Ark Of The Covenant theory

36  2018-02-10 by Conspiranut

According to the Bible, god was able to verbally communicate with people through the Ark of the Covenant.

Exodus 25:22 says: And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which are upon the ark of the testimony, of all things which I will give thee in commandment unto the children of Israel.

Notice it says from between the two cherubims.

It's thought that the "cherubim" was metallic (conductive) and looked like this, like others found in Egypt:

Notice the gap between the wings of the angels.

So here's the theory: If there was a high voltage running between the wings of the cherubim, the gap would create a spark, and apparently this spark would be enough to actually hear a crude AM radio signal. No receiver is necessay, the sparks between the wings is all you would need to hear a radio signal.


take a look at these two videos:

As you can see from the videos, when the spacing between the conductors is just right, you can actually hear the radio signal coming right out of the sparks !!

Could this phenomenon help explain how "god" was able to speak to people from between the wings ?


God is more of an fm guy

Do you prefer ammm or fmmm

I would’ve never expected to find a Suite Life reference here.

The only thing here on suite life is horrifying realities that all those kids slept their way to stardom.

I've heard the theory that it was an electrical conductor, but not a radio.

It being electrical makes sense because they had to handle and carry it a certain way. Also, there is a Bible verse about someone stumbling and falling/touching it (accidentally). The verse said the power of God killed him instantly. Well, if it was electricity, then this would make sense. He was shocked and killed.

Indeed. Also the priests had to wear breastplates and special garments woven from gold and other metals. This would effectivly act as a shield to protect them from whatever the power source inside was.

Gold is incredibly conductive, wearing a breastplate made of one to protect against electrical shock is like wearing a bulletproof vest made out of gunpowder.

I know, that's why I said it would protect them from the power source, not the electricity.

If the power source within the ark was radioactive, their garments and breastplates would definitely help shield them. Gold is excellent for that

But if you used it in such a way to create a Faraday cage effect, the electricity is going to take the path of least resistance so it would go thru the gold and then somehow be charged away from the human.

Well not exactly. If the age-old was grounded the electrical path would follow it and not through the wearer. Like a farraday sheild.

Unless they are sweating and the moisture makes an electrical connection to the person wearing the gold.

I’m just gonna go out on a limb and say you might be doing some sweating carrying a solid gold or whatever ark, decked out in gold breastplates, in heavy robes, in the Middle East.

Just a theory I have.

They would be wearing something underneath anyway. Gold would chaff the hell outta your nipples.

Yes. The priests had to wear special stuff to go into the room that housed the Ark. Also, the people tied a rope around the priest's foot. The reason given was the priest had to be pure of heart (or something like that) to enter the room with the Ark. If he wasn't, then God would strike him dead. The people would pull him out by the rope.

This makes sense. If the priest didn't take the special precautions to enter a room with something electrical, then he would be shocked and killed.

It wasn't the power of God, it was electricity.

I've read a theory that it created a huge, deadly static electricity charge that could kill a lot of people around it and that it was designed so those that were using it and had the know how of how it worked, were protected from the charge. And also that there may have been some natural radioactive elements inside which would account for the deaths of anyone that opened it.

That is interesting and ties in to what I've read/heard too.

Interesting stuff, assuming it can be taken at face value. What I mean by that is there are people who say many of the stories in the Bible might have been new versions of older stories, passed down and modified to fit in line with the new religion. The stories of the ark and the dangers it carries might be alluding to older advanced civilizations that have since disappeared, or maybe even the last remnants of those.

Also if you look at the idea from a standpoint of a narrative instead of it being historical, there might be more to it. The idea of knowledge being terrible, dangerous, or somehow bad can be seen in the stories of the Garden Of Eden with the tree that got the first two kicked out. In a general sense, the ark and those dangers could be in reference to, and reinforcing, that idea that knowledge(this time gifted by God I’d assume) is inherently dangerous except to a very select few people. There are multiple angles that you can come at this from.

I like your theory about it being about knowledge being dangerous. That is an interesting way to look at it.

For the record, I don't think the Bible was meant to be taken literally. I think it has hidden meanings.

Priests have been, at least from what I’ve read over the years, the traditional holders of power & knowledge. I see religion as the earliest form of both science and government, which as time went on diverged and became their own things. Religion has always tried to hold fast to humanity, a tool meant for control and domination. Controlling the flow of knowledge is a powerful weapon in their hands, so it would make sense they’d weave the idea into their teachings that knowledge is somehow inherently dangerous and only “the pure” should be allowed to have access to it.

And they still have control of knowledge. Look at what happened to Aaron Swartz when he attempted to make academic research papers more accessible.

Yes, this makes sense.

God communicated in many ways without the ark of the covenant, and communicates even today to His ppl without it. I don’t think it means what you think it does.

He communicated with special,chosen people.

But with this method he would be able to communicate with anyone standing around the ark. Anyone nearby would hear the voice coming from the sparks.

Haha "God"

My best attempt at being diplomatic


Yeah with high RF, they retinas are the first to go

When I was 10 I had a shitty guitar amp that when I cranked it up to 11 it would shoot sparks and pick up AM stations. Amp of the Covenant, perhaps?

Did you hear any messages instructing you to slaughter animals and splatter blood everywhere?

Only while doing Ozzy covers. :p

I went to 11? Is that you, Nigel?

Why don't you just make 10 louder?

..........These go to eleven.

Love the use "perhaps" at the end. Ancient Aliens does that all the time.

Did aliens come down and build this structure and change our DNA to make us how we are now(with no proof of anything to show for that)?.....PERHAPS.:)

You have an amp that goes to 11?! Mine only goes to 10. Lucky you

I love people like you! Humans with curiosity who dare to ask questions and connect the dots. You sparked my interest in this idea.

Thank you ?

You should check out Graham Hancock's work on the Ark, he claims to have traced to back to its final resting place in Ethiopia and to have met with the Ark Guardians...very intriguing. Their description of it makes me think it's more of a weapon than anything.

You think local "Ark Guardians" in Ethiopia could protect the Ark from rich/powerful people that want it?

The Ethiopian church seems to be on the right side of things. I say that cautiously.

I'm from Ethiopia. Axum to be exact which is where the Ark is. There is a guard there that guards the ark 24 hours/7 days a week no breaks. They say he doesn't sleep. Their are also replicas everywhere so the church that houses so the ark might not actually be there. They also say the actual ark is on a elevated plateau that you can only go up by rope climbing. If you're not a male then the rope will break and you will die.

Sure that makes sense :/ A singular indigenous guard protecting the most valuable artifact in history

If you're not a male then the rope will break and you will die.

That's so dumb. I mean thats a clear control you with fear thing.

Isn’t there a theory it could fit in the pyramids. That’s there’s a space for it ?

Yeah, in the kings chamber of the great pyramid, but apparently the dimensions don't match as precisely as some claim

Reminds me of that time Gilligan got hit on the head with a coconut and then he was able to pick up radio signals via the fillings in his teeth.

Yeah same concept, except the ark would need high voltage, to create a spark, so lots of people could hear it

I think i remember reading that it was lined with gold or the gold was layered with another material.

Maybe it also functioned something like the Baghdad Battery to generate the electrical field.

That is awesome!

I always thought that the Ark contained a power source which caused those that mishandled it to die, but this takes it further. What better way to control the masses than through "magic"!

I can't help but think that the Ark could have dead batteries, and that buy replacing the power source, we might be able to find out the "God frequency". From there we would know more about the range among other things. This is exciting.

Now ask about the walls of Jericho

I'm listening .. how this this relate to the destruction of the walls?

Sonic vibration if you read the bible literally. Untapped potential attributed to god(s)

Love this theory. Do you think this implies that “god” was “close by”? I don’t know much about radio communications but if you intend to have a conversation, you’d think it would have to be fast to be believable.

I do believe the signal source would need to be quite close by for this to work.

Personally, I don't believe the Ark of the Covenant is a physical object. I believe that the cherubim you speak of is the cerebrum, or two hemispheres, left and right part of the brain. And the treasure between them is the pineal gland.

Excuse the crude drawing

Genesis 32:30 So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, "It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared."

Ancient Alien Astronaut Theorists say, "Yes"

Nikola Tesla experimented with picking up communications “from the other side” using conductive metal

He wrote a poem and sent it to his Nazi mystic pal. It was called “Fragments of Olympian Gossip.”

It begins “While listening on my cosmic phone I caught words from the Olympus blown. A newcomer was shown around; That much I could guess, aided by sound.”

Hope that helps Love this idea

This is a very interesting theory, Moses was initiated into the Egyptian mysteries after all, and whoever built the pyramids may have had knowledge of electricity. I always assumed it was a book, probably the old testament before Moses, as the word ark is where archive comes from, and also I have always believed Noah's ark was the surviving knowledge from the lost civilization, in the form of a book/archive.

Hey do you have any good resources on Moses being initiated into the Egyptian mysteries that you could point me towards? Genuinely curious on the topic and would appreciate a little breadcrumb.

Well, Egypt was a theocracy, it was ruled by the priesthood and the pharaoh was a god-king, Osiris incarnate. According the old testament, Moses was a prince of Egypt, which means he would be initiated into the mysteries. Anything else would be like the children of the ayatollah ruler of Iran not knowing about Islam.

Makes sense, I knew about him being raised as Egyptian royalty but never considered him gaining their esoteric knowledge. No one really talks about that. Funny enough, it's a verse all the way in the New Testament that mentions his enlightenment, Acts 7:22.

Wow, thank you!

Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was powerful in speech and action.

Love this theory

Interesting theory. But Hopi Native Americans say that their people came from a hole in the ground in Utah. It just so happens that there's an underground village there. There are 200 more around the world and have the same story of escaping a cataclysm and herding animals into it.

Here's one in Turkey:

No one would WANT to live underground if they could live above ground. The official explanation is hiding during war - HAH! So invaders come and kill and burn down your village, say you don't get discovered, why would you need a whole fucking city - you'd only need a big room to hide for some hours or days at most!

Very good points. However, the Ark of the covenant as we know it, isn't the first of it's kind. In Ancient Egyptian mythology the body of Osiris was torn apart and later put back into the box his body was previously taken out of, and hidden in a temple. The dimensions of the ark and the dimensions of the box in the Great Pyramid are quite close. And there is currently no undeniable evidence that Solomon's temple ever existed. One could reach the conclusion that this ark never existed in the way we know it to. It's clear that you probably support the ancient alien theory, and I agree on that, since the Sumerians got the date of the rise of modern man spot on, and were quite advanced for a grouping of tribals.

I think you meant to comment on my comment relevant to the ark? I will answer once you repost there

Fascinating! I"ll have to research these underground cities

This is pretty interesting.

There's also a passage (2 Samuel 6:2-7 I think) where someone reached out and touched it and was struck dead. I've heard a few times that they think this was due to electricity.

Revelation 11:19 also says that there's an Ark of the Covenant in heaven. Is it the same one that's on Earth or is it the mate to the one on earth? Maybe it works like a walkie?

Very good points. However, the Ark of the covenant as we know it, isn't the first of it's kind. In Ancient Egyptian mythology the body of Osiris was torn apart and later put back into the box his body was previously taken out of, and hidden in a temple. The dimensions of the ark and the dimensions of the box in the Great Pyramid are quite close. And there is currently no undeniable evidence that Solomon's temple ever existed. One could reach the conclusion that this ark never existed in the way we know it to. It's clear that you probably support the ancient alien theory, and I agree on that, since the Sumerians got the date of the rise of modern man spot on, and were quite advanced for a grouping of tribals.

I was messing with a car audio amp one time, touched the speaker wire terminals with a allen wrench, The music stopped playing through the car speakers and I could hear it in my head, Not crystal clear but feint and grainy, but plain as day I could hear the high's and lyrics but no bass or mids.

They would be wearing something underneath anyway. Gold would chaff the hell outta your nipples.

Well, Egypt was a theocracy, it was ruled by the priesthood and the pharaoh was a god-king, Osiris incarnate. According the old testament, Moses was a prince of Egypt, which means he would be initiated into the mysteries. Anything else would be like the children of the ayatollah ruler of Iran not knowing about Islam.