Can I just point out how bizarre it is that the mainstream media has spent a year demonizing North Korea and within the span of a week is suddenly praising them?

2324  2018-02-12 by Johnny_Oldschool

Like seriously, what in the ACTUAL fuck. This is the most insane about-face I've ever seen in my life. I'm all for a unified Korea and toppling the disgustingly oppressive regime that is Kim Jon Un's barbaric insanity to free the people within it's borders. And I think it's good that they appear to be a little less xenophobic lately.

But what the fuck. They enter the Olympics, and suddenly we like them? After a year of saying how volatile they are?

The fuck is going on??


Submission statement: Why the hell is the MSM doing an about-face regarding North Korea? What is actually going on here??

Simple, the majority of the MSM media hates Trump, and who has Trump gone after most since taking office? NK. The prettier they paint NK the more people they will convince to take NKs side and that is more fuel for them to add to the anti Trump narrative.

What a weird lens to see things through.

It's the Olympics, so the media toned down the nuke and war talk for a couple weeks. Has nothing to do with spiting Trump or getting Americans to side with North Korea. With or without Trump, Americans know NK is an unstable state-size cult with nukes. How far up your own ass do you have to be to think this way?

The only reason they are propping up Kims sister is to throw shade on Pence. Find me an article which mentions one in a good light but not the other in a bad light.

Plus, NK is cooperating with the toned down language and cooperation, and unless the goal is to slaughter millions, the only way we ever resolve NK is by encouraging them when they play nice.

The only media that cares about the Olympics is NBC and ESPN. NBC is the only major company making money off the Olympics other than ESPN showing highlights.

Disagreeing isn’t gaslighting you fucking idiot. Why is everything a scheme? Everyone who disagrees with you is gaslighting or a paid shill or a “pedophile apologist” or Satanist or siding with North Korea of all places. Try to take a step back and realize how absurd you sound.

Actually, Fox news is part of MSM too.

Yeah I don’t understand why people don’t think Fox News isn’t MSM when they say that? Lol.

They’ve known to lie just as much as the others

I did say the majority of MSM, not all of MSM.

You think making people hate Trump by making them like NK would be easier than making people hate Trump because of his personality, policies and administration?

If you havent noticed over the last year, the liberal media will hate anything Trump does and support anything that goes against him. Will shining NK in a positive light do anything? None of us can really say, but they sure will try.

But a lot of people already hate Trump and they've been hostile to NK until they were friendly at the Olympics.

How would praising NK make any more people dislike Trump? Why have they only dialled back the hostility now?

Liberal media shitting on Trump isn't some conspiracy, it's just them playing to their base. The same way Fox would shit on Obama (and still does occasionally), that's what their viewers want to hear.

Because when the Olympics or World Cup etc come around it is a good chance to drop the politics and try to get on with each other. Nobody is pointing nukes or rattling sabres, it is just blissful, beautiful sport.

And money, lots and lots of money changing hands.

And everyone (especially russia and china) trying to cheat as much as possible. Note NK has some historical similarities to russia and china... cough commies cough cough... I wonder if they will have a similar history of cheating in the olympics.

Everybody on the Norwegian cross country ski team has been diagnosed with severe asthma. The side effects of the emergency medications they are allowed to take are increased muscle development.;topic=410208.0;attach=453184;image

There’s a difference between the NK government and the NK people. The olympics is more about the citizens than the government. Also, there’s always been talks about peace and reunification between NK and SK if you’ve been paying attention.

I totally get that, but like, I'm old-ish. This is the first time NK has been mentioned in the MSM coverage. It just stinks to me. The MSM coverage that is. None of those fuckheads have an honest cell in their body. Everything is an agenda.

Perhaps it has to do with increasing tensions in the ME...especially with the Israeli plane being shot down by Syria. It seems to me that whenever one theater goes quiet, the other is ramped up. The MSM seems to alternate from one day, one week, one month to the next on its coverage and screaming over Nkorea or the ME or Africa or any other region of conflict.

Pretty much yeah.

So does the media do this to control the narrative, or do they just want to give their customers what they want? My gut says the latter, which in a way is worse.

Thats the problem with for profit news, information becomes a commodity that you have to pay for, so theyll sell what people want to buy, not what people need to hear.

I feel like nowadays, what people want to buy is what they need to hear. At least a lot more so than in previous times

haven’t heard nearly enough about sub saharan africa in years, other than the ebola crisis recently.

I dunno but the sister is banging

I was cracking up laughing last night when I walked in and my wife was excited to see the North Korean Cheerleaders. I said, "Who???" And sat down to watch, Jesus Christ they were drooling over them. There was some dude in the middle of them while they were cheering and clapping, during the hockey game, I think, who was trying to clap on beat, and totally failed. Anyways, joked that poor bastard was going to die, especially saw it when he noticed the camera.

I see you like the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's selection of women. These just cheerleaders - cigarette smoking alley women! - only a disgraceful ugly women would enter South Korea, USA! No! Every women in North Korea possess true beauty; prettier than them and purer; in grace from our Dear Leader; whose divine spirit is present in every child birth.

Your media is up sucking to us! Even Trump sends silver hawk to be shot down! We send beautiful doves! Long Live the Dear Leader and Long Live the DRPK!


I like how they played "Gangnam Style" when the USA team entered the stadium on opening night.

We were always at peace with Eastasia.

Nice. Beat me to it. This is exactly what it is.


Newspeak. - INGSOC

I like you



I read that a few years ago I have a terrible memory.

Its a reference to how pressurised stream of information from mass media make people doubt themselves.

Except that wasn't the point of 1984.

The Van Halen album?

I read it a long time ago so I can't be very specific. But there is a part in the book where the war with eastasia is done but further the goverment controls say that they were never even at war with eastasia. And everybody just eats it up. That's the qoute, "we were always at peace with eastasia." Meaning a type of groupthink or mass hypnosis where everyone just accepts the goverments line and ignores their own memories.

Just like ISIS.

Whatever happened to ISIS?

Trump cut off their funding and arms (by cutting off the "moderate Syrian rebels" for anyone who thinks I'm joking or stupid), and turned Mattis loose on them. The End.

And Russia kicked their asses in two weeks after the US claimed to be at war with them for two years.

Anyone remember when the organization they all worked for on Archer was called ISIS?

I mean they're still around they're just not the boogeyman anymore. How many other small factions of middle eastern fighters do you know? That's all isis is anymore. Boko haram, al quesadilla, taliban. New year it'll be a new group because how do you kill an ideaology that demonizes education and promotes dying.

The last big project Winston worked on at the Ministry of Truth, was the changing of 'history' to reflect the "fact" that Oceania had 'always' been at war with EastAsia.

It was now impossible for any human being to prove by documentary evidence that the war with Eurasia had ever happened.

everyone just accepts the goverments line and ignores their own memories

And that's exactly what happens.....through the MSM. The MSM as a supposedly independent entity with integrity (I have to laugh everytime I hear that) they provide a platform from which the government lies to us. We get into illegal wars. MSM apologizes for not being more diligent. Rinse and repeat. And even their own polls show that over 70% of their viewers don't trust them.

But, try telling someone some news that hasn't been validated by the very MSM they don't trust and you're a god damned lunatic for spreading "fake news".

I don't even tune in to news on the TV anymore unless it's a active situation that's being covered live. I do read it. I also read a lot of other news sources on the matters that are important to me. But, I'll be damned if I believe much of it.

1984 is written in 1948.

We worked with Communists against Fascists. Then we took the Fascists in for their science and technology, and all of the sudden the Communists were the enemies.

It's such a thin metaphor it amazes me it has to be explained. Then again, everyone says "It's just like 1984!" instead of realizing that he was talking about the state of the world ~70 years ago. It's that much worse than 1984.

1948/1984 is about showing how you can make 2+2=5, reversing facts of history, logical, and truth.


The only reason, and i mean the ONLY reason i watch msm news is so i can know what they WANT me to think.

Same here, but don't think you're immune to their subtle influence....


They pretty much run up with their dicks out JUST because they can

There are the obvious attempts at influence. But there are also more subtle attempts - things like color - of the backdrop or clothing, the people they choose - the pitch of their voice and the speed with which they talk. The ratios - number of pro-talking heads vs anti-talking heads. I'm sure there are many more that I am not aware of...

Daniel Kahneman and his research partner have some amazing data on this.

I want to relate something-I just happened to watch part of a movie this morning - Josie and the Pussycats. The ideas revealed there totally blew my mind. Let me explain. There is one woman villain in the movie that owns a huge media conglomerate. Her idea is to get teenagers hooked on rock music and play subliminal messages along with the music. Wow... But wait, it gets better. Before that, as I was flipping through the channels, there was a show, about women in the police, and how they do their policing. So, this black police woman stops a vehicle under the pretext that she witnessed the driver throw garbage out the window, and the guy (also black), says no, he was just adjusting the side mirror. So the female cop checks and you wouldn't guess, the dude has a warrant for not showing in court- for playing music too loud. And his girlfriend, who was riding shotgun, also had a warrant for some chickenshit charge, so she hauls them both to jail. Afterwards, she admits that the black man in fact was really adjusting his mirror and didn't throw out any trash out the car window. And she chuckles. And I am like, OMFG, they are not even trying to cover their propaganda with subliminal messages anymore, they want us to watch it and be very afraid. It was quite an epiphany. I am just curious, does anyone find a show like Cops entertaining? WTF watches that for fun?

Whatever cop show you watched was likely staged. Cops isn't, but I've seen others that obviously are. A show about only female cops screams reality tv.

Admitting he didn't throw any trash on camera not only meant the charges would be dropped, but she could be sued. Yes, this shit happens all the time, but they don't chuckle about it openly on tv after.

I wish I had recorded the show, this happened in Cincinnati OH. But that's immaterial. What is important is that it is propaganda. Personally, I don't know anyone that would enjoy such a show, it's not entertaining in the least. Judge Judy is one thing, where at least she talks some sense, but to present such a police reality show is deceptive without mentioning that these are actors.

I don't disagree at all.

They set narratives.

Even if we don't buy what they're selling, the fact that we take their narrative seriously enough to debate it gives them more power.

Read this 3x. Never forget it.

Mr cool guy here thinks hes not being influenced as well. Ok lol

When I first read 1984 in my sophomore year of high school, I’m a college freshman now, I remember thinking the exact same thing in regards to the entire situation with N. Korea.

It’s super scary how Orwell was able to predict so much back then.

Orwell and Huxley both had inside knowledge on the plans of the elite.

Orwell tells the jack-boot version of things

Huxley tells the technocratic version of things

Trump has tossed a wrench into the global machine.


Right on Brotha!

Lol Jesus Christ

Orwell was an optimist.

a deal was made, what else

Read1984 by George Orwell, in it you will see how big brother constantly changes who they are alligned with and against jumping back and forth.

What? They never change. We have always been at war with East Asia.

/u/MajesticChazwazzer has just been arrested. He’ll love Big Brother in the end though.

Back to our conflicts with Oceania

If you speak Ing news speak, you are Oceania.


Shouts in crowded area
The goverment is lying to us!
And disapears into the flow of the crowd

What you gonna do?

Oh don't you know, there are cameras everywhere. The ministry of love will see to you soon enough.

Cameras everywhere and tracking/recording devices in every pocket.

Yep, normalization of the CCTV society+facial recognition software becoming widespread will make it much much harder to remain anonymous, particularly as a political dissident.

The part Orwell didn't guess is we'd pay an arm and a leg for the camera.

The camera has actually become a social status signalling device; we are proud of paying an arm and a leg for the camera. Nobody is surprised if you buy a new cell every 12 months. I remember when pulling out a Blackberry used to be a mating call for young men; nobody owned one, unless your employer provided it, so it showed you had a good job.

But I managed to get rid of the tracking and I have a invisible cloak, ha!

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.


why does my gf who i am not allowed to see get better chocolate than me?


I'm so much more equal than you plebs

  • Kim Jon Whatever

What if Kim were one of us, just a slob like one of us, just a stranger on the bus subwaytrying to make his way back home, back to Mt. Paektu all alone, Trump won't call him on the phone

Kim Joan Osborne?


For a second I thought you didn't get the reference, then I realized it was I who got wooshed.

Sometimes you are the woosher and sometimes you are the wooshee. Its always more fun to be woosher, but more fulfilling to be the wooshee.

No doubt an underrated post. Thank for articulating something we feel but aren't brave enough to embrace

We are all woosh on this blessed day

Woosh for yourself.

There is no war in Ba Sing Se

r/lakelaogai is leaking

don't make them put the cage on your head with the wire screen separating you from hungry rats!

now what does 1+1 equal?

I get 1984 made some good predictions but it is fiction. Just because Big Brother in the book did something has nothing yo do with our reality. It is just something George Orwell thought of

It is just something George Orwell thought of

Yeah, you see the funny thing about this is - Every totalitarian state that has led to the deaths of countless innocent lies has been just "something someone thought of." Crock of shit, that logic is.

Wait, do you work at the Ministry of Truth? How are things over there these days? Say hi to Winston for me.

Watch the North Korea women do there chant thing literally was the what imagined when reading that book.

Where have you seen the msm praaising NK?

I think they’re referring to stuff like CNN’s tweet talking about how KJU’s sister “stole the show” and articles like these:

daily beast



They must have sided with the west against Russia.

He is in room 101 now.. ;)

I was always under the impression that Eurasia had taken control of the world and has a "war" to control population, always fighting one out of the two of the fictional "superpowers" left in the world, when in reality Big Brother controls all

Probable. Or the two or three remaining superpowers all benefit from the balance of power

1984 was written in 1948. He was talking about his own time.

The Allies fought against Fascism by way of Germany and Japan. Then they took all their technology and scientists, and started fighting Communism by way of the Soviets and China.

Doesn't that sound a lot like "we have always been at war with ..." ?

big brother

You mean left wing media?

Someone never read their Orwell if that's what they got from him

They sold billions of dollars of useless rocket defense systems to Japan a couple Months back. Can't do that without some sabre rattling.

Arms Dealers : Always Been Great

I'm sure this is a fun circle jerk for you guys but is it really that strange that NK's positive moves are received positively? No one is pretending it's not a brutal dictatorship. They're just expressing hope that small positive steps like this could be a prelude to some kind of real change in the country or at least in their relations with the rest of the world.

The story isn't that NK is good now. It's that for once they made a small step away from the brink of war. I guess if you see the world in black and white, you can't receive a story like that without feeling like your narrative is being challenged.

It's ok guys. I'm sure you'll get your Two Minutes' Hate soon enough.

Great post.

You ever seen that episode of The walking dead where Carol tells the little girl to just look at the flowers before she shoots her? Can't help but think of that after reading your comment. It's easy to think that everything is gonna be just hunky dory when you smile and pay attention to the pretty little flowers.

lol k

think what you gotta think to give your life some gravitas

i'll be over here rationally considering the real threats posed by north korea instead of hyperventilating about sports broadcasters experiencing hope for the future

I'm shocked you don't realize most people HAVE read 1984.

Im shocked that you don't seem to understand why I said what I did. Op clearly didn't realize that the behavior is mapped out so I suggested he check the book out to see how it relates. I'm very well aware that most ppl on here have the book.

Shows what they truly support. No surprise here

I'm all for a unified Korea and toppling the disgustingly oppressive regime that is Kim Jon Un's barbaric insanity to free the people within it's borders.

This strategy has worked so well in the 15 years since Saddam Hussien has been removed. Brilliant strategy you got there.

You're putting words in my mouth. I didn't say a single thing about foreign intervention, nor did I imply it.

Also form the record I 100% agree with you about Iraq.

Also form the record I 100% agree with you about Iraq.

Fair enough it was the whole "toppling the regime" theme because Trump has been beating that drum lately quiet hard.

There's a lot more going on behind the scenes than we realize though. As I always say, "Everything on TV is a lie. Everything."

While I agree with that, it's quite dangerous thing to beat the drum of "regime change" when all too often that's interpreted as the USA topping the leadership of another country. Which has happened A LOT! Not just Iraq but many countries have been "toppled"

Yeah the US doesn't exactly have a very good track record going for it. Also why the fuck isn't everyone insanely pissed off about Bush lying to the entire world about Iraq? Like, am I the only one who remembers this? Mother fucker sold a war, a million people died, and it was on completely false pretenses. How is he not in prison? Like what in the actual fuck. Instead he's being paraded around on the god damned Ellen show like he's some wacky old uncle. What the fuck.

You're not the only one....I remember all that and how one of the most trusted people in the government Colin Powell was essentially used to "sell the war" to the American People, Congress and the UN.

When I bring up the WMDs that never materialized and how Iraq was never tied to 9/11 and that we never should have invaded, people just say "yeah but Saddam was a bad dude and had to go" like it's nothing and move on. I mean 15 fucking years of non-stop war and how many times have we had to "retake Faluga" 2, 3 or are we up to 4 now?

I think people are just numb to it now and the press is more than willing to ignore the atrocities or at the least, downplay them.

Such a simple way to filter through the shit. I do the exact same thing and just figure it's safe to assume it's all lies. Then I don't have to expend any energy figured out what's legit and what isn't. If it comes from one of the big six corps that own all the media it's just safe to assume it's not only false, but done maliciously to serve their ends.

Fucking this

The stories of starving Koreans are from before Kim Jong - un succeeded to power and put the corrupt military brass in it's place. During the big parade on Thursday, the army vehicles were flying big banners of the KWP showing who the new boss is. The coup you want already took place, behind the scenes, but it resulted in a stronger North Korea. The TV doesn't say much about your own military corruption like [the Fat Leonard Scandal](] either.

"I'm all for toppling the regime"

  • you

By toppling I meant a game of Jenga. Get me in a room with Kim Jong Un and a stack of wooden blocks, and I guarantee you shit will go down.

It's not quite the same. Iraq didn't have nukes and wasn't constantly threatening us.

You're missing the point.

Its not an about face, its saving face as people see the North and South working together and smell the bullshit they have been served up for 12 months.

There is a wall of landmines between these countries. Don't forget that.

I don't think this "about-face" is anywhere near as dramatic as you're describing. Moves toward peace with South Korea, as well as PR moves at the Olympics, have been well-received by the media. That's about it.

I'm not saying this is a good thing, but it's hardly a dramatic shift in narrative, nor does it negate the past 25 years of (justifiably) negative stories about NK.

There was also a small shift when Un first took power as he did some slightly progressive things like allowing women to wear pants etc.

I think a re unified Korea is a much more achievable thing than say, peace in the middle east, so people tend to get their hopes up a bit.

It would help if we got the fuck out of the Middle East and didn't continue to exploit them for their resources. But you know, it'll never happen in our lifetime.

exploit them

The Saudis live like kings.

Exactly. This is likely the reason politicians are so against renewable energy. Gotta make a return on those investments.

Haha. Makes sense.

It's also incorrect

War for oil is a thing though. Lobbying vs renewables as well. Does this prove anything, no. Is his theory far fetched, no.

Thank you! I firmly believe the things I say but I do hope I'm wrong. My main point is always to get people thinking though, these are the things we should be questioning as Americans. We need answers.

the saudis and their allies want us to exploit their resources too, because we make them rich in the process

Of course, we couldn't be doing it without greasing a few palms. Strangely enough, opium is known to grow really well in Afghanistan and other parts of the middle East.

I see the reunited Korea as inevitable, eventually North Korea sucumbs to years and years of famine, and their population nosedives. Their country is unsustainable, and I personally am of the opinion that North Korea's nuclear program is being delayed by their scientists who A) dont want to fail B) dont necessairly want to succeed because their leader will use it and C) like having food and relative comfort for themselves and thrir family

Reunification is also inevitable because the general public on both sides want it. The importance of family and a group mentality in the Korean (and other Asian countries) culture is something hard for Westerns to comprehend.

I don’t completely understand it myself. But every South Korean I’ve talked to - young or old - stands by the idea that their family is on the other side of the DMZ.

Many families were quite literally divided by the dmz. There was a story a couple years ago when they had that brief period where the rules were relaxed for a few days, and some brothers got to see each other for the first time in decades

I watched a video on youtube where a dude walked around SK cities asking youth if they wanted reunification, most of them did not know what it was referencing. Grated this video is probably edited heavily it did also show a few that knew what he was talking about. After seeing many of video of people in the US asked simple questions on the streets and seeing how stupid our general population is I would not be surprised if SK has also been working at dumbing down their general population also.

scientists are delaying their nuclear program

You know so little it's laughable.

yeah those ballistic missiles over Japan's head were so cuuute :) <3

That's just it. Rather than continue with the saber rattling they've toned it down and are playing nice with South Korea (for now at least). Honest or not, it at least signals some intent to cool things down which is why the criticism has died down some.

I'm sure the message sent by Bejing moving 300k troops to the border was heard loud and clear.

It's a PR move, it puts the ball in americas court to look like the assholes.

Honestly I would prefer the US continues to look like an asshole. We should remain an asshole toward North Korea until this whole thing (including the concentration camps, assassinations, launching missiles over Japan, murdering families of those who escape, murdering tourists, etc) is sorted out.

"Toned it down" by enslaving their own people and forcing some to dress up in matching, cute outfits and paraded around at a hockey game? Threatening their families and their next three generations with rape, starvation and slave labour is "toning it down". Fuck off.

Whoa relax man, you’re anger is directed to NK not our fellow redditors!

CNN wrote a type of fluff piece about Kim Jong un's sister that you might find in the Style section of any major media outlet. As a member of the politbupolitburoro she helps rule that country. She is complicit in the terror state, gulags, torture, starvation and murder of her own citizens. Its disgraceful

Thank you. I read that also after I googled for more stories after reading one entitled "World falls in love with Jong Un" - Heh. Completely different.

exactly this. Media isn't being super warm to NK, just writing happy stories about two countries not trying to kill each other for the first time in almost 70 years. Hell, do we not desperately want the NK/SK conflict to finally resolve? Is anyone happy that a nuclear armed country is run by a maniac with no checks and balances?

I think OP is suggesting this is anti-Trump; I dont think it is. Trump was anti-NK a year ago and the media was demonizing them then. This is just... for once we're talking peace. The story is better, and they're reporting the story (holy shit who knew?)

He has a point though, it was all North Korea is bad and lately there hasn't been much bitch slapping. Just before the Olympics I saw some rhetoric hit the news about stuff Kim was saying, but then just flowers from our media now.

You seem too ready to down play the MSM, who never do anything without some agenda, as just something that happened and that's about it. Usually they are either feeding talking points, covering over something else, releasing false information (to later in edited with true information without republishing or announcing an error).

If you had watched the closing ceremonies at the Sochi Olympics, they did not play the South Korean national anthem to honour the next host country. They played the Arirang, the traditional anthem of all Korea. The unified Korea team was always on the agenda.

Nice, I'm 🌟 starting that to check out later.. good point

The coverage shifts whenever it serves a political purpose. Remember the "Dotard" bullshit? Everybody was praising a literal genocidal dictator for using a fancy word to diss Trump.

They weren't praising Un, they were just laughing at trump. At no point no one was saying "you know what, these NK guys are alright". Now you guys blowing Russia because they helped trump is very real and well documented.

Good to see German people finally taking a stance on an issue since 1945.

yeah, all it really does it show how over the top its been in the past

I agree, its just clever propaganda from NE manipulating the media than a conspiracy by the media.

Not dramatic?

Come on, mate.

It's a temporary pause so NK gets to pretend it's a real nation and we get to avoid NK threatening to nuke the Olympics. The last time SK had the Olympics, NK blew up an airplane full of people.

Didn't they just shoot a missile over by Japan as a test?

I am conflicted.

On one hand.... WW2 Germany and Jews and all that.... it is happening right now in N.Korea. These people they are idolizing are running the program. N.Korea regularly chooses famine over military spending.

They have a 3 generation policy. If you do something wrong 3 generations of your family are punished along side you.

On the other hand though.... N.Korea does not appear to be going away soon enough. The entire world has been waiting for there government to be overthrown for decades now. The N.K government is doing an excellent job of staying in power.

Short of military action - which carries with it a very heavy civilian price tag - I just don't see them going away.

One of the points of the Olympics has always been that you find a way for governments who are not getting along to have friendly sporting contests. Get them into a room together and force them to say nice things about each other.

I have always thought this is a good idea.

I think the media using this as an opportunity to draw circles and arrows around Kim and label him a butcher would be counterproductive.

But I do find it creepy to idolize his family. I think my preference would be to ignore him.

'Oh look, there is Kim - now back to Mens Downhill!'.

I see fatty kim reunifying Korea, I see the saber rattling and nuke tests as him establishing a position of strength to negotiate from. Both sides want reunification, but none of their neighbors do, it would be like the reunification of Germany - one side has the industrial capacity and the other has manpower. It would really change the economic competition dynamic for all of East Asia..

I agree with this. When NK tries to be good, why not cover it? I mean we already know the shitty stuff about NK, its all anybody thinks of when they talk about NK. what IS news, however, is when they actually behave like part of the Earth community

Perhaps you have forgotten. Just search "september 2017 north korea nuclear threat" and "august 2017 north korea nuclear threat".

Also, I had a friend text me last September all worried about the impending nuclear war with NK. LOL. She still pays too much attention to the MSM.

I have to agree with this. Going further, the media is probably giving north korea soft, if not favorable coverage to ease tensions, particularly because the south koreans are terrified that the north is going to do something batshit insane during the olympics. Everyone in the world wants to get through the next 18 days without a war.

But this isn't to say the media is not in bed with the government. they are, and this could be some kind of state department initiative to spin NK positively, to keep everything copacetic.

Yeah, it's the Olympics. The media, especially recently (like last 30 years) has treated this as an event to put aside politics and come together as the world. Of course, to many in this sub, this change of tone during the Olympics is about something else, simply ignoring that this "coincidentally" happened during the Olympics.

Honestly, after reading the articles that a lot of this is referencing, all of what I have read (and I could have missed something) has talked about how this is actually just PR by North Korea (like how sending the sister was a counter to Ivanka).

However, what I have seen is a lot of the alt media misrepresenting what the main stream media is saying in order to make it look like they are praising NK, to step up their attacks against them.

I wish some of the members of this sub would give the same critical eye they put towards the MSM to the alt media as well.

Yeah wtf is up with the top 2 comments about 1984 when there has really been nothing beyond a “good on them for marching and competing together”. Looking for a conspiracy where there is none takes away from the importance of real issues

Lol North Korea isn’t as bad as you’ve been led to believe. Open your eyes and see the bigger picture

Have you ever had a conversation with someone who escaped from North Korea? Because I have. It isn't exactly Disney Land over there. Thankfully the youth are beginning to realize this and things seems to be slowly changing. Hopefully anyways.

It’s not Disney Land there but it ain’t Auschwitz either like mainstream media tells people it is


Also I have secret knowledge of off-world military bases.

Either that or I'm just some random idiot like the rest of us who met someone who used to live in North Korea.

There’s always a 3rd option.

Maybe even a 4th.

Their cheerleaders were pretty great

Well the MSM helped dupe the public into war in Afghanistan and Iraq, so I don't see why anyone still trusts them.

Because people are too afraid and stupid not to.

the reason we demonize north korea is to sell south korea weapons to threaten china.

It’s like if there was a kid back when you were in high school who kept trying to set fire to stuff.

If he stopped doing that was trying to be nicer, wouldn’t everyone go out of their way to pat him on the back to make sure he doesn’t go nuts again?

When my partner was in school he was a trouble maker. He decided to be good for a few weeks and the principal gave him a brand new skate board in front of the entire school for good behaviour. I was at the same school and justifiably pissed off as we're other students. I was good all the time but didn't get a skate board. He went back to being a shit head not long after that.

Any way it's the same kind of situation, North Korea is the bad kid getting the prize for briefly not being a cunt

Or maybe it's like Clinton and the adverse effects of doing justice wouldn't work for one reason or this situation it is better for us to work with them then to continue this and go to war, which is what it was leading up to. Yea, they are terrible, but we prop up terrible governments all the time. They (us, China, south korea, Japan, ect) dont want to deal with Nk uneducated and possibly brainwashed/violent and def malnourished and likely in need of special schooling and medical treatment.

I've had long conversations with a former principle about this topic. There were two main things I learned from my conversations with them. One was that the "bad kids" "needed" the attention more than the "good kids." In fact, they related a story to me where one of their "good students," speaking on behalf of the other "good kids," complained to them that the "bad kids" were getting more attention, to which this person replied along the lines of, "yes, but after you've been labeled the bad kid, and have begun to internalize that label, you do need that sort of attention, whereas the good kids [like you, Suzy] have the privilege of not having to live with that label."

The other lesson I learned is that principals have basically [innocently] weaponized young women against men. This person told me that before they integrated women into the school, the boys were kind of a nightmare, but with young women around, everything changes, especially their behavior. Now, they're constantly conscious of the young women around. In other words, young women really don't need young men around to be well behaved (at that middle to high school age), but they are a godsend for boys' schools, and could be considered sensibly necessary in helping to maintain order.

Giving "bad kids" attention when they're good, and even rewarding that good behavior, is the right response. Punishment for bad behavior alone isn't going to change a person.

Or maybe both Donald Trump and Kim Jong secretly want to be Rockstars and live that lavish egotistical life style and so they (or Trump think he) understands each other. So they are gonna talk and make a deal.

Or they're fat guys in suits who don't mind being the face of hated nations.

I choked out a bully and then he was a nice kid afterwards. Korea has ICBM's now so CNN has to be nice.

Because something positive happened, there's positive coverage. Simple.


It's propaganda you fucking idiot. Cute cheerleaders isn't even on the same level as starving and murdering your own people.

Who said they were on the same level?

False flag coming soon

I really, really hope not.

Me too

God! Lay off! Who cares that they run their country like a giant concentration camp? Didn't you see Kim Jong Un's sister? She BTFO Drumpf and Pence. Slay ice queen!

Anything to help the anti trump narrative

Well I mean there's plenty of shit to say about Trump. The guy is kind of a douche. I mean it's Donald Trump. He ain't exactly prize pig at the fair. I do get sick of the bullshit though. I'd defend satan himself if I thought people were giving him a raw deal.

I'm all for a unified Korea and toppling the disgustingly oppressive regime that is Kim Jon Un's barbaric insanity to free the people within it's borders.

Whats stopping you?

I'm waiting for my militia to get it's ass in gear but they're too busy drinking Natty Light and playing COD4.

Also I'm a regular dude like you who tries to fight the good fight with information the best he can.

Can you provide the information that shows when the last time the US has intervened with the military and it was of benefit to tbe country?

It's easy to advocate for others to fight your wars.

I absolutely cannot provide that information. Mainly because I don't think it exists. I could try to go looking for it, and I might be able to come up with SOMETHING, but I doubt it.

So why is the wests barbaric insanity preferable to the north koreans? Do you understand the bloodshed that would result in military action there? Do you recall the destruction the US caused their first go round there? If not I would certainly like to draw your attention to it.'s not? I'm not certain we're on the same page here.

They'll literally do anything to get on Trump. Flashing lights should be in everyone's home when they see this.

It's seems like they do, yeah. I don't give a fuck about Trump. I mean, it's Donald fucking Trump. But from where I'm sitting it really does look like there's an insane smear campaign against him.

Like, just criticize the guy for what he actually does. There's plenty. But it seems like there's this insane effort to make up bullshit. And I fucking hate bullshit.

He can't be controlled and doesn't stick to a stupid script like all the other figure heads have done, so the old guard hates him.

He calls out the media's insane bullshit, so they hate him.

I rather enjoy his trolling. They fall for it every time so fuck 'em. Then they come out and lose any ounce of credibility they may have had by praising NoKo's fucking head of propaganda. Idiots.

He can't be controlled

How about those Russian sanctions.. lol

He calls out the media's insane bullshit, so they hate him.

While sucking Fox New's dick. He literally bases his administration off what Fox says. You hate MSM, but love Trump, who does exactly what Fox tells him to do.

That's some pretty weird logic.

Cause NK is against Trump, that's why. Cnn, ABC and Reuters have become N. Korean propaganda. More effective I might add. NK propaganda doesn't leave their borders, this is seen worldwide.

you forgot the "american" before mainstream media. here in germany noone really cared for this bullshit

I'm planning on moving to Berlin for my career. So that's nice to hear.

Do you even know what the Olympics are even about? They've always been an event that brings together countries no matter what their political differences for the sake of sportsmanship and unity.

Bread and circuses.

Trying to build relationships is about more than just leaders in a negotiating room. Things like the Olympics while shamelessly corporate and profit driven provide a space where people can see each others humanity.

except these are people whos families will be rounded up and put in concentration camps if they slightly deviate from what NK leadership wants. Why MSM is praising these regimes is beyond me

It's like the holidays, when you get together with your family and you're really nice to them, and then the other 364 days of the year you talk shit behind their back.

All I know about the Olympics is that Canada wins at Hockey and that brown people can run way faster than white people. Also, why is curling an Olympic event? That's like the golf of the Olympics.

I don’t think you’re in a position to discuss Politics from the vantage point of “knowledgeable” when it’s perfectly clear you have quite a bit more to learn.

Yo mamma

EH. Is Russia being kicked out, but their athletes still competing, not a totally political move?

I just have a hard time believing that Russia is a) the only ones doping and b) the only ones dumb enough to get caught.

You should watch the documentary Icarus.

Well, the Russian Government set up a system that allowed their Country's athletes to dope, and therefore giving them a huge advantage. Others may have tried to dope but got caught due to the Olympic Committee's strict anti-doping testing and policy.

So really, Russia deserved to be banned because if they never got caught, they would have never said anything about it. It was a political move, but deservedly so. They still allow the athletes to compete, break records, win gold, etc... But Russia the country doesn't deserve to take part in the games because of their deception.

How come sometimes they get boycotted or countries get banned then?

I see where this seems odd but I think there are a few things one must consider:

  1. The demonizing has always been towards the leader and upper government, we have never had any reason to be against the people of North Korea; they are the victims.

  2. It could be that it is well known Kim Jung Un is basically a petulant child and despite the ultra-high stakes game he is playing, he is more swayed by his image than anything else. Maybe it is positive reinforcement. He has been mocked and demonized in Western media all the time, and he has total control over the information inNorth Korea where he tries to make people thing the rest of the world is evil and wants to kill them. Being nice now serves two purposes: to show him when he comes to the table he gets good coverage and, two, to take the chance while his people are outside of his containment zone that the West does not hate them or want to kill them. (This is probably the most important part!)

  3. The media loves to get points for praising anything that isn’t Western culture, it is a form of racism: if they praise something overtly, it is a backhanded and condescending insult if you read between the lines... they need praise.

1) would make sense of it wasn't Jong-un's sister who was being fawned over by multiple 'respected' news outlets. She's literally in charge of propaganda. She shares responsibility for the Gulags.

That is why I think #2 is most likely. The first was sorta spitballing.

We did this to Russia and Brazil, too.

Its simple trump is against north korea so the media is pro north korea

Yeah, but like, they're weren't, for a really long time. That's why I'm wondering what the hell changed. It's weird man!

Obviously it's because the Olympic Committee is the shadow government that runs the world.

But also, msm isn't about delivering the news it's about selling the news. While obviously different outlets sell to different audiences, and understand their audience, they're all just businesses.

But we've always been at war with Eastasia.

I find the down votes to be funny, I guess no one here has read 1984.

It’s simply that Trump told Pence to maintain a hard face and basically don’t give those bastards an inch because they neither deserve it or earned it. No the MSM have yet another reason to hate the president. “US reaction was cold in the face of unity and peace in Korea”. Gonna be the headline you see or might already be out there idk. It’s just that obvious

So everyone not american should assume that Donald Trump represents each and every american and you all agree with his every action?

An Asian woman was able to get the UN and world stage to press pause and fall in love with her; wait until her big send-off at the closing ceremony - You're watching propaganda in effect. Not ours; though. Just 50 years of practice.

Trump is anti-North Korea so the media has to be pro-North Korea because the media has to be anti-Trump.

This right here. Any other excuse on here is a skill attempting to draw the attention away from the truth.

It does not matter Trump is part of the estrablishment if he wasn't FCC would appeal net neutrality in the first place. Trump = Corporations puppet.

The hate for Trump is so real and hard they'll side with murdering dictators. It's amazing.

This. Anything to disagree with the president. The main stream media is truly disgusting. CBS, cnn, abc, msnbc.. maybe forgetting a couple, but it’s their agenda to divide us.

Yep. Kim Jong Un will launch a missile and Trump will condemn him.. CNN will attack Trump for undoing all of NK's progress during the Olympics.

Korean unification has been a goal for a long time and has little to nothing to do with Donald Trump. I believe we will see unification in our lifetime.

Y’all are so insecure that people can’t take a minute to praise NK and SK being unified at the Olympics for the first time like ever without thinking it’s a direct insult to Trump. Get over yourselves and his dumb ass. The Korean Peninsula trying to not constantly be on the brink of nuclear war is clearly a jab at President Trump.

If you think NK is "taking steps" then I don't think I'm the dumbA here.

These people are active members of murdering, slaving and starving their own people. They deadeye Pence and smile and wave a few times and the liberal MSM wants to forget about those things.

Nobody is siding with murderous dictators.

Clearly the DPRK is initiating a charm offensive, which is thousands of times better than a nuclear offensive.

Choose your battles, I myself prefer politics to bullets.

Did you miss CNN basically praising Castro after his death? Now this. Disgusting.

Considering that people who hate on CNN think that Obama was “basically a terrorist muslim” I think we’re going to have to state it better than that.

And no, I don’t watch TV, not CNN, not Fox. TV has destroyed this once great nation and turned us against each other. Turn it the fuck off.

Welcome to being mind-fucked by the agenda-driven media, junior.

Maybe your next jaw-dropped reactional post can be prefaced by an insightful element of discourse including the concept of prolific propaganda psy-op payoffs...

Aight then...

They started before this week. Back whenever Trump first started tweeting Rocket Man is when many of them started saying America is worse than North Korea.

now america has another enemy - Iran (again).

It's PR to stroke their cock long enough to keep them from bombing the shit out of the Olympics.

Whi is praising NK?

Don't ruin a good strawman.

Relevance? I'm not going to watch a 45 min video.

Pertains to your question. A complete overview of the "who" you asked about.

Please name 3 msm organizations who have lately praised NK.

We suddenly started "liking" Muammar Gaddafi right before we killed his ass.

Cnn is a joke, and its on them.

they’re never saying “we like nk now”. i think (i’d like to think) this narrative is more about the people of both countries are coming together, not the politics. the people are the ones who are most negatively impacted, especially in nk and not only does that go along with the overall olympics narrative but the US eats that up ...and of course it also pads the ratings.

Stop trying to gaslight. It's political when Western media is fawning over NK and the fucking brainwashed slave "cheerleaders" in order to write snarky articles at Pence's expense. Western media is literally feeding the NK propaganda machine, and NK doesn't even have to bend the truth.

fawning over please.

So they let the North Koreans in the Olympics, but not the Russians?

Shit, I welcome any cooling of tensions in this insane fucking world (although I'm not so naive as to think that's what this really is). I think a lot of what we think we know (i.e. what we're told) about DPRK is probably hysterically sensationalized bullshit. I'm sure they have their share of problems there, but I've learned over the years not to trust boogeyman stories about other countries (especially when coming to me from sources like CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc). There always seems to be an ulterior motive there and a complete lack of scruples regarding accurate fact-reporting.

Not really man, they're trying to have the Olympics help relations

The mainstream media was never calling him little rocket man that was our fucking narcissistic president

This is pretty easy. The only real obstacle to a unified Korea is the leadership in North Korea. The NK regime knows that every passing day means that there model of govt. is not sustainable. Information gets in...people get out. You cannot maintain this forever. They also know that what is best is to reunify and jump on the money train that is S Korea. The Korean people also want reunification. They have a shared history, and this isn't totally unlike Germany being split after WWII. So, US Executive office is not super on board, as we saw with Pence not standing, or applauding or showing any respect...but, the media is rewarding behavior that we want to see repeated. Efforts to bridge the gap lead to "hey, great job. We know you're still a vicious little dictator, but we like this.". If he tests another nuke, the tone will reflect that, as well.

MSM will do anything to fuck with the current admin....

Feels like to me that people are using these Olympic events and advertising as ways to get on the Koreans' good side, because I don't want to die in a fucking nuclear war instigated by Trump. That's just me though.

You’ll die in a nuclear war like the rest of us and like it

This bullshit is easy to handle personally, with that in mind of course. Im not going to test the failure that is the US political system and what it has given its power over to. Fug that homiez.

Sucker for a pretty face

Prior to Kim Jong Un's succession people were starving in North Korea. The military leaders were taking all the food supplies and selling rice to China at a discount. Kim staged a palace coup against the military, put the Korean Workers' Party back in charge, unlocked the food warehouses, instituted free enterprise farmers markets, and got the economy moving again despite crushing sanctions.

Your media tells you to hate him. Your President tries to sabotage the Olympics with threats of war, Then the North Koreans make a show of good faith by sending their President and Kim's sister to the opening ceremonies.

What are they supposed to do. Not cover the Olympic games? Trump missed his chance to boycott the games, so he sent Pence to piss on the rug instead. If that wasn't enough for you, turn off your TV.

"Always keep your foes confused. If they are never certain who you are or what you want, they cannot know what you are like to do next."

-George RR Martin

They're bipolar. Anything to make America look bad. Jong-un's sister better ask for sanctuary while she can. Before her brother poisons her or hits her with a missile.

I don't know how Trump did it but it seems to be working.

The media isn't organised, they react to current events and choose the narrative they think will be the best (at getting them more viewers).

If any of the North Koreans in the South for the Olympics think about defecting, they got the dirty rag speech before they left. Like he did to his brother.

Divide and conquor.. And everyone fell hook line and sinker for it.. Does no one see the people in power are in power together, we are all being played. Open your eyes and stop following this bullshit pantomime..


haha, cheers. Gotta love auto correct :D

Just saw in a major news outlet that the North Korean "cheerleaders" looked so cute doing their routine in the stands. I threw up just a little bit.

Malcolm Turnbull: “They have a long habit of ratcheting up their militarisation and then going into a lull for a while, trying to persuade people they are changing their ways, changing nothing, and then ratcheting up again,” the Prime Minister said at Narashino Japanese Self-Defence Force base out of Tokyo. “We need to maintain the pressure of the strong economic sanctions.”

You actually quoted Turnbull. You should be ashamed of yourself!!

Why because he's crap or because I could have made it seem worse

Because he's a lying manipulative warhawk, who is being exposed on every front. I sincerely hope you don't start with the Dutton quotes.

Nah I'm not that bad. But when you get one good quote you'll may as well support it. Everyone else is loving DPRK but Turnbull isn't having it. (The only good he's ever done)

It is always the fking same.. -USA and x make deal. -USA finds ANY reason to say x fucked up -USA placing "defences" stuff right in front of X's door -x actually makes a defense -media-"ayyyy watch out folks. X is a mean fuck which threathens the world by being offensive! But we got usa so..

In our media (switzerland) they even wrote something like.." omg NK and SK want to talk with each other to maybe cooperate! This is horrible! " What? Dont we all wanna make peace? Aaand suddenly things get quiet.

In Russia and China, there was mandatory rules about what could be reported during the Olympics, or you'd lose credentials etc. Could be same thing here from SK to make everyone play nice?

Dunno, is my first tinfoil hat attempt.

Wonder if that warning incoming missile alert to Hawaii last month has anything to do with it,

Also, do note that it was primarily after the Trump tweets about N.K. that the MSM starting fellating N.K..

It's all just a collective anti-Trump TDS, nothing more. No matter how bad or evil the thing is, if they're anti-Trump, or Trump is against them, then they are the second coming, a pure righteousness that must be defended.

The current media will take a stance against anything Trump says or does. As such, siding with North Korea is on their agenda this year.

The persecution complex is real

They're walking together at the Olympics for the first time ever right? So even if its likely BS, it's still looks like they're going in the right direction.

But of course, somehow it's all against Trump right, jfc

Sports create empathy.

It's blatantly obvious what NK is doing. They're at the end of their nuke program. Use the Olympic games to look like they're building ties with SK and promoting unification, when all they're doing is stopping and invasion from the west and east as no one is going to invade or attempt to stop a country that's "extending the olive branch of peace". I'm not really into conspiracies i just lurk here every now and again. This is a clever move by NK though and as much as people paint Kim Jong Un as a stupid little fat man, he clearly know's what he's doing or at least the people he works with do.

I see everything on the MSM about NK as total bullshit. Just propaganda and fear-mongering, making us think another war is coming, nuclear annihilation, blah blah blah.... They're all working together to make things work for them, (1%) and not us. (Rest of Earth's populace)

Now that much we're in agreement on. It blows my mind that people still watch the god damned news as if it's anything less that a 100% 24/7 propaganda machine. And I say this for all stations. I don't trust any of them. Fuck political affiliation. My affiliation is to the truth, and to the people around me.

The olympics make shit weird. When they came to Vancouver all the homelesa people were given fuck-off one way tickets out of town. Had to hide the problem. I imagine this is similar. Too much money wrapped up in these. Cities don't always recover well after

CIA was gonna use them to start WW3 with HRC leading the charge... hence demonizing them to prepare public opinion.

But she lost and the straw man was exposed... hence get out ahead of POTUS revealing the charade.

The North has made some moves towards being less hostile with the South and the South has inched away from being influenced/pressured by the US slightly. I'm not really sure what the MSM have been doing tbh.

It's the Olympics, time to promote peace and cooperation amongst all countries. There is a bit of excitement because the North/South combined as a single team indicating there could possibly be a progress in the talks between the two, but for the most part the Olympics tries to leave politics out of it.

A year? Where do you live? North Korea is (rightfully) demonized since I dont know when.

No arguments here.

Praising the people of a country, who have to live in hell most of the time, is not the same as praising the country. Use some rationale, morons.

It's CNN being retarded as usual. Not surprised they are making a deal out of the dictators sister really.

Good sir, I shall not hear of such slander against the fine folks at CNN. They're the most trusted name in news. TV told me so.

Unrelenting hate wears out its impact. Look at it like a movie. If we just hate, hate, hate, that isn't much of a plot. But if we start to get along it sets things up for something to go horribly wrong. "I knew you were a no good dirty...!"
I mean if I was making this stuff up that's how I'd do it.

Once you have nukes things change but the north remembers

On a completely separate note, this reminded me of playing Civ and getting nuked by Gandhi in the end game. I know it's off topic but I laugh my ass off every time I think about it. I wasn't even the only one to get nuked by Gandhi. Plenty of us have.

If it was Obama we wouldn't hear the end of it. Since it's Trump, the media doesn't want to give him credit for bringing Un to the negotiation table.

What the fuck? Personally hoping one of those athletes is an undercover suicide bomber so that we can get the go-ahead to nuke Kim Jong Un off the face of the Earth.

Well I'd prefer if no one got nuked. For the sake of the people in North Korea though, it'd be nice if they could join the rest of the world without fear of an oppressive government.

I'd prefer that the USA actually puts up or shuts up when it comes to North Korea. Solve the fucking problem or don't talk about it. Kim Jong Un has repeatedly attempted to build missiles to strike against his enemies, but the whole world is just looking on as if it's no big deal. "Oh, just that kooky gook again." His entire country is a shithole, why is nothing being done?

I can kind of understand that, but I get the feeling that the game of world politics is more complicated than I'll likely ever know.

I think they try to make people think it's more complicated than it is to hide the fact that our world politics are controlled by greedy scumbags who just want to divide us and profit.

Maybe, sure. I'm just saying that the people at the top play a complex game that most of us, including myself, have a hard time understanding, and that it's good to be aware of that.

Oh, absolutely. Just complex enough to keep the average citizen completely unaware of anything.

Yup. So where do we fall into this? Cause, I'm pretty average. I mean I'm pretty much an idiot in the grand scheme of things. So why am I seeing this now?

Seems to me a bunch of the illusion is falling apart these days. Seems like we're getting smarter. And I really hope we can all turn it into something good for all of us.

Information is more freely available, and, despite what old fucks will tell you about the Internet making us communicate less, the human race has never communicated more. On the whole, people are actually getting more tired of the corruption because it's been more and more apparent. People speak up and get arrested, which leads to more people speaking up. They can't arrest us all.

They just want Trump to fail, if this means nuclear holocaust on the Korean peninsula, so be it. Wouldn't underestimate the role Chinese investments in U.S. media plays.

Luckily I’m living in Vietnam now and don’t have to watch the shitshow that is the U.S. media anymore. It’s very refreshing.

Former chef. I hear Vietnamese cuisine is fucking amazing.

Oh man it is. Absolutely amazing stuff.

I'm fucking jealous. Some day soon I'll be taking my world tour and I'll get to try it out for myself. In the meantime, I hate you, hahaha

A year? The US has been demonizing NK for a couple of decades now. It wasn't until Trump started to actually talk back to Un did the media jump on the awwww, but NK are the misunderstood anti-hero.

The only reason, and i mean the ONLY reason i watch msm news is so i can know what they WANT me to think.

Also it's pretty fucking funny. In a horrifying sense. I mean you gotta have a couple beers in you, definitely.

Ctrl+F: Diplomacy

Not a single result.

This is how diplomacy works: praise where necessary, scold where necessary.

By uniting under a single flag, watching events together, having delegations meeting etc this is how you bring about a warming of relations.

Praising them for doing the right thing, when they do the right thing, is EXACTLY what needs to happen: it can be conducive to improving relations.

It doesn't deny, negate, or diminish their previous scold-worthy actions. But it can help to reduce them in the future.

I'm aware while all this has been going on Kim Jong-un held a military parade, so they're not quite ready to drop the belligerence just yet and reunite Korea. However, marginal gains in diplomacy are to be celebrated, because they can add up to larger ones.

I don't disagree at all man. My point was point was, the fuck is the media doing? Like there's an obvious breach of consistency here, and it's really weird to me. Like weirder than normal.

And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed -if all records told the same tale — then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past,' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.' And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. 'Reality control', they called it: in Newspeak, 'doublethink'.

You know what I'd really enjoy? A world where we just sort of realized that we're all in this shitfest together, and kind of worked towards the benefit of everyone. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm a human, and I wanna have nice things and toys and shit. But like, how much do I really need? Do I need a fucking Ferrari? That car can go faster than is even legal. Like why the fuck did we even make a car that costs 500 grand which we can't even "legally" use.

That's fucking idiotic. The fuck is going on with us.

We buy into false narratives that pit us against each other with alarming ease. That makes us controllable. Women are afraid of men, Men are afraid of women, whites are afraid of blacks, blacks are afraid of police, police is afraid of blacks and the media feeds the flames.

That’s some ninja PR by North Korea. Wouldn’t be surprised if they were being advised by some western experts.

Maybe yeah. Also my dumb self read that as ninja SP at first. If you've never heard of Ninja Sex Party, they're fucking great. Youtube that shit. Maybe you won't like them but I think they're fucking great.

It’s a band?

I think it's important to point out the potential progress and positive things that might be going on as well as the negative. I mean, it's good that they are changing, right? (At least appear to be)

Hells yeah man. If good things are actually happening, I'm 100% on board. I just found the narrative shift really weird. I mean, how couldn't I. Christ though, I would love the people of North Korea to be able to watch porn without the threat of execution. Free the nipple. Free all of it.

I agree that it's odd to hear things like this after decades of hostility and horror stories. And after you mentioned it, it seems even stranger. But, it seems to be the right road. Peace would be a big deal over there.

Peace everywhere muh man. Oldschool hippie for life. Just seems weird to watch this sort of narrative change so suddenly. Doesn't make sense. Leads me to believe that fuckery may be afoot.

Always gotta be ready for some fuckery! I hear ya!

Yeah dude, there's constant fuckery afoot. From all sides. I just want to create a world with less fuckery. Less fuckery afoot.

The trump admin is a big scary shit talking dude from brooklyn. Idk if its a safe way to navigate foreign policy but it appears to have worked without actual war for north korea.... Now, if the trump admin was trying to actually prevent war, thats another question... Its also possible that kim jon il was already planning on trying to unify korea. It was all propoganda in both directions.

Everything we as westerners hear and know about NK is pure propaganda plain and simple. Who really knows what goes on over there?

Funny how people will believe the MSM narrative , even people on r/conspiracy, when it fits their belief system.

Well what do you mean by that? I was just pointing out how weird it was to have news very obviously dramatically shift.

I agree with you it is strange. I was just pointing out how many wholeheartedly believe that NK is some evil regime based solely on a source they say does nothing but lie (the MSM).

My comment wasn't directed at you it was just an observation.

Solid observation. In regards to North Korea, I generally think Vice is a shit source of anything (They used to be cool when I was a kid. Sex drugs and rock and roll) but their documentary on North Korea seemed legit to me. If you haven't seen it, youtube it. It's pretty interesting. I don't trust Vice for much else these days though. (They used to be so cool.)


When Kimmy boy dreams of unification, it's not what everyone else naively believes he's dreaming of.

Sort of off topic, but Team America: World Police was one of the only movies I watched twice in a row. So dumb, but so funny.

Lol, praising them where? MSM is still beating the war drums loud and clear.

Dude if you haven't seen it, like why would I even make this post and why would it get upvoted at all.

What do you mean? Every time they mention NK is either proceeded or proceeded by 5 mins of commentary about how horrible they are

Nah it's not though. It's been weird in web media just recently. That's why I made this post and why people are upvoting it. There's some weird fuckery afoot man, and I don't know how to make sense of it.

I think it's because they're trying to make Pence look bad and therefore Trump. Trump < everything else on earth.

the only thing thats new about this situation is that people are starting to see it.

ppl who are wired into the control matrix hook, line, and , sinker are like fish with very limited memories. they dont have a continuous timeline perspective, meaning they believe whatever is in front of them at the time is what they believe. This goes for social phenomena too.

Remember the unpopular kid who did one thing, and everybody suddenly thought he was cool and popular, completely forgetting their previous position? this may seem like just ppl being assholes, but really they are just ignorant and controlled.

haven't you heard? you don't follow Q? NK is a CIA black op/black pawn and has been for 60+ years. War is a banker scam utilizing dark CIA forces/ops to creat wars/enemies using the Main Stream Media to advertise the war and bolster public support (we pay for the wars / bankers profit from wars) Trump/Q/seal team? took out 2 Cia black ops communication centers in Asia that were controlling NK/CIA handlers... Trump/Un send VP/Sister to keep FF false flag nuke event at Olympics from ever happening... Deep state is being taken down/dissmantled and NK was never the enemy.. the CIA, Rothschild banking empire, and the globalists moving us toward a one world government were the enemy.. and that enemy is headed to Guantanemo now.

kill your TV set. the truth has never come from the TV set.

It’s Realpolitik.

If this is really the first step into a reconciliation with NK, or better yet, unification with the South, then the MSM needs to undo most of the demonising it’s done over the past few years so that the transition to the world stage is as smooth as possible.

Furthermore, there’s an argument to be made that seeming open to NK and praising their decision to work with the South to represent Korea as a whole in the games, might make the NK administration more open to idea, simply because you’re more likely to join a group that you think might tolerate you.

Finally, if NK returns to normalcy after the Olympics, it’s not skin off the media outlet’s noses. They can play it up like the media being fooled by NK’s facade and the general population will slip right back into the previous narrative over NK, depending on which outlet they consume the most.

It’s nothing sinister.

Keep your eye on the left hand, while the right hand robs you blind...... or worse

we have always

been at peace

with eastasia


I don't see any about face or change of opinion regarding NK at all. I see people dropping political rivalries during an international sporting event to promote good sportsmanship and friendly competition. Its an extremely positive thing and something that American culture could use a lot more of tbh.

follow the $

The fuck is going on??

When Trump v. Kim flares up again (as it undoubtedly will), the MSM wants to be in the position to pick a side, depending on the circumstances. They will either be able to demonize both Trump and Kim, or just Trump, depending on the circumstances.

If Kim commits overt acts of aggression, the MSM can demonize both. If Kim performs acts passive aggression (e.g. stonewalling the UN, military drills in contested seas, etc.), the MSM can attack whatever response Trump makes.

I was very confused by this too OP, when the regime change occurred and Kim Jung Un took over I figured everyone was going to talk about peace, because if we just offered him court side tickets for pretty much any NBA in exchange for peace he's be in. I can't figure out why it's bragging time about the easiest peace talks in history. That fat bastard love American culture so much haha.

"Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”

Can I just point out how bizarre it is that the mainstream media has spent a year demonizing North Korea and within the span of a week is suddenly praising them?...They enter the Olympics, and suddenly we like them?

I haven't seen anything like this in the MSM, though?

I don't think what you're describing is 100% accurate.

When has the MSM criticised North Korea? They're too busy making up crap about Trump.

Kim Jung uns barbaric insanity

You're propagandized. He doesn't have any insanity and is no more barbaric than anything we do in the USA. Stop calling for propaganda.

It's a sheep signal.....ignore it.

A prelude to war.

Now that the unified Koreans have played a game of hockey, I’m pretty sure everyone has enough food and the labor camps have been converted to amusement parks.

I have though about this alpt myself and he ONLY reason it would make any type of sense is if it is some psy op to cause issues between kim and his sister. With his massive ego I am sure he would much rather the West be fawning all over him and it will probably piss him off that his sister has gotten so much attention. Maybe he will see it as a potential threat to his rule.

We know MSM works close with the intelligence community so I can see this being a distinct possibility.

Otherwise it really doesn't make any sense. I live in Cincinnati where Otto was taken when he came home and I have heard horror stories about how he was treated from people that worked close to him. No American media outlet should be praising a country that tortured and murdered one of our own.

Idk why anyone would be paying any attention to msm

A lot weird about NK.

Up until Trump got elected, NK was a buffoonish dictatorship that can't even get a rocket to crash in the ocean properly. Trump gets elected, all of a sudden they're a nuclear power that can hit 3/4s of the planet with nuclear warheads.

NK is a complete black hole of information and the two Koreas absolute mortal to the end.... but they'll share an Olympic team. Really?

Every photo or video of Kim and his generals looks like it was thrown together by a high school theater group. The uniforms look ridiculous, the backgrounds, the rooms, the buildings, all look like a ridiculous high school theater level construction.

The press releases and the announcements from NK look ridiculous. The video from their supposed govt TV looks like kindergarten level bullshit.

I don't know what 's going on in NK, but that buffoon and his father and grandfather are just actors in a bad soap opera. They are the false face of something entirely different than what they are claimed to be.

NK is a deep state puppet nation. Gotta have the threat of war to keep Trump in line.

Peace and love is better than hate. We don't need to invade a country to free its people. There's a Spartacus in every situation and the people will eventually revolt. What we need to do is stop putting people in categories like enemies/friends.

It is the government and the crazy leader that is demonized. As you see , the people are nice and hi spirited. Guess same as here.

Probably because the Olympics isn’t the place to bring up any of that? Am I crazy or would you want the announcers to say “Welcome to day 5 of the 2018 Winter Olympics! Here come the North Koreans who have been causing political unrest with many nations with its nuclear testing and threats. They also have a famine that’s been going on for years and without humanitarian aid many more would’ve died from starvation.”

“And here come the Canadians, they have a good chance at the gold in this event”

It’s just their job to report and announce on the Olympics.

We don't have a problem with the North Korean people (in this case North Korean Athletes). We have a problem with the Kim Jong Un regime. No one is suddenly praising Kim Jong Un. We're cheering Olympic competitors, and specifically the fact that they walked in as a unified Korea.

That is called underminded manipulation and the media is normally quite good at it. It's just become much less subtle. Congratulations for being capable of noticing it. You are one of the few.

I think they’re praising the NK people, who we can all agree, have a pretty shitty draw being born there.

North Korea has been a Favorite distraction of the MSM. With the Olympics, the peace brigade is about in full force. A Narrative will be pushed and praised for the Next month in the idea of Solidarity.

Next month we will return to form and spit on each other. If we are lucky the Koreans will come to a Peace accord, but the US is not going to allow that Because we want our Foothold on the Continent and no other place will afford us that luxury.

TL DR. This is a smokescreen we will push a war agenda starting March 1st.

Stop capitalizing random words.

No. Not until international standards for online forums are made. No Rules, no capitulation on capitalization.

when will people learn that the news feeds on current fucking events. They dont give a shit if its a complete 180 from what they were reporting previously, if its what is currently happening.

They certainly have their narratives, ideas they try to push, but the you are sensationalizing this worse than the MSM media is.

If Trump praised them, they would tear him apart. Double standard, MSM is out to destroy conservatism

I expect nothing less from CNN.

Maybe the problem isn't msm but the actual problem is the people like you who can't compartmentalize shit that's comes out of the news. You can praise them for being reasonable while also criticise them for being a bunch of punks the past year. It isn't that difficult to do lol

The Olympics have always been a time when countries come together and put politics aside. Obviously there are many exceptions to this but most are subtle, actual commentary has always been very positive.

well, if Trump is "worse than North Korea" it doesn't get much worse than that now does it? definitely could be used to continue the Trump-bashing agenda

Most likely they want us to keep funding them so they will kill us. Who knows, even tho they look insane they still have an agenda, they're just scared and dont know how to react because they've never had this many people catch them in lies and call them on their bullshit so they feel really awkward sitting there lying to us and they know that we don't believe it. Maybe acting crazy is a way for the people on the fence to say "No way these people are nuts no way they are smart enough to pull off a big conspiracy" or something.

Or is it a case of praising behavior that facilitates peace and criticizing behavior that obstructs it? Big nothing IMO

They have nukes now and that merits respect from all nations. The idea is that by trying to include them in games and in the media in a positive way, it will eventually lead to more talking and most likely dismantling the shit show that is going on in NK.

The other alternative, which you seem to favor, is the continuation of belittling NK, thus making them get pissed off enough to start a nuclear war. And this time around it won't be like Ww2, almost everyone has recognized that since there are so many nukes, one going off will initiate a cascade of nukes from all around the world, that it will be the end of humanity.

So yeah, accepting them now and changing them through integration is really the only thing they everyone should be doing.

Why is it bizarre? It is not bizarre if you already know who owns and controls the MSM. If you know this, then it makes perfect sense.

Maybe Kim finally let the "central banking system" come into his country?

And: is anyone else amazed that the murder of Un's brother in an airport a year ago has disappeared from media?

North Korea has done this for years. They "play nice" in cycles so they can continue their nuclear program unabated.


From what I gather, their unity for these olympics with south korea is what is being applauded, not their human rights track record.

What does a dictator gain by entering the olympics? Is it to just show off how much control he has? Is it a time to negotiate in secret? What would the possible motivations be?

Yeah, it's fucking insane, and it really pisses me off. Something weird is going on.

There's no viable military option so we've reverted the strategy back to diplomacy.

So is every thread now contest mode?

Have you ever had a conversation with someone who escaped from North Korea? Because I have. It isn't exactly Disney Land over there. Thankfully the youth are beginning to realize this and things seems to be slowly changing. Hopefully anyways.

Back to our conflicts with Oceania


I'm so much more equal than you plebs

  • Kim Jon Whatever

Bread and circuses.

They weren't praising Un, they were just laughing at trump. At no point no one was saying "you know what, these NK guys are alright". Now you guys blowing Russia because they helped trump is very real and well documented.

It's like the holidays, when you get together with your family and you're really nice to them, and then the other 364 days of the year you talk shit behind their back.

All I know about the Olympics is that Canada wins at Hockey and that brown people can run way faster than white people. Also, why is curling an Olympic event? That's like the golf of the Olympics.

I'm fucking jealous. Some day soon I'll be taking my world tour and I'll get to try it out for myself. In the meantime, I hate you, hahaha

I feel like nowadays, what people want to buy is what they need to hear. At least a lot more so than in previous times

Trying to build relationships is about more than just leaders in a negotiating room. Things like the Olympics while shamelessly corporate and profit driven provide a space where people can see each others humanity.

Me too

EH. Is Russia being kicked out, but their athletes still competing, not a totally political move?

I just have a hard time believing that Russia is a) the only ones doping and b) the only ones dumb enough to get caught.


Of course, we couldn't be doing it without greasing a few palms. Strangely enough, opium is known to grow really well in Afghanistan and other parts of the middle East.

How come sometimes they get boycotted or countries get banned then?