Breakaway Nazi civilization

27  2018-02-17 by PackaBowllio28

I think it’s possible that WWII was for a completely different reason than we’ve been told. Imagine 1930’s Germany, and a German physicist makes an incredible discovery and the Nazis now know how to control gravity (or something similar). They determine that the implications of this would end the human race because we are not yet advanced enough for this technology, which probably has some type of doomsday scenario if used incorrectly. So, they take a bunch of people who have been determined to be intelligent enough, and sent them in a ship to be a breakaway civilization, maybe to even be what we consider TPTB. But they needed to have an excuse for all these missing people without alerting the rest of the world to what they were up to, so they got together with the leaders of the world and decided to fake WWII as a cover for this.

Obviously it is SUPER out there, and has many plot holes. But I think that some type of variation of this theory is certainly possible and could explain virtually every conspiracy theory out there rn.


Thousands of Nazis escaped and hid in South America.

I think there was something going on with Antarctica there. Hitler was super obsessed with Antarctica (be that because of aliens or whatever), and then 10-15 years later he and a bunch of other Nazis show up in the closest country in the world to Antarctica.

No way you could build a lasting base in Antarctica without outside support. They could get some from South America, but it just seems unlikely. Especially in the 40s.

Of course they had support! The US government. The return of the favour was that many Nazi scientists went to help the US, which is by now completely infiltrated at the deepstate level.

and in the us, austarlia and other nooks and crannies. but the ones in the us really made themselves right at home, with the help of the oss/cia, the skull and bones and the catholic church. i see america as that breakaway nazi civ. the 4th reich.

Have you seen the movie "Iron Sky"? (2012)

The Nazis set up a secret base on the dark side of the moon in 1945 where they hide out and plan to return to power in 2018.

Never seen it but I have nothing to do today so I’m about to watch it. Thanks for the suggestion

Better hurry. They're coming back this year!

Watching it rn. It’s a cool concept, I just wish they had the Nazi civilization actually advance technologically, even beyond that of the Earth people. Instead they have them basically stuck in 1945 which seems sort of silly to my. Otherwise it is a pretty cool movie though

Certain areas were more advanced. Other areas less advanced.

It was more realistic in that alternate scenario.

The Nazis on the Dark Side of the Moon is based off of a real Conspiracy Theory though.

That’s a great movie!

Wow never heard of this, stoked to check it out. Thanks for sharing

the nazis didnt discover it. they worked with tesla. tesla showed them how to make flying saucers which they then tried unsuccessfully to weaponize. tesla tried to sell the allies a weapon to defeat the nazis but was unsuccessful. could explain how hitler ended up in south america unbeknownst to the worls.

That’s an interesting theory

its not all theory. look up wwii flying saucers and teslas death ray.

I’ve seen all that before. Imo its a theory if there’s proof beyond a reasonable doubt, which in this case there is not - there is just circumstantial evidence.

Right, the jews control all media and the entire financial sector worldwide, but but but nazis are TPTB. Please unsubscribe from your cable provider and stop going to the movies.

Operation Paperclip

That's pretty far fetched, if the world powers at the time were in agreement about this technology that could end the human race then why did we nuke Japan twice? Why have all the killing if the purpose was to prevent us from killing everyone?

It's something equally fuck along these lines if not this.

When you say "faked" ww2, you surely don't mean that it was a hoax? Because there are millions of vets the world over who would beg to differ.

Unless you mean that it was a set up, and that the leaders of each respective country agreed to go along with a huge world war for the greater good. Or that those countries all learned of Germany's ground breaking secret and started a massive war to stop them from starting a break away civilization. Or do you mean that the holocaust was a hoax and all the missing Jews were the world's first astronauts. Or do you mean that the Nazi's broke away and the war was retaliation and race to steal the new tech from whomever was left behind?

I don’t think it was hoaxed. I think it’s possible that it was fought for reasons other than the current knowledge.

I don't think it's any more outlandish than something like the Indiana Jones movies where WW2 was in part an effort by Nazis to secure magical relics. Or a movie like Iron Sky where Nazi's have a moon base.

In order for any theory of a recent breakaway civilization to be true, you pretty much have to assume that they have (from day one) gone around the world building pyramids and writing manuscripts (including religious texts) and constructing fake archaeological sites in order to distort history and misdirect investigators towards a more ancient breakaway civilization.

Now, I'm not saying that isn't possible. But we are told that Rommel never made it to Cairo. And Nazis probably didn't write the bible or alter the Dead Sea scrolls or construct Machu Picchu or Gobekli Tepe or Angkor Wat. So if there is a breakaway civilization, it's more likely to be whoever was connected to all of that.

You mean the US? Look up all the Nazi scientists and intelligence officials who were given shelter/protection by the government after WW2.

Someone in this comment section brought up operation paperclip.

The researcher Joseph Farrell is fantastic on the subject of the Nazi Bell, a nuclear technology they were developing. I'm surprised how little Farrell comes up on this sub; he's amazing. One interview of many: