Today reddit admin u/landoflobsters banned my subreddit for completely bogus reasons

0  2018-01-31 by 0ccidentalist

r/WhiteRights, a subreddit which had more than 14,000 subscribers and had been a mainstay of reddit for more than 10 years was removed for spurious reasons.

This is the message I received from u/landoflobsters:

[–]from landoflobsters[A] to /r/WhiteRights sent 21 hours ago Mods --

Due to the amount of violent content and symbolism posted on your sub, we are unable to keep it active per our policies concerning violent content. This sub will be banned immediately.

There were no complaints of "violent content or symbolism" and no such posts that were not promptly removed.

Reddit admins are liars who hate free speech and want exercise control of political sentiment across the entire domain. Subscribers to this sub need to know that if they are under the illusion that reddit is a free speech platform.


It’s truly a suck moment for you, but if they are removing ALL subreddits that are deemed racist and hate filled and they show a balanced discretion with other similar sub Reddit’s it’s hard to complain.

I realize some people feel like they need to respond to the perception that all white people are inherently racist which we know is not true. However you have to admit the type of user that subject brings is rarely civil.

As I said earlier, if they are rooting out all the subs that represent a racial divide then I’m ok with it. If your sub has been singled out arbitrarily then that’s not cool.

if they are removing ALL subreddits that are deemed racist and hate filled

But that's not the excuse they gave. They plainly lied about their reasons.

Put the ball in their court and give them some examples of subs doing the same thing but in favor of other class groups. Perhaps an example of bias will make them reconsider or take further action against other subs.

Put the ball in their court and give them some examples of subs doing the same thing but in favor of other class groups...

That might work if they were honest and conscientious people but they are not. They are dishonest people, as evidenced by the bald-faced lies written by the admin who banned the sub. And don't think there haven't been many examples of their hypocrisy and double standards communicated to them 1,000's of times over the past ten years.

why are you being downvoted? it cant be that there are this many tribalistic people from other races downvoting you for defending your own. this means that whites, & Jews who pretend to be white, are complicit in their own destruction. Israel for Jews, China for Chinese, death for whites

Aww poor little nazi lost his safe space

Now we have to share spaces with the likes of you. I hope you enjoy our company!

Nah, actually we'd prefer you self-segregate as well.

Then why won't you let us create a White ethnostate. The whole history of White people for that past century or more has been minorities moving in and Whites moving out. The process called "White flight" is just a euphemism for the slow ethnic cleansing of Whites from neighborhoods that have been colonized by minorities coupled with an exodus to overwhelmingly White suburbs where we can enjoy safe, White spaces. It seems people like you believe we have no right to separate ourselves from the likes of you. Why?

There's a book about white people who don't want to be around minorities moving to "Whiteopia's".

Why not do that?

Whites have been doing that but the onslaught of diversity keeps coming. Time to create a White ethnostate.

Whites have been doing that but the onslaught of diversity keeps coming.

What does that even mean?

Time to create a White ethnostate

Then go buy an island and go do that.

What does that even mean?

"White flight" is the process of Whites escaping diversity and all the social problems brought on by diversity. The term was not coined by White nationalists.

"White flight" is the process of Whites escaping diversity

And that is their prerogative. They have the freedom to do so. No one is forcing them to do it.

social problems brought on by diversity.

What social problems?

The term was not coined by White nationalists.

Never said it was.

he knows what it means & is being deliberately obtuse

None of that is true of me. But it appears you really want to discredit me or attack me

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I don’t think the melting pot of the worlds’ cultures is the right place for that.

the usa was created for white people of good moral character. the melting pot bullshit came from Jews in the last 100 years

But you’re not American correct? And it’s true that America was founded on racism and discrimination. Slavery was also legal then. That doesn’t make it right.

Welcome! An alternative point of view is always welcome.

But, they will censor you eventually, too.

Nobody should be censored.

This is a free site for users. A privately owned site. They can let whoever they want do whatever they want.

True, but the owners of this site don't want the users of the site to recognize the full extent of their disdain for free speech.

You realize what happens when people lose their safe space? Any person. All persons. It is not good.

The more folk like you reduce and ridicule the (disenfranchised) white male voice, the more that voice will fight to be heard.

Awww poor little fascist lost his moral high ground

ridicule the (disenfranchised) white male voic

HAHAHA I don't know what you said after this because I keep laughing too hard after I read it

That's cool bud, I'll wait for you. Meanwhile, are you denying the disenfranchised white male exists?

disenfranchised white male

HAHAHAHA it just gets funnier

I understand, laughter is often triggered when a person feels uncomfortable and does not know how to otherwise respond. Like I said, I'll wait for you.

he's Jewish or his x cheated on him with a black dude because he's a beta cuck & now he doesn't see any value in anything actually

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How are white people disenfranchised?

What exactly is that sub supposed to even be about?

State and media sanctioned anti-white discrimination and the right of Whites to organize in defense of White interests.

anti-white discrimination

Have an example?

right of Whites to organize in defense of White interests

What are white interests?

this guy cucks

Which is supposed to mean what exactly? What are you implying when you say that against me?

Maybe you can explain black interests?

he already knows or doesn't care about the answers to the questions he asks. he's a concern troll fuckboi who thinks he is clever on the internet.

I like how you're ignoring any questions of mine and just attacking me with ad hominem attacks.

OK, getting banned for not sharing in self destructive group think. Being under represented in nearly every important sphere of society. Being demonized for every other groups failures, particularly blacks. there's a few. Now you go.

What are you even talking about? It helps to communicate in complete sentences.

Who's the troll? Go fuck yourself.

I guess you don't want a civil discussion.

OK, getting banned for not sharing in self destructive group think

Who is getting banned?

Being under represented in nearly every important sphere of society

Who is being under represented?

Being demonized for every other groups failures, particularly blacks.

Who is being demonized for other's failures?

You're not being clear in your grammar structure of what you are actually talking about in especially in the context of this question.

this guy cucks

Which is supposed to mean what exactly? What are you implying when you say that against me?

you deserve to die a painful death if for nothing else but the dishonesty with which you lived & the weasely tactics you use to get what you want instead of every even considering working hard for it. your kind is so fucking disgusting.

People with insecurities or have issues with their own life tend to project their issues onto others.

you're not clever. i already explained that your game is not fresh or new to me. taking you seriously would be an insult to the entire idea of honest discourse

Why are you so adverse to having a civil discussion with me?

anyone who has played this game enough can see right through your bullshit lineup of questioning, so just fuck off

And what game is that? I just asked questions, and even if you don’t convince me, you still have the opportunity to convince others of your point.

What is wrong with asking questions in the first place? That’s how discussions are had.

Here's some more you can can pretend to not understand. You're not even paying attention. Attributing to me what others have said while pretending to not understand what the "conversation" is about. You're a spineless group think drone without an original thought. One might come to the conclusion you're paid opposition. You're a dinosaur, ignoring the writing on the wall doesn't mean it's not there.

You're a spineless group think drone without an original thought.

How about then try having a civil discussion with me and see if I do have some original thoughts?

That might be more productive than just attacking me and trying to make people not listen to what I have to say.

I've seen enough of your garbage to know what you're about. I can watch CNN or MSNBC to get the same dishonest talking points. Thanks anyway.

I don't watch any of that stuff. I don't have cable. CNN and MSNBC is garbage anyway to learn anything.

Most of what I know is from my own personal studies and outside interests such as podcasts.

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lol done this for too long man that's why i didn't even engage him with any sincerity. this person is probably a jew who supports Israel & the last thing he wants is whites becoming conscious

That’s a lot of assumptions with no basis.

Agreed. These hypocrites think they have legitimacy through the lies they perpetuate ad nauseum. They follow up with disingenuous circular arguments based on those lies, feigning surprise and disbelief when confronted with the reality of their lies. It's all coming undone for them. They're the regressive force that's stifling progress.

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Or maybe people can answer my questions instead of deflecting and using insults and ad hominem attacks.

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It was a white nationalist sub. That's not what the community info. says, but that's what's in the posts and comments.

Dude, your posting history suggedts youre oviously a white nationalist and possibly a Nazi supporter. Sorry man, reddit isn't having that shit. They are a company. They don't need to provide a platform for rascists. They have been in the news plenty of times for things that have gone right or wrong on this website. They don't need to deal with a bunch of racists passing memes around on their platform. Take it to 4chan.

@OP, was the White ethnostate meant to be a new country on some unclaimed land somewhere, or was it meant to be the united states...? if it was meant to be the united states that's probably why the sub got banned

Maybe, but that's not the excuse the lying admins gave.

an implied overthrow of the US to install a white ethnostate seems violent by definition....

Who is talking about "overthrow"? The US was founded by people who were far more racist and white nationalist oriented than most of the subscribers of that sub. All we need to do is peacefully reclaim our legacy.

All we need to do is peacefully reclaim our legacy.

explain how you will peacefully remove all the non-white citizens of America from the future white ethnostate......

What are affirmative action and "diversity" promotion programs other than an effort at peaceful ethnic cleansing implemented in universities and corporations.

We can do the same thing by replacing these programs with homogeneity drives.

Because racial discrimination still takes place in our society, we need affirmative action. Once racial discrimination is barely a blip, then we can remove that policy.

But affirmative action is not ethnic cleansing and I don’t understand how you can argue that point.

And what is homogeneity drives?

Affirmative action is racial discrimination. When you apply affirmative action you discriminate against Whites thereby ethnically cleansing your college or your workplace.

It is a form of discrimination. I agree with that. But the fact is that if you have a white person and black person with the exact same application and credentials, the white person is much more likely to be picked over the black person. This has been confirmed with research studies and data to back this claim up.

In addition to that, poverty is cyclical issue that can affect generations. If you are born in poverty or an uneducated family, then you are much more likely to remain poor and uneducated throughout your life. This is true of all races and peoples.

But, for generations and for hundreds of years, there was purposeful racial discrimination and enslavement of black people. There are people who are still alive today that were alive during the times of segregation and Jim Crow laws, it wasn’t that long ago.

When you have majority of families of one race being purposely held back and held down for so long, it requires polices like affirmative action to help break that cycle.

And just because there are more black people or minorities in the work place or school does not make it ethnic cleansing.

You have some awesome half baked talking points there. In the end it's nothing more than fodder for dumb whites to grow their guilt. It doesn't provide a single incentive for blacks to improve their own lot in life or to follow in the footsteps of successful people. You only attempt to shame mindless whites and tell blacks to remain on the plantation feeding on scraps. Few successful blacks share in your pity party.

Can you name one failure of black culture that blacks are responsible for?

In the end it's nothing more than fodder for dumb whites to grow their guilt.

No, it's to end the cycle. I'm white, and I don't feel any amount of guilt because I had nothing to do with the crimes of injustice that have been done. I do believe in fairness and equality, and I do believe that affirmative action is one way of breaking historic cyclic poverty.

It doesn't provide a single incentive for blacks to improve their own lot in life

If they are trying to apply for jobs or to apply for college then they are trying to improve their lot in life.

You only attempt to shame mindless whites

I'm not shaming anyone. I just care other people besides myself.

tell blacks to remain on the plantation feeding on scraps

Helping black people improve their life is not telling them to remain on the plantation relying on scraps.

Few successful blacks share in your pity party.

What pity party? I just want to end cyclic poverty and discrimination against black people and other minorities. I also care about cyclic poverty for white people as well, and I support programs that do that.

Can you name one failure of black culture that blacks are responsible for?

I would probably say how men have to be tough and not talk out their issues, but instead use violence to retaliate against others who have wronged them. But, there are a ton of non-profits that are run by other black people along with others, to end issues like this in black communities.

The same problems have grown exponentially over the last 50 years with only a very thin veneer of success. The "cycle" is worse than it's ever been and you're helping to keep it that way. The blood and treasure thrown into this pit is incalculable. All of the attempts at leveling the playing field have failed so demonizing whites, ad nauseum, is apparently the next phase. The path has been cleared for blacks and they still can't succeed at the same rate whites do. Stop making excuses and be honest.

You are attempting to shame whites who have had enough of the false narrative you perpetuate. That's more than evident from your various comments here.

The narrative you perpetuate implies blacks must be allowed to maintain their own separate culture within the US while maintaining the right to blame white culture for it's failures. Like it or not, the dominant successful culture is white culture yet we're to blame when blacks refuse to become part of that culture? The hypocrisy is so thick it's simply stupid. Asians do very well using the same template that has worked well for whites, what's the difference? Creating division is a necessary component to the perpetuation of the corrosive narrative.

Why are people like Trayvon Martin, Tookie Williams and Michael brown held up as black victims and heroic figures when it's been proven they are not? All were criminals who initiated violence and paid the price yet we're expected to view them as victims. There's no other conclusion to draw from this piece of the narrative than, we're being conned.

In the end the white vs. everyone else narrative is a divisive tactic that prevents unity. Call it whatever you like the NWO, globalism, technocracy or simply one world government. Unity of the citizenry is the number one enemy of the powers that be. That's where this all ends. Black or minority success is not and hasn't ever been the goal. Since whites have been generally happy with their societies that nut needs to be cracked in order to erase their borders and self governance. Nothing else makes sense. Defending blacks is nothing more than divisive busy work. The powers that be know nothing is going to change in that arena.

Are you, and was your sub, white supremacist?

I have never met a White supremacists in my life. Some of us were White separatists but most just objected to the proliferation anti-White hatred and discrimination.

Can I ask why you capitalize the word “white”?

Because it is a proper noun.

Take this as a meaningless observation from an non-indoctrinated outsider. From everything I’ve read in your posts and comments, you appear to have very strong racist motivations, which is probably why they took your sub down, as the admins probably consider racism violent. No hate, just an observation.

It's not uncommon to capitalize races even when they're colloquial terms for colors like Black or White. Criticizing a racist on their capitalization practices that are common is silly, there's gotta be more substantive things you could have picked on them over.

it's really scary to read the responses to your posts here. why the fuck is it so hard to get people to take their own dude or at least get out of the way while we try to save our fucking people?

is pro-Jewish the same thing as Jewish supremacist?

nobody has an answer because they can only justify it is they claim whites are genetically prone to hurt others, & we know what happened to the Jews when people said similar things about them!

You just replied to yourself.

Did you forget to switch accounts?

lol what? no i answered myself because nobody else wanted to

Are you actually surprised that it was banned, considering the invisible and visible manipulation of reddit that has been going on?

not surprised. still important to make it known. just like YouTube videos that get blocked or put in limited state. i don't care if it is my community or my type of content, respectively. i want to know when any platform massive amounts of people exchange information & ideas on becomes increasingly manipulated from the top down

Reddit did the right thing!

Whites have been doing that but the onslaught of diversity keeps coming. Time to create a White ethnostate.

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You're a spineless group think drone without an original thought.

How about then try having a civil discussion with me and see if I do have some original thoughts?

That might be more productive than just attacking me and trying to make people not listen to what I have to say.

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In the end it's nothing more than fodder for dumb whites to grow their guilt.

No, it's to end the cycle. I'm white, and I don't feel any amount of guilt because I had nothing to do with the crimes of injustice that have been done. I do believe in fairness and equality, and I do believe that affirmative action is one way of breaking historic cyclic poverty.

It doesn't provide a single incentive for blacks to improve their own lot in life

If they are trying to apply for jobs or to apply for college then they are trying to improve their lot in life.

You only attempt to shame mindless whites

I'm not shaming anyone. I just care other people besides myself.

tell blacks to remain on the plantation feeding on scraps

Helping black people improve their life is not telling them to remain on the plantation relying on scraps.

Few successful blacks share in your pity party.

What pity party? I just want to end cyclic poverty and discrimination against black people and other minorities. I also care about cyclic poverty for white people as well, and I support programs that do that.

Can you name one failure of black culture that blacks are responsible for?

I would probably say how men have to be tough and not talk out their issues, but instead use violence to retaliate against others who have wronged them. But, there are a ton of non-profits that are run by other black people along with others, to end issues like this in black communities.