Did the US go to the moon? Yes. But not in that tin can known as "Apollo Lander"

0  2018-02-09 by xolotl-tlaloc

It is my opinion that factions within the US government have had zero-point/anti-gravity devices since AT LEAST WW2.

Bottom Line: The US wanted to (convincingly) show up the Russians -- and the world. The rocket launches were legit, but no astronauts were inside.

Instead, Neil Armstrong (along with the "Apollo Lander") were safely transported to the moon on a much larger, zeropoint cargo ship. The Apollo Lander was lowered by cable (and raised by cable) to simulate landing (and subsequent "lunar liftoff").

Finally, "splashdown" did also occure -- definitely wanted to make sure those pinko commies saw a capsule on their radars! But no one was ever in the modules. The modules were empty -- released from the cargo ship in space. And then astronauts would simply appear for press conferences -- only to describe the dramatic experiences (but also in the form on a limited hangout -- yes, they go to the moon.... just not using really big firecrackers and gold-leafed moon buggies).

Yes, the US sent people to the moon. (And Mars. And other solar systems.) They want you to know they have superior technology -- but they don't want you know just HOW superior. (They want to think they got there on a rocket fueled by "fossils". Nooooooope.)


Any evidence that they have zero-point/anti-gravity devices?

Is all of Tesla's work being stolen upon his death by those in power enough evidence? Especially when it is because of him that we have pretty much any technology you can name, yet we learn about everyone BUT him in school?

Is there evidence that Tesla developed that tech?

Some, pertaining to his patents. He was THE true genius, far and away superior than anyone else. Most of his work was taken and hidden, obviously. Some even think einstein was a shill "mad zany scientist" character to put people on a different track.


It was given to John Trump, Donald Trump’s uncle. Seriously https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_G._Trump

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_G._Trump

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Any evidence of gravity? Gravity needs to exist for anti-gravity to exist.

Besides observable, repeatable tests like dropping something? You can test it now even.

If I drop something lighter than air it floats. Is it not subject to gravity?

Yes, it is. But the air is holding it up.

What is the observable, repeatable test that shows that mass attracts mass?

Don't know on that. It's out of my league. But there is a force that pulls us toward the ground. Or the ground is moving up as a flat earther would say. The effect is the same to me.

No flat earther thinks the ground moves up. That is retarded Flat Earth Theory disinfo. There is a reason that is the first thing that comes up on Google.

Flat earthers believe in the simple laws of density and buoyancy. Anything more dense than air falls. Anything less dense than air rises. Anything denser than water sinks. Anything less dense than water floats.

Are things that float not subject to gravity? Please explain when gravity applies and when it does not apply and please show me the research that shows that the mass of an object can be used to attract the mass of another object.

To the indoctrinated, if gravity didn't exist we'd float off into space. The cosmology that we are taught in school and are even exposed to before we reach year 5 is that we live on a ball in a vacuum called space. Once you break through the understanding that what you know was put there by so called authority then you will start to unlearn what you have learned. Education is not knowledge but part of the programming, all entertainment programming follows the same information that we are constantly feed throughout our entire lives. The system is a prison of comfort and the majority love their prison because it feeds them, entertains them, tells them what they can and can not do, tells them what is possible and what is not possible. It's the largest prison system you'll never see unless you wake up from the dream that we have all been put in since birth.

I guess I'm not an expert on gravity. It's not my field. But it sounds like you are describing gravity to me.

What we term as gravity must exist, otherwise I'd be floating around my kitchen right now, chasing my tea with my mug...

The ultimate weight loss tea

It's not gravity its all about electromagnetism.

UFO sightings

I think you have the right of it. The US space program is fishy in a lot of ways, but people here are thinking in the wrong way. They assume that the green screens, wires, and harnesses signify that we don’t actually have the technology. Truth is that shit is the front to cover the tech that’s actually out there. Look at the amount of dark money out there. Trillions. Where’s that going you think?

Just seems like if we were that far ahead of everyone else technologically the US would have already conquered the world.

Aliens were going to attack the planet, so we went to the moon to negotiate, but we created the nuclear bomb.. if they invade the planet we blow everyone up.. got that straight from buzz aldrin

I like this theory

but what if we're being held hostage by our own leaders and its not that the aliens want to "invade" and take over like buzz said... but the aliens want to free us from our enslavement instead?

Do you think that this has anything to do with the Nazi Bell? The people asking for proof of such incredibly advanced tech don't seem to be familiar with the concept of break-away societies.

This is all just speculation. Might be fun, but you have literally no way of knowing that there was an alternate moon program.

The important part is that Apollo was fake. That we can know. Some people still aren't even there yet.

Lol no

Revealing the technology would unwind the world order of oligarchy and hidden hands.

They would rather set off a few nukes than advance global public energy supply to a profitless system of free infinite energy.

The people must be mercilessly squeezed so they never stop to wonder why.

There is an element of psychopathic hatred in keeping the majority of humanity in an evolutionary truncation, arbitrarily nickel and dimed to death.

Hidden hands... And hidden lands...

They wanted to show up the Russians so instead of showing off their zero-point anti gravity machines they launched an aluminum tube full of combustible fuel into orbit and then flew their advanced tech up there and pretended they did it in a comparatively stone age machine.


And people here wonder why this sub is so widely mocked.

Hidden hands... And hidden lands...