
0  2018-02-16 by SugarsuiT

This isn't sitting well. What happened to the Heroes? One person taking on hundreds, remind you of something? Maybe one elite taking on thousands? I understand there is an element of fear. But where was a Hero when that school needed it? Where were the police? How was that boy able to make it home. Why does a group never bum rush the shooter? I gun can only face one way?

The conspiracy here is how we as a society have been beat down to live in fear, hiding in closets, when in reality it would only take 2 people to charge the shooter. 2 cops, running towards the shooter from different angles. Am I wrong here? Protect and serve? Fight for survival? These kids are crazy enough to risk life eating tide pods or playing the knock out game, but when push comes to shove not one will try and do something?

Have we as a society been subdued, where have all the heroes gone?


What the actual fuck are you talking about

How one student can kill so many and make it home without anyone doing anything. How about instead of being a human shield you actually go on the offensive. 2 teachers with big balls could have stopped him. 2 of anyone with big balls could have stopped him and saved lives. All these people depressed and suicidal but when push comes to shove they value their life too much, what life, death comes for us all, live in strength or live in fear, I choose strength.

I feel you, man. I think of that too, especially about the 9/11 hijackers and their box cutters. Why the fuck wouldn't everyone on that plane bum rush them and save the day Worthing a minute? We are no longer thinking in survival mode because we have become domesticated and docile. We see cops and fire fighters as our only heroes so we don't act and wait for those specific people to do it for us. Not always the case but we could do much better at helping each other, for sure.

Where are the heroes? I agree. OP is right. Have we been that disempowered by feminism and shame that we are no longer able to be proud of being capable to lead and inspire.

Where are the powerful men in our world who I'm supposed to look up to? Been here 30 years and not found one yet.

I tire of false heroes. Assange, Obama, Bradley Manning.

I worry that to be a hero you must have no fear of death. Every man who actually stands out is assassinated. Strange that women leaders are never assisinated though. Weird world.

Lennon. Malcolm X. Martin Luther. JFK. Jesus. All before my time. If there are real men out there. Where the fuck are you?

I'm gonna try and be a hero. No one else seems to be.

(Dwayne Johnson could be sooo much more than an actor. Men like him need to move into humanitarian efforts. Real role models.Good humans. Attenbrough too. )

disempowered by feminism

It's only 25 past 2 and that's the funniest thing I'll read all day. Thanks!

Did you mean hero's as in gender neutral? Otherwise you should have said heroines as well

The language you use is important. Just because you were lazy in framing you hypothesis. Thank you for responding to one sentence.

I read it all, very amusing.

It's less funny when you realize that's a real person with this view of the world.

This made me spit out my coffee. Thank you, covfefe.

This made me spit out my coffee covfefe. Thank you, coffee.


I wish I had enough money to give you gold, dude.

A shared laugh is worth more than gold in reddits pocket! Cheers!

What the everloving hell are you talking about.

In a vacuum it's easy to say "well, six of us can charge him at once and probably take him down", but the reality is that 4-5 of those people are going to die at minimum if they charge someone with a high powered weapon, and people are by their nature reluctant to risk their own life. It's why active shooter training usually revolves around securing your space and hiding. The killings in these events almost always are concentrated around hallways and the cafeteria, spaces that are wide open, can't be secured, and where people tend to cluster.

Meanwhile, at least two teachers/coaches are being credited for shielding students before they were killed.

I've taken active shooter training. I survey every classroom I teach in to find the best way to secure the doors in case of an active shooter event. A friend of mine was on faculty in the English department (where the most casualties happened) at VT during that shooting. She hid under her desk with a locked office door. The shooter tried to get into multiple classrooms/offices, but failed, thankfully, likely keeping the body count down. Once the shooting happened people in other rooms had time to react (oh, and the teacher in the first room was credited for trying to stop the shooter too).

Again, it's damn hard to ask people to charge unarmed at a gunman when they have a better chance to survive by hiding.

And it's not like we haven't seen people intervene. There's a damn major motion picture coming out about the Americans who stopped at attack on a french train. The Texas church shooter was stopped by a neighbor.

I oppose arming teachers (mostly because I've taught future teachers, and most of them can't be trusted with weaponry), but I'm all for using the money saved by decriminalizing weed to put multiple armed security offers at every school (but Republicans, who oppose gun control, also oppose school funding).

It's why active shooter training usually revolves around securing your space and hiding.

How well has that been working out?

Good thing you read everything they said, or even read enough to formulate a decent response.

to formulate a decent response

says the person who didn't answer my question.

I chose not to answer your question. Active Shooter training is Run, Hide, Fight.

Which led to the perp walking home undetected, seems things need to change.

It’s a panic. If he was able to blend in to get out, you can’t believe anyone’s visual statements. I don’t believe the media and I also don’t believe most eye witness accounts.

Heroes are a myth, or rather, the idea that some people can be heroes and others can't be is the myth. If everyone sits around waiting for the hero to show up, the hero will never arrive.

Well I thought school shootings in the states were so common that they train students amd teachers in evacuation/self defence procedures. For real though, its totally stupid to hide from the shooter in a fucking cupboard. This isnt a bank robbery, the shooter is there to kill so you either fight back or die.

This isnt a bank robbery, the shooter is there to kill so you either fight back or die.

Spot on.

" Agency is a skill; our will power is like a muscle that can be flexed and exercised. The problem we face as a collective is the active stripping of people's agency by the powerful. Our society has and is being manipulated on an unprecedented level. What effect does binge watching television, or stuck in a dead-end job, or forced to pay off debt have? Our population is functionally in a sedated state of being; able to shuffle through work and get enough done, but disempowered enough that they don't take action to bring about real change.

Making real change is not only possible, but its incredibly easy to achieve. It requires people to rise into the power of their inner Gods and Goddesses. It requires us coming together in love, and acting as one. It requires us to let go of fear and everything else that does not serve us.

It's an uphill battle, but the more people who choose to take on the role of awakening people through love, being the change they want to see and acting as a beacon to others as to what's possible, the easier it becomes. One person may not be able to directly change the world, but one person can have a rippling effect that leads us all to a bright future. Simply smiling at a stranger could be the one spark of light that sends them careening down the right path.

The more we empower ourselves, the more we empower everyone. Our first love is self-love. If the gardener does not take care of themselves, who will take care of the garden. If you wish to be the change in the world, take it upon yourself to make one choice today that empowers you. Step outside of your comfort zone and let yourself grow how you need to" u/LoveCycle

It all started with Zero-Tolerance policies. You get bullied, you fight back, you get suspended. At this point we have been conditioned that if you stand up, speak out or fight back then you are in the wrong. Courage has been subdued.

to formulate a decent response

says the person who didn't answer my question.