Hawaii Alert's Evolving Story

179  2018-01-30 by JDWired

The story is changing a lot!!! Getting closer to truth as work way down:

1st a “fat finger” that hit the wrong button https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5334835/missile-panic-in-hawaii-as-families-flee-in-terror-and-hide-kids-down-drains-in-fear-of-an-incoming-north-korean-attack-after-employees-fat-finger-error/

2nd the governor forgot his twitter feed so could not recall alert https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/01/23/580058179/why-the-delay-correcting-false-alert-hawaii-governor-forgot-twitter-password

3rd employee is not cooperating to assist investigation http://time.com/5119618/hawaii-missile-alert-employee-not-cooperating-investigation/

4th now apparently cooperating and hit button intentionally as believed under attack http://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-hawaii-alert-fcc-20180130-story.html

REALITY? There was some actual event that occurred and we are not likely to find out exactly what happened


I mean, fuck, why do stories keep getting changed? If it was accidental the first time, I would have believed it as oopsie, but then of course a second had to happen, which made me say "Okay, something is up"...but now the stories are changing...jeez. What is it?

I mean, fuck, why do stories keep getting changed?

Because the first lie was either discovered to be a lie, or because the first lie was convincing enough for the perpetrators to get what they wanted.

What is it?

A good question. Definitively this is all a lot of bullshit. The larger question is for what purpose? A false flag blamed on North Korea as an excuse to start a major war?

Probably, I really think we will go to war with them soonTM, not sure if WW3, but only time will tell.

However, I like the actual missile theory and that it was shot down before it reached land/failed.

Yes, that is comforting psychologically. But it is only a theory. The truth is there was no missile. The government, military and media lied.

The truth is there was no missile.

As I experienced the alert text first hand, part of me felt it was hacked or something. Reading "THIS IS NOT A DRILL" didn't seem right with me.

Also, if someone wanted to cause trouble, I doubt they'd send just one.

And why would the government even allow the worker to admit he thought there was a real missle incoming? No one else admitted that but him. Sounds like another patsy to me.

Sounds like another patsy to me.

To me too. Now, the real question is what was/is the government ultimately planning? This wasn't done just so some one could have a good laugh (though I'm sure a few people actually did). This isn't over yet.

The only thing that makes sense is that this was a real test of what would happen if NK actually lobbed a surprise missile at Hawaii. In other words, NK is probably gonna get sucker punched soon, and the US was simply gaming a worst-case scenario.

Strategy of Tension.

Just like Vegas.

Yea! Weird I just talked about that with my brother, I'm starting to think that it was actually a hoax and no one died. Aka "Flash Mob"

I'll bite that people died but it was a set up for sure. If you believe in the sort of thing it could have been an occult event with all the symbolism surrounding it.

I haven’t seen anything about occult symbolisim. What’s your source on this?

Here is a screen cap from 4chan.

Here is a post from this sub highlighting the surrounding buildings and such.

And here is a ;little numerology for you.

Thank you for providing us with this information, but you might want to check that first link.

Lol but seriously can you double check that first link?

Chris Knowles' Secret Sun blog is the best source for all your Vegas/occult needs: https://secretsun.blogspot.com/2017/10/heaven-upside-down-or-las-vegas-sickle.html

Haven't read up on any Vegas conspiracies. Have anything more substantial than /r/The_Donald?

This sub got pretty deep into it. Just search the Vegas massacre or shooting or whatever in the search bar.

Are you implying that only TD has been talking about it?

From Reddit, I have only seen conspiracies relating to Vegas come from TD, but I also haven't been on Reddit long.

which was only on 10/1/17 and I feel like most of the public can see how weird the whole situation was.

I’ve thought something fishy was up as soon as the same alert happened in Japan, no less that a week later. Clandestine readiness drills, perhaps? Someone already mentioned it, but maybe something really DID happen, but we’re just not being told? It’s all a little to “on the nose”, and my bullshit alarms are going off hardcore.

Somebody is checking our com's and utilities.

If we were to get attacked and the population knew, everybody would freak out. There would be total chaos, people scrounging for food and supplies, rushing out of the cities or huddling at home and not going to work etc, society would probably come to a standstill.

I feel like if we were getting missiles shot at us the government wouldn't want us to know just for sake of keeping chaos at a bare minimum. If the missile got shot down then great, label it a meteor and nobody would be the wiser.

I think there was possibly a missile inbound to Hawaii, authorities felt it was imminent so sent out a warning, missile got shot down and to avoid mass panic they brushed off the warning as a "mistake." All I can say this story is way too fishy for it not to be a coverup.

If a missile got shot at the US the country that did it would be dust and ash within 1/2 hour.

Perfect excuse for war, approval ratings and TPTB making a shitload of money.

Someone is testing the systems.

What if it was a rogue agent like a James Bond style villain who wanted to start a war or something. But was stopped at the last moment and then the coverup story to keep it quiet.

I'm thinking that someone said, "I'm firing a missile at X on this day and time. Next one will be a dirty bomb in an undisclosed location. Play ball with us or else."

This would allow no loss of life, but make people not counter attack.

Perhaps the superb owl was the second target.

Not to forget about the Iranian tanker (MV Sanchi) which 'collided' and sank in the vicinity.

Never heard about this. Thanks.

Most MSM is 100% in bed with ((them)). Doubt me? See who owns it. ....Posted elsewhere....buuut: Culture of Critique -Macdonald, explains framework in secular fashion. Protocols of Zion cut to the chase, regardless of original writer. Think 9/11. Iraq War. Las Vegas. What you have seen on MSM. Divide and conquer, divide and conquer. Confusion, confusion. Pet Goat 2. This. Test theories. Don't be afraid to use bing. Compare racial search queries between “google” and bing. Compare results of querying various moral wrongs, and attribute them to different races. XX slave traders. XX rapists. What is the narrative? What is the long game? (We are getting 1984'd) Think: how much of your conscious waking time is spent connected? Think. If that world you are connected to can be controlled by “them”....they control that “reality”. Read Act! -before it’s too late.

Even for /r/conspiracy, this post sounds a little bit like it came from the other side of crazytown.

That being said...

Compare racial search queries between “google” and bing. Compare results of querying various moral wrongs, and attribute them to different races. XX slave traders. XX rapists.

That's an interesting test I hadn't thought of before, even if you just use one search engine. While I don't imagine it would uncover any vast racial conspiracy, it would be interesting to see the kinds of results Googling "white rapists" vs "black rapists" vs "Hispanic rapists" would bring as a reflection of how they get talked about in the media.

Try "white couple" or "people of European history".

Make no mistake; I post without malice in regards to that race, but there is a serious brainwashing problem in Western Culture...the seeds of which are planted and watered mostly by a specific (and under-represented) group.

If it was accidental the first time, I would have believed it as oopsie, but then of course a second had to happen

What are you talking about? Are you referring to the one in Japan?

No, Hawaii was the first one.

Sorry, that's what I meant - what are you referring to as the second one? I assume this means you were referring to Japan.

I know people here don't like to believe in coincidences and usually I'd agree with that, but I'm not sure that the two (Hawaii and Japan) were connected. Hawaii was an official alert from the government, while the Japanese one was from media. That said, I didn't realize until right now (reading about this in the other tab) that it was the public broadcaster in Japan who sent out the message - but still I think there's a fundamental difference between (even a public broadcasting) media company sending out something incorrect and the government sending an official warning out to every phone.

I'm pretty sure the media is government owned in China.

I agree, but we're talking about Japan.

That's what happens when I comment while on sudafed. My bad.

LOL no worries.

I have a theory that stories don't change but certain outlets get certain stories, one of which is usually the truth but because it's sitting amongst a shitpile, it's hard to tell which it is. This way people never know what is true and what isn't and it blurs the line between remembering what really happened and what you saw somewhere. It's a way to keep the public dumb.

The simplest and IMO most logical situation is that the system was hacked. Shooting down an ICBM in a way that would have literally no-one on earth not notice or talk about it is effectively literally impossible on earth at this point with the number of satellites in orbit designed to detect just this.

When something like this is a evolving story this means that the original lies didn't take hold and new lies need to be offered so that the original goal can still be realized.

I think they’re actually just spreading different lies, so that they keep us in circles.

There are a bunch of eyewitness testimonies that say they saw a flash in the sky and people who where in boats off the coast that said they saw a rocket in the sky. I belive there was a local news station that covered it but soon took it down afterwords. I also read that the system that sends out warnings require two people in order to send it, much like the two key system for launching nukes. I dont belive the story we have been told. This employee will be a fall guy just like Paddock was used to cover up the LV shooting.

At work on mobile so don't have time to find and link but do some duck duck go surching and you will find them

Interesting, yes would appreciate if you can find that.

Clearly there is something up!

Probably just Israel instigating war again, and the US deciding not to turn a blind eye.

But not one photo or video?

Look how few videos of the first plane on 9/11 there are and that was in one of the most populated cities in the world. This missile was supposedly 100+ miles off the coast of Hawaii when it was shot down from what the fisherman stated in the video I saw.

That was back when very few phones had a camera on them, let alone the Ultra HD shit everyone has now.

Cameras werent on phones at all in 2001

Indeed. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. We have an island full of tourists. They all have their phones and cameras and telephoto lenses at the ready. I've been there. It's really picturesque and you need to be ready to take a photo at a moment's notice. But no one did.

Except if you get a message that you will die, will many people want to record it?

Dead photo op! Maybe a dead selfie. The masturbating guy at Pompeii would have modern day competition.

I mean, someone taped someone else putting a kid down a sewer lol. I would imagine quite a few people how have their phones pointing at the sky waiting to catch a glimpse of the rocket.

THat's true.

If you believed that a Nuke from NK was heading your way to kill you and everyone you ever loved. There's probably a reasonable chance that some people would have visions or hallucinate things that they believe to be happening.

I live in Hawaii and haven't seen or heard anything about this. Can you provide one post where someone references this?

37 minutes for a middle at North Koreas current technology to Honolulu. 37 minutes there was no communication that it was an attack. The operator hit the correct button because they thought it was a real attack. This all smells of a real attack and no ones being told.

I dont think NK would launch a missile at Hawaii. Guam would be a much better target for them. Now I do belive NK is a puppet state of TPTB, with that I can see them useing a sub in their private Navy to launch a missile at Hawaii and claim it was NK to start a war.

What's TPTB?

I'm pretty sure it's "the powers that be" or basically the people who really pull the strings behind the scenes.

Doubt it, it's more likely we were testing anti-nuke tech and we accidentally tripped Hawaii's emergency response system.

I was reading somewhere that they are using some new technology that isn't public knowledge which picked up on something other than a missle.. I'll have to find the article. It was interesting and went into more detail

And after NK is suddenly less antagonistic. Like they were a bit intimidated by something....They are now saying they are open to talks.

It was like 11 minutes, not 37. 37 minutes on the phone alerts, but within 11 minutes officials on twitter were saying it was a false alarm.

Why in the world is this getting down voted?

It is simply using MSM sources to show an evolving story. Shouldn't offend anyone.


Perhaps people say "evolving" and downvoted it for religious reasons.

LOL maybe that's it! Seems to have gotten some momentum now and I hope to see some good thoughts on where this might be going.

I'm gonna guess - this person with fat fingers was paid cash to push that button. The goal for doing this is where I get crossed. It was done to provoke a reaction from Trump or it was done to create more hysteria and fear that Trump is president. However, the news org that did a report about the process before it happened is weird.

Probably just Israel instigating war again, and the US deciding not to turn a blind eye.

I'd like to just say no way, but man with all that has been going on. If so, this is going to be a big fucking shitshow as things play out.

They attacked a base in the pacific reserve.

Well all can be true. 1st could just be an excuse for his fuck up. 2nd is irrelevant to why the button was pushed to begin with. Then 3rd turned into 4th. It's more like a chain of events than a conspiracy.

When a 2 possibilities exist between idiocy and incompetence vs genius and conspiracy I will go with idiocy anytime!

LOL :-) Hence my question marks in the last sentence.

It's fun to wonder though and sometimes it is more than idiocy!

So there is a drill.. Why doesn't every employee know there is a drill? employee that pushed button, who we are told has a history of misidentifying drills as real occurences, is in charge of the computer that sends warning messages. Instead of him checking to see if this was real or just a drill, he states in his text 'THIS IS NOT A DRILL'. Why was the drill not reported on the first day?

So many questions and yet not a single interesting one

Thank you for following up on this. Can you add the Japanese false alarm to your list also?

The also fired the web designer of the alerts page and he was immediately hired by Craigslist.

i don't think the 2nd counts as a change in story

As a taunt and as an extreme flex of our inconceivable covert and manipulation capabilities, the US infiltrates, hacks and fires N.Korean missiles at Hawaii and Japan only to shoot them down over the ocean and have the entire event go unreported to the public.

hacks and fires N.Korean missiles

That literally isn't how any of this works.

Nano brain infest.... Just kidding, cranks, handles, other simple machines and human labor still in the mix.

US and Japan now doing more missile tests, go figure. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/feb/01/us-missile-defense-test-failed-in-hawaii-officials-say

I feel more and more like this was a psy op to keep people afraid of north korea so the US and Japan will spend more and more on defense contractors like Raytheon

I'll bite that people died but it was a set up for sure. If you believe in the sort of thing it could have been an occult event with all the symbolism surrounding it.

Look how few videos of the first plane on 9/11 there are and that was in one of the most populated cities in the world. This missile was supposedly 100+ miles off the coast of Hawaii when it was shot down from what the fisherman stated in the video I saw.

Indeed. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. We have an island full of tourists. They all have their phones and cameras and telephoto lenses at the ready. I've been there. It's really picturesque and you need to be ready to take a photo at a moment's notice. But no one did.