This subreddit has changed dramatically, just a thought from an old mod.

3589  2018-01-30 by mr_dong

r/conspiracy used to entertain all sorts of weird and wonderful fodder, UFOs, anomalies, physic ability and forbidden archaeology to name just a few.

Over the last year or so the sub has been swamped with political threads, corporate corruption and the fact that people in power are arseholes generally.

I think it's all old hat, Trump is a twat, Hillary is a cunt and so on and so on. Isnt this all old news?! I remember a time when r/conspiracy used to step over these news turds and focused itself on alternative things, alternative ways of thinking. I see hardly any of that now.

Doesn't this sub have any time for fringe anymore? Don't we welcome a break from the mundane of politics

I am r/conspiracy's longest standing mod and i stepped down because i thought we had a free thought forum in place here, well established.

All i see these days is shill accusations, Trump endorsing and Hillary and Obama back and forth.

Political conspiracy should have it's place but the levels that we are seeing on this sub seem to render all other thought and concept obsolete. It shouldn't be this way.

If this sub fails to be an enclave for alternative ideas and discussion then it has failed completely.

There are repeated posts these day, asking whatever happened to the old r/conspiracy? This post is a rant to show that those questions are not in vain.

r/conspiracy should embrace the fringe. Politics is predictable, boring and shackled.

I think about other possibilities to escape politics, that is why i originally came to this sub.


I have a theory that the mind that is most likely to believe conspiracies and spread them without much research or fact checking is the perfect mind to spread political lies and conspiracies.

it is honestly extremely genius of the powers that be.

the biggest conspiracy this sub should be looking into is the one that is furiously manipulating the people of this sub to do their political bidding.

AGREED 10000% We need to unify ourselves instead of dividing and conquering. Hopefully it doesn’t stay that way. Hopefully we can etch in the minds that we are independent.

I’m here for the fringe stuff.

Read the shit out of that earlier today while stuck on a plane for like 6 hours.

Dig into the Strav labs heat map. It's the most genuinely interesting thing to happen in a long time.

Is there anything other than soldiers running laps and the letter C?


Any good ideas on that C?

Yes. In Antarctica alone there's a long circular track on Rothschild Island that shows up on the map like it's part of the landscape. There's what looks like an outline of a pyramid at a glacier. There's all kinds of activity all over the world. It's fascinating.

Isn't the c reported as bicycle speeds? A helicopter can go that slow for sure, but surveying such a large area by chopper at such a slow speed doesn't make sense.

Well skiing is bicycle speeds so maybe someone was dropped off? It's the kind of activity someone would do with an activity tracker as well. I don't believe the idea that it's all melted there and people just hanging out though. I do know there are bases there for a fact going back 60+ years as there was a military documentary about it.

I'd believe a billionaire on a ski trip before a facility of that size being active. The Antarctic is just obscenely hostile, but this makes it perfect for super secret facility.

The enormous costs associated would be hard to hide, but its totally possible

The billionaire ski trip would make a lot of sense. I believe the secret facilities would be more worthwhile in the port areas rather than farther inland unless they really wanted to establish supremecy over the continent. The pyramid looking thing on the glacier is crazier than the C to me. Apparently there is a marathon run nearby every year. Perfect cover for bringing in supplies etc. It just really doesn't look like a marathon route, but who knows. If there are pyramids on every other continent from an ancient civilization I don't see why there wouldn't be one there. Either way it's fun to speculate.

Edit: These guys do ski tours for about $30,000 and they camp on Union Glacier where the marathon is done.

That would be the perfect cover.

Inner Antarctica is even more inhospitable than the edge. That billionaire would be a fuckin thrill seeker for that ski trip. More oxygen than Everest, but the temperature is comparable

Have you seen anyone overlay the C on a real map yet? I'd like to see the terrain.

Not yet, I tried comparing it on Google maps. Didn't put more than a few minutes effort into it though. The distortion involved in maps of the poles can fuck shit up

Strav labs heat map

Burning Man Heatmap (Strava Labs)

That is too fucking cool man thanks for posting it!

Wow, that's fuckin cool

Wait what the fuck I thought burning man was just an open desert? That looks like an intricate concert hall

The area in the center of the cirlcle and going out to the back of the pentagon is open desert called The Playa. The grid is a city of 70,000 people. It has street names and signs, so you could tell someone. "I'm camping at 3 ockock and F street.

They basically set up a little town there, plus tents, etc.

Could be people walking between the tents and buildings.

Sure but look at how exact those lines are.

This is so cool and interesting!!!

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Routes on military bases + in Antarctica that stop at mountains (indicating underground tunnels), and there was some paths off the coast of Japan in the water (indicating an underwater base).

GPS doesn't work underground.

That's why they stop at the mountains.
The one in the water by Japan is a strange one though. Either someone was using it on a boat, or there's some sort of facility off the coast, as there's no land marked but the tracks have a lot of straight lines.

GPS also doesn't work under much water. They're very weak radio signals and generally require line of sight for accuracy.

If it wasn't a boat then it was a glitch

Well I am speculating. But the point is that we don't know what it is, so we can't conclusively say either way. Have a look for yourself so then you can at least speculate on the material rather than just what I'm saying about it.

Speculation is what I love about coming here and we all get to share knowledge

I've looked at some of the maps, the C in Antarctica is particularly interesting.

Sadly, if there was a political ban, I think it would probably ban that heat map too.

Anything worth discussing would be... Ban politics and we wouldn't be able to talk about JFK's assassination lol

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it's all about the mole grub theories now, we know about the mole people but don't have much info about the mole grubs besides the fact the drones are the size of a car and the queen a bus, only two uses have been found those being tunnel digging and mounted combat.

Me too. Me too.

Hey man I miss you modding here, you helped me out a lot in the past. Yes this place has gone thru a major change in recent years, the early days were the best. -DocHopper

Appreciate your comment.

I think people have started viewing this sub as a battleground, rather than a discussion forum. The internet is overall more combative than it used to be, any interaction is a fight, not a discussion.

I think people have started viewing this sub as a battleground,

That's the heart of the matter. There's no discussion. It's just people banging heads together thinking that if they hit each other hard enough one's world view will somehow win over the other's.

Right! Like someone’s opinion is proven better than yours, so your opinion is invalid and fucking sucks.

And the language people use to argue is fucking vitriol.

Going through the report queue is soul draining. :/

I would like to see that lol, it doesn’t sound fun but it sounds enlightening

Jesus Christ he wasn’t lying it’s fucking bad

A lot of it could be "flame wars" started deliberately, maybe even with bots.

A user on Reddit worked as a shill and admitted to using flame wars to distract people.

The gist of what I do is teach computers to do sentiment analysis on social media posts that are of interest to clients, tag them based on their various properties (author, sentiments, keywords, etc), and add them to a giant graph of all social media posts we're interested in, who else has retweeted them or the link, who responded to them, etc. We use this to estimate exposure numbers and influence, and try to isolate the key people in a social graph which are causing an opinion to form. (Ideally, on the order of minutes or hours instead of days or weeks.)

Once we isolate key people, we look for people we know are in their upstream -- people that they read posts from, but who themselves are less influential. (This uses the same social media graph built before.) We then either start flame wars with bots to derail the conversations that are influencing influential people (think nonsense reddit posts about conspiracies that sound like Markov chains of nonsense other people have said), or else send off specific tasks for sockpuppets (changing this wording of an idea here; cause an ideological split there; etc). The goal is to keep opinions we don't want fragmented and from coalescing in to a single voice...

By doing this, it can create an avalanche, stirring up a bunch of shit between users, fragmenting everyone into these small polarized groups. It will continue to perpetuate after the shills and bots leave. I don't think they have to do very much. Just target certain ideas and certain people when necessary.

"Identifying and exploiting fracture points: Things that push a group together, things that pull a group apart"

Slide taken from "The Art of Deception: Training for Online Covert Operations".

It's the 3rd from the bottom slide I believe.

And "How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations".

By doing this, it can create an avalanche, stirring up a bunch of shit between users, fragmenting everyone into these small polarized groups. It will continue to perpetuate after the shills and bots leave. I don't think they have to do very much. Just target certain ideas and certain people when necessary.

This is exactly what is going on. Awareness of the problem is the first step to solving it. It's just like ignoring annoying people in real life, you leave them alone. Only issue with taking that approach here is that the profiles and whoever or whatever controls them will change the approach and ramp up the rhetoric or games they play. Even then, it's still possible to combat it. If you see the same patterns over and over, there's a high likelihood that those are not organic posts.

I like your username.

The solution is to not waste time on Reddit. It's littered with this garbage. When you speak to people in real life you can at least gauge they are human, they are not a shill, they are older than x, and you can quickly learn whether they think for themselves.

This is the heart of the matter to the "Shill!" argument. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they're a shill, a bot, or otherwise. They could just be... people who disagree.

But, but ... that bot said something I agree with ... and i need the constant reassurance of confirmation bias in my life ...

people with dissenting opinions aren't shills.

This is the kind of shit I want to see on this sub.

I learned that word for the first time today.

Seen it 3 times now tonight.

Always rips my head right up when that happens.

It's pure manufactured shit on one side trying to control the info war. It's people of Reddit against this group.

In a thread bemoaning partisanship in /r/conspiracy, your contribution is... to blame one side?

To point out the obvious.

Yes, it's obvious that some of you have a blatant agenda.

Hahaha look in the mirror. You have a comment history.

There's no discussion. It's just people banging heads together thinking that if they hit each other hard enough one's world view will somehow win over the other's.

I'm going to disagree, but please, hear me out before you act.

This sub is approaching 600K subscribers. This is a battleground for the minds of those who lurk. I have, for instance, a post sitting at the top of the front page right now regarding Flight 93 from 911.

At this moment, the post has garnered 1390 points and 455 comments. Meanwhile, the post has had 21K views. That's a lot of lurkers! That's a lot of minds who are curious about some of the more crazy details of the official 9/11 narrative. The people that are commenting tend to be firm in their respective position(s) regarding 9/11 events, but both groups are very cognizant of the fact that the debate going on within the thread may very well change the mind of a respectable amount of lurkers. This is one of the reasons it can get heated.

That said, I too, am sick of the partisan politics in this sub and have been putting in my effort to improve the sub's content.

Everything is a ratings game....!


Here we are all skeptics looking to explore possible other truths than the one we've been given.

That crosses over all lines and no matter what theories you believe in, this should be a fun and welcoming place to discuss them.

We all probably look nuts to people who aren't into conspiracy theories, no reason to make this place unnecessarily hostile as well.

Here we are all skeptics looking to explore possible other truths than the one we've been given.

I like to believe that people here are all skeptics, but is this really the case?

Skepticism requires an ability -- and genuine desire -- to put aside preconceived notions, and consider the evidence objectively, without trying to argue a position before fully scrutinising the evidence.

How many people on this sub can be fairly described as skeptics? This simple test tells the tale.

Most people are in fact happy to defer to authority, defer to consensus, and simply cherry-pick which myths to be 'skeptical' of.

Started reading through that test and now I wanna read alternate theories on many of the items. I've just always accepted petroleum being from fossil/organic matter. What's the alternative?

I've just always accepted petroleum being from fossil/organic matter. What's the alternative?

Put it this way: is the earth running out of magma?

Have we reached 'peak lava'?

I liked your initial comment but that’s a bad comparison, bad question and that test is clearly not based on good research. Even if you want to believe that the scientific consensus is incorrect and oil is not produced by organic matter magma is not drilled out of our crust to be used. The amount of magma that is produced by volcanoes is dwarfed by magnitudes by the amount of oil that is drilled and refined. I say this as a half Kuwaiti who works in oil.

You obviously do not understand the point being made.

Ok explain it to me then?

Put it this way: is the earth running out of magma?

Maybe at a very small rate? I stated the difference between oil and magma, namely that we’re not extracting magma at incredible rates. Why are you not acknowledging that point?

Maybe at a very small rate? I stated the difference between oil and magma, namely that we’re not extracting magma at incredible rates. Why are you not acknowledging that point?

Maybe at a very small rate?

Do you have any evidence for this claim?

Sort of? You can read about subduction below

But regardless can you at least acknowledge that humans are not drilling for magma like they are for oil?

Non-Mobile link:

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Well would you look at that, turns out I'm pretty much a complete normie after all. I'll put that down to the benefits of a good education, using critical thinking skills and not accepting bullshit simply because.

It's all very well to espouse a viewpoint of not accepting things at face value, but there's a limit and after that it just becomes a circlejerk.

Take this one - " Characters like ‘Plato’ and ‘Strabo’ were real people who existed thousands of years ago." Yup, I'll go with that. We have their writings as the main proof, but also accounts from other people who lived at the same time (teachers, students, relatives) and they also feature in official records of the time. All the evidence points to them being real people who lived c.2k-2.5k years ago.

So what's the counter-argument here? If the above is what normies think, what do the conspiracy folks think is happening?

Oil is organic matter; if the dinosaurs were a tricky lie, and we're fighting overseas wars for oil...I'm thinking soylent black.

The alternative is called Abiotic theory. Essentially it suggests oil may be made by a geological process. I don't think it denies that some oil is made of trees and dinosaurs. It's unpopular because if true, then oil isn't as scarce as we have been lead to believe.

That link actually makes me want to give up on western civilization

Too confronting for you?

If by confronting, you mean incredibly disappointing, then yes.

Your posts are all about emotion, rather than evidence and logic.

This is why the list of 37 is too much for you to deal with.

That is okay, you are in the vast majority :)

I guess that I took too many fluorides and now my emotions overpower my weak little brain. Now I can never hope to logic and reason why space don't real.

What evidence do you have, apart from science fiction, that there is such a thing as 'outer space'?

You might as well give it up in any event. It was never more than a myth that has caused far more trouble, conflict, and human suffering than any good that was ever attributed to it.

Any good that has come about throughout that long violent and bloody history has all been in spite of, not because of that. The occasion wins of normal human sensibilities in their constant struggle against the over-arching personal ambitions and competition between leaders for whom those ordinary people were never anything more but disposable pawns in their games and contests of one-up-man-ship.

A lot of skeptics get fed up. A lot of times, especially with political stuff, a skeptic will point out something false and get a response as if they believe the opposite of the person they are correcting. They get strawmanned, or they just get called a shill, or it is whataboutism. No real response, just the same responses throughout the whole thread.

I don't look at /r/politics because each thread I can guess how the comments look without going in the thread. Political threads in this sub are starting to be the same for different reasons.

Well would you look at that, turns out I'm pretty much a complete normie after all. I'll put that down to the benefits of a good education, using critical thinking skills and not accepting bullshit simply because.

It's all very well to espouse a viewpoint of not accepting things at face value, but there's a limit and after that it just becomes a circlejerk.

Take this one - " Characters like ‘Plato’ and ‘Strabo’ were real people who existed thousands of years ago." Yup, I'll go with that. We have their writings as the main proof, but also accounts from other people who lived at the same time (teachers, students, relatives) and they also feature in official records of the time. All the evidence points to them being real people who lived c.2k-2.5k years ago.

So what's the counter-argument here? If the above is what normies think, what do the conspiracy folks think is happening?

Well would you look at that, turns out I'm pretty much a complete normie after all. I'll put that down to the benefits of a good education

On this we can agree. It was your 'education' that made you like this.

Take this one - " Characters like ‘Plato’ and ‘Strabo’ were real people who existed thousands of years ago." Yup, I'll go with that. We have their writings as the main proof

Oh really? Where can we find these writings?

This should be good.

Haha, I knew the first comment would be to accuse me of being brainwashed by education, rofl.

Ok now down to brass tacks. So the simple scenario I outlined above is the standard default view. You're coming along and saying that it's not correct. The burden of proof therefore falls upon you, not me. You're making the pretty extraordinary claim that Plato did not in fact exist; as we all know, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence to back them up.

The floor is all yours.

You are the one who claimed that 'we have' Plato's writings.

I am simply asking you where we can find Plato's writings.

After all of your 'education' this ought to be easy.

No I'm sorry, you're missing the point entirely here.

The burden of proof is on you to dispute the existence of Plato. Are you able to offer any evidence that he did not in fact exist?

You claimed that we have Plato's writings.

If you now concede that this is not the case, then be frank about it.

So, a final attempt to get you to understand (actually, I think you understand perfectly well, but you're being deliberately obtuse for the sake of being annoying and nothing more, but I'll give you one more chance).

I'll lay it all out again, and I'm going to ask you the question one more time. If you can't or don't answer in your next post, I'll have to assume that it's because you are unable to provide the evidence required, and therefore you forfeit this little debate.

The standard default view is that Plato was a real person who lived c.2.5k years ago. If you wish to challenge this view, you will have to provide evidence yourself. Remember, the burden of proof falls upon you to support your argument - extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

With all that in mind then, are you able to present any evidence that challenges the standard view that Plato did indeed exist? And please, no more prevarications or bullshit - do have any evidence to support your theory?

The standard default view

So what? You claimed that we can see Plato's writings for ourselves, and I asked you a simple question: where?

That you are dodging this simple question suggests to me that you have since realised this is in fact not the case.

Rather than ponder the reasons why there are no actual writings by Plato which we can access, you are instead trying to move the goalposts.

Thank you for taking part in this debate, unfortunately you've lost. I've updated my original post to reflect this.

You are not very good at this, are you? :)

He's clearly not. The only reason he's massively more upvoted than you is all the shills from Big Plato.

'Massively'? lol

The true denizens of the sub returned and corrected the missteps by Big Plato's shills.

As you are certainly aware, searching for "Plato's writings" will get you them all, or at least what is claimed to be them all.

You are making the extraordinary claim that Plato didn't exist. You need to provide evidence.

searching for "Plato's writings" will get you them all

No, it won't.

You are making the extraordinary claim that Plato didn't exist.

When did I make that claim?

Holy fuck.

Is it laziness that made you this way? Narcissism? Are you actually this fucking stupid?

You, and people like you, are completely ignorant children who grew up in echo chambers where your inane ideas were never challenged.

You have literally formed a lifetime of bullshit based on one completely false assumption: that you are intelligent.

Society, culture, science, and math are the culmination of thousands of years of effort wrought by billions of peopole over countless hours. Every thing in your ridiculous list is heavily researched and meticulously catalogued, then debated ad naseum.

And just for the record oil is 99% vegetation. Fucking idiots.

Relax, no need to get triggered. Nobody is here to hurt you.

oil is 99% vegetation

What is your evidence for this claim?

I don't even know what you are replying to - but it isn't helpful. Have you considered taking a deep breath lately?

You're still responsible for the burden of production. Your assertion is that "we have these writings". He was asking for you to admit them as evidence. He made zero assertions, he only asked you to provide the evidence to the claim you stated.

That's like saying "we know he killed him because we have the murder weapon" and then not admitting the weapon as evidence.

He's asking to see the weapon... nothing more, nothing less.

No, I'm not responsible. The default view is Plato existed. If you wish to argue otherwise, provide some evidence to support that claim, or else the default view continues to be just that.

The general consensus is that nobody here is arguing with you that Plato didn't exist, please provide proof.

Now that that's out of the way, we (the people in this thread) are curious about those writings that you say "we have". Who's we?

history is written by the winners.
Case in point: Imagine, if you will what the US would be like if the South had won the Civil war.

About Plato: When you look at the architecture of the capital of the US, and several state flags, you see Greek and Roman themes. One could argue that the authority wants people to believe Plato existed because the authority is the Roman empire in its middle kingdom period.

Who actually determines what "a good education" presumably is? How much of anything that we "learned" has any real bearing on our daily lives or in any way makes them better or enables us to genuinely make them any better?

Education is a compulsory system that was created not by any ordinary people in light of their wants and needs but by a financial and social elite that simply needed more capable workers in order to make more profits and a system to supply more than enough of them to keep their wages as low as possible by forcing them to compete with one another for those jobs.

A system where you're basically handed an ever expanding slate of so called facts on a variety of subjects from the time that you're a small child that you must commit to memory and will be judged by how well you can manage do that and accurately repeat and describe them.

You do that within a classroom setting with others that no one makes any allowances of any kind for what any of their individual talents and abilities may be or what genuinely interests any of them because that isn't important to the system or why it actually exists.

The pace of learning is too slow for the ones who find that kind of memorization easy to do and too rapid for those that don't and more of them fall into one or the other than the few that it's actually suitable for. In short it is very much like work and the working world when it comes to those very same dissatisfactions.

It is, by and large, years of repetitive mental and social conditioning that is structured to create a conformity and a uniformity in both thought and behavior cultivated to accept and always be subservient to some higher authority than their own that will continue on and be no different in their adult lives.

It is, by and large, years of repetitive mental and social conditioning that is structured to create a conformity and a uniformity in both thought and behavior [...]

Some of the best educated people I know are also the most skeptical and have some of the most exotic beliefs - try any Fortean convention.

I didn't say that there weren't any resistors who caught on early and learned to give the system what it wanted while still managing to keep a open mind and an opinion of their own safely tucked away but they are a small minority by comparison. More than a few fed-up rebels too, that bucked it until they were old enough to drop-out.

My main point being that it isn't a situation that either encourages or is conducive to independent thinking or learning which is why at least 75% of the population not only isn't very good at it but usually tries to avoid it altogether.

I'm not sure why Plato's existence is in question, but perhaps one could be skeptical that his writings were tweaked in translation or something.

A lot of different theories revolving Atlantis actually use Plato's account of the lost empire as a proof of its existence. He refers to it as an ancient ocean-trading capable empire.

I consider myself a skeptic, but that "simple test" says otherwise. Not to get hippy here, but why put people in a box? I can be both a "normie" and conspiracy theorist - the two don't always cross each other out.

How many of the 37 items on the list do you still believe?

And how many of those are you genuinely willing to challenge?

Not many... but a few, which is why I'm here. It's not all or nothing, that's my point.

I agree, can people can believe whatever they want, and identify however they want.

The typical normie, however, will generally believe most if not all of the items on that list.

Why? Because the normie does not think for himself.

Maybe I'm just not meeting many "typical normies". People have a wide array of opinions and beliefs - and lists generalizing and putting people in boxes are generally pretty irritating (and seem to have an agenda of their own).

What is more important to you: your feelings, or evidence and logic.

If I had to list in order I'd say evidence > feelings > logic. What is your point?

Cool, so what evidence do you have for the items on the list in which you still believe?

Science, books, peer-reviewed studies. I'm flexible and willing to listen to other sources, but as it stands, I'm good with much of the science for many of the items on the list.

None of what you listed is evidence in and of itself, though.

Even using the term 'science': there is a big difference between the scientific method, and what is passed off as 'science' by believers.

Dude. It's pointless. There a handful of users here who do this shit constantly. "how do you know outer space exists?" "science isn't proof" "proof isn't proof" Oh and someone here dropped this one the other day regarding the population of the planet:

"What's your basis for that belief?

UN, WHO, and others are psychopathic liars.

There are more people than that in the country of India alone

How do you actually know?"

It a lost cause trying to reason with these folks. They don't understand that you can actually know something to be true. It must be strange living in a world where you know that you can't know anything.

And exhausting to constantly question everything. There are times when I am completely content trusting the experts on a given subject.

It's also exhausting to try and reason with them, which is why I curse at myself occasionally for accidentally falling into a "debate" with them.

Honestly, worst thing about this place is being asked for a source, giving a source, then being told "that's not a reliable source." Like what the literal fuck will you accept as a source thenp

"Conspiracy theorist" exist on a spectrum. It is the skeptic's mindset that causes you to begin to question the assumptions of your culture. Eventually you realize that everything is more complicated than it seems. Sometimes the fundamental assumptions are true, sometimes false, but they are always more complicated than we are taught.

I score 12/37 on that link. I do think we landed on the moon, but I also don't think the purpose of popular media is to entertain OR turn a profit.

Anything that causes unnecessary conflict should be viewed with suspicion.

Dude, no... C'mon, that link has nothing to do with skepticism, more like an unbridled paranoid delusion.

I'm a skeptic, through and through. You need to, at least, provide some rational anecdotes or counter-arguments that support those points, or source someone that does.

My basis as a skeptic goes like this: Is there a theory that supports all the observed evidence? If so, then that's likely the most reasonable explanation at this point.

A theory is valid until repeatable observations prove it false. Some good points may be buried in the article you linked, but chances are you're going to have people bounce out after #2~3.

Keep your mind open, but not so much that your brains fall out...

Lots of ad hominem and other fallacies in this post, as well as some empty rhetoric.

Which of the items on that list are you sure is true?

Pick one, and we can discuss the evidence and the logic, like grown adults. No need for appeals to authority or appeals to consensus or any other fallacious arguments.

This will be fun :)

There are quite a few in the list that I don't support, however the majority I just haven't seen enough evidence to whole-heartedly believe the contrary for.

Items on the list I haven't seen any viable evidence to believe in (I believe they are wrong, agreeing with the author's intent):
9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 34, 35, 37
(15/37, or 40.5%)

Items I see as contested, meaning there is evidence of certain interests being involved in manufacturing these "truths". However the actual nature of the item, as depicted by the author, is a half-truth, either misrepresented or poorly understood:
3, 5, 8, 15, 17, 18, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36
(14/37, or 37.8%)

And the remaining items, which I have yet to see convincing evidence to the contrary, or those which existing common theories happen to fit the bill better than any alternative theories:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 27
(8/37, or 21.6%)

So, I'm 59.4% normie by those standards.

Oh man, that list is... Wow. The author seems to think that if he doesn't understand something it can't be true. I'm all for keeping an open mind about shit and questioning everything, so if I see compelling evidence that, for instance, space doesn't exist; and importantly evidence that outshines the evidence that it does, then I'll accept it. Believing something just because of a gut feeling is just silly.

Believing something just because of a gut feeling is just silly.

I agree. How many items on that list do you believe because of more than gut feeling?

On other words, how many of your beliefs from that list are based on your own empirical observations?

I'm confident in saying that I'm sufficiently skeptical.
My favorite is 28 because Holocaust denial is super sinful in Germany not sure, I won't bother looking it up

What are your thoughts on that list. Could you go through each point and explain your reasoning please.

I have already made a video explaining my opinion on the first ten.

If you would like access, just PM me and link this thread.

Can you link me? Or can you just address all points instead of the first 10 and then saying "pm me and link this thread for further access!", because that sounds like you're soliciting something.
I went through the effort of debating every point in another thread a few weeks ago. The least you could do is reciprocate.

I'll see what I can do.

Come up with any thoughts yet?

Anything yet?

According to that "simple test", to be considered a skeptic or not a "normie", you have to disagree with statements like:

31) Humans of different races are so similar they ought to live together in mixed communities.


33) Men and women are so similar they ought to study and work together in mixed environments.

Soooo basically you have to be openly racist and sexist and believe that people should be separated by gender and race, ala the US's Segregated South.

Yeah, sorry, no and you are part of the problem.

racist and sexist

Where do you think those words come from?

That dude is a nutjob. He doesn't 'believe in' nukes, the structure of molecules and atoms, or the roundness of the earth. Get a microscope, a telescope, and a grip.

Do you believe in nukes? If so, why?


What about it?

The problem is tons of people coming here over the past few months aren't skeptics. It feels like r/politics when Bernie got too much steam and overnght it became pro Hillary.

And the Mods allowing it, in order an attempt to show the sub as active and keep the front page fresh.

Years ago, when I first starting lurking on this sub, the front page was new, maybe every two or three days. There are only so many non political conspiracies. However the discussions within those top posts were deeply intriguing and informative, and fresh with new information daily.

Now you see a completely new front page on this sub as quickly has twice a day, yet the post are BS political propaganda, and the discussions within are simply shill trash.

Now don't get me wrong I am not slamming the mods over this, because most people would agree new fresh content would be a good thing, except when its not...

It feels like r/politics when Bernie got too much steam and overnight it became pro Hillary.

Part of it is an increased awareness. Part of it is emotion. Topics that generate strong emotions get more upvotes/visibility and users will respond to that.

People were really rooting for Bernie and (to so many of us) it seemed like he got cheated out of the win. I think r/con did a great job of tracking the story.

So great. in fact, that subscribers to this sub were much better informed of what was going on. People who depended on "regular news" were typically 2 or 3 months behind.

Doesn't this sub have any time for fringe anymore? Don't we welcome a break from the mundane of politics...

There's a companion sub called r/FringeTheory. Anything fringe is both welcome and encouraged. Doesn't have to involve any element of conspiracy.

People are also welcome to post content here and crosspost there.

Have you noticed the change in r/politics since the banned shareblue?

In order to take sides in politics, especially with enough conviction to argue about it online with a stranger, you have broken a vital rule of conspiracy theories: question everything. If you are skeptical about everything else in this world, but are ardently R or D, then your politics are purely emotional.

This is the problem with modern politics. It is mostly emotional for people, except if you proposed this they would VEHEMENTLY disagree with you. If they don't understand why they hold their position, then nobody else will be able to figure it out either, that's for sure, which makes discussing it nearly pointless. Political opinions are also largely social approval-based, another thing people are loathe to admit.

From another angle, though, politics is one, big conspiratorial clusterfuck. The perfect thing to talk about in a conspiracy sub, while keeping it non-partisan, of course. If someone picks a side talking about politics, we should gently remind them that they are falling for normie bullshit.

This is all very well said mate.

For a short time it was taken over by trump supporters. But then the mods started banning them for ridiculous reasons in an attempt to silence them

Wich allowed hillarys shareblue to take over

And since the mods go easy on shareblue its turned into r politics

Some people still think politics are real.?????

We all probably look nuts to people who aren't into conspiracy theories

This is the real problem with this sub - we have many people here that don't actually believe in conspiracy theories and only showed up because of the Trump/Russia "conspiracy" narrative.

any interaction is a fight, not a discussion.

Just closed a different thread on this sub because of this. The Steve Wozniak not believing Tesla/NASA.

Top comment was someone stating Tesla vehicles come out faster than BMW or something similar. 2nd top comment was how Tesla cars do NOT come out faster and I'm just like For Fuck's Sake every single time

I've said it before and I'll say it again: You can have two astroturfing profiles arguing with each other and acting like idiots and real people join in to argue with a piece of software. It also works the other way, to steer discussion away by having astroturfing profiles identify a real human's post that may not contribute to the discussion in any meaningful way, and those astroturf profiles will back the human up.

to steer discussion away

I am displeased that they (astroturfing profiles) are so good at it

The internet is overall more combative than it used to be, any interaction is a fight, not a discussion.

Yep. More than any actual bots or shills mucking the site up, real people have just begun to act like bots and shills. Feels like you need a long form birth certificate and a 26 page thesis statement to ask a question these days. Put down the pitchforks folks were all neighbors

Watch this ted talk

I think it has something to do with social media algorithms and how they are affecting our psychology

Here's the thing, it's only going to get worse so I would suggest putting your nihilism coat on and giving up. Truth, honesty, fairness, respect are all words that are essentially archaic in this day and age. Kasparov has a great quote about media and propaganda which is something like "the goal of propaganda isn't to make you believe wholeheartedly in a cause, it's to muddy the waters to such an extent that not only doesn't objective fact not matter but the population is so exhausted that they just can't deal"

And the reason for that is a conspiracy itself. In real life, we aren't confrontational, aggressive, sarcastic (most of us at least). At least not until recently.

Seems like immediately upon the pedogate investigations, the sub got destroyed.

I think people have started viewing this sub as a battleground

It is an 'information war', after all, and how can we know we are on the 'right side' if we can't convince random users of an internet forum to our way of seeing things?

Wow you hit the nail on the head. Going to delete my previous comment, because yours is spot on.

When did this behavior begin? It seems strange to me that people would even come here if they aren't interested in earnest discussion, and just want to fight. Did the sub suddenly experience an influx of new users from another sub or something?

It's strange how angry everyone seems to be. If you agree with them, they're happy campers and it's just one big good time, but if you disagree or even if you agree but are willing to give their opponent the benefit of the doubt, then you'd better be prepared for some abuse.

There seem to be certain topics that downright trigger people too. For example, the level of abuse I've encountered just for entertaining flat earthers and proposing an experiment they could try is incredible. And I didn't even claim it was a solid experiment, I actually just asked if anyone thought it would work.

There were a few good responses and some people had good points which lead me to believe maybe the experiment wouldn't work, but others have just been vile.

From what I’ve seen it became like this once Trump became a viable candidate. At first Trump supporters from outside this sub came here and some mods who support him flagged posts in suspicious ways. Seems like there was a backlash where anti-Trump people started coming here as well to downvote and argue because they wouldn’t be banned for doing so. And now it’s a constant fight between the two groups to determine what reaches the top. Neither are here because they’re genuinely interested in conspiracies, they’ve chosen their corners.

I’ll admit I’m not much of a conspiracist and I hate Trump but I don’t think this sub should be consumed by politics. I’ve been a lurker and subscriber here for a long time because I found a lot of the crazier conspiracies hilarious and interesting to read. I try not to vote too much here unless people are being dicks or obviously only here to push an agenda. But it’s clear people on both sides come here to duke it out because their respective main subs are 100% set in their corners whereas this sub there’s at least the possibility for it to go either way.

From what I’ve seen, and I’m going to get shit for this probably, it is primarily Trump supporters who are combative, hateful, and vile. Maybe I’ve just missed the similar comments from non-Trump supporters? And I’m not talking about if I post against Trump, I would expect to get hate from Trump supporters then.

I’m saying when I see someone vile, for lack of a better word, they always turn out after the fact to be a hardcore MAGA dude, the full nine yards. And this is after noticing their hate when discussing something unrelated to politics.

Is it just me? I know it’s partisan of me to say this and maybe I’m contributing to the problem, but it seems like libs are at least willing to not call you a fucking regard and to engage you in a civil discussion.

I have plenty of examples I could find.

I mean he ran on anger and us vs them, his supporters will reflect that. I agree with you but it’s pretty obvious why they’d act like that.

People don't like being constantly called idiots, alt-right, white nationalists, rasists, anti-intellectuals, traitors, or Russian bots constantly. It's not fair to blame their anger on Trump's instruction. They have been and continue to be constantly prodded. I'm not trying to claim it only goes one way but to pretend people on the left aren't instigating shit and Trumpers are unjustifiably mad just because their leader promotes hate is severely disingenuous. There is plenty of hate of both sides. However, most of it has been stirred up artificially. If you only see hate and wrongdoing on one side you are letting your biases blind you.

So they got called names and they're getting revenge? I don't get your point.

If I get called a leftist I don't go "well if you're going to call me a leftist I'm going to get real angry and push for the seizure of the means of production!" I'm center left, getting called mean names doesn't make me go full communist or irrationally angry at the world.

Also why do you make it seem like being called a racist online is the worst thing ever? Somehow you can call for the expulsion of an entire religion from the country but call them racists and you all jump to "whoa, whoa, whoa first off it's a religion. Second off even if they were a race, how is that racist? We just want to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. Calling them racist is horrible!"

Also also regardless of why they're angry having an entire political movement supported almost fully by anger and hatred of other races, religions and political leanings is probably not good for the people involved nor our nation.

You're comment did nothing but demonstrate how your biases manipulate your perception of reality. You think your side is right and the other side is wrong so calling them names is justified and fine and they shouldn't get mad. "They are the ones that are wrong so Fuck'em" Am I understanding you correctly?

You didn't acknowledge anything I said in the comment so it would seem that no, you don't understand me correctly. In fact no where in my message did I say fuck em, anything close to that or anything implying that. At least make an attempt to give an informed response instead of flailing wildly please.

What point did you make in your comment that I missed.

If I get called a leftist I don't go "well if you're going to call me a leftist I'm going to get real angry and push for the seizure of the means of production!" I'm center left, getting called mean names doesn't make me go full communist or irrationally angry at the world.

I interpret this as, "They call me names and I don't get mad so calling them names shouldn't make them mad" I'm not mad and they are irrationally angry.

Also why do you make it seem like being called a racist online is the worst thing ever? Somehow you can call for the expulsion of an entire religion from the country but call them racists and you all jump to "whoa, whoa, whoa first off it's a religion. Second off even if they were a race, how is that racist? We just want to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. Calling them racist is horrible!"

Racism is when a person believes their race to be superior to others. A lot of these people just want to keep terrorists out. I do not agree with the all Muslims are terrorist, I believe we created terrorists, however they believe Islam is a religion that promotes violence.

Also also regardless of why they're angry having an entire political movement supported almost fully by anger and hatred of other races, religions and political leanings is probably not good for the people involved nor our nation.

I interpret this as "Regardless of why they are angry, Trump supporters are in the wrong, racist, and full of hate and it isn't good for this country"

See that's a much better comment, it actually seems like it's a response to mine rather than a copy/paste comment you could post anywhere.

I interpret this as, "They call me names and I don't get mad so calling them names shouldn't make them mad" I'm not mad and they are irrationally angry.

Ya I mean that's sort of true. Getting called names shouldn't make you angry at the world and lash out at anyone who disagrees. Does getting called names justify the vitriol and hate his supporters spew towards people like Kaepernick? Or any Muslim really?

Racism is when a person believes their race to be superior to others. A lot of these people just want to keep terrorists out. I do not agree with the all Muslims are terrorist, I believe we created terrorists, however they believe Islam is a religion that promotes violence.

It's kind of hilarious you literally used the first response I made. By the way people use the same excuse to hate Jews, "it's a religion not a race so you can't be racist against them". But even if it's not racist or even bigoted it's still anti-American. We are supposed to judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin or where they came from. Calling them all mudslimes isn't just nervousness about terrorism, it's vile hatred. Maybe on stage they won't say their true feelings but go to T_D and see the various heavily upvoted slurs for Muslims. While you're there check out the other racist slurs they'll use for blacks or Mexicans or a variety of other races. You can't pretend it's not hatred when they don't even really hide it.

I interpret this as "Regardless of why they are angry, Trump supporters are in the wrong, racist, and full of hate and it isn't good for this country"

You should interpret it as me saying any movement powered by anger and hate is not good for the soul of the people involved nor our nation. And I find it hard for anyone to disagree with that. Regardless of whether their anger is justified, it's still not good for them or us.

Also also regardless of why they're angry having an entire political movement supported almost fully by anger and hatred of other races, religions and political leanings

But it's not, at all. This is your bias talking.

I don't think you spend enough time on /r/politics or some of the other subs. People can be hateful and vile, and it's not limited to political ideology.

Yeah if you are only seeing the hateful,vileness from one side it is most likely because the other side agrees with you and doesn't attack you.

Politics is a shitshow. I would expect better here.

I think you don't see the vile from Anti-Trumpers because you agree with them. I'll list you some examples of the vileness towards me just yesterday:

It’s meant to muddy the waters and discredit the IC/investigation, you fucking retard. People like you would be of more use to this world if you jumped off a bridge and let a school of fish eat you.

If you say stupid shit it doesn’t matter where you post, you will get similar reactions. Maybe you should go back to a sub that confirms your biases.

Don't be an idiot. Both sides spin stuff like the long-term effects of a tax or healthcare plan, while this memo is a direct attack on the intelligence community in order to protect Trump. This isn't standard DC spin.

That's rich coming from a Trump-supporting piece of trash like you. Public perception always matters, even when things should be cut and dry. Fish are getting hungry.

Not trying to stir shit up, but I think you are wrong and biased. There are plenty of anti-Trump people that are fucking psychos.

I don't think I'm being partial, but I may not be seeing the whole picture, because I haven't seen the same thing you're referring to. On other subs, maybe, but here?

Nah, I was talking in general. To be honest I haven't paid much attention to this sub other than, after being subscribed for quite some time, noticing that it is not exactly what I'm looking for when I think of a sub about conspiracies.

This polarization is the real conspiracy. Keep people divided and fighting each other. No one will notice the people in power assuming total control.

I love the old school stuff. Secret asteroids, aliens, military secrets...

Nail on the head. Does anyone even remember the fact the US has been at war for almost 20 years? All that's plastered everywhere is tabloid-esque pop-political bullshit.

It's all he said, she said, "sources" tell us. No one knows anything for sure, but everyone's got their pitchforks aimed at "them." Currently, discerning information from misinformation requires more and more scrutiny on the part of the reader, and less and less people are capable or willing to expend that effort.

less and less people

fewer and fewer

“Sources say” is newspeak for speculation. They all do this but Fox News is especially egregious.

People still believe in war???? Countries????? Get woke

we have made it so we can do things that look like war but are not official wars. We have not Declared a war since Dec 8 1941 and we have been in constant battle for way longer than 20 years.

the thing about american wars is this: They've mastered the art of hiding them from public view.

PMCs do all the fighting now, so you don't get the stories of soldiers, and the US military is mostly just bombing anything that moves.

America has a massive war addiction

Not just at war, but in a "State of Emergency" since 2001.

Like the Roman's said "divide and conquer"

That was Sun Tzu, Romans said divide et imperia

This is correct. I know the Russian shit is getting tiring but this is the real conspiracy. They’ve managed to divide not only the U.S, but progressives and conservatives around the world. It’s been proven that they are creating bot and troll accounts to push narratives on both sides.

I hate the internet now. It’s made me so fucking jaded. I can’t go on Hockey forums now without politics and social issues being brought up.

I seriously wish both sides could get together and acknowledge what they’ve done.

Conspiracies are great. It’s fun to question everything. That’s the point of a conspiracy, we’re not supposed to just accept what we are told. But this sub has taken a political turn. And while these conspiracies are valid, either side immediately dismisses them because it goes against their “team”.

Wikileaks being exposed was a great example. That was a huge story that got buried.

On top of that, its the algorithms used by facebook, twitter, and google that were abused by Russia to influence the election. Watch this ted talk on the subject:

Tl;dw: these algorithms are set up to continuously push users into more extreme ideologies. This is why we are seeing a rise in extreme leftism, islamic extremism, and ethno nationalism all at the exact same time. Russia used these same channels to push american citizens on both sides of the aisle

People still believe in aliens???? This is the 21st century. They are Spirits and mutants, no aliens

Of course there are aliens. The universe is a pretty big place. The conspiracy is whether they have come to earth or not.



To those of you who are secular: I ask you to read even just the first 12 pages of “Culture of Critique” by MacDonald, a CSU professor ( ).

To those who look to history or to religion for truth: I implore you to read “The Protocols of Zion” ( ). Both are incredibly eye-opening. What is said of these writings also speaks volumes of the person saying it.

Who owns the banks? How wealthy are the Rothschilds? (no joke.) Who owns, and who decides what is produced out of Hollywood? Who owns the media, and therefore selects (trickle-down) who is hired to write these disgusting pieces of propaganda that wish to de-moralize the population? Who owns most of the degenerate porn companies that ask our women to perform perverted acts, and tempt our men to be weak of mind and spirit?? Use bing instead of evil google (just compare the results they each give you, in your search for truth!)


Oldest tactic in the book, divide & conquer. It's still around because it's still effective.

I love that this comment has a ton of upvotes and positive affirmations. Oh the irony. :)

Talking about how we don't talk about is fine for the shills.

My thoughts to. It's infiltrated with propagandists. It's not a safe place for the open minded or critical thinkers.

It's not a safe place for the easily misled, perhaps. Almost everywhere should be safe for any capable open minded critical thinker.

Which is funny because you can't win an internet "fight". If they want to fight so bad they should meet up irl and kill each other.

And they haven’t figured out that Politics is a Punch and Judy show.


I'm guilty of this. Myself and the Jews

Removed. Rule 5

Are you kidding? I was clearly joking

"I think people have started viewing this sub as a battleground, rather than a discussion forum."

That is by design. That is the purpose of shills and identity politics.

Damn that mod turned his back for a few minutes and this sub went to politics. Can we get back to the basics.

As someone who lurks more than posts/comments, it really seemed like since the last US election it became a forum for right-wing Trumpites.

I mainly only see the top threads as I don't tend to visit directly (so just see them in my front page feed) and it has been nearly universally pro-Trump stuff for the past year or more.

What the fuck do you mean!

No serious i actually agree. I lurk on /r/conspiracy for entertainment and the occasional "oh shit" moment. Now it's just fucking bumpkins fighting gem stone healers about who or what is out to get YOU.

no its not!!!!

956 upvotes for that comment? haha

I'll try to post something you like more next time 👌

Clearly there are a lot more political threads. I think one cause is that government corruption and scandals, as well as the media's suppression of them, is so blatant and egregious that more people are waking up to the conspiracies inside our government. It's unfortunate that so much of the discussion is partisan. We should be looking at these institutional conspiracies without a focus on facts and evidence, not a political agenda.

Although the excessive political threads may be irksome, the up side is that SO many more people are waking up. Sometimes things have to get worse before people wake up and do something.

I think people have felt this way for a long time, however it’s not just this sub... It is the whole platform and social media. We could argue for days, but what it comes down to is that this shit isn’t the Wild West anymore.

This 1000% if you question anything they say in a non confrontational way it means your the enemy. That’s he whole point of this sub, unless of course it’s about what op believes

Thank the libtards for that

Jk jk

any interaction is a fight, not a discussion.

This is another (unintended?) consequence of the adversarial talking head shout matches that have come to sustain cable news' 24 hour cycles.

any interaction is a fight, not a discussion.

This pretty much sums up reddit for me.

Yep, exactly. Just like everywhere on the internet, if someone posted a "fringe" topic, it would be derailed into a political argument within two comments. Constructive and thoughtful conversation has disappeared.

I think people have started viewing this sub website as a battleground, rather than a discussion forum.

And they aren't wrong, some topics and opinions got banned, that's when it stopped being a discussion.

Now if you want a discussion, you have to fight for it.

The most cogent thing written on this sub in.... forever.

I think people have started viewing this sub as a battleground, rather than a discussion forum. The internet is overall more combative than it used to be, any interaction is a fight, not a discussion.

Those aren't people, they're shills. They want to lower the quality of discussion by turning everything into personal attacks and meaningless talking points.

Nah, they're people. The "paid shill" epidemic is such a tired meme.

Not sure if you haven't done any research on this or you're just defending the shills for nefarious reasons, but you need to read this:

Of course I'm aware of actual, paid shills on reddit, long time reader of /r/HailCorporate . The actual community disruption currently is coming from TMOR, politics and TD - not paid shills pushing...something (as I see no coherent message being pushed). There is a difference between shills and trolls.

Dehumanizing the people disrupting the community is an oversimplification, it's lazy to assume the only issue is bots/shills.

Wait, you seriously don't think there are shills on reddit? Did you not hear about how Eglin Air Force Base (Military Intelligence) got caught shilling on here?

Most of the disruption of r/conspiracy and r/politics is coming from left wing groups. Look for talking points like:

"Daddy Trump!"

"Not everyone who disagrees with you is a shill!"

"Russian hacking/collusion!"

"T_D 2.0!"

Dehumanizing the people disrupting the community is an oversimplification

I'm getting suspicious now, because this is a common talking point that they use.

it's lazy to assume the only issue is bots/shills.

And now you're openly distorting what I said. Your next comment starts sounding more like a real person sharing their actual thoughts and not intentionally distracting and distorting, or I'm blocking you.

I didn't say their weren't shills. If Eglin Air Force base is the biggest reddit using area................................wouldn't they be shilling for their commander and chief?

Please explain that for me. The airforce works for Trump. He's their boss. Why wouldn't they be posting positive things for him and the military?

I didn't say their weren't shills.

You strongly implied it, although you only said shills weren't a big problem. They are definitely a big problem, including actively attacking anyone who posts here and manipulating the voting, especially in the comments (where reddit admins don't care because it doesn't affect link placement which is what the big corporations care about).

If Eglin Air Force base is the biggest reddit using area................................wouldn't they be shilling for their commander and chief?

Not necessarily. Military intelligence tends to be more loyal than, say, the CIA. But they were definitely shilling against Trump during the election. Most of their tactics involve disruption and discrediting, rather than favoring one party over the other. And they haven't been very active since the election.

I said shills are less of a problem than actual humans following trends. Call them useful idiots or people with opinions, whatever; shills implies people being paid (imo). I completely agree with anything said about TMOR brigading, its annoying as fuck to see -50 in threads.

Your second point I just think is just wrong. Someone in the AF paid to post on forums (in favor of the federal government) doesn't give a shit what the message is, they just do their job. Trump is 'signing the paychecks' they'd be shilling for the federal government, and probably interventionist policies in favor of military action. It's just beyond a reasonable opinion to think an E1-E4 is typing something in direct opposition to their boss.

It's just beyond a reasonable opinion to think an E1-E4 is typing something in direct opposition to their boss.

I can see how you might think that in isolation. But if you look into the facts a bit more, it's not accurate. Air Force has a significantly different culture from Army, Marines, and even Navy. And intelligence within all of the military tends to be very different from the regular soldiers.

This includes tests to look for psychopathic traits, higher rates of participation in secret societies like the Freemasons, and so on.

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.

The US military being online astroturfing support for their actions I'll absolutely agree is a thing - 100% unequivocally, as is JIDF, Chinese intelligence, Russian intel, every European country's military, etc.

It's a step too far to think that Trump's AF is out there shilling....against him. That just defies logic. If it's happening...someone should tweet the dude, I imagine he'd get right on it. Orders come down from the top...and people follow up. That's just a bridge too far, imo.

It's a step too far to think that Trump's AF is out there shilling....against him.

I didn't say that. I said they haven't really shown up here since the election. The shills are now coming from the left wing groups like Shareblue.

Well that's weird cause I see a lot of people 'shilling' for Trump, in the generally accepted definition for the term.

Totally agree.

I too miss the good ole' days, long before the Great Normie Invasion.

When everyone outside thought that we were quarantined and not a threat to groupthink?

We still are those things, now we just got more normies (and normie topics), trolls, and shills. Progress™️, I suppose...

Fake News

Ha, most controversial comment!

Yup, same old shit, just another day.

Just wish there was a political conspiracy tab to sort out the daily/hourly political conspiracy garbage.

I think that's a fantastic idea!

Mods pls... I want aliens and shit again. Not deep state shill accusations

Or a whole separate sub. Throw all the political garbage in /r/politicalconspiracy or something and leave this sub for the traditional topics.

Having moderators delete posts that are 'off topic' is too subjective, and too much work for them.

The biggest subreddits are more like hubs for more niche subreddits, or dumping ground, depending how you spin it.

There are other subreddits linked in the side bar, r/C_S_T is pretty good.

Disagree man. This sub's been around for a long ass time and having it just turn into a shitpot would be bad. The problem is tho is when there is a political conspiracy worth talking about on this sub what would we do about it?

you go to /r/politicalconspiracy and babble about it there

its actually a brilliantly simple idea, kinda like how you do most of your shopping at wal mart because they have every common item you need all together, but you cant get upset when they dont have fiberglass matting and resin. so you go to home depot, but you sure as fuck dont sit there like "yeah they should just combine stores"

Yeah I get that, I just miss the way this sub used to be. Thanks for the link!

Was about to agree with you (really like some topics from that subrredit), but right now the second most popular post is:

Trump's 2018 State of the Union speech: describing his immigration reform in esoteric terms


Compartmentalizing the research into corruption would be the best way to hide corruption.

Every conspiracy is interconnected. Casting a veil would effectively hide the bigger picture.

The calls from bad actors to censor discussion here has been annoying, even when it's apparently an old mod making the call for censorship, but this is actually a decent compromise that would satisfy their complaints without censoring the actual point of this community.

Yeah this subreddit has gone to shit. Im considering abandoning reddit altogether and just focusing more on reading and writing music.

Same. Last day of Netflix for me

the entirety of reddit is complete shit. Same reposted shit is always popular same questions asked same topics, all the good stuff is instantly downvoted before it even gets a chance. This whole fucking site is manipulated so bad and its making me so disgusted, where are we to go?

Into the wonderful land if Imagination, where anything is possible! It's a lot like reality, only with less people!

If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it!

Remember reddit 5 years ago? Those were the good times :)

Le narwhal days?

lmao that was a cringe fest even back then

But bacon.

It hasn't changed much

I keep hearing people say that, but I'm not seeing it. Granted, a lot of my other interests are outside the realm of politics - but there's a numerous great and niche subs out there, many with active participation. Further, I appreciate being able to check in and out of different subjects. From here to /r/powerwashingporn to /r/AskReddit to /r/Humanoid_Encounters.

My point is - there's still a lot that is great about Reddit.

Once a sub gets big enough it becomes compromised though. There are a few subreddits I enjoy that are not very popular and you can tell how much more real they feel. /r/AskReddit is probably one of the worst though lol.

There are plenty of niche subs with good content and discussion. This was never quite one of those IMO, it was just too big, but it certainly had a lot of good content and wasn’t constantly overrun by political posts. But if you’re interested in stuff that doesn’t hit the front page reddit is still just fine.

I have been needing to turn off the TV and read more too. Maybe start a conspiracy book club post.

I'd be down for a book club

A conspiracy book club is actually a fantastic idea.

You won't regret it if you do it.

I was getting burned out too but recently I filtered out every political sub and my reddit experience has gotten much better. This one just slipped thru the cracks.

In my opinion, a healthy balance of both is one's best bet.

There are no rules precluding the kinds of posts and discussions you would want to see more of. But somebody has to do the posting.

Post nationalism





Can we get together and ban politics for 6 months

/r/conspiracy is my politics these days, sorry

Both sides of the political aisle fucked this place up good.

I am guilty of feeding into it.

We all are. Partisanship is addictive, arguing what slippery slope is slickest.

There has been a campaign to divide and conquer this sub. Its not very difficult to do, and it has been largely successful. Not a whole lot you can do about it, really, besides contributing and commenting on what you consider to be quality content.

There has been a campaign to divide and conquer this sub

Between two shit - political parties. This sub used to fight for people and thought, not for political parties that have shat on people time and time again.

The problem arises that a lot of people are interested in conspiracies of political nature. I think that things like Pizzagate and other scandals are the reason why our sub was targeted. Of course, many of those who are interested in these conspiracies are also supporters of Trump, so we get attacked as being partisan and making this sub "T_D2.0". And that seems to be where the back and forth starts coming in.

I think if people just let others discuss whatever conspiracies they want without ridicule, deflecting, defending, etc. we wouldn't have this problem. That means that if people want to discuss Trump-Russia collusion, Trump supporters shouldn't attack them either. Probably just wishful thinking, though.

Someone corect me if I am wrong, but wasn't there a mass migration from T_D to r/conspiracy around a year ago? Can someone please post a link or explain what happened or how the moderators cooperated to receive T_D transplants (or make conspiracy more welcoming to Trump supporters)?

People who browse and post in T_D also post here. That shouldn't be a surprise, nor should it be particularly controversial. I don't think the term "migration" makes sense because its not like they left T_D. I do think many of them probably started coming here more when Hillary started running because of the conspiracies surrounding her, and then Wikileaks with the DNC and Podesta emails, and Seth Rich also provided really good conspiracy fodder. It seems like some people have a really big problem with that, but in my opinion, if you don't like that content then you should just ignore it. Block those users if it really annoys you that much.

I've made one post in The_Donald and it was a joke post.

It was enough for snoopsnoo to label me.

I agree with you on every point. However, there was something specific that happened which resulted in many T_D users who before, had no activity on /r/con, to become regulars.

Actually, I think I may remember. T_D subreddit was suspended And conspiracy's moderators posted an announcement welcoming T-D users. I believe that's what I am remembering.

That was a mistake. No because it was an invitation for T_d, but because it appeared partisan and will forever be used to dismiss the community entirely.

For example; One's argument is immediately dismissed because he's a "trump supporter".


Because he posts in conspiracy!

But conspiracy users are by and large non-partisan.

Well, what about mods 'teaming' with the_donald?

*Cites above as "proof". Can you see how that hurt conspiracy in the long run?

Personally, I find it hard to believe that a bunch of Trump supporters with no interest in this sub became permanent members here just because of that Mod post (which for the record, I don't remember seeing but I'll take your word for it). I'd have to see the post itself to really give my opinion on it, but it does sound really strange from what you've said.

And even assuming that is true, is it so bad that there are people here who support Trump? I guess I shouldn't be surprised if people say, "yes, that's a problem," but that seems like a pretty intolerant view to have, and in my opinion that outlook is a big part of the problem.

I'm trying to find the post. If anyone recalls, please chime in.

Personally, I find it hard to believe that a bunch of Trump supporters with no interest in this sub became permanent members here just because of that Mod post I'm not making this up. Although, I admit, I may not be completely accurate as stated before.

I'm not saying that you're making it up. Just that, even if they saw that post, if they had no real interest in conspiracies in the first place I can't imagine them sticking around here for very long.

I think there is a lot of natural overlap between these conspiracy theories and support for Trump due to his generally anti-Establishment nature (and I know we could debate that). At least that's sort of how I see myself.

Same here. I didn't really gravitate towards ANY conspiracy theories until I became disillusioned with the MSM during the election. As a result, I started visiting T_D...and later ended up here.

It wasn't a "hostile takeover" attempt--more of a natural progression for me.

Well, just so people don't start going on subjective experiences, I've been disillusioned with the MSM for a long time and I don't frequent T_D. I came here because people dig, and that's what I find the most interesting.

Yup, this is me exactly.

is it so bad that there are people here who support Trump?

OP made a point. It is bad, and it is indeed a problem that many new r/conspiracy users aren't aware of, or don't understand, or ignore the corruption of our political systems and "support" either side at all, allowing themselves to be divided and distracted.

Well I think that's a pretty silly and intolerant view to take. And frankly, it doesn't matter how you feel about it. It makes total sense that people who support an anti-Establishment figure who is exposing corruption come to a conspiracy forum.

What is a problem is all the people who have suddenly arrived here touting the MSM Establishment narrative like all the other major subs in Reddit. Literally arguing against conspiracies using Project Mockingbird talking points. And they vote manipulate like the rest of reddit, as can be seen here. This sub wasn't always like that.

Well I think that's a pretty silly and intolerant view to take.

I think it's neither silly nor intolerant at all, and pre-Trump that view would have found great consensus amongst most of /r/conspiracy, methinks.

It makes total sense that people who support an anti-Establishment figure who is exposing corruption come to a conspiracy forum.

...which has/had a history of condemning the political system as a staged puppet show. The script writers saw the people wanted disclosure and an end of corruption, so they painted a puppet with orange hair and characterized it as "Anti-Establishment".

Don't get me wrong, I rooted for Trump too. I went around and told everyone toldyaso. It's the best thing to happen to drive home the point: the republic democracy or democratic republic or whatever you prefer to call it is hopelessly broken. And once he has disappointed and shattered all the dreams like Obama has, maybe the nations finally come to their senses, peek behind the curtain and rethink their whole approach to collective decision-making.

Here's the thing: you think Trump is a puppet, and I don't. I can accept your view and I'm not going to say that you shouldn't be posting here for falling into that thought-killing cliche. Its your opinion and you're welcome to it. I even enjoy entertaining that idea myself, and I always remain open to the possibility.

But, I remain cautiously optimistic about Trump and you seem to have a problem with that. But its your problem, not mine, and I'm going to keep giving my honest opinions on the matter. If you don't like what I have to say, feel free to block me.

But, I remain cautiously optimistic about Trump and you seem to have a problem with that.

Ha, I gave him the benefit of the doubt. But I have a simple metric: has the 9/11 case been reopened, all witnesses been called in, all evidence secured, all suspects ordered not to leave the country? Or is he still playing 6D chess?

If you don't like what I have to say, feel free to block me.

Why, you could have something important to say some day. This is not about you or me or Trump, this is about OPs observation. /r/conspiracy was a more wholesome place when it was not a battleground for the USAmerican two-party system.

But I have a simple metric: has the 9/11 case been reopened, all witnesses been called in, all evidence secured, all suspects ordered not to leave the country? Or is he still playing 6D chess?

Ok, that's your metric. My metric could have been "Has he abolished the Fed?" "Has he condemned Israel and stopped giving them foreign aid?"

But I don't think that is or has ever been a realistic expectation. I know he isn't perfect and he is not going to be our savior, but he is a step in the right direction, in my opinion.

My metric could have been "Has he abolished the Fed?"

Ah, good one as well :)

I wish I could share your optimism, and sincerely hope you're right.

/u/FlyTape made a thread reminding users from /r/The_Donald that they need to follow the subreddit rules or they would be banned. Somehow this has been twisted into an invitation, but that is an incredibly dishonest accusation.

Oh, so I'm dishonest now. Okay.

I'm not calling you dishonest, necessarily. Go ahead and read the thread and come to your own conclusion. However, many dishonest users have conveniently misread that thread and repeated the lie over and over. I don't believe this was entirely organic. For all I know, you are an honest user who has fallen victim to the gaslighting.

The bottom line is that the claim is nonsense. It was a perfectly innocuous thread but somehow it has become a favorite talking point almost every time the "T_D 2.0" debate comes up.

Found the announcement in question.

This is clear political bias, albeit with the best of intentions, I'm sure.

The whole thread was a tongue-in-cheek joke, but there is nothing wrong with it. Like I said, if they saw the thread then they were already here. I just don't understand what's wrong with reminding them that we have different rules.

In my mind, the problem here is the display of personal bias which provides ammunition for detractors (and shills) to attack the sub and group all conspiracy theorists as "Trump supporters".

Mods (in my opinion) should show no signs of preferential treatment. Just look at the first three comments as a prime example.

This is a battle of hearts and minds. And meme warfare. What you say as a moderator reflects on the community. Showing any preference whatsoever for any side caqused preconceived notions from people who casually come aross /r/con, that it is a partisan community. Which couldn't be further from the truth.

But appearances are everything in a community like this where most users form their opinions from nothing more than the titles of posts.

I'm just confused how telling people that we will ban them specifically, if they fail to follow our rules is preferential treatment.

If I had made a post to /politics users telling them specifically, that we would ban them if they break our rules... You guys would he bitching aboute singling them out.

When I singled out TD posters who were suddenly here one day when TD went dark, you call it preferential treatment. I literally warned them that I would ban them, I had already banned like a dozen of them which is why the sticky was posted.

Can't fucking win with you people i swear to God. The sub sucks now because you fucking collectivist are more sensitive than a sunburned penis. You guys misrepresent every god damned thing, and the majority of our new liberal users refuse to allow space for traditional conspiracies to exist here. It's turning into "March against Trump" in the comments and it's fucking boring. I have little doubt that half of you are real users and the other half are paid record corrections.

As far as the Donald goes and what I hate about them, I fucking hate memes. I was one of the main mods who put the no meme rule in effect (I dare you to remove that rule) I fucking hate the constant circle jerk in the comments there with no actual conversation. But at least they are willing to discuss some vaccine conspiracies and AGW conspiracies. This self imposed "the science is settled" bullshit from the left is fucking madness. The science is not settled, it's politicized like everything else in this corrupt fucking world.

I hope the ring leaders of our surveillance state went too far and spied on a presidential candidate. I hope it all comes out to the public and I hope they all get arrested. It's literally the best chance we have to save the nation without rivers of blood in the streets. The status quo of political elites like Hillary being immune to the law and the media running cover for them is exactly how you end up smack in the middle of the hell you folks claim to be trying to avoid by "punching Nazis". It's hilarious. The Nazis we're the ones going around punching their political opponents, read a fucking book.

I'm just gonna reply to the first part of your comment and not the rants. It's not the OP in that thread. It's your other comments. You make your biases way too obvious.

You don't even try to hide your bias here or here. There might be more but those are 2 of the first 3 parent comments in that thread.

You mods should probably even have different accounts you use to participate in threads so you can stop making potentially biased comments. It would detract from our arguments against you, that you're biased. And it would remove the potential of impropriety. Just stop giving us ammo to call you biased, it's really not hard.

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I guess we're both biased, the main difference is I'm not a mod.

We have two options: our moderators can be open about their biases or they can hide them. What we can never have is unbiased moderators. I don't mean to say that moderators should moderate according to their biases, but EVERYONE has a bias. This is a basic part of our individual worldviews. It's much healthier for moderators to share their biases openly because that makes it so much harder to get away with biased moderation. It's slightly unintuitive, but think about it for a moment. If a moderator wanted to play favorites, the best way to do that would be to fly under the radar as a bland, faceless moderation machine. That's what automoderator is for. I prefer moderators to be real people with real opinions because that's what they are.

It's easy for me to armchair quarterback. What I can do is appreciate when someone sticks to his guns.

I'm not sure how that really showed preferential treatment. In fact the whole thread was to tell them that they would not be given preferential treatment. He spoke in their language to make sure they got the point and he used humor to lighten a bizarre moment in subreddit drama history.

There is nothing wrong with that thread. There is something wrong with the people who think that thread had anything at all to do with an influx of /r/The_Donald users, because that makes zero sense if you think about it for one microsecond. There is something wrong with the shills who took that thread as an opportunity to further their goals.

I get your point, I just don't like the idea of moderators pandering to the lowest common denominator. People might think this, shills might do that, so let's all just hide our political views rather than expecting users to accept the reality that we all have political differences and that's okay, even for moderators. He laid his bias out on the table candidly and this is something we should all be able to do in a non-partisan community. In my opinion he was just calling things the way he saw them. Agree or disagree, there is a productive conversation to be had. On the other hand we have countless threads that start with a personal opinion that Trump is a turd and then immediately chastise the community for being too partisan, completely blind to their own hypocrisy. For those people, non-partisan really means, "Don't like Trump openly or my head will explode". Well, too bad, some people like Trump, and they have their own reasons. It is precisely because this is a non-partisan community that we should be able to discuss these issues respectfully no matter what political views are expressed.

I get your optics argument, I just find it a bit weak to blame /u/FlyTape because he should have known that our users can't handle political differences.

I don't know why you've made it your personal mission to explain that post for me but I appreciate it. I lost interest in trying to convince the crowd of Pitchfork wielding group thinkers that the post was a group warning written in kek.

I've also tired of trying to explain that TD citizens don't actually think Trump is a god emperor and they only call him geotus to annoy the hypersensitive left. The whole fucking language there is a big joke and a stand against PC SJW culture that ruins everything it touches.

They're real intellectuals over there. You can say the language is all a joke but that's not necessarily agreed upon by all or most of the users there. It's like /b/, at some point the whole "acting like retards" thing was a shtick but now it's just the way they act.

It's not real man, you're literally falling for the joke.

Do you think every single T_D poster would agree with your assessment?

It's very simple: I hate gaslighting more than just about anything. I watched the drama play out in real time and then watched you get slammed for it dozens of times. It was obvious to me that you had become a target and I refuse to stand by and watch such shameful behavior in silence.

Yes and that's the real problem here. They infiltrated.

It was said, but really the facts never actually showed it. Please, someone prove me wrong.

This site has always (or at least since I've been here, which is a a couple years) had a more left lean to it. It's quite obvious with how the voting plays out.

Yes, probably just wishful thinking.

As long as our top mod continues to use "Spez" in place of "Edit" we can't be surprised people say this sub looks like The_Donald.

Do you think its ok that an Admin edited comments like that? It should absolutely be mocked, and not only on T_D.

Naw, there's definitely different private conversations happening about sub moderation, on jot how it used to happen here, w a stickied thread for a week.

I mean this used to not even be an American-centric sub. We covered news and events from all over the world, not just America - and definitely not politics at that.

The middle ground is growing as fewer and fewer people identify with a political party. The fact that a place like this has become a battle ground is not at all unexpected and it will only get worse if current trends continue. This should not be unexpected. Trump expedited this, but even without him, the middle would still be growing and as such, it will continue to be a battle ground.

I don't think a campaign is necessary. People have become more political polarized on their own.

Bloody, you are in virtually every single one of these threads, you are one of the most visible fighters* in the partisan war. So either you don't appreciate the hypocrisy of you bemoaning the state of the sub, or you don't understand the difference between people disagreeing with your views and "a campaign to divide and conquer this sub".

*Disclaimer, I'm also a frequent participant in the war of late, but then I didn't make an aggrieved comment about mysterious campaigns

What makes me partisan? I support what I feel is right, I certainly don't blindly support Trump or support party lines. For example, fuck the vast majority of the Republican party and fuck Trump's support of Israel, among other issues. I am intellectually honest in my views, I just happen to support most of what Trump is doing and I want to see those who are truly corrupt and damaging this country brought to justice. Just because you disagree with my outlook on these things doesn't make me partisan.

Partisan doesn't mean you don't agree with the viewpoints you espouse, it means you consistently land in the corner of one party, which you do. And hey, you can absolutely feel free to believe whatever views you want, but bemoaning the state of this sub as a partisan warzone when you are a champion of one army is hypocritical.

How do I consistently land in the corner of one party if I generally hate both parties and the way they legislate? I think the Bushes were just as bad, if not worse, than the Clintons or Obama. I actually voted for Obama. My views are more right-leaning and nationalist, but that's different than being partisan. Those are just my views.

Every single one of Trumps policies outside of the TPP line up 100% with the republican party. You can pretend you hate both parties. But all that means is you're a Trump Republican that thinks old school republicans are lame even though you share all the exact same values.

/u/BloodyYagoda: Yea, I've seen that too. Anecdotally, I have noticed that conservative women definitely tend to be more attractive than leftist ones.

I'm generally a lurker, and I don't really like to argue, but I constantly see you on one side of the "divide" in here. Almost every political thread. You say stuff like what I just cut and pasted, posted mere hours ago, but then you're in here bemoaning the divide.

It looks insincere, at the least.

Do you think I shouldn't say that because some people might take offense, even if its an actual observation of mine? Granted, that thread really isn't good conspiracy material. Its probably not worth commenting on that sort of thing in the future. Point taken.

I don't see how people could take actual offense to such a silly statement. But why say such a blanket, broad and frankly silly opinion on a conspiracy thread? All that does is further the divide.

I'm loathe to say "Keep it in the Donald," but that's exactly the place for that. I think you'd be hard pressed to find people in /r/politics even saying something like "Conservative women are uglier than liberal women".

But that's just my two cents. I read that was shook my head, came in here and saw you make this post. But thanks for being receptive.


I hate to say it, but I agree completely.

Props for acknowledging your faults. I’m on the complete opposite of the divide from you but everyone would be better if they’re willing to accept criticism of their own behavior.

Ya I constantly see bloody in multi level comment threads arguing with people who don't agree to what side they agree with. It's a 2 month old account so I'm pretty sure it's someone evading a ban here (possibly due to non stop arguing) or someones alt to help agree with what they are saying on another account (considering 99% of their posts are in this sub only).

Either way, they are part of the campaign to divide and conquer.

There is no campaign to divide and conquer this sub lmao.

The explanation for the change of topics in this sub is that many of us have grown up. Many of us have fallen for really stupid conspiracy's that seemed very credible at the time, and after falling so many times, you eventually sway yourself into more 'credible' stuff. I like to use Rogan as an example, I remember liking his podcasts a lot, years ago because he ate up many CT's back in the day, and now he is more conservative and likes to throw in sources when making claims.

No human likes to look stupid.

Its obvious to me. I don't know what else to tell you.

Hey man I don't know if you know but some of the mods are very pro Trump and will ban dissenters so things have for a bit heated.

PM me an example?

No, those aren't examples of bias. Post an example of a comment from any current mod of /r/conspiracy which expresses a pro-Trump bias.

Because you're not doing it right. No secret that I think Hillary Clinton is a criminal.

Find a comment by any current mod that is explicitly pro-Trump.

posts a picture with Republican talking points

Hillary people are "shills", Trump people are "supporters".

Riiiiiiight. You even distinguished that comment lol.

Anti-Hillary and anti Hillashill is still not pro-Trump.

Your partisan mindset cannot conceive that my abhorrence of the Clintons (and the mindless morons who have been duped into supporting this lifelong pair of career criminals) does not equate into being a supporter of Donald Trump.

Again, find a comment where I express anything positive about Donald Trump.

I'm sure that you've been very careful not to express overtly pro-Trump sentiment, but your submission history speaks for itself.

If you say shot like Zionist shill unironically it's not hard to tell where you stand.

Disliking HC =/= pro Trump.

Standard play from the book, but we see through it.

So is George Soros going to mail my check to me or do I have to go pick it up somewhere?

I don't know what you're talking about, but you clearly have an agenda.

Removed. Rule 5

Rule #10


This post. Again.

Both sides of the political spectrum believe that behind closed doors their team is about to bring the other side to justice.

State of perpetual expectation. AKA paralysis.

Vast majority of people eat that up too

Be the change you want to see.

Right? Now I’m thinking up all the topics I wish would get discussed on here so I can post one to change it around.

Every time I bring this up in a thread it either gets ignored, or blasted... Everyone knows politics and the government in general are a complete farce.. Why do we need 100s of articles a day telling us this? There isn't any genuine discussion happening in regards to anything of significance, so I guess they've won and we're all shit out of luck?

I think that Human consciousness and collective ability is the real conspiracy. No one has won yet.

No no, I was talking about this sub, it's more or less a lost cause at this point.. That's why this is happening, there's too many people waking up.. This was never anticipated and that's why it's been handle in such a sloppy and obvious manner..

Love and light will win the war... But don't tell them I said it...

It's also like the top layer of the rabbit hole. Many here refuse to look deeper, dismissing anything that conflicts w that warm diaper feeling.

Free pol/ from bias and this place will clear out.

I think that a lot of people feel like things are about to explode politically, economically and militarily. Everyone is so charged up even trying to stay as neutral as possible I find myself curious about the numerous leaks and scandals appearing nearly every day. I feel like if a shtf situation is about to occur that I want to understand the truth about it so I can know where to stand. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone else but it feels like that's what this community is trying to discern with all of the politics lately.

Long time r/conspiracy guy here I am u/bearisdrivingcar and u/goodquestionson.

I personally believe that pretty much the whole American government is corrupt and in need of a good reset. The best part of both parties attacking each other so intensely is all the awareness this is creating in the general public of this corruption.

I feel like if a shtf situation is about to occur that I want to understand the truth about it so I can know where to stand. I

This is exactly how I feel. There are many theories and opinions in r/conspiracy I disagree with, but I'm also open to the theory. And if/when shtf I want to be able to at least see it coming and recognize what is happening.

So yes, it made total sense.

Lots of people coming to this sub claiming to be veterans but just shill. For both of those sides! Most of the humans in this forum I believe are neither dem or repub

I know what you mean dude. We literally have the government declassifying their remote-viewing research, combined with the admission of the UFO phenomenon, and strong indications that they are more than just physical craft.

I mean, we have the government tangentally implying that there is more to reality than materialist science would have us believe, and all people can do is shitpost about the day's political talking points.

Wait admission of UFOs? I haven’t heard of this. Got a link?

Google "New York Times UFO", there is a wealth of info on it.

Kids these days, amirite?

Kids are full of it.

Thanks for sharing that. I had heard the story before, but was blown away when it had statements at the end from the same students all grown up!

What’s it take to start a new sub? Similarly minded, conspiracy with some corruption coverage or subterfuge. But also banning auto mods/bots. I don’t like much that takes me out of the app and to a revenue generating page. It’s like click bait.

I’d rather sit back and discuss some of the largest wool over our eyes moments in history.

Do you know of anymore videos like this one? Or important links? This stuff is super intriguing and in mind boggled the media isn’t covering this stuff more.

Will do, thanks!

You mean when Harry Reid got his entrpreneurial friend some taxpayer money thanks to appealing to Ted Stevens' belief in UFOs? While Dennis Kucinich was being smeared by the media for believing in UFOs?

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Exactly dude. This should have been the biggest news of the year, but all it got was five minutes of airtime

Yup. Instead all I see is what some stupid ass people wore at the Grammys. This stuff is huge.

Seriously, I never post on this subreddit because of the MAGA/Pizzagaters. I frequently lurk, and came on here the day the UFO info came out a couple months ago and was astonished there was only a couple threads on it.

The fact that you presumably are into conspiracies and check here often and haven't seen discussion on this is really telling on how shitty it's become.

The alphabet agencies do lie. Why should we trust them about UFOs and paranormal phenomena just because we want to believe?

The Alphabet Agencies do lie. Why do they lie?

Is every lie based on the premise that "we need to fuck over the common man for our money masters"?

Certainly some. Could some lies be because humankind actually found the door to the ultimate nature of reality and that scared the shit out of the humans who found it? Being a human with a (self described) decent theory of mind, I would say so.

Too often we assume that those in government are these ubermensch who don't take shits, who don't have personal lives, who don't have a connection to the plight of humanity.

Guess what, they're human too. People don't want to get fired or look bad to their peers and superiors, so shit gets covered up, truths obfuscated, speculations codified.

I hope that gives you a new perspective to mull over.

Project Bluebeam is an elaborate hoax not based merely on "money." Nobody implied they weren't human, but I assume you're open to the idea that they are undercover reptilians. Thanks for your brilliant insight though.

Their "lie" only got five minutes of fame, then the news went immediately back to The Trump Show.

So let me ask you, do you actually think the military went through all of that trouble to fake a ufo video just for it to end up as a tiny footnote in the news cycle?

Project Bluebeam is long-term. The UFO story got front-page news for the day. Do you really expect it to last longer than however long they want to cover it for? Everyone believes in aliens and wants it to happen. It's a mainstream conspiracy theory that gets plenty of coverage.

Project Bluebeam is a work of fiction written by a french-canadian with zero evidence

Yet you're seeing it unfold.

Not really though. NASA isnt setting up any new religion. Instead, atheism is on the rise

The powers that be did a great job of discrediting John Podesta, the most vocal political proponent of disclosure out there, right before some disclosure actually happened. Thus, any discussion about the subject is replaced with pizzagate.

Dude everything gets tied back to pizzagate. Q has the same fingerprints all over it. A couple well placed coincidences, a provocative source, a bunch of people with too much intelligence and not enough independence, and a movement is born.

Podesta got slandered hard because he was trying to get this out. It is too early to tell, but part of me wonders if this is the beginning of truly raising up the common person to the level of abundance and freedom as today's billionaires?

That's my "hopium".

... John "Say my name" Skippy Podesta the pizza handkerchief carrying creep who goes to Tamera Luzzatto's farm where 3 young children are ubered up to get in the hot tub with him?

Yeah, there's a psyop involved with alien disclosure, but Skippy isn't on the good side.

Podesta had been blueballing his donors for years over UFOs. The recent disclosures are from Harry Reid anyways.

Podesta is a political consultant who has helped authoritarian regimes such as Azerbaijan through his consulting company. He also just so happens to understand the X-files demographic of America. Podesta hasn't demonstrated himself to be trustworthy

Ummmmm have any sources? I'd be interested.

I pretty much stopped reading this sub altogether around a month or two ago. It's not just the political stuff, the general user base seems to have changed also.

yes it's full of bots, yall need to stop tagging shills and start tagging good people instead so they stand out

It got even worse too - there is a large group here that thinks people in power are on our side and making things better, contrary to the evidence.

Also many people on both sides that are not looking at things critically anymore. They approach evidence differently based on the side it helps. It's terrible.

We miss you Mr. Dong. I always enjoyed your lsd posts. Them days are gone. No more reptiles. Annuanki. Agartha. Atlantis. All gone :(

All political bs now. We lost real conspiracy for the shit conspiracy.

Did someone call for dong

The real conspiracy is that there is a massive messaging war happening on reddit with thousands of bots and paid vote manipulation. All of the major subs have been eaten up between corporate and political bot farms fighting PR battles.

I've been on reddit a long time and this is pretty much what I've seen. Proceeded rapidly from 2015.

I literally can't look at any comment thread these days without thinking "OK am I looking at a real opinion that seems ignorant to me, or just some troll or bot stirring people up getting them pissed at each other and distracting them from the real issues at hand."

The people and the bots are feeding off each other in a race to the bottom.

very true it's mostly trolls at this point but what alternative is there

So who won in /r/trebuchetmemes?

The bots

I know :(

My post about the most wildest history conspiracy ever is on the front page I dunno what you're talking about

There are hundreds of UFO posts here per month. Not sure what this guy is smoking.

There are two major political conspiracies going and the stakes are as high as they get for the principals involved. Until Russiagate or FBI/Clinton collusion/conspiracy stories burst, this sub is going to be a battleground.

There are two major political conspiracies going and the stakes are as high as they get for the principals involved.

Who says they are major?

They are the conspiracies consuming this sub and most American media. If that doesn't qualify as major, I don't know what does.

They are the conspiracies consuming this sub and most American media.

It's all a charade at this stage. If it's on television, or if it's taking up most of the paper headlines, forget about it.

This sub is now a refugee center for banned/outcast people from other political subs and religious fanatic nutjobs.
Also one of the biggest problem is that most users think the world is spinning around USA and Trump. It triggers me whenever I read "our nation", "our homeland" and "our president" - it's like assuming every person on reddit is from USA.

Hear hear.

So bored of people (and this goes for reddit as a whole) assuming everyone is American. Ruins so many discussions because instead of discussing everything devolves into people arguing why they are or are not whatever stereotype the other person accuses them of being.

Canadian here, I agree. Reddit is bigger than the U.S. but because of the Trump war it’s taken over everything. Even r/Canada feels like an American political sub now. It’s just another battleground between progressives and conservatives.

Agreed. One way to solve this problem quite quickly would be to absolutely come down hard on shill accusations, whether explicit or implicit. Why? Because without the ability to constantly talk about shills and how only shills would believe this or that, and how this sub is a "battleground" between shill and "organic" users, 75% percent of people who post about that stuff would have nothing left to say.

Why not start a political conspiracy sub for that kind of content? I miss the old fringe stuff and would like to see it here again.

It's to hard to draw a line on what is political and not.

thats why you play it safe and draw it a little to one side or the other, like historical politics is fine, but no fuckin current event politics, send that shit to a new sub. its easy, it just takes some time and trial and error to develop a solid set of rules. then you put them in the sidebar, tadaa

i mean it's political because literally the biggest conspiracy in decades involves the president. it would be wrong if it wasn't the main topic of discussion here of all places. the shit posting comes almost exclusively from the_donald.

maybe you should open another sub then? I would love to see the r/conspiracy of old again. I was a lurker for many years!

That's what I'm thinking, either a new specifically fringe topic subreddit OR ban political posts here and have them moved to a new sub. I'd love to see tgis sub (or a new one, headed by the old mods) return to classic conspiracy stuff.

well this place has been compromised for ages. There wont be a ban trump/hilary bs

r/fringetheory ?

Subbed! Thanks.

Check out r/conspiracyundone too.

This a a cool sub but there is hardly any discussion.

There are already alternatives.

Do tell!

Check out r/conspiracyundone. There's also r/C_S_T and r/fringetheory

If it gets any traction it will eventually be targeted by the same groups that have fucked up the rest of Reddit.

There is r/conspiracyII but it doesn't have a lot of traffic

You'll have to leave reddit to get that. It's not the platform it was just 5 years ago. Cultural Marxists politicized everything, now censorship and shilling is the new norm. It's a systemic problem for the whole site, not just this sub.

I miss the old r/conspiracy.

Now this place is just toxic. Much like the rest of reddit, so I fear it's just a site-wide thing, not particular to this sub. The Team A vs. Team B of politics has infested everything. So much hate and anger.

Dont allow any accounts less than 2 years old. Shill problem will drastically reduce.

well i would be screwed for commenting then! Would be interesting if reddit created accounts for the goverment that are over 2 years old so they could post!

Egh and people could just buy them. But still, I hate that brand new accounts are always causing trouble.

One way to return some some sense of 'normalcy' would be to ban/lock any politic topic. Do that for a month, take the ban off, and see if that tones down the shill-factor. Can't hurt to try something along those lines.

Great idea. Or ban it all together and have a separate sub for political stuff.

Ban all content dealing with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. That would be amazing to see!

Ban all people who make shill accusations either explicitly or implicitly. Overnight would be a new sub.


I think people are starting to realize that this is the new battleground. The fight for control over people's thoughts and opinions is here on the internet and no longer just on TV. People are either seeing this and "fighting" back or they go elsewhere.

I wish conspiracy was just simply about UFO's and bigfoot type stuff but its not that any longer. I feel like those are pretty much irrelevant now given how obvious that the fight is raging right in front of us. Here and now, we are being engaged.

To disregard this effort on us, is an injustice. That's just how I feel. I take that effort and work seriously because it does affect how my world is shaped.

Bigfoot, Nessie and spontaneous combustion no longer mean anything. Political manipulation is a little bit more pressing an issue.

I know that plays right into the hands of those who are here to incite poor responses in people and muddy the waters.

Considering you can't have a proper political discussion on r/politics at all without being banned, I think this is one of the last few places it can be done. I'm taking advantage of this opportunity to speak my mind.

I think people are starting to realize that this is the new battleground.

Made by who, and for what? Politics has always been corrupt and nothing of value changes, we are having the same arguments now as we were 10 years ago.

I wish conspiracy was just simply about UFO's and bigfoot type stuff but its not that any longer.

I think there are many subjects.

To disregard this effort on us, is an injustice. That's just how I feel. I take that effort and work seriously because it does affect how my world is shaped. But that's your world, it idnt necessarily mine or anybidy elses world. Not having a go at you but you see my point.

Bigfoot, Nessie and spontaneous combustion no longer mean anything.

Passport to Magonia

Political manipulation is a little bit more pressing an issue.

It's old.

Considering you can't have a proper political discussion on r/politics at all without being banned, I think this is one of the last few places it can be done.

This isn't a political sub.

Political manipulation is old. But the scale and degree of weaponization of it that we are currently existing under is unprecedented. Social media allows for mass, personalized targeting with high contagion. While the biggest datasets on human behavior in the history of the species allow the message and its effects to be fine tuned and predicted to a horrifying degree.

I hate the false political divide that is used to steal our power, but to me it seems obvious that political manipulation is by far the most pressing conspiracy of our day.

Politics has always been corrupt and nothing of value changes, we are having the same arguments now as we were 10 years ago.

Assuming the best, you're just not looking hard enough. You're really gonna discount an entire decade? The rise of social media and access to easier access to a computing device has changed the landscape compared to 2008. Most of the planet is connected, and info dissemination is no longer as centralized.

New arguments are being had about topics such as technological censorship, surveillance, immigration, globalism, nationalism, the differences between sexes, genetic population differences, and transhumanism just to name a few. The landscape having changed so much has allowed for loads of "new"(perhaps because they were held back or just weren't pertinent at the time) arguments to be heard on these subjects.

It’s badass that you get it to this level! Preach it. And possibly start a r/non-politicalconspiracies if all else fails?

This is a conspiracy sub. That includes political theory.

Not having a go at you either but it seems like you would prefer that this sub reject political conspiracies and keep things on the lighter side? Is that correct?

This is a nice attempt at trying to distract from the Trump Russia conspiracy, typical TD 2.0 post. Nice try but the real users here see right through you.

Oh Poe's Law, you tricky beast.


You exposed yourself instead 🤗

r/politics squashed all free thinking so those people are here. r/corruption is a better sub for it. I do t see it as a bad thing but also sad to see the fringe stuff be silenced.

spot on sir


Reddit is a battleground to sawy peoples views. Since this last election it will never be the same place you used to visit. There is too much traffic here to not make it this way. I used to come to this sub to relax and see some outside the box thinking. Now it is almost as toxic as r/politics. There are some great people on this sub that are getting drowned out by bots, narrative driven accounts and just plain old circle jerking.

all i see here now is liberal this and libtard that and conservative this and conservative that like bro stop fighting among each other and help create a better world with discussion and helping others out even though you may not share the same opinions.

Of there is one place that shouldn't fall victim so easily to divide and conquer, it's this place. We should know better.

I would also expect this subreddits subscribers to know better...but we've had such an influx of "others" who don't know discussion who are ignorant and close minded but you can't really blame these people for being ignorant but you can blame them for fighting among other individuals who have different views. it's sad really and this sub isn't one I frequent much anymore as opposed to 3 or 4 years ago when this used to be my default go to sub.

you're not wrong, but you were also the most censor heavy mod from my perspective, and i can still draw value from this place despite the changes

I've started giving a upvote to any none government (besides decade old ones) conspiracy I see even if I think it's stupid . That why I joined this subreddit to see weird and new ideas

People telling everyone this sub sucks and whataboutism should be banned. That derails every topic.

It is because the internal war between parties is more topical seemingly.

Suggestion for the mods:


This would solve all problems. Like, look at /r/technology. Don't wanna read about net neutrality? Just filter it and you won't see any submissions about it.

Create flairs and add a new rule about flair/filters. So you'd have flairs: politics, history, banking, 9/11, technology, society etc.

Fair enough?

This is a great idea. I come here to discuss conspiracies, so I would be pissed off if the mods started censoring discussion of conspiracies involving governments. Those are the best fucking conspiracies to discuss! But if there were tags and filters, people who come to r/conspiracy to discuss wacky shit like psychics rather than actual proven conspiracies would be able to easily find what they're looking for too.

Rather than actual conspiracies

You should be banned for this tbh. Who are you to say your belief is real and actual but others are fake and unimportant

I didn't say anything was "fake". Psychics are not a conspiracy because the word conspiracy means "a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful." That's all that word means, and if the topic doesn't have to do with a group planning/doing harmful things, then it's not a conspiracy.

You should be banned for this tbh.

You want a person banned because they might believe their form of thinking is correct? You have to give people the ability to be wrong sometimes.

No I don't I'm not a mod nor hold a position of power. I don't have to be level headed. And I am allowed to be annoyed when a guy says politics are conspiracies but aliens or such are not

I don't have to be level headed.

Let's make sure we tag this guy and never allow him a modicum of power.

As if you should care about being a subreddit mod 🤣

I find half the government conspiracies more bat shit than psychic conspiracies. Hillary sacrificing kids and podesta bullshit < weird and rare human ability/sense we don't quite understand with MKultra paperwork.

This idea needs to be at the top

Great idea

I was just thinking this

And when this doesn't happen within a month's time, you know which side they are on.

oh god, yes. I will filter out anything political

Mods don't care. This type of moralizing happens from time to time but it all just reverts back to pro T_D shilling, which they actually actively support. The bigger conspiracy is how this sub has become overrun by pro-government sycophants.

Your generalizations of content contained within and your bias are showing.

The information is all out there, it just takes a creative mind to see it. Everything will be okay.

I think it’s good (blessing in disguise) that people are so focused on Trump, because when he’s gone and the conspiracies continue, the crater left behind will be filled by a new generation of people who question.

All of the political subs are currently cancerous because of establishment agenda moderators. The mods of this sub have held it together long enough to turn the tide in an uncountable number of political and economic conspiracies. Maybe.

TLDR, Mr. Dong hates America and doesnt want to see it be made Great Again.

What changed is that we no longer have the luxury of ignoring the actual conspiracies. I get that this sub has a legacy but the ufo and giants building the pyramids while on DMT stuff is technically r/fringe. imho.

Agreed political conspiracy is obvious we all know we are being fed lies and bullshit. Feels like its getting harder and harder to not be consumed by politics. I know I was letting it get the best of me for a while but I have tried to chill out. Would much rather talk about aliens, UFOs old religions etc.

BREAKING! The same thing happened to godlikeproductions, which a few years back also had all kinds of interesting stuff on it. This just from their front page at the moment:

  • BREAKING: Twitter Suspends House Permanent Select Committee On Intelligence Account
  • Larry Schweikart: "BREAKING: According to CNN Trump has ordered the Memo to be released immediately after the SOTU. Here come the nukes."
  • False Flag Incoming CONFIRMED by Trump!!
  • BREAKING: Chelsea E. Manning: "i have hit rock bottom"
  • BOMBSHELL! FBI Investigating SECOND ‘Trump-Russia’ Dossier Written By SHADY ‘Clinton Hatchet Man’
  • THEY’RE FREAKING OUT! Democrat Cory Booker Tells Senate Releasing FISA Memo “May be Treasonous ” (VIDEO)
  • BREAKING: GOP Representative Calls on President Trump to Release the FISA Memo During the State of Union Address (VIDEO)

Fuckin' exhausting!

Oh damn that sucks.

It makes me fucking nauseous.

Same shit, different sing-song.

It's always a continuous shitstorm of "deep state btfo'd!!", "muh mass arrests right around the corner!" "THE WORLD IS ENDING 2014-2015" , "must see this! elites plans for 2019!!!" etc

A lot of these communities are just trash circlejerks centred around a person with an ego the size of Mars and a cult fetish.

It's always some big reveal that's jusstt around the corner and boy is it gonna blow your socks off!

Tick tick!!!!! /s

I haven't been there since 2011-2012 and they were tons of political threads, especially in support of Ron Paul.


I hate the idiots who use that. The threads will get old, so the "Breaking" tag will become wrong almost instantly. Not to mention it's not needed anyway with posts timestamped.

The same exact thing happened to Above Top Secret right around the same time.

RIP Godlikeproductions, it was my favorite conspiracy forum in the mid 2000s but it gradually devolved into a hyper partisan cesspool, mostly far right wing identity politics type stuff, same thing happened over at Redicecreations which was another place I used to frequent. I remember when Alex Jones used to reject the false left/right dichotomy too, the idea that our entire political system was compromised used to be central to his work many years ago but now look at him, just another partisan this is the conspiracy we need to be talking about here lol, the complete subversion of almost all major conspiracy sites and figures, like wtf happened?

It's very weird, I agree!

There's an eccentric alternative physicist called Jack Sarfatti - lots of unusual ideas in the 60s, 70s etc., was featured in the book 'The Hippies Who Saved Physics' and claimed an unusual experience when he was a child of being phoned from the future by a mysterious figure. Fast forward to today and ... he spends a lot of time retweeting Pro-Trump memes on Twitter.

Sad to see this stuff happening.

RIP Godlikeproductions, it was my favorite conspiracy forum in the mid 2000s but it gradually devolved into a hyper partisan cesspool, mostly far right wing identity politics type stuff

Even the comments section of a site like Crazy Days and Nights, which has always been all about salacious celebrity gossip - who screwed who, who likes nasty porn, who abused their power and hurt someone, etc - has turned into this. Every other post discussion descends into the same talk about Clinton! Soros! Podesta!

It's insane.

STFU and come back when you have voted 3rd party in a major election otherwise your a FUCKING HYPOCRITE and you are just attempting to silence discussion in a round about disguised way

ITT: "If you are going to talk bad about the party I support Id rather we not talk about politics at all because I'm a whiny snowflake baby that doesn't like opposition to my political views"

Over the last year? It's been much longer than that. Trump has been in office for a year at this point. It's been like this for at least 2 years.

Election adds a year onto that

This sub ain't ever going back to the old days. Even in the old days we all agreed Obama was just another puppet. So when our politics all seemed to align there seemed to be no problems, ain't that always the problem?

The president openly uses twitter now. The internet hive mind has made conspiracy mainstream.

Now we can possibly directly tweet the president about UFO disclosure and if you trust him on his answer then conspiracy solved.

Regular "normies" are on the street talking about conspiracy. Randomly in facebook threads you see a guy throw out Seth Rich or someone making a Trump is Putin's bitch joke.

There's two ways about this IMO... Aliens and UFOs are real and our politics don't matter. Or we haven't been visited and our politics is everything that matters until our planet dies.

This needed to be said. I couldn't agree more. I visit this sub less and less nowadays, sick of constant politics. Miss UFO videos and weirdo conspiracies, people came up with. ☹️

Most conspiracy theorists believe: 9/11 was shady; Vaccines are dangerous; Obama has ulterior motives and wasn't a paradigm of altruism; Kennedy was killed by the CIA; The media has an agenda; And elections are rigged.

So does Trump. He's the man--a folk hero to the organic users of this sub. And that attracted a high degree of opposition and (paid) dissent. Ask yourself this: would conversation here improve more if liberals or conservatives were banned? Flip that on it's head: show me a good left leaning conspiracy site. You can't. Go to glp, ats, or /x/ for your conspiratard fix until these bozos start banning the marxists in our midst.

They don't talk. They whine.

Wow, in a thread decrying partisanship, you injected partisanship.

Here is the whining I'm referring to. It's spineless. I pointed out what's wrong, and you take offense to it, rather than addressing the point. Conspiracy theorists tend to lean right, you faggots come here to battle on our turf, because the_donald bans you. You should be banned here, so then we could talk about Planet X, Atlantis, Mk ultra, and countless other fun conspiracies. Instead we need to like, wow man, worry about the conversation being injected with things that make you uncomfortable, like, woooow man. Faggot.

Current mods lost control cause they actively promote one side over another. Sub got turned into a "my side or you're a shill" battleground.

Correct The Record's money dried up, so /r/politics is no longer in their control.

/r/conspiracy is now in their sights.

I blame mr 4chan

wtf did i do now?

We need a petition for a political conspiracy sub.

I'm sick of these meta threads calling out this subreddit—they are countless every week.

Why the hell wouldn't political conspiracies be a foundation of this subreddit, especially given the MSM Trump-Russia narrative, the Steele Dossier, the new Cold War era feel, the tangibles.....DUH. It's all bursting at the seams with interesting stuff.

Stop fucking whining people—goddamn. There are more political threads because THAT'S WHAT PEOPLE WANT TO POST.

Nothing personal against OP, but it's getting a bit annoying "/r/conspiracy was so much better back in 1929", although I do definitely see his point.

My suggestion is flairs and filters. Solves all problems, should be easy enough to implement. So if you don't want to read about politics, you won't.

Any mods here? What do you think?

Not just that, but there are hundreds of UFO stories in the past month alone. Way more content about these "fringe" topcis is posted here than ever before. So what the heck is this guy even talking about?

It's just a transparent attempt to destroy the sub. Seems like some people don't want to focus on any real conspiracies going on in government.

Is there any sub out there that is the new version of our old sub? I do miss /r/conspiracy before all the PizzaGate and political stuff took over.

I just wanna read about aliens, hollow earth, science experiments, Bat Boy etc. without constant arguing and put downs in the comments. Is that asking too much?

I upvoted this so hard I broke my screen.

When I first found R/conspiracy we were talking about how the government was about to admit that aliens had visited earth and our government has been communicating with them. There were all these credible leaks and UFO sightings and it's all seemed took be adding up to something.

Now if a post is about an alien they mean it's an illegal alien and it's a big fight about Democrats and Republicans.

Honestly, if I wanted too read about political conspiracies I would go read my uncle Larry's Facebook posts. I think r/conspiracy to be better than my crazy uncle Larry.

There already is a political conspiracy subreddit. Would be cool if we could migrate the political community over to filter out the dominant threads.

Well said. The Dong has spoken.

The admins seem fine to me, but the people themselves are definitely assholes. No one wants to engage in discussion. Everything is a fight, and you're either with them or against them. What's up with all the anger here?


It's a lot better than it was a few months ago. Any title with a partisan flavor by either naming Trump or Hil is ignored by me because it's part of the same paradigm of divide and control

No reddit community can compete with vote manipulation bots pushing narratives, nor the bots stirring up shit in the comments section

But we have the Conspiracy theory of all Conspiracy theories unfolding right before our very eyes!!! Which links together almost all previous conspiracy theories as one giant conspiracy theory consisting of all the individual conspiracy theories over time! The White hats are using Trump and the military to take down all the perpetrators of said conspiracy theories! Exciting times we live in! Hence the new focus...Q came on the scene pretty much exactly 3 mo. ago to show us what has been, and is, unfolding behind the scenes.

Having said this, i understand the lamenting of the good old days of weird conspiracy theories. Inasmuch as i was not here until Q.

You could break off and start a specifically NONPOLITICAL conspiracy theory subreddit...sorry we all seem to have usurped.

I just click the hide button on any bot/shills post and r/conspiracy actually looks like it did in the past. It's easy to forget that politics and conspiracy has always gone together in certain subjects like the moon landing, 9/11, the start and end of the Vietnam war, and the business plot of 1933.

The difference between those eras and now is we get so much information so fast that certain weird events from earlier this month (Hawaii missile threat on Jan 13) seems like it was forever ago in our minds and we get right back to my side vs your side with cheap distractions that have no info. Just upvote and discuss what you like and click the downvote button on what you feel deserves a downvote.

But here's a upvote from me for posting this to the sub.

Oh god. Look, there are very real and relevant conspiracies regarding recent politics. Not only are they recent and relevant, there's lots of captivating evidence surrounding said conspiracies. Of course people are going to be interested in that, no matter whether you agree or disagree with them.

Because people are looking for real conspiracies now. Not aliens or shit that won't matter if they are or aren't real. Real shit like the Vegas shooting or deep state is legit stuff we wanna figure out.

one of the big problems I see with this sub is people dont accept any debunks. I am an occam's razor kinda guy, thats not to say everything can be explained and every good explanation is correct. But part of being a conspiracy "fan" is to be properly skeptical about things.

You probably got downvoted because you did not even back up ONE thing you said with any sources. You should have been sourcing all of your points, but I would be happy with just a couple of good sources, if even for credibility's sake if nothing else.

/r/conspiracy isn't special. Due to multiple reasons, after the 2016 election,the entire web become more politicized and it hasn't died down since. The forums and institutions dedicated to discussing politics have failed us, due to conspirators. That's why it ends on on /r/conspiracy.

Breaks in the mainstream establishment narrative occurred, and causing a breakout of people recognized the "system" for what it is. Until there's meaningful change, I just don't see things dying down.

Eric Weinstein - 4 Quadrants

If you're willing to ignore what's happening and are that interested in aliens, go ahead and take what the dishonest conspirators recently pushed on us at face value.

Ex-UFO program chief: We may not be alone | CNN:

Secretive program tracked UFOs for 5 years | CNN:

I actually would post alot more if there were more fringe topics. I dont even bother reading here much nowadays, its all bullshit on top of bullshit.

r/pizzagate going down started a war. It's no longer about sharing every entertaining theory. It's about fighting the fucks who want to control our thought processes.

Its simple.In 2016 Reddit fringe subs swayed the election in favor of DT. The wikileaks, the memes, the lies, Pizzagate, the side of beef - Reddit is leftist corporate owned. They have taken over every major sub and effectively quarantined T_D.

What happened in 2016 womt happen again. If anyone is going to use Reddit as a weapon its leftist and the corporate globalist that pay them.

Maybe because everyone realized UFOs and all that jazz are part of a government psyop? Also, they've become so mainstream that everyone is discussing them. There is much greater influx of naive partisan users, shills, astroturfers, trolls, and bots? I agree that the Trump-shilling has overtaken certain conspiracy circles, just as the anti-Trump blitz rages in the rest of the MSM. But there are some positive changes here: now we can speak openly about Jewish conspiracies. The real discussion as always happens in the New and Controversial headers. The Top page is obviously manipulated along with the rest of Reddit to showcase certain agendas, celebrity worship, Netflix advertising, etc.

There was a time when 9/11 was hot and heavy. There was a time when the Iraq War was hot and heavy.

Fringe conspiracies can be found here too.

I would say that the pain is worse now, its coming home to roost, its getting personal. Its not the time now to go to much into make believe when a lot of people aren't even getting enough to eat. Its brutal.

And the people who have the money to spend, they are spending it on escapism like never before. Maybe that's what you are looking for too.

There's definitely a funded concerted effort to control the narrative here. Aside from going completely fascist, which nobody wants, and even that would do little to curb the flow, there's nothing that can be done other than abandoning ship for calmer waters.

Mods can't stop thousands, or even tens of thousands, of alt accounts working in unison.

Though I did catch a glimmer of hope today when a Freemasons post attempt at deception was called out nearly unanimously. Save for his multiple alt accounts of course.

The lizard people thank you for this message.

It's not only this sub, it's the entirety of reddit and the internet.

You can't go to any social media website anymore without getting politics jammed down your throat. It makes no difference what you're looking at, as long as their isn't an active "no politics" rule with moderation, you're going to find politics.

Indeed. I'm from South America and i'ts the same shit here.

Everyone should be encouraged to upvote on new and controversial. Make statements like "upvote on new for your daily seratonin! it's tax deductible!"

I think there are JIDF brigades, The_Donald brigades and topmindsofreddit brigades that are downvoting on new to keep interesting out and political topics in. That's why the votes appear to follow this trend: initially all positive (5 votes), then downvoted to less than 60 percent (next 20 or so votes), then back up to high 60s (from then on).

The President of the United States of America has possibly been compromised by a foreign power to the point where he is openly refusing to enforce American law. It's like a conspiracy theorist's wet dream, and you think people should talk about homeopathy and sacred geometry instead?

have you heard of the word propaganda before?

"The President of the United States of America has possibly been compromised by a foreign power"

You say that as if it were something new... 40+ years on the planet, and it's ALWAYS been that way. That's the discussion. Older conspiracy analyst understand this; New comers think it just happened.

Come back

Maybe there should be r/politicalconspiracy then.

Politics has just been the biggest conspiracy the past few years. The veil was lifted on how things really work in DC.

Do you know why /r/limitedhangouts was taken off the sidebar?

There are real issues nowadays, rather than shit like UFOs and Flat Earth. Those kinds of fun little theories and whatnot are naturally going to take a backseat to the kind of things that people have real evidence of, and which effect them much more directly. Things that real people would actually care about. As a result, myself and others like me were drawn here to discuss them. Would be nice if the "fringe" stuff and political stuff had different sections so that the fringe people could be happy in their space, and the political people wouldn't have to deal with shills associating them with fringe people.

I agree with OP. I hate political discussion. It goes nowhere, just an escalation in fighting and name-calling. I study and discuss conspiracies because it's fun to do so.

It changed when the neo-nazis showed up back in 2011 ish. They really fucked up the cool vibe of the sub. Now we've got these dumb fucking Trump people. They're just as bad, if not worse than the neo-nazis.

from what I see your comment is part of the problem

classifying someone as dumb fucking Trump people, what the hell? Get off your high horse where you think you're smart for not liking Trump, what does it have to-do with anything

get back to conspiracies and away from your slander

I think he is saying that not all trump supporters are dumb, but most forum trump supporters are pretty fucking awful. Just go check out r/td to see what I mean

You stepped down so your thoughts on the matter no longer count.
If you care, you stay and propose new rules ... like a 90 day blackout on political post.

-Politics is predictable, boring and shackled.

9/11 changed that. We have a conspiracy of gvt insiders who most likely attacked their own people.

Waco Texas was another political conspiracy as was Ruby Ridge.

In 2016 the political establishment caught unaware by Sanders rushed in to r/conspiracy to try & affect the political narrative by overrunning/ raising the noise to signal level of normal conspiracy discussion.

That is another conspiracy worth fighting. To just relinquish ourselves to "non-political" conspiracies is to bury our heads in the sands.

Yep. It sure has. Expect a shitshow tonight while what's his name gives a speech. I've never seen a conspiracy forum so obsessed with an elite, it's frightening.

You're absolutely right. Unfortunately, political conspiracies have taken precedence because, let's face it, everyone's preoccupied with them. We're also, for the first time in history, witnessing these conspiracies unravel in real-time. THIS is totally unprecedented. For so long, conspiracy was about what happened, now it's what's happening. Call it Present Shock

And it's not going away anytime soon. We either embrace it or move on to more compartmentalized subreddits where the topics can be narrowed down something more specific. r/conspiracy, being a generalized subreddit for ALL THINGS CONSPIRACY no longer has that capability or control.

What's going on on Capitol Hill is not a is theatre. Bread and circuses. To be partisan about the modern political process is to miss the point entirely.

Conspiracy got taken over by the_donald and hasn't been the same since.

Not quite that simple. While it's true Trump supporters flowed in after the demise of their sub, they were also followed here by Dem/Hillary supporters so now they battle out their collective bullshit in "our" sub.

So, in fact, it, like the political process itself, r/conspiracy has been co-opted by a two party cluster-fuck.

If I had posted this I would have been banned.

It pays to be King (mod).

This sub has turned into a shit show, it’s really unfortunate

In all honesty there’s probably a conspiracy behind this new line of dialogue focused on politics-keeps the focus away from the shit that really matters.

Lmao someone who can't spell psychic probably would believe in psychic abilities.

Yeah, these mods suck.

be nice if we could get tags for posts and then be able to filter tags we don't want to see.

You can do that in RES, I currently have twitter, rense and infowars being filtered from my existence.

Ah that thing. All it did was make my browsers crash.

yeah sure, just take a break from political conspiracies while you're living through the most significant political conspiracy of all time; one that will be studied, dissected, and argued over for the rest of human history.

Part of the problem is the censoring going on over at r/politics and others.

Forcing anyone with differing views to wait 8 minutes between posting. Meanwhile, your comment is being attacked and downvoted before you are able to reply.

I wish there was a r/politicalconspiracy where we could move all of these political posts and clean this sub up.

I was just thinking that yesterday but I can't post a thread on here.. Its all political I can't stand politics anymore its honestly loaded...

We are literally living in the time of the tipping point of one of the most predominant conspiracies we have all been researching and discussing for years. It is literally the populist vs the New World Order. Of course politics is going to be prevalent at this time period.

I was thinking the same thing, OP. Perhaps, we need to separate the sub in more specific ones, like conspiracy_politics, for example.

But i would hate such division and i do agree, the posts are too political and obvious. I admit, myself submitted a couple of such links, but in my mind, i just wanted to have conversations about the subjects at hand.

Maybe posts like this are shills trying to get us to stop talking about these things because we're getting too close.

It's also sad when, in the midst of one of the biggest coverups in US History, this sub has all but gone silent on the issue. The Las Vegas shooting--the worst mass shooting in history--hardly makes a headline in this sub anymore. We're living a near-JFK size conspiracy, and yet, nothing here to see, move along. It's a bummer.

See that’s just what the man wants us to do, fight amongst each other.

People vote for their favorite submissions. That’s how this works.

Unless it's not people doing the voting.

People vote for their favorite submissions. That’s how this works

How naive.

Pro Tip: go to and do a search on the term "reddit vote manipulation"

Trump supporters are being pushed out and marginalized and censored from most mainstream discussion forums on this site -- that's no conspiracy -- and when you have people excluded and dismissed and ignored, they will often turn to enclaves like this one.

they should stop arguing in bad faith if they don't want to be "pushed out".

Exhibit A.

Yes, pity the poor trump fanbois who whistle past and ignore the biggest conspiracy in decades. Who speaks for them?!

What are you talking about? Who is ignoring anything? It's possible for most people to pay attention to or have opinions about several things simultaneously.

I feel this way about Above Top Secret as well. It used to be amazing to go there and see the top threads being ancient cultures, conspiracies mysteries aliens ancient tech ect, but since the 2016 election that’s all that’s dominated the front page. You used to check the main page and have 26 different topics, now it’s all the same. I’m not saying there’s not a time and a place for it, I just miss the old discussions.

I scroll through there once in a while and I can't believe what that place has turned into.

From my perspective it started to get really bad after Sandy Hook when they began banning people for suggesting there was something amiss about the entire event and declaring outright that there would be no discussion of a hoax allowed. It just kept sliding downhill from there.

Sounds about right. That’s where I used to get all of my good conspiracies, you could jump on the main page and go from hollow earth, to Antarctic nazis, to aliens to one world government and everything in between. Now it’s all politics. I used to love that site now I go on once every 3-4 months if that.

Yeah exactly, ATS went to shit as well. Really put me off visiting here and there cos I don’t have the patience to trawl through all the political bullshit. There’s definitely an important place for political conspiracies but it just became all about one side of US politics vs the other.

Exactly. I live in the US myself and it irritates me, I could only imagine how it feels to people visiting from outside the states. It would been nice if they put a couple from each topic on the main (3 from fragile earth, 3 from ancient mysteries, 3 from politics ect).

Why then weren't the mods doing their jobs to have maintained this sub the way it started out?

Why couldn't the total shit posts just get deleted and just tell the submitters to fuck off with that shit?

Why doesn't someone start a /r/politicalconspiracy sub and all that can go on there?

I support this post, miss what this sub used to be

The op is completely correct in that there is a clear divide between the old and new subreddit, the old good times and the new bad times.

Imo the only way to go back to the old one is by some seriously strict moderation, in both posts and comments. If a post is not in line with traditional conspiracy topics, bin it. If the comments start to get political, delete them immediately. Be ruthless for a few months and then reap the benefit.

Fringe is for the corners of the internet, not that MSM of conspiracy discussion.

Nothing against the sub, it is what it is.

It's probably because there's a lot of shit going down politically and it's perhaps more important despite being much less interesting.

While I understand what OP is talking about, I do not totally agree.

For me, UFOs etc are not conspiracies, unless they actually exist and the government has conspired to make them go away.

I am more interested in real conspiracies than some fantasy about physic abilities that do not really exist.

Well, I always make sure to post about different things instead of focusing on just politics, but still, I consider politics to be extremely important if we want to one day beat TPTB.

There has to be a sub for political conspiracy, right?

To be honest I think the conspiracy crowd has been hijacked by either the CIA or other alphabet gangs. They are steering the narrative away from true questioning and alternative thinking and turning it into nonsense. For example, "Qanon"... The guy (if he is an actual person) could literally be anyone, and masses of people are following this person like a cult! It's basically a sort of Honeypot, in which large swathes of people are being deceived into following this person... For one, nothing Q says even makes sense, it's a bunch of incomprehensible nonsense. Secondly, nothing he has said has happened....

Anyway, that was just one example. I'm sure there are MANY other gatekeepers within the truth community that are actively deceiving people.

Any hope that /u/illuminatedwax will make a come back like you did?

your other mods ban anyone who disagrees. Us real non-partisan true thinkers are still here under suppression.

This constant meta bullshit fighting like children in the comments needs to stop, you can't really discuss anything like an adult here without people getting overly sensitive. I usually avoid most the political stuff but since there's hardly much else going on sometimes I just avoid the sub alltogether.

its a good way to find the americans and just ignore them. they allways know only 2 sides = me or enemy. no discussion possible. flagged a lot

We need to have more dialogue on here about that fucking Vegas shooting!

The Trump candidacy and presidency has touched the fringes of conspiracy.

We should have a daily political thread and the politics shit has to stay there. Delete everything else.

Just ban all modern politics from the sub

At the very least stop posting twitter links. I fucking hate when people don't post the actual source material, it makes me think they did not even bother to get to the source material. It's lazy. Facebook links are already banned from the sub, twitter links should be added. Left/right DNC/RNC, Trump/Hillary twitter shitposts are the fucking bane of my existence.

Is there subreddit for old conspiracy topics? I just want to learn about loc Ness lol

T_D fucked up a bunch of good subs.

You may be right, I mean.. that’s how I got here. But I mainly read.

I'd like to hear more about "forbidden archeology".

Newearth on youtube

r/conspiracy should embrace the fringe. Politics is predictable, boring and shackled.

exactly what someone who wants to distract from the real issues of political conspiracy would say.

political conspiracies dont stop existing just because people who believe in bigfoot, flat earth and loch ness arent entertained by political conspiracy.

political conspiracy should not be avoided just because you, they, or we, or anyone simply doesnt like one, or both, of the figures involved.

if you try to silence the voice of those fighting for their freedom, you become an agent of censorship and manipulation.

Arguing over which elite, criminal cabal in a two party cabal is going to save us is not fighting for's buying a ringside ticket to professional wrestling believing it's not scripted theatre.

I'll say it again:

exactly what someone who wants to distract from the real issues of political conspiracy would say.

Ok...whatever. Taking a partisan stance towards modern politics is to miss the point entirely. Enjoy the show.

no, you miss the point.

if you think it can only ever be a show, and that there is no way possible anything else can exist, you have already accepted defeat.

if this were 1776 you'd be like some surly guy in a tavern all like "George the III...George Washington. meh! they're all the SAME!"

If you think that comparison is apt given the total financial corruption of the modern two party system you have entirely lost the plot.

blah blah blah

enjoy your grainy bigfoot pics.

Too be honest I haven't heard much of ufos or anything like that outside of Reddit lately....maybe I'm not looking at the right places

Is r/politicalconspiracy a sub yet? If not, maybe it should be started and a bot be made to delete, or xpost, political garbage to that sub.


fixed it for ya ;)

Many thanks!

Skiing is roughly the same as bicycle right? I don't think the speed specifies the method.

People need to understand that UFO and ALIENS are the ULTIMATE CONSPIRACY. Those who have done an incredible amount of research all come to the same conclusion: The Satanic Elite exist. They worship and work for PREDATORY ALIENS who are primarily based in the ASTRAL DIMENSION. Education, Careers and Retirement are important, but EVERYONE ends up in the same horrific spot at the end: ALL HUMANS have their MEMORIES ERASED and everyone is FORCED TO REINCARNATE. Earth is NOT A SCHOOL. This reality has been completely ENSLAVED...

I tend to agree with you.

But there are huge conspiracies intertwined with politics, no?

Yes...but events that pit one party against another or attempt to paint one party as more righteous than the other are simply theatre. They are not conspiracies.

The FISA memo...Hillary's emails...The Russia probe...these are all examples of theatre between two warring factions of the same elite cabal who couldn't possibly care less about us.

It's professional wrestling for those that think they are "awake".

Yes...but events that pit one party against another or attempt to paint one party as more righteous than the other are simply theatre. They are not conspiracies.

The FISA memo...Hillary's emails...The Russia probe...these are all examples of theatre between two warring factions of the same elite cabal who couldn't possibly care less about us.

It's professional wrestling for those that think they are "awake".

Well said.

Thank you. The only real political conspiracy is the two party system itself. The one that has been completely co-opted by financial and corporate interests.

Gerrymandering is another huge fucking problem that needs fixing. Some of the court rulings coming down are forcing states, such as North Carolina, to throw the whole thing in the shitter and re-do the entire state.

Interestingly enough, fixing gerrymandering is the absolute first step in fixing everything that's fucked about our current 2-party political system.

Ahh yes. Excellent point and one that is rarely, if ever, discussed.

I love you guysb dont let them divide the people

Long past the point of no return here. The sub has been fucked ever since the election with paid shills and bots.

It is cute people think we are going to un-poison this well.

They have defeated thid place.

Theres some good discussion on here about a potential world ending meteor event that NASA may be hiding.

But for UFOs and other things as that you may have to go to r/ufos

Bring back the chemtrails

Some might argue it’s that way by design.

Can’t have people thinking outside the dialectic now can we?

wonderful fodder, UFOs, anomalies, physic ability and forbidden archaeology

A conspiracy is defined as a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful. I'm only interested in discussing UFOs and that kind of wacky stuff from that perspective, and only if there's actually some evidence to grab on to. I don't come here for wacky stuff like that, I come here to discuss the crimes people commit when they conspire with conspirators. I want to talk about groups of people doing bad things, I want to talk about their plans and their ill intent, not merely wild ideas or unproven theories. If I wanted to talk UFOs and all that wacky shit, I'd go to r/ufo or r/cryptids or something. I want to talk conspiracies, so I come to r/conspiracy.

Furthermore, ever since the CIA coined the term "conspiracy theorist" to belittle those who didn't believe their lies about JFK's assassination, these sorts of truth communities devoted to exposing conspiracies have ALWAYS been interested in government conspiracy. And government means politics is automatically involved. I mean, did you think the deep state murdering JFK wasn't politically motivated? How about when they killed MLK? Are we not supposed to touch politics when we talk about these people assassinated by our own government? How? How are we supposed to discuss modern conspiracies, like the media's gaslighting surrounding Russia? Or the way Wikileaks proved the 2016 Democratic primaries were being cheated by the DNC on behalf of the Clinton campaign? Rigged elections are a pretty big conspiracy, but you tell us we shouldn't touch politics? Social media is bombarded with political shills now, the very cause of your complaints about annoying political posts I'm sure, but you'd tell us to avoid politics, meaning we can't talk about these digital agents provocateur? Wealthy assholes are conspiring and paying people to come here to troll us, just to disrupt this community, and you would ask us to not point this fact out?

A conspiracy is defined as a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful. I'm only interested in discussing UFOs and that kind of wacky stuff from that perspective, and only if there's actually some evidence to grab on to. I don't come here for wacky stuff like that, I come here to discuss the crimes people commit when they conspire with conspirators. I want to talk about groups of people doing bad things, I want to talk about their plans and their ill intent, not merely wild ideas or unproven theories. If I wanted to talk UFOs and all that wacky shit, I'd go to r/ufo or r/cryptids or something. I want to talk conspiracies, so I come to r/conspiracy.

The thing is, is that normally, minus all the political shitposting, this would be just fine. You had your niche of interest, and other people had theirs. When this sub is operating like it used to, when there was not the flood of political poop flinging, there was room for everyone to explore and focus on specific areas and disciplines of Conspiracy.

You might not like the UFO conspiracies, or the Roman Catholic Church conspiracies, or any other number of fringe, but that's fine, you can focus and discuss areas you and others share an interest in, and other people could come in and learn from the conversations you shared with other people in to your preferred area of conspiracy discussions. There was no losing good commentary due to flooding, spamming and forum sliding. Active commentary had a chance to season and be visible to people for a longer period of time. This is part of what is so bad about all these political shitposts, it literally drowns out and waters down everything to the point where the sub ceases to really say anything at all.

As /u/mr_dong stated, people need to start stepping over these discussion turds, start reporting them to the mods, let them know when /new queue needs the mods to spray these turds down with a hose and clean the shit off the subreddit.

I think the mods should add a "political shitpost" reporting category myself, but that discussion is above my pay grade.

It seems that most subs, as they get older and larger, deteriorate into lowest-common-denominator echo chambers.

I think our main problem is that so many of the contemporary conspiracies have decided to stop hiding.

Thank you, spot on mr_dong.

YES. THANK YOU! I used to love this sub.

I now only watch YouTube for my conspiracy itch. But sometimes this sub still pulls through.

It sounds like what you're describing may fall more into r/unresolvedmysteries perhaps rather than conspiracies as such

Just say what it really is.

People haven’t stopped being interested in the fringe, the sub has been compromised.

With everyone having hi-def cameras and cell phone cameras, the whole UFO thing kind of faded away.

Without faked photographs, you have nothing.

I want more fringe topics!

We're in the throws of a massive information operation focused on amplifying and empowering the political fringes. Antifa, the Charlottesville "nazis", and predatory partisan media are all part of the biggest conspiracy of our lives. The "Russia narrative" is part of it. Heck, the X-Files doesn't even know how to present conspiracies anymore other than claiming that the truth is an objective thing. The vast sense of disorientation is the exact goal of our enemies, who are all over reddit and other forums.

Yes! I was actually just thinking about that recently. Let’s go back to the old ways

Ugh. The sportification of politics is appalling. The two party system has grown stagnant and the various corporate, banking, and military industrial complexes now run the show. The dems and repubs are two sides to the same coin and it's not even hidden any longer, only those that are disillusioned can't see it at this point. One has a choice when game of politics is played, cyanide or arsenic... Sure they differ in means and mode, but they both ultimately end in the same result...

In my opinion this All Leads back to when Reddit was Banning a lot of subs and filtering the Donald. After that happened posters in the Donald's and other Republican supporters started finding more Fringe subreddits to voice their thoughts frustrations.

we love our president

Not to mention these Americans are so self centered and full of themselves thinking everybody cares about what happens to their cancer of a country.

We are witnessing American conspiracy theorists growing up. The major conspiracies are now out in the open. People have a better understanding that to bring people over to the side of truth, you have to first stick with what can be proven.

Damn this hit the nail on the head. I’ve never been much for commenting here and I certainly have my political leanings (dirty lib) but i have spent years coming here every night to explore the fringe before drifting off to sleep. I loved that part - the heart - of this sub.

It may be worth discussing a “no political scandal” policy. We see a ton of that. True theories of government conspiracy - backed by research - should I suppose be allowed but just posting news stories and vaguely saying “see there trump goes again doing x” needs to be cut out.

There's a reason for that and it should be obvious to /r/conspiracy. All of Reddit has been turned into a battleground by astroturfers paid probably by both sides but the one we have the most evidence for is the corporate Dems' use of Correct the Record.

You are a major part of the problem. Stepping down as mod enabled Trump hating SJWs to take over this sub as they've done to so many other good subs and destroy it. Thanks for that!

narcissistic troll confirmed. Always telling others they’re weak and wrong like it would be realistic to think he’s anything above the usual teenage american autistic alt-right retard of objective fact and not personal view.

First of all, YOUNG AMERICANS ARE AUTISTIC RETARDS and only an autistic retard doesn’t take this for granted. Scientific fact. Thus only a retard takes your opinion and anything you are and do seriously. You are worthless, fact not insult.

Alt-right is the political choice of the american autist. AN ALT RIGHTER IS A FUCKING NARCISSISTIC LOSER, and that’s a fact. You are such, fact and compassionate help, not insult.



An alt righter is a narcissist. Fact of common sense.

smacking your tarded face. hahahha. Retard.

Schizophrenia is a serious issue. Seek help.

Again, you dont know who is insane or not, and thats a fact. Any diagnosis of yours is not correct.

Schizophrenia? no. Loser. Retard.

Typical change of subject and gaslighting of the narc troll. Obvious. You lose retard.

SEEK HELP FOR THINKING YOU HAVE VALUE WHILE YOU DON’T, FUCKING RETARD. You think you are better than you obviously are. You are insane. period. if you deny it you dont prove anything.

PROOFS RETARD, PROOFS. Not judgements. Proofs.

You have proven you’re an autistic narcissistic retard.

No one took over this sub. Half the users In this sub became governemmt bootlickers the moment Trump got elected (like yourself), and will die defending him, the other half sees Trump for the joke that he is.

Do you really think politics are predictable and boring? It is better to talk conspiracies about subjects that might affect us like history, science and politics then some superpower, lost civilization, fairy tale bullshit.

We are in desperate need of a race war.

Re: Art Bell

Agreed mr dong, you can in part thank Alex Jones for the politicization of conspiracy.

And I also think what you are observing is due to people are taking shelter here from the censorship they've received from places such as r/politics.

I appreciate the foundation you laid, and have the utmost respect for the war you fought, but I am terrified for my daughters future and wouldnt consider quitting the battle I am fighting for anything so I cant identify with your decision to walk away. I spend more time defending my controversial opinions than I do advancing the ideas I want to progress or move forward but I will never stop fighting the good fight.

To the anti Trump crowd I would suggest if you have one reason, literally one where you feel the Clinton crime wave ahould continue bring it, I will accept you with open arms. To the pro Trump crowd same offer, I will believe if you if you give me any reason to, I mean any reason.

I cannot accept any authority figure that believes their husband is innocent of the crimes they committed. I am married for 26 years and Bill Clintons bullshit would have ruined the amazing relationship I have with my wife. i also couldnt sleep with a porn star and bullshit my wife that this is business, dont worry, Devin Numes is right.

Fuck anyone who doesnt aee this is a non partisan issue wherein our rights are being shit on no matter what decision we make. The time to rise had been engaged.

I think it's because politics and conspiracy have gotten closer than before and collided and merged and now is overlapped in ways that it had not been before. Barely any conspiracy was acknowledged in the news or political realm and now it is crossing over and what used to be separate channels angles theories and players are becoming exposed, recategorized, consolidated, and flooded.

Conspiracy was never pure, safe, nor clean. Always fraught from the beginning by its very nature with shills, cointel, ignoramuses, limited hangouts, psy oppers, larpers, and saboteurs. I feel we're in the midst of its multiplication, amplification, finalization.

Is there not a political conspiracy subreddit for some of this stuff to go? I don’t want it to get to a point where any conspiracy isn’t on the table for discussion but the karma farming posts on this sub especially get tiring. Years ago, posts were OC and well thought out. Now one of the buzz sites posts an article with a catchy headline and it pops up 4-5 posts out of 10 on “new”.

We need the return of thought-provoking content. We need to hear the other side of the discussion so we can formulate our own opinions based on due-diligence. I understand the left/right discussions get people’s blooding pumping but what the fuck is going on in Antarctica? Is it possible the Vatican re-wrote history and some point along the way and out our thoughts on time (and our place in it) is fucked? Is ritual magic used by the elite to conjure demons for power?

Let’s start asking some real God(?)damn questions around here and let’s have a discussion that mutually benefits us all and challenges are preconceived notions that were taught to us by a system meant to hold us back. /rant

This sub was compromised during he Wikileaks debacle. It's just a kher reddit anti trump echo chamber owned by the wealthy elite media.

Geopolitics is the heart of the conspiracy. And the curtain is being drawn back right now.

Propaganda, ai tracking, spying, surveillance, manipulation of minds...

On top of a huge power struggle of documented intrigue. And more releases of documents that vindicate old “conspiracies” like Mkultra and such.

You can’t not cover this or expect interest.

You're right--things have changed.

A couple of years ago, people would be opposed to throwing and torturing people into illegal overseas detention camps.

What is considered evidence? What those in an authority, that you trust, say it is?

Agree if someone has an opinion or view don't jump on it if you don't agree's a conspiracy forum ffs....if you don't agree with a post move the hell on.

" that's impossible" " no way" " how could you think that" "Your wrong"

It's a CONSPIRACY forum to discuss, not convince.

As an old mod, you should know how many times this has been posted here. You violated rule #1: don't repost. You and your redundancy can go home.

It was obviously brigaded and taken over by t_d, most of us just gave up and stopped coming here.

i always thought conspiracy had a base of users that were anti-corruption / pro-transparency.

its been flooded with shills. i mean, ffs, the dems are literally freaking out about this memo coming out - and for some reason in this subreddit there are anti-trumpers.

if /r/conspiracy doesnt know this, reddit is flooded with shill accounts pushing anti-trump rhetoric constantly. doesnt matter what sub it is.

my question is - why cant the mods identify this behavior and stop it?

I don't think we should discredit some things we've learned here recently. Yeah sure alien and lost civilization topics are some amazing alternative info but most of us have already have heard of all of that that's where we all started that's why we're all here.. And yes while it is mostly throwaway propaganda posts now you can't discredit the real world and current conspiracies people here have been talking about like pizza gate, Elsa gate, the reddit bot and shill accounts, the Las Vegas shooter and Sandy hook shooting to name a few. There are real ass things going on this world right now and I think focusing on these conspiracies in our lives in this moment is more important than thinking about what went down in Atlantis or with the Annunaki or Reptilians or whoever else.

r/conspiracy was infiltrated from the beginning.

People and cultures have changed and they just have an easier time to control things.

The useful idiots have expanded to greater heights.

Conspiracy Theories should not be something you should be spoon feed in the first place.

It should be your own personal journey in seeking the truth. Not another media you consume.

It should be your own personal journey in seeking the truth. Not another media you consume.

Agreed but pls stop shouting dude, your comments could get removed.

Removed. Rule 6.

OP sounds like he wants to distract us from current news by focusing on older conspiracies.................................something is askew.

I tried going back and finding some of the threads when I first found this place but after reddit changed the voting algorithm and the election it’s almost impossible. There was some seriously interesting well articulated and laid out posts 6 years ago about really good stuff. Now I can’t find shit cause the top posts of all time are Hillary/Trump and dumbass pizzagate posts.

This sub used to be Art Bell. Now it's Alex Jones.

What do you think about Doty? Does one hoax make your work nada? Barry Bondsesque?

after reading this I feel like /u/mr_dong is probably hillary clinton, trying to distract everyone cause we're too close to figuring out the whole deep state thingo.

Trump supporters only have so many places to go if you give them an inch they will take a mile to spread their propaganda:/

Yeah I stopped coming here

If you end up starting a new subreddit (or know of one) that's more open to free thought, do us a solid and recommend it here please.

It has been my experience too often that any gathering of free thinkers will inevitably be overtaken and homogenized by douchebags. Sometimes infiltrated and destroyed. Sometimes just naturally caving to social decay or stagnation, pushing the free thinkers to migrate somewhere else. Generally, free thought seems to require a kind of nomadic perpetual-migration. The wild west of ideas is sort of always on the move. It's sad but that just seems to be how it goes...groups never last.

I wasn't around before the change and don't post much If ever in this subreddit but i do read the posts that interest me and I'd definitely like to see more ufo and paranormal type of conspiracies.

a good inspiration, maybe, to get back in track here is to check out how things go in r/ChangeMyView

r/conspiracy used to entertain all sorts of weird and wonderful fodder, UFOs, anomalies, physic ability and forbidden archaeology to name just a few.

Well, those are all silly-ass topics. Nothing wrong with "conspiracy" being relevant to people's lives. There is no better time for real discussion than now about politics, as politics is an expression of the values of a culture. A conspiracy against people getting healthcare is an important one.

Having said that, this sub is distracted as hell, esspecially in the realm of politics; that's for sure. I don't participate much anymore because it's usually stupid shit, to be frank.

You could start your own subreddit, "cinematicconspiracy", something just for fun and a bit of relaxation.

Having said that, this sub is distracted as hell, esspecially in the realm of politics; that's for sure. I don't participate much anymore because it's usually stupid shit, to be frank.

This is pretty much my point. But i also think that the page was better for having varied topics posted and discussed about, away from politics.

I'm offended.

I came for the fringe, and am not into all the political bs, pizzagate was interesting. but give it a rest people, maybe you could start a fringe sub.

I think a lot of readers come here for fringe, all i'm saying is that we need to have a balance, at the moment there is far to much political fluff.

Couldnt agree more.

i’m with you dude.

It's not "this" sub. It's Reddit.

The entire site has changed.

From /r/woodworking to /r/libertarian everything is different.

It's just arguing and self promotion,

Those fringe and "paranormal" topics are why I joined this sub, was disappointed to just see all the political stuff that I don't care about.

I am thinking there is a huge international Difference in how we interpret the Topic of “Conspiracy”!

“A Conspiracy” in Europe is (mostly) always defined as a political Topic but never as “Exopolitic”!

I've visited a lot of threads, forums and chat rooms for years now and unfortunately you are correct. I noticed about 6 years ago them becoming more about politics and gun control and pushing out conspiracies, UFOs, paranormal stuff etc. About 2 years ago this got worse where it's even more about Trump and political scandals and there's almost nothing else.

This sub used to be good up until the Oct 1 shooting. (during that it was quite interesting but right after everyone stopped talking about the shooting, the whole sub took a different direction)

Some subs themselves need subs. (And those would act in a manner similar to /r/all, but for the higher-up sub-topics.) But reddit as a site really isn't laid out for branching like that.

Disinfor campaigns almost daily

Yes, definitely if someone starts a new sub with the old formula, I'd be interested!

I joined for the fringe shit. It's fun. But it's hardly ever posted anymore. The political drama had become so pervasive that when an actual fringe theory was posted the other day, I was almost annoyed by it. I had to stop a minute and remember why I was actually here.

Can we agree to just say "fuck American politics" and go back to fun stuff about aliens and Illuminati and cryptozoology and shit?

Maybe contain all the bullshit into trump and Hillary megathreads?

Maybe you could have stood for us when we complained about mods that obviously have a political agenda.

Come to r/actualconspiracies

I agree 100%. The change is very noticeable.

Since the start of the last election campaign there has been a very noticable attempt to swamp most of the popular subreddits with political threads. It has happened to subreddits that aren't even politics related.

To be honest I am not sure what can be done. Maybe somone should make a conspiracy subreddit that does not allow American politics? Or bans party politics. I am not sure, at the moment I feel Reddit in general is very curated. It is clearly being used as a political influencing tool.

I’m new here, maybe a year or so. I would like more, much much more Sasquatch talk. My 2 cents

I got -15 for suggesting a politics free day just this week. -15.

Maybe this ex mod is distracting us?!🤔 We are getting a little too close! u/mr_dong and mods are Lizards 👏

This sub's original denizens were conspiracy people, now it's russian bots and 14 yr olds from cringeanarchy formerly from 4chan.

/r/holofractal and /r/echerdex way more interesting stuff. I appreciate political conspiracy as well, but this sub was lost a while ago to paid shills and bots promoting propoganda. I even deleted my old reddit account and made a new one less focused on political and conspiracy conversation because honestly most of reddit has been infested, and brainwashed by the propoganda.

I think fringe thoughts get down voted too. It may have been a large influx of politically interested people during the last presidential election.

I subbed here about 2 years ago for the ufo and anomalies style posts but keep meaning to unsub for the reasons you've brought up. What's kept me here is the hope that some decent posts will show through, but I don't think I'll be here much longer.

People believe the wildest shit but i get called a nutter for believing in aliens and advanced ancient civilizations that moved around boulders and rocks that weighed hundreds of tons like it was child's play

The front page alone has 5 Paddock posts one after another with the same topic and nearly identical title. The sub has gone to shit.

But, Trump/Russia! Hilary deep state!

Can you please make a new subreddit and call it something different but with similar spirit to the original subreddit then? Thanks xP

We always had suspicion of the deep state. This president openly declared war on it. Not sure how real it all is, but it sure makes it hard to avoid Trump. I've noticed it too though. Critical thinking seems to be a lost art.

I think it's a conspiracy.

Exactly. This sub turned into a U.S politics discussion place.

"Pizzagate" brought the TD crowd here and they flooded the place.

Great post. Mods should add tags for political posts.

I'm glad somebody said it. thank you

Im with you. I would love to be unearthing new research about black eyed kids or MLK assassination.

Im sick of pseudo political conspiracy bs.

Shills vs Shills, the only thing you could do is to completely ban american politics from this sub.

With the election of Trump, almost all of reddit has been taken over by political action.

This same change has happened over and over in all the fringe-type subs: /r/Paranormal, /r/Thetruthishere, /r/Psychic, /r/UFOs , to name a few. People come in and start casting aspersions on the users, calling them schizophrenic/paranoid/etc and in need of professional help, blah blah blah and before you know it everybody has crawled quietly into the most distant corner they can except whoever is left with enough spine to stay ends up posting more mainstream stuff -- all of it likely seeded by the same users who started the change in the first place.

Of course, maybe I'm just paranoid and in need of professional help....

I can’t even remember the last time an interesting conspiracy was posted here.

It's why I came, I loved talking about that out there shit.

Then it got over ran

Thanks for your post OP. As a Flat Earther, I can tell you some stories. This is one of my new throwaway accounts, check out my karma.

We get shilled and mass-downvoted pretty quickly. When I left Twitter end of last year, my blocklist had 800 names on it.

And I only used the account for about a year.

Here on r/conspiracy, any post will get someone disagreeing in the comments pretty quickly. No many people are even bothering to get a convo going any more.

Same bots different platform.

R.I.P. Reddit.

Isolating your self and ignoring others ideas will only lead to ignorance.

/r/PoliticalConspiracy ?

Someone should shovel the posts there if it exists.

As a non-American it is extremely tiring and annoying being inundated with American politics on every single subreddit.

I agree, i think the sub misses out on a lot of potential contributors because of the amount of US politics posted here.

Has anybody attempted to make a new sub that's free of politics?

Your version of conspiracy is the type that has given conspiracy a bad name. It is a description of the insane people on the subway who talk to themselves. Personally, I prefer the more realistic type of conspiracy discussion that we currently have here. Keep your nutty unfounded theories about archeology to yourself.

Your version of conspiracy is the type that has given conspiracy a bad name.

It inst 'my version' dude, there is nothing wrong with alternative content, political conspiracy will always have its place but my point was more to do with how much political fluff is getting posted on here now.


New sub r/politicalconspiracys

I think most stopped posting here when the boot lickers showed up in full force trying to rail against logic.

The fabric of our society is crumbling and you want to talk about UFO's. Just another Trump shill trying to take the focus off politics.

Hey thanks for the comment!

I never said i wanted this sub to be just about UFOs, i was making an observation about how much political crap is now getting posted here.

Hey hey hey, get the fuck outta here Thinkin' is for stupid people

Everything is politicized these days. The country is extremely divided

We can't do anything about the corruption. It's in plain sight and we can't stop it. I'm sad.

Basically from wide variety of things has been narrowed down to pointless political bickering. Parties interested has ruined the thread in a big way. By making it irrelevant, bringing forward things that don't matter or are damaging and hide away all that is interesting, secret, mysterious.

Honestly I haven't seen much change in this sub in the roughly 6 years I've had this account. Seems pretty much the same type of stuff here everyday in my opinion.


Maybe you're talking about farther back than 6 years though, who knows.

How about a new sister sub for political conspiracy?

It's been taken over by right-wing conspiracy theorist Trump bots.

I hear what you are saying but, just because "Politics is boring", doesn't mean it shouldn't be at the forefront of the discussion here, right? Observing what politicians say as opposed to what they do, seems to me to be a useful tool in navigating through the "muck" sometimes found on here and establishing some kind of knowledgeable foundation. Now, I'm not saying it should be all "Trump this and Hilary that" but, we have the ability these days to see these powerful figures put in the spot light and be placed under heavy scrutiny so we can try and make informed decisions. We have a unique advantage living in the age of the internet to try and piece together what we observe from these powerful people with other conspiratorial info we have about other (seemingly) non-political issues. Just my two cents tho.

Ban ALL political discussion and spin it off to /r/PoliticalConspiracy

Politics has the best conspiracies.

Its nice you're allowed to say this, but many people were banned at every step of this metamorphosis.

They consider it an "attack on the sub" to say they are being biased, or anything that's not "good job". Many users have been banned/harassed for saying exactly what youve said.

Now this sub is a joke, its spawned other subs, just to laugh about how things are done/said here. The mods seem proud of this most the time..

Welcome to being an active battleground between /pol/ and the various shareblue outlets.

Here is to hoping the fringe returns.

Damn, perfect description. Nice job.

To be fair, r/news, r/worldnews and r/politics used to sound a lot less like r/conspiracy as well

Reddit itself has been flooded with bots and nonsense about politics 24/7 the admins won't do shit because they're probably making money off the extra traffic and gold these companies are buying the guild themselves.

Make Conspiracy Great Again

I subscribe to this subbreddit hoping to find new stuff about Antarctica. There seems to be a lot of shady stuff going on down there, and it's off limit to regular people. I mean wth was Buzz Aldrin doing down there recentlly.

I've been diving down the rabbit hole with Admiral Byrd and Operation Highjump, Neu Schwabenland, the Berserk expedition …

Miss the old Kanye.

Maybe it’s time to leave this sub to the wolves and create a new one.

go back to sleep dear subscribers, we will let you know when something wierd happens to entertain you. definitely do not consider that the social structure you live in is entirely controlled by evil doers who are intent on killing most of nature and controlling what is left of humanity.

Let’s make /r/conspiracy great again

There is enough real proven conspiracies in the world that I don't mind people moving beyond UFO's and psychics.

Can a sub like that come back, I got a good one to talk about.

Or maybe that the world is a simulation.

Sure there are political conspiracies going on, and most likely some big ones right now but it would be nice to have a place to discuss the non modern political conspiracies again.

I just posted about that the other day! Not too many replies but got some good info to look up

I agree. Get the freaking political stuff out of here, I came here for UFO’s, bigfoot, and other paranormal anomalies, not freaking Hillary, Trump, and other political nonsense I didn’t come here to worry about.

I’ve said this with a few replies and been REEE’d at to death about it. I wholeheartedly agree. This used to be one of my favorite subs, and now it’s pretty much T_D light. A shame.

"First off, I'm not interested in ordinary people. But, if any of you are aliens, time-travelers, or espers, please come see me. That is all!" - Haruhi Suzimiya, patron saint of R/conspiracy

Doesn't this sub have any time for fringe anymore?

I'd say Pizzagate qualified as pretty fringe, but Reddit admins seemed to not want discussion of it happening on the site.

I think it's less about a "fringe" vs "mainstream" problem, and more just that it seems every time this subreddit is near hitting a consensus on something major, a theory maybe that even other subreddits would consider plausible, the 24 hour news cycle pumps out another ridiculous story filled with loopholes for our collective imagination to run wild in. This is where we splinter into a thousand pieces and become possessed by our political/social biases.

It's up to you, or any individual, to pick one thing and investigate it to its conclusion and not allow any "breaking story" to interrupt you.

mhm, the many times i've contemplated on un-subscribing and then i'm like ... "maybe the next post will be old r/conspiracy worthy".

It’s not even the political conspiracies that bug me the most. Just the heavy bias in them. People are all for supporting some insane conspiracy against one side but refuse to even entertain the idea of one on the other. Such as any Russian related topics being considered as 100% lies. Sure the topic gets old. But that’s not the complaint against it that I see. It’s just discounted as liberal media bullshit. When it really looks like it’s some of each. Liberal media biased? Yes, like conservative media. Was there any Russian conspiracy at all? Yeah, we frequently see an abundance of Russian bots being exposed. Neither side is really on the side of the public. They are just dragging us into their rivalry.

What I think is amazing is the regular users who post partisan political stuff against democrats or liberals constantly throughout the day every single day, but are not called out for it.

Yup, this is the truth. Used to be a cool day when you could come to this forum to discuss conspiracies. Now, not so much. I find this relevant on other forums as well. To much politics...not enough conspiracies. Politics will ALWAYS be conspiratorial in nature.....ALWAYS! But most of them are not conspiracies in and of themselves......they are just people hiding information so they don't get caught in their lies. BORING!

This sub is just a place for people to push their agendas now. WE need a new a sub.

I'm all for more discussion on forbidden archaeology and ancient civilizations.

I made a video about some strange things to happen in the past in my country which immediately got down voted. Took me ages to make the video and I was hoping it would provoke some discussion and amateur investigation in this sub. At that moment I realized if it's not to do with American politics then it's not welcome here

I'm not going to lie, having the political arguments on here has opened up my eyes to exactly how corrupt and diseased the hierarchy is on this planet. I'm always up for a good UFO story, but finding this place after the Vegas shootings has opened up my eyes to other areas that affect my life like the health industry. Which is all connected to the corrupt state of our government.

Your suggestion to visit the salad bar is going to be lost on all the people who just came for the free dinner rolls.

No it isn't and don't be so defeatist. People have read the post and commented. Both political parties are dog turd and i still hope that we have enough time left to make the masses realise that there are bigger things than politics, i hope that there is still time to turn things around, not just in the US but the World over.

I believe that there are more elements to the human story than we have been allowed to understand.

Thanks for your comment.

Maybe a side effect of all the political squabbling is that people will get burnt out on it and see through it in larger numbers than would have otherwise. The theme across all the various camps is that Big Changes are coming, which feels true whether people can agree on the form or not. Thank you for your post!

So glad this was said...Cult of personality in this country has been turned to full retard...The battle lines are drawn, and I truly believe this country is so divided nothing can stop the split.

It inst just the United States, remember that.

Thanks for posting this. I was thinking the same.

I seriously miss the old content so much so that I plan on writing my own content for the sub weekly or as often as I can.

Please do, I automatically upvote anything that isn't Trump related.

Dude, trawl /new for content and definitely keep me posted. There's still some good stuff there.

I think the that the whole conspiracy argument has devolved to the one fundamental conspiracy theory of everything. Postmodernism, globalism and everything connected to it or against it.

Soros, Clinton, Obama, the EU, the Royal Families, big oil, big pharma, OPEC, Israel, Akhenazis, BLM, Antifa, mainstream media, celebrities, the Podesta's, Pi__agate, child porn and sex slavery, the Democrats, deep state, FBI, Mueller, the military industrial complex, central banks, Afghanistan and heroin, Syria, Libya, Yemen, etc etc.

It's all connected.

And MK Ultra is featured in all of it too! Its a gross web. One that needs to be seen, though.

Did you notice how our posts got summarily downvoted to zero.

I did not. Lol.

It's been a pro Trump, right wing shit hole of Russian active measures/right wing conspiracy theories since Trump announced his presidency. It's dead. Conspiracy theory itself is dead because the people have been mentally beaten and abused by real conspiracies in the past as well as 9/11. But now the people are collective paranoid schizophrenics and everything has become a false flag or conspiracy supposedly by George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Obama, Rothschilds, globalists, John Podesta, or any other left wing political figure. It's all anti left wing anti intellectual garbage and parrots right wing nonsense.

Where's the irrational and emotionally charged conspiracies against Republicans? Trump? People really believe the right wing is innocent and without blame? Oh Jeff Sessions wants to ban legal weed, that's the only criticism of the right I see. This place fucking blows.

Komrade. You didn't even get the name of the subreddit right.

Do some digging, the dark web has a bad wrap for obvious reason but there is real conspiracy sites are out there. And even then true info is only really shared via pgp encryption by dedicated journalists and fringe hackers.

I won't share the onion sites because im a douche and dont think you guys deserve to just be given said info or knowledge how to even access the sites. But its just laughable people think any real info is shared on clear net.

cant you observe it as a trend? overall wave of interest for this subreddit?

Are there any other sub reddits that attack certain conspiracy theory's but under the guise that they are supporting it? Seems like would that add credibility in this age of brigading and paid shills, right?

Fringe is shouted down in this sub now. It's just another political battleground for bots.

Boo fucking hoo people on this sub are turning it into an anti semetic circle jerk and your resigning because the veiws aren't alternative enough?

Doesn't this sub have any time for fringe anymore?

Dear sir,

first, thank you for your public service as a mod;

second, I heartily agree with your enthusiasm for weird ideas;

third, please accept my apology for failing to post fringe ideas.

I believe I can explain why so few fringe thinkers are posting wild flights of speculation. Reddit is not a place that guarantees freedom of anonymous speech. If a fringe thinker posts some "high weirdness" or "high strangeness" on Reddit, the owners of Reddit might decide that it is thought crime, and they might dox the fringe thinker.

Edit: For example, if I am an intrepid investigator, gallivanting about the countryside, photographing chupacabra outbreaks and interviewing cold fusion experimenters, my stories of my investigations would leave traces of my private information. Investigators who provide evidence can often be doxxed because they have provided evidence. By contrast, anonymous voices on the Internet are harder to trace, because their comments about government corruption might have been written by anyone.

How about r/oldschoolconspiracy or r/conspiracyclassics ?

Make a separate sub for political conspiracies and make posting political shit here bannable. Ez.

I feel like I should just downvote anything political without even reading it unless there is some very clear conspiracy aspect to it because there is a lot of shit in here which doesn't belong.

I remember you. You did a great job.

Ya man. I was never a mod, but a frequent poster, and I left years ago.

I noticed it was under seige from outside a long time ago. First it was that the sub got overtaken by anti-semetic material, that was used to label conspiracy as full of neo-nazis/anti-semites. I love WW2, and studying Nazis, etc, but all of the info/posts were tainted with anti-semitism.

Then, the Trump phenomena happened, and it was more of the same. Trump posts/Anti-Democrat just blotting out the sun.

The Backbone of /r/Conspiracy was never rooted in a specific, hard ideological bias. It was based in the idea that you have to approach EVERY situation from an unbiased perspective, to see the truth(or as close to it as we can get). I think if there was a bias, it was that most people were hard ideological communists, or hard ideological libertarians, but many who didn't fit into these characterizations existed.

With The Anti-Semetic period, and the Policical, Pro Trump period, the result was the same... that unbiased, unpurposed search for the truth was cast aside.

I think that both movements were pushed on some level by "TPTB". I think this place, above all others in the USA(Cyber, or Physical) had some real conversations, and real information, that fostered some real, informed and justified anti-government, anti-corporate, anti-banker, anti-globalist sentiment, that many powerful groups feared.

You wanna know what the real conspiracy is, this shit is all mind control, the political soap opera, it's so damn hard to get away from. It's also polarizing as hell, whether by design or not it's the sad reality. It's so bad that if you try to separate yourself from the reality tv presidency you're seen as an enemy to both sides. So we are psychologically reinforcing the divide, forcing us to pick a side.

It's become a black hole of our attention.

r/conspiracy used to entertain all sorts of weird and wonderful fodder, UFOs, anomalies, physic ability and forbidden archaeology to name just a few.

Over the last year or so the sub has been swamped with political threads, corporate corruption and the fact that people in power are arseholes generally.

Good. Now we can focus on actually important happenings instead of lunacies. It's the only reason I joined.

thats the conspiracy in it self. this subreddit is the medium now

I 100% agree with your statement, were you harassed or bullied in the month in the lead up of your decision?

I feel that this sub was brought into the political shit fight on purpose, maybe to have another platform to launch to the front page.

Right! Like someone’s opinion is proven better than yours, so your opinion is invalid and fucking sucks.

And the language people use to argue is fucking vitriol.

By doing this, it can create an avalanche, stirring up a bunch of shit between users, fragmenting everyone into these small polarized groups. It will continue to perpetuate after the shills and bots leave. I don't think they have to do very much. Just target certain ideas and certain people when necessary.

This is exactly what is going on. Awareness of the problem is the first step to solving it. It's just like ignoring annoying people in real life, you leave them alone. Only issue with taking that approach here is that the profiles and whoever or whatever controls them will change the approach and ramp up the rhetoric or games they play. Even then, it's still possible to combat it. If you see the same patterns over and over, there's a high likelihood that those are not organic posts.

Subbed! Thanks.

It's pure manufactured shit on one side trying to control the info war. It's people of Reddit against this group.

This a a cool sub but there is hardly any discussion.

There's no discussion. It's just people banging heads together thinking that if they hit each other hard enough one's world view will somehow win over the other's.

I'm going to disagree, but please, hear me out before you act.

This sub is approaching 600K subscribers. This is a battleground for the minds of those who lurk. I have, for instance, a post sitting at the top of the front page right now regarding Flight 93 from 911.

At this moment, the post has garnered 1390 points and 455 comments. Meanwhile, the post has had 21K views. That's a lot of lurkers! That's a lot of minds who are curious about some of the more crazy details of the official 9/11 narrative. The people that are commenting tend to be firm in their respective position(s) regarding 9/11 events, but both groups are very cognizant of the fact that the debate going on within the thread may very well change the mind of a respectable amount of lurkers. This is one of the reasons it can get heated.

That said, I too, am sick of the partisan politics in this sub and have been putting in my effort to improve the sub's content.

It's not real man, you're literally falling for the joke.

This is the heart of the matter to the "Shill!" argument. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they're a shill, a bot, or otherwise. They could just be... people who disagree.

You claimed that we have Plato's writings.

If you now concede that this is not the case, then be frank about it.

I mean he ran on anger and us vs them, his supporters will reflect that. I agree with you but it’s pretty obvious why they’d act like that.

Project Bluebeam is long-term. The UFO story got front-page news for the day. Do you really expect it to last longer than however long they want to cover it for? Everyone believes in aliens and wants it to happen. It's a mainstream conspiracy theory that gets plenty of coverage.

I didn't say that there weren't any resistors who caught on early and learned to give the system what it wanted while still managing to keep a open mind and an opinion of their own safely tucked away but they are a small minority by comparison. More than a few fed-up rebels too, that bucked it until they were old enough to drop-out.

My main point being that it isn't a situation that either encourages or is conducive to independent thinking or learning which is why at least 75% of the population not only isn't very good at it but usually tries to avoid it altogether.

But, but ... that bot said something I agree with ... and i need the constant reassurance of confirmation bias in my life ...

It's always some big reveal that's jusstt around the corner and boy is it gonna blow your socks off!

I don't think you spend enough time on /r/politics or some of the other subs. People can be hateful and vile, and it's not limited to political ideology.

people with dissenting opinions aren't shills.

I think you don't see the vile from Anti-Trumpers because you agree with them. I'll list you some examples of the vileness towards me just yesterday:

It’s meant to muddy the waters and discredit the IC/investigation, you fucking retard. People like you would be of more use to this world if you jumped off a bridge and let a school of fish eat you.

If you say stupid shit it doesn’t matter where you post, you will get similar reactions. Maybe you should go back to a sub that confirms your biases.

Don't be an idiot. Both sides spin stuff like the long-term effects of a tax or healthcare plan, while this memo is a direct attack on the intelligence community in order to protect Trump. This isn't standard DC spin.

That's rich coming from a Trump-supporting piece of trash like you. Public perception always matters, even when things should be cut and dry. Fish are getting hungry.

That's why they stop at the mountains.
The one in the water by Japan is a strange one though. Either someone was using it on a boat, or there's some sort of facility off the coast, as there's no land marked but the tracks have a lot of straight lines.

So they got called names and they're getting revenge? I don't get your point.

If I get called a leftist I don't go "well if you're going to call me a leftist I'm going to get real angry and push for the seizure of the means of production!" I'm center left, getting called mean names doesn't make me go full communist or irrationally angry at the world.

Also why do you make it seem like being called a racist online is the worst thing ever? Somehow you can call for the expulsion of an entire religion from the country but call them racists and you all jump to "whoa, whoa, whoa first off it's a religion. Second off even if they were a race, how is that racist? We just want to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. Calling them racist is horrible!"

Also also regardless of why they're angry having an entire political movement supported almost fully by anger and hatred of other races, religions and political leanings is probably not good for the people involved nor our nation.

What point did you make in your comment that I missed.

If I get called a leftist I don't go "well if you're going to call me a leftist I'm going to get real angry and push for the seizure of the means of production!" I'm center left, getting called mean names doesn't make me go full communist or irrationally angry at the world.

I interpret this as, "They call me names and I don't get mad so calling them names shouldn't make them mad" I'm not mad and they are irrationally angry.

Also why do you make it seem like being called a racist online is the worst thing ever? Somehow you can call for the expulsion of an entire religion from the country but call them racists and you all jump to "whoa, whoa, whoa first off it's a religion. Second off even if they were a race, how is that racist? We just want to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. Calling them racist is horrible!"

Racism is when a person believes their race to be superior to others. A lot of these people just want to keep terrorists out. I do not agree with the all Muslims are terrorist, I believe we created terrorists, however they believe Islam is a religion that promotes violence.

Also also regardless of why they're angry having an entire political movement supported almost fully by anger and hatred of other races, religions and political leanings is probably not good for the people involved nor our nation.

I interpret this as "Regardless of why they are angry, Trump supporters are in the wrong, racist, and full of hate and it isn't good for this country"

GPS also doesn't work under much water. They're very weak radio signals and generally require line of sight for accuracy.

If it wasn't a boat then it was a glitch

Well I am speculating. But the point is that we don't know what it is, so we can't conclusively say either way. Have a look for yourself so then you can at least speculate on the material rather than just what I'm saying about it.

Everything is a ratings game....!

This is the kind of shit I want to see on this sub.

Not trying to stir shit up, but I think you are wrong and biased. There are plenty of anti-Trump people that are fucking psychos.

Yeah dude because I call out bullshit when I see it. Otherwise I lurk.

Election adds a year onto that