Meme magic sounds like a laughable and silly conspiracy, but when studied objectively, it can reveal some pretty dark things intertwined with our society and how we communicate this day and age.

155  2018-02-07 by p1ll0wp4nts

I’m reposting because I last time I uploaded it as a link, the thumbnail had Pepe the frog on it which I feel turns a lot of people off and dismiss it as nonsensical, but take the time to watch. I’ll warn you that this idea is very “Out there” but from all my time studying the truth and conspiracies, I’ve learned that coincidences rarely, if ever happen without some guiding force or power, often nefarious. Truth TRULY is stranger than Fiction.


This is unironically a pretty good documentary.

I’m on mobile and I still see Pepe the frog and the word “kek” in the thumbnail.

Guess I can’t get around it. But I urge you to watch.

I will watch after work later today. Thanks for posting.

Did you know Kek is the Egyptian God of darkness who has the appearance of a man with a frog head? Real weird shit. Trumps supporters love this word with a strange passion.

Yeah, I know the origin and have seen the memes they do with the frog and the word.

Origin is from World of Warcraft — when horde players would say “lol” it would translate over to alliance as “kek”


Origin is from before that.

The sound koreans make when laughing is kekekekekekekekeke.

It's been a thing since Starcraft for sure, maybe even before that.


Origin is not from WoW. lol.

It's popularity as a meme is. In world of warcraft players on opposite factions can't communicate, so when their character says something, they see it in text as the opposing factions language. When a horde player types "lol" alliance players see it translated as "kek."

Wow, I never really put two and two together here. It's certainly possible that the whole Pepe obsession was socially engineered by the elite as some kind of occult homage hidden in plain sight, knowing how much they're into that shit.

I suppose, Frogs come out strong at night.

I think it's mostly irony. I think.

So Kek is the Egyptian God for the Alt right who fight TPTB /Elites who worship owls as Eqyptian Gods.

In Aristophanes’ comedy “The Frogs”, the sound the frogs make is “brek kek kek kek, koax koax”.

Btw if you haven’t read Aristophanes, that shit is hilarious. Amazing how people 2500 years ago can write stuff so relevant for today.

Damn it's interesting how far back this goes.

Yes, he predicted that at the time of Brexit, Kek would rise through Coax. ;D

Egregore is the technical term.

cool! and/or, possibly, kinda' creepy. either way. TIL

"This was the term used in the Book of Enoch for great angel-like spirits."

Pretty interesting for bible-believers. Book of Enoch also describes a flat-earth, explains what the fallen angels taught to humanity, and possibly lends credence that video circulating a while back about certain "mountains" across the world actually being ancient tree stumps, like Devil's Tower.

A bit unrelated: I actually found that last particular theory quite interesting too, if anyone's curiosity is piqued. There are tons of places around the world with these basalt pillars/columns, and Enoch talks about the fallen angels being buried within them. This video does a better job of explaining it.

The shit about angels and volcanos sounds like where L. Ron Hubbard borrowed a few ideas. And he grew up in Helena, Montana. Wonder how much time he spent around Yellowstone. Or the Crazy Mountains. Or the bajillion hotsprings.

Paranoia agent is a great anime that covers this subject.

Probably my favorite anime next to Evangelion. I had no idea about egregore but I've read a decent amount on memetics.

Interesting, but the narrator and editing got me disinterested quickly.

Understandable. But realize that what she is saying isn’t any less real than if it were to be displayed in a different fashion. Sometimes we have to push past the eccentricity of the speakers to objectively study the information being presented.

I agree to some extent, but it's the narrator/editor's responsibility to present the information coherently. This is probably the biggest issue plaguing the conspiracy community. Although not always justified or fair, it's far too easy to dismiss the messenger instead of the message when the message itself is sloppily presented.

Yeah, the other big problems are people declaring things to be fact with no supporting evidence whatsoever, or without understanding the high school-level physics that make what they declare to be impossible, possible.

We must remind ourselves that conspiracy theories are not an end, but a means to an end, which is truth.

I wonder if Trump is the Adam/Beast John Todd was so terrified of? This whole election cycle has thrown off my idea of conspiracy's. It used to be Right and left were both bought and paid for and now the whole idea has been flipped on its head. Yet Todd did say modernists and the traditionalists are at war with each other in the Illuminati. But who knows.

Who is John Todd?

Good content, shoddy editing/narration.

Meme magic is real and has been around for a long time, only it wasn't called meme magic 😁 this ties into the collective unconscious and our co creative abilities. This is why mass meditation works when everyone has the same intent and message. A lot of studies have been done on this and it's been verified time and time again.

I havent seen you around for a while, good to see you back :)

Thanks man :) glad to know people recognize me around here. /r/conspiracy is my favorite community and I love being here. I come and go but I'm always lurking even if I'm not posting :) thanks dude

You always share positive energy and ideas. We need more of that.

Your downvotes tell me I will certainly read everything you linked.

Are you using a script or something? How are you able to see downvotes? His post is the second from top, less than an hour old and the score is hidden.

This is why they put 9/11 hidden on the bills.

This is probably why prayer works as well.

So in a situation like the Holocaust or an Islamic State slaughter, how did so many people die if they were praying as their last resort? Was the other side praying harder?

Possibly. It's a misconception to think that whatever any side is praying to is definitely some benevolent sentient force. It could be neutral. Satanists have their prayers, Christians have their prayers. They both coulc be "praying" to the same thing, unbeknownst to each. It could be more about collective thought connecting to some unknown force/energy. I shouldn't have to mention this doesn't always work.

Thank you for this. I had read a bit into the whole Kek thing, but I had other rabbit holes to jump into. I've long thought we were being subjected to rituals by these assholes and do believe there is something to this.

Terence McKenna has been talking about the power of "memes" since the 80's. He defined a meme as "the smallest unit of an idea that still has coherency". It makes them one of the easiest types of information to transmit to the masses... and according this video maybe in ways we can't even comprehend.

McKenna was a pleb, literallly wasn't even a magicians, more like a hippie channeling messages from psychedelics, just weak sauce, also he got spooked by his last shroom trip.

This made me laugh... thanks. You are the first person I have ever seen bash TM because he "wasn't even a magician". Who gives a shit if he quit taking mushrooms later in life? All of your arguments are "weak sauce" that have nothing to do with my whim... I was just drawing a line from Terence talking about the power of memes 30 plus years ago in relation to the iconography/symbolism of the past in relation to the different and far older mental processes we use when processing these things visually.

Honestly, this was terrible.

Meme magick is mutants among GenPop discovering the technology by which culture is driven (implant ideas into the mass consciousness for directed manifestation). It has been a pleasure to witness this.

Did something in relation to this recently if you are interested:

Good episode of the Higherside Chats about this

actually interesting stuff. thanks!

there used to be a green space frog with Belinda Big Boobs in one of these mags who had a violent existential identity crisis Credit Card, Student And Auto Debt All Hit Record Highs In December

I believe it... I have uncovered several "sigils" that have made me realize that some of these symbols/sigils really do have power and can effect you in some unknown way. I was playing around with something called "magic squares".... its basically like Sudoku where the lines all add up to the same, but you can connect the numbers in lines to form these sigils. After doing one and forgetting about it for few minitues I realized that I was feeling very hot, head tingly, and strange smell.... it freaked me out and I thought I was getting zapped by those microwave rays from cuba lol, so I left my room and it stopped. Realized it was the sigil and tore up the paper.

The interesting thing about them is that I';m sure its easy to hide in pictures and video clips, esp because it can be encoded with numbers as well as shapes. I wouldn't be surprised if some logos in magazines used them in some way, or possibly signatures. Another thing to look out for is strange hummm sounds in videos, people can put in theta waves that make your brain more receptive to ideas.... I think people sneak these in to propaganda type videos.

And on a more sci-fi level.... I have a personal theory that cern/quantum computers have basically made it possible for group consciousness, and this recent spike in scare tactics, kek or trump shit is all to get people to think a certain way which could make an idea turn into reality, shifting us into a dimension where things like ufos or a tsunami is more possible. Something like that.

I also think apple iphones are warping peoples brains. I have noticed my friends and family members with iphones have been acting odd in past 2 yrs or so, more distant less empathetic and easily brainwashed by media. People say the quartz crystals used in these phones form a link with us and possibly open up a communication channel of sorts.

After doing one and forgetting about it for few minitues I realized that I was feeling very hot, head tingly, and strange smell....

These are also symptoms of a stroke. Be careful

Everyone I know who has an iPhone is distant as fuck. It's weird.

You have noticed it too? It really is strange. Distant def describes them, either detached or more emo.

More on this conspiracy side, I've read that the quartz crystals, and holding phone in hand can cause people to have a link to their phone that can imprint ideas/emotions... maybe even mind read or recognize thought patterns for ads and stuff. Then when people sell their used iphones it might be possible to use the crystals for something unkown.

My phone reads my mind, it's fucking frightening! I'm not kidding, either!

A long time ago, I wanted to believe that crystals had "power". I still scoff at the idea that Crystal healing is legit, but, there's something to the theory. Quartz crystals (supposedly) vibrate on their own, so if what you're saying is true, it explains my phone doing what it is.

For example, I'll go to Google and search for something. I have only put in ONE OR TWO LETTERS, and BOOM: There it is in my search suggestions. There's been some fairly outlandish searches, too, and it still manages to bring up what I'm thinking. This thing is fucking creepy, and it's an Android.

Yea, it certainly is hard to believe but I have been researching it (including the crystal healing stuff) and some of it does seem very interesting. The quartz crystals have been used for a long time, the first radios in WW2 were made with a quartz crystal and a few simple wires (cat whisker radio or something they call it).

They pick up radio signals and can power the radio all on its own with no battery. So clearly they have some power/energy to them. And lets just say our thoughts can be projected but on a less known frequency then radio waves, with how often we hold our phones in our hands those crystals might be tuned to pick up on it.

The other explanation is just the "always on" mics that pick up what u say and will suggest things to you, but there are situations where I have been shown ads of stuff I have thought but never spoke.... like the "red pill" "blue pill" and Dayquil and niquil lol, something that I thought about (but never spoke) and next time I used my phone niquil adds started popping up.

As for crystal healing, dunno bout that but I think its interesting that different wavelengths of light can have different effects.... like all these screens are a blue type of light which could effect our emotions. Still doing research tho

Google tailors results and suggestions to your past searches and internet activity. Creepy? Yes. Mind reading? Not so much.

So you're telling me it can't read my mind when it's showing me things I haven't ever searched for before, and has nothing to do with previous searches (so no connections), but in that specific moment is exactly what I want? 😱

Well if other people have searched for it often, then it's likely to come up for you as well.

Skynet lives!!

But in all seriousness, that is super duper creepy.

This was great, thanks for sharing. I didn't know this much about pepe before, and its possible occult links are fascinating.

This is what the great LORD says: Let my people go, so that they may worship me. If you refuse to let them go, I will plague your whole country with frogs. The Nile will teem with frogs. They will come up into your palace and your bedroom and onto your bed, into the houses of your officials and on your people, and into your ovens and kneading troughs. The frogs will go up on you and your people and all your officials.

Exodus 8:1–4