The Dwindling Age of the Gilded Cage

60  2018-02-08 by ApocalypseFatigue

You can't wield a certain level of material power while you have empathy. So there are ways to shed it, and it's conducive to sort of bleed it out of populations to facilitate the grand hustles. Empathy is key to who we really are, who we forgot we were. A lack of empathy is essential for acceleration into the upper echelons which indeed seem to be under the jurisdiction of forces with no empathy at all.

Thus all the horror and corruption that seems impossible or worthy of ridicule to people who can't feel it's reality goes on and is shrugged off even even noticed. Meanwhile the same baffles and crushes those of us who have resisted anesthesia. It gets worse and worse even as it is unveiled because the people perpetrating it have become harmonized to the dull hum of their own control machinery and don't know how to switch it off.

They are slaves of another kind. We imagine them as masters but maybe they're really much closer to fevered, spent addicts who must go into darker areas and do more unspeakable things just to keep the damned thing in motion. Because they have traded in humanity for power, they have only power. So if the connection for power demands Hell on Earth, Hell they will construct and maintain.  But the thing is, empathy is the glue of what is eternal beneath the material veneer of life and nothing holds without it. No empire, no dynasty, no secret beitherhood or cult lasts forever, however ancient or entrenched. 

Resist, subvert, dismantle, but do not become a demon to fight the Devil. Hang on, and keep your heart about you. The game is getting good.  


SS: It's vital not to feed into the hate as we explore and subvert the parasite paradigm.

Great message. It's so easy for me to get diverted into these false Us v. Them dichotomies. It's nice to have a reminder like this now and again.

This where I've been mentally and spiritually the last few days.

Watching the Falcon Heavy launch helped inspire me again to see the good that people can do. Really enjoyed it.

Don't want to rain on your parade but would good was accomplished? Essentially a car was put in orbit blasting David Bowie music into space.

We finally have the capability for heavy lift. We were outsourcing it to Russia for the last 20 years.

Why doesn't Putin cut us off after all of our dirty russian meddling allegations?

Now we can cut him off.

Russia likes making money too. They also like the prestige and the power involved with getting to dictate terms.

Earth will run out of resources at some point. This technology will prove invaluable in the pursuit of future resource mining...especially asteroids.

Lots of other technology fields will benefit from this also.

It also highlights what can be accomplished when humans work "together"...

This was just a test flight...they had to have a certain amount of cargo weight...they thought it would be cooler than concrete cinder blocks..I agree.

Sounds good to me.

Look more into the Secret Space Program if you want to see what humanity is truly capable of. Musk is a front for the dark side and represents the suppression of true technology.

Very much agree that you have to be careful to to become a demon yourself when fighting the beast. YOU CAN't FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE. You must fight fire with water. Only love can destroy it. Those operating under its influence are human beings too, they have just been mislead and are not strong enough to listen to their own conscious. Love and forgive everyone. The beast is powerless against love and empathy.


Love yourself and love others. The ONLY antidote.

YOU CAN't FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE. You must fight fire with water.

When the October fires of Norcal came I'm pretty fucking sure that they used both water and fire to stop everything from burning down. They set off controlled fires to preempt the larger fires. My point is that if things get to a certain point then you have to be willing to kill people who are destroying your life. That isn't to be taken lightly in the same way that just setting off fires everywhere shouldn't be taken lightly. However, if they had done so the big one wouldn't have fucked us so hard.

Service to self or Service to others.

Make the choice now my friends. Time is running out.

I pity those wannabe apex predator types.

Raised in a cult that they can't see through, tortured and abused, you'll never meet anyone more miserable than one of them.

Utterly convinced of their own supremacy yet completely unable to tap into the joy of life and love. If little Davey Rockefeller really went through 7 human hearts before shuffling off I doubt he found the ability to love or be loved in any of them.

Convinced they're building a utopia they are slowly starting to realize that the only people they loathe more than the poors are their own families, and the only people they loathe more than that are themselves. That empire can not hold forever.

I think it's those type of people that make us wonder if humans are actually the ones in control.

"He who fights with monsters should take care lest he thereby become a monster." -Freddy Neechee

A local politician, handcuffed and on the way to sentencing for corruption:
I went in a dragon slayer, I came out a dragon.

Came to say the same, sort of: "He who fights too long against dragons becomes a dragon himself; and if you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

Oh man, the abyss does gaze back....

Yes, one of my favorite quotes of Nietzsche's. We must have slightly different translations, as mine reads "monsters" rather than "dragons," but same difference really. I'm not as obsessed with Nietzsche as I was as a younger man, but he's still one of my favorite thinkers. Very misunderstood by a lot of people I feel.

I prefer your spelling though :) I copied the quote from Goodreads, can't remember where I saw it originally because I was never obsessed with NeeChee, although he has some pearls. However, the quote resonates with me tremendously. Take it easy out there!

I think that you misunderstand empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand another persons mental and emotional state. That doesn't inherently mean that a person will give a shit about anything, but only that they can perceive something. It is implicit that a normal functioning human will want to avoid the needless suffering of others but if they are somehow different than normal then this might not be the case. The big bad here is of course sociopathy. I think that you are correct that its an obvious bad dark place that is just an endless churn of thrashing paranoia but it doensn't mean that they can't anticipate your state of mind.

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Nice one buddy :)

Thanks for the reminder, it's important to take a moment now and again to reflect on this

Exposing The International Banking Cabal - A Four Part Expose' By Liberty Academy

Great post! Thank you!

TL;DR: What is Love? The Answer ;-)

Desensitization creates lack of empathy. Looking at you Hollywood & pornhub! Lol it never ceases to amuse me what holly wood is named after.

Remember, it is not difficult nor should it be admired when a person sheds their empathy. It is not a skill, it is simply a loss of something. Anyone can take a cake and turn it into a giant mess. That's what turning off your empathy does. But you can't take the cake mess and turn it back into a cake once it's destroyed.

Once you destroy your own empathy, once you make your heart go cold, you can't go back. The trick is to never let go of what makes you human.

I prefer your spelling though :) I copied the quote from Goodreads, can't remember where I saw it originally because I was never obsessed with NeeChee, although he has some pearls. However, the quote resonates with me tremendously. Take it easy out there!

I think it's those type of people that make us wonder if humans are actually the ones in control.