
11  2018-02-08 by trubaited

So we now have 3 days since the House voted to release the "counter memo" and we're still waiting for it to happen. Where are all of the bots that were pushing for "transparency" over the past few weeks? Too embarrassed from last week's dud?

Wake up people, this place has been overrun.


This memo scares them so they would rather you forger about it.

Nunes has 5 more memos he's prepping. Looks like the memo wars are on.

IMO, I don't think the Dem memo will be anything but filler and misdirection

Well it seems that Schiff purposely exposed methods and sources in order for the memo to require some redaction. Likely the talking points for the den memo will be they redacted it because they don’t want you to know the truth.

memo scares them? every republican voted to release the dem memo...ZERO dems voted to release Nunes memo...says a lot.

We can't trust anyone. Getting rid of TPTB will take a lot of skill.

Gotta be honest, while I totally agree with you, I'd just as soon not repeat the flooding of the hot queue with #releasethememo spam. The Democrat counter-memo will never get the same level of traction here, so all I'm hoping is that it repudiates the Nunes memo so thoroughly that it never shows it's face outside of TD again.

you dig into the Grassley-Graham referral? Adds a lot to the Nunes memo...there was some fuckery going on and the American people deserve to know the truth...why is that such a bad thing? If Trump truly colluded with the Russians that needs to come out too...all fuckery needs to be brought to light regardless of partisan lines.

Yeah I mean the author of the most important “Russian Collusion” document is currently suspected of making false statements to the US and UK governments as well as the FBI, and he didn’t show up for his court appearance in London.

He also planted info with a reporter whose story was then used to bolster confidence in....Steele’s own reporting.

I get that these are just allegations that need to be corroborated, but they aren’t vague anonymously sourced claims. They’re concrete. If there’s corroborating evidence then those with the resources know directly where to go.

Corroboration will either happen or not.

“Trump Russia” collusion is just allegations that require Mueller to corroborate. To date, there’s no corroboration, just more allegations that make people think “he must have colluded”.

If you’re going to push the collusion angle you don’t get to just dismiss the memo and Grassley’s referral out of hand.

I mean honestly, Trump could be guilty and our IC can also have been guilty of impropriety.

These are not mutually exclusive things.

It was approved, and is going through the same process.

Hey where's the memo?

The Democrat memo will be released soon. It has to go through the same approval the other memo went through. It's not some overnight thing, it takes weeks.

Five days was how quick the last memo came out.

the president has 5 days to decide on releasing it.

That's true but my statement is still true too.

It's not some overnight thing, it takes weeks.

about that...

Hey where's the memo?

By the way, the last memo wasn't a DUD. It showed collusion from rogue FBI agents to overthrow a democratically elected president.

so you’re against FBI agents using their power to interfere with the democratic process, right?

What he’s saying is the memo doesn’t prove anything. Simmerdownnyah. Wait for tge IG report release. Or 20 years down the line the actual supporting documents for the memo.

No it didn't

Yeah, no it didn't.

We need to see the footnote that supposedly informed the FISA court were the information had come from.

Trump will shoot it down anyway

In what aspect? Redaction? Deny it's release?

Deny it

no he wont. all of the republicans voted to release the dem memo...no dems voted to release the republican memo...says a lot. The dem memo will come out...

You were saying?

The dem memo is a "No u". People are less bothered about their incessant bullshitting. Also given that nobody disputed it's release it's almost as if dems are the ones with something to hide.

It wasn't a dud...

Keep telling yourself that. Truth don't lie.

Let me ask you this if Nunes report contains false information would it discredit the entire report?

Well currently if released today its WH turnaround would still be quicker than the Nunes memo.

Left leaning and/or “pro collusion” individuals such as yourself have already conclusively decided and pushed that the Nunes memo is a “dud”. If the memo is a “dud”, pushing a DemMemo hashtag just wouldn’t make any sense. Why get worked up over a response to something that is a “dud”?

Also, the Dem memo was unanimously approved and was done so without redactions. No one voted against it and is going on 20 minute tv interviews demanding it be withheld.

This is in stark contrast to the Nunes memo, which was approved only on party lines and Schiff/Pelosi went in front of every camera that would have them and threw every excuse at the wall as to why it shouldn’t be released.

A push to release something that is actively trying to be withheld is far different than a situation where something has been unanimously approved for release.

I imagine if Trump tries to block it you very well will see DemMemo hashtag that is aggressively pushed.

If Nunes’ memo is a “dud” at face value then why do you even care about Schiff’s memo other than to make a post that seems to accuse everyone of being partisan when the title of your post is seemingly politically charged?

Stop smoking whatever you're smoking buddy.

“pro collusion”

Call it what you want. I call it criminal activity.

Why get worked up over a response to something that is a “dud”?

Worked up over the transparent botting and shilling.

Also, the Dem memo was unanimously approved and was done so without redactions.

You mean after it was originally voted down? It's obvious that the first one was timed to eat up media cycles. Get real.

This is in stark contrast to the Nunes memo, which was approved only on party lines and Schiff/Pelosi went in front of every camera that would have them and threw every excuse at the wall as to why it shouldn’t be released.

Right, neither one should have been released. We wouldn't be in this mess in the first place if Trump monkeys stopped making shit up and misusing classified info.

I imagine if Trump tries to block it you very well will see DemMemo hashtag that is aggressively pushed.

Yeah, not a chance. Dems don't have a massive bot network run by enemy states trying to disrupt our discourse.

You tell me I’m smoking something and this is your well thought out, reasoned, response.

Criminal activity. Ok, that’s an allegation that requires corroboration. Mueller will either corroborate it or he won’t. The fact that you’ve made up your mind despite not seeing the results of a complicated multi year investigation speaks volumes regarding your objectivity. If he finds no evidence of collusion, would you accept his conclusions?

The whole bot issue is too nuanced an issue to get in an argument here. R/politics is over 7x the size of this sub. Go there and post something remotely contrary to the collusion narrative, even something from a credible MSM outlet, and see if the response to that feels organic.

As an aside, if over 90% of Trump coverage from MSM outlets was negative (Harvard study), then logically any Trump “bot” would need to link to articles from non-MSM sites. The overwhelming majority of non-MSM sites have (since the election) been classified as “sympathetic to Russian” interests for daring to post positive coverage of Trump during the election. Any account whose volume indicated it was a bot was flagged as “Russian” for linking to those sites. Does that present an analysis problem to you?

RT America, who had 7 pages of the ~20 Page Intelligence Community Assessment devoted to it, posted both positive and negative coverage of Trump. RT America has a show hosted by Ed Schultz, he is not “pro Trump”. Yet, RT America had to register as a foreign agent.

I’m not even saying there were no “Russian Bots”, this is just a small sample of information to maybe consider before shouting down any social media user that isn’t ready to lock up Trump before the outcome of an investigation as a “Russian bot”.

There were pro Hillary bots as well. If those bots retweeted BBC articles are they “British Bots” colluding to rig an election for a pro British outcome?

Misusing classified information? Like serving as an anonymous source for an article that states Carter Page is under government investigation for (allegedly) secretly meeting with Russian government officials during the campaign? Like Feinstein releasing the entire Simpson testimony without authorization? Like the countless other articles published, sourced from anonymous government officials, that offer cherry picked information that further the collusion angle?

You do not get to gobble up every anonymously sourced article that deals with classified information that condemns Trump for the last 1-2 years and then outright dismiss DECLASSIFIED information that starts presenting another side of the story. Nunes’ memo will be corroborated or it won’t be, whichever one ultimately happens will tell us everything we need to know about the veracity of the claims in the memo.

On the memo releases, the committee released Nunes’ memo to House for viewing first, then Schiff wrote his response memo, then there was a simultaneous vote wherein Nunes’ memo was released and Schiff’s was required to be made available to the House in the same manner as Nunes’. Then Schiff/Pelosi cries bloody murder over the content of Nunes’ memo. Then the Schiff memo was authorized unanimously for release (with no redactions) exactly as the committee said it would be. Should they have just released Schiff’s memo despite it not undergoing the process required for public release? You’re arguing that Schiff’s memo should’ve received preferential treatment and since it didn’t everything is a sham. The Republicans moved first, tough luck for Schiff. If it was up to Schiff we’d never receive any information related to the underlying report. They are BOTH partisan hacks. Doesn’t mean neither of them have meaningful information to offer. At least now we get to see something as they duke it out with these damn memos.

Get off your high horse.


If you’re unwilling to read a comment that’s shorter than the average news article simply because it challenges your preconceived notions then why should anyone on this sub take what you have to say seriously?

No, unwilling because I don't like you.

LOL, WOW.. What an immature response, "No, unwilling because I don't like you." AKA, "No, I'm unwilling to respond bc you're using facts, logic and objectivity are too much for me to handle" Haha

You right!

Hey where's the memo?

I imagine if Trump tries to block it you very well >will see DemMemo hashtag that is aggressively >pushed.

“#ReleaseDemMemo” is currently trending on twitter.

So, now that it’s actively trying to be withheld you’re seeing a push to release it.

Which is exactly what I said would happen...

Great, expecting you to fully support that push.

Yeah, I do. I’ve been pretty firm throughout that I’ll take all the information I can get. I wanted to see it before and I want to see it more now. People absolutely should bitch and make noise till it’s released...now that it’s actively trying to be blocked. I’m in favor of the House overriding Trump, which they can.

I never had a problem with Schiff’s memo, I had a problem with your tone.

It's cool if you don't like my tone. Glad to hear you're not a blind partisan. Too much of that around here.

The democrat memo will probably say the Russians hacked the FBI and DOJ.

It actually won't because that would be total bullshit. We only see that level of BS from Nunes and Trumpists.

Learn to argue without pulling in unrelated bullshit.

LOL - who do you think you are fooling with this fucking drivel???

go back to r/politics where you belong.

3 days a whole 3 days? Do you know how people waited for the other memo? Get outta here, it's been approved and will be released

Papadopolous is not 30. There is no way. There's a Papadop in the high school listed for him in 1989; not 2005. Why is everything a lie?

belings in r/politicalconspiracy