The conspiracy community's perspective from before the election. We seem to have forgotten the understanding that decades of research brought us.

45  2018-02-13 by yellowsnow2

The conspiracy community, before the election, knew the exact goals and agendas being worked towards. The conspiracy community also knew that both political parties and all of the media had been infiltrated by those working towards this agenda.

You can find thousands of books, months worth of videos, and terabytes of forum discussion on the subject. The most documented and fully researched conspiracy ever. The agenda to restructure the world order for the creation of a one world government ruled by the central banks and oligarchs.

Now the conspiracy community seems to have been distracted, divided, and given amnesia by the results of the presidential election and all the propaganda that came with it.

The agenda has not changed. The fiat debt based currency will continue to control and enslave society. The oligarchs and banks will continue to consolidate world power. The media will continue to indoctrinate you with a false understanding of reality. The constitution and sovereignty of the US will continue to be a thorn in the side of their agenda.


IMO Trump/Russia IS the distraction on BOTH sides of the political spectrum. Here we are over a year later and it is still the primary daily discussing and yet we haven't maid an inch of progress in over a year. What better way to keep people completely distracted and forget what they even care about than to turn the government into a reality TV show? Works just as charmed and they even have people screaming for sanctions against Russia when if it weren't for Trump people would not even care and may even be denouncing it because it was a growing consensus that we continually fight wars/wasting tax dollars we have no business being in.

Q ain't helping either. I mean initially I was like this guy is making us answer good questions. But...It is the most comprehensive slide in history. We are lost in this bullshit, and tho no effect.

I 100% disagree with you. The Intel being dumped from them is vital towards our understanding of the current times.

Multiple indictments of top level staffers = no progress.

When it doesn't have anything to collusion with the Russians, yes I would chalk that up as no progress. These are just people with skeletons in their closet being prosecuted for relatively petty crimes. Like happens everyday in America to people that are never discussed and don't make the news. It only matters to people because they were on Trump's campaign team but their crimes are completely unrelated to the campaign itself.

I would guarantee that if many of us here on Reddit had a special counsel setup to investigate us that we would also be found guilty of something. That's what they do.

We're already ruled by banks and oligarchs in a global slave system that funnels wealth, resources, and power to them. It's called Capitalism.

just don't name or read about the history of any specific capitalists because that makes you a kooky conspiracy theorist who believes in lizard people

The specifics are irrelevant, the problem is systemic.

"don't think too much about real individuals and their actions and motivations, kids, just read my Marxist textbook. Buy now on Amazon for just $39.99"

Exactly, I don’t understand this attitude. People talk about the “1%” running society, but as soon as you say yeah here are some of the families involved and who have maintained power and wealth through multiple generations” then you get called a conspiracy theorist. Why is it even questioned that people with power will want to pass on that power to their friends and family for as long as possible? It would be more shocking if people weren’t doing it

Capitalism is the most natural self regulating, organic, fair system their is, because of the self regulating nature of supply and demand. The problem is that our system has been corrupted in so many ways it is no longer really capitalism and no longer organic and self regulating. Subsidies, micro managed markets, and regulatory systems designed to create protected monopolies are just a few of the subversions of capitalism.

The true subversion of capitalism is the encroaching socialism/fascism that has thrown the system out of balance, out of it's organic self regulating nature.

Capitalism is the most natural self regulating, organic, fair system their is, because of the self regulating nature of supply and demand.

You sound rather indoctrinated yourself.

Indeed.. We now have a "reality show" in the white house where people are either choosing to love or hate Trump.. Before Trump everyone knew the real problem is the federal reserve banking system that controls our nations money supply, and the fed is a private bank making money for people who are the super elites. Control a nations money supply and you control the country.

We're already ruled by banks and oligarchs in a global slave system that funnels wealth, resources, and power to them. It's called State Monopoly Capitalism, and it is the hegemony of our day.

jesus christ it's good to know not everyone has gone off the deep end. people are so jaded/brainwashed these days, and just as predicted the whole DNC scandal is "old news" now, even though it got absolutely no press or coverage. not even an article to open up a discussion. just sweep it under the rug and let's talk about what a mean and bad person Trump is, with all of "his" plans..

I think your last sentence is crucial - law and order is the thorn in their side. They can always manipulate outrage, but they don’t know how to handle honest determined decency and decorum.

We should move ahead at our absolute best and dare them to impede our progress.