If the story isn't real, why make up lies?

27  2018-02-12 by WarSanchez

I just want to be filled in about how fake news sites claiming (1) Carter Page worked for the FBI and (2) Uranium One CFO died in a plane crash both have hit the front page with only shady sites as sources and how the usual anti-collusion squad pushing those.

If there is no merit to this theory then why make up lies? Why does Nunes have a fake site? Why all the secrecy in hiding all the info behind "public safety"?

Imagine if Podesta was receiving this type of help from users here during the pizzagate stuff. They would be run out of here for making up lies and trying to get others to not look into this stuff.

Idk it all seems weird to me, we were told people could believe in pizzagate because it had evidence, suddenly something has evidence and people trying to mislead and it should be ignored?


Edit: Will you look at that! The downvotes start trickling in despite no conversation or disputing the facts. And getting strawmaned by users trolling my post history.


is Nunes' site this?

They deleted the site, I wonder why, but kept up it's facebook page.

Why are you making up lies?

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One, I'm not allowed to call a troll a dumbass for trying to argue with other users about being able to buy a gun after he is "recently" released from a psyche ward?

You obviously don't know the trolls gun subs have to deal with. They come up with all sorts of bullshit to get the sub banned. Look how the troll deleted his account after getting called out.

And Two, what does that have to do with this?

Where did I lie?

You could've killed someone because you are making assumptions. Please stop doing what you are doing...for the good of humanity.

They deleted the site


It wasn't an assumption, it was a new account trolling multiple subs with vastly different stories.

The site is up now, it wasn't a couple hours ago. Hence why they had a Facebook post about having overloaded servers, while they took it down and deleted everything to pop up this version of it.

Thanks for the downvotes tho, still can't hide the truth!

Literally all three lines you just posted are assumptions based on your feelings...

There are deleted articles there, but like I said, you're one of the users here that shows up as a gatekeeper to stifle discussion and attack others.

I dealt with a troll on a completly other sub yet somehow you want to base this post on that. Laughable.

You said they deleted the site, that's clearly not the case, the burden of proof is on you. Maybe you should have said they deleted articles?

I was wondering why you would lie so brazenly...it became clear when I examined your past behavior. You don't care about the facts, you just care about being right about your assumptions...even if it means it could lead to someone killing themselves if your are wrong. Utterly despicable.

Yeah, like I said try to derail this convo cus of something unrelated to this.

It was temporarily deleted. And they did delete articles, soecifically the ones regarding this very investigation.

Have a good day, maybe work on your spin a little more.

Stop lying and I won't have to derail your conversation. If you have good enough points, you shouldn't have to lie or bend the truth. Which funny enough, was your original premise, which I do still agree with.

Have a good day too.

You're way too overly confident in yourself. You don't know half as much as you think you do.

Again, you don't frequent gun subreddits, so you wouldn't know the lenghts gun haters go to to try to get them banned.

two days ago you literally egged on a 19 year suicidal kid

Why am I not surprised that he is such a fucking scumbag?

Are you high?

Users here defend Podesta all the time, say there's zero evidence for "pizzagate" and call wikileaks Russian agents to discredit what they've released.

Not only are they not "run out" they get upvotes from the brigade crews.

What's your opinion on pizzagate?

When have you seen one highly upvoted post trying to discredit pizzagate? I've seen MANY fake evidence posts reach the front page continuously.

With Russiagate, the fake evidence against it has hit the front page continuously despite later being proven false. Uranium CFO one being the most recent proof of this.

Pedogate is real, but pizzagate is partisan bullshit.

Then why did you say Pizzagate? I'm not getting your comparison then. In was going to agree that there's enough smoke in both cases to warrant investigation, but now you're making no sense.

Making no sense is kind of his thing

Right? "Theres evidence for this like there is for propagate, so why does it get dismissed?"

"Pizzagate is bullshit."

He undermined his own point. Haha.

Nice to see you back! How long have you been stalking my posts this time?

Because there is a world of difference between pedogate and pizzagate.

Pizzagate again is partisan hackery, just like denying that there is at least smoke to the Russiagate narrative.

Oh, because the dude with the creepy instagram pics and comments, and suspicious connections to all kinds of people happens to be a democrat, and Podesta and his creepy emails happens to be democrat, it's "partisan hackery." And that's just scratching the surface.

Imagine not finding a single victim.

Find one. The creepy pics are inexcusable for a professional person, but where is there concrete proof of the pedophilia?

That's what investigations are for.

Too bad there isn't one, huh? Aren't investigations how you find the truth?

You need probable cause for an investigation. At least in the America I live in.

Internet accusations are not probable cause without some good evidence.

You're doing the exact think you were complaining about in the OP.

How is that hypocrisy so lost on you?

It's beyond hilarious.

What are you talking about, the Russiagate shit has evidence! They have contact and phone calls, they have meetings, they have PROOF.

Thanks for gatekeeping this post tho! Real good job!

Then what the fuck was with the Podesta/Pizzagate comparison?

Never mind. Your whole attempt at a "gotcha" is utterly nonsensical. Maybe youre drunk or something.

Nice strawman. You and Shilling are such good gatekeepers for this sub!

From your own OP. At this point you've lost all sense and rationality.

"Imagine if Podesta was receiving this type of help from users here during the pizzagate stuff. They would be run out of here for making up lies and trying to get others to not look into this stuff.

Idk it all seems weird to me, we were told people could believe in pizzagate because it had evidence, suddenly something has evidence and people trying to mislead and it should be ignored?"

YOU made the comparison. Then you did the exact same thing you're complaining about, then you flip out and accuse others of "gatekeeping" when called on it.

I've seen some weird shit in this sub, and this was weird.

It's called luring people in. I lured in all the pizzagaters like yourself who have accusations yet no evidence to show how outlandish it is to deny Russiagate.

Obviously it went over your head. You're still gonna drop in all Russiagate threads and act like they are unwarranted, when you just admitted it needs to be investigated.

Yeah. Nice try. And you have no idea what "pizzagate" even is. You've made that clear.

And I think "Russiagate" is shit, but I'm fine with an investigation because I'm not afraid of being proven wrong.

And I'd rather be a "pizzagater" whatever the fuck that is than someone like you who only believes accusations depending on which political party they're directed at.

WB Swatting?

What is that?

Eveeyone invloved with that deserves to go to jail.

WOW THIS HAS DOWNVOTES, keep convincing yourselves these tactics are... Convincing...

Notice how they hyperfocused their voting on the one thread really calling out these people for what they are, and let his votes sink in the other comment thread where he makes a more clear fool/narrative pusher of themselves.

I mean to be fair prior to the Male-1=UCE-1 theory was a thing, I had users telling me that Page wore a wire for the FBI and was a Russian Spy that had to snitch to avoid charges. Then the theory comes out and the same types of users switch to he wasn’t working directly with the FBI he wasn’t the guy who planted the binders.

The fake news stuff is out on both sides because either 1) Everyone wants to be the first to break the huge story so they basically risk the backlash from jumping the factual gun so to speak, or 2) Accuracy doesn’t matter, clicks do

People generally seem to have already decided what happened re: Trump Russia. Sites know that people are going to gobble up anything that fits with what they think happened.

More traditionally credible sites that screw up do so cuz of 1 above (they want to be the ones to break the “big one”). Most sketchy sites that push ridiculous stories do so cuz of 2 above (just want that click $$).

“Fake News” is a spectrum. Just my opinion.

Carter Page very well might have worked for the FBI. That isn't at all the same as the fake news about the Uranium One CFO. Funny that you purposefully conflate the two different things.

Expect he didn't work for the FBI, where is your proof. You regurgitate that talking point all the time, without one shred of proof.

Expect he didn't work for the FBI, where is your proof.

You know for a fact that he never worked for the FBI? I know you can't show proof, because it's almost impossible to prove a negative in this case, but you're asserting that he didn't work for FBI.

If they released all the info unredacted, I'm sure I could prove he didn't work for the FBI, but you are right, I cannot prove a negative.

He can clear his name by letting it be known and providing proof he worked with the FBI on this, so idk what's stopping him from doing that other than it not being true.

Yeah, it's one of those unprovable things which I don't find much value in beyond speculation. I, too, find the claims that he definitely is the person referred to as UCE-1 to be pretty annoying as it's anything but conclusive, but I don't think it can be ruled out at this point either.

so idk what's stopping him from doing that other than it not being true.

As most of the theories go, he was either a willing participant (in which case he'll be compensated in some way), working off another charge as a part of deal (which would be invalidated if he spoke up), or under a gag order for some other reason. I don't find any of these theories particularly convincing at this point, but I think they're within the realm of possibility.

And those are good discussions to have, the fact that everyone else in this thread trying to "prove me wrong" hasn't even tried to have a discussion like the one your presenting ia real telling.

Especially considering they are the same group of guys on every single one of these threads doing the same thing without fail.

Yeah, "conspiracy theory as means to promote party politics" has become disturbingly in vogue, and not just on this sub.

A airplane did crash people did die, no Uranium One CFO tho.

where did you hear he wasn't on the plane?

Pull up dead boys info and pull up the CFOs info, two different people.

I know you won't so I'm not going to waste my time arguing with you.

Have a good night!

I was just asking a clarifying question that's all. No need to throw a tantrum like a little bitch.

Like I said, you're just here to stir the pot, I know you won't look it up because you don't want to know the truth, just a narrative that fits your agenda.

Imagine making fun of Snopes in one post then believing a bullshit LARP that's been debunked lmao.

Downvote and move on little dude.

Holy shit you're mentally unhinged. I was genuinely curious where you got the information that he was never on that flight.

Please don't stop taking your schizophrenia medication.

Avoiding the truth lol

I'm asking you for a source because I'm interested. How is that me trying to avoid the "truth"?

You're fucking stupid dude. 100% mentally retarded.


Because apparently looking stuff up on this sub is too complicated for a high IQ being as yourself.


he's trolling you. he knows his source doesn't address you're question, but he's trying to push your buttons and waste your time. that's what they do.

He answered your question and you threw a tantrum, dont act it prick

Kind of hard to search for something when you dont know what you're searching for. He refused to give me that information until further down the post.

Will you look at that! The downvotes start trickling in despite no conversation or disputing the facts. And getting strawmaned by users trolling my post history.

Sucks when the shoe is on the other foot.

Doesn't suck, I could care less, I was lampooning certain posts.

Have a nice night!

Reddit is bought and paid for. Of course facts are meaningless here. How is this even surprising.

Think about the outrage over Ellen Pao. Then fast forward a few years and think about how the same behavior she exhibited, that the entire site revolted against, is now the norm here.

What changed? Money.

What type of help? Any idiot could see that was fake ... unlike CNN which people actually believe. Elvis was an Alien!

Yeah, "conspiracy theory as means to promote party politics" has become disturbingly in vogue, and not just on this sub.

Holy shit you're mentally unhinged. I was genuinely curious where you got the information that he was never on that flight.

Please don't stop taking your schizophrenia medication.