. I believe that myths of the supernatural must have an origin in nature, even if that origin is just the human imagination. In my case, the first time i had a migraine with aura, partial blindness, without pain, i thought, "a magically minded person might think he is being visited by a god/spirit." and immediately thought of Quetzalcoatl.

The fact that you and I can make up all of these theories and have all of these experiences alone pushes me to accept them as based in some kind of tangible reality. I can’t share with you that which you already know, nor can I show you that which was only made for my eyes.

We are creators, like it or not, how ever you wanna break it down, everything comes from within us, the universe and all of it’s happenings.

What if you were right, but took the wrong lesson away? What if the man behind the curtain was you, because we are all one? Trees in a forest, with our roots intertwined.

I am afraid that explanation makes little sense to me.

That's probably because it's just a very creative and roundabout way to say, 'I can't.'

You can bet that the elite will be using it in their rituals.

Nah, Trump can't go to Miralago until Friday afternoon.

He’s one man.

Does anyone have instructions on how to summon a succubus?

Meet girls in bars

Don't forget Imbolc kicks off that night as well! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imbolc

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imbolc

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It’s a good time for you to meditate and/or open yourself up to the sprit world.

Accidently summons demons "Oh....shit!"



Maybe I can summon the one I saw when I was a kid. I would really like to tell that thing off.

You might also end up exterminating the population of a planet in a gundam. Please refrain from doing this in the future.



I've been planning for the 31st for months now. Magic is fucking real and there are levels to this shit.

What have you been planning to do?

Play some Dragon Ball Fighterz

I plan on staying in bed with the cat. Y'all be good.

Oh man, I used to love Pokémon: Super Blue Blood Moon for the Gameboy advance.

A blue moon and a blood moon and a lunar eclipse all occur in full moon phases. It is rare but it ain't weird by any means. And a blood moon is a moon during an eclipse so that's just repeating it.

The only thing more annoying than prophesy is self fulfilling prophesy

How does your meditation calm down victims of ritual abuse/murder who may be hundreds thousands of miles away, and how are you aware of it doing so? I'm very curious. This sounds like some incredible power you have.

Refer to other comments.

Consciousness is a universal field that we, and everything and everyone in this universe, are all tapped into/an extention of. Universal consciousness is the ground state of everything.
Through meditation (and other particular methods) we can gain direct access to that field/our global network of consciousness. It's like sending our personal, relative human consciousness (that most people simply refer to as "consciousness") back up the funnel and reconnecting with the global conscious network (what most people call "subconscious"). Once that direct connection has been made with the source, more direct change can be made in the world depending on your intention.
We are always inherently connected to this global network, and by extention universal network/field anyway, but it's not so direct. Our usual interactions with the world are governed mostly by standard mechanics, but things like "coincidence"/synchronicity, intuition/gut feeling, and even dreams etc, are all examples of indirect effects of the inherent connection between all things.
This is my understanding at least.

Last time this happened (March 31, 1866) the Spanish navy bombarded Chile. Also, the next morning, congress rejected Andrew Johnson’s veto of the Civil Rights Bill, which later became the 14th amendment. It’s crazy that this is so rare, but it doesn’t seem to have lined up with any kind of significant world events last time.


Well we’re not they’re yet. ;)

Hmm, hopefully I'll be with my shaman friend by then and we can drink Ayahuasca together! Thanks for the heads up duder!

I like this. No fear mongering, but good thought mongering. Best case? It helps the victims and the person meditating. Worst case? You spend a few minutes not embroiled in being in fear.

I will definitely focus and send out positive thoughts on Wednesday!

Quick recall: I saw some flashing lightning during the blood moon event a few years ago. Called the cops and the weather institute to check official info. Clear skies, no trouble according to the cop on the phone.

Only 'hallucinatory' event in my life so far.

Was scared of flashing lights several months after that.

Am convinced it was either UFO activity or some kind of religion-related occurrence.

tl;dr quick protip: don't mess with the supernatural... say your prayers and prepare for these events... cleanse yourself.

I'm turning 28 that day, so there's that :)

I wish you a happy birthday for tomorrow

When has one of these events ever actually increased “heightened paranormal activity” though

Based on my experience, nearly every time, so long as you are aware of it and paying attention.

Boy do I love unverifiable, anecdotal evidence.

If I incorrectly told you that Saturday was one of these days I believe you would feel a heightened sense of paranormal activity

Prayer / meditation absolutely calms the souls of victims. On halloween last year i bailed on all my plans and just stayed home to focus my energy counteracting the nefarious and evil energy from sacrifice

This sub is filled with complete idiots. Magic isn’t real. Planets don’t influence the earth. Fuck this bullshit.

Awww come here grumpy mcgrumperton, you need a hug

I would give you a hug but as you obviously don’t believe in vaccines I would be endangering myself. Actually I want to know. Why do you believe the things you. What backs up your ideas?

You wouldn’t give someone a hug because they haven’t had the appropriate vaccines? Hmm.. maybe you should look in the mirror. Spoke alert, I’m caught up on vaccines, I work with kids. I’m required to vaccinate.

I base my beliefs and knowledge on experience. I’ve seen miraculous things. I believe in mind over matter because it’s worked for me. I believe in a higher power because it is self evident. I believe in the goodness of humanity because I can see it in every child’s smile.

What backs up these ideas? 500 generations of human experience.

But why do the planets effect human experience or play into the rituals of the elite

I would suggest you do some research into the occult my friend..

First I have, and I have found there to be seriously zero evidence that it exists. And I am critiquing your beliefs so you have to come up with proof to corroborate your beliefs. Also I asked you about your belief so that I wouldn’t have to look this up.

I don’t need what I call hard evidence to know that the elite, being the celebrities, politicians, rulers, kings and queens, banking families, and corporate CEO’s, as well as religious, political, and military leadership practice this sort of thing.

They do so openly.

They have to.

It’s part of it.

So all I personally require is soft evidence to at least register a certain piece of information as possible. I keep an open mind. Science has proven, the mind is where the magic happens. This could all be in our heads.

That doesn’t make it any less real

“I don’t need evidence that the global elite is openly taking part in occult astrological rituals to control the world”

That’s wack

And soft evidence isn’t a thing. Keeping an open mind is different from promoting fake rituals and trying to act like every single person you see as controlling the world is an evil psychopath. There are good people and your mindset is the one that has promoted such ignorance and sickness within our society.

Quotation marks are for quotes, not paraphrases, my friend.

Also, to each their own. Last time I checked this was a free country and a free internet. I can say whatever I want. The sky is red. How bout that? Got anything to say about that? You see it’s all about perception and knocking someone else’s perceptions gets us nowhere.

You’re behaving like a human blood clot.

Yeah it’s free but I’m free to correct your false ideas. I can’t make you believe them but I can tell you that they are wrong and delusional.

You literally sound like a sour puss. Like who just sits around correcting people all day? What a fucking waste of time, not that you actually corrected me on anything

First of all your ad hominem insults are awful. You sound like a patronizing grandmother. And let me correct you if it isn’t obvious enough to you. You astrological beliefs are wrong, the planets are affected be gravity and don’t have any influence on human affairs. Magic is not s real thing and there is no evidence for any of the ideas you have discussed. Your ideas are bad for society. Consider contemplating where your distrust stems from instead of acting like you know the truth.

Thanks for knowing everything bro

How can you believe this. Like I don’t understand. How could you believe something with no evidence, and without even a theory as to why it is correct. Yeah we may not know everything but we sure as hell know that’s not true.

There are a million theories and plenty of evidence. I just have better things to do than trying to prove to someone who isn’t even capable of considering them. It takes a lot of courage to question our ideas of reality. It takes an intelligent, objective mind to do so. It takes someone coming to the information in a state of openness

Something you have already proven you are incapable of doing

Boi I’ve read Jung and I can tell you that that isn’t evidence to support your “theory”. And you can tell what mind I have because you haven’t given me any evidence. Do that first.

Removed. Rule 10

"this sub is filled with complete idiots"
is commenting himself
You just played yo self!

I'm going to spiritual war with the elites. Antagonize them in their dreams, meditation, and rituals.


Are you not afraid of the energy that may come back to you?

Personally those bastardy do not scare me. They drug children to subdue them. Not exactly high functioning priests, Imo.

They have to take our power to empower themselves. They are weak. They hate us bc for all of our implied inferiority, their blood can't do what ours does.

Nothing to fear, we've got this.

Glad you're not fear mongering here like everyone else does with these astronomical events

Pray for space aliens to save us and change the narrative.

Yeah let's just meditate guys, that'll save them from Hilldawg and her cronies abusing victims amirite.

Listen, I'm all for meditation, and I truly believe that you can access the astral plane through just meditation... But:

"I have found that if I meditate and send love to their victims during these astronomical events, it helps calm everyone involved, their souls that is."

That is pure bullshit. Stop just making shit up to sound cool. You cannot possibly "calm souls of the victims". Did they tell you that? This sub gets into borderline religious zealot believing in effectiveness of prayer.

You need a hug

Also. No one said you have to believe me. If you wanna criticize someone else’s experiences, that’s your choice. Doesn’t really matter.

Don't misrepresent what meditation is to push an agenda.

Yeah like helping human trafficking victims? Maybe easing their pain. Maybe contributing to the light of the world? Yeah, what an agenda.

Oh and you are an all knowing meditation expert

Yes, that is the official version. Thoth and Horus are bird headed humanoids in Egyptian lore. It’s all poetic I think. I think of these ancient gods as either A) forgotten heroes or B) forces of nature.

And why wait til Wednesday to pray for human trafficking victims?

Astronomy: the branch of science that deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole




Well we’re not they’re yet. ;)

It's funny, I agree with almost everything you say in this comment, when i interpret some of your words slightly differently than I think you intend them to mean.

Nothin wrong with that at all! Admittedly, I spent most of my life being a bit dismissive of that stuff myself. Now, at 26, I don't know what exactly changed my mind...but something did. However, all throughout college I thought these astronomically signifigant days were COOL, but nothing more. And hey, on the off chance that mystical stuff isn't real, well it's still a badass moon day and that'll never change haha

It's a artifact of the way we count days, by using astronomical events, which are cyclical, to determine where we are in space (literally) and time (wrinkles and all.)

That I understand and agree. By the way the calendar is organized, determines what we call a blue moon.

What of the rest?

I agree, but I think numbers are a neutral force. The elite use them, and we can as well. That’s my take on it.

Talk about conspiracy, today I got 3 replies in my reddit to comments from months ago. Coincidence? or time travelling?