9/11 Conspiracy Theories
3 2018-02-16 by divinealligator
Hi, I have to write a persuasive text for English on a conspiracy theory and I have chosen to do 9/11 and was wondering if anyone had any that they could share with me.
3 2018-02-16 by divinealligator
Hi, I have to write a persuasive text for English on a conspiracy theory and I have chosen to do 9/11 and was wondering if anyone had any that they could share with me.
1 nothingduploading 2018-02-16
lots of good documentaries on 9/11
if you want something that will really blow your mind watch September Clues.
1 Step2TheJep 2018-02-16
Good to see September Clues gaining some traction around here.
Maybe this sub is finally starting to mature.
1 wakeuparleen 2018-02-16
Start by watching loose change
1 Step2TheJep 2018-02-16
Do not do this.
1 McLeech 2018-02-16
Do not listen to Step2theJep. Maybe take a quick look at his post history.
1 Step2TheJep 2018-02-16
Do not listen to the blasphemer! The devil speaks through him! Avert your eyes!
1 wakeuparleen 2018-02-16
Step2thejep is one of the famous dancing Jews. Watch loose change to catch that reference. Also his dad fucking hates him. I mean hates him hates him. Ruined Mr step2s life. Gave never forgave jep. Nor should he with the shitty attitude he brings around
1 1-800-GOFUCKYOURSELF 2018-02-16
The fact that we still consider 911 a conspiracy theory is preposterous.
Last time the U.S. was attacked, we nuked the shit out of Japan. This time, we over committed to an endless war in the middle east where there's coincidentally an endless supply of heroin and vital minerals.
1 nilrednas 2018-02-16
Not to mention the swift creation of the PATRIOT Act and Homeland Security, the increase in NSA monitoring, the round up of 700+ "suspects," and Ashcroft's immigration profiling.
1 ignoremsmedia 2018-02-16
1 LuckBoxen 2018-02-16
Dr. Judy Wood
1 crabsneverdie 2018-02-16
I think there's a good number of people who dislike her simply because of how inarticulate she is
1 Tonisha420 2018-02-16
If you have 4 hours to spare, watch The New Pearl Harbor. It will give you enough detail and cover almost every major incident
1 SilentSpace 2018-02-16
There is way too much talking about stuff we already know.
Too many people are merely do-nothing talking heads.
The question is: what are we going to do about it all?
How exactly do we get from where we are today to a Whole New Way of Living rooted in Love and Wisdom?
i don't mean solutions. We already have gazillions of creative practical solutions that have not been implemented yet.
i mean how exactly do we get into a position where we can actually implement those solutions on a grand scale?
Please present your proposal. Spell it out: step 1, step 2, etc., and be as specific as you can.
Here's my proposal: First the cities, then the states, then the nation and then the world. Creating a Wonderful World. (let's get it done already) https://www.facebook.com/groups/379816208803429
1 Lyra_Fairview 2018-02-16
lmao I'm sorry but I'm calling BS
1 divinealligator 2018-02-16
How? In English today we had a whole lesson about conspiracy theories and then he said we have to write a persuasive text to convince him about a conspiracy theory. Some kids are writing about how water isn't wet.
1 ElectricVeritas 2018-02-16
Save yourself all the critique and follow the money. Go watch The Corbett Reports: 911 Trillions: Follow the Money. Three separate scientific studies showing insider trading on 911 specifically by Marvin Bush, ol president Georgie’s brother. By a company called stratesec. That’s only one trade.. lol it’s absolutely ridiculous no one brings this up in 911 conspiracies when it’s the most probable aspect of the whole conspiracy.
1 brmk226 2018-02-16
WHAT, we still consider this a "conspiracy theory ".
Anyone who believes what the MSM sais about 9-11 is truly ignorant.
1 toomuchpork 2018-02-16
How about the least plausible 911 conspiracy theory?
1 Akareyon 2018-02-16
Watch "New Pearl Harbor", take notes, and then visit /r/911truth/wiki for sources and more in-depth explanations. Beware of anyone trying to sell you termites, nukes, space beams and CGI planes *cough* septemberclues *cough*. Concentrate on the cold, hard facts. Fact #1: there is no official scientific explanation for the collapse of the Twins.
1 ssmco 2018-02-16
Tell the class to find a pic of the crashed plane in Pennsylvania.
1 divinealligator 2018-02-16
1 ssmco 2018-02-16
Because there’s no plane. They can google all they want but no plane proves that something is fishy.
1 divinealligator 2018-02-16
1 ssmco 2018-02-16
Because there’s no plane. They can google all they want but no plane proves that something is fishy.