House Intelligence Committee Votes to Release the Memo

28  2018-01-29 by Blackgeesus

Adam Schiff just announced it. But will only be partly released? If I understood correctly.


Here we go, folks!

Nah, we've got a long slog ahead. We don't know how far the politicization has spread and they're going to want to stop short of giving us the full picture. I don't know why. It seems to be some kind of reflex response. I'm actually quite hopeful because the memo that allegedly looks so bad for the DOJ and FBI is actually a product of DOJ and FBI. You know, maybe the disease isn't fatal.

call Trump insane, a paranoid schizophrenic, a cocaine addled zombie

turns out it was all true, the FBI is literally caught colluding with a foreign spies (including Russians) to have Trump impeached before July of 2016... after which they began talking about Russian collusion as though anyone with a brain took them seriously! Come on...

Oh man I don't know guys, I'm on the fence!

Voted to publicize the republican and withhold the democratic

What exactly is in this memo and whom does it harm or help?

To witness the dems downplay the seriousness of it all while the repubs exaggerate it. Same story, different day. The truth can usually be found in the middle.

Proves everything Trump said about Obama using political schemes to justify an unconstitutional foreign-routed spy ring to bypass failed FISA warrants. Since FISA couldn't apply, Dems used "allies" paid thirteen million dollars by Clinton, (and their Russian contacts, no joke) to illegally spy and entrap everyone on Trump team. Why do you think Strzok, who the MSM claimed is a "nobody" turned out to be the same agent that "interviewed" Pabliano, Cheryl, Mills, and Clinton, pardoned them, then went after Flynn and had him charged over a technicality? It's happening..

Yet voted against releasing a Dem-authored counter memo. Because why hear both sides, when we can just get propaganda from Nunes.

Wrong, Schiff called for entire memo and supporting documents released, but backpedaled after having his bluff called...

House Reps: ok we will release all supporting documents about the FISA abuse identified in 2016...

Schiff: Uhhh well I will release a memo too! And it will have Russia and Putin and...

House Reps: No lol we are releasing the memo, America wants this

Schiff: eyes explode

No, both memos were voted on tonight, and Republicans, who hold the majority, voted against the release of the Dem countermemo.

Why would Republicans release "counter memos" that weren't even requested by millions of Americans? Why are Democrats, who leak ANYTHING THEY CAN on Trump and Republicans, suddenly so "protective" of the FBI and DOJ? LOL they are caught, it will all come out.

If you want Schiff's seditious nightmare claims, you can find them on CNN any day of the week. Until then, Americans will be cleansing system of all Deep State.

So because something didn't trend on Twitter, means it shouldn't be heard? Especially when the author of the original bullshit memo is known to be compromised and was supposed to recuse himself from this matter entirely?

Why are Democrats, who leak ANYTHING THEY CAN on Trump and Republicans, suddenly so "protective" of the FBI and DOJ?

False premise notwithstanding, it's probably because they're desperate to protect the sources and methods used by the intelligence community since Trump and his cronies seem so hellbent on tearing them down.

If you want Schiff's seditious nightmare claims, you can find them on CNN any day of the week

Same, but Nunes and Fox "News".

Lmao... but you can't disprove anything I said... DNC paid millions of dollars for a Russian attorney meeting in Trump tower, that they used as "circumstantial evidence" in ongoing (abiet unsuccessful) attempts to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Hillary's political opponent.

I don't have to disprove you, as you're providing nothing but obvious falsehoods based on nothing whatsoever.

Here's some basis:

The Democrat memo was not released to Congress beforehand. It's getting the same treatment as Nunes', holding out until it was politically convinient is on them.

It doesn't need to be released to Congress first. It can be released straight from the committee.

I like how you're the one downvoted when he deleted his comments.

Nothing suspicious here /s.

Lol this entire sub is getting brigaded like I've never seen before right now (as well as /r/conservative and a few other right wing subs). Must've struck a nerve.

I'm going to assume that the memo is incriminating to McCabe and/or the FBI in some way that merits McCabes sudden stepping aside.

Oh boy, now we get to witness the dems downplay the seriousness of it all while the repubs exaggerate it. Same story, different day. Remember the truth can usually be found in the middle.

Nah, we've got a long slog ahead. We don't know how far the politicization has spread and they're going to want to stop short of giving us the full picture. I don't know why. It seems to be some kind of reflex response. I'm actually quite hopeful because the memo that allegedly looks so bad for the DOJ and FBI is actually a product of DOJ and FBI. You know, maybe the disease isn't fatal.