On the anniversary of his death, remember that Antonin Scalia was found dead with a pillow on his face. No autopsy was ever completed and he was quickly cremated.

203  2018-02-14 by Jacobythepotato



FYI whoever commented is shadow banned. Not sure if they'll see this.

"You like being alive? Clarify that story for us then please we wouldn't want any misconceptions out there :-D"

It's probably also a good time to note that, according to the Podesta emails, the DNC tap to fill his place if Hillary had won was also the judge in the Pizzagate "shooter" case.

There was also a reference to "wet work(s)" in an email, wasn't there?

Indeed, there was.

Very odd, maybe coincidental the SCOTUS almost went “4/9”with the Dem’s nom.

Also with Scalia out of the way, SCOTUS upheld affirmative action (4-4) , probably the biggest upcoming issue on the table and you can guess how a hardline conservative would have voted.

Seriously, how is this not talked about more often?

Well, folks don't seem to pay attention to judges and their appointments very often, to be sure.

For instance, the aforementioned Judge Jackson worked as co-chair on a federal specialty committee to lesson penalties and loosen up definitions when it comes to pedo-sex crimes.

See votes on thread you and I are commenting in - heavy downvotes from gagged cowards.

Please explain the vote "oddness".

You are at +1 on a few comments on this thread because I upvoted you (and others in the negative). Downvotes on facts seems more odd to me than do downvotes on opinions.

I downvote you because I don't like you.

It just gets downvoted to oblivion. A CeeTR user will flag the posts and then the downvote bots come. Anything DNC or Clinton email related gets hit these days.

Not to mention the mysterious movie script Podesta received that has some odd connections to the death of Scalia


Lol dunno why you are being downvoted. Podesta himself confirmed the authenticity of the leaked emails. He claimed the Russians hacked him and confirmed they were really his emails.

Downvote bots. There was several "honeypot" threads recently to tag users and attach downvotes to them.

Same. I commented on a top post a few days ago, saying that I agreed with them. Initially I went up to 11 votes and now I'm at -3. I swear it was a honey pot post and now I'm getting downvotes everywhere.

Lol why go through the trouble of honeypot threads when you can just ban everyone who has posted in TD

Do you know what vote fuzzing is?

The comment you claim is being voted botted is this one


It was not posted at 11 GMT, it was posted at 5 am GMT

I apologize, I meant MST. And yes, I know what vote fuzzing is. It gives the votes a variance of +2/-2. It doesn't take a score of +11 down to +3 in a dead thread.

Don’t even waste your time. Awfully funny how this user does nothing but go around defending mainstream narrative while on a conspiracy sub yet consistently has double digit upvotes.

It's so obvious that it borders on comical. I know that crap works in the news and politics subs but I can't figure out what they think they are accomplishing here.

I told you that was a lie 2 weeks ago yet I've just saw you repeat it, again.


The judge you're referring to is Ketanji B. Jackson.


She comes up in the Podesta emails here


The email is copy and paste of a blog post from here


This is, apparently, the most widely read SCOTUS blog in the country.


So, Sara Solow one of Clinton's policy advisors saw a blog post and forwarded it to Podesta and Sullivan.

That's it, they don't discuss the matter at all.

Side note, thought this paragraph from blog was interesting

Her family is impressive. She is married to a surgeon and has two young daughters. Her father is a retired lawyer and her mother a retired school principal. Her brother was a police officer (in the unit that was the basis for the television show The Wire) and is now a law student, and she is related by marriage to Congressman (and Speaker of the House) Paul Ryan.

Look how you get downvoted lol wtf. this sub clearly has some paid Hillary Clinton supporters. Fuck the shills

Crazy, isn't it?

Eh, makes sense for the sadistic information skewed age we live in. If you want people to think something, pay lots of people to go online and shit post. This is unfortunately how large message boards like this are run. Its all about the money/power of control.

It works, too. There aren't very many of us that spend time analyzing vote patterns enough to detect when manipulation is going on. The vast majority will just see the upvoted comments and believe that those comments must be the most valid because so many "people" apparently agree with it.

Course it works. People are afraid of discourse these days. A lot of my friends aren't but, as a whole, yea people are afraid to speak their mind cuz anything and everything you say is picked apart. Fuck that. Question everything.

Thanks Obama!

I've always thought finding him with a pillow on his face was suspicious.

It would have been, but that’s not how he was found.

If you murdered a person with a pillow, would you leave it on their face?

Now I will no one will suspect a thing.

That’s exactly the reverse logic at play here? ;)

If they had contempt for us wh notice these things they would. It's like passing on the walls.

When else would you see a pillow on the face of a dead man?

If you knew the assassination would be covered up, why not?

EXACTLY why it's so ingenius.

Pillow fight gone wrong

I feel like a hitman would know not to use a pillow to kill someone

I could've sworn authorities clarified that the pillow wasn't on his face

obvious natural causes.

and that cause was suffocation.

If nothing else, here's a clear quid pro quo from the first link:

Poindexter has said Scalia received free room and board like the other 35 guests at the 30,000-acre luxury ranch near the Mexican border. Poindexter’s manufacturing firm, the 4,000-employee J.B. Poindexter & Co., owns a company targeted in an age-discrimination lawsuit the Supreme Court declined to hear in 2015, The Washington Post reported.

And he would have gotten away with it if not the timely death from obesity

And being like, 88.

The real corruption conspiracy no one wants to talk about...


Who knows what's true and what's not with this story? It's easy for the pillow story to change. Considering he was a SCOTUS justice, an autopsy SHOULD have been performed. There was a secret society gathering of Catholic green-garbed hunters on site.

This, like so many other weird "news" events since 9/11 is loaded with ambiguity, shifting stories and unsettling subtext. Scalia's death is weird.

Not to mention that seemingly coded email sent to Podesta about "wetworks at the vineyard" including a map with Scalia's location marked on it a few days before his death.

Wait. It had a map on that email? I heard about the "wetworks," I didn't hear about the map. You got a link for that?

Sorry it's not a great source but I'm at work and this is the best I can find quickly, gives a rundown of the contents of the email


Incidentally, Scalia was the only supreme court justice who was against FISA spying.

This had me rolling

I may have heard some wrong information. Sorry for spreading fake news.

delete the submission then?

Information should never be deleted. Never concede to censorship.

But then OP will lose out on his fake internet points. Gotta harvest that karma!

Nah I’ll delete it

Fucking moron.

OP just got zipzipzapped!

Buh muh conspiracy!

And it still got +177 upvotes and hasn't been given a "misleading" flair lol.

Is it even the anniversary of his death?

"Quail hunting" is a old-time sexual euphemism.

Fake News

"No autopsy was ever completed and he was quickly cremated."

Up in smoke...



Revelations on the Allan case, which led to Scalia now lead into the entire Koch network, including the Federalist Society, said to be operating not simply in law schools but America’s high schools as well, and into the Heritage Foundation.

We don’t know when it began, maybe at the Presidio under Michael Aquino and the Temple of Set or before. We do know it has victimized thousands of children around the world, not only in America but channeling children through Belgium and the Netherlands into sexual slavery and death.

What is it that makes the powerful desire what is so hurtful and obscene? When we ignored the Franklin Coverup, we opened ourselves to this…

On the anniversary of his death...?

So... He was found one year to the day after he died?

"An overweight 79 year old man in a stressful job died! A mystery is afoot, gang!"

Fake , made up stories =\= conspiracy

Nothing suspicious about that

He was one of the strongest proponents of gun rights. He was "their" biggest threat in terms of the conspiracy of taking our guns. damn the Clintons.

Scalia was going to be the deciding 5th vote in the Friedrichs case, which would have ended the mandatory payment of union dues by teachers and people in other public union jobs (about 5 million people total).

Based on what has happened in the few individual states that eliminated mandatory dues, losing the Friedrichs decision would have cost public unions hundreds of millions of $$ per year.

With Scalia's death, the court deadlocked at 4-4 so the lower court decision in favor of the unions was upheld.

Yeah, nothing fishy about Scalia's death.

He was old, overweight, worked a stressful job for many years, and his generous remuneration meant he could enjoy high living which generally isn't too healthy.

No real mystery I'm afraid.

Justice Scalia died after a well known, long, painful battle with progress.

Sex death

“Didn’t think wet works meant pool parties at the Vineyard”


Yeah the Clinton's promised Susan Rice that position and we all see how that went

Ban and tar OP.

The irony here is what the hell would even be the point? Donnie picked his replacement.

Donnie wasn’t supposed to win

To bad his supporters didnt know.

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I definitely think a heart attack gun or some sort of injection played a part in his death.

With a little luck he was murdered.

Very odd, maybe coincidental the SCOTUS almost went “4/9”with the Dem’s nom.

Also with Scalia out of the way, SCOTUS upheld affirmative action (4-4) , probably the biggest upcoming issue on the table and you can guess how a hardline conservative would have voted.

Seriously, how is this not talked about more often?