John Podesta will be talking at Suffolk University in Boston this Friday just in case anyone wanted to ask him what a pizza related map means.

19  2018-02-17 by [deleted]


Removed. Rule 4

to the top!

You want it to mean something so bad.

Let’s hear what you think it means

Can I answer? It was a handkerchief with a weird design that was ultimately unimportant.

Hahaha. That’s rich. Have you looked into rituals satanic child sex abuse? It’s very, very real. Do yourself a fucking favor and research the Franklin Coverup, The Finders Cult, Ted Gunderson, and Marc Dutroux; then try to tell me that Podesta’s handkerchief was “unimportant”.

Yes, I have. It was unimportant, especially to Podesta.

Okay.. keep telling yourself that. Real evil exists. You can continue to live in willful denial, but it will come back to bite you in the ass some day.

How is that a rebuttal?

How was your comment a rebuttal? Tell about your research?

It was research. Nothing about handkerchiefs in it at all.

Do you have a source of credible information that directly links the handkerchief to the ritual satanic abuse you mentioned? Please share.

Why do you want to defend these bastards?

Here we go again, The man asked you for specific evidence and what do you do? Call him a paedophile apologist. All you are doing is trying to bullly him off the question by trying to equate him to the worst of the worst.

Discuss with him show him your evidence or research. Or just carry on being a manipulative piece of shit. Your choice.

How about following up his question with another, more pertinent question: What exactly does “pizza related map” refer to in regards to a hanker chief? If it was so unimportant, then why did this person feel the need to send an email to Podesta asking if he wanted her to bring it to him?

Answer those questions first.. then we’ll answer yours.

Ahh so instead of answering a question you just refuse to answer until your demands are met. Cool. I didn't ask any questions. I made a statement one you have singly failed to address.

There can be no “exact answer”. The description itself is vague enough that many possibilities could fit. Maybe it’s a picture of Italy with a guy tossing a pizza.

It wasn’t important; it was just left there and the person wasn’t sure who owned it. There is nothing indicating any kind of major importance was placed on it beyond “Hey, someone left this here and maybe they want it back.”

There you go.

Okay. What about the email from Hillary Clinton to George Soros where she mentions “sacrificing a chicken to Moloch in the backyard”?

I’m beginning to think you haven’t done any research...

Okay. What about the email from Hillary Clinton to George Soros where she mentions “sacrificing a chicken to Moloch in the backyard”?

You ask a lot of people and refuse to offer up anything in return.

But, I’ll bite; I would love to see this email that is specifically and identifiably from Hillary Clinton to George Soros. Please share.

Questions and conversation does not equal defense. Don’t you believe people should be encouraged to engage in critical thinking and not just assume everything they are told is true?

Funny how all these Satan-worshipping kidfuckers leave an obvious and convenient trail of bread crumbs for people like you to follow.

Convenient? This shit had been going on forever! The truth has came out about the cathlic church. It has came out about Boystown. It has came out about the pedophile ring in Washington DC . Hell, even Subways spokesman got busted.

Now if you want to be that dude who stick up for child molesters, that tells me alot about you.

I mean, that's my preferred belief as well.

I just can't imagine what that design would realistically be. I'd be curious to hear a plausible explanation.


Still can't come up with what it really meant, though.

It was black and white, with a map on it. The realtor said it was maybe pizza related. There are a few options that don’t involve code words. It could be a street map, showing pizza places in an area either large or small. It could a city map with designs involving food and pizza. It could also be a map of Italy with a guy tossing a pizza, some place using it as a symbol of the authenticity of their recipes.

The problem is the word map is vague enough it could mean multiple things and coupled with the realtor saying it was “maybe pizza related” gives a whole lot of wiggle room as to what it could actually look like.

I have no idea. I can tell you what it doesn't mean

Your logic makes absolutely no sense. Let me spell this out for you..

If you have no idea what it means, then how is it possible that you can know what it does not mean?

Think about it for a second.

ask him if he thinks ill do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?

Did he get out of prison? I thought Q had him in gitmo.

Yeah he was secretly sent there with Obama, Hillary and the whole ((cabal))

Maybe he got convalescent leave?

If not they know right where he will be so Trump should be able to take him straight into custody.

I heard they let him go cause he promised to foil all the future ((deep state)) false flags

holly shit this went from 10 points to 2 in 15 mins.

“Guys go harass this dude”

Remember. His colleagues were asking how thinly they will have to slice the hotdog depending on how many people are showing up ...

Yet we have people still sticking up for this guy. Hope your kids aren’t next.

I think you’re referring to a piece of pizza being sliced up, which if I’m recalling correctly was most likely a sarcastic remark about how cheap some company was. Unless it was a hotdog and I’m not remembering that part right, though the likely sarcasm bit still stands.

lol What does the thickness of a hot-dog slice mean in your pedo world?

Nah, ask him about the video of him torturing a young boy.

Why don’t people ask Worldcorp about it?

That's what the line "you think you're hot shit, don'tcha?!" comes from.

Somebody ask him if Hillary still speaks to him after his email was revealed where he said she smells like boiled cabbage urine and farts.

I want to know if the Luzzato kids got in the hot tub. FUCKING BAAAARFFFFFFFF!

We find out our elections have been under attack by Russians and the 4chan virgins are still worried about Hillary. This is hilarious, I just can't get enough - it's like a retard petting zoo.

This sub is basically a filtering system for future school shooters.

"What is a pizza related map? Why would it be on a handkerchief?"

He tries to laugh it off, plays to the audience.

"Because that was in your e-mail, revealed to the Internet in Wikileaks 32795. Did you own the handkerchief?