Who was the most influential person, as far as conspiracies go, in the last few centuries?

16  2018-01-31 by Quetzalcoatlwasright

Who do you think made their mark on history? As far as the conspiracy world? It can be either positive or negative. For instance Aleister Crowley and Helena Blavatsky would be “negative” while someone like Alan Watts or Carl Jung would be arguably “positive”.

I’m torn on Manly P. Hall, I mean the guy is FULL of information, and it’s hard to decipher who’s side he was on.

Who do you think made their mark in getting us here, where a significant portion of humanity is more aware the secrets of the occult doctrines and the secret happenings of government?

Honorable mention; Nikola Tesla.


I think Edward Bernays had a huge negative influence on the world, being that he is more or less the architect of consumerism.

Great answer. I agree, he definitely deserves a mention.

Bill Cooper

Great answer. He was a phenomanal man. Sad that he left us.

Bill Cooper hands down.

Pablo Escobar

You’ll have to give an explanation for this one

Tesla. Without a doubt.

Def at the top of the list

Are you familiar with the theory that Tesla was not all we have been led to believe he was?

For instance, have you ever wondered why there is no video footage of him?

Want to know more? PM me.

How low can you go? All the way down the hole? How low can you go?

I want to know more!

Let's take the official story of 9/11: Bin Laden and his conspiracy to commit terrorism had a huge effect since 2001.

If the official story is false, then whoever was part of that conspiracy greatly changed world history via that attack.

For me personally? Jordan Maxwell.


If you must ask, you must've never heard of the man. Seriously, look into him, his work, his presentations, etc etc. He goes deep down the rabbit hole (my style - no frills - straight up red pill after red pill) with the occult, symbolism, secret societies, actual history, and actual power structures.

He's one of the most brilliant minds I can think of in modern times in this "community", who I've learned so much from. Others have mentioned others, that I agree with, as well (ie. Tesla, Bill Cooper, etc etc), but for me personally... definitely Jordan Maxwell.

I've learned so much from.

What are some of the most important things you have learned from Maxwell.

Everything goes back to after the Great Deluge in Babylon, Mesopotamia, and Sumeria. Where a "dark" priest class took power, via the occult and mystery schools, which later turned into (and unified under) the Abrahamic religions. The most powerful of such, later became the Holy Roman Empire (Vatican), which still rules today via the Tri-Sovereign States.

Can you remember any of the evidence he provided for these claims?

Or do you only remember the stories themselves?

All evidence is sourced in his presentations and works. Check them out, for yourself.

So you can't think of a single example off the top of your head?

What the fuck are you asking for? He has books and presentations which in them, he cites sources. Look into his works, or don't. I mean, FFS, he goes all the way back to Pythagoras' teachings, and beyond. If that's not a source, then I don't know what to tell you...

Lol some people need to be spoon fed

I guess so. I didn't think Step was that daft... I don't really feel like writing out a whole biography of Jordan Maxwell's works (40+ years). It's all there, readily available for anyone to watch or read...

The Holy Roman Empire was neither Holy, Roman, or an Empire.

Benjamin Franklin was balls deep into everything. I've come to realize that anyone with their face on Fed Reserve notes wasn't a good guy.

yeah you know what i don't get is why nobody ever tried to make a joke face. it's absurd. what a wasted opportunity! tell you what i do on all my ids - i move my head back so that i get a real fat face. it's hilarious. fuck it man..if the man wants to see my face for all their spookery activities i'm gonna have a laugh with it. i dunno why none of these currency dude never grokked on to the same thing. they're just not funny, that's all. can't trust people who aren't funny. it's like the same way you can't trust people who make crappy booze. the scots? fuck it. what's up with that shit?

Your spirit animal. Scots have no music also.

bagpipes are good. i dig the bagpipes. hilarious name for an instrument as well. bagpipes. scots are all aboot the dickjokes, too, if you haven't noticed.

Basically everyone in the nine sisters


Matt Groening


I think the whole thing about the Simpsons predicting things......dental plan!

Speaking of that episode and season ...


James Corbett

Gustave le Bon.

See for example this and then this.

Once you understand how helpless the typical human is to resist crowd psychology, everything begins to make more sense.

This is useful not just in researching 'conspiracies' (too many people would have to be in on it herp derp) but life in general.

Notable mentions: LaRouche, Baudrillard, Farrakhan, Mencken, Bierce, Spooner. In case the theme is not obvious, I tend to believe the overarching conspiracy is one of political economy. To that end, the most influential individuals are those who can explain political motives the most clearly.

First guy I think of is Howard Zinn who wrote "A People's History of the United States" which covers everything they don't teach you in history class. Includes everything from the truth about Christopher Columbus to the many false flags perpetrated by the US.

Of course it was Karl Marx.

Without him we wouldn't have Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Fidel, the Cold War, etc.. things that shaped this world in the 20th century and claimed the lives of almost 100M people.

JFK - as a victim.

Next to 9/11, I don't think more ink has been spilled on any other topic.

Kissinger. War criminal.

John Ehrlichman

If it wasnt for him there might never have been a watergate scandal.

I've learned so much from.

What are some of the most important things you have learned from Maxwell.