Quentin Tarantino, the Lost Boys, and Reservoir Dogs

18  2018-02-05 by ifyourheadexplodes

So now Quentin is in the news. I'm sure you're familiar with the details. I think he's guilty as sin and there's probably way worse shit we haven't found out yet.

But here's something a little bit interesting. So his first movie is Reservoir Dogs, and the opening line is spoken by Tarantino himself, about Kabbalah worshiping Satanist Madonna, and her song like a virgin. In a film where virtually every character is ritualisticly sacrificed for the sake of the plot. And who's most recent film did virtually the same thing, and who's next film would be about one of the darkest, most demented pieces of Hollywood history (and one of the most filled with conspiracies, read up on Laurel Canyon if you have some time). The Tate LeBlanca murders.

Also, if we're counting Kill Bill as one movie (as Tarantaltino says he does) that would make the now probably soon to be canceled Manson movie his 9th film, a number frequently associated with Satanism, especially Dante, who claims the final level of hell to be the 9th level, where the devil is frozen in a lake. And Tarantino has already shown he notices the numbers of his films, titling his last film Hateful Eight, after the fact that it was his 8th film. A Clockwork Orange (Mr. Orange?) was Kubrick's 9th film and Beethoven's 9th symphony plays a major role in the mind control sequence. The year of the films release, it became the anthem of the EU.

In the movie, Mr Orange mentions the Lost Boys. A film which at this point 3 male actors have come forward, saying they were abused while underage. And the fact that the plot of the movie is, what the hell else, blood drinking, Satanism. Only this time, it's also super homoerotic too. Just like Reservoir Dogs.

With a bunch of the same actors as Stand By Me, Kiefer Sutherland playing virtually the same role as primary antagonist, a weird ass movie about a bunch of kids finding a dead kid. And then of course one of the cast members dies super young, River Phoenix. Whose family it turns out was actually in a super abusive cult. Go figure. Oh and Feldman's character is being abused by his dad. Yup.

But now back to The Lost Boys. And of course the 3 different actors, Haim, Feldman, and that guy from Bill and Ted who played one of the vampires. All of them were abused, and Haim died because of it. OK, now it's getting a little odd.

But of course it gets worse. Turns out, Mr Orange, the character who mentions the Lost Boys? Well he was played by Tim Roth, who was apparently sexually abused by his grandfather. Oh and it turns out he looks EXACTLY like Corey Haim in 1991, the year of Reservoir Dog's release. And also Madonna. Very bizarre, gender ambiguity stuff, brainwashing mind control stuff.

Corey Haim 1991 http://cineplex.media.baselineresearch.com/images/285231/285231_full.jpg

Mr Orange Tim Roth https://cinema1544.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/mrorange.jpg

Madonna early 90s


And then of course where does the term Lost Boys come from? Well that could straight up be another post this length, i can't go into that, but PLEASE look it up, the guy who wrote Peter Pan is fucking nuts.

Lemme leave you with this. What was Michael Jackson's ranch know as? Yup.



Pics or gtfo.

Pics of what?

Did you just edit in pic links lol? Or asm I just losing my mind?(possible!)


Nah just kidding, I just edited them in.

Heh, got me man. Thanks for the post.

I know most people will label this "schizophrenic rambling", dont listen to them. these connections are not random, or just in your head. also dont trust feldman. hes a shill.


Are you buddies with Weinstein?

not in the least why do you ask?

You seem to be riding on the opposite train. And by opposite i mean supporting the evil fucks....

what did einstein say about relativity and trains?


i dont hang out with bill clinton and tell everyone that pizzagate is fake.


heres another tip free of charge since i like you. dont trust rose mcgowan either. she can be as outraged as she wants but she's the one who voluntarily worked with victor salva, convicted pedophile who used his hollywood studio to make cheeze pizza with a 12 year old star of his movie


I am not sure she didn't wake up recently and realize what she was condoning with her inaction. And put on the spot ans knowing she would be sacrificing her career she lied to herself about that director. It's not uncommon in abuse survivors. We can even punish ourselves by finding or latching onto another abuser/predator.

I was sexually abused by my uncle he was a teenager and I was 5. I was destroyed inside but defended him. It's some kind of survival mechanism. We disassociate and then convince our more vulnerable self it didn't happen or it's not what it was or even that we dreamed it.

And if we know MK Ultra and other mind control goes on with victims then how do we know she wasn't drugged and programmed at the time too.

Maybe it took that terrible accident that disfigured her to help shake her out of it?

Her hair makes me think of guilt and grief ravaged women who cut their hair off severely in shame. I did it once. I was also cutting myself. I didn't do it often but I did it bad.

Also women entering nunneries shave their heads letting go of who they were and the outside world.

Maybe I am too empathetic with her. But maybe I also have a similar perspective. My heart aches for her and while I resent this phoney me too movement it's in My because I know the enablers hijacked it for the power play and to further violate her for ruining their special system. I guess women who sold their bodies had a better chance at becoming the next A lister and they liked that verses actually needing talent.

guilt and grief ravaged women who cut their hair off severely in shame.

everyone remembers brittany spears doing this too, and saying she wanted "everyone to stop touching me", but nobody ever really questioned it and let the story become tmz tabloid clickbait, instead of asking the real question of what would make someone at that level of success act that way.

i am aware of the very blurry line between abuse victim and perpetrators, especially factoring in mind control. its honestly a struggle to sort out responsibility but i am in no way saying that just because feldman and mcgowan and the other pawns arent coming clean with the unvarnished truth that they should be set upon and strung up. i am simply cautioning against taking their word at face value or believing that their stories are the beginning and the end.

You know what else references the lost boys and neverland?

Peter Pan.

Who played Peter pan? Robin Williams.

He's dead.

omg u figured it ou

Account less than a year old. Only posts mainstream liberal propoganda to /r/conspiracy. Yup nothing suspicious here.

Covfefe has only been a thing since May 2017 lol

I'm starting to think they should require your account to be over a year old to post here. You've clearly been banned with other accounts.

Yes, I created this account when Trump tweeted covfefe.

That's why the account is less than a year old lol

As to your theories... Well, I'll leave that to you. I don't have to prove anything to post here.

Dude, you know what you are lol. You only post to /r/conspiracy, every one of your viewpoints is straight out of CNN, and you don't even have an account over a year old cause you got banned.

You're pathetic.

Dude, I don't know what you're trying to say but I post plenty of places





My account is less than a year old BECAUSE COVFEFE WAS NOT KNOWN TO HUMANITY BEFORE MAY 2017.

I don't know what you're talking about CNN for because if you actually read my comments you will see I am more than capable of determining my own thoughts.

Please continue attacking my character, of which you know precisely nothing.

Dude, we get it. You're full of shit, you don't need to keep digging yourself deeper in the hole.

Dude why are you so angry?

I'm just proving you wrong not digging any holes.

You post mainly about movies news and drugs but idgaf because I'm cool like that.

One man's liberal garbage is another man's right wing fascism. Enjoy looking through my post history, dude.

Lol every one of your posts is /r/conspiracy. Every one of your posts is about liberal bullshit.

Anyone on this sub pushing one party's agenda needs to get the fuck out. I don't care if you're T_D or a CNN shill, this shit belongs in other subreddits.

This is a place for CONSPIRACIES, not your bullshit.

Hey thanks for reading every one of my posts!

Glad they're getting another airing.

I must say I get the impression you take reddit a little to seriously. I don't want to be accused of stalking you but you sure like to argue with people lol

There is more to life than drinking coffee and arguing on reddit.

Peace and empathy to you dude, hell knows I've got plenty to give.


Dude, you are the absolute worst kind of person imaginable. I wish only bad, and awful things upon you. I hope a bird shits on your face and in your mouth so you understand what being sprayed with your verbal diarrhea feels like. I hope you encounter a very sick animal very soon.

Dude, negative thoughts breed negative consequences.

You may wish me harm but I wish you no ill. I will endure the pain for you, like a jesus type figure really.

I hope you find peace and happiness.

See, that's what I'm talking about. You're like that South Park episode about the people in San Francisco who sniff their own farts. You really get off on your smug sense of self-satisfaction.

To me, that's completely obnoxious and irritating. Probably to most other people too, but if you wanna choose to live your life this awful way I can't stop you. Like your parents did a long, long time ago, I gotta let you make your own mistakes.

You know what's obnoxious and irritating to me? Being accused of being a Liberal shill and not being engaged in any meaningful discussion by angry internet dudes.

Your childish insults only make me more smug. thanks

I never said you were a shill. But you are lol.

It was the clear implication of your first reply to me.

Oh so now you're OK with implications now? I thought only explicit and undeniable evidence is enough for you. That doesn't sound like your usual liberal bullshit.

Lol, what are you on about? You just keep making shit up.

Truly entertaining.

Don't let him get to you, when he's not trying to get people pissed off he spends his time attempting to cover for pedophilia, be happy you're not him, it must be truly depressing.

Dude, your account isn't old enough to talk to that other dude. He won't be kind.

For the record I would never defend a pedophile and I would challenge you to prove your claim.

I'm sure he will be, I'm not making sarcastic comments to put others down in order to make myself feel better. You defend Hastert and claim Podesta's art collection is completely normal, pretty weird thing to advocate for if you ask me.

Where did I defend Hastert? I didn't.

Tony Podesta isn't a pedophile, unless you are privy to some new information I am not.

Do you think his art is normal to have? You seem awfully sure of yourself to make such a bold statement without knowing him. You said Hastert was not involved in any sort of pedo ring. Again you seem sure of this, without doing any further research. You seem awfully eager to shut down people who want to discuss the topic. Very odd.

I don't think Tonys art is odd at all.

I didn't say Hastert wasn't involved in a pedophile ring I asked someone a question as to how they concluded he was in a pedophile ring.

I've researched most of pizzagate.

The only odd thing is people still believe Podesta is a pedo because his brother owns some paintings.

People believe he's a pedo for far more than that, but I wouldn't expect a guy who thinks Podesta's paintings are normal to be interested in having a good faith conversation about the problem of pedophilia. It seems to be against your interests.

All I ask for is evidence any of these people have harmed a child and I never get any. My good faith is ready to go if you can provide some evidence!

Thats why people want an investigation. its like the Russia thing, its not like there was a tape of Putin and Trump exchanging money for favorable policy, but theres an investigation based on suspicion. Something you don't support when it comes to protecting kids. Very sad that partisan politics has removed your basic humanity.

No, there is a Russia investigation based on the fact that Russia interfered in the election. The fact that Trumps team met Russians and lied about those meetings.

That's why there's a Russia investigation.

There is no pizzagate investigation because there is no evidence of any crime taking place.

Do you understand that one person's instagram screenshots combined with someone else's art work isn't evidence of a pedo ring?

I love watching you get grilled. You must come here cause you enjoy the abuse.

Enjoy the show!

Mmm.. Grilled covefe. My favorite.

Repeating over and over that Russia interfered doesn't make it true. They met with a Russian lawyer, your jump to thinking that somehow all Russians are avatars for Putin is the same kind of jump in logic that you get irrationally angry at pizzagate people for.

Having pictures of children tied up, known FBI code and symbols for pedophilia, Clinton intervening on behalf of Silsby and other human traffickers, art of children being abused. Theres tons of evidence but you're not interested because you're a partisan creep. Anyway have fun advocating against any sort of investigation into pedophilia, it totally doesn't make you look like a pedo.

Ok go ask the CIA fbi and NSA if Russia interfered (they did)

James Alefantis playing with his god daughter in a public restaurant isn't child abuse.

Known fbi symbols where? Besta pizza? What has besta pizza got to do with Alefantis?

Clinton didn't get Silsby off, she served time in jail.

What you feel about Tony Podestas paintings is irrelevant - they're not criminal.

There's no evidence any of those people abused any child.

There's also not even a connection between these allegedly "creepy" things.

I don't care if you think I'm a pedo, I've heard it all before on this forum.

Why did Bill Clinton go to Haiti? Why was Huma forwarding Hillary emails about Silsby? Why does Silsby work for an organization that sends out Amber alerts now? Why was she allowed to change her name?

Do you know what appealing to authority is? You should look it up before you try to argue. Maybe the FBI, CIA, and NSA should prevent evidence, but I guess they don't need to when they have people dumb enough to shill for their investigation in between their advocation for pedos.

You should learn not to strawman as well, where did I say they got her off? I said intervened. She ended up serving six months for "arranging irregular travel and her co conspirators served no time. She now writes software for the Amber Alert System, but I'm sure that wouldn't bother someone with the moral character of someone like yourself. I guess we'll never know if theres a connection as long as we have people like you spending all their free time making sure theres no investigation. Keep doing what you do, people notice when you guys constantly kvetch about Russia and obfuscate for pedophiles and it doesn't make you look good. Take it easy creep.

It's still 57 days old than your account lol.

Illuminati confirmed!!!!!

I found Pulp Fiction amusing but never really liked his other stuff and probably of it hadnt been a senior year of high school, my mom couldn't stop me but tried and all my friends were way into it maybe it wouldn't have appealed at all.

I definitely won't be watching any now and I haven't even heard the accusations yet.

I don't see Tarantino doing a straight up biopic. He seems to want to hit all genres. He is close to retiring according to himself.

Maybe it would be horror style, but Manson has been done to death so I expect it to be something different.

Also, Uma forgave Tarantino for the carcrash I haven't heard about him assulting. She didnt forgive Weinstien.

What was that of Beethoven's 9th??

Alex Winter.


Nah just kidding, I just edited them in.

Do you think his art is normal to have? You seem awfully sure of yourself to make such a bold statement without knowing him. You said Hastert was not involved in any sort of pedo ring. Again you seem sure of this, without doing any further research. You seem awfully eager to shut down people who want to discuss the topic. Very odd.

No, there is a Russia investigation based on the fact that Russia interfered in the election. The fact that Trumps team met Russians and lied about those meetings.

That's why there's a Russia investigation.

There is no pizzagate investigation because there is no evidence of any crime taking place.

Do you understand that one person's instagram screenshots combined with someone else's art work isn't evidence of a pedo ring?