When all the police shootings were getting publicized last year there was a real chance of a unifying FUCK THE POLICE movement, but instead it was co-opted and strategically branded into BLACK LIVES MATTER by George Soros, furthering divide and stymying a real revolution

1  2018-02-08 by [deleted]



I dont think having a fuck the police movement is necessarily the best thing

I do. Police are absolute scum at worst, and at best they're scum-lite who cover for the scum.

Lol, naive and ridiculous.

What is naive, by the definition of naive, is buying the shit you were told about cops in kindergarten.

You do you realize, that you are using the same dehumanization tactics as the Nazis did, right? Oh, the irony...

You mean when they committed the Holocaust?

When they rounded up various people and put them in work/internment camps, yes. Holocaust? Not so much...

You mean like cops do?

Why do you constantly ninja edit your comments in this thread? Very suspicious...

Have a lovely night.

I have a tendency to re-think the shit I say so I can improve it and not look dumber than I have to. You should try it sometime.

OP Ferguson and the very high number of young unarmed African American Men being killed by police was, 2014.

A summer certain faction of conservatives and their co-conspirators in the nations police departments tried their damnedest to get some riots going in "urban areas."

The BLM name was created to use to attack any and all African American protests and demonstrations, but especially the ones they created with their own special agent provocateurs or actual demonstrations that were seeded with the fake BLM posers.

I posted a photo once of a demonstration where a couple of "BLM" sign carriers had literally got in front of an exosting demonstration with a big fabric banner, proclaming Black Lives Matter.

The name itself is created to be an irritant, which of course the creators immediately followed up with self righteous and pious murmurings, All Lives Matter, unless they are Black.

Nah, it's the other way. Black Lives Matter was intended to bring awareness that hey, black lives matter, too. Since, police shootings of black people didn't seem to make the news much. But, FoxNews and the other right-wing smear machines turned it into a racial thing and scared white people into thinking blacks might actually get organized, and we can't have that.

BLM did it to themselves, by acting like racist assholes. What are you talking about?

Hold up, if BLM is full of racist assholes, why haven't they elected you their leader yet?

I'm not Black, nor am I racist. Don't derail my comment, kthxbye.

Flat out calling specific users racist assholes isn't really a way to go about successfully making a point.

Oh but unspecifically is okay?

Nowhere was that stated or even implied. I said that calling a user a racist asshole is not a way to successfully make a point, and I stand by that claim 100%. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

Was there even something racist or deliberately insensitive to the point of constituting his "asshole-ish-ness" that PLC said to warrant your unsolicited and virulent response?

Nowhere was that stated or even implied.

He called BLM racist assholes. So he called me a racist asshole.

I said that calling a user a racist asshole is not a way to successfully make a point, and I stand by that claim 100%. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

You think I actually give a shit about changing peyote_the_coyote's mind? Seriously?

Was there even something racist or deliberately insensitive to the point of constituting his "asshole-ish-ness" that PLC said to warrant your unsolicited and virulent response?

He called BLM racist assholes. Do you think nobody on BLM is on reddit? Do you think they'

I believe you may have confused the target of your grievance.

Removed. Rule 5

What the heck? The people who will never support a "fuck the police" movement--or who generally will always support the police--are largely Republican. It is those people who continually argue for the "few bad eggs" thing and always find ways to excuse cops' actions.

yeah fuck the police movement could just as easily be spun into a narrative of emotionally charged dum dums

Yes I remember even InfoWars was reporting on police brutality incidents but right after all the Black Lives Matter shenanigans it became fashionable to respect the men in blue

It's almost as though even the people who imagine themselves anti-authoritarian and anti-police-brutality secretly care more about keeping black people "in their place."

Wonder if there's a cop gene. Something that makes you lose al your hair puff out your chest and have an uncontrollable urge to push people around.

It's pretty much just for people too scared, stupid, or fat to actually join the military, and that's saying something.

Black people only make up 12% of the country. They're called minorities for a reason. They don't have the political power to enact change on their own. They also don't have the resources, time, etc. to divide their time so that they can be seen to be equally fighting against police injustice on behalf of white people when white people don't really want to solve this problem. If the majority of white people cared about police brutality and the rising police state, it would be fixed.

Yup. Instead most white people quietly harbor the belief that police are there to protect them from black people.

We need awareness on the issue, but media is literally the devil. They twist and mold just one story into what it's not and won't ever actually tackle the issue in it's entirety. BLM is a wonderful movement that is also pushed to the extreme by some individuals. Only those events get coverage and that one event becomes the face of the whole movement.

Like when they asked white protesters to stand between them and the cops but not speak bc they're voices won't convey the African American struggle fully. The media twisted that protest into 'BLM using white guilt to shield them from police violence' or some shit. The movement knows cops will be less likely to strike or push back if white people are in the front lines and it allowed the movement to actually speak to journalists and protest peacefully.

Uh yeah, no. It was the All Lives Matter/Blue Lives Matter bullshit that prevented that unified movement.

There will never be a FUCK THE POLICE movement in the United States. I remember watching the show Cops one time, and there was this cop trying to handle a domestic violence scene when gunfire erupted in the darkness outside. Rather than duck and hide, this brave cop drew his weapon and runs out into the darkness toward the gunfire! It still gives me chills thinking about it. God bless these brave men and women who give their lives to make our society. For their sacrifice, they deserve the best our society has to offer.

Really, I am not sure what you mean by fuck the police. Perhaps you are indicating toward something along the lines of: fuck having an authoritarian government, and those who execute it. People can get really behind a movement like this. The absolute execution of the law is tyranny after all, and we are moving closer and closer to it. Fuck the absolute execution of the law! The messengers of that tyranny (i.e. cops), however, are pawns in a game that they do not understand the rules for, just like me and you.

Perhaps you meant to say FUCK THE POLICE BRUTALITY? Also, a movement most Americans would support. However, the missive FUCK THE POLICE will never garner wide support. Ever. So give it up. This is not a conspiracy, only, people tend to like having a functioning society.

COPS is fucking gross, it's pornography for proto-fascists.

I agree: shows about a particular profession tend to be propaganda for that profession (as opposed to other professions). You are short sighted, however, when you view police officers as oppressors. They are like fingers on the arm of oppression. You really should seek their power source if you want to comment about the true nature of subjugation, for both the prisoners and the guards are in the prison.

I agree: television shows about a particular profession tend to be propaganda for that profession (as opposed to other professions). You are short sighted, however, when you view police officers as oppressors. They are like fingers on the arm of oppression. You really should seek their power source if you want to comment about the true nature of subjugation, for both the prisoners and the guards are in the prison.

Some cops are good, some cops are bad, but by the very nature of profession it tends to draw in the type of people that will abuse the authority.

Statistics don't align with this mode of thinking...who needs facts though, right?

COPS is fucking gross, it's pornography for proto-fascists.

You mean like cops do?

Some cops are good, some cops are bad, but by the very nature of profession it tends to draw in the type of people that will abuse the authority.