Apparently FOX News doesn't know the US has been involved in a proxy war in Syria for over six years.

44  2018-02-17 by AIsuicide

Can US avoid being drawn into proxy war in Syria?

Tensions escalating in Syria after reports that about 100 Russian mercenaries were killed in a U.S. airstrike; insight from Lt. Col. Michael Waltz, former U.S. Army Green Beret commander and counterterrorism adviser to Vice President Cheney

Had to share this...for the ridiculousness that it is.

I also look forward to Jim Hanson, his Zionist think tank and everyone stupid enough to listen to their lies pushing the balkanization of Iraq and Syria as the only plausible solution.

Original article by Jim Hanson and his 10 year plan for Syria and Iraq that I found the video on...

Jim Hanson runs a group called Security Studies Group. Apparently this group has been gaining influence at the White House.

Highly recommend keeping an eye on this group to understand the upcoming complications in the Middle East.


Do these think tanks publish regular public reports or anything? Is there any way to tell what they are talking/thinking about?

I'm so glad you asked this question...

Submission statement: The conspiracy that many of us have known about for a long time.

When it comes to the left/right paradigm of US politics one thing remains the same.

The interests of Israel are being served first and foremost regardless of who resides in the White House.

Fox News is a propaganda arm for the US Military.

Just fox?

I agree. Same with CNN, MSNBC, the Washington Post etc.

Yes, I agree. But show me a CNN clip that is as in your face as the one I posted from Fox. And this is the god damn group the president is obsessed with.

Yeah, they're bad with it. I'd say that Fareed Zakaria segment where he said Trump became president today regarding the Syria strike is up there.

Murdoch is on the board of genie oil with jacob Rothschilds trying to extract resources in the golan heights.

The US is fighting for FOX and the Zionists in the area.

Where on earth did you hear that?

ah you were joking. I already new but I did see your thread. I'm British / Australian so Murdoch is kind of the main bad guy with Brexit and Trump and all his other shit.

You stated that we have been in a proxy war, then immediately ask if we are getting pulled into a proxy war.....

The question is actually under the video I's their question..not mine.

They knew. They all knew.