Heads up: Something's going down at Newsweek. Servers were taken recently in financial investigation..now being reported that top staff have been fired.

348  2018-02-05 by AIsuicide

Not my favorite source, but here's the Daily Beast article:


I've gotta wonder what the hell is going on over there? Did they find something on the servers they weren't expecting to find?


Submission statement: Considering the recent seizure of Newsweek's servers in connection with an investigation into their finances, one has to wonder if these firings have anything to do with information found on the servers.

What information? Woah let me know, this is hypebeast mode right now.

They're owned by the Unification Church (Moonies), so highly likely that they're being investigated as a laundering front.

Its been a while since we had someone mention the Moonies. Those guys show up in the strangest of places.

I'm speculating. I did say - one has to wonder..and I am definitely wondering. Because if the investigation was financial..why fire top editors? What do they have to do with the financial aspect of the company?

I don't know, but I can't wait to find out.

You and me both.

In a publishing company, chief editors are the de facto senior management.

They handled the finances?

I'm paraphrasing but, it said they cared more about clicks and retweets than accuracy.

Hahahaha..kind of like the latest brigades we've been dealing with on this sub that care more about upvotes and downvotes that accuracy...

Exactly... kind of like when TMOR digs their claws into a certain r/conspiracy post

They're all busy trying to form the narrative on the Carter Page posts now...my how the voting can change once a certain few users show up on those threads..simply amazing.

It's like everyone at r//politics got a memo or something.

Believe me..if it has anything to do with conspiracy they have bots which act like a plaque and mutate. The bots also give them a thousand x the up votes...even know their fake TMOR users feel as if that many people agree what they're posting.


Top minds of reddit...a sub which is constantly harassing this sub

Because if the investigation was financial..why fire top editors?

maybe top staff had access to info they shouldn't have had and sold/monetized it.

Well, we know some of the staff that were fired did stories on the financial fiasco...so maybe they had it and used it..it's possible.

They are under the control of a Korean Cult Leader, for starters. http://observer.com/2013/08/moonies-messiahs-and-media-who-really-owns-newsweek/

Damn it hit the MSM, that's big.

No way! The moonies owned my university too, so weird. I wonder how much they low key have control over.

Newsweek seemed to push a non-stop stream empty anti-Trump drivel articles. That can't be too awfully profitable, when all the much better known sources are doing the same.

Hyuk yeah nobody would dislike the guy otherwise!

Boy, you are not kidding about that. Newsweek used to be a respected source of information. Then they started publishing articles that did nothing but criticize Melania Trump's footwear. Seriously.

They recently had an article presenting a scenario where Hillary Clinton could still become president (this would be after Trump is impeached, Pence steps aside and Ryan shows "integrity" by naming Clinton as Pres. -- or something along those lines) Boy it was bad. I previously had not realized Newsweek had fallen so far. Now I say -- good riddance.

At the bottom of that Daily Beast article there is a link to Buzzfeed with accusations that Newsweek were involved in ad fraud.

Last week, BuzzFeed News reported that the company engaged in “fraudulent online traffic practices” to help secure an online ad buy from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Basically, the accusation is that they bought "junk traffic and bots" to inflate the view count on their advertisements. I wonder if they were Russian bots. :-)

But the South Korean cult someone else mentioned is also interesting...

Russian bots...oh my sides.

Привет господа! Дайте мне батареи пожалуйста.

If anyone here believes in Russian bots, I have some potato vodka futures to sell you...

There are bots originating from they country including Russia. Thanks for showing everyone your bias though. You come to a conspiracy sub and mock people who believe in a conspiracy that doesn't fit your bias/narrative. And even somehow manage to let the fact that there are bots literally everywhere slip right past you. It's like you are intentionally blinding yourself from reality..

*tips fedora*

It's almost like you're intentionally taking his words literally and using that to attempt some rather lame insult.

Nobody thinks he meant "there are no bots, ever, that have originated from within the country of Russia".

Yes, it's an insult. No, it's not lame.

insult "talking point"

Russian bots are real. Their significance over other bots is what's inflated. There are all kinds of bots all over the internet from all different entities. But I do get what you are saying. We were getting to the point that we would discredit any movement against the mainstream narrative as perpetrated by Russian bots which effectively discredits it.

Buying bots for ad revenue is like a 16 year old Warcraftgold.info thing. Jesus.

Except it fraud, and illegal if used to make money.

Newsweek came out with an article not to long ago about the Steele Dossier, One year later where they say that the Dossier is largely unverified.

They tried to pad the “verified” results by including the Facebook and Twitter ads.

is this it? is this trump purging the very fake newsweek? RIP derpstate!

Newsweek started to go to shiiiiiiit when they allowed Fareed Zakaria to spout his drivel......down hill right straight to hell after that

From The Outline

"The top brass are clearly terrified of people discovering something they did — possibly a financial issue involving their Christian cult — and were willing to conspicuously fire the very reporters and top editors who dared look into their shady dealings,”

Sounds like top brass are firing on one cylinder.

Newsweek went from a respected print magazine to the biggest collection of clickbait fake news on the internet. Good riddance.

I remember being excited to be offered a job there out of college and kicking myself for not taking it. Probably a solid decision now that I see what they became.

It's a shitty MSM outlet. Who cares.

It's fun to watch them fall.


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You and me both.

Its been a while since we had someone mention the Moonies. Those guys show up in the strangest of places.

Except it fraud, and illegal if used to make money.