Question regarding the current and the next ‘age’

24  2018-02-17 by PackaBowllio28

There seems to be a general consensus (from ancient sources, etc.) that we are nearing the end of the current age and are about to enter a new one. How do the sources claim the new age will be different than our current one?


The new age is going to be an age of awakening or enlightenment, or so I've read/heard.

From my understanding, and imo, it will be akin to a reversed rapture. However, not in the literal form, but, in a philosophical/symbolic form (ie. you either ascend with the change in vibration/enlightment, or descend and remain in somewhat ignorant stasis - to go mad or be lead to the slaughter). If that makes sense?

Yes, this makes sense. I've read this theory somewhere too. I hope I ascend and don't stay ignorant. LOL!

New tool song descending .

one thing that will happen. the speed at which change happens will outpace the old way of doing everything. the technology and those with the capability to keep up with it, without letting it take them over, will be in a vastly different position than those who are illiterate to the systems functioning now. the distinction unfortunately will be a class of consumers and users. different than the creators.

Strong AI is a ways off. I know there are a few people who are sticking around just to play stump the AI.

Automation... its greatest devastation will be in automating business systems. smart contract technology leading to autonomous organizations. Real Estate in the future will be an entirely automated process.

lots of jobs will just not exist anymore. thats a hurdle we have yet to cross. i am not confident in how thats going to play out at the moment.

anyhow. enjoy the compression of time.

Once many jobs begin getting taken over by technology, I am hopeful that we will change to a society that provides basic necessities for everybody. It is totally possible to have those vertical farms run by AI, and other stuff like that, that would allow society to function without even needing money for basic needs.

Why do you think strong ai is ways off? I think it's pretty close, I will definitely see it in my lifetime by the way things are progressing.

a ways off... 3 to 5 years

,+ skynet

from another perspective. take it as you will.

the third density experiment in many-ness is drawing to a close this earth logos and its subsequent dimensional experessions will move into the full 4th density.

this is alleged to mean there will be a service to self 4th density experience and a service to others 4th density experience.

it is my hope that the sheer will it takes to keep rolling will be easier in a full 4th density logos.

so pick your way carefully. this is where you must excersize your free will in all dimensions. there is no wrong path. just a path.

What's a third density experiment? I am genuinely curious.

Firstly, it’s Hidden Hand not helping hand. And third density experience is referring to the Law of One, or, Ra Material, which you should seek out straightaway.

experiment in many-ness. should be evident from the description.

Have you heard of helping hand? Who posted on the ATS forum? This is exactly what he described

no i have not ATS was comprimised many years ago gave up on it

I highly highly recommend you check this out, curious as to what you think

ok. so if all thats true... then what? whats the soloution, whats the next move. if its all just half disinformation half truth as per the operating model. ok. then what...

i will agree. Read the entire Law of One if you are able. The core knowledge is contained in its pages. as with all things, you will need to have some sharp contextualization skills and the more you know before your journey, the better the outcome. Ra is just another entity/smc making their way. another self from another time.

hidden hand now i remember. wasnt that all sorcha faal secureteam10 and that other weird dude. not cory or dave but the really weird one. no not that guy from ancient aliens...

those are the one who tell you victory is just around the corner and or the end of the world or ww3-10 are underway.

just serve the creator. itll all work out.

I will read the law of one! And yes, it is exhausting trying to derive truth from the the supposed "insiders" these days, all we can do is focus on finding true self

its not even that. i can tell what and whom they are listening to. mostly it's just more war jangles. evil vs good. + vs -, thats when you right away know they are in the weeds. as it were.

just listen to yourself. figure out what is you inside all that mind.

3102 B.C.E. marked the beginning of the Kali Yuga, with the fall of the Kurus at Kurukshetra- basically in the fallout of the "age of destruction" there's not much else one can succeed in besides improving the ways they fail. there's no escape for anyone from the spiral of transmogrification... surely the collapse will be an integral part of the present-future, a routine our successors will be forced to deal with daily, yet I fear we are facing imminent catastrophes (global, financial, social, whathaveyou) - the likes of which the quote-on-quote modern world hasn't seen for millennia - and yet there may actually be quite little chance of survival for the majority of our species failure can be spectacular though- and I am no nihilist

The late American seer, Edgar Cayce, saw the west coast of America at around the turn of this century to be near Nebraska, instead of California.

I was familiar with the idea; came across this article in the New Yorker a few months back and thought of that Cayce prophecy, but couldn't place the source.

Do you have any to list?

I've read this one. Cayce also talked about reincarnation. No one dies forever.

Appreciate it.... Oh and I couldn't agree more, merely a changing of forms:

"For the soul there is never birth nor death. Nor, having once been, does he ever cease to be. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying and primeval. he is not slain when the body is slain."

although that's an ancient teaching...


There is the 3 thousand year astrological cycle. We are in the age of Aquarius that they sang about in the seventies. It’s interesting to think how easy it was to keep man in the dark before. Now I think the human race is as a whole much more enlightened then it has been. We certainly have more access to information. It is much harder to keep us in the dark now.

It IS easy to maintain people in the dark, that is why we still discuss astrology as fact here, or the belief that the passage of time, by himself, will change things.

We don’t have it all figured out. The sooner you understand that and open your mind the better

There is no conclusive proof that we are in the actual zodiacal Age of Aquarius right now. We may be in the beginning or middle of the zodiacal transitioning from Pisces to Aquarius, hence all of the chaos and uncertainty. We still have the Abrahamic religions in place. The Age of Aquarius may not begin until the 22nd century or beyond. Our entire lives may be spent in a transition.

In my studies, the opposite sign on the zodiac wheel plays a part in the religious for the age (opposite Pisces was Virgo - Jesus the Fisher of men, birthed by Mary the Virgin). Aquarius, the water-bearer, has it's opposite sign on the zodiac wheel being that of Leo, the lion. In terms of planets, Leo is represented by the sun.

I'd remain watchful in the coming years of signs of a new religious movement starting, perhaps by way of "natural disasters." Or a continuation of the "New Age". I can't tell at this point yet.

The age only refers to the stars and our universal alignment. Like a universal clock. Nothing more. Boring, right? That's why Chinese have a cyclical calendar with repeating "animals". Just another second in a minute in an hour in a day in a week in a month in a year. All the shit you can't see is just spinning around and around and looping. Shit goes way further back than is recorded, like 12 21 12. Mayans and shit. Same type of and just as smart of people 10, 20, 30k years ago passing on knowledge of the skies. Pretty easy to figure out if you have 10k years to work with. Native Americans have 10k year old stories and bloodlines, why wouldn't the Mayans, who were a mere couple three thousand miles away. "Age" is just a diferent hour on a universal clock.

'Whereupon one of the priests, a prodigiously old man, said, "O Solon, Solon, you Greeks are but children: there is not such a thing as an old Greek.....You are young in soul, every one of you. For there in you possess not a single belief that is ancient and derived from old tradition, nor yet one science that is hoary with age." - Plato

The next age will have a lot more plants in it. The science behind breeding plants as self healing textiles and living structures will finally start to make sense.

People are going to turn back to nature for their answers and realize that this "human" way of life is bullshit contrived to enslave. And that the savage native Americans were quite possibly a lot more Christlike than the people who dis/replaced them.

Millennials, Gen z, whoever, will be the "son[s] of man" to return the way of life that harmonizes with the Earth and all other life. Only you can choose how to prepare, love or fear

I like that idea with the living structures. It would be interesting to genetic engineer a tree to make it so it grows into a house lol

think on new year eve and tell me that you really think that the simple flow of time will change anything. 2: why you ask this community about YOUR sources?

Yes, this makes sense. I've read this theory somewhere too. I hope I ascend and don't stay ignorant. LOL!

New tool song descending .