Russian plane crash outside Moscow kills all 71 people on board. One of the people on board was Vyacheslav Ivanov, none other than the CFO for Rosatom, the company which owns Uranium One.

66  2018-02-12 by [deleted]



SS: The CFO for the company directly behind the Uranium One deal has died in a plane crash. The CFO would have delt directly with ALL finaincial obligations and duties regarding the Uranium One deal. They would have known everything that went on regarding the transaction. What did they know? Did they know too much and were they seen as a weak link in the chain, so they were killed to be silenced? This is a perfect submission to /r/conspiracy that others need to see.

Pure definition of 'coincidence'

I mean, it might be, if they were the same person, but as the person rightfully at the top of your comment section points out, they aren't.

So would this be added to the Clinton Body Count list?


The Clintons wouldn't have this sort of reach...anywhere in the West? Yes. But if this was actually a hit...the only realistic option for perpetrator would be the Russian government or at the least a Russian affiliated group.

Oh, okay.

The Clintons are old news. There's a new sheriff in town.

Yeah, the easiest way to kill someone is making a comercial plane full of passengers crash.

You're saying people who sold out the American peoples security for some millions of dollars wouldn't kill 71 people that the world wont ever hear about?

You're right. Absurd. The Clintons have never been tied to anything baffling or utterly incomprehensible.

Ok, ok ...

TPTB downed a plane in the ocean with scuba hit men in the water to kill the lady that oversaw Obama’s birth certificate.

source? - Long video - Isolated video with the diver.

Not only that...she was the only one to die. She was out of the plane and had a life vest on. What was her cause of death?

this should be on the sidebar with the confirmed conspiracies

It's been done before.

How do we know that's the real passenger list? Anybody can make up a list and post it.

I have not been able to find a decent source that states the people listed were actually the CFO or the dossier source. I would think Fox would love to verify something like that.

hosted on “” fwiw

What does the image host have to do with it? Because 't_d'?

I used the same link another user used. You probably wouldn't say what you did if it was hosted on imgur. Or is that your biased opinions shining through.

it would be more credible if it were to come from a more credible source is all I’m saying.

if it was on Imgur I’d say the same thing, there’s nothing stopping any random person from making this list and uploading it to the internet

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 147850

Any reliable source that actually says it is the CFO for Rosatom? Names are not unique.

It's not the same person. The passenger list you posted is bogus, the names would never be spelt in English.

The person who died in the plane crash is "Вячеслав Анатольевич Иванов". The CFO of Rosatom is "Вячеслав Александрович Иванов". It is not the same person, since the middle name (patronymic) is different. You can check this yourself.
Here is the list of the passengers killed in the crash:
and here is the Rosatom CFO:

Well that was quick. Nice work. I guess we can just move on to the next thing.

You think they will move on, but they really don't. They will probably double down on this hard as a new lie surfaces. Also, you will never see an apology for posting a lie. But that's how things are on this sub I guess.

Gonna save this for what will no doubt be non-stop posts about this over the next day or so

I read that the Russian who gave information for the Dossier was on this flight. True or no?

I read that


Ah man I'll look. I'm a big time lurker, don't remember where I saw it. If I find it I will link.

keep magaing man, youre doing the lords work spreading this info.

/s? Haha im confused

MAGAing should only be used ironically, otherwise it should be assumed to be sarcastic

I didn't spread info though so that's why im confused. I'm always magaing.

Hey guys - it's not him. The Rosatom CFO participated in a ski event today. He's also in his 50's and the guy with the same name on the passenger manifest was born in 1986.

The image is hosted on MAGAIMG... Apparently, a red-hat image hosting service.

Wow... These people are working hard to create a diversion narrative. Hats off to them, I guess

Distractions distractions distractions....

Think about all of the important stuff going on while we are busy staring at what is supposed to be a car orbiting around the earth with a fake astronaut in it...and now a plane crash. What is it going to be next?

Anything and everythinh to make sure people aren't paying attention to what the other hand is doing.

stay on task

Ah man I'll look. I'm a big time lurker, don't remember where I saw it. If I find it I will link.

I didn't spread info though so that's why im confused. I'm always magaing.