I'm a skeptic, not a shill

56  2018-02-05 by [deleted]


SS: I've noticed the world shill thrown around a lot more lately and I think it's important to have a conversation about it and how it could negatively effect us all in the long run

Submission statements aren't required for self posts. The fact is most of those people calling you names like shill don't care about you at all. The majority of people on the web aren't going to respect you or what you have to say. The rest of the feedback is probably from bots, not actual people. Since you seem so new to the internet I guess it is up to me to be the first to tell you that if you don't let go of silly accusations from strangers you are going to have a bad time online.

It comes and goes. I’m a skeptic and not a conspiracy theorist, though I love conspiracy theories(especially regarding the ancient world and hidden tech). Shill gets tossed around to denigrate a view someone doesn’t like, basically just an ad hominem because the person can’t come up with anything better so they attack the person instead of the argument.

I actually like it when I see someone calling another person a shill because it shows who is and who is not here to actually have a discussion. Calling someone a shill is generally a great sign that person(the one yelling shill) can be ignored and dismissed out of hand.

I absolutely love the idea of lost advanced ancient civilisations. I'm a huge history nerd, so anything on that really gets me going. I've spent so many nights going down rabbit holes on YouTube. That's partially why Antarctica is one of my favourite topics right now.

It’s been a while since I’ve delved into it all. I really liked reading about vimanas.

Ohhh, I've never heard of that one! Luckily I have the day off tomrrow, then

Dude, you gotta check out the videos about Peru's wall being made like concrete. The claim is, they MELTED ROCK and poured it into molds and made those odd shaped stones that do not break even in earthquakes.

Gotta check it out man!

Yeah good luck with that in here these days.

Shill hysteria is a big problem in this sub. Any time you disagree with someone, "oh the shills are out hard today" or something about brigading. It's become a victim mentality to help people reinforce their beliefs by thinking they're under attack by outsiders with an evil agenda. Then, you can dismiss any opposing viewpoints and show that yours is more true because shillls. The fact that it's hard to prove who's a shill aids to this because you never have to outright prove that someone is, you just make wild accusations.

It's genuinely dangerous to a democratic discourse

The fact is there are shill and trolls (obviously different imo) everyone should at least be able to recognize that.

It's genuinely dangerous to a democratic discourse

I agree, be I also think it's extremely dangerous for the government to be engaging in the practice of doing just that. In 2008 Cass Sunstein proposed the government infiltrate conspiracies groups online & off. Then you 2011, it comes out the US Military was using a software that allowed them to use multiple sock puppets to push propaganda on social media. I tend to think (Conspiracy theories), mainly because of Vault 7, that this technology has been provided to private groups like Cambridge Analytics & CTR. Since then, I now think that reddit allows chat bots/AI on it's platform, that way it's a lot cheaper than having a bunch of people running these types of psyops and it's now Reddit's main business model and why they are going public. But with that said, I think there are shill on here and see them push narratives, not saying everyone is, and wouldn't accuse anyone myself, but I believe they are here regardless.

I don't have any gold, but you still deserve something for this comment. Nail on the head for all of it.


Thanks, didn't even know there was a bot for that.

Looks like OP deleted the post, odd.

Commentors were going after OP for his post history. Probably why he deleted it.

Makes sense.

Doesn't [removed] mean it was removed by a mod? If a user deletes it is says [deleted]. At least that's my understanding.

No, the mods deleted it. That's what [removed] means.

I didn't see it in the mod log though.

That's odd

I bet he messaged a bunch of you guys with a copypasta inciting mod drama. Don't take the bait. In fact, looking through his post history, he has even posted before on TopMindsOfReddit.

Rule 9 buddy. Don't throw fellow users here under the bus.

Good riddance.

This is an incredibly sane, logic-minded perspective. I think we would all benefit from entertaining opposing thoughts without blindly slurring them as "shills". Good post, OP.

Thanks mate.

Hey I 100% agree with what you said I'm one of the rare skeptics here too that is a conspiracy theorist through and through. Regarding what you said about child abuse you should check this out, http://www.childtrafficking.org/cgi-bin/ct/main.sql?file=view_document.sql&FULL_DETAIL=Yes&ID=1156

Has nothing to do with Hilary but I always like to post it whenever someone brings up child abuse because how illuminating and awful it is and shows how organized and real these abusers and traffickers are.

That's fucking disgusting. I've seen a lot of messed up stuff online, and not a lot more effects me anymore; but this brings me to anger and repulsion everytime

You've seen this before? Yea it's fucking horrific. And yea I agree the first time I read it I was like holy shit this is devastating. The hardest part for me was when he talked about how he knew the kids were incapable of saying "no" that he could've told them to do anything and they would have because of how badly they've been conditioned and abused. That was hard for me to read.

I skimmed it, but I've read a lot of similar horrible stuff. It breaks my heart and it's very hard for me to finish. I need to cuddle my cats for 1ö minutes just to get myself right agaib

You're just a shill for the open-minded thought society for positive discourse in communication. We're onto you.


Time to bail on this life!


Time to bail on this life!

Or at least head back to TMOR, eh?

Did you delete the post or the mods?

The mods removed it. Hence [removed].

But can you list 3 conspiracy theories you believe are in fact true?

Let me guess, 3 low-hanging normie "theories" that don't incriminate the government in any way.

More likely, "crickets".

They aren't downvoting you for being incorrect. They're downvoting you for calling people "normies" because they didn't give examples of theories you personally would have accepted. Your snarky edit probably also didn't help.

As I average thousands more comment karma per year than yourself, I can afford to be downvoted by shills in a coordinated fashion.

But since you don't believe in conspiracy theories anyway, who gives a fuck what you think or that you even decided to be here.

As I average thousands more comment karma per year than yourself, I can afford to be downvoted by shills in a coordinated fashion.

LOL are you trying to play dick-measuring with karma? I honestly don't give a damn about karma, but good for you.

But since you don't believe in conspiracy theories anyway

I'd love a source for that one. You're talking out of your ass.

who gives a fuck what you think or that you even decided to be here.

Like karma, I don't give a fuck if you care or don't care that I'm here. Ironic that you had to respond just to tell me how much you don't care about my opinion.

Totally ironic, like how you then spent 3x the effort making this reply using the most pointless, annoying, and inefficient formatting style possible.

Can't be that bad if you use that formatting style too

You mean where I repeat every line the commenter says which takes up like 3x the amount of space and is completely pointless? No, I don't do that. As an adult I can respond to someone's points without literally spamming what they just said.

I think Hitler escaped Germany, that the extent of MK Ultra is far deeper then we know (and caused the psychosis of the Unabomber) and that Russia has blackmail material on Donald Trump (that one isn't too popular here)

I tend to not believe the conspircies that would require hundreds or thousands of people to orchestrate. I don't think groups of people can keep secrets.

What subjects did they discuss at the most recent Bilderberg Group meeting?

Where we're going to be conducting our mass sheddings this year (we're all lizards after all) and how many celebrities we're paying to flash the Illuminati hand signal during their performances.

We were in the middle of choreographing Lady Gaga's next music video/Satanic ritual but the pizza arrived and we were all... distracted ;)

I see you can't answer the question honestly, but instead, opt for condescending bloviations. Go figure, eh.

Care to try an honest answer now?

Oh, sorry, I thought you were joking around...

Care to try an honest answer to the question or naw?

I don't know what you want from me. I'm not some elite political mastermind. I'm a poor 28 year old university student, who lives in a run down area with my girlfriend and two cats. Most of my information comes from YouTube

You said

I tend to not believe the conspircies that would require hundreds or thousands of people to orchestrate. I don't think groups of people can keep secrets.

So, if that's true, why is it you don't know what was discussed at the latest Bilderberg Group meeting?

I'm actually a super intelligent AI that gathers information from everyone's cell phone microphones

You said

I tend to not believe the conspircies that would require hundreds or thousands of people to orchestrate. I don't think groups of people can keep secrets.

So, if that's true, why is it you don't know what was discussed at the latest Bilderberg Group meeting?

I think what he's trying to say is that if it wasn't possible for large groups of people to keep a secret, you would know what happened at the last Bilderberg meeting because someone would've have leaked the info by now because it's such a large group. Trying to make the point that , yes a large group of people can and do keep secrets. The way he said it was just very confusing. That's my take anyway

Oh, yes! Thank you. I was very confused


The key topics for discussion this year include:

The Trump Administration: A progress report

Trans-Atlantic relations: options and scenarios

The Trans-Atlantic defence alliance: bullets, bytes and bucks

The direction of the EU

Can globalisation be slowed down?

Jobs, income and unrealised expectations

The war on information

Why is populism growing?

Russia in the international order

The Near East

Nuclear proliferation


Current events


I'm sure with a bit more digging than a quick google search you can find more details about the topics discussed.

Thanks for finding all that, but I'm not the one who asked or OP (who has now deleted everything). I was just explaining to him the point that u/naturalproducer was trying to make, cause he didn't seem to understand

Bilderburg is hundreds of thousands of people? How do they fit in those little chateau hotels?

Bilderburg is hundreds of thousands of people? How do they fit in those little chateau hotels?

I have no idea. I'm not the one who said that. I was just explaining the point of the question to (now deleted)OP

I know I was just pointing out how stupid tmor sounded.

Simple, blackmail, and money. you are 28, you should know that by now.

Not sure if this will help, but some good information I guess:


I don't think groups of people can keep secrets.

Depends on the group, also the secret.

You got any examples?

You got any examples?

The Manhattan Project. Whether something remains a total secret or functionally a secret is irrelevant. As to your, no doubt continued belief that thousands of people can't keep secrets, our classification system literally relies on the notion. Further, if you understand how classified information works, it is compartmentalized, so office A may not know what office b is doing, though both office A and B may still be working in concert.

Has this changed your perspective at all?

Good point, I always forget about the Manhattan Project. I think the circumstances were different though, the people involved all knew how important their work was to the ear effort, and compared to other conspircies the team was rather small.

My big one is 9/11. I'm not convinced we have the whole story of what happened on that day, but I don't think it was a government job. There is a lot of compelling evidence, and I believed it was an inside job for over a decade; but now, in the age of leakers, I just can't believe it would be kept secret this whole time.

I also don't believe the narrative we're told though.

My big one is 9/11. I'm not convinced we have the whole story of what happened on that day, but I don't think it was a government job.

I'd prefer to believe elements of the government were not involved, but I am reminded that elements of our government have made regime change and terrorism a cottage industry. There is proof that the US government at its highest levels planned a false flag terrorist attack against US targets in order to provoke a war with Cuba (Operation: Northwoods).

So, we have a government which knocks over other governments as a matter of convenience. We have a government which is documented to have planned to conduct a false flag terrorist attack against US targets in order to further a foreign policy agenda, and we have the plethora of holes in the official conspiracy theory regarding 9/11.

What is more likely do you think, the country with the strongest military defense on the planet had that vaunted defense circumvented by 19 box cutter wielding hijackers, or elements of the US government orchestrated the events? As you thin about that, think about the sudden and massive shift in our foreign policy after 9/11/2001, as well as the establishment of the surveillance state as a direct result of those events.

I don't disagree with you, that's why I was a believer for so long. I just don't think it was this planned out, strategic, attack. There's a missing piece somewhere that hasn't been revealed to me

I'll agree there are missing pieces. There a re a lot of missing pieces. Why did then President Bush refuse to conduct an investigation for over a year into the biggest 'attack' against america since Pearl Harbor? Why was the Vice President in charge of Norad at the time? Here is the one that really jumps out at me, where are all the tapes from the dozens of cameras surrounding the Pentagon? Why did the FBI seize those within 30 minutes of the attack, and why have those tapes never seen the light of day?

I couldn't tell you who orchestrated it with any certainty, but based on circumstantial evidence as well as applying a little cui bono to the aftermath, I would have to say elements within our intel agencies in concert with Israel.

The Pentagon always sends a shiver down my spine. That's some of the best evidence of a cover-up, to me. The biggest red flag though is building 7. That's why I still think something fishy went on; that building collapsing makes no sense

The reaction some folks have on that one introduced me to the term: cognitive dissonance.

I've yet to hear an explanation that even came close to making sense

The Manhattan project probably isn't the best example since it was infiltrated by GRU spies like George Koval as early as 43 or 44.

This infiltration is the reason Russia was able to develop their own nuclear arms so quickly after the war was over.

I said functionally a secret s no different than total secrecy.

Right, but I'm just saying that it was within a short timeframe taken advantage of by the Soviets and very quickly used to their own gain.

The goal was to surprise Japan. Mission accomplished.

We weren't fighting Russia.

Well we sure as hell weren't best buddies with them either. The cold war was already planted in fertile soil well before the axis powers were crushed.

I mean the only reason we went ahead and dropped the bombs was because Russia was weeks away from staging their own land invasion of Japan, which directly opposed America's intentions.

Ok, forget the Manhattan Project then. Every day hundreds of thousands of people who hold security clearances keep secrets.

I'm not trying to be hostile to you, sorry if the text read that way. Just trying to say TMP isn't a great example of perfect secrecy even though it's widely held up as such.

Area 51, that one's still going. How about Bayer & the FDA cover up factor VIII, they got away with that for over a decade, shit, their still paying that out to victums and it 30+ years ago.

I've never believed in UFOs. I'm uncertain on alien life in general, but I don't reckon we've ever been visited.

I wouldn't call the Bayer cover-up a conspircy anymore. The shit was fucked up at the time, but it's out in the open now

A couple things, and please don't take this wrong, but your definitions of certain words seem to be a little off. Just because a conspiracy is discovered doesn't not make it a conspiracy. A conspiracy is the act of 2 or more people doing something in secret that harms others. Also, 'skeptic' by definition is someone who questions all accepted opinions. Lastly, you don't need to believe in UFO's to still recognize that area 51 exists and we don't know what goes on there... Unless you believe it either doesn't exist or that people aren't flown in everyday for work.

So basically your objection to the theories posted in this sub is that they bump up against your pre-conceived "beliefs"?

How intellectually honest of you.

In many cases the people working at Area 51 even lied to their own families about what they did for a living and where. The gov didn't even acknowledge the existence of the base until, what, 2015?

The bunker in the Greenbrier was kept secret even tho people living in the town worked on the project

No secrets being kept about the Kennedy assassination? The Manhatten project wasn't a well kept secret?

I could give you more but would it matter?

I think Area 51 was home to experimental aircraft, that's what people saw when they claimed UFOs; and the government helped spread the stories to cover up their testing.

I have a theory on JFK that isn't as popular as the mainstream ones, but it's not as outlandish either. It would take me awhile to get into though. The TLDR is that the people in charge of the Alphabet Agencie, at the time, were alive during WW1 and saw the devastation that Gavrilo Princip's bullet brought to the world. I think it's very possible Oswald was a Russian plant, who might have gone rouge, and they covered that up cause they knew America would demand justice and wanted to avoid a war.

None of which has anything to do with the fact that large groups of people have, historically, been able to keep secrets from the public.

Maybe just admit it .

I tend to not believe the conspircies that would require hundreds or thousands of people to orchestrate. I don't think groups of people can keep secrets.

Respectfully, I need to point out that this is an argument from incredulity, which is a logical fallacy. If you are interested in seeking the truth, you have to let this go. Looks like others already responded to you regarding examples, so I'll just leave it at that.

What about the moon landing and 9/11?

Professional football is rigged, the handling of the recent Las Vegas shooting is all kinds of suspicious, and corporations control the vast majority of politicians and thus control our legal system. I also believe in Russiagate, but that's not popular here, so I shared three others.

Note: I responded because I'm constantly called a shill here.

This comment in particular just proves how you're here for "open minded discussion" right?

"Anti-vaccers deserved to be named and humiliated. Their ignorance is responsible for the resurface of diseases that were all but eradicated. Just as any parent who doesn't vaccinate their child should be charged with neglect, so should doctors who warn against it."

shots fired

I never said I was perfect, but I have a personal reason for being against anti vac. It's a topic that I find unfathomable to believe and has had negative real world consequences

You're on a conspiracy sub. Deal with it.

How about this comment on an unrelated topic?

"Your ignorance is breathtaking."

In fact, you rarely post here, and when you do it's some rude, condescending comment.

Why did you lie in your OP?

I'm glad you've decided to take my post to heart

Hey, someone has to give you some content to take back to TMOR, huh?


Hahaha. You're funny.

Oh, Top Minds of Reddit! Yeah I've posted and commented there before. I love you guys, but you have to admit, some of the shit posted here can be fucking crazy and you have to be able to laugh at yourself. If you look at my comments though you'll see I never attacked this sub.

"Fucking crazy" according to who? You?

That sub exists specifically to mock and ridicule subs like r conspiracy. So it doesn't really matter if you attacked this sub specifically in your comments.

Mate, anyone who believes in satanic sacarfices by elites or pizza palor pedofiles is a little crazy. Those types of therioes are insane and make us all look bad

I'd put those people on the same level as those who believe there's a pee pee tape.

anyone who believes in satanic sacarfices by elites

Jimmy Savile was part of satanic ring

There were also numerous accounts by child abuse and rape victims who described the same details of ritual abuse and sacrifice. These details were given to trained psychiatrists and psychologists across the country and even the world. The following video contains examples of such testimonies.


Ronald Bernard, a finance insider, blows the whistle on his experiences climbing the financial ladder until he started working for the "elites," the richest 1,000 people in the world. Here is part 1. He talks about ritual abuse in parts 2 or 3, I forget.

Wikispooks section on ritual abuse

Corbett Report on Political Pedophilia

This topic is not as cut and dry as you want to make it out to be.

He's also a contributor over at TMOR. That should be an automatic ban.

Ah. That makes perfect sense.

I just checked his post history and it looks like he's made one post there.

You're not counting comments, huh?

I'm not surprised you're jumping in here though! This one is my favorite.

"think it's a little more complicated then that. Being a former tin foil maniac I know how invigorating 'discovering the truth' can feel. You feel like your eyes are open, and everyone else's aren't. It makes you feel special and unique and people love that.

Oh yeah, heavens forbid someone with a different outlook comes in here. Maybe they'll have different opinions than you and disrupt the group think, the horror!

That mindset is what makes this place a running gag in the first place.

A different outlook? Or a burning desire to cause shit in here?

Can't speak for everybody, but I've been a user of TMOR since it's inception and was user of /r/conspiratard before the rule changes made everyone leave. I don't come here with "a burning desire to cause shit in here" though, more a desire to get into conversations and try to correct small bits of misinformation when I see it and feel like making the effort.

I find the propping up of TMOR as this antagonistic force to be very interesting and more than a little amusing though.

more a desire to get into conversations and try to correct small bits of misinformation when I see them and feel like making the effort.

Ahah, classic Dunning-Kruger Effect. Most of TMOR users say something similar, like their purpose is to rid the world of stupidity because they're oh so smrt.

No, that's not my intention, but if you wanna make that straw man of me go ahead. It's more specific factual inaccuracies that are pet peeves of mine that will actually draw me in from lurking.

I'm not silly enough to think I could actually convince anyone of anything on reddit, least of all here. Nothing either of us do will make this place any less amusing.

Thank you for pointing this out. It's a shame I had to scroll down this far to see that he is a TMOR troll.

Honestly a tactic is to incite anger and easy scapegoat would be shills calling other normal users shills. This also makes things confusing if you are just skimming.

Fuck off, shill

So brave



Fuckin A dude

Good for you! Why post while doing so though?


lol, how could anyone disagree with this sentiment?

You'd be surprised. People try really hard

I don't think anyone does however they may disagree that OP is actually here for balanced discussion given his/her comment history in this sub. Some may even say he/she is being dishonest and misleading and is guilty of what he/she is preaching against.

Shill, crazy, tinfoiler, etc. etc. We should all be used to getting attacked by now. Who gives a shit what people say? Offer your opinion, back it up with sources if you can and let the information speak for itself.

You're doing it wrong!

This is a place for brainstorming and coming together to problem solve, not for shooting down other people's ideas.

If your being accused of shilling it's because you are failing at contributing anything positive and instead wasting everyone's time with your negativity.

The standard operating procedure for this sub is:

"if a post pertains to a conspiracy I believe or know something about, then reply and contribute to the discussion; if a post pertains to something I find implausible, then ignore."

Learn to ignore, or you will rightfully be accused of shilling.

Bullshit. This sub was never that way until the last year or two. It's ridiculous to say that people can't provide counter arguments for theories in this sub. "The only people allowed to speak up are those that agree." Yeah, no thanks.

"The only people allowed to speak up are those that agree."

Cherry picking... Mmmm these cherries

provide counter arguments for theories in this sub

Providing counter theories would be considered constructive feedback. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about snark,personal attacks, and other no-substance replies.

brainstorming and coming together to problem solve, not for shooting down other people's ideas.

But this doesn't often happen though. Take chemtrails for instance.

If I say that they are for weather manipulation then people who think they are spraying neurotoxins etc get really shitty and attack.

I think OPs main point is that there isn't discussion because people refuse to hear any side that isn't their side.

If I say that they are for weather manipulation then people who think they are spraying neurotoxins etc get really shitty and attack.

Lol... how do you think I feel? I'm the one they both attack cos I tell them chemtrails aren't real, and the real scary geoengineering goes on elsewhere unchallenged.

Well yeah. This sub is an echo chamber for crazy. This is the main reason that I lurk on this sub and haven’t posted here before. Judging from what I’ve seen, anybody that pokes holes an someone’s delusions is a shill. It’s ridiculous, but what else can you expect from an entire sub that thinks the world is in on some huge conspiracy. I’ll probably get called a shill for even posting this.

At least this sub allows unpopular opinion. At least until we get brigaded and then comments like yours get upvoted to the top and logical comments just trying to discuss the topic are downvoted to the bottom. Reddit is comprised of echo chambers with most of the biggest offenders hitting the front page daily. Try having a non-mainstream opinion in any other sub.

How is my comment not discussing the topic? I know reddit in general is one giant echo chamber, but disregarding a comment just because it does not support your theory does not make any sense. If you want an actual discussion you need to have both sides, otherwise it just ends up being a circle jerk.

How is my comment not discussing the topic

What did I say that made you think I said you were not discussing the topic? I meant comments like yours, of which I was referring to comments that ridicule /r/conspiracy in general, get upvoted to the top.

This sub is an echo chamber for crazy

“comments like yours get upvoted to the top and logical comments just trying to discuss the topic are downvoted to the bottom”

Maybe I misunderstood but it sounded like you were saying my comment was not a “logical comment” and wasn’t discussing the topic.

I guess I worded my original comment a bit harshly. I didn’t mean that everyone on this sub is crazy. I meant that the craziest, most outlandish theories are always the most upvoted and when some people on here see them at the top, they seem to take it as some kind of validation that the theory is true, regardless of the facts. Upvotes don’t necessarily mean I think your theory is true, they mean I think your theory is interesting and warrants discussion.

Part of your comment was discussing the topics. I specifically was referring to the first part of your comment. I will edit and clarify.

The crazy voices just scream the loudest, most of us are rational people

I know. My comment was more directed at the people calling everyone that disagrees with them shills. People like you make this sub bearable.


You're a skeptic but you don't believe 9/11 was successful with some help with people inside the US government? Then you haven't done enough research on the topic.

If anyone would like to read how real and systemic horrific child abuse is take a second to read this. http://www.childtrafficking.org/cgi-bin/ct/main.sql?file=view_document.sql&amp;FULL_DETAIL=Yes&amp;ID=1156 It's terribly sad and I always refer to this when people doubt that something like this could happen.

So do you fully accept this conspiracy theory or are you skeptical?

9/11 -- A Conspiracy Theory

I can't watch that video right now, I've never be been discussing this in the thread. Just look at those comments mate

Perhaps you can read then? Lots of people believe this one, very silly.


Wait! Is 9/11 now a litmus test?

Has been for years. Works great! Fun to watch shills squirm..

Shills have a certain way of arguing.

You lose a lot of credibility when your example of something you don't believe is a blatant strawman.

meh I value freedom of speech and opinion, so I would prefer if people were allowed to call eachother shills, shill or not.

On the flip side people should be allowed to call somebody out for being a right wing conspiracists.

So long as a comment has content beyond just derogatory remarks, it should be allowed here.

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yes! exactly what I have been saying on here for months now!

Your posting history is filled with examples of posting dissenting opinions to hate subreddits. You spend your days attacking opposing opinion, and you expect anyone to take this post seriously?

it's also dangerous to call Neil Degrasse Tyson, Joe Rogan, Alex Jones and others shills.

Alex Jones is interesting. He's clearly a smart and talented man, but a lot of what he says is ridiculous. He's either controlled opposition or an excellent showman, giving his audience exactly what they want so they'll support him financially

Shills argue using blanket statements. They try to present some outlandish claim with little to no proof. They go against logic often saying things just to evoke an emotional response.

I myself am in the middle ground when it comes to conspiracy theories. Like the astronaut one where people that died somehow have dopplegangers. Part of me thinks: 'well, it's just a coincidence', another part of me thinks, 'what if they took over other people's lives?'

There will always be extremism in opinion and reaction. That's just how most of us are. The goal is to be moderate, but most of us lean more to one side than the other. I think this subreddit and the people posting in it are learning (including myself) to accept other people's opinions and not jump down their throats.

What I will not tolerate is when people try to undermine the subreddit, undermine the regular posters, and undermine the mods. That is what I will try to defend against. You can tell when people are pushing an agenda. It's hopefully obvious now to the regulars.

At this point, I'm going to focus on supporting people with new ideas and protecting the sub from take-downs.

Sure you aren't ;)

Hey, I love this thread. Wish a lot more posts were from skeptics like this.

I don't expect someone who isn't on board with 9/11 to ~believe in pizzagate, and maybe you were being hyperbolic, but I just want to say that Hillary isn't really involved with that theory and the basement (referred to by Alefantis) is a passed-over point. Do you have an opinion on pedogate?

But what I really want to ask is have you seen the doc September 11: The New Pearl Harbor? I think it's thorough and left almost no doubt for me. You mentioned that one of the reasons for not believing was the amount of people needed to keep a secret, but the documentary contends that you only need a few people working together if they are high enough up. Four people in key positions were unavailable during the attacks and it was the first day on the job for two others [link]. But I like to think it shouldn't matter whether we think it could be kept a secret or not because they wanted to go through with Operation Northwoods.

Anyway you will be receiving a nice cornflower blue tag from me :) Thanks.

Where we're going to be conducting our mass sheddings this year (we're all lizards after all) and how many celebrities we're paying to flash the Illuminati hand signal during their performances.

We were in the middle of choreographing Lady Gaga's next music video/Satanic ritual but the pizza arrived and we were all... distracted ;)

I just checked his post history and it looks like he's made one post there.

Not sure if this will help, but some good information I guess:


I absolutely love the idea of lost advanced ancient civilisations. I'm a huge history nerd, so anything on that really gets me going. I've spent so many nights going down rabbit holes on YouTube. That's partially why Antarctica is one of my favourite topics right now.

We weren't fighting Russia.

Well we sure as hell weren't best buddies with them either. The cold war was already planted in fertile soil well before the axis powers were crushed.

I mean the only reason we went ahead and dropped the bombs was because Russia was weeks away from staging their own land invasion of Japan, which directly opposed America's intentions.

Has been for years. Works great! Fun to watch shills squirm..

A couple things, and please don't take this wrong, but your definitions of certain words seem to be a little off. Just because a conspiracy is discovered doesn't not make it a conspiracy. A conspiracy is the act of 2 or more people doing something in secret that harms others. Also, 'skeptic' by definition is someone who questions all accepted opinions. Lastly, you don't need to believe in UFO's to still recognize that area 51 exists and we don't know what goes on there... Unless you believe it either doesn't exist or that people aren't flown in everyday for work.

So basically your objection to the theories posted in this sub is that they bump up against your pre-conceived "beliefs"?

How intellectually honest of you.

I'd put those people on the same level as those who believe there's a pee pee tape.

anyone who believes in satanic sacarfices by elites

Jimmy Savile was part of satanic ring

There were also numerous accounts by child abuse and rape victims who described the same details of ritual abuse and sacrifice. These details were given to trained psychiatrists and psychologists across the country and even the world. The following video contains examples of such testimonies.


Ronald Bernard, a finance insider, blows the whistle on his experiences climbing the financial ladder until he started working for the "elites," the richest 1,000 people in the world. Here is part 1. He talks about ritual abuse in parts 2 or 3, I forget.

Wikispooks section on ritual abuse

Corbett Report on Political Pedophilia

This topic is not as cut and dry as you want to make it out to be.

No, that's not my intention, but if you wanna make that straw man of me go ahead. It's more specific factual inaccuracies that are pet peeves of mine that will actually draw me in from lurking.

I'm not silly enough to think I could actually convince anyone of anything on reddit, least of all here. Nothing either of us do will make this place any less amusing.