The Ankle Monitor Conspiracy

15  2018-02-11 by IbDotLoyingAwright

What happened to this one? For awhile I was getting pretty convinced.

If you follow it, what can you tell me about it? Who do you think is involved, why are they being secretly monitored, and what kind of proof have you dug up?


OP, please provide some links or more information about this story. Not everyone will understand what or who you are talking about.

Apparently Democrats like Hillary & McCain have supposedly been put secretly in ankle monitors, preventing them from fleeing the country to avoid being prosecuted.

glad you brought that up.

here we are, nearly mid february. we don't ever see hillary nor mccain out in public any more.

coincidence ??


Hillary has no political office and McCain is sick, it's hardly proof of anything. Hillary has been pretty active, just not at major events.

Seriously, this entire conspiracy is idiotic. Why would they need to put ankle monitors on Hillary/Obama when they are actively being guarded by secret service? Wouldn't the democrats be screaming about their former leaders being arrested/monitored by the opposition party?

Hillary and McCain and Obama will never face charges. There will be no military tribunals (because they are illegal).

Hillary has been pretty active, just not at major events.

so... are you saying that photographers are not following her around?

find me ONE photo of hillary out in public over the last 30 days.

She was at the Grammys. It was on TV. Pretty much everyone on the right lost their damn minds.

That was pre recorded.

Maybe there aren't pictures of Hillary because nobody but the far right gives even a single shit about her?

Which is why they made a special place for her at those horrible grammy awards?

And why she just got a special spot at the "Makers Conference"?

Somebody's still trying to force her on the Left, which mostly hates her (and with good reason).

Something fucky is going on. Not saying I know what it is.

What makes you think Trump is worse than Clinton?

Because Trump is president, and Clinton is not. They're both "nasty" in varying degrees, but Clinton never called a Gold Star widow a liar. Who does that? Especially as Commander in Chief?

My other main beef is why does he keep losing staff like dandruff? A chief executive needs to be able to manage people as well as his own personal wealth, but nope!

I'm not sure about Trumps major "scandals" at this point, I'm reserving judgment. But if he just came clean, in a publicly-televised deposition (can you imagine the ratings? he loves ratings!) he could put all this crap behind him and actually do some work.

So you think he’s worse because he says mean things?

When his job is to say nice things to Gold Star families in particular, yes. I'm not saying I'm in love with America's war machine, but his behavior is emblematic of his DGAF attitude.

Listen, we'll never (ever) know how good a president Hillary could've been, but anyone who wants to give Trump the benefit of the doubt needs to focus on Trump's deeds, good and not-so-good. BECAUSE HE'S THE PRESIDENT! Bring Hillary back into the spotlight whenever Trump looks bad seems like you're (you and him) are hiding something.

So we should only care if presidents do bad things

Well that's needlessly reductive, innit? Trump is not really doing his job right now, so we need to care about it right now. Andrew Jackson did a lot of bad things 200 years ago, so it's not as important.

I am sure there are millions of things going on behind close doors, deals made here and there amongst middle management. And trump expects certain things.. so maybe he’s firing them all.

Or maybe they are all corrupt and just keep dropping like flies. I don’t see without insider information how we can even draw an opinion on what is going on inside the White House. The president doesn’t manage anything lol.. you think he has time to manage who works for him, if anything he is managing them by firing them.

The president, in theory, has way too many responsibilities to not take recruitment seriously, I'm not sure how you don't see that. But even if he just managed his cabinet and high-level White House employees properly he wouldn't be missing a chief strategist, chief of staff, National Security Advisor, HHS secretary, a few comms directors and spokespeople, the wife beater guy (allegedly) and I'm sure I'm forgetting some.

That's a lot for a year. I worked at a Best Buy that didn't have as much turnover.

I have never seen any proof of trump being racist.. idk why people keep saying that. Maybe provide facts to that versus just calling him racist. So we can all see proof.. so we can judge accordingly. I’ve never seen any proof or evidence to support saying he’s an illogical racist pig. You can have that opinion.. but please provide facts for all to see.

Just my opinion, I could be wrong.

current pied-piper of the pink pussy resistance army

Do women that have opinions and express them really threaten you that much? lol

For being so active in a conspiracy sub, you seem awfully close minded to any view that isn't parroted by the mainstream.

Doesn’t McCain have like stage 4 cancer?

People shout down Hillary to shut the fuck up every time she opens her mouth. It’s not really surprising that someone in that situation, who holds no political office or public job, would lay low.

Getting a special spot at the Grammys and Makers 2018 is the same as being shouted down and told to stfu?

Are you saying that every time she speaks we don’t get articles that argue why she should shut up and not talk?

Well I am kinda silly so that's okay. I was more mocking her "laying low" while appearing on the Grammys

Wait, wait, wait, so there are people who actually believe the stuff about the ankle monitors, gitmo, etc.?

It's Hillary Clinton. Considering all the things she has been accused of, do you think that an ankle monitor would stop her from running if she wanted too?

It's dissapeared because it's as retarded as "Marines have storemd the CIA" and "Obama and Hillary are about to be arrested".

Many people on CBTS are convinced that Hillary, Obama, Soros, and others, are being held at Guantanamo Bay awaiting military tribunals where they will be executed.

I absolutely love that one. These people love this country and the constitution so much that they want to completely disregard several sections and amendments to hold completely illegal military tribunals for private citizens.