What most likely happened??

9  2018-02-03 by two_comedians

Obama, DNC, FBI and MSM working together to help Hillary win the election?? Or Donald Trump being a secret Russian spy planted by Putin to win the election and destroy America from the inside out??


What do you think?

I'm asking the question here. What is most likely in your opinion?? Thank you.

I think it is just a series of small favors that all ended up amounting to one really large favor.

Very interesting. Thank you.

Colin Powell's "Hubris" email comes to mind right about now.

Colin should have kept his mouth shut and ran for President. The moment he wrote "hubris" they started attacking his family, his wife in particular.

Colin was toast before that as far as I'm concerned grace...he knew the anthrax threat was false and still pushed it to Congress...I have "some" respect for the man..but he lost alot of my respect for that.

Can you think of anyone that was more authentic back then, though? I think they got to him. Now I see him on weird MSM talk shows and wonder what the hell happened to him, honestly.

Well, the knowledge in that man's head is alot...and it's alot of info of a very crucial time in this country's history. The patriot act, the war..I can't imagine what he knows...but I know he knows it.

They would kill him and his entire family...without blinking...and he knows that.

As soon as it was hinted that he would be a good candidate, his wife was drug around the press for having schizophrenia. He passed up the tap because he was worried about his family, in my opinion.

I didn't know about his wife..at least, I don't remember hearing it. That sucks...that is one hell of a mental illness to deal with...for the sufferer and others..he just got some of my respect back.

I respected his judgment. I think he might have ended up as a JFK, though. I think I ended up voting for Nader that election.

i recently pondered that it's likely closer to the movie office space than a season of x-files... tho, billy did tell spacy that house of cards was 95% accurate, except for the speed of progress in getting things done.

The history of politics in America. For the major parties anyway.

The former.

Hmm interesting. Thank you.

What a silly way to phrase a question. You’re making one obviously seem more absurd than the other. Also both could technically happen

Leading questions are silly for those looking for truth.

Hmmm. Thank you.

What’s more likely. Hillary eating babies in a pedo ring or trump tried to get advantage in election by conspiring with Russia?

Just as silly of a question, but people are implying the first as well.

Two interesting questions. Good for another thread. Yes very good.

Hillary sells babies, especially Haitian ones. She doesn't eat them, silly.

Hillary selling babies to rapists is the correct way to phrase your question.

She might not eat them, but she definitely uses pedo rings as blackmail.

You’re making one obviously seem more absurd than the other.

Except for the fact that, that is what certain people and MSM outlets are implying. I agree, it's quite absurd ;)

Because the real word I wanted to use was less constructive.

Thanks for ad hominem attack though!

Which part of my comment was that? Methinks, you are using words you have understanding of ;)

Thanks for your feedback. Personally, I would rather talk about the subject at hand rather than your thoughts of me. Thanks for the thoughts though.

Why did you attack me, then?

Night. Good luck in your journey.

Okie dokie.

You know what they say, Mr. Loves-Cats, don't play chess with a pigeon.

Donnies not working for Putin it's the oligarchs that hold the puppet strings. Russian mafia Israeli's.

Russia..Israel hmm interesting. Thank you.

Hmmmmmm interesting. Thank you.

Hmmmmmm interesting. Thank you.

I think the former is more likely.

However, I think it is possible that Russia saw/sees Trump as preferable to a Clinton presidency. And may have sought to attempt to influence the American public to vote for Trump through social media manipulation. Whether that equates to collusion or not.... I personally don't think so.

Thank you for participating.

I actually think Hilary would have been the choice for Russia maybe. She’s easily manipulated so they could have taken all our uranium if they wanted it.

I think that Clinton and the establishment war machine probably wanted war with Russia, or at least the continuing of proxy wars like Syria to prop-up her military industrial backers.

Of course they did.

Yes, they already had goods on HRC and could easily blackmail her. DT is too unpredictable for them.

Well there are WikiLeaks proving msm, dnc, HC, Obama collusion already and FBI texts proving FBI and DOJ collusion.

Very interesting. Thank you.

Stole this from another poster:

The memo describes the process by which the government got a secret warrant under the law that governs the secret court, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, for Mr. Page. The process, which is supervised closely by senior U.S. officials and a federal judge, required several layers of approval from top FBI and Justice Department officials.

At least two of those renewals occurred while Mr. Trump was president and at least one was authorized by a Justice Department official he appointed. A person familiar with the matter said that four separate federal judges approved the surveillance of Mr. Page, and all of those judges were appointed by Republican presidents.

The memo is critical of Mr. Steele and notes that prosecutors in their application for the warrant didn’t explicitly state that he was working for a firm funded by Democrats. But the FISA application did disclose Mr. Steele was being paid by a law firm working for a major political party, according to a person familiar with the matter. Redacting the names of U.S. people or organizations who aren’t the subject of an investigation is a common practice in government legal filings, designed to protect privacy.

Incredible. Excellent summary of this whole charade - 4 bylines even.

We already know both Reps and Dems were completely against Trump even since the primaries. McCain, initially paid for dossier, a Rep, (like Rep appointed judges, etc.) Both parties are captured through lobbying, blackmail, whatever. Incredible is right, the corruption exceeds marination.

“According to a person familiar with the matter”.

I’m sorry but I refuse to take an article seriously that uses “a person familiar with the matter” as a source. What a fucking joke!

No one says the reps are on his team, js they are part of the swamp as well.

A person familiar with the matter said.. Nope, thanks but not buying it. Don't like Trump but I don't support fake news either.

The first one just makes no sense considering what happened.

The FBI letter talking about reopening an investigation into Hillary arguably lost her the election. Why would they do that and also not say anything about an ongoing investigation into her opponent if they supported her?

Because Anthony Weiner's newly found laptop had more emails.

Bingo! "Life insurance".

Please pick which is more likely.

The second, as the first is clearly impossible.

Lmao "impossible". Around these parts, we've been warning about this sort of thing since the Patriot Act. It was only a matter of time.

So if the FBI wanted Hillary to win, why did they not reveal damaging information on her opponent, and also just flat out lose her the election?

They tried. What do you think obtaining a fraudulent warrant was all about? This means your greatest fear is true: Trump is squeaky clean.

But they didn't. Did you see the memo and what's been talked about it? The warrant was definitely not fraudulent.

Yes it was. It’s purpose was to surveil Trump. It was dressed up as Carter Page is a spy with evidence coming from the DNC which Clinton then controlled. Moreover once they had the bugs everyone got unmasked by Obama admin ...then information was put into databases so info could get back to Hillary campaign. Its not just one act, you have to put all the pieces together. It diabolical.

Because there’s no dirt on Trump which is why people in power who hate him can’t seem to have him arrested or impeached. Cleaner than a nuns sheets.

Well clearly there's a lot of dirt on Trump.

If you think the FBI is the reason Hillary lost then you are living in a dream world.

But it's literally part of the reason why she lost. If that letter was never released, she very likely would have won the election. People forget how ridiculously close it was.

Your opinion is based on the assumption that our elections are democratic and fair to begin with. And as the Democrats proved in the primary, our election process is far from democratic and transparent. The point you’re missing is that Trump wasn’t supposed to win, and he did.

Yeah, and if that letter was never released, he wouldn't have.
He still kind of lost. The electoral college is the only reason why he's in office.

Once again, I don’t believe our elections are democratic or fair. Therefore the “numbers” presented by the MSM regarding the election mean NOTHING to me.

Ok, believe what you want to believe. If that was all meaningless and the numbers meant nothing, then how did Trump win? You're making no sense man.

Honestly, I have no idea how Trump won. I would not be surprised if the plan was for him to win all along, as a means of creating more division between the American people; by perpetuating this two party scam. At the end of the day, the Democrats and Republicans are on the same team. It’s always been the “have’s” vs. the “have-nots”, always will be.

Ok, then I guess that means the FBI, MSM, and all the others were not colluding with Hillary.

Because if they were that explicit they’d be hanging already. Politics is cloak and dagger. You’ve got to make it look a certain way. They went for “Russian spy” instead.

No, that's stupid. They literally just lost her the election. No one would have said anything if they just waited to release the letter until after the election.

No I think your version is incredibly naive. It was a calculated risk as they new If they had to reopen and then try to close the investigation after her election then it would be much harder, independent counsel time. They thought they could take care of it once and for all at the eleventh hour ... you’ll see, the email thing isn’t even close to over. The truth will come out and you’ll see the extent of the cover up.

No, that's even stupider. Right before the election is where it matters most. It would literally make zero sense whatsoever for them to release it then. The FBI guy who was fired from the Mueller investigation apparently was specifically against its release at that time because he thought it would influence the outcome of the election and the FBI is not supposed to do that.

If they waited until after the election was over, it wouldn't matter if they released it or not because she would already be President.

If they actually wanted her to win, they would have either never released that letter or released it late, and also revealed that they were investigating an effort by the Russian government to influence the election in favor of Trump.

Your idea makes no sense from beginning to end. The FBI made pretty much every wrong decision if their plan was for Hillary to win.

You are a fool if you believe that. Conspiracies don’t involve everyone. Comey HAD to do something or the FBI rank and file would have gone apeshit over new Weiner evidence and senior leaders doing nothing until after the election. So they made it look like the did something ... they figured quick exoneration was better option than scandal and that Hillary was going to win no matter. It’s not incompetence it’s calculated and it didn’t work out for them as they hoped. We’ll get the truth on the emails you’ll see. It’s why Comey is acting like a cornered animal.

Come on man, what you're saying is completely ridiculous. You're talking out of your ass and are literally just making shit up at this point.

So you're saying that Comey himself may have had political opinions on the election, but didn't let them influence his actions and he and the FBI still acted in a way that harmed Hillary and indirectly favored Trump? So, what's the conspiracy?

I honestly feel sad for you ... maybe at some point you will wake up and put the pieces together for yourself.

You think this is just one or two events that led to Trump’s miracle win. Some incompetence here or there at the FBI, some Russians pushing fake info to Wikileaks to sway an unsuspecting public. Yet ALL AROUND YOU are disturbing patterns that something is deeply amiss. A financial takeover of the DNC, rigged debates, secret dossiers from even more secret organizations with ties to FBI and DOJ, planted news stories, a hysterical one sided press, race baiting, allegations of Russian spying, nefarious wiretapping, now talk of a constitutional crisis ... how can you not see how desperately the secrets are being defended? If Trump were truly an idiot and the Dems truly the righteous ones we would be having simple policy debates where the dems could run roughshod over him ... but we are not. Instead the debate is over TREASON. Ask yourself why. With elections every two years ... why, why, why.

But you can continue to think Comey and co were just foolish ... that that’s what caused Hillary to lose. That these wiretap things are just republican hot air. That’s your right. But you are missing what’s playing out right in front of your nose.

So you have literally 0 evidence for your claim that the FBI was supporting Hillary against Trump, I have provided ample evidence that that there is no support for her from the FBI, and you still keep pushing it. Why? Even by your own comments you basically admit that their isn't something there.

You think this is just one or two events that led to Trump’s miracle win.

When did I say that? I merely said that if the FBI letter had never been released, Hillary probably would have won, and that's true.

Yeah, there is a lot of shit going on, and who is at the center of it and causing a ton of it? Who is the narcissistic idiot encouraging the chaos?

Nah man, she still would have lost. And Thank god she didn’t win. Trump’s an oaf to be sure but that witch would have been a thousand times worse and our republic would have never recovered.

Keep turning your head to the Democrats corruption, keep pretending it’s not there, side with the fascists and the police state. You keep believing those lies ... that’s your right. It’s a path that will lead nowhere but more misery for you.

Damn, you are patient sir. Good.

clearly important

Alright dude, keep in fantasy land where the Democrats are pure and clean and Republicans are evil and corrupt. When anyone who reads a tiny bit knows that both are fucked up and if you stick to one you're completely being played aka you're a fool.

Actually, the first one makes a lot of sense. To say that the FBI reopening the investigation into Hillary’s emails is what lost her the election is just flat out incorrect.

I’m pretty sure she lost the election because she and her cronies stole the primary from Bernie, and then proceeded to run the worst campaign in the history of U.S. politics. It didn’t help her case that she is the walking definition of D.C. establishment, and to be honest, I think a lot of people like myself decided not to vote for her when she said “It’s my turn to be president”! Like, who the fuck in their right mind says something like that? This isn’t duck duck goose...

And you ask why they wouldn’t say anything about the investigation into Trump’s collusion with Russia? Maybe because the FISA warrant was obtained because Comey and McCabe signed off on it knowing full well that the dossier used to request the warrant was based on false information and completely fabricated. Maybe they didn’t want everyone to know they were spying on Trump and his transition team (you know, because it’s illegal).

To say that the FBI reopening the investigation into Hillary’s emails is what lost her the election is just flat out incorrect.

No, it's actually not. The timing of it, and the margin she lost be shows it. If that letter had never been released, she would have won. There were obviously other factors, but to deny that is ridiculous.

Maybe because the FISA warrant was obtained because Comey and McCabe signed off on it knowing full well that the dossier used to request the warrant was based on false information and completely fabricated.

Except that's just not true.

Comey had to walk a dangerous line. The Weiner emails had to be dealt with in order to appear to follow the rule of law yet they knew it could sink her in the long run, even after she got elected. A quick open and shut was their best option.

That is a false dichotomy.

I'm going to be the Debbie Downer and say that it is Trump and Putin trying to keep the western world safe from threats from being taken over by China and are working hard to even the economy out by taking elite pedophilia, human-currency and its inherent blackmail potential out of the game.

Interesting. Good theory for another thread. Yes very good. Thank you.

Uhh, this isn't good for your thread?

I like this theory.

Yes.. Maybe Russian "collusion" isn't so bad. I've never seen the Russians as a threat. Actually I quite like them. If I could have only one country on my team I would probably pick Russia.

Because Russia is the bastion of free speech, open elections, the free market and ethics, in general. FFS, I said I was going to stop engaging with you, but seriously, this is just TOO MUCH to stay silent. Wow.

Do you want me to send you a link to a story about the unsolved murder of the DNC leaker, Seth Rich?

I'm in no way saying the American government isn't guilt of war crimes, treason, conspiracies.

But your comment is so nationalist that I can't even. "The western world" "safe" from the threats of commie China. It's just so... 1950s.

I have no idea how someone can make the claim that Trump and Putin are trying to stop threats with a straight face. For some reason, people forget that Trump is part of the elites they like to complain about. Putin is a thug.

The first one is the one that most likely happened.

Option 1.

Also--and I only say this because stats is a hobby of mine--what do you mean when you say "more likely"? How are you quantifying that?

The Republican establishment treated Trump like a Pariah during the primaries, leading up until the convention. They treated Trump like a pariah so it is their fault he was surrounded by pariahs. Remember Trump feared the establishment would try to steal the nomination at the convention so he had no choice but to hire Manafort. Every republican with experience was on the never Trump train so Trump had no choice but to use Papadoplaos and Carter Page. The Military Industrial Complex didn't like Trump so he ended up with Flynn and his coocoo son.

Outside of the Mercers who besides Trump's kids are actually loyal to him? All these other people who are becoming states witnesses, or pleading quilty for plea deals, they aren't Trump people. They are just people Trump got stuck with.

Manafort was an insurance policy planted by the Uniparty GOPe. Like McCain.

The problem with the second one is that if a sane person was going to pick someone to use as a possible POTUS mole, why on earth would they pick Trump. Even his supporters didn't really expect him to win.

It's pretty clear at this point that it's the former

Obama, DNC, FBI and MSM working together to help Hillary win the election.....add Deep State Bush operatives as well once Jeb dropped out. Power always has a few players in the game.

Bushes & Clintons have been joined at the hip since way back in Arkansas. Clinton as a young man just as he becomes governor acts a little too cozy with Bush Sr. up in Kennebunkport & onward.

That was the start of corporate Dems acting like conservatives. It was a trick to move perception rightward & it worked.

Both tbh.

Oh, I get it now, obviously the first one is NOT WHAT HAPPENED because Hillary didn't win. /s

Who was already busted rigging the primaries? Who was busted lying about the dnc being unbiased? Who silenced Bernie supporters at the convention? Who bused in out of state voters? Who rigged the Nevada primary? Who went to all the old folks home to get votes? Who called the voters stupid in emails? Who said the election could not be hacked or interfered with a month before the election (hint, it was Obama)? Who gave debate questions to Hillary? Who screamed Russia the day after they lost? Who coined fake news when pizzagat3 started to gain traction? Who asked if Assange could be drone striked?

Inconvenient truths for some.

Who made us all hear those questions?

All of this. The funny thing is the silent majority have disowned the Democratic party. I personally was a bernie supporter early in the election. I am a person that would be in between both parties. But because of all the scandals I am a lifetime non supporter of the Democratic party. It may come to a Republican and X party in the future. Only time will tell.

Which one is supported with documents, and which one is based on 4chan fanfic?

The first one. We see it all the time in other countries with a powerful single party in control. Sad that it is our county too ... guess power just corrupts.


Its all just theater. They are all on the same team.

Interesting. Good theory for another thread. Yes very good. Thank you.

I like this theory.

Yes.. Maybe Russian "collusion" isn't so bad. I've never seen the Russians as a threat. Actually I quite like them. If I could have only one country on my team I would probably pick Russia.

Because Russia is the bastion of free speech, open elections, the free market and ethics, in general. FFS, I said I was going to stop engaging with you, but seriously, this is just TOO MUCH to stay silent. Wow.

Honestly, I have no idea how Trump won. I would not be surprised if the plan was for him to win all along, as a means of creating more division between the American people; by perpetuating this two party scam. At the end of the day, the Democrats and Republicans are on the same team. It’s always been the “have’s” vs. the “have-nots”, always will be.

Damn, you are patient sir. Good.