Nancy Pelosi looks like someone who's about to be out of a job.

3  2018-01-31 by DontTreadOnMe16

The hatred in her eyes for Trump is almost telling.

And Shumer has been clapping like a bitch that doesn't want to go to jail, and is ready to flip on anyone and play ball.

Trump's been killing it IMO.

Edit: What are your thoughts on his SOTU so far, good or bad?


If by "killing it" you mean not going off the script, sure.

Killing it as in I'm a big fan of a lot of the plans I've heard so far. If he follows through is one thing, but I really like the tax reforms and him saying he's taking on the pharmaceutical industry in the US. Overall I think he's doing a great job.

"taking on the pharmaceutical industry" = letting them re-negotiate where their profits come from. Same as health care. Trump just wants a headline he can parade around, he's clearly less concerned with the actual results, which makes him just like every other god damn politician in this country.

If we've learned anything about Trump, it's that his rhetoric rarely matches his actions. Don't keep falling for the bullshit sales pitch.

My new tax plan bonus says otherwise.

Nice! It'll help cover the increases in your health coverage. Well, for a few years, at least.

My insurance has done nothing but get higher than ever before ear after year ever since Obamacare. It can't possibly be worse by introducing more consumer options into the healthcare industry. Do you have anything to back that up? Or were you just using buzzwords and rhetoric.

Oh, it can and it will get worse. Less people in the health insurance market and the percentage of people who need that coverage in that market will be higher, because healthy people don't buy insurance. It goes up every year, no one is disputing that. It's the rate of increase I'm referring to.

Your tax break should cover a cool 2% of that increase. Sweet deal, right?!

Can you source me anything that backs up what you just said? Economically that doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about health insurance markets specifically to know better. Would be interested in learning more.

Sure. It's dense but the CBO is an unbiased, trusted source on what the effects of repealing the individual mandate would have. I'd start w/ the summary on this page.

Thanks! I'll give this a read in the morning.

Insurance premiums were rocketing up at a much higher pace prior to the implementation of Obamacare, which slowed it dramatically. Expect that benefit to go the way of the Dodo now.

It removed the mandatory purchase of shit insurance or pay a fine, so I am most happy with that.

Good, because you've been rewarded with higher premiums! Weee!!

It least I have the choice of NOT paying it. Weeeeeee

Man, I'd love to be you. The one single human ever to never need medical care! Simply amazing.

It really is.

Wow, I wish I got one....

Do you make over $450,000 per year or get paid fully in cash? Because if not, then you did get one.

Close to 200 but my property tax fucks that all to hell. I will not be getting a tax bonus. What I now can't write off will offset any bonus I would have gotten.

Ah well that blows. Hopefully you'll see it in April or next year under the new system.

Property tax has nothing to do with federal government. What state are you in?

I'm solidly middle class and my taxes are going up substantially.

Sounds like you should probably get a better accountant then, because I don't see how that's even possible.

There should be a tax on lying.

And another on people not knowing what the hell they're talking about.

I live in NYC, the elimination of the SALT deduction alone is going to kill me.

Maybe you should read up on how taxes are going up on a lot of people, amazingly specifically in places that are wildly anti-Trump.


Start by getting a job!

Hilarious. I'm a psychologist and work for an independently owned clinic and teach.

adjusts monocle

It was pretty funny. No offense. If nothing else it was good advice for a large majority of the people agreeing with you. See, I teach too!

Tim Kaine looked hammered drunk. Nervous Nancy is a bit twitchy.

He always looks drunk.

She sure looks uncomfortable in her "me too" dress tonight.

My observation is how in the interview she forcefully glossed over the immigration lottery and how it is a potential security risk. Big things

I thought of your comment about that when she flipped around in her seat tonight. That must really be a sensitive spot for her.

I saw that.

This isn't T_D.

I know where I am. That woman looks guilty of conspiracy, hence my post.

I'm interested in starting a conversation with others in my community here that are watching the SOTU.

How do you think he's done so far?

What would a bad SOTU look like? He mis-pronounces words? Did you think he was gonna come out and say ISIS are actually a bunch of chill guys. What do you think his role was in writing this speech?

Lol she "looks" guilty.

Well that settles it!

Have you seen her CNN interview from last night? It will add some context.

I did.

What exactly do right-wingers think she is guilty of?

This has nothing to do with party. Check my history. I was just digging on Paul Ryan a few minutes ago.


But what do you think she is guilty of?

Isn't it a little too convenient that Nune's memo will magically eliminate all of Trump's political opponents in one fell swoop?

We'll have to wait and see. I read tonight that they are seriously considering releasing all of the documents, which makes me happy. Do think for a moment that I think it won't incriminate folks from both sides of the aisle.

How do you think it will implicate Nancy Pelosi specifically? Walk me through it.

Because it seems to me that right-wingers are hoping that literally the entire opposition party is imprisoned and executed in the fallout of the memo's release.

If you want a right-wing opinion you will have to talk to someone else.

Well said. This guy thinks only in two parties, apparently.

Divide and conquer.

That’s because they’re guilty.

Guilty of what? Being in the opposition party isn't a crime, no matter how much you'd like it to be.

I’m not a party to any party so there is no opposition party.

There is however a bunch of shitty politicians and crooks in both of the main stream parties and I cheer when they fall.

Who you calling a right-winger?

Thank you.

Lol she "looks" guilty.

Well that settles it!

I honestly don't even know what all the hate is for pelosi when the entire country literally thinks trump looks like he saw a ghost every time someone mentions Russia.

The real conspiracy in this thread is why do we have someone posting about how someone looks then about actual conspiracies in the SOTU example Trump saying he's with puerto rico while cutting off aid and inviting a north korean to hold up a prop to get a emotional response to probably lead us into war with north korea.

I think he is doing a great job too!

Hey, this is for another sub, also Trump is another puppet! Please know that he has been owned and is apart of the script!

Please see my comment below.

I did. Just look at the Illuminati Card Game. The card is almost and exact replica of him and don’t forget predictive programming

Definitely something to keep in mind. That's very much included in my information filter. But I respect any president that tells the pharmaceutical companies head on that he guarantees they will lose profits.

She’s held together by a magic spell or two..

Blood of babies.

Nancy "know your blood type" Pelosi.

Trump has done a lot to undermine the NWO globalists conspiracy to implement their one-world government. Unrestrained immigration is part of their plan, and so is pushing the transgender-soyboy agenda.

Nancy Pelosi looks like a worried Tim Burton character

You're delusional.


He's doing a good job. A little too long, a little too dumbed down in spots...."Great....good....dangerous, unsafe...." etc.

But all the minority shootouts, etc., while still pounding the "America First" messaging, very savvy.

"The great, beautiful people!!" lol.

Why would any democrats look happy right now? The entire point of these things is for the president to pretend everything in America is awesome right now and the other political party is supposed to sit there with a "fuck this guy" expression on their face. This isn't your diary dude. Come back to me and tell me all about how they all look like criminals to you when their side cranks out for criminal indictments. Then we can talk.

It's literally propaganda. Not even masked propaganda. Just straight up propaganda. And this is true whoever is president. That anyone would give any credence to this shit, especially on this sub, is beyond me.

Watching it through the filter of understanding that a lot of it is propaganda can still be useful. Intentions are important.

Well username checks out at least.

Don't tell me what to do, guy. I'm not your boyfriend.

I'll post whatever I damn well please.

Yeah please, I didn't mean to interrupt. Go on about how democrats are lame and Trump is such a killer smooth guy. Everyone was dying to hear your opinion on the matter.

There's 56 comments on a 40 minute old post. I'd say my opinion was enough to spark some conversation around here. But please, continue to try and stifle exchanges of ideas you disagree with.

Oh, a numbers guy? You know what that means....

I honestly do not.

And Trump just called for Guantanamo Bay to remain open.

But we all love Gitmo here at /r/conspiracy, amirite?

For actual bad people, sure.

Good thing we always know who those are, right?

We will soon!

Let me guess: it's anyone who's opposed to Trump.

I don't know. We'll have to wait and see.

But its not just bad people in there is it?

I don't know who is there right now.

Innocent people have been detained there.

Fuck American imperialism.

Oh, know doubt. That's why I said "bad people". I don't think I said anything about wanting to detain innocents, did I?

Why not call for it to close entirely rather than risk innocent people getting caught up in the net?

3 years ago, nobody in /r/conspiracy would have been defending the continued operation of Guantanamo Bay. What changed?

Don't pretend to be middle-of-the-road when you're literally unopposed to the detention of American citizens in overseas detention camps. Authoritarianism has taken root in America.

Seems /r/conspiracy users are in need of some educating on America's crimes. Here's some reading material for you.

Is it the actual complex that is the problem?

Don't play coy. You are literally unopposed to the indefinite detention of American citizens in off-shore torture camps.

Holding them at Guantanamo Bay is a way around the "inconvenience" of people having a right to a fair trial. Are you ignorant or were you too young to understand what was going on during the Bush years?

Actually, yea it is. We just kinda, never gave that land back to Cuba. Nor do we pay to sublet it anymore. Overall, I'm not a fan of Guantanamo Bay, the complex or their practices.

Completely agree with you here.

So you're in this sub but you don't know they've put innocent people in there?

Dude, of course I do.

Then why the hell would you support a dark dungeon where the government can secretly put whoever they want in there regardless of if they are guilty or not?

Because I think there are bad enough people that deserve it.

Then fuckin put them in jail after you've already proven they are guilty. Is this a joke?

I'm convinced he and others like him were just too young to understand what was going on during the Bush years.

Sadly that is not the case.

No, his history his anything against trump. I've. Noticed him a couple days ago and now it's just getting annoying. He comments a lot going against anything Trump.

He doesn't give a shit about gitmo.

What is it with you and always push people like that, and put words in their mouth. You must feel very good about yourself, always dividing people over the internet.

If you believe in keeping this dungeon open, then this is exactly what you support. The entire reason Guantanamo exists is so we can take people there, guilty or not, and torture them hoping to get something out of them. It's a disgusting place and America should have no part in shit like this. Literally the only reason anybody around here would support this type of thing is because Trump does. And his supporters are supposed to blindly cheer for anything he signs off on.

Who said anything about innocent people?

The reason Guantanamo exists is so you don't have to use a regular court of law. You can just take people there and torture them. Which means a lot of people who aren't guilty of anything have been tortured there. And you support keeping a place like this open.

They deserve the same treatment they were willing to enforce on us. Equal rights... Or lack thereof.

I want gitmo closed. But let's be honest. It's not as if torture only happens there. While I am against torture morally, I do feel as if those who not only break the laws, but also have a hand in writing them should be held to the fullest punishment of their crimes.

Because their team is in the white house now so there is nothing wrong with keeping it open. That user was probably going on how bad gitmo was when Obama was president. Typical partisan hypocrite.

Oh we know Bush and Obama put a lot of innocent people in their, no news on Trump though.

Support the freedom loving people in Iran against their corrupt government. I foresee slight chuckles over the mental gymnastics of his cultists.

i waited 8 years for oboma to make good on his promise from his first election to close gitmo. definately wasn't under any delusion that trump had a plan to end it :/ whats surprising is just how FEW people are actually there.... like, most just get killed by drone strikes and we don't take prisoners anymore unless we think we can torture them for information. :/

Well I think with all the critisism obama deserves we can agree that he at least tried to close it. Infact several times.

“the path of least resistance was just to leave it open.” If Obama was willing to take a political risk, he could have closed it.

Yeah, at least he realized that it was what the people wanted. Especially after the leaks about torture and the leaks from within our millitary detention abuses photos.

I love how he talks to the American people like idiots bc he knows they'd never understand him if he spoke like this 24/7. He's being so eloquent and professional. He knows how to present himself to all crowds.

What he's saying is everything the media will never cover. He has such good points for the future his policies and actions will bring, but only if we can her Dems and Reps to stop being children and work together.

Also Bernie is up in the shadows watching in the dark. They panned over him a few times and it's so funny to me.

Despite who Nancy is and what's coming to her she looks nice tonight.

I actually think even with certain changes he still isn't steering a ship. The comments are generic, and ambiguous. I don't really feel as though he is a great character in comparison to say JFK, or MLK. Not exactly a game changing president. Still heavy on consumerism, and fat off his on supply.

This isn't td.

This is the conspiracy subreddit. This post does not belong here.

She's guilty of conspiracy. It absolutely belongs here.

What's the conspiracy?

  • that she is a race baiter?
  • that she is a champion for the oppressed, poor and discriminated, even though she is the 3rd wealthiest person in Congress,
  • that she owns multiple homes nowhere near her supposed constituency -that she is an Athiest. -that she is hell bent on destroying the U.S.?

I could go on, so please do pick one...

No... You go on, I think you've got this.

No... You go on, I think you've got this.

No... You go on, I think you've got this.

I should clarify... when i listed Atheist, I meant that she will pretend to be Christian and will be supportive of any particular religion that is being discussed during an interview, however her actual voting history, indirect comments and general body language lead me to believe she is an Atheist, which won't win her enough votes from her constituents.

There is nothing wrong with being an Atheist, its just her lying about it that matters.

Mr. Keebler Elf sure was happy tonight.

State of the union: Things are going pretty well!
And the democrats are PISSED.

They seriously acted like children.

Well the fact that Puerto Rico is still fucked and the multiple philanderer lectured us about family values and some great gods, I'd say it was pretty shitty.

We can only hope!

How is this /r/conspiracy material?

Yeah please, I didn't mean to interrupt. Go on about how democrats are lame and Trump is such a killer smooth guy. Everyone was dying to hear your opinion on the matter.

There's 56 comments on a 40 minute old post. I'd say my opinion was enough to spark some conversation around here. But please, continue to try and stifle exchanges of ideas you disagree with.

Well said. This guy thinks only in two parties, apparently.

I'm convinced he and others like him were just too young to understand what was going on during the Bush years.

What is it with you and always push people like that, and put words in their mouth. You must feel very good about yourself, always dividing people over the internet.

Good, because you've been rewarded with higher premiums! Weee!!

Who said anything about innocent people?

Sounds like you should probably get a better accountant then, because I don't see how that's even possible.