The real reason we haven't gone back to the moon... we can't.

612  2018-02-02 by psy_raven

Our moon is the weirdest object in our solar system. First off, it is in a near perfect circular orbit around the earth, something that is very, very rare in the whole universe. Whereas the other planets have tiny moons orbiting them (relative to the size of the planet), our is MASSIVE in relative size. It is more than a quarter the size of earth. This is gigantic in so far as moons go. Our moon is the perfect size and the perfect distance from the earth to cause a perfect eclipse.

The moon never rotates from our perspective. In other words, we always see the same face of the moon even though it is orbiting the earth and in turn, the moon and the earth are both orbiting the sun. It’s almost as if someone planned it that way. Hmmm….

There are many scientific evidence that suggests the moon maybe hollow. This is not wild speculation or a conspiracy theory. The moon is lighter than it should be. The moon's mean density is 3.34 gm/cm3 (3.34 times an equal volume of water) whereas the Earth's is 5.5. Experiments have shown that the moon reverberates like a hollow sphere when struck. Hell, even PhD’s are claiming that it could be made of metal and could be hollow.

Now if all this weirdness hasn’t convinced you that the moon is not what you think it is, I don’t know what will. So, then what is it? Could it be an observation deck? Could it have been placed there on purpose to secretly observe how life developed and evolved on earth? Could our planet be just a one big biological experiment? Could the aliens have planted the seeds of life on earth and setup an observatory deck to see how it develops?

Let’s just ditch the idea that the moon landing was a hoax. I know some people are passionate about this, but for the sake of this article, let’s just ignore that theory. So if we went to the moon multiple times from 1969 to 1972, why are scientists now saying “we don’t have the technology to go to the moon. We had it in the 60’s but we don’t anymore.” Huh? Say what?

Just WTF? How could we have the technology in the 60’s but we don’t have it anymore?

Why is there suddenly a layer of deadly radiation called the Van Allen Belts that would kill any astronauts leaving the earth’s orbit today, but didn’t kill them in the 60’s?

The answer lies in the fact that there are countless evidence that the entire moon landings from start to finish were carefully observed by alien entities. We have photos of objects floating above the astronauts as they walked on the moon. Heck, even good ol’ Buzz Aldrin admitted seeing something while on the moon. We even have videos of astronauts trying to contain their shock as they notice strange objects above them while they were on the moon.

So what does all this mean? Yup. Gonna say it. The moon landings were accomplished with the assistance of aliens Call me crazy because even I think it is. But this is the only explanation my tiny mind can come up with to answer all of the mysteries listed above.

Why would they do this? Well, I’d imagine that too many questions were being asked about the moon. If people started noticing that the moon is a big ole spaceship, the aliens would have a problem with the ongoing secret observation of our development on earth. So they assisted NASA in getting to the moon so they can walk around the surface like children and report back to the ignorant earthlings “Yup, the moon is just a rock”. LOL.

But things are a changing. Our technology is advancing rapidly. They’re not gonna be able to keep it a secret much longer. We will reveal the truth about the moon very very soon. (I hope)


Good post.


Because it does what a good conspiracy theory should - it apprehends an inconsistency in a public narrative, and offers an explanation that is found at least mildly credible by a non-negligible subset of those who view or consider it.

It may not offer much tangible proof, but that's not really at all a necessary condition for qualifying as a decent theory.

What inconsistency?

Everything OP mentioned is irrelevant to his "argument" or just plain not true.

For example, the moon does not have a perfectly circular orbit, it does not have perfect eclipse (close but not quite), tidally locked planets are common and aren't an argument in the slightest, and the Van Allen belts have been debunked a long time ago.

What explanation? It's unrelated garbage that's redundant at best and straight up wrong at worst, only fooling people that don't actually know anything about the moon.

Well that's all fair too. Idk what van Allen belts are, but it does certainly seem fishy that we "went to the moon" fifty years ago and then no one else has since.

The parts I find credible in the original post are the "government(s) cooperating with ETs to disguise something fishy about the true nature of the moon".

I know tidal locking is a pretty common astronomical phenomenon. And some of the other stuff in the post probably has innocent explanations too. But still...

There has to be some reason why no one ever re-visited the moon, if we even did in the first place. Alien observatory on or in the moon makes plenty of sense.

The first question I have is, why would we want to go back to the moon anyway? Apparently there's nothing there, and it's not a planet to explore like mars or something. I don't get the benefit of trying to go back to the moon anyway,

Setting up a base of operations, other than the ISS, for interplanetary exploration seems like a good reason to me. A solid structure, planted on an orbiting body, outside the immediate gravitational pull of the planet would allow us to launch more missions for far cheaper. The idea that we can't get back there with the tech of today when we supposedly did it in the 60's with what amounts to the processing power of a modern calculator is insane.

I’ve never heard anyone say that we didn’t have the technology anymore. I just always thought, okay, we did that, nothing there, on to the next.

Well I did all of the tutorial missions in Kerbal Space Program so between the two of us, I'm clearly the expert here. With that in mind, a base on the moon could only help us. /s

I think it'd be cheaper to build the pieces on Earth and assemble them in orbit.

How would you do it in orbit around the earth?

Besides, there is a plan for that,, the carbon nanotube "space elevator" built at the equator.

How would you do it in orbit around the earth?

Same way we've done the ISS for decades...?

We could utilize the solid terrain to build massive storage bunkers for all sorts of things. Depending on the natural resources available up there we could refine & utilize the lunar soil as well. Another major advantage would be having the body of the moon itself acting as a short of shield against random, stray projectiles.

Then again, if the moon truly is a massive base for viewing the evolution of our species, maybe the materials to build the facility came from Earth? Perhaps that space they created while gathering materials is the area from the Hollow Earth conspiracies I'm seeing pop up on this sub from time to time? It would be an easy way to load & unload cargo UFO's sight unseen if they were able to do so from underground.

Utilize it how? It would cost trillions to get any materials up there, never mind the life support to actually support any activity there.

And if aliens supposedly did use material from the earth making it "hollow" there wouldn't be a magnetic field, or volcanic activity, or anything

All valid points good sir.

All valid points, good sir.

This kind of stuff is why I keep coming to this subreddit. You presented the post in a coherent manner and supported many of your premises with links. Thank you for posting this.

The problem that I have with the moon being an observation post is the size. It's way bigger than necessary (our satellites do the job pretty well and are much smaller) and it's so big that it would screw up observation (us seeing it and its affect on the tides influence development). Perhaps something else is going on that would be supported by the issues you've raised?

Well, my some-what lame explanation for your question is that since it is an incredibly long experiment project, the aliens would need a complete ecological system for living inside the moon. Hence the size.

Tides also might be part of terraforming the perfect control/variable conditions. Whatever those are it could be intentional.

Great point.

Maybe the moon was a way to patch the planets none-stop axis wobbling? Maybe a counter weight of that size was needed.

Time to consult the mice! They've paid for it, after all...

I'm still super proud of the fjords.

They won an award, you know.

I have a better one: A smaller object would not be noticed for a longer period of earth-based development, but with our current tech we would find it...

If small, it would be much easier to observe every inch of it more closely.... find it and know it inside out via sensors.

With a giant moon, sure it's easy to notice even by the first eukaryotes who were moved by tides, *but even when evolution and development reached the stage where we could visit it, it's too big to "cover.

It's kind of like security through obscurity. The sheer size is a smokescreen to keep us from knowing it too well.... for quite a while longer at least.

Or they just fucked up when they knocked off a piece of the earth to create it?

Maybe it was naturally formed, but with some assistance? Isn't the evidence that it came from Earth is that it's slowly moving away?

Aliens, if any are found are not likely to be biological. Any other beings thriving in space would benefit from being completely robotic. No ecological system is needed for robots.

Thanks for the fringe post

Good counter, for sure. Remember that, more often than not, we buy houses that are much bigger than we need. I worked with a British fella in his late 40s, bachelor, no plans to get married or have kids. He owns and lives in a 4000sqft, 4 bedroom house, three car garage (he owns one car), the works.

You're comparing a hypothetical super intelligent intergalactic alien scientific experiment with a middle aged British man. Go sit in the corner.

Maybe the moon will be the Ellis Island of Earth once the Aliens start immigrating here

Loooove this one!!


Everytime theres a subject like this therell always be a guy who stands out from the rest. Hell go against the narrative of the thread, perhaps even posting upto 100 times on the one thread itself. But never respectfully, no, no....Always the same edgy snarkiness to it, like you all get the same tape chucked into your readers or something.... Go sit in the corner yourself little 'Voldewarts'

lol it's not my fault it was a stupid comparison

British mentality

I think after the collision the mass of the moon was there, and it was just adapted to suit their purpose. It wasn't purpose built.

That's a fair explanation.

Mmm still doesn't account for the gigantic size, the one in a zillion chance it would be just in the right place to perfectly black out the sun, and from what I've heard, it should have an elliptical orbit if it was something that came in and crashed into us.

So it renders all of OPs arguments completely redundant?

Not all of it, they could have observation bases on the moon and are now preventing us from returning.

How are they preventing us from returning? Who's "they"?

Van Allen radiation belts have been debunked long ago. We haven't been back to the moon because there's nothing of any interest there, especially for how expensive it is.

And what are you basing this theory of observation bases on?

there's nothing of any interest there, especially for how expensive it is

The lunar soil is rich with helium-3, which is completely worthless.

And how do we get that Helium -3 back?

How do you capture it, load it into a space craft and return to earth, when it costs hundreds of thousands to launch a single kilogram?

You don't think the world's leading minds haven't considered it?

Yet we continue, over the course of 4 decades, to fund robotic missions to Mars with the promise of what?

You speak of R.O.I. with regards to the moon, but what has Mars given us?

Suppose we do figure out a way to terraform it, then what?

I'm speculating the cost to do that, all things considered, would be a ridiculous amount.

Not to mention all the logistics involved with such a venture.

their goal is to colonize mars such that humanity is backed up in case earth gets hit by an asteroid.

the world's leading minds haven't considered it?

OMG r/topminds and Metabunk are on the case...

The value of getting back to the moon is more about cost efficient space travel, more than resources.

The lunar soil is rich with helium-3, which is completely worthless.

It kind of is until we get an energy positive fusion reactor working.

A simple threat would probably suffice. Come to the moon again or talk about us and we will take over the planet, etc.

Do you have a source for your claims?

Maybe in theory you're right, but there's absolutely no evidence to support it, and OPs post has been debunked several times in the thread already.

I didn't claim anything, just suggested a possibility. I don't believe all of OPs post but I don't think it's impossible that aliens are preventing us from going to the moon or doing other things.

I think it's possible

How so?

I already said but I'll elaborate. We go to moon. Shake aliens hands. They say, if you come back here or publicize our existence we will ray gun all of your mothers. We don't want mothers ray-gunned so we comply.

But there is satellite imaging of the moon's surface (including the "dark" side), and there is nothing unusual.

I can't just say "I believe the moon is made of cheese" if there isn't any proof of it.

I don't believe it, I just consider it an option. Satellite imagery can be faked, tricked, altered, etc. I think if aliens have the technology to travel across the galaxy then they can probably hide from our satellites pretty well. Have you ever seen videos of the moon wave? Could be a holographic projection or something we don't even know about. Cloaking tech, etc. All I'm saying is that just because something can't be proven with current info and technology doesn't mean it should be dismissed. I don't think aliens are preventing us from going to the moon but I wouldn't be surprised if they were either.

All I'm saying is that just because something can't be proven with current info and technology doesn't mean it should be dismissed

My opinion is the moon is made of cheese. Every photo has been faked and the aliens paint it to look like rock coloured cheese.

Your opinion does t hold much value when there is direct evidence that contradicts it (or the satellite images)

I already explained possible ways of fooling satellites.

Do you have any proof they were fooled?

You can't just make up magical hypotheticals without any proof.

You can't just make up magical hypotheticals without any proof.

I could, as hypotheses require no proof, but I'm not even doing that. I'm suggesting that photos can be faked. I don't even think they are being faked, only that it's possible.

Okay, I'm going to make a post on how the moon is made of cheese and that I believe that gravity doesn't exist, no matter how much evidence proves me wrong!


They’ve already taken over

Van Allen radiation belts have been debunked long ago. We haven't been back to the moon because there's nothing of any interest there, especially for how expensive it is.

This statement is why you're saying it's been debunked? "These so called Van Allen belts, where the Earth's magnetic field collects solar radiation, would be dangerous only if people were to hang out there for several days. The astronauts whizzed through in a matter of hours, and received a radiation dose similar to an X-ray. "You can pass through quite safely as long as you don't linger too long," Millard says."

Why didn't the Discovery Shuttles go past the belts? Hell, let alone a monkey. I don't think the belts are debunked personally.

I don't think the belts are debunked personally.

Good thing science doesn't care about your opinion, they have been debunked, period. Opinion doesn't come into it.

The Van Allen belts affect astronauts the same way any other radiation would but it doesn't kill them and it definitely isn't impassable as many ill+informed conspiracy theorists claim without proof.

The Apollo missions marked the first event where humans traveled through the Van Allen belts, which was one of several radiation hazards known by mission planners.[31] The astronauts had low exposure in the Van Allen belts due to the short period of time spent flying through them. Apollo flight trajectories bypassed the inner belts completely, and only passed through the thinner areas of the outer belts.[25][32]

Astronauts' overall exposure was actually dominated by solar particles once outside Earth's magnetic field. The total radiation received by the astronauts varied from mission to mission but was measured to be between 0.16 and 1.14 rads(1.6 and 11.4 mGy), much less than the standard of 5 rem (50 mSv) per year set by the United States Atomic Energy Commission for people who work with radioactivity.[31]

Because that wasnt the point of the Discovery missions?

We haven't been back to the moon because there's nothing of any interest there, especially for how expensive it is.

hence all the plans by various space agencys and govts to fly to and observe and land there.

they talk and act like we never went but must go there.

they talk and act like we never went but must go there.

No they don't. They talk and act like we've been there, which we have...several times in fact.
However countries like China and India have yet to land on the moon, which is a real world test that needs to be done before going further afield.

Maybe when the aliens set up this experiment that they have been watching through the moon, they were (relatively) less technologically advanced and the moon is incredibly outdated technology, hence its size. I mean, they would have had to set this up millions of years ago and presumably the moon would have to be an entire, complete ecosystem for lots and lots of beings. Maybe they realized it wasn't perfect (the tides and it being conspicuous), but it was the best they could do millions of years ago and decided the experiment/surveillance was worth it.

You calling this mad unsuported rambling with links to websites that share fake news openly a "presentation done in a coherent manner tht supported it's premises with links" shows perfectly how silly this sub has become

I was able to understand it, and the fact that they took the time to look up and produce citations (regardless of the veracity of those citations) shows effort.

Plus, a nice moon conspiracy is a refreshing break from the constant barrage of politically motivated stuff.

the fact that they took the time to look up and produce citations (regardless of the veracity of those citations) shows effort.

Iif i google for "earth is a cube" or "jesus on a toast" i will find a lot of links, that don't mean i actually took any effort to actually understand the subject, guy talks a lot of shit about basic astrophysics, geology and space exploration without doing the most simple of research

You might be confusing appreciating the post with supporting the post.

How can you appreciate somethin that is basically a trainwreck of misunderstandings and lies?

ppl Watch Reality tv

Agreed on the last part

what if it was a big space base being used (in conjunction with the hollow earth and bases under Antarctica) to hide breakaway civilizations who are responsible for the UFO phenomenon and secretly guide the course of human progress from behind the scenes?

you heard it here first folks

Nope, I heard it here first:

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 144662

No, not actually, lol. That's the entire premise of the novel the Time Machine by HG wells.

I love me some Wells. I'm going to have to check that out.

It’s merely a base while it’s passengers exploit the earths mineral wealth

this jumped out to me as the most plausible. moon is like the warehouse that intergalactic aliens visit to pick up supplies. were the giant factory.

Did you (or anyone else) even watch the youtube video? They didn't see strange objects. Something flew off the antenna. They say it in the video!

If you assume that an alien race is very advanced, which they'd have to be to build a moon to observe another alien race, then they probably have very advanced machines that do lots of work for them, and that they have mostly effortless access to the resources of a solar system, then something being bigger than necessary may not be much of a constraint. Given that, it could be that, like human architecture, they're building stuff with features beyond the bare necessities just because they can and it appeals to their alien sense of aesthetics.

almost like, if US is so advanced, why are they getting shot by uneducated kids armed with AK.

Perhaps there are smaller observa capabilities on Earth itself and they rely on the occasional overnight lighting the moon provides?

If you think this is coherent, you're a fucking dipshit.

Somebody obviously ate the red suppository.

I don't know, if you've got one person who can read something, and another person who can't read something, it's probably not the one who can read who is "a fucking dipshit."

Rule #10

Rule # Suck my dick

I would like to extend your theory. What if on the government level, we realized the alien presence at this point. In our concern, we sent a nuke to mars. I remember a story that we tried to do that and it was disabled on the way. At this point, the aliens were upset that we were being aggressive towards them. Stopped our future missions, and also sent ufos to disable our nuke sites as a deterrent to future aggresion towards them.

Yes, there are many reported cases, even before space nukes, where aliens allegedly armed and then disarmed nukes. You theory is very plausible.

nasa dropped a 2-tonne kinetic missile on the moon like something an Austin power villain would lol. it worked

I'm riding the much more simple answer: We went to the moon because we had a President that really wanted to go there and mostly to swing bigger dick than the USSR. Now there is low public support for going back, and so no President wants to spend the insane amount of money it would take to do it again. Whatever way you think the money is being spent, good or bad, it still won't justify redirecting that money into collecting a bag of rocks.

Well sure. Politics had much to do with the reason for going to the moon. But what I was trying to get at is why the aliens helped humans get to the moon. Maybe NASA didn't even know they were being helped and it was done secretly by the aliens. But in any case, you gotta admit, the moon is one weird piece of rock.

Could be, yes, but you need public support to spend the amount of money it would take to go back. You have to get two primary branches of the government to vote majority to look at the people and say, "I know you think we're spending money like idiots while schools and infrastructure suffer, but... we're going back to the moon! Yeah it's going to cost a shitload and our budgets will suffer even more for it, but... I mean let's all agree it's a weird rock and this should matter over the health and education of our children. Oh and please vote for us again next election cycle."

I mean, didn't Trump essentially say a lesser version of this recently, when he declared he wanted to go back to the moon?

I mean, didn't Trump essentially say a lesser version of this recently, when he declared he wanted to go back to the moon?

He said a lot of shit in his campaign, and like all before him, everything changes during that first week of office, comprised of sitdowns and reality check briefings from continuity staff and security advisors

Maybe the aliens didn’t want us snooping around too close so they created the Van Allen Belt to stop us

Nah, it was discovered in 1958 by James Van Allen. Problem is that it wasn't a problem until now if that makes sense.... LOL.

Only explanation I can think of other than aliens is maybe they didn’t know how dangerous, if dangerous at all, they were when discovered? Still doesn’t make sense. Maybe the aliens have a generator and just bumped up the power to deadly. Other guess is they are trying to get us more interested in Mars exploration than the moon. But then why not just say they found out all they need to know. Weird.

Was it that it wasn't a problem before or they didn't realize it was a problem before? Because if it's truly the former, maybe the aliens revved it up to dissuade us from going back and poking around? (Disclaimer I know nothing about space but this was such a interesting post I had to ask)

The guy is simply lying, people in the 50s tought he van allen belt was a bigger problem, then they discovered it could be easily mitigated for spaceships passing through it (although orbiting at the height of the belt for weeks would indeed give people lethal doses of radiation and fry electronics)

There isn't a single modern scientist, astronaut or aerospace engineer that says that the van allen belt stops us from exploring the moon

They were never a problem.

The Apollo missions marked the first event where humans traveled through the Van Allen belts, which was one of several radiation hazards known by mission planners.[31] The astronauts had low exposure in the Van Allen belts due to the short period of time spent flying through them. Apollo flight trajectories bypassed the inner belts completely, and only passed through the thinner areas of the outer belts.[25][32]

Astronauts' overall exposure was actually dominated by solar particles once outside Earth's magnetic field. The total radiation received by the astronauts varied from mission to mission but was measured to be between 0.16 and 1.14 rads(1.6 and 11.4 mGy), much less than the standard of 5 rem (50 mSv) per year set by the United States Atomic Energy Commission for people who work with radioactivity

The Van Allen belts are only an issue if you plan on staying in this zone for a long time. If you just pass through them in a reasonably shielded spacecraft, your risk of developing cancer won't be increased significantly. It's also possible to avoid the Van Allen belts with the right trajectory. The Apollo missions didn't fly through the inner belt and avoided the more radioactive zones of the outer belt. I'm really surprised that the Van Allen belts are still brought up by people who don't believe that going to the Moon is trivial.

The only reason why we can't go to the Moon currently is because we haven't built the necessary rocket and spacecrafts. That's also the reason why the Russians are flying American astronauts to the International Space Station.

The Orion spacecraft will be able to fly humans around the Moon and the construction of the first manned version just started. Put it atop a big enough rocket that's safe enough to launch humans and you can send anyone to the Moon. Political will and money are the only factors holding us back.

It was considered a problem at the time, then we discovered it ain't if you take some precautions, that's the way they did it in the apollo missions and the way they would do it now

There isn't a single scientist saying that the van allen belt stops us from doing manned exploration of the moon, it is more of a problem if you stay up there for months or get satellites orbiting too high

The Van Allen Belts aren't a serious impediment to traveling to the Moon.

So they’re just lying because they don’t want to go

Who's lying? About what?

So why can’t they go?

They can go.

In one of the videos the guy says they can’t go because they destroyed the technology

"The technology" refers to the literal rockets, spacecrafts, etc. A lot of it was reusable stuff. They could build it all again.

Ah makes sense. Thanks

Check out the Orion space craft that is currently in development.

The reason that there hasn't been any manned flights to the moon has been a lack of political will and no compelling reasons to go, and they are very expensive. There has been a number of unmanned probes sent in recent years by NASA, the Japanese, the Indians, China, Europe.

do we know they haven't been going? could they have secret missions? I'm intrigued by the observation idea. i don't think we needed alien technology then to get there though. maybe they went and did a whole lot more than they told us and continue to do more without our knowledge. maybe they are playing it off like it's too difficult now to go for funding or technological reasons to keep people from asking questions.

Maybe NASA didn't even know they were being helped and it was done secretly by the aliens.

You could say that about literally anything.

I actually think there is a strong public support for going back.

I'm sure there's lots of people that would say it would be "cool" until you showed them the logistics of it. Personally I don't see the point. To me it's like spending billions to climb Mt. Everest... again. You get there and shout woo and then come back?

In this case though, the moon sort of represents base camp at Everest...

To some yes. To others no. You need more people in the "yes" category, and you need them to be so far "yes" that they think it should take a priority chunk of spending. NASA has been gutted in recent decades. Have a look here or I can sum it up for you. Their highest budget increases were during the moon craze. The late 60s were high times for NASA, up to near 5% of total federal budget. Then we hit the moon and it started dwindling down to under 1%. They got a boost bump at the end of Reagan's presidency that put them back up over 1%, but they started chewing them down again after that, with current spending being only 0.47%, lowest it ever was, and next year's proposal is less than even that.

You need the right people in the yes category not more.

Can't it be both??

Yes, and there is public perception that NASA's budget is much much higher than it actually is. Most people would tell you that NASA has 10% or 20% of the federal budget, not 0.5%.

We'd be in fat city if it ever got back to 1%.

The interesting thing is that the military space budget (what we know of it) may equal NASA's budget. Presumably they use it for earth intel observation, orbital weapons platforms, black ops, and space superiority (destroying other nations' space weapons platforms, or learning about their spy satellites). But the truth is, we don't know a lot about the military's space program beyond the non-classified parts of their budget accounting.

The other side of the coin is that NASA is doing more with less. Instead of spending something on the order of $half a billion for a space shuttle launch to bring supplies to the ISS, it can be done by a private company for less than 20% of that amount. It's less dangerous because it's an unmanned robot capsule (SpaceX Dragon). It's reusable so the price will continue to go down. And they are developing private capabilities to fly US astronauts.

The ISS is currently a waypoint. The next few years will show developments to the Earth-Moon Lagrange point. NASA is developing plans to put a station there. Then it is looking strongly like they will ask a private contractor to develop plans for a lander. Then return humans to the surface of the moon. Then develop a moon base. That will be interesting because of the presence of water at the Aitken basin on the south pole of the moon, combined with "peaks of eternal light" for solar production. If it never gets dark, you don't have to worry about 2 weeks of cold and dark and no solar production. That makes a base easier.

I'm game for all that entirely. I'm just not a betting man on whether I live to see it. Maybe my kids.

Found the alien trying to prevent the truth from coming out!

Shit if I was an alien, I'd love this idea. You see them bringing a big drill or setting up a recon base? Fuck no. They'll get another big bag of rocks and come home again while the education system loses more money and continues to keep people dumb. Good humans.

There is insane public support for clean water and air but that isn't stopping those in DC from making them less so.

The public wants to go, but when you say that to do that you need to give NASA 4.5% of the federal budget, the public suddently loses interests and prefer to use the money on more urgent things

...more urgent things like weapon systems.

Agree. There is much support to go back. Unfortunately it isn't financially viable to do so. There is nothing on the lunar surface worth bringing back that even remotely justifies the cost of going in the first place. Is there something you believe that's there that we desperately need here??

We need hope for our species, something to strive for together. That's my sentiment :-)

This is the real answer. We went to the moon for political reasons, there isn't actually anything there. Why should we go back?

Why should we go back?


Harvesting mineral resources (H3 on the moon) and asteroids will be the future.

A single captured asteroid is worth trillions

How do we get any of that back when it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to move a kilogram?

As of now it's impossible, and unviable when you consider the cost to move all of that. It already cost billions to put men on the moon and nothing else.

How do we get any of that back when it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to move a kilogram?

Practice and investing in new technologies. It used to cost something like 50,000$ to get a kg to space decades ago.

SpaceX can do it for 2500 bucks now. In the future it will get cheaper and cheaper as new more advanced technologies come out.

Look at it like computers. A computer in the 80's was a piece of shit compared to even a modern cell phone.

Imagine for a moment if we decided to scrap computers because it was too costly.

Imagine for a moment if we decided to scrap computers because it was too costly.

That's in no way relevant whatsoever...

Exactly my point - In the future. But as of right now, it's unviable. That's why we haven't gone back, because right now, there is no point.

The most viable option right now for launching satellites and such is the carbon nanotube "space elevator" built at the equator, but that's at least 15+ years off.

We will have to agree to disagree.

The ability to navigate the universe is infinitely valuable even if costs us a few bucks.

That comes with R&D, not going to the moon with the overly expensive technology we have now.

That comes with R&D, not going to the moon with the overly expensive technology we have now.

And how do we generate R&D...?

As I stated previously its getting cheaper and cheaper to go to space and the cost per kg is getting cheaper and cheaper.

By testing it on earth and using maths rather than wasting billions going to the moon for no reason, thats how.

for no reason,

H3 deposits are abundant on the moon.

We waste an ungodly amount of money on things that give us no return right now.

You can thank the space program for modern computing, that was a worthwhile investment.

And how do we capture that H3, store it in a space vehicle and transport it back? How do we make it worthwhile when I've already told you it costs hundreds of thousands to transport even a single KG?

You don't think the top minds of space programs haven't considered it already?

I heard it being discussed on Coast to Coast in the 90s. It's been considered and it's been rejected.

And how do we capture that H3, store it in a space vehicle and transport it back?

Every day we spend manpower figuring this out we get closer to solving that problem. If we shelve the program we will never find out or we will find out in 300 years instead of 50.

it costs hundreds of thousands to transport even a single KG?

As Ive pointed out twice already the cost to get things into orbit is a fraction of what it used to be. With investments into the space sector those costs of getting objects off the moon will decrease.

That is if we decide to invest.

You don't think the top minds of space programs haven't considered it already?


Thats the driving factor.

I dont know what to tell you other than I think investing in this is worthwhile and will lead to advancements.

I don't think you understand the point. They're figuring that out now, not wasting money going to the moon when we can't do it now. Once it becomes commercially viable and technology allows it, it will happen.

The problem isn't "shelved" because we don't go to the moon, I guarantee people are working on it. Look at the EM drive and the proposed space elevator. Going to the moon for now is irrelevant.

Once it becomes commercially viable and technology allows it, it will happen.

Do you expect this technology to just spontaneously arrive one day? Do you think computer advancements are driven by time and not effort toward a goal?

If you want to run a marathon do you practice or just assume one day down the road youll be ready?

There is nothing to lose going back to the moon besides money, thats my point. That was my original point, I have no problem investing money in this problem with the knowledge that down the road these investments in science will provide us with a better platform for space travel.

lol I've already said, they're being developed right now. Going to the moon has absolutely nothing to do with it lol.

There is nothing to lose going back to the moon besides money

Yes, billions of it, and the same testing can be achieved by regular space SpaceX have been doing.

You still don't understand the point.

lol I've already said, they're being developed right now.

Okay... I did too, by SpaceX and similar companies. When I again said that investing in that sector is what led to those advancements.

Yes, billions of it, and the same testing can be achieved by regular space launches.

Not exactly, there is a lot of value in putting a semi permanent base on the moon or practicing extra planetary mining.

You still don't understand the point.

No I get your point, which you arent making very clear... We just disagree and thats fine.

putting a semi permanent base on the moon or practicing extra planetary mining.

With current technology, how?

The reason why technology is being researched is exactly for this reasons. As of now, it's unviable to go to the moon again period.

Again, Im really not sure why this is upsetting you so much. WE have difference of philosophy on this, thats fine.

Have a good weekend.

nuclear rockets!

The future. Not the present.

i always assumed everything we get from asteroids wont actually be brought back but used in orbit to avoid the cost of bringing material up

The amount of money dumped into transporting back and forth from the ISS is more than enough to take a detour for a moon landing. There's a more complex explanation for not returning to the moon than "we don't care, we don't want to spend the money" it's our fucking MOON, and if they are talking about interstellar military defence they most certainly would want to take base on our moon.

I'm no expert but I think space mining is gonna be big in the not so distant future. Not only in the Moon but asteroids as well. Remember we already have some tech to land on space objects (67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko). The Moon would be a great outpost for operations. Who gets there first and prepares all the logistics and infrastructure (Nasa, Esa, Roscosmos, Cnsa, etc.) is gonna have all the benefits commercially speaking. We're talking about trillions on resources probably and they have to be already planning it if they want to be 'on time'.

Wasn't there word that India was going to the moon to mine He3?

In 2012 I was super into Newt Gingrich's plans to turn the moon into the 51st state.

Our moon is the perfect size and the perfect distance from the earth to cause a perfect eclipse.

Isaac Asimov seemed to indicate that this fact alone was almost too much to accept.

It’s almost as if someone planned it that way.

mmhmm...check out the books Who Built the Moon? and Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon if you want to go down the rabbit abyss.

The moon landings were accomplished with the assistance of aliens

Definitely a possibility, but equally likely is that human technology and human history is much more advanced/ancient than publicly accepted.

Isaac Asimov

Isaac Asimov aka The Good Doctor

Our moon is the perfect size and the perfect distance from the earth to cause a perfect eclipse.

The problem with that argument is that it hasn't always been, and it definitely won't be in the future. It was closer in the past, and is currently receding.

*entire KNOWN universe

Great post. I learned some things. Now I want to listen to pink floyd, thanks OP.

The moon never rotates from our perspective. In other words, we always see the same face of the moon even though it is orbiting the earth and in turn, the moon and the earth are both orbiting the sun. It’s almost as if someone planned it that way. Hmmm….

This is because the moon is tidally locked, which is fairly common for moons and even Mercury. I enjoyed the rest of your post though.

which is fairly common for moons and even Mercury

I believe its something like 30% of satellites are tidally locked to their planets. At least the ones that we can observe in our solar system,

How can we tell when these objects are literally just pixels in photographs?

Probes, telescopes, mathematics. Look into Iapetus, way more interesting than our moon! Also it was discovered to be tidally locked in the 17th century!

yes but how many moons look the same size as the sun from other planets oO

that's always been the only reason why I feel like the moon was 'planned'..

Considering that this is completely subjective, moon looks gigantic when placed against he horizon.

Also both apogee/perigee and perihelion/aphelion which can affect such perception

Ours is not always the same size. It's also moving away from us so in the distant future total eclipses won't be possible.

It's been the same distance since recorded history, maybe a difference of a few yards. as for the distant

Never mentioned anything about us being around to see it. It's moving away at a rate of 3.78cm (1.48in) per year. Taking 776 BC as a start date for recorded history (First Olympiad) it has drifted about 105.6 metres or 115.5 yards.

so the moon has been the same exact size for all of recorded history, that was my original argument

Assuming the moon is moving away from earth (presumably after a collision) and considering the sheer magnitude of the universal time scale, its hardly a surprising coincidence that humans have evolved in time to witness the moon appear as the same size as the sun. That size perspective will continue on for millions of years , until the moon slowly drifts further away, and humans will have been a mere blink of an eye in comparison.

its hardly a surprising coincidence that humans have evolved in time to witness the moon appear as the same size as the sun

the coincidence I'm speaking of is that our recorded history began with the moon being the same apparent size. Yes that's a hella coincidence.

That size perspective will continue on for millions of years

Let me repeat myself: your optimism in humanity lasting more than 1000 more years is admirable

I hate to get personal but you clearly have some type of reading comprehension disability. Its not a shocking coincidence whatsoever. Like i said, the window of time for such an coincidence is millions of years. Human civilization from beginning to end is a blink of an eye in comparison. There was bound to be a life form around to witness such a thing. It just happened to be us. Not remotely surprising. Also i never said humans will be around for millions of years. Can you read?? I said the perspective of the moon vs the sun will continue, whether or not humans are around to see it. U fool.

jesus dude...go hug your pet or something. lol

Once again proving you have no ability to comprehend reading if you think that adding an insult to a reply means that nowhere else did i counter your argument lmfao.

you think that adding an insult to a reply means that nowhere else did i counter your argument

I didn't say that at all. Are you sure you're not the one with severe comprehension issues?

You didnt say it explicitly but its obviously what you were implying. Because clear as day I addressed both of your comments, fool.

Give it a few millenia

Don't ignore this part.

First off, it is in a near perfect circular orbit around the earth, something that is very, very rare in the whole universe.

Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Titan, Earth, Neptune, Venus, and Triton all have orbits that are more circular than the moon's.

The NASA told the astronauts to use a lot of code names everytime they so a UFO in their communications, "Santa Claus" comes to mind. A lot of these UFO sightings are still secret even thought a lot of people in the NASA have talked about them.

The NASA told the astronauts to use a lot of code names everytime they so a UFO in their communications, "Santa Claus" comes to mind. A lot of these UFO sightings are still secret even thought a lot of people in the NASA have talked about them.

That's not the only thing that's wrong here but it's a gish-gallop motherload so I'm not bothering.

Fairly common.

Well fairly common for our solar system, though I believe we know of exoplanets that are tidally locked but I don't know how they can ascertain that.

Within our solar system satellites that are tidally locked include:

Phobos, Deimos

Metis · Adrastea · Amalthea · Thebe · Io · Europa · Ganymede · Callisto

Pan · Atlas · Prometheus · Pandora · Epimetheus · Janus · Mimas · Enceladus · Telesto · Tethys · Calypso · Dione · Rhea · Titan · Iapetus

Miranda · Ariel · Umbriel · Titania · Oberon

Proteus · Triton

Then finally pluton and chiron which are tidally locked to each other.

What's the proof for this?

Uranus is tidally locked

We (humans) have sent numerous unmanned missions to the moon after the last manned missions. It should be painfully obvious that they would not send a craft there without all kinds of measuring and testing devices and sensors. Those missions were all about exploration, without humans having to be on board.

So, what have the aliens said about these unmanned missions, and all of the data we've collected, and continue to collect?

We went to the moon, at astronomical cost (no pun), to show up the Russians. There hasn't been scientific justification to go back since. Maybe now, when it is cheaper, we might again.

Are you kidding me? There wasnt scientific justification to go back to the moon and hit up the dark side to see what, if anything, resides on our closest celestial neighbor? I can think of 100 reasons easily and I'm no scientist lol. Come on man!

I can think off 100 reasons

Go on then. Whatever you thought of NASA, Russia, China and Japan thought of too and then decided it wasn't worth it.

There's nothing of interest on the moon, you don't spend billions of dollars to go there because its cool.

Just spit-balling here, and it doesn't even require a manned mission but, put a brightly colored marker big enough to be seen though a decent observatory's telescope, a conclusive rebuttal to the 'we've never been there' crowd and a point of inspiration for the generations to come.

Do you have any idea how far away the moon is? It's VERY far away, you'd need something larger than a football pitch, and that would be either impossible or cost trillions.

a conclusive rebuttal to the 'we've never been there' crowd

Who cares about them? Nobody pays them any serious attention, no more than flat earthers.

Who cares about them? Nobody pays them any serious attention, no more than flat earthers.

They seem worth mentioning given the sub this discussion is being held in.

Do you have any idea how far away the moon is? It's VERY far away, you'd need something larger than a football pitch..

Yes. That's why the nice shiny lunar module isn't big enough.

that would be either impossible

You can't see an individual building from space, but you can see where cities are, if a marker is too difficult than a lunar station on the surface would eventually be big enough and have other uses.

or cost trillions

Worth every penny if it establishes the moon as, as someone else ITT put it, 'the base camp at Everest' for the rest of the universe.

This sub has flat earthers and moon landing deniers, people that believe in a world controlling Illuminati and reptilians.

Lol. This sub is a litmus test for what DOESNT matter.

There is every reason to think that the back is just like the front, back and front being only meaningful if one is standing on Earth. They went where radio signals reach. Anyway, economics and scientific priorities were the stated reasons for abandoning Apollo and starting the shuttle program, not that the economics worked as expected.

The moon doesn't have a dark side unless you are talking about radio darkness from Earth radio sources.

Isn't there a satellite orbiting the moon (including the dark side) as we speak tho?

Yes, taking high quality images of its surface (spoiler: no aliens)

Why didn't we just go once or twice and put up a big sign, "Suck that Russia!"? I just think we should make it a reality show with billionaires funding different ventures. And stop being pussies about people dying.

Nice theory but there could be a simpler reason - lack of motivation and funding.

Why can't it be both? ;)

Why can't it be both "lack of funding and motivation" and "the moon is hollow" 😂😂😂😂 you fucking dunce.

I mean funding; or money how tptb controls everything.

We never went, it was the original "my button is bigger than yours" to the Russians a complete ruse. If we had gone there we would be a dollar tree store there by now.

So the Russians couldn't figure that out but you did. Also it would be a little more suspicious if there weren't 5 other Apollo missions who's recordings are intact. Here's a question, how do you explain the failed Apollo 1 mission, where the 3 crewmen died, if The Apollo program was meant to fake the moon landings?

The same way you explain the USA never returning or building a permanent base in all of the subsequent years.

if this theory was true it would explain the super weird Apollo 11 press conference we got when they came back.

Yeah, I saw that interview a dozen times because it's so weird how they were acting. Definitely something there. Also, supposedly Armstrong feared for his family's life should he ever spoke the truth. I know, it's just rumors. But the way he was acting? Weird...

Got a linkskie?

Ya the look on their faces tells it all. They look more like they just found out Santa Claus wasn’t real rather than the look of just accomplishing the impossible.

I feel like the moon missions were so compartmentalized that only the people at the top really knew the whole picture and there’s no telling when the astronauts were filled in. I bet they were in low earth orbit and some big wig at nasa was like “this is as far as you’re going boys”

Well never know what really happened!

Ya the look on their faces tells it all. They look more like they just found out Santa Claus wasn’t real rather than the look of just accomplishing the impossible.

I hate this amateur body language tea leaf reading shit. It's the same stuff you see in Las Vegas and Sandy Hook theories. It's unscientific and stupid and just muddies the waters.

Maybe they were acting weird because they just returned to earth from the moon? Wouldn't that have an affect on you and maybe you wouldn't act yourself?

The Secret Space Program probably has bases and goes back all the time, and now its off limits to regular space program (only thing that makes sense).

I hope you are right about finding a definitive answer due to technological advances, I spend too much time thinking about what the moon is and isn't. I would love to believe the moon is the heart of a conspiracy but it seems too involved. I can't imagine that in the context of the universe we are at all unique, significant, or worth the time of whatever an alien is. At best I would consider us one of so many civilizations we would merit little if any interest.

When we found we had mice in our garage I spent $40 at Home Depot on traps and when I failed I hired a pest control company. Some legitimately brilliant minds share your theory, so I absolutely have to consider it, but I believe if is some sort of observation post it is long abandoned. Maybe some civilization hired a contract worker to set up this "mousetrap".

Thanks for a great post by the way.

I think the coutner-argument to this could be that the aliens planted life on earth as a large scale experiment. We're not particularly interesting other than the fact they created us. Think of it as a real life simulation of their own existence.

TLDR; That's no moon

It’s a Death Star.

All of the documentaries I've seen about NASA and space travel make a really big deal about how we went to the moon with technology no more powerful than a calculator. So, surely with the technology we have now, we should be in the stars by now? So why aren't we? The argument they give of the technology not existing anymore is ludicrous.

My personal belief is that we did go to the moon, but what we saw on TV was faked. There are beings on the moon who didn't want us there and most likely told us not to go back. There's no way NASA would let that knowledge go public, so the footage was faked.

I don't get why we're not on Mars by now at least and although I respect NASA for getting us up there, they are lying through their teeth about what's up there and what they know.

Name checks our

Do you have a source for your claims?

There's more to space travel than calculations and computing power, we still have to do it with old fashioned rockets. And as of now it would take years for astronauts to get together Mars, and cost as much as $100 billion.

When they say the technology doesn't exist anymore they mean the physical rockets are destroyed, we can definitely still build them, there's just no point.

"Do you have a source for your claims?"

I don't, as I said it was just my own opinion on why we haven't gone back.

I personally think that there IS a point to building rockets, space craft etc. We're sending telescopes and satellites up there all the time and landing craft on mars and the moon so it's obvious that humanity is still keen to see what's up there and to reach the stars, so why aren't we doing that?

Because whatever is up there really doesn't want us to.

Just my opinion, really.

China is planning another moon mission so your "whatever is up there" "theory" really falls apart.

And why would we go to the moon again? Theresa nothing to gain from it, for the US. It was a political mission more than a scientific one.

There is no reason and no proof at all to believe there's anything on the moon, and satellite imaging proves it.

The closest star is 4.25 light-years away while the Moon is merely 1.2 light-seconds away. Have you seen the size of the rockets that took us to the Moon? We simply can't go to the nearest star with the same kind of technology that took us to the Moon, the rocket would have to be unfeasibly massive and it would take millennia.

We still have to resupply the International Space Station on a regular basis because we aren't able to grow all of our food in space and recycle all of our air and water.

Moreover, the human body starts falling apart when it's in space for extended periods of time. A multigenerational spacecraft would present so many challenges on that front.

We'll have to learn how to fly at a significant fraction of the speed of light if we ever want to visit a star other than the Sun in a reasonable amount of time. To achieve this, we need to have an engine that can stay lit for years and then we'll have to point it in the other direction to decelerate.

We didn't lose the technology to go to the Moon. We use that technology every time we launch a satellite. We use it aboard the International Space Station. Going to the Moon is trivial. Pack enough supplies, put them atop a large enough rocket and you're good to go. Any computer can calculate the trajectories. Money and political will are the only factors that hold us back. Developing, building and testing a huge rocket that can carry humans safely is insanely expensive.

NASA isn't lying about anything. That's silly. It's the most open agency in the US.

Countless unmanned missions and satellites watching the moon. There is legit no reason to spend trillions going back. Any other observation we have unmanned missions. There are no aliens on the moon. Tinfoil doesn’t protect you from anything

So if we went to the moon multiple times from 1969 to 1972, why are scientists now saying “we don’t have the technology to go to the moon. We had it in the 60’s but we don’t anymore.” Huh? Say what?

The technology to go to the moon isn't a simple thing, like a corkscrew or a coffee maker, that you can invent once and then use forever.

We could build an Apollo capsule today with not too much problem. That's the easy part.

The Apollo program was an ecosystem... tens of thousands of people working across multiple industries.


The people who ran a training program for the astronauts.

The people running the launch facility. The team that knows how to work the vehicle that drives the rockets onto the launch pad. The people working at the company that build the custom vehicles to drive the rockets onto the launch pad.

A worldwide network of radio receivers, so that we could receive broadcasts from the astronauts 24 hours a day even when the moon was on the other side of the Earth.

That vast ecosystem is what has been partially lost. We could do it again.... but we'd need to rebuild that ecosystem. Currently, that's the kind of undertaking that costs many billions of dollars per year and a commitment of many years.

Also remember: the last time NASA engineered a vehicle for manned spaceflight was in the 1970s when they designed the space shuttle. What do you think those engineers are doing today? Yeah, they're retired or dead. That's another reason why a lot of this stuff would need to be relearned by the current generation.

Wrong. Just stupid. I mean they lost all the telemetry data from the most important achievement of mankind?........ come on man!

Let me explain it better.

The apollo was not very safe and we haven’t been working on developing a ship to go and land on the moon so we would be starting from scratch.

Another issue with using the old design is that the moon lander was extremely hard to fly and the astronaut almost died while practicing on earth.

We would have to set up communications and go through extensive training with thousands of people.

It definitely wouldn’t be as hard but it would still take a long time and be very difficult.

Real reason we don’t go back is probably because it costs a shit ton of money and there is no real reason to go back. We went for political reasons

Interesting that you post this on the day of this article about China announcing a plan to put a rover on the far side of the moon for the first time.

near perfect circular orbit
very, very rare

close, but no.
the earth's moon clocks in 0.05 vs e.g. the four big Iovian moons way below that value (perfect circle would be 0.0).


other planets have tiny moons orbiting them (relative to the size of the planet), our is MASSIVE in relative size.

true. biggest moon (relative size) in the solar system


perfect size and the perfect distance from the earth to cause a perfect eclipse.

temporary, since the suns diameter as well as the moon's distance change through time.


The moon never rotates from our perspective.

that is called tidal locking and very common.


The moon is lighter than it should be. The moon's mean density is 3.34 gm/cm3 (3.34 times an equal volume of water) whereas the Earth's is 5.5.

Which fits perfectly with the common origion of the moon theory: the giant impact. If true, than it would make sense for the lighter material to form the mmon, with the denser material staying on earth after the collision.


Just WTF? How could we have the technology in the 60’s but we don’t have it anymore?

we have to dig deep to find the "old" communication protocols for lost satellites that have been found again. i personally saw a company loose a chunk of research data that was on old disks in a proprietary format. we have still no clue how to build the pyramids or stonehenge... heck, we can't even recreate greek fire or rebuild a cathedral...
technology and knowledge gets lost all the time.


Why is there suddenly a layer of deadly radiation called the Van Allen Belts

??? The Van Allen Belt was discovered and mapped in the late '50s


The moon landings were accomplished with the assistance of aliens


Call me crazy

gladly: You're crazy. ;-)
(joking, no offense meant!)

Eh, you're no fun. How dare you refute my theory with facts! This is a conspiracy sub.

Sorry, Kerbal Space Program player breaking through ;-)

re Van Allen: yes. very cool video. like it :)

Oh, concerning the Van Allen Belt, watch the video I linked. It'll explain what I mean.

Really? They lost all the data. No backups? To the greatest achievement of mankind ever and they didn't back up the data? Come on man!

The data was on 5'1/4" floppy discs.
some weren't readable, the rest was in a proprietary database format and had to be extracted by someone reverse engineering the file.

They could have just faked data if they wanted to, dude. This is dumb.

we can't rebuild a cathedral

What do you mean?

we have to dig deep to find the "old" communication protocols for lost satellites that have been found again. i personally saw a company loose a chunk of research data that was on old disks in a proprietary format. we have still no clue how to build the pyramids or stonehenge... heck, we can't even recreate greek fire or rebuild a cathedral... technology and knowledge gets lost all the time.

This alone is so fascinating. Especially since I've read some people think we're now at an apex of lost knowledge, since technology is moving so quickly that things we used or kept knowledge on just a few years ago are outdated and unable to be read.

Thank you for putting the effort in to do this.

Good post!

The density of Mars is 3.92gcm-3 and Plutos is 1.88gcm-3 so we can safely assume that these planets are also hollow according to what you said.

The moons orbit is a near perfect circle but so is Earth's to the Sun so we can say that someone must have placed Earth in the perfect position also?

Like another comment said the moon is tidally locked so it faces the Earth constantly, similar to other exoplanets that have been discovered.

The earth's orbit around the sun isn't a circle. It is elliptical.

The moon has an average eccentricity of 0.0549, the Earth has an average of 0.0167. The close to 0 the more perfect the circle

All orbits all elliptical, there are orbits with less eccentricity than the moon, but I guess it's not convenient for your narrative so you didn't mention it?

The radiation in Van Allen belts has never changed. They were calculated back during our first landings to expose humans to as much radiation as they would normally be exposed to in a year, which was deemed to be safe to pass through.

NASA has definitely not said that passing through Van Allen belts would be deadly to humans, but they do pose a risk to the advanced electronics and computers that we use now

They have changed. Space nuclear tests modified them with Starfish Prime test, and some other space tests also created artificial radiation belts.

According to this The had no other option that to send the crew minimizing the effects.

On the age of shuttles it has been always a problem when satellites likes Chandra por example are launched to remain outside the serviceable area.

In 2013, NASA reported that the Van Allen Probes had discovered a transient, third radiation belt, which was observed for four weeks until it was destroyed by a powerful, interplanetary shock wave from the Sun. A satellite shielded by 3 mm of aluminium in an elliptic orbit (200 by 20,000 miles (320 by 32,190 km)) passing the radiation belts will receive about 2,500 rem (25 Sv) per year (for comparison, a full-body dose of 5 Sv is deadly). Almost all radiation will be received while passing the inner belt.

Astronauts' overall exposure was actually dominated by solar particles once outside Earth's magnetic field. The total radiation received by the astronauts varied from mission to mission but was measured to be between 0.16 and 1.14 rads (1.6 and 11.4 mGy), much less than the standard of 5 rem (50 mSv) per year set by the United States Atomic Energy Commission for people who work with radioactivity.

We can't because it's not terra firma.

Sorry to destroy you with 2 valid points: moon facing earth with 1 side is called tidal locking and no it's not like someone planned it, and we got back to the moon after apollo, multiple times, multiple nations, we just didn't sent humans.

I'm talking about why humans have not returned. Tidal locking is a good explanation but it doesn't mean it is the only explanation. It's like you can make blue ink with indigo, but it's not the only material that makes blue.

Can you give a good reason why we should return?

Why should we spend billions and billions of dollars to go where there isn't anything particularly interesting (relative to the cost)?

Do you even read your links? Tidally locked planets are not uncommon. The different density just means it's core is composed of something we don't know yet, and no, it's not a "perfect eclipse", it's slightly smaller. And what purpose would that serve to a so called alien observation anyway? And no, it's not a near perfect circular orbit. It's still an elliptical orbit , that's why supermoons happen.
Your post has got zero proof, just a collection of observations that aren't even right pretending they're relevant to your argument. They're not.

The Van Allen radiation belt killing astronauts has been debunked long ago;

The Apollo missions marked the first event where humans traveled through the Van Allen belts, which was one of several radiation hazards known by mission planners.[31] The astronauts had low exposure in the Van Allen belts due to the short period of time spent flying through them. Apollo flight trajectories bypassed the inner belts completely, and only passed through the thinner areas of the outer belts.[25][32]

Astronauts' overall exposure was actually dominated by solar particles once outside Earth's magnetic field. The total radiation received by the astronauts varied from mission to mission but was measured to be between 0.16 and 1.14 rads(1.6 and 11.4 mGy), much less than the standard of 5 rem (50 mSv) per year set by the United States Atomic Energy Commission for people who work with radioactivity

Do you even read the posts before criticizing it? Where did I link an article on tidally locked moons?

So you don't even know what tidally locked means? You described it in your post and you don't even know what you're talking about yourself, fucking hell dude.

The moon never rotates from our perspective. In other words, we always see the same face of the moon even though it is orbiting the earth

That's what tidally locked is. Mercury is tidally locked. Iirc many of Jupiter's moons are tidally locked. It's common.

And your point is? Tidally locked planets and moons are possible no doubt. But how common are orbits of an object that is 1/4 the size of the host, with a near perfect circular orbit with the center of the orbit at the origin and is tidally locked at the same time? Like I said, if all the things I listed that's weird about the moon is not going to convince you, nothing will. Take care.

It's not near perfect circular at all, you're posting irrelevant garbage at best and lies at worst.

Like I said, tidally locked planets are common and the elliptical orbit of the earth (it isn't circular, otherwise supermoons wouldn't happen) is not something to base a conspiracy on.

But you'll know for next time, right?

Not to mention, why would a few misinformed half-truth coincidences "convince me" about your ludicrous and completely unfounded theory of the moon being an observation post? You're basing it on literally nothing at all.

Why aren't you addressing the posts correcting you on things in your posting? You appear to be only responding to posts like this one which don't directly apply to what you said.

What's the point? Hundreds of posts saying "this is why and that is why bla bla you don't understand science bla bla" They don't get my original post's intention: that the moon may have a purpose for being there. Imagine a boulder on a road. You can make tons of deductions about the boulder, how it behaves, how it's shaped, what will happen if you kick it, etc. But you will never know for sure if it rolled there or if someone placed it there. All the critics seem to be missing this point and instead choose to attack my iq. Lol. I understand tho. Whenever people are confronted with a radical new idea, hostility is sometimes the first reaction. Oh that and I'm watching k-drama right now and it's addictively good. Can't stop watching it.

You made basic fundamental errors and didn't research most of what you published. You don't appear to be doing science you appear to be pushing propaganda. Side note I didn't attack your IQ I addressed you in a profession fashion. Which you ignored.

It appears that you haven't actually researched a lot of what you claim is fact. The following is the result of just a spot check of your posting. Why didn't you research your claims before stating them as fact?

The moon never rotates from our perspective.

Yes it does. It sort of wobbles leading up to see about 58% of the lunar surface.

There are many scientific evidence that suggests the moon maybe hollow.

Except for the orbital dynamics equations that we use to predict the Moon's orbit.

Why is there suddenly a layer of deadly radiation called the Van Allen Belts that would kill any astronauts leaving the earth’s orbit today, but didn’t kill them in the 60’s?

The issue of the Van Allen belt and its radioactivity was a particularly serious concern while planning the mission.

Fortunately, it was a problem with a solution, one that involved skirting the most dangerous parts of the belt, and making sure the astronauts got through it as quickly as humanly possible.

So 58 degrees mean you've seen the back of the moon? The fact that the moon is tidally locked makes it absolutely certain that it wasn't placed that way? How is that so? A falling ball behaves precisely as dictated by physics. But does that physics also tell you who dropped the ball?

I've linked to every theory I mentioned including the hollow moon theory and the Van Allen problem. It is your right to not believe those links but what makes you say I didn't do the research? Did I make up those theories? Are those links dead? Nope.

The only conjecture I make is that the moon could be an observation post and that we had help getting to the moon. If you don't like it, I don't have a problem with that. Why do you have a problem with me? Did you have to pay money to read my post or something?

I believe we have visited the Moon a few times. Some photos are fake because it'd be too troublesome to hide things from the originals(back in the 60s/70s) and some are real. You could even say all photographs are fake, but we definitely went there.

The reason I believe that is because if we hadn't gone there back then, we'd be trying to go there today, and other nations would be going trying as well, so something definitely happened to keep humans away from the Moon (at least missions we are aware of).

Now, like you said, the reasons keeping us away from there are kinda vague, and IMHO could have political and spiritual explanations, but the Moon is definitely inhabited by some folks, humans or not.

Do you have a source for your claims?

and other nations would be going trying as well

Russia, China, India and Japan all have missions to the moon. China is planning another one.

I have no sources, that's just what I understand from many things I've read.

And do I need to have reason to believe in things? So I guess anyone who's got a religion is wrong, since there's no proof of the opposite.

And do I need to have reason to believe in things?

Yes, if you want to be taken seriously.

I believe the moon is made of cheese.

Oh, then by all means, don't take me seriously and move on!

even good ol’ Buzz Aldrin admitted seeing something while on the moon.

from the article "he (Aldrin) does not believe for a second that what they saw on the way to the moon was alien"



And that youtube video ... they are talking about a piece of stryofoam that came off their antenna.

But he does believe there is an obelisk on Phobos so there's something.

As for size, tidal locking, density, etc... cool unlikely things in the universe do not imply anything further.

"PhD’s are claiming" aka one dude with a PhD said something. don't appeal to authority anyway.

"we don’t have the technology to go to the moon" outside of one goober in that one video no one has ever claimed this. that guy most likely meant since the moon program isn't in place, technically yea there is no technology for it.

Van allen shit has been debunked forever.

Since the premise is completely flawed not even going to bother with the alien shit. good one friend

Very interesting post! The idea of the moon being an observation deck reminded me of a series of videos I watched a few months back of an interview with an alien abductee. In this video (relevant part to the point I'm making is from 11:35 onwards) he talks about his pre-birth memories of being on the moon and observing earth from there and talking with an alien about his feelings on incarnating here.
The whole series of videos is fascinating and definitely worth a watch! There's 3 and the other two should both be in the suggested videos of this one. I don't wanna spoil much, but he describes how after a series of abductions he began to remember aspects of existence before life and how the aliens are keeping tabs on humans and watching how souls evolve and such.

I am old now and all my life I accepted the idea that asteroids created the craters on the surface of the moon. And why wouldn't I think that. They taught us that since he first day of school.

I started thinking about these craters and the explanation science gives us and there isn't very much logic behind that theory. If the moon does not spin then the face of the moon that always faces us should not have craters from being hit by rocks. Unless the universe is throwing curve balls using giant rocks, a straight projector would mean that these rocks would first hit Earth as Earth is much larger. If the projector of being hit by giant rocks came in at an angle then the craters would look different than they look now. The craters would show one side pushed up further than the other. From my understanding the craters are pretty much uniform..

Also I have to think about where the asteroid belt is located. Asteroids are located between Saturn and Jupiter and we call that universal real estate the Astral Belt. That's a pretty good distance from Earth. Also these rocks are very much distant from the others. They only look like they are close to each and jumbled because of the distance we see them as. And, just like everything else within our universe, these rocks spin in an orbit similar to all other bodies. Why has asteroids stop hitting our Planet or the moon as often as science tells us it did when we were much younger in the scheme of the universe? Have things calmed down? Are most of the asteroids in a more permanent position where they don't collide as often as they use to?

So what caused these craters? I saw something in our physical world that looked like what could have happened (of course on a much more smaller scale). I was cooking rice. When rice gets to a point of losing much of it's water (and the water level is just below the surface of the rice) small craters appear on the surface of the rice. Which means to me that the craters are made from the loss of water (vaporizing) and it's the internal tempatures that are rising to create a surface on the rice that shows craters. The craters are the result of heat trying to escape but is trapped until it finds a defective place on the surface of the rice. Perhaps this is also the way the craters were made on the moon but on a much larger scale?

Any way, I must be missing something that science tells us that would explain how asteroids are responsible for the moons craters. But I am getting a bit suspicious that it's easier to explain something away using theories that sound good but have no evidence that holds up to scrutiny.

Also, if an asteroid, big enough to eave mass damage to the surface of the moon, hit the moon, wouldn't it also have the potential of spinning the sphere (the moon)?

IDK. Does anyone else know that something I missed to explain this theory?

Wow! What an awesome post. You know, I never thought about why the moon facing the earth would be so littered with craters. Thanks for that. Now I'm gonna go research it. LOL. Take care friend.

There was a great post here yesterday (video) about the possibility that craters and channels on the moon were caused by outrageously large electrical discharges. It was a fascinating read.

Not true at all, the moon is actually very far from earth. There have been multiple instances where asteroids have passed between the earth and the moon, they can definitely impact the earth-facing side, not to mention the long time the moon travelled in space before orbiting the earth.

If you were to actually think about it, you'd come up with the same facts as you were taught, it absolutely makes sense.

Why has asteroids stop hitting our Planet or the moon as often as science tells us it did when we were much younger in the scheme of the universe?

They haven't, at all.

Seriously, download Space Engine or Universe Sandbox and see just how far away the moon really is. It's very far away.

There's absolutely nothing suspicious about the craters on the Moon.

The far side of the Moon is tremendously more damaged than the side that's facing the Earth.

The Earth and the Moon were getting pummeled in the infancy of the Solar System. Our atmosphere ensures that most asteroids burn up before they hit the ground and when they hit the ground, erosion makes them disappear after a while. On the Moon, each asteroid leaves a hole and each hole remains intact for millions of years. Neil Armstrong boot prints are still intact on the Moon. The ones he made on the Earth disappeared completely within days or weeks.

There are fewer asteroids hitting the Earth and the Moon today than during the formation of the Solar System because billions of years of gravity cleaned the Solar System. The gas giants have been sweeping most of these rocks.

I didn't say the craters were suspicious. :) But your explanation sounds good enough for me.

Without much of an atmosphere on the moon, would an asteroid hit harder, more mass landing on the surface and cause huge amounts of damage on the moon more so than Earth whos atmosphere is heavier? Just curious.

There is plenty of room for an asteroid to hit the near side of the Moon without hitting Earth.

It appears that you haven't actually researched a lot of what you claim is fact. The following is the result of just a spot check of your posting. Why didn't you research your claims before stating them as fact?

The moon never rotates from our perspective.

Yes it does. It sort of wobbles leading up to see about 58% of the lunar surface.

There are many scientific evidence that suggests the moon maybe hollow.

Except for the orbital dynamics equations that we use to predict the Moon's orbit.

Why is there suddenly a layer of deadly radiation called the Van Allen Belts that would kill any astronauts leaving the earth’s orbit today, but didn’t kill them in the 60’s?

The issue of the Van Allen belt and its radioactivity was a particularly serious concern while planning the mission.

Fortunately, it was a problem with a solution, one that involved skirting the most dangerous parts of the belt, and making sure the astronauts got through it as quickly as humanly possible.

Man cannot go to the moon and never has been there. Earth is an enclosed system and cannot be exited.

The moon and the sun are both just lights. They don’t have a physical aspect to them aside from just being a light source. It’s as simple as that.

Wow. Get some help man.

Do you have a source for your claims?

His source is supported by this acclaimed scientist and tv genius.

That's a pretty solid source wouldn't you agree?

Considering we have stepped foot in the moon and the Van Allen radiation belts have been debunked, no, the real world has dismissed it.

Do you know what the full context of that quote is?

You are posting on this conspiracy subreddit and you actually believe we went to the moon. There is no place for you here.

Do you know what the full context of that quote is?

Why don't you include the full context of the quote and enlighten us. Your post consists of unsubstantiated claims. The real world to you seems to be government agencies and the media.

LOL you're the one that posted that quote. If you knew the full context of it you'll know it isn't relevant at all.

unsubstantiated claims

Hahahaha how? Are you telling me the Van Allen belts have NOT been debunked?

lmao strong debunking.

And here I thought I was in r/bitcoin

First off, it is in a near perfect circular orbit around the earth, something that is very, very rare in the whole universe.

Thats the first misconception and its only the second sentence.

The moons eccentricity is 0.05 which means it has a 5 degree difference between its major and minor axis. For the record this is more elliptical than Earth, Venus's, Titan or Venus.

Triton is actually the most circular orbit. It has an eccentricity value of 0.00002

As for the sizes its all relative. The moon isnt massive compared to other satellites in our solar system and isnt even the most interesting. Its an interesting fact but we have a very small sample size.

I mean Uranus has almost 30 moons and its smaller than Earth, thats cool but doesnt mean much. Jupiter has 60+ moons also cool but again kinda meaningless.

The moon never rotates from our perspective. In other words, we always see the same face of the moon even though it is orbiting the earth and in turn, the moon and the earth are both orbiting the sun. It’s almost as if someone planned it that way. Hmmm….

Tidal locking is actually pretty common. Every "large" moon in the solar system is tidally locked.

Hell Mercury is tidally locked to the sun.

There are many scientific evidence that suggests the moon maybe hollow. This is not wild speculation or a conspiracy theory. The moon is lighter than it should be. The moon's mean density is 3.34 gm/cm3

The moon isnt even the densest satellite in the solar system, that title belongs to IO. So its actually very dense if we compare it to other satellites.

According to the current theory the Moon was the result of an impact with Proto Earth by something the size of Mars. The impact knocked off a large amount of the mantle which is basaltic rock (primarily) and not much of the much more dense core the Earth has.

The density of the moon is very close to the density of the Earths mantle which is almost exactly 3.34. The moon is the Earths scalped leftovers.

Experiments have shown that the moon reverberates like a hollow sphere when struck.

Which again is what we would expect to see. Also be careful taking Armstrong's words literally here, its not ringing like a bell because its hollow. Its ringing like a bell because its almost completely absent of any water in the stone.

When a quake happens on Earth all the liquids in the mantles and lower act as a dampener or shock absorber. Since the moon is just dry stone the quakes will last a very long time not burning energy with liquids causing it to ring like a bell. Not because its hollow.

Hell, even PhD’s are claiming that it could be made of metal and could be hollow.

Im not going to address everything brought up by Huntlet but there are a few errors with his write up.

we don’t have the technology to go to the moon. We had it in the 60’s but we don’t anymore.” Huh? Say what?

I think thats a Petit quote?

The entire quote in context is about the Saturn V rockets, we dismantled all of them :(

Unfortunately building another one isnt as simple as bringing up the schematic and making the parts, the businesses and factories that made those parts are out of business or making other things. It would take a while to rebuild and there isnt much interest to rebuild 50 year old designs.

Also this is an old quote with SpaceX and other private companies filling the void the NASA left we are getting back to creating and designing systems that could get us to the moon.

Just WTF? How could we have the technology in the 60’s but we don’t have it anymore?

We dont have the current infrastructure to build one. It would take time, a Saturn V rocket has over 3 million specialized parts. Americans dont really care enough anymore, the space race is over. Its sad

Why is there suddenly a layer of deadly radiation called the Van Allen Belts that would kill any astronauts leaving the earth’s orbit today, but didn’t kill them in the 60’s?

Kinda deadly, the astronauts who go through the belt experience about as much radiation as we consider safe for people who work with nuclear material.

Basically go through quickly and in the right spots to limit exposure. There is no evidence that those astronauts received any noticeable amount of radiation

Well done, thanks for the patience and effort.

Excellent post.

This is one of the worst upvoted posts I've ever seen on this sub, and that's saying something. It's made up entirely of misinformation or half-truths and redundant information to try and make the alien "theory" seem plausible. It's based on literally nothing at all.

It's upvoted because of the effort, not because of plausibility

Agree. I hate stupid shit like flat earth and reptilians, but stuff like this post can be fun to just entertain and think about. The debunking should be he top response, however.

How many pounds lighter are you after shitting all over his claim?


This guy spaces.

TL;DR rekt

Did you just say that Uranus is smaller than Earth?

That's what I thought too.

What about Occam's razor: the moon landings were filmed in a studio.

Billions of dollars to do whatever they want with after.

Why wouldn't the Soviets immediately call bullshit then?

They're in on it

They got the first space station once they knew forsure we lied about the moon..


This is 50 years later, under an entirely different government. And it's not even a claim of "bullshit"

"We are not contending that they did not fly [to the moon], and simply made a film about it. But all of these scientific — or perhaps cultural — artifacts are part of the legacy of humanity, and their disappearance without a trace is our common loss. An investigation will reveal what happened," Markin wrote, according to the Moscow Times translation.

Russia has more information now.

How about those petrified wood- "moon rocks"

Dis you really just ignore that the russians themselves aren't challenging the moon landing?

Russians dispute the American story.

try calling the moon landing a hoax on public media and see how people react. Russians aren't that stupid

What does that have to do with the Soviets 50 years ago? They had every reason to call bullshit. Imagine the blow to US prestige during the cold war if they could prove their biggest triumph was false?

It wasn't possible to film them in a studio.

How is that Occam's Razor? You have to make a huge number of assumptions to think that the moon landings were faked.

the most simple explanation is that the moon landing was filmed in a studio. That is magnitudes of degrees easier than actually going to the moon.

That explanations requires tens of thousands of people to be complicit, including multiple nations and scientists and that they kept up the act for multiple decades. It would be the biggest deception in history and for basically no point.

No it does not. Just the astronauts, a barebones film crew and "need to know" NASA crew.

Also, have you heard of the Manhattan Project?

Well done. I was going to point most of this out but got tired of it after a few. It’s fun to think about these things in a sci-fi context tho.

I would like to add that the astronauts donned specialized lead spacesuits that provided extra insulation from radiation when going through the van allen belts. It was also not known the intensity of the radiation when travelling through before it was attempted and it was very much theorized that it would kill anyone attempting passage; this has been proven false and continues to be false with the necessary precautions.

Your comment is entirely false. They did not don special suits, they did have a pretty decent idea of the radiation levels, and they did not theorize that it would kill anyone.

Geologists here, well said about the theory of moon formation and its density. Tungsten isotope ratios of the earth and moon are also consistent with earth core formation predating collision and moon formation.

We don't need a Saturn V rocket or any other primitive liquid fuel technology for anything, the deep state has anti-gravity and free energy technology that is capable of interstellar travel. The 1997 Phoenix Lights incident was a mile wide v shaped craft with cloaking technology was made in the good old USA. The technology is so closely guarded that you will not find any information or significant patents anywhere. How's that for exciting?

No, they don't. How could you know that? How could you have possibly come to that conclusion by the Phoenix Lights, too? They were planes. It's pretty obvious. Here's a right-up on it.

My friend, I'm not going to get into a debate with you. If someone offered me information that I was unaware of I would investigate it, do some research and come to my own conclusion. I will say that getting your information from is a step in the wrong direction. If you are happy to live your life with your head stuck in the sand why do you bother reading and participating on this CONSPIRACY sub?

How could I know that? Do you think that I would actually reveal the source of my information that pertains to the most sensitive and highest classified information that exists? Are you high? You are out of your element and I don't have a death wish. Go watch the documentary "I KNOW WHAT I SAW", listen to the testimony of the eye witnesses, one of which was the governor of Arizona. ( I've met the director James Fox, he is the real deal, a man of talent and integrity.) There were two events that night at different times. The second event was a military flare drop meant to distract weakminded people from the actual events earlier that evening. Once you establish the size of the craft, how it looked and behaved, then it is impossible to attribute it to any known conventional aircraft. That is your starting point. Then you throw away everything you know about known technology and you start asking smart questions and you will be on your way.

Remember this post, this day, my words the day you and the rest of the world come face to face with the truth. I for one look forward to that day.

Do you think that I would actually reveal the source of my information that pertains to the most sensitive and highest classified information that exists?

And right there you gave yourself away as a bullshitter. Seriously? You honestly expect me to believe that one?

Grow up, dude.

I don't give a fuck what you believe. Iwz don't need to prove anything to you. Grow up? Only a child believes everything he's told without questioning it. I'm trying to help you, point you in the right direction and you insult me? Whatever ostrige boy.

What do you make of some of the other UFO things? In the images there are definitely ways that light refracts from camera lenses (I have made fake “ufo/ghost/fairy videos by being outside in the dark with a candle behind me and moving my camera at the right angle to make it look like a dancing ball of light) and the triangular shape certainly indicates reflection/refraction from a round shape like a wide angle lens. however there are many videos from the NASA files that show lights pretty clearly outside the windows moving with no source discernible in frame and in multiple speeds and directions... I don’t know what they are but I have not seen a convincing debunking. Light reflecting doesn’t behave like that with different and changing brightness and randomly different paths and speeds when the camera is moving slowly. Curious to hear another skeptic’s take.

I definitely believe in aliens. I'm not exactly sure about how often or if we've been visited.

First off, it is in a near perfect circular orbit around the earth, something that is very, very rare in the whole universe.

Yeah... how about no. Infact just to prove that to you, there was a SuperMoon a few hrs ago, followed by a total Lunar Eclipse.

You... might want to read today's news before you make up shit 90% people read yesterday is just not true, at all.

Is this shit your job? Jk

I wish my job was nerding out to space...

William Tomkins Testimony could be of interest for you.

Good work, Op. Was a joy to read such a theory.

Anything is possible.

Our moon is also scarred by electrical arcs:

Remember when they found out the moon rang like a bell? Should make anyone wonder.

Not literally. A lack of liquids in the crust means vibrations don't get dampened like they do here on earth.

It's not liquid, and even if it was, there's still not nearly as much as on earth.

I agree mostly with you, but differ on your conclusion.

The moon is totally bizarre and out of place in every way you stated.

Let me add that various moon probes and anyone who's seen the far (back) side of the moon knows how strange it is. There are at least several tower like structures, maybe mountains, very strange.

The Clementine Moon probe, LROC and Zond 3 all took famous pictures of the back side of the moon. Clemetine's are my favorite. The public pictures show massive and poor editing, smudges, copy/paste and even let some things slide which show buildings, domes and massive towers as high as 4 miles. Later the public Clementine photo browser was edited again to clean up the poor job and hide it. I remember using the original photo browser online many years ago and seeing buildings, massive ones, in the photos. Some of these shots are still available online in private archives. the ZOND 3 picture for sure is out there still and some crazy LROC pics.

Neil Armstrong was a very quiet and reserved man. He said that aliens warned us to stay off the moon, and they were under constant observation while they were there. He also said they ships they had were very large and menacing. The Apollo astronauts heard strange music in space around the moon. They said so many cryptic things implying alien evidence. Private radio operators that listened live to the Apollo transmissions that were censored for the public heard them speak of aliens and ufos on the moon watching them. Some of the transmissions speak of tunnels, which only very recently are we hearing about officially from NASA. There is so much more in these transmissions and deserve some research.

In contrast to your conclusion I believe the Apollo missions played out mostly as the official story described. I think the presence on the moon and in space was present and observed but did not interact. There is a massive amount of evidence of moon buildings, and ufo presence on the moon surrounding the Apollo missions and later probes.

IMO, it's not just possible but probably that the Moon was created and/or positioned to be a solar shield for maintaining a specific climate on Earth, but is has since taken on a different orbit, resulting in brief solar eclipses being the only time it actually serves its solar shield purpose.


It's not doing a good job with climate change.



It's not doing a good job with climate change.

"but is has since taken on a different orbit, resulting in brief solar eclipses being the only time it actually serves its solar shield purpose."

How does it serve a solar shield purpose? Why would it do that?


My opinion is the moon is made of cheese.
Of our don't have any proof don't expect to be taken seriously.

We are planning to send Robots to the Moon. We want to mine the platinum up there.

---Whereas the other planets have tiny moons orbiting them (relative to the size of the planet)---

Except for the Pluto/Charon system way out on the edge of the solar system... almost like a signpost.

Just WTF? How could we have the technology in the 60’s but we don’t have it anymore?

We don't currently have the launch vehicle, orbiter, or lunar lander. That's all that means. We certainly have the technology to build these things. Getting to the Moon is actually pretty easy, it's not that far away. You don't need help from aliens lol. It's just expensive; that's why we don't go there any more.

Yah I don’t get this conspiracy at all. We went to the moon for political reasons and carefully planned it. There is literally no reason to go again as we have unmanned mission.

Clearly op didn’t do much research judging from him saying it is weird we don’t see the dark side and him not knowing how the radiation outside of the atmosphere works

I just finished the book “Who Built the Moon?” By Christopher Knight and he suggests the moon was built by time traveling humans. Anyone interested in the moon I recommend reading it.

It's a terrible book having a nonsense conclusion that is, quite literally, made up by the author with absolutely nothing to back it up.

Terrible, terrible, book published as a cash grab for people with no critical thinking skills.

Well, it was a hypothesis in an alternative history book called “Who Built the Moon”. What would you expect? The book’s conclusion was hard to believe but that doesn’t make it any less interesting. There is so much enlightening history, philosophy, and science discussed in that book. To claim it’s terrible is completely ignorant.

There is so much enlightening history, philosophy, and science discussed in that book.

All designed and framed to push the authors "megalithic yard" horse hockey and none of which had anything to do with a nonsense paradoxical theory that future humans somehow time traveled to create the moon.

Garbage book, fit for toilet paper at best.

"Could our planet be just a one big biological experiment?"

THAT is the most important sentence/question you typed out. Take that question and run with it. You might find a ton of answers to questions you have, and questions you didn't even know you had.

AFAIK there's two main theories on why:

1) We can't, because we've never been there in first place

2) We've been there but got a "get off my lawn" from someone/something there.

I find 1 more probable.

1.). “It’s almost like someone created it that way.” God.

2.) We simply didn’t go then and can’t go now. Not a theory, it’s a fact.

3.) Extraterrestrials, as most define them, don’t exist. If you ever meet a strange being claiming to be or proclaimed as such you’re being lied to for the sake of an agenda.

4.) View conspiracies through those filters and watch as it all “magically” falls into place.

it's a fact


What if we never did go to the moon and it was just part of the cold war effort and the way to trump Russia from claiming to be the victor in every other aspect of the space race. The world may not be so western focused had we looked at the cosmonaut instead of the astronaut.

That would explain any ufo's in the background, as they could simply be flaws in the rear screen projection.

Also why we can't go back, as we never could in the first place.

But what a depressing fact, to know that this one world is all we have, which of course it is.

But we like to look at the stars and ponder the future of humanity, it is also convenient for those who plunder the planet's resources to stop mankind being more precious with the one world available.

If you want I can link a big essay that goes over every single argument and proves the moon landing was real. It has pictures and is easy to read and understand

After Landing Neil Armstrong said something about structures on the moon, and then ground control asked him not to venture to that side.

Why this is not investigated.

Lol it has been investigated. Numerous unmanned missions and satellites on the dark side takes high quality photos

I would love to see verified proof that he actually said this. Please don't tell me that HAM radio operators listened in on their comms and heard this

Listened three times and I didn't hear anything about structures on the moon. Please give me the time stamp where they say that in this video and I'll go back and re-listen

He said 'Oh God, what is that?' Which I think referring to a 'structure'. It may a space-craft or a base, who knows?

That is what needs to be investigated.

It never actually said he saw a structure and there is no one with any proof they saw any alien or life form. If we went at all, and that transmission is legit from the's more likely that his surprise was more about the shape of the earth or something about space in general he did not they say "we know".

Didn't they erase something like 40 rolls of film that were not viewable to the public or something, I cant remember ...but it's likely they are hiding something. There are also videos of people saying we've never left earths lower atmosphere so who knows.

That's a fair conclusion.

perfect circular orbit around the earth, something that is very, very rare in the whole universe.

The first argument you make is already a dumb lie, the moon's orbit around the earth is less circular than a lot of other orbiting bodies in the solar system

Not is not "perfectly" circular but most other big bodies in the solar system have an orbit that is more circular, that's not "very very rare"

our is MASSIVE in relative size. It is more than a quarter the size of earth.

See the scale for yourself

When you say "a quarter the size" do you mean the radius, the equatorial circumference, the area of the visible side or the volume? Be more specific please

Our moon is the perfect size and the perfect distance from the earth to cause a perfect eclipse.

Only in some rare cases, most of the time the moon is slightly bigger or slightly smaller cause, despite what you said, moon's orbit is not circular

The moon never rotates from our perspective. In other words, we always see the same face of the moon even though it is orbiting the earth and in turn, the moon and the earth are both orbiting the sun. It’s almost as if someone planned it that way.

That's called "tidal lock", it's one of the most common phenomenons in the universe and easily explainable by physics, not some big alien conspiracy.

Now if all this weirdness hasn’t convinced you that the moon is not what you think it is, I don’t know what will. So, then what is it?

Yep, such weirdness, a bunch of lies about the moon's orbit, vague arguments about it's size and this weirs inexplicable phenomenon of tidal locking. That's all very weird, i guess the only explanation is fairiesaliens.

So if we went to the moon multiple times from 1969 to 1972, why are scientists now saying “we don’t have the technology to go to the moon. We had it in the 60’s but we don’t anymore.”

The industry responsible for making the saturn 5 was dismantled, now they only make other kinds of rockets, lacking the technology don't mean we lack the knowledhe, just that the production chains that we had in the 60s change to other thinga and if we wanted to focus on making mssive saturn 5 rockets again we would need to make new rocket and fuel factories.

Imagine an atari 2600, we still knows how they work and can theoretically make new ones, but we don't have atari factories anymore, so in a way we lost that technology unless we remake it from scratch.

Why is there suddenly a layer of deadly radiation called the Van Allen Belts that would kill any astronauts leaving the earth’s orbit today, but didn’t kill them in the 60’s?

The van allen belt was a well known phenomenon that was disussed a lot in the 50s and 60s, i guess you never read any scientific paper n the subject nor even read the wikipedia article on van allen radiation you linked, van allen (the guy) discovered the belt in the 50s

The answer lies in the fact that there are countless evidence that the entire moon landings from start to finish were carefully observed by alien entities.

There isn't any evidence. The things you linked are too vague to be proof of anything, let alone proof of your wild claims of aliens observing us from their hollow moon base.

You are nit picking. There are better worded books and other works out there dealing with the weirdness of the moon. You obviously don't know much about this theory or you 'd have glanced over OP's unimportant small mistakes. The whole theory is what you should be concentrating on.

Aliens or not, the Moon has all hallmarks of being artificially constructed and placed where it is for a reason. Data and measurements through scientific tests [including by NASA themselves] agree with this.

This in itself should be of major interest to human kind.

Do you have any sources at all for anything you have posted? What data and measurements point to the moon being artificial?

No, these aren't "OP's unimportant mistakes" these are the basis of his whole argument. The whole theory, which you said "is what should be concentrated on" is based on this base which is flimsy and flawed.

What arguments he have for the artificiality of the moon? It being tidally locked? It having a smaller density? The van allen belts? All of this is explained with basic astrophysics, guy just ignored all basic knowledge of a thing that is completely understood.

His theory is basically "fucking magnets, how do they work"

Data and measurements through scientific tests [including by NASA themselves] agree with this.

No they don't, you don't have any real argument to corroborate this claim, you don't understand shit about what you are talking about

No, none of the arguments you put forward are the ones I have to side with the notion that the Moon is artificial. Try ringing like a hollow bell, measurements, craters that don't go deeper than a certain amount and many more but I don't want to tell you all, the beauty lies n finding it out for yourself, there is plenty of material.

and more. You obviously won't like the sources but to be honest, buy a book then, the message is the same.

Someone once quoted: "The most ignorant are those that dismiss a theory they don't know much about".

I’m busy ATM so I don’t have the ability to elaborate. There is a theory out there that the moon is spaceship that transported life to Earth, from Mars, after a geological cataclysm threatened to wipe out life and turned the red planet into what it is today.

TLDR : The real reason : Unpaid parking tickets.

One of the biggest reasons is budget and competition. There’s no competition anymore (no Soviet Union) and NASAs budget is in the shitter.

There is some big manufacturing plant that just pumps out HLV like the Saturn V. Once the manufacturing of that rocket was stopped we no longer had the technology to go back unless we start it up again.

No one can go and no one will go or has gone.

I used to use the Van Allen belts as a go-to argument for this but now I think they're bullshit too. Just sci-if window-dressing to give a reason why it's hard to send people to space.

So you think the moon landing was faked? If you want I can link a long essay (has pictures very easy to read) that goes over every single argument and proves it was real


Intergalactic satelitte/base habitated by alien races including earthlings.

The amount of time people spend to disprove nothing.

A number of people ITT saying that the costs of getting stuff into space make the idea of mining precious materials impractical. Yes, it would cost a huge amount to send, say, a ton of gold up into space. But it's way cheaper to get it down again.

To just get three guys up to the moon required a skyscraper sized launch vehicle with a couple of small lakes worth of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen. The vehicle and fuel required to get them back here was tiny by comparison because of the moons weak gravity. And if you were talking about asteroids, you'd only need to give the stuff a gentle push in the right direction.

The moon is a rather puzzling thing, although it doesn’t make sense, any of it, it’s still “just there”. I always think of this quote by Irwin Shapiro of Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics;

“The best possible explanation for the Moon is observational error – the Moon doesn’t exist.’

OP, do you know the book "There's Someone Else on the Moon" by NASA scientists George Leonard? Why we're not going back to the moon may have more to do with beings on the moon than any such aliens actually helping us get there. I do think there's an alien element to the moon landing story, and if you listen to Buzz Aldrin, he was pretty clear early on that what they saw was a legitimate UFO. He dropped the subject over time.

The Van Allen Belts and the radiation dangers they presented were discovered and known in 1958.

There were also more recent incidents with both the space shuttle and the ISS less than 300 miles up where the people of board were being blinded by intense flashes of light due to the radiation from those belts hitting the retina of their eyes. That's why the ISS stays at a distance of only 250 miles above the Earth's surface. Any higher and you're entering the belts radiation field that as deadly as it is still protects the planet from constantly being bombarded by even more deadly cosmic radiation that travels freely through the Universe as well as harmful levels that are inbound from our own Sun.

When the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl went critical in 1986 the scientists and workers trying to contain the problem were desperate to find any extra protection against the deadly levels of atomic radiation that surrounded the entire plant.

Assuming that NASA had dealt with the kind of serious radiation that was known to exist in space numerous requests were made to NASA asking if the spacesuits worn by the astronauts couldn't be loaned to the people trying to contain the problem at Chernobyl.

NASA's reply was rather an astounding admission that the suits that the astronauts wore in space and on the Moon didn't actually have any kind of shielding or protection against radiation and so they couldn't be of any real use.

Make of that what you will added to the fact that no mention of what the levels of cosmic radiation must be beyond the Earth's atmosphere or on the surface of the Moon that the astronauts couldn't avoid being exposed to or how they would survive it during any of the lunar missions.

From the IFLS article: "He went on to explain that statistically, life is certain to exist elsewhere in the Universe and could very well be in the Milky Way, but he does not believe for a second that what they saw on the way to the moon was alien." (emphasis added)

And in the youtube video the so called mysterious objects are a piece of stryofoam that they are clearly discussing.

I didn't know that if you're just healthy and pass the physical tests they will send you up there with an IQ of mabe 85.

The moon's orbit is not circular. How would we have a 14% brighter supermoon earlier this week?

There is an apogee and perigee meaning an elliptical orbit.

The moon did not "reverberate like a hollow sphere". It reverberated for longer than we would expect it to, basing our assumptions on how it would reverberate off of how the Earth reverberates. That could mean the moon is hollow, or it could be explained by the absence of moisture in the moon, which leaves little to dampen the reverberations between the low density rock. Interestingly however, there is little information available regarding the density of the moon rocks taken from our missions to the moon, and the information available states that those rocks tested were more dense than their earth counterparts. The rocks that are supposed to make up a majority of the moon, accounting for its lower density, have not been tested for their density, or if they have, I have never been able to find any information on them. I am in no way suggesting that this proved the moon is hollow, but it did pique my interest. The moon could be hollow, but the only support we have for that is that it reverberates longer than the Earth does is less dense than the Earth. Not a lot to go on IMO.

Venus, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune all have more circular orbits (lower orbital eccentricity) than the moon does.

The moons just an old death star that over centuries has been covered in dust and rocks.

The moon is some sort of immaterial projection we never went there is nothing to land on. Outer space is fake.

I looked through most of the responses so sorry if this was posted earlier.. Things of interest Check out 2001 a space Odyssey .. The computer is H.A.L. just a letter off from I.B.M. The moon landing was faked by Stanley Kubrick .. He was troubled about the secret he had to keep and layed it into the background and certain scenes in the Shining by King. Eyes wide shut was about the current state of Hollywood.. He passed away from a sudden heart attack 2 weeks after handing it off as ready.. some scenes were cut from the original.

Let’s just ditch the idea that the moon landing was a hoax.

In the interest of getting to the truth: NO.

The moon landings were accomplished with the assistance of aliens

Please. So faking the landing is off limits but ... muh aliens? Fuck off, sorry.

Haha the fact you are so downvoted shows how controlled this sub is. Flat earth doesn't get a look in but muhh aliens is upvoted to the front page haha fitting the stereotype.

I love entertaining ideas like this just as a way to exercise the brain and keep an open mind, but a lot of your points are factually incorrect and those have been covered in many other replies.

This one, however:

Just WTF? How could we have the technology in the 60’s but we don’t have it anymore?

I would argue that our technology is much better, and that's precisely the reason why we haven't been back. There have been other probes, orbiters, and rovers sent to the moon since the Apollo missions, just not manned missions. We can send nearly any science experiment we want to the moon and other bodies without needing a human on board. Humans add a lot of cost and complexity. They can't be folded up to 1/3 their size and left dormant for the trip over. They require life support systems, and more physical open space to move around in.

With modern technology we can fit much more useful equipment and experiments in a much smaller and cheaper package, and those sensors and experiments can produce much more valuable data than a human can, in situ.

There's just no reason for the added cost and risk associated with sending humans back to the moon until we reach a point where it becomes a kick-off point for deeper space travel, a mining outpost, practice/training for Mars colonization, etc.

Hahahahaa good one

Ok, I'm diving in to this entire thing.

First off, it is in a near perfect circular orbit around the earth, something that is very, very rare in the whole universe.

Not exactly. 225,300mi X 251,900mi is not all that perfect.

Whereas the other planets have tiny moons orbiting them (relative to the size of the planet), our is MASSIVE in relative size. It is more than a quarter the size of earth. This is gigantic in so far as moons go. Our moon is the perfect size and the perfect distance from the earth to cause a perfect eclipse.

No, not really. The moon is 1.2% the mass of earth. Pluto's moon Charon is 12% the mass of Pluto. It's uncommon, yes, but far from unheard of.

The moon never rotates from our perspective. In other words, we always see the same face of the moon even though it is orbiting the earth and in turn, the moon and the earth are both orbiting the sun. It’s almost as if someone planned it that way.

The moon is tidally locked to the earth. This is common in moons. Basically, it's orbit is the same as it's day.

There are many scientific evidence that suggests the moon maybe hollow. This is not wild speculation or a conspiracy theory. The moon is lighter than it should be. The moon's mean density is 3.34 gm/cm3 (3.34 times an equal volume of water) whereas the Earth's is 5.5. Experiments have shown that the moon reverberates like a hollow sphere when struck.

No, there is literally 0 actual evidence of this. The earth has a very large, solid metal core. The moon has a much smaller, metal core. It does reverberate when struck, but this is not indicative that it's hallow.

Let’s just ditch the idea that the moon landing was a hoax. I know some people are passionate about this, but for the sake of this article, let’s just ignore that theory. So if we went to the moon multiple times from 1969 to 1972, why are scientists now saying “we don’t have the technology to go to the moon. We had it in the 60’s but we don’t anymore.” Huh? Say what?

Because there is no currently operational spacecraft designed to go past LEO. All the Saturn/Apollo stuff is long gone and lost to history.

How could we have the technology in the 60’s but we don’t have it anymore?

Because we don't fund it. We could if we wanted to, but it seems that we don't.

Why is there suddenly a layer of deadly radiation called the Van Allen Belts that would kill any astronauts leaving the earth’s orbit today, but didn’t kill them in the 60’s?

It wouldn't kill them today, and it wouldn't kill them in the 60s either. We took an optimized path through the Van Allen belts, but the astronauts were still pretty heavily exposed. Here is an old document from the program that goes into it.

The difference now is that we are dealing with higher doses of radiation due to a change in destination. Also, we don't want to expose our astronauts to a ton of radiation. There's evidence that the Apollo astronauts have suffered late-in-life health issues due to exposure.

The answer lies in the fact that there are countless evidence that the entire moon landings from start to finish were carefully observed by alien entities. We have photos of objects floating above the astronauts as they walked on the moon.

You have a very strange definition of "countless".
Judging by the fact that coloring issues are present in all 3 of the photo examples (note the blue and red in this one), I'm pretty sure those are camera artifacts.

Heck, even good ol’ Buzz Aldrin admitted seeing something while on the moon.

No, he didn't admit that. Read the article. He says right there that it was on the way to the moon, and that it was likely one of the 4 fairing panels that encapsulated the LM. Considering it was not too long after docking, that sounds very likely.

We even have videos of astronauts trying to contain their shock as they notice strange objects above them while they were on the moon.

Really dude? The 2 astronauts explain what it is right in the fucking video. It's not a UFO. Listen to the audio one more time.

Yeah, so TL;DR: You're completely wrong.

I don't get why this isn't the top post. This whole thing is easily debunked by OPs own links!

First off, it is in a near perfect circular orbit around the earth, something that is very, very rare in the whole universe.

Citation Please. It could be very common we just don't know, not like we have a lot of planets with moons to examine. We only have our little solar system.

I have heard some astronomers describe our system more like Binary Planets.

There is a good book called "Who built the moon?" I recommend it.


The Moon is an Alien Spacecraft. Ancient cultures spoke of the time of peace and prosperity Before The Moon Arrived. The Aliens are not assisting us. This planet is Enslaved. The beings seen after physical death that appear as loved ones, guides and masters are actually Predatory Parasitic Aliens. All humans eventually get their *Memories Erased** and are Forced To Reincarnate over and over again in never ending slavery...

The beings seen after physical death that appear as loved ones, guides and masters are actually Predatory Parasitic Aliens

Wasn't this shown in an episode of Rick and Morty? (same episode based on the movie?)

Are you saying this show's social commentary is even bigger than the simple themes of family, love, and politics? And why would "they" allow this on national television?

Rick And Morty has shown many previously hidden things. They "allow" this because of many reasons. 1)Most people either do not notice or quickly forget the subject matter. 2)We are at a point now that those who are "awake" absolutely know these things as true. It is only a matter of time before it is all out ion the open. 3)They have to allow some truths. This is how they can continue to enslave humanity and say they are "not supressing free will". This also leads right back to point number one: Most of the public is complete imbeciles with a very short attention span.Most never see what is literally right in front of them. This is why the brutal enslavement continues...

I used to teach middle school science. The answer to all of your questions are pretty elementary. Not to sound condescending, I love your curiosity, and of course, here I am checking things out on Conspiracy myself. But I see most people are agreeing with you, and I feel I need to bring in a voice of scientific reason.

The fact that we see the same side of the moon is extraordinary. Further, during eclipses it seems like the same size as the sun due to its distance between earth and the sun. Fascinating!! These facts are based on careful measurements from US and other country's scientists, and scientific interest in astronomy goes back thousands of years (see the Dogon of Mali).

You mentioned the weight of the moon, saying "The moon is lighter than it should be". These comments, like those made about bees being too heavy that they shouldn't be able to fly, are just incorrect. The moon's mass, weight, and gravitational pull are just fine, and the numbers add up.

I had students come to me with these same questions, like the Hollow moon theory, and every year and spend some time pointing out how conspiracy theories are both useful and imaginative, but require a LOT of skepticism based on the repercussions in dismissing science and scientists who stood on the shoulders of other scientists, dedicating their lives to helping us better understand the natural world.

I understand where people's distrust in science comes from, and I wish I had more time to go into it, but I just wanted to give my two cents that we can easily get to the moon, that we know more about the moon than what's under our own ocean surface, and the mysteries of the universe are still out there waiting to be discovered.

Whether there are alien moon bases and all of that cool stuff, who knows, maybe there is a cover up (maybe not, but I'm wagering that's something we will never know, which is where some baseless conspiracy theories draw their strength- because it calls for proof of something that can't be proven).

I don't have enough info. But in terms of our natural satellite, what it's made of, and its conditions, that one is pretty much in the bag scientifically. Feel free to message me if you still have questions or want to chat :)

I wasn't responding to posts like yours because there were too many. But yours, I just couldn't pass up. You're explaing how the moon is there, not why it is there. Yes all the facts about the moon can be explained by physics and chemistry. But my post is about why is the moon the way it is rather than just an ordinary clump of rock. I hope you reread my post with "could the moon be artificial" mindset. Thanks for posting your reply.

My point that extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence, and that no matter how many scientific facts there are, some people will choose to forever say "but it could be aliens". There is too much evidence that answers all of your questions, including why the moon is "the way it is".

Not to knock your intelligence, but do you fall into the "Flat Earther" camp? Again, I cannot say enough on here how I am not judging you, and I've had discussions with people on this very subject that are likely much more intelligent than I am. I just want to know if you outright dismiss science and astronauts claims that they have been to the moon, and it is just a giant lunar rock.

A few things:

The Van Allen belts can be bypassed by a polar shot into space. This is the method by which they say Apollo did it. (Draw your own conclusions about it, just know that it is inarguably possible to do so.)

There are many fishy things in lunar and space walk videos, look up Space walk underwater evidence. Don’t know if it is totally convincing but it is compelling. If the moon landings were faked the “UFO”s are just boring old studio lights or something similarly mundane.

Also, why does everyone seem to assume that UFO’s would be manned!?. By every probability, if UFOs are extraterrestrial, they would be automated just like our own space probes and likely sent all over the universe to observe things. I don’t doubt alien life or intelligence, I don’t doubt (fully) extraterrestrial UFOs, I greatly doubt any living alien has ever visited earth.

This post needs more trump and Clinton and Russia.

Hehe. I'll keep that in mind.

Clinton tried to use a private server to thwart collusion between Russia and trump to destroy the moon.

Wtf no Kennedy, chemtrails, or communism?

Well, pffft, yeah! I just assumed that was implied!

Let us not forget the main mission of Apollo 13. It was to place a nuclear generator ON THE MOON. Yes, since that mission failed, the plutonium was dropped in the ocean, where it still exists today. I think more was at play with that mission than we are being led to believe. We are not allowed to turn the moon into the death star, which was entirely the plan. The moon is not what we think it is. Thats no moon.

What leads me to believe we never went to the moon is exactly what you said. We had technology in the 60s and 70s but now it vanished. Can someone tell NASA technology growth exactly the opposite as they are claiming.

It would be like saying we built this computer 10 years ago and it could connect to the internet but now we just can't connect to it anymore because we don't have the technology....say what?...

Or building a plane...flying it for 10 years and then all of a sudden plane can't fly no more...... Makes zero sense and anyone who still believes we went to the moon is still asleep .

Just look at the many interviews with the astronauts, they can never get their stories straight weather they saw stars or it was pitch black....the shadows are another anomaly you can't can't fake simple physics with the shadows going in different directions unless you have different light sources.

Its the same thing with the mars rover...give me a fucking break... Wall-E has been driving around there for the last 4 years with no battery research...(sorry, solar power is impossible) We land this thing on the first try with little effort...please And then there is this guy who is head of the project and has zero idea what in the hell he's talking about Its almost like they took him off the street and said ill give you 20 bucks if you do this interview

I'm sorry . . ...

you just don't lose or tape over one of the most important feats in history like NASA claims (kind of convenient you think) just doesn't happen.

Either way, it is completely absurd that we haven't gone back with an international team and HD cameras.

No it's not an experiment, maybe it was placed here to terraform our planet by tides. We were already here

Go get an education for christ sakes. Moon landing deniers give this subreddit such a bad look.

The perfect chance to make my patented, out-of-this-world, space-age mooooon waffle!

How many times does US claim to have landed on the moon?

Why is there exists on limited amount of proof today that we landed on the moon less times than we actually have? Seriously I am starting to think that we only went to the moon once and those who have gone are dead due to deadly effects of space travel without complicated shielding technology. First moon landing could well and truly have been faked, as currently they just "lost" footage, destoeryed footage, lost data for landing sites, or cant find landing all the landing sites? How stupid is that? The most important human accomplishment in history just sort of gets mishandled like trash. Just way too many questions regarding the whole process, far too many inconsistencies to believe that official moon story is all there is to it. They are def hiding things, probably because its so fucking dangerous outside our planetary safety that going out into space is a task that a little more complex than to just shoot capsule that lands. POint is science is precise, there are record keeping going back to ancient egypt and greece and athens, yet they expect us to believe that something careless has happened to a good portion of scientific documentation needed for such events. Yeah oops, we just sort of dont knwo where the landings are, but we have images of one or two of the sites? But not all other them. Definitely not the original one, the most important and significant one. Or am I wrong?

There is nothing on the moon worth going there for. There are lots of speculation, and until we have multiple sources cross referenced its all pure speculation. The question also becomes about price, it costs to much to invest into the moon even at this time, as the tech just isnt there. So even if we start sending landers and drones and people onto the moon, there is no commercial application just yet, and wont be for decades. So its pointless investing time into it. Its not going anywhere just yet. But point is, until RUssia, China and others go to the moon, and confirm through their data, we really dont have a legitimate way of knowing the truth. As atm its a single source, and a bunch of rover data.

Lastly, hollow earth hollow moon, who cares right? Goes back to the point that either our understanding o the universe is still ongoing endeavor, and we dont have the tech of space travel all this is speculation. Even to this day, popular science on astronomical and space data is glamorised. Reality it is just glimpses of light and its spectrum to determine whats outside our solar system. We are looking at the universe through a lenses of telescopes, we really are not seeing anything visually discernible, its all scientific data and artists interpretations. Reality is humanity is still at such an early age, we have only had computers for less than 100 years. We just dont know. Speculation into alien involvement is fun and all, but realistically our own arrogance leads us to believe we are more than we are. and we are just stuck on this rock for the foreseeable future.

First moon landing could well and truly have been faked, as currently they just "lost" footage, destoeryed footage, lost data for landing sites, or cant find landing all the landing sites? How stupid is that? The most important human accomplishment in history just sort of gets mishandled like trash.

100% bullshit. The info that was lost was the higher quality version of the original Apollo 11 live feed. They were overwritten in the 80s during a tape shortage. We still have the lower quality version of the same tapes and pictures of the higher quality version.

We also have some pretty nice pictures of all of the landing sites.

You should give the game Kerbal Space Program a try.

So aliens can terraform a planet, build a moon for a base to hide and observe, figure out space travel to even get here but couldn't figure out a cloaking mechanism as primitive as ours using cameras to impose the space around them? Why even build a secret moon base and terraform a planet when you're just gonna cruise around in the open for anyone to see? If they've observed us for thousands of years, seen our technological progression you would think, maybe we shouldn't drive around in our lighted spacecraft right next to these beings that just built a rocket and launched it into space and sent it a few hundred thousand miles to our base to investigate...?

Seriously lol

The moon was made as big as it is because it is undoubtedly moving away from the earth at a substantial rate. Somebody was thinking "man this planet is almost perfect. All it needs is a satellite to fill in the missing pieces"

why are scientists now saying “we don’t have the technology to go to the moon. We had it in the 60’s but we don’t anymore.” Huh? Say what?

Who is saying that?

Click the link I provided.

I was hoping you had something else, because that video just shows one person saying that it would be difficult & expensive to make Moon-capable rockets, as we scrapped the ones we had.

our environment, our bodies, they're engineered. it is intelligent design the reality we live in. ME proves this.

The aliens won't let humanity. William Tompkins stated that it's an interstellar hub for ETs to basically talk about stellar-politics.

Just WTF? How could we have the technology in the 60’s but we don’t have it anymore?

Or the fact that Operation Paperclip German Physicists were vastly superior to our ZOG based physics.

Diversity hiring at its finest.

Our moon is the weirdest object in our solar system

TFW you're the moon Japheth and you still aren't recognized as the weirdest thing out there ;(

Our moon is the weirdest object in our solar system

TFW you're the moon Japheth and you still aren't recognized as the weirdest thing out there ;(

Referencing anything from a website called woowoomedia isn't helping your misguided cause.

This may sound idiotic but the first connection my mind made was the quote from Star Wars “that’s no moon, that’s a space station”. Star Wars was released in 77. Maybe they did this to make the idea of space travel seem like fiction, to get our minds off it. That quote subtly makes us think that a moon actually being a space station is as preposterous as the rest of the aliens and technology in Star wars

Except we never went there in the first place

Yo, you crazy.

But I enjoyed the read. Better than all the tired political crap.

Did Neil Armstrong ever really appear publicly later in life?

His interviews seem really weird, like he's disturbed or something.

Almost like having conspiracy theorists scream that he's a liar and a Nazi for decades had some sort of negative affect on his mental health, or something.

I don't think people were questioning it back then, I'm sure he was questioned a lot about what he saw but I highly doubt people would question wasn't exactly the age of conspiracy.

From my research, ''THEY'' told the Astronauts.....NEVER COME BACK!


You guys really gonna believe that ALIENS assisted us to the moon? No wonder conspiracy theorists are portrayed as crazy. The moon landings were FAKED. As to why they were faked it's to solidify the dominance of the United States in peoples minds. Also it was a fuck you to the everyday person telling them they aren't smart enough to realize it was faked. And thirdly, they laundered that money into their own bank accounts. COMMON SENSE

Our moon is the weirdest object in our solar system. First off, it is in a near perfect circular orbit around the earth, something that is very, very rare in the whole universe.

Actually, that's not true. The moon's orbit is eliptical, and highly irregular.


Whereas the other planets have tiny moons orbiting them (relative to the size of the planet), our is MASSIVE in relative size. It is more than a quarter the size of earth.

That's because our moon formed differently. Jupiter's many, relative-to-it-tiny moons, for example, formed from coalescing space dust as the solar system first formed. Our moon, however, is the remnant of a a collision between the early Earth and another planet.


Our moon is the perfect size and the perfect distance from the earth to cause a perfect eclipse.

That's only true right now. The moon is slowly getting farther away from the earth ( which means that in the past, it was closer. In other words, in the past, the moon was much larger than necessary for a total eclipse, and in several million years, the moon will be too far away for a perfect eclipse.

The moon never rotates from our perspective. In other words, we always see the same face of the moon even though it is orbiting the earth and in turn, the moon and the earth are both orbiting the sun. It’s almost as if someone planned it that way. Hmmm….

That phenomenon is called tidal locking, and it occurs when a satellite's orbital period is the same as its rotational period. The moon does rotate, it's just that it rotates at the same speed at which it orbits the earth. Tidal locking is not at all rare. Pluto and Charon are tidally locked, for instance.


There are many scientific evidence that suggests the moon maybe hollow. This is not wild speculation or a conspiracy theory. The moon is lighter than it should be.

Nothing "should be" in science. Science is observational, not suppositional.

The moon's mean density is 3.34 gm/cm3 (3.34 times an equal volume of water) whereas the Earth's is 5.5.

Density and lightness are different, tangentially related things, however, the Earth's moon is noteworthily the second most-dense moon in the solar system.


Not sure what the density of water has to do with anything.

Hell, even PhD’s are claiming that it could be made of metal and could be hollow.

Anything could be. The moon could be a super sophisticated projected hologram. But proper scientific rigor demands we base our beliefs on what can be proven, not what is possible.

It also doesn't matter that the person cited in that article has a Ph.D. Someone having a position of authority or generally being smart doesn't mean that what they say is true. They still have to prove their claims. Check this out...

Now if all this weirdness hasn’t convinced you that the moon is not what you think it is, I don’t know what will.

Hard evidence. "Weirdness" (which there really is none because I debunked all your claims) does not meet scientific rigor.

So, then what is it? Could it be an observation deck? Could it have been placed there on purpose to secretly observe how life developed and evolved on earth? Could our planet be just a one big biological experiment? Could the aliens have planted the seeds of life on earth and setup an observatory deck to see how it develops?

Absolutely. All of those things are 100% possible. But you'd need to prove that they're the case. They're really fun to think about, and with such an imagination you may seriously want to consider writing science fiction. But again, you'd need to prove any of those claims to, erm, prove them.

Let’s just ditch the idea that the moon landing was a hoax. I know some people are passionate about this, but for the sake of this article, let’s just ignore that theory. So if we went to the moon multiple times from 1969 to 1972, why are scientists now saying “we don’t have the technology to go to the moon. We had it in the 60’s but we don’t anymore.” Huh? Say what?

Just WTF? How could we have the technology in the 60’s but we don’t have it anymore?

Because transporting humans from Earth to the Moon is a specific undertaking that requires specific, purpose-built and expensive technology which doesn't last for decades. He wasn't saying it's literally impossible to go to the moon, he was saying we simply don't have an Apollo-like craft just laying around to use. That clip is short and out-of-context, and sometimes people like to use out-of-context clips to misrepresent others. Be wary of that. Unfortunately I couldn't find a full version of that interview in a few minutes of googling.

Why is there suddenly a layer of deadly radiation called the Van Allen Belts that would kill any astronauts leaving the earth’s orbit today, but didn’t kill them in the 60’s?

Well, that's a bit like asking "why are cigarettes all of a sudden bad for you? Doctors in the 1950s used to endorse smoking, now they say it causes cancer. Why did cancer all of a sudden appear in the 1950s?"

The Van Allen belt existed back then, we just didn't understand it as well, and to be frank, cared a lot less about the safety and well-being of our astronauts back then. Radition exposure increases your likelihood of developing cancer, but it doesn't happen instantaneously. The Apollo astronauts simply took the risk. They weighed the superiority of America over Russia as being more important than their own personal health. We care more about individual astronauts health these days, and have much less motivation to go anywhere outside of Earth besides the ISS. I mean, there's really no reason for humans to go to the moon right now, so why risk it? It's not worth the financial and health risk.

The answer lies in the fact that there are countless evidence that the entire moon landings from start to finish were carefully observed by alien entities. We have photos of objects floating above the astronauts as they walked on the moon.

Floating objects are not evidence of aliens. There's a number of possible explanations. It could be time-travellers, Russians, psychics, gods, ghosts, a hoax, artifacts of the filming process. We don't know.

Heck, even good ol’ Buzz Aldrin admitted seeing something while on the moon. We even have videos of astronauts trying to contain their shock as they notice strange objects above them while they were on the moon.

Again, UFOs are unquestionably real. But that just means "unidentified flying object." If you gained flying superpowers and zipped around, and were picked up on an air traffic controller's radar, you'd be a UFO. You need to prove that UFOs are aliens, it doesn't naturally and logically follow that UFOs are aliens. You'd have to prove the existence of intelligent aliens in the first place, of course, which is a pretty big task in and of itself.

So what does all this mean? Yup. Gonna say it. The moon landings were accomplished with the assistance of aliens Call me crazy because even I think it is. But this is the only explanation my tiny mind can come up with to answer all of the mysteries listed above.

As I hope you can see, I've demonstrated that they aren't actually mysteries. There are also many possible explanations. Your inability to find others is due to your bad sources (the sites and Youtube channels you linked are very bad sources of information) and lack of extensive rigor.

Why would they do this? Well, I’d imagine that too many questions were being asked about the moon. If people started noticing that the moon is a big ole spaceship, the aliens would have a problem with the ongoing secret observation of our development on earth. So they assisted NASA in getting to the moon so they can walk around the surface like children and report back to the ignorant earthlings “Yup, the moon is just a rock”. LOL.

Again, you'd need some massive proof to demonstrate that to be the case, and "hmm, lotsa weird stuff about that moon" isn't proof.

But things are a changing. Our technology is advancing rapidly. They’re not gonna be able to keep it a secret much longer. We will reveal the truth about the moon very very soon. (I hope)

Again, that assumes there's a truth to reveal, which you haven't demonstrated.

Supposedly the U.S. and Russia will be working together to build a moon base soon so maybe there will be many more visits to come.


Any link to those photos of the UFOs that isn't an article that needs to be unlocked with a survey?

I don't mean to be insulting with this: why believe it's a conspiracy based on no evidence when there's so much actual evidence to the contrary?

Our moon is the weirdest

I stopped reading right there. Garbage post probably full of nonsense. If you think the moon is the weirdest object your not qualified to talk about anything related to space

You are not missing anything. His hole post is actually debunked by his own links.

Great post mate..

Gonna sink my teeth into this after I've ranked up on overwatch and had indian take away for tea..

Yup. I'm a nerd..

are eclipses planned and given to us in advance? what about the craters on the moon? some are really really big are those just dents?

5 seconds of research tells me that our moon is in fact only slightly above average in terms of size, relative to other moons in our solar system:

Relative to size of the planet it is high, but still nothing extreme relative to other moons in the universe (or even pluto's).

We can only see one face of the moon because of tidal locking, a natural phenomenon that has perfectly reasonable scientific explanations and occurs to many moons, including others in our solar system.

All that shit is fake bruh.

Or maybe aliens put the Belt there to land lock us

Years ago while at taco bell with a friend some guy outside the building starts yelling then walks in, sits RIGHT in our booth next to us then for the next hour went on about all sorts of conspiracy theories etc One of the conspiracies he mentioned was that the moon was some sort of secret space station or whatever used by the jews to observe earth. Hopefully it's neither and just a rock, but I really hope it's especially not space jews.

Space Jews. Lol. Literally Rick Moranus in Space Balls.

On the issue of tidal lock (same moon facing us always) I think of mercury which is in near tidal lock and venus which slowly turns clockwise as opposed to counterclockwise like most other planets. Have you heard of the Thunderbolts project youtube channel? Their theory of an electric universe intersects with the issue of planet X/nibiru and they have some interesting takes on the subject

Thunderbolts project youtube channel?

Nope but I'll check it out! Thanks.

beautiful, you wrote out what I thought.

Because it does what a good conspiracy theory should - it apprehends an inconsistency in a public narrative, and offers an explanation that is found at least mildly credible by a non-negligible subset of those who view or consider it.

It may not offer much tangible proof, but that's not really at all a necessary condition for qualifying as a decent theory.

Why should we go back?


Harvesting mineral resources (H3 on the moon) and asteroids will be the future.

A single captured asteroid is worth trillions

In one of the videos the guy says they can’t go because they destroyed the technology

do we know they haven't been going? could they have secret missions? I'm intrigued by the observation idea. i don't think we needed alien technology then to get there though. maybe they went and did a whole lot more than they told us and continue to do more without our knowledge. maybe they are playing it off like it's too difficult now to go for funding or technological reasons to keep people from asking questions.

That comes with R&D, not going to the moon with the overly expensive technology we have now.

And how do we generate R&D...?

As I stated previously its getting cheaper and cheaper to go to space and the cost per kg is getting cheaper and cheaper.

Utilize it how? It would cost trillions to get any materials up there, never mind the life support to actually support any activity there.

And if aliens supposedly did use material from the earth making it "hollow" there wouldn't be a magnetic field, or volcanic activity, or anything

And how do we capture that H3, store it in a space vehicle and transport it back? How do we make it worthwhile when I've already told you it costs hundreds of thousands to transport even a single KG?

You don't think the top minds of space programs haven't considered it already?

I heard it being discussed on Coast to Coast in the 90s. It's been considered and it's been rejected.

There was a great post here yesterday (video) about the possibility that craters and channels on the moon were caused by outrageously large electrical discharges. It was a fascinating read.

Somebody obviously ate the red suppository.

I don't know, if you've got one person who can read something, and another person who can't read something, it's probably not the one who can read who is "a fucking dipshit."

Rule #10