If Something Happens Today.....

26  2018-02-04 by IanPhlegming

....what are we going to do? There's been no shortage of foreshadowing, not to mention actual weird shit. My personal fave "Coincidence" is that the head of NFL Security is the same woman who was DC Chief of Police during the Seth Rich investigation.

But there's also shady security firm G4S; the "Patriots" vs. the "Eagles," two supremely American-named teams; the LII (Lie!) logo with its Twin Towers-ish Roman numerals and inherent symbolic suggestion of a sequel (II) and being played in the Twin Cities.

And all the GOP guys holed up in Greenbrier, a COG place. And the memo dropping Friday and the intelligence bad guys and all their controlled minions freaking the fuck out.

So....if something happens....do we have a plan? What if they shut down the Internet? And the MSM starts blazing "TERROR! TERROR!" 24/7, and how the Prez is incompetent and needs to be overthrown, and it's mournful time all the time and the brainwashed frightened sheep are easily moved?

Any ideas?

EDIT: The GOP Retreat ended Friday. I had read it ran through the weekend but that was wrong. I apologize for the initial misinformation.


What do you mean by “all the GOP guys holed up at the Greenbrier”? Source? WHO is there?

Thank you for this! I gave bad info. After the train crash, I had read a couple places that the GOP retreat to the Greenbrier was through the weekend but that is NOT the case.

The GOP retreat apparently ended Friday. I apologize for the misinformation and will amend my post.


You might have gotten that from me. I pointed out that the train that was wrecked was going for a retreat "weekend" in the middle of the week.

I read "weekend" more than one place, but you may well have been one of them and probably were. ;-)

No worries. THAT would have definitely been interesting if true.

i'm going to stock up on food if something happens.

I should have gotten more beer.

Dilly dilly

Superb Owl.

The riddle has been solved.

We can go home right?

To our nest!

We’ll end up knowing nothing like we did with Vegas. All the evidence will be hidden, we’ll never see a single frame of security footage or anything unless an independent source catches something.

I've no plan, IanP. Just hanging out with you guys and hoping and praying that things are going to go smoothly. I cancelled out on SB parties. I'm mad at the NFL.

I'm going. Roommate and I decided continuing to appear at normie things is probably a better choice. I hate it as much as you, but until I can life off the grid on my own, gotta keep up appearances.

Lot of good observations. I didn’t even realize today was SBS. I guess I’ll go grocery shopping, just to make sure I have supplies if shit does go down.

Other than that, I have a hurricane bug out plan, generator and gas, so I think I would be relatively ok for a bit. I hate to think I would need such a plan, but better safe than sorry.

I'd love to say if something happens that the people of the country would finally step up. There's SO much foreshadowing of an event with the Owl, the fact that the domain MinneapolisStrong was registered a week ago, the head of security being the police chief that buried the Seth Rich story, FBI talking about how security for this was two years in the making, the security change, etc etc

Largest Super Bowl Security operation in history The event requires a staggering level of coordination between 60 police departments across Minnesota and 40 federal agencies including Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the FBI. The Minnesota National Guard has been activated and a 9ft high chain link and concrete fence has been erected around the U.S. Bank Stadium. Dozens of cities are sending cops to help the 900 officers in the Minneapolis Police force who are unable to cope on their own with the estimated one million people who will be in the city in the days before the game. The layers of security start on the ground where visitors to the game can expect to see increased police patrols, officers in tactical gear, bomb-sniffing dogs and 10,000 volunteers who are being trained to spot suspicious activity.


Security firm of fan event changed

Super Bowl Live is a carnival-like event that has operated on the streets of Minneapolis since Jan. 26 It was expected to attract a total of more than 100,000 visitors The company providing security to Super Bowl Live, a nightly fan event in Minneapolis connected to Sunday’s NFL championship game, has been replaced because of insufficient background checks on its employees, according to a published report. EPG Security Group, based in Minneapolis, had been left shorthanded after several of its employees were “yanked away” by federal authorities



Do they normally make such a big deal about security for the SB? I lived in San Diego when they hosted and I don’t remember any sort of hullabaloo about security. But then again, that might have been pre 9/11, I don’t recall what year that SB was.

Interesting about the MinnesotaStrong domain.

San Diego Super Bowl was 1998.


Damn it, that was 20 years ago? God I’m getting old.

Shit you're right about Minneapolis Strong being registered recently. Look at this.


I made a post earlier in a different thread that I find it funny how, here in town where the game is played later, it is so fucking clear and bright blue sky, it's mindboggling. I'm shoveling and the private jets are screaming by, and I notice this because it's been so so shitty here in terms of weather, all winter.

Every day it's overcast or barely any sun. And if it's sunny, it's all striped-up by 3 pm, and massive cloud cover by sundown. Well well, wouldn't you know it. The day they need the sky bright blue and clear for a military jet fly-over, with the glass ceiling first bank stadium view from the inside, they got it. Or more insidious would be the need for clear sightlines for cameras from drones or sattalite vantages for whatever. Anyway yeah there's that.

Then, there's the fact that the local papers here have amped up the articles about "all the terror" here in town, citing some stupid (prob FF) stabbing at a mall in st cloud, and then some mosque bullshit, then of course the whole mall of murica connection to this, and the whole Somali thing. Then you have the head of security (G4) citing the MoM in her recent comments, about using the lite rail or something. I've always postulated they purposely named that place, putting the word "America" in there, so then years later when it's "attacked" it'll cause pandemonium since "oh they attacked muh murica, etc, etc".. Just like how they built the twin towers with the same intentions for a future spectacular "attack". I'll never forget thinking how lame that title was when they built the mall. But then years later when you realize how they pull the ol razzle dazzle, it starts to scare you a bit, why they called it that.

There are so many different ways these psychos can fake shit these days, and scare the piss out of the entire world over some staged drill event - wouldn't surprise me in the least.

Rain and snow, here in New England. I hope all these people have designated drivers.

Keep an eye out for the pedo's. This is their superbowl too.

Predictive programming is a thing.

Honestly if something will happen it'll probably be in a bar or an area that's showing the game imo.

This. Too much money invested and propaganda invested in sports games to ruin their "good name". Also, wayyyy too may people and too may bright lights if they were to pull a fast one. But something in the downtown are surrounding the game? Too perfect

And if nothing happens...

Are you going to re-evaluate your outlook on this stuff or just forget about it and move on to the next thing?

Take a wild guess.

I'm really just curious. You don't find any of that odd? Even if just to amp up conspiracy talk, create fear, division, etc? You think all that stuff is just coincidence? You a fan of the DC Chief of police? Seriously, I'm curious.

none of it is odd. You are making all this up in your head and making connections deeper than they are.

All you do is come here and shit all over everybody. Every comment I see in your history is "Nothing here, move on." So forgive me if I ignore your opinion. Thanks!

If you really want to know, no, I don't find it odd. It's a big event and they always have massive amounts of security. The fact that DC Chief of Police is head of the NFL security is not weird to me. I would assume that the NFL would want a high-up person to be in charge of their security.

LOL. Okay. Good to know you think that way. Unsurprising.

I never said anything was going to happen. Part of the way this thing works is to drum up fake fear, because a fearful people are a controlled people. All these things could totally be for nothing.

My worldview is quite on-the-money, thank you.

I'm confused, are you saying that you are the one drumming up fake fear to control people or that the NFL is?

But you're involved in drumming up fear?

I suppose that's a valid point to make, but it was not my intent. There certainly were signifiers and symbols in the air.

If you don't believe in symbology and such from the occultists who run things, that's fine. I can promise you that they do, and I recommend the work of Michael Hoffman and SK Bain to learn.

Thank you for your comment, which was hopefully meant to instigate through and self reflection.

They will claim it as a victory for Jesus. They prayed hard enough and the false flag didnt happen! Amen

I've been praying about it. Prayer works.

Amen sugar

what are we going to do?

I'll eat my hat.

That's definitely going to be necessary if you haven't been storing any food.

This is what it looks like all over downtown. This picture was taken in front of the IDS


That seems excessive?

It's America and it's Super Bowl Sunday. The idea of excess doesn't exist on this day

Nothing will happen today. There is too much money involved

I can get on board with this.

Some of it comes off as so blatant that I almost doubt anything would happen because it'd be so brazen. Although if something obvious does happen, then I almost think that if people fall for this type of stunt without an appropriate response that people as a collective really couldn't do anything effectual anyway. It'd simply show how we really are.

Was texting w/ a friend....we're thinking it's probably all a big joke, nothing will happen, they just enjoy fucking with us, sending us in circles, dropping hints for things that aren't there. We'll see.

Thought this just popped into the news: http://kstp.com/news/black-lives-matter-protesters-shut-down-light-rail-transit-lines-before-super-bowl-protesting-nfl-city-of-minneapolis/4772164/?cat=1

is this the offical yearly SBS false flag thread that everyone will forget about by tomorrow morning?


Justin Timberlake is actually a nuclear warhead disguised as a singer.

More like a victim of child rape and programming in his youth while in the same Mickey Mouse Club class as Britney, Xtina and a couple others.

How else would he get another slot after his disgrace last time?

The guy's a piece of shit. He needs to be flushed.

This is ridiculous and paranoid, delusional and big reason why conspiracy community gets made fun of, tin foil hats, etc..

All you do is come here and shit all over everybody. Every comment I see in your history is "Nothing here, move on." So forgive me if I ignore your opinion. Thanks again!

that's because I care about this sub and the importance of the information we are spreading and seeking and when someone brings this mumbo jumbo voodoo symbolic bullshit into it, it makes us look bad.

1- You've never actually posted something on your own in r/conspiracy.

2- Every comment I see shits on somebody's else's post or comment.

3- "I care about this sub and the importance of the information we are spreading and seeking," LOL! Nothing you have actually said or done here backs that up. At least try a little harder, willya?

I post shit all the time. I have 607 points on this account and 802 on another one.

I post shit

Nailed it.

nailed your mom

Um, his post history is public you know? He posts tons of content to this sub:


Most recently a month ago. 14 total, beginning 5months ago. Hardly a ton.

And the most recent post is so deep in back of his derogatory comments that I couldn't even find it in his activity.

Awesome he's got a little buddy to step up for him, though.

Whenever somebody calls out the crack pots on here, they get attacked with "well you never post conspiracies on here" like it's the only way to have a valid opinion on the sheer idiocy that plagues this sub.

Guess what! Not everybody has to post their own conspiracy on here before their opinions on others are heard. People following that stupid idea are the reason why this subreddit is full of reptilian ghosts and garden gnomes controlling the banks.

Stop with this symbolic shit. If there were some shadow group that were creating these false flag events do you really think they would be sending out hints in numbers and dates? Why would they do that? TO DISTRACT USSSS???? Spooky!

No, I'm not a "shill" either, another defence mechanism used by people who have their dumb conspiracies challenged.

There are legitimate conspiracies to be discussed, but when their thrown into the same sub as the shit you're pushing it dilutes everything and makes everything sound fucking ridiculous. Completely nullifies actual things that are happening in the world. When someone has a genuine question about a suspicious event, they are labelled as crazy because posts like yours are listed right beside it.

75% of the conspiracies in this subreddit should be posted to /r/nosleep or /r/writingprompts or some shit.

Stick to your love for Ted Bundy, pal. You seem seriously disturbed.

Oh you mean my stupid joke Rick and Morty copypasta? lol. Yes, I am disturbed

You guys always go through a person's post history and attack (your interpretation of) a person's character rather than the points they make.

It sure did! Did you see that bomb of a halftime show?

Nothing will ever happen to the circus and peanuts...

I recommend you to read a book by David J. Hand.

The Improbability Principle: Why Coincidences, Miracles, and Rare Events Happen Every Day

I activated my Super Bowl False Flag Survival plan last night just in case.

Gathered with family and friends and watched the game. The wings were excellent and my pop made a great cheese dip for the chips.

Rain and snow, here in New England. I hope all these people have designated drivers.