This Sub Is Getting Shilled Hard... Truth Being Suppressed?

9  2018-02-04 by Xatos1337

I'm not going to lie; I hate Reddit, and I always have. For the most part Reddit feels like a band of teenagers who find little safe-spaces (subs) where they circle-jerk eachother and ban/suppress opposing views. Reddit has never been a bastion of free speech, and we know that. This isn't a secret.

I've always liked this sub though (and it always encouraged open minds and removing political bias) and I read it a lot more often than I respond or contribute. Lately though? I'm seeing this place get shilled HARD. I'm seeing a lot of left-leaning, anti-conservative political bullshit on here that looks like it belongs in r/politics. I'm also seeing the comments reflect a clear bias and hatred of the right, the GOP, and the President. I'm seeing open-minded comments (neutral in nature) being downvoted into oblivion when someone simply doesn't go full-bore in agreement with these liberal leanings.

This place is literally starting to look like a spinoff of /r/politics. Honest comments and threads are being downvoted, while one-liner poltical hack lines are being +voted over 300. What the fuck? This is total bullshit. It didn't use to be this way.

What the fuck happened? Is the deep state so damaged that they're now even brigading subs like /r/conspiracy because the truth is finally getting out to the masses?

Seems like there's an OBVIOUS hoard around here trying to control the narrative. This place is changing a lot, and it's changing fast, and it's very pro-liberal politics and anti-anything else.

This feels extremely dangerous.

EDIT: Appreciate the comments everyone. I think the downvotes on this thread vs the comments received pretty much prove the point.

This sub has been infiltrated by hard-leftists in an attempt to control the narrative. Not a single down-vote managed to voice their reasoning for doing so.


I agree, and It twas', the Great Normie Invasion.

'twas is a contraction of 'it was' just FYI

There also is such a thing on reddit as a PM, just FYI.

Shills on both sides.

Didn't say there wasn't. I did say, though, there's an obvious shilling campaign going on, and it's being dominated by the left.

And it's obvious.

No doubt, its always been shills on both sides, but what you said in the post in exactly what Ive been feeling the last few weeks on conspiracy

Sounds like you want to censor conspiracy theorists who lean left.

If the upvote/downvote fairies didn't follow you everywhere you go..I would say you have a point...

Now I just call out the bullshit...

Most of my comments hover around 1. People are free to look at my comment history.

So your comment is just a way of trying to discredit me.

Why do you want to do that?

Not trying to discredit you...but you do seem to be on this sub for one reason only. Politics. Take it however you want.

Let me ask you some questions. Seeing as how you seem to love "political conspiracies"...

Why did the DOJ under Lynch sign off on immunities for Hillary's staff? Why were immunities given in the first place? How did Loretta Lynch manage to not recuse herself after the tarmac meeting? Why did Loretta Lynch then break from procedure/protocol and give Comey the authority to assess guilt? Why did Comey then break from protocol and make the decision of whether or not Hillary was guilty of a crime.

Why wasn't a special prosecutor brought in to avoid a of that? .

but you do seem to be on this sub for one reason only.

And what reason is that? Because I talk about a variety of stuff here. And don't try and backpedal and say you aren't trying to discredit me, because you are.

You obviously prefer me not to be here and I would love to know why.

Why did the DOJ under Lynch sign off on immunities for Hillary's staff?

To get them to testify.

How did Loretta Lynch manage to not recuse herself after the tarmac meeting?

Weird wording, but she should have recused herself, and it was fucking dumb that she didn't.

Why did Loretta Lynch then break from procedure/protocol and give Comey the authority to assess guilt?

From my understanding that's what the FBI does. They recommend charges of indictment, and the DOJ chooses if they listen to the recommendation or not.

Why wasn't a special prosecutor brought in to avoid a of that?

There definitely should have been one.

Now again, why don't you want people like me on here who lean left?

I'm not backpedaling on obviously like to assume you know everything about somebody..I don't want an echo chamber here..

You accused somebody of trying to censor a group just because they aired a perceived grievance they have.

Testifying was not the only reason...immunities were also given to secure laptops. Something the FBI has every right to do without offering immunity.

As for your other can say that all you want right here and now..

But as far as I can believe the memo has no merit whatsoever because Nunes is a partisan hack..

Complete failure of critical/logical/honest thinking imo.

If you didn't agree with what Comey and Lynch did to avoid a special prosecutor...then how on earth can you be sure they didn't assist in signing off on unwarranted surveillance?

How can you not even admit it's a possibility after what you just told me?

you obviously like to assume you know everything about somebody.

Just like you made an assumption of me and tried to get the community here against me?

I don't want an echo chamber here

I don't like echo chambers here which is why I hate discussions in /r/politics.

You accused somebody of trying to censor a group just because they aired a perceived grievance they have.

I left room for him to clarify his stance. But, his post is blatantly just attacking one side of the community here and implying that we should be suspicious of anyone that is from the left.

As for your other can say that all you want right here and now..

What does that even mean?

But as far as I can believe the memo has no merit whatsoever because Nunes is a partisan hack..

That's correct. That's my view and my opinion. You said that you don't want an echo chamber so you should at least respect my view on this. Feel free to debate with me about it or to believe the opposite, but just because that's my opinion doesn't make me suspect.

Complete failure of critical/logical/honest thinking imo.

That's just a personal attack against me.

If you didn't agree with what Comey and Lynch did to avoid a special prosecutor...then how on earth can you be sure they didn't assist in signing off on unwarranted surveillance?

Because I'm aware of what the process is and they aren't the only ones involved, and I actually pay attention to political news outside of the reddit bubble.

Now again, why don't you want me here? Why are you making these accusations against me? Is it just because I'm critical of Trump and Nunes?

You accuse me of personally attacking you when I say it is my opinion that you fail to apply critical thinking ..while you demand that I respect your right to your own opinion...

I see you don't really want a just want to control the discussion.

I think it's best if I just cease to interact with you.

You accuse me of personally attacking you when I say it is my opinion that you fail to apply critical thinking

Yes, that's a attack on my critical thinking.

while you demand that I respect your right to your own opinion

Yes, you already said that you don't want echo chambers. That implies that you should respect other people's opinion who differ from yours.

I see you don't really want a discussion

I've literally answered all of your questions and commented on each of your statements point by point.

.you just want to control the discussion.

Please explain how I'm trying to control the discussion.

I think it's best if I just cease to interact with you.

You are free to do so.

Perceiving someone else's perception/judgement of your thinking ability as an "attack" is's called criticism.

Go find your safe space.

Bye now.

Perceiving someone else's perception/judgement of your thinking ability as an "attack" is's called criticism.

Yes, criticizing my critical thinking skills instead of talking about the points, is attacking me. It's part of ad hominem tactics.

Go find your safe space.

Again, why do you want me to leave so bad? I thought you don't want echo chambers? I don't want or like echo chambers either.

Bye now.


But as far as I can believe the memo has no merit whatsoever because Nunes is a partisan hack.

I am wondering why you just believe the Nunes memo outright when there is no supporting documentation or intelligence provided. The memo really is nothing more than an opinion and a prop that FOX news can use to waive around on TV and nothing more.

How can you just turn of your critical thinking like this? It really is showing that, as long as something supports your political leanings, you will choose to believe it without any proof and without looking into the research and the other sides of the story (i..e. the Minority Report).

Where do I say I believe the memo outright? More bullshit. Always more bullshit.

I'm the one who hasn't made a decision regarding this because there's not enough information...I'm the one who never commented in any of the memo posts made...the day it was released...what about you?

Have you already made your decision?

I am just following the thread here and noting that you are not coming off as neutral. I am a guy who normally agrees with you (hence your +44 RES score for your commentary and contributions to this sub).

I know that wallowing into the Left/Right political theatre is hard to avoid, and a slippery slope. In the end it is a waste and misdirection of one's energy.

I have been trying to avoid saying anything on the memo, in fact I wish that the mods would have just kept this submission and deleted all the rest of the duplicates that were flooding the sub, because at least the submission I linked was not trying to shitpost a partisan message in the title. It was just a factual, no-spin submission and the only one worthy of being posted to this sub.

And what happened to that wonderful neutral thread? Did it got to r//all...and get totally brigaded by r//politics? Did it get the most comments a post on r//conspiracy has seen in a long time?

Much can be learned from that post.

Much can be learned from that post.

On that we are in complete agreement.

Because the thread we are in was all about politics. Sometimes it makes total sense how some of you are conspiracy lovers. Because your all don’t live in reality.

Really? That's what you got out of this? Sounds like you're part of the problem if this is how to respond to an obvious propaganda campaign to control the narrative. This isn't the place for the thought police.

People will always have different opinions and all opinions should be welcome at all times, but opinion isn't the issue. The hard-left is obviously shilling this sub in an attempt to control the narrative and if you can't fight against that, you're obviously part of the problem.

This isn't the place for the thought police.

So what is your proposal then for the issue?

When the /#ReleaseTheMemo first happened there was like 20 posts on this sub bout it lol, shit was pushed so hard

Yep, the blue team is running a ~700 account botnet here most of the time. If you watch the sub population you can see them drop out or come on occasionally.

And they don't even pay the poor bastards well. Basically slaves duped into hours of cut and paste terrorism all cause they've fallen for the great con of the deep state. That and foreigners, because they can pay them so much less.

Im resting easy knowing that this situation we have in America is completely out of our hands. We can dig/ they can shill. Whatever is going to happen will happen at this point I feel. I'll for sure keep on red pilling though.


It's easy to spot them now...their flying their double standard everywhere they go.

We get to use anonymous don't..

Our facts matter..yours don't.

We get to don't.

We're allowed to're not.

We can keep stating half truths or untruths as can't.

We're allowed to have an're not.

We get to control the don't.

We're allowed to proclaim someone is guilty before its're not.

We get to use don't.

It's strange that it seems whether or not something is a fact depends on whether it's thought to be a fact by the public. I mean, they can come here and demand that the FISA memo, for example, be thought of as a partisan spin of the truth, but wtf does it matter to convince me of that? Because first of all, you won't, and second of all, I'm not a federal judge.

The attempt to control what users on this sub are "allowed to believe" by using the mainstream media as the scale of truth is a dead giveaway.

I want to see it all. They release a partison memo I want to see a rebuttal plus some intelligence information behind it. There is no detail at all in there and I'm guessing the details prob show a different side. Let's not pretend both left and right are playing games on the sub making people take sides. I'm on the side of truth. Giving people a snapshot and letting them debate on classified information that they don't and won't provide is disingenuous. I don't just want what Trump wants me to see or Obama for that matter. We need a real oversight committee.

I do too, but I'm not dismissing it outright because the HPSCI is Republican. I'd like to see the whole picture, but our government has lost all sense of transparency over the last 20 years and it's abuse of power by both parties that is responsible.

What's your idea of a real oversight committee? I'd actually be curious to hear it.

It's gotten to the point where I have to decide if commenting on certain threads is even worth the inevitable attacks.

I'd say that's part of their goal.

Just block them once they reply. Removes their power. You don't even know.

Good idea. Thanks for the reminder.

Pot. Kettle. Black.

That is most certainly part of their goal. Block them and move on.

They want to get you banned from the sub so it dies.. don't get riled up by their baiting.

This is a perfect description of what we are dealing with here!

He's one of THEM....burn the witch (if he floats)

What the fuck happened? Is the deep state so damaged that they're now even brigading subs like /r/conspiracy because the truth is finally getting out to the masses?

Can be called an expansion of mockingbird. Reputation management firms hired by one of the big ones such as rogue intelligence agencies, globalists, partisan politics, Council on Foreign Relations. Source doesn't matter but the impact is pretty noticeable.

It's escalation of tactics seen over on r technology after the domestic spying story broke. Only escalated to overwhelm dialogue.

It requires time and effort to ramp up these efforts. A long running stable sub such as a default are easiest to disrupt. There is time to infiltrate, cut deals with a platform, flood with sock puppet accounts, build tools to interact, and so forth.

It's more difficult to run these campaigns on moving targets. The administrative time necessary to ramp up the effort. First the location has to be identified. Then take a pulse and get a feel for the culture of the place and develop strategies to disrupt. Field test different existing approaches. If the new location is sufficiently off platform, many tools aren't available. Imagine spending hundreds of thousands of man hours developing tools to more quickly operate across reddit. Monitoring for key trigger words or topics, AI supported responses from a narrative bank allowing quick responses an employee can select from and quickly modify.

On a new location there's a window to freely operate, then you move again when needed.

In the conspiracy forum it's still beneficial to engage. But increasingly I've seen side communities split off. If you're a quality contributor, these side efforts will see you and you'll find yourself invited to surprising places.

What the fuck happened? Is the deep state so damaged that they're now even brigading subs like /r/conspiracy because the truth is finally getting out to the masses?

Why not. The right did.

Interesting insights into how this stuff works behind the screens/scenes. Thanks. It’s a much large picture than I had imagined.

I believe much of what you are seeing is r/TopMindsOfReddit brigading.

Over on r/conspiracyundone, most of our bans were of r/TopMindsOfReddit users (We have a rule specifically devoted to them where we ban them after a rule violation.) until they left us alone (complicated story); at least for now.

I highly recommend our sub for supplemental conspiracy material or if you are tired of a conspiracy sub being what you described.

You are right about the comments, not the votes, telling the real story.

There are far more partisan Marxist normies from /r/politics here, than TMOR trolls, imo. TMOR are the brigaders, instigators, and trolls, while the people coming in from /r/politics legit believe in partisan politics, the two party system, and Marxism/Socialism. The only conspiracy they believe in, is that Trump is a cheeto colored Russian spy, or some shit.

Or maybe - crazy thought, hear me out here - people have different views of the world than you do. Insane, I know.

How many times are you going to repeat some variation of this exact comment on threads about this subject?

Probably at least a few more times.

Well at least change it up a little and surprise us. The redundancy must be incredibly boring for you.

Nah, man, I mix it up. But there's only so many variations to the message when I'm basically replying to yet another of the same posts from someone who can't tolerate the idea that people might disagree with him.

Hey, if you think you're convincing any of us here that sees what's going on, then continue wasting your time I guess!

Every time it’s posted. So once a week.

Thanks for reminding me.

As crazy as it may seem, maybe there are just more left leaning members in this sub than right leaning?

It's well known that younger people tend to lean left and younger people are more likely to use the internet. It should not surprise anyone when subs lean politically left. At least ones that do not delete comments or ban people for having opposing views. Looking at you T_D and r/conservative.

The only problem with what you are saying is, that for the most part, the "conspiracy theorist" community has always been more conservative, meaning... a distrust of government, more liberty minded (ie. gov leave us the hell alone), and wanting of a small government or none at all (ie self rule)...

There is an oddity, when people who used to talk about all the evils of government (ie. democide, spying, tyranny, etc etc), get flooded with people openly calling for more government and less freedom. Many from T_D were already among those of us who believed in conspiracy theories, while, the people from /r/politics and others, laughed and mocked us, which they still do, unless it has to do with Trump and muh Russia.

When has politics ever been so decisive? When was the last time we had a president, and basically his entire political operation, under investigation by a special council?

These are strange times and you can't expect activity on any sub that discusses politics to act normally.


Most of the Clinton Presidency?

The radical left and radical right have always been pro-conspiracy.

The mainstream left and mainstream right have always been anti-conspiracy, unless it’s politically useful for them.

TD is only interested in conspiracies that are politically useful for their god emperor, that’s why they come here to shill.

/r/politics is only interested in conspiracies that are politically useful against Trump, that’s why they come here to shill.

There is far more overlap between anarchists and libertarians than there is between libertarians and TD users.

The radical left and radical right have always been pro-conspiracy.

Define radical, because I think you are being derogatory and disingenuous.

There is far more overlap between anarchists and libertarians than there is between libertarians and TD users.

Bullshit, most "anarchists" are Authoritarian Marxists hiding under the banner. If you destroy private property because [reasons], you are not an anarchist, because it goes against the NAP.

Ah, ok, got it you hate the “left” because [reasons] as you put it.

I mean c’mon, 1984 was written by a Socialist and you don’t think there are leftists who are anti-government?

Ah, ok, got it you hate the “left” because [reasons] as you put it.

When did I say that?

I mean c’mon, 1984 was written by a Socialist and you don’t think there are leftists who are anti-government?

Give me one example...

Do you actually want to have a conversation about the topic? Quoting each other back and forth might be a fun internet argument technique, but it doesn’t really lead to anything interesting.

Also, it’s a bit odd to quote an example I gave and then ask for an example? Orwell was a Socialist who wrote about the danger of authoritarianism.

Use your own words, this is not a college paper, where you fill shit in because you have nothing to say, and are on a bender...

Alright then, really not interested in doing the internet fight tango, hope you have a nice Sunday!

God damn, you're that fragile? You cannot even expound about the shit you post? Is that the world we live in? Dude, how old are you? You cannot use your own words? Lovely... Thanks for pointing out the idiocy of the masses, which you are among...

I’m not falling for the bait, sorry. If you really want someone to fight with that badly you’ll have to go elsewhere. You seem like a decent enough person, hope you find your fun.

So, you hate facts and reality? Sounds about right...

You're in /rconspiracy talking shit about someone ignoring facts and reality?

Also they answered your question and you refused to acknowledge the answer, its not his fault you're retarded.

Rule #10: Don't call people idiots.

Holy shit. What the fuck is wrong with you? You kept quoting the other person and asking questions while they made statements and provided examples. And then you have the nerve to say that the other person should use their own words? I used to think you guys weren't self aware, but you're just too accurate when you project your actions/motivations on other people to not know exactly what you're doing.

The type of government depicted in 1984 is an easy government to be against.

Bullshit, most "anarchists" are Authoritarian Marxists hiding under the banner. If you destroy private property because [reasons], you are not an anarchist, because it goes against the NAP.

Wait, you think anarchists aren't anarchists because you think they should be bound by capitalist hierarchies?

If I destroy the manacles shackling me am I in contravention of the NAP if the manacles belong to my libertarian liege lord?

people who used to talk about all the evils of government

I mean it's almost like the majority of conspiracies used to be anti-establishment and now a bunch of pro-establishment shills are complaining about being brigaded.

Not true at all. Remember when the left said we started a war over oil. That wasn’t the right. They were talking about how the war is great even though we invaded the wrong country. Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11. But had a lot to do with oil and controlling a government. Again this was start by the left. The right thought we were doing the right thing.

Never been to r/conservative in my life. Ever. Been to T_D plenty, though. Even libs go there just like the right goes to politics. That means nothing.

Again, you're glossing over the surface of what's being said and realized here. I've been on this sub a long time, and never has there been such an obvious attempt to control the narrative like there is now. Never have all of the comments been 6 words long, "Trump is an idiot anyway" and get 250 upvotes. This is obviously being shilled and it's fake as hell.

There's nothing substantive taking place, it's merely a narrative operation.

How can I explain this more clearly?

You're pissing in an ocean of piss. Just not the kind you're used to.

I never said you went to either of those subs. But that does not change the fact that they censor submissions and comments.

"Trump is an idiot anyway" and get 250 upvotes.

Example? The most I have gotten is ~260 but it had actual content.

And what evidence do you have that there is organized shilling? Is it just because you get down voted? You may just want to consider that conservative opinions are just less popular.

And maybe the people here, even right leaning regulars, are sick of the pro-trump spam that gets constantly posted here.

Occam's razor. Honestly, this principle should be listed in the side bar.

Mods actually had a post about the "shilling" couple days ago. The data showed rather consistent+/-30 votes acting inorganically depending on the lean of the topic and whether it was a weekday.
It's surprisingly equivalent in this sub, and amazingly the different "shlls" pods have roughly amount the same of players in the ring.

So yeah, we should all just remember how useless those pesky arrows and numbers actually are.


Here I believe.

Thanks, I will look it over when I can.

No the left gets banned from that sub. I was banned for pointing out that you can’t nuke all “towel headed countries” and informed them of India. Saying they would kill millions of innocent people. I was then banned. But not the guy using bigoted talk towards certain people.

maybe there are just more left leaning members in this sub than right leaning?

It's possible that /r/conspiracy, being part of an Internet platform that is mostly used by young people, skews left. But that's not true of conspiracy theorists in general, so the jury is still out on that one.

The left has held cultural power for at least half a century, although some would argue it goes back even further to the Enlightenment period. (If you don't believe this, just ask yourself whether society today is more "progressive" than it was 60 years ago.)

"Truthers" are anti-mainstream, so I think it's safe to say they are much more likely to be right-wing (or hold some other non-left political position). This is probably why /r/conspiracy has such a high prevalence of posts about God/spirituality (topics that the left have ideologically abandoned, for the most part).

Again, ask yourself – do leftists have a reputation for being "crazy conspiracy nuts"? No, but conservatives do.

Prior to Trump, there were certainly a lot less posts demonizing right-wingers for their beliefs, that's for sure. Something changed in this sub, and "leftist shilling" is one of the few explanations that makes sense.

It should not surprise anyone when subs lean politically left. At least ones that do not delete comments or ban people for having opposing views.

This is a funny argument to make, since the left overwhelmingly supports censorship more than the right. Furthermore, there's no data to support it, and plenty to refute it. Most places on the Internet that have very low moderation/censorship tend to swing to the right over time; 4chan is one example.

Again, ask yourself – do leftists have a reputation for being "crazy conspiracy nuts"? No, but conservatives do.

The actual "crazy conspiracy nuts" I have met in real life have been left leaning actually. And I've actually met a couple that wore tinfoil on their head.

This is a funny argument to make, since the left overwhelmingly supports censorship more than the right.

Yeah, no they don't. Judging from your use of the word leftist, I'm guessing your bias is clouding your view of this topic.

I think people on the left and right who are conspiracy theorists tend to gravitate towards different types of conspiracy topics

That could be true.

Whenever I see obvious spelling errors they are typically in right leaning comments. I think there’s a few maga kids here for sure. This isn’t the place for it so I don’t comment on these obvious errors, but if someone wanted to point it out it would be easy to. Really who doesn’t know the difference between there and their, let alone they’re?

Can I get examples of left leaning subs besides politics that dont ban people for opposing views?


i will point to new mods and new rules. i know the mods banned a lot of the users discussing pizzagate / james alefantis connections. the problem is that the real thought leaders of this sub are getting banned. mission accomplished.

Funny how nobody complains when it's anti-leftist and anti-Democrat stuff being posted.

Sounds like you need a safe space of your own. I recommend /r/the_donald.

I think you mean anti-establishment. Fuck the gov'ment.

Can I have some of what your smoking? Because I'd love to think I was living in a reality where liberals were the establishment, instead of the Republicans controlling all three branches of government.

I'm not saying there is no Deep State in the Republican Party, I'm sure there is.

I don't understand how anyone on this sub leans one way or the other.

How can anyone have faith in our system?

Do so many people here believe that people are so incompetent, hedonistic, and weak, that we need to trust one half of a singular corporation to make sure we work and and don't kill each other?

Surely more than not here know it's two hands of the same devil.

Is a topic like this posted every month here?

Praises the removal of political bias...shows political bias lol

You know the voting is susceptible to ignore it. Truth isn't determined by popularity. Truth is still true even if no one believes it...and a lie is still a lie even if everyone agrees with it.

A conspiracy forum will always trend against the party in power. Duh.

Take your partisan bullshit back to T_D

Looking at your post history, you're quite the definition of a political hack.

Thanks for proving my point. Take your liberal bullshit somewhere else because this sub is about to get cleaned up.

I'm so confused! You say you don't like circle-jerky safe spaces, yet your most visited sub is the heavily modded safe space r/T_D.

You admonish so called "political hacks", but everything you say is heavily political and most of your activity is on politically charged subs.

YOU YOURSELF are a shining example of what you claim to hate about reddit! YOU are the political hack. Do you not see your own hypocrisy?

I used to think these guys lacked self awareness, but I've noticed that their projections are way too accurate people who don't know exactly what they're doing.

He also is whining about safe spaces while actively trying to turn this sub into a safe space.

Whining about safe space while actively trying to turn this sub into a safe space. You people are numb nuts. If you need a safe space run back to your default sub that eats trumps ass all day.

I think the downvotes on this thread vs the comments received pretty much prove the point.

This sub has been infiltrated by hard-leftists in an attempt to control the narrative. Not a single down-vote managed to voice their reasoning for doing so

Is this you trying to control the narrative? All of the top comments are from people who obviously disagree with you.

Funny you bring that up, because I edited the original post to show how everyone AGREED with me overwhelmingly, until randomly, all of a sudden, at the same time, the numbers flipped. Gee what a coincidence. Surely a steady rate of comments and votes expressing mutual opinions being instantly erased in a 2 hour time frame is a coincidence huh?

It's pretty obvious what's going on and thank you for the post that gives me another opportunity to prove my theory correct.

LoL Some of those comments were left when the thread was less than a couple of hours old. At least one was within the first hour.


Yeah... Since you're a teenager I guess I'll advise you simply try real hard to grasp what's being said here, namely in the very answer supplied to you already that you're literally responding to.

Swing and a miss, but attacking the person is really the only way to defend such a weak and ill-conceived argument, so I understand why you tried.

The LOL was in response to your absurd claim. We can either believe that:
Someone gives enough of a fuck about what you have to say that they manipulated the vote and apparently ( since the thread isn't full of deleted comments ) shadow erased all of your positive comments.


You waited less than an hour, maybe got a positive comment or two and then made your edit before the bulk of the community got a chance to weigh in. Of course, for the cynical types, it's also possible you were fully aware of the negative comments when you made your edit and just wanted to play the victim card.

IDK when you think reddit was ever not full of atheist liberals, but it was definitely only for atheist liberals until Trump started running for president.

It's a conspiracy sub. Republicans now control the US government. What did you expect?

This sub has been infiltrated by hard-leftists in an attempt to control the narrative. Not a single down-vote managed to voice their reasoning for doing so.

Bullshit. This sub has been overrun with right wingers and Trump supporters. Overrun to the point that actual conspiracy content is starting to become rare.

Political content, including your post does not belong here.

Bullshit to you both. The sub is more likely infiltrated by pro-establishment govt shills.

Bullshit to you both. The sub is more likely infiltrated by pro-establishment govt shills. If I had to guess their political affiliation I'd figure centrist. If there is such a thing as the deep state you can bet they're into social media manipulation.

Yes this sub is compromised in that it is being astroturfed by shills.

I don't agree or disagree with you. I downvoted because you come off as a victim card playing asshole.

Muh vagina. Eet hurs

Anyone who started out with that first paragraph and isn’t referring to TD than I assume they are crazy.

No doubt, its always been shills on both sides, but what you said in the post in exactly what Ive been feeling the last few weeks on conspiracy

Sounds like you want to censor conspiracy theorists who lean left.

Again, ask yourself – do leftists have a reputation for being "crazy conspiracy nuts"? No, but conservatives do.

The actual "crazy conspiracy nuts" I have met in real life have been left leaning actually. And I've actually met a couple that wore tinfoil on their head.

This is a funny argument to make, since the left overwhelmingly supports censorship more than the right.

Yeah, no they don't. Judging from your use of the word leftist, I'm guessing your bias is clouding your view of this topic.

Whenever I see obvious spelling errors they are typically in right leaning comments. I think there’s a few maga kids here for sure. This isn’t the place for it so I don’t comment on these obvious errors, but if someone wanted to point it out it would be easy to. Really who doesn’t know the difference between there and their, let alone they’re?