Russian fighter jet 'shot down' in Syria

33  2018-02-03 by Magic_Runes

USA and Israel Conduct Military Drills - Coincidence? Or chess moves on the World Map?


"Syria rebels 'shoot down Russian plane' in north-west Idlib province" -

"Russian fighter jet 'shot down' in Syria's Idlib province" -

"Russian fighter jet is shot down by Syrian rebels before bursting into flames amid claims the pilot has been taken captive after ejecting" -

OP, you could have included a link in the body of your text post.

Link title: Russian fighter jet 'shot down' in Syria's Idlib province

fuck can we just stop with this already

This coming from a person who submitted a post asking if Trump is a troll or a lizard person.

it's in the conspiracy wheelhouse eh.

Russian collusion my ass.

I wonder how long Russia will put up with this latest illegal incursion by the USA? Turkey's move, and the USA's double-play, is just cover to funnel more weapons and disaster into the nation of Syria to keep it destabilized indefinitely. Trump is horrendously despicable. Explicitly lied about how he'd manage Syria. "Leave it to the Russians" he said. Piece of garbage. To hell with Trump, Pence, Tillerson, and the rest of them.

Relax bud, no one cares. No one has, no one will. Now about those Kardashians...

it was a su-25, kind of like our a-10. pretty big deal to shoot one down.

Not really. The handheld anti air launcher can take down the smallest of planes to the largest. If it hits, the plane is going down regardless

I know right? I feel like every week we hear about a russian su-25 getting shot down.

Oh wait.... Might this be the first one in years?????????? How did that happen? You think jihad just got some new bad ass surface to air? Fuck no. United States is escalating the war in Syria that's why this is big fucking news.

I'm not surprised it happens the fly very low, still a lucky shot with a igala, I remember a video from a few days ago they were shooting aa guns and the tracer rounds just missing the jets. It was in Idlib too. Btw what is the conspiracy? They were on video shooting it down and it's not like igala is some weapon that's hard to get a hold of in Syria some guy was selling on in Idlib a few days ago on telegram lol

Jets get shot down sometimes, its part of war. Part of western arrogance is thinking they have complete air superiority over there and will never find a challenge on the ground, even though they have provided MANPADs to rebel groups themselves so...

The United States and Israel need to clear the fuck out of Syria.

Decent human beings don't want to see another Libya.

NSFW. Poilot not wanting to be taking alive