Thread for people who have already decided Parkland was a "false flag" and not a "hoax:" what extraordinary evidence do we have that any deadly shooting took place so far?

0  2018-02-17 by joe_jaywalker


Video evidence of the actual shooting taking place, and one of the students who was actually in one of the rooms getting shot at, watching 2 of his friends die, actually did an AMA on Reddit you should check it out.

AMA is meaningless.

Post video evidence here:

When someone posts an AMA they have to prove who they are, which he did. Why is it meaningless in your opinion? And I’m sure you know which video I’m talking about we’ve all seen it by now. People screaming, bodies on the floor as they walk in the hallway.

Do you believe any of these recent shootings actually happen or are they all hoaxed? Do you not believe anything happens just because you can’t walk over or drive to it to see it? Here’s my thing, i don’t live by that town that this shooting happened and I’m assuming you don’t either. if I was you, this person who genuinely thinks all these mass shootings are being faked, that would be such a big deal to me that I’d spend the couple hundred bucks in a plane ticket and go to Florida for myself, see the school, see the police, the victims mourning at the vigil service.

Believing in conspiracies is one thing, disagreeing with every single things you can despite seeing plenty of evidence is another. I bet if there wasn’t any mass shooting for a year or 2 you’d be posting that there’s shootings going on and now they’re covering it for whatever reason.

This thread isn't about me, it's about people posting evidence that establishes a real shooting occurred. Post it here:

It seems to me the only way you’d believe anything happened is if you were physically there yourself.

Since you weren’t there, and I wasn’t either, I posted a link to the ama of somebody who was there. You also failed to back up your opinion on why ama’s are meaningless by the way. But like you said it’s not about you it’s about evidence posted on the thread, here it is.

So "proof" that a shooting happened is a student ID?

Obviously not, you really need this spoon fed ? An id confirms a persons identity. That’s why you carry one when you drive a car or travel, and when people ask for it when you make big purchases or get pulled over. The id proves to us who this individual is.

Ok, so what proves a real shooting took place beyond reasonable doubt?

The link is a video of literally the shooting taking place, and then the ama somebody who was in the room of the video talking and answering questions about it. Giving details about it. IDing on who the dead bodies on the floor are by name.

Here is what I see in that video: jerky, blurry videos (especailly in second half) show undetermined forms laying on floor. One is conveniently laid behind a podium, with only legs showing. Lots of backs of people’s heads and view blockaage. Then we see the standard blurred jerky filming of the floor on the way out. Who has a camera like this in 2018?

You’re right it’s blurry, seems the same quality of random fb live videos/snaps I see of my friends recording at the club/parties etc. I don’t know what phone this person was using to record this. “Undetermined forms” I saw legs and arms and torsos so with that I was able to interpret as being a person, I guess you couldn’t and that’s fair. Taking the video in as a whole it is safe to say that a shooting was happening and people had been shot. Obviously some people aren’t able to deduct that and that’s fine. For myself i understand the jerky motions were probaly because the cameraman was getting shot at. And the standard blurred jerky filming was probaly due to running for your life to safety and trying not to die.

I remember in my high school they had security cameras in the hallways, I’m assuming this one does also so maybe they will put out that footage and it’ll make it easier for you to see what’s going on.

The worst and most jerky zero quality part of the film is when he (or she) is walking in the hallway on the way out. The event was over for some time- no one is being shot at there. Therefore I attribute no value to this video in terms of proof of a real crime.

It’s compiled from multiple Snapchat videos. The entire body is shown...not at first, but as they are exiting the room.

Somebody with the technology should do an analysis of these videos for fakery. This would include previous events. I am amazed that hasn't been done. The imagery doesn't look like modern device camera images. For comparison this is a test of the Iphone 5S from 2013. It is far, far superior to the distorted view in the video Capn Salt posted- good-quality, nicely focused images with a stabilization feature.

So far I've only watched the first few seconds of that video but I already see similarities to videos of other staged events. They are always filmed in the vertical aspect which I believe to be a means of excluding unwanted detail from the periphery. The less they show, the less we can find fault with. And also, the usual "oh shit oh shit oh my god oh my god." You know, the stuff you would definitely say if you were trying to fake such an intensely horrifying situation.

Like with Vegas there seems to be a lot of kids who you would think all have their phones out filming, because we know that teenagers have no self awareness of personal danger. And yet again, we have one or two flip phone angles that seem very sketchy at best. It's not that I need to see blood guts and gore but there is a definite sense of fakery about it. I know what I know and this isn't a real event.

You insist on 'beyond reasonable doubt', which is a court term.

Courts value witness testimony very highly. Why don't you?

Because the characters on teevee are not under oath.

This thread is old; post any evidence to this thread.

So if they're not under oath then you won't consider any evidence outside of a court. Which so far, is what the evidence is going to be - Outside of a court.

Many people believe a real shooting has taken place. I'm asking for them to share those reasons for others. Don't flatter my ego by making it about me and my own standards of proof, which are irrelevant. All evidence must be considered. Now go, reveal the ways we know a shooting happened unless you just want to stay here and autisctically babble in a deserted day-old thread.

In is bio the poster Sid Fischer says "I am a Junior that goes to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, I was in my 4th period class, Holocaust History, my teacher is Mrs. Schamis.

Curious given that the "shooting" is alleged to have occurred in the HS freshman wing.

Glad you actually checked out the ama. Obviously all schools are different but when I was in high school I didn’t take my geometry class in 9th grade like I was supposed to bc I decided to take a 3rd elective instead. I never tried to make up for it until my senior year when I needed it to graduate so I was in a class with all freshmen, and a few juniors and other seniors who had failed the class. It could be something as simple as this. Most classes are made up of 80% of the grade that’s supposed to be there and then a few stragglers who failed or need the credit. It won’t be 100% freshmen or another grade in a class, especially electives like woodshop or whatever else.

Honestly I can’t believe anyone took the time to record at all but you see that with the culture now. Everytime there’s a fight or something happening people record it’s instinct now. The fact he used an emoji in his snap is not enough reason for me to not believe this video is real. Also in the top right you see dust falling from the ceiling as he was firing, probaly where the bullets were hitting.

I can see a "straggler" for geometry or science class, but a holocaust history class?

Yup, math science english and social studies are all core credits. You fail or skip out on one of them early on, you’ll have to make up for it to graduate. There’s a lot of different classes you could take for social studies to get credits and holocaust history was obviously an option at that school. I feel anyone who was in high school the last decade will see this is common.

Personally, I definitely see a lot of these events have a lot of details that are questionable and I feel like we never get the full story on what and why and how and that is frustrating. But lately I’ve seen people who immediately assume every single event like this is fake, which to me is just as close minded as believing in every single thing. At the end neither of these types of people will use reason and nobody can show them otherwise.

Almost everything that happens in the world we aren’t there to witness personally for obvious reasons. There’s a superbowl every year, just like there’s mass shootings, with national media coverage, names, actual geographic locations, witnesses, key people who are alive and you can look up with social media, so even though I’ve never been to a Super Bowl, based on all these things I know that it’s real and it happens.

Obviously there’s a lot of different reasons people think there is to fake a shooting, like putting fear in people, gun control etc but the thing is there is already plenty of violence that a little more wouldn’t weigh the scale, and hasn’t. People kill eachother everyday. There’s crime everyday. I’ve seen people on the local news that I knew that were killed. I didn’t see them die, but knowing them and their group of friends and going to the funeral it was safe to believe they were dead.

I believe that most of these events involve fakery and serious deception. Fakes have a certain wash, rinse, repeat pattern to them that you need to educate yourself to. There may be some that are hybrid where some targeted indivduals are taken out, but those are small numbers compared to the casualty claims. That may have happened at Las Vegas.

Actually few people see these as our right fakes. The doubters call them real false flags, with real carnage. There is some kind of mental block to them being fake. Even truthers who I otherwise respect fall for it.

The reason staged deceptions are preferred — meaning not involving real deaths or a limited number of deaths — is primarily because real victims or their survivors go off the rails and can’t be controlled. Real false flags get very messy, whereas staged deceptions can be directed and manipulated.

Plus, owning the victimhood franchise, or “victim stance,” is extremely effective and valuable both for four reasons: 1) beating back those who question the anomalies (the one-trick-pony, “you’re crazy” accusation); 2) maximizing charity frauds and government-fund loots; 3) demonizing target groups or peoples; and 4) forcing problem-reaction-solution control agendas. One of the latest is “control of the internet” and "preemptive mental health/pre-crime".

It sounds like an elective class that was open to all grades

Where are the videos...I didn't see those...just kids hiding in a room.

(Not saying it didn't happen, would just like to see the videos people keep mentioning.)

Do you have a link to the AMA? I would like to see this.

Wow. Some really really sophisticated redditors at that school. Thanks for the link.

They are sophisticated speech givers too

Have you considered the possibility that they are of average sophistication and they just seem unusual because you are an idiot who spends all of his time talking to idiots?

I'm being Devil's advocate, being that I haven't decided either way:

  • The video evidence is more compelling for this event
  • A suspect is in custody
  • Witnesses say there were multiple shooters

Dylann Roof was in custody; doesn't mean he shot up a church.

Most of the time we have video of people running and screaming at these things. Not much else...

I agree, and same with Dzhokhar, Holmes, McVeigh, and others (ie. those were fall guy/patsies). Which kind of tilts me to a FF, more than a hoax (ie. Sandy Hook).

Then we're not on the same page about Aurora or The Boston Hoax. The only person I think might have come to die in either of those is Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

Aurora is full of the same crisis acting bullshit and complete lack of evidence of shots fired. One of the fathers of the alleged deceased ran for Congress afterward on a gun control platform. There is something very strange with Holmes's backstory and he does seem to be an unwitting patsy. This doesn't mean anyone got shot while watching Batman.

You can have a mixture of real deaths, plants, and crisis actors, ya' know. An example of this, would be 9/11 and the Harley guy.

Sure, Mark Walsh is one of the most obvious crisis actors of all time. I'm not sure about 9/11 but I've always thought at least some people died. There are faked identities involved. The number of reported casualties, around 3,000 was likely intended to be reminiscent of Pearl Harbor.

9/11 is a whole different ball game than the slew of fake shootings and terror attacks which would begin about a decade later.

9/11 is a whole different ball game

Oh for sure! I was just giving an example of a mixture of things being used in the event, that's all.

IDK, and like I said... I have made my mind up either way yet. It's still early, imo. A huge red flag for me is, that they are planning on tearing the building down. That's suspicious as all hell. We shall see.

Why downvote this post? People who know Parkland was a bona fide shooting, this can be a great depository for irrefutable proof that real children were shot with real bullets this time. This way, we can establish that it was a real shooting and then work out the details.

You could also reference this thread in the future when people like me claim that a shooting could be faked, staged around a drill and presented on the news as a real shooting, and point to a thread full of convincing, 3D evidence that couldn't possibly be faked.

But so far I don't see any.

Awesome. Are you the one who runs that website? I can't remember but they made some of my Reddit comment replies into an article about Las Vegas shills that I've linked to many times.

I’ve seen some snap chat videos but didn’t show anyone taking shots or dying. Just students in a corner of a class room while shooting is occurring. Nothing real conclusive though.

Curious to me that atop the front page of this subreddit right now is a post that seems to imply that Parkland was a false flag but definitely not a hoax.

But a thread like this that simply asks for evidence for this claim gets downvoted and remains devoid of any "proof" of a real shooting.

Why not sticky it to the top? Have it there so people can use it to stave off any rumors of a "hoax."

What's the matter -- is there no good reason to believe a shot was fired?

In many cases there is the "official" conspiracy theory, which is planted too, and still not the truth.

For example, 911:

Level 0 (MSM nonsense): bearded acrobatic pilots throw passports outside of cabin windows and pulverize 3 steel skyscrapers with 2 aluminum planes.

Level 1 (official conspiracy theory): aluminum planes enter steel skyscraper like a hot knife through butter, and then (nano-)thermite used to demolish buildings. False flag.

Level 2 (truth): no airplanes. Nuclear demolition. Occult ritualistic mass-sacrifice and psyop.

The "offcial" conspiracy theory will be generally well received.mTry and formulate something that approaches the truth, and see the astroturfing commence. This OP is a sign of that; you ask a valid question, yet the thread stands at 40%.

On this Parkland event, it is clear to me they are expecting people to question the narrative. See this. Notice how my comment was downvoted in that thread. Also this whole "FBI did not investigate", drill nonsense/confusion, second shooter testimony, etc. - all of that is done on purpose.

If this type of multi-layered thinking interests you, see the five levels of truth.

Very interesting. I have noticed that there are levels of conspiracy we are "allowed" to question. We are "allowed" with Vegas for example to spiral off into any speculation we wish about ISIS, Saudis, arms deals, multiple shooters....... but we aren't allowed to question whether there was a deadly shooting.

With 9/11 we are allowed to question nearly everything, but find ourselves sort of corralled into dwelling on building 7 or "foreknowledge" by the Bush administration. But anytime I mention no plane theory I am downvoted and ridiculed with the same scripted lines such as "thousands of eyewitnesses."

Same with this situation. People are so quick to say it's a false flag but not a hoax. We can fly into speculation about pharmaceuticals and mental health, multiple shooters, and even concurrent drills. But as usual, we must not question the basic claims that children were shot.

You are absolutely right.

I recommend Miles W Mathis' papers, I'm sure you will enjoy them.

See this one about the assassination of Rabin (pdf). It is interesting how he describes the "official" conspiracy theory, who it was intended for, wh it was done, etc. (a right-wing nut isn't the actual killer) versus the truth (he wasn't actually killed).

But why not just stage one clean and tight hoax in the first place? Why create a mainstream theory AND an alternative theory from the get-go? Because. . . it has been found that two or more stories cover a fake better than one.

Thanks for the kind words. I think that's a really good question. I believe he first mentioned that in his paper on the hoaxed JFK assassination.

There he basically says that it's important for them to make us believe the death was real. Doesn't matter which version of the story we buy into, as long as we buy into one where the event is taken for real. But he doesn't really elaborate on why.

Here are my two cents on this question:

Basically they are trying to sell us one one of their fake narratives. In the case of JFK, the mainstream story is that Oswald was a communist. This sells us on the reality of communism, as if it was a legitimate and independent ideological movement. But that isn't true. Communism was a construct of worldwide Intelligence (at the control of Western bankers).

The mainstream conspiracy theories sell us on the story that JFK had real enemies due to his actions (whether it be against the Fed or his lenient policies towards Russia or whatever). In other words, that there is a real contest over political power with 'good guys' (JFK) and 'bad guys' (fill-in-the-blank). But in reality JFK was playing a part. It's like one huge stage play, and the media is totally complicit in creating a Matrix-like reality. That's the truth they don't want us to uncover, and that's why they push conspiracy theories that try to sell us on another narrative they're trying to sell us about how the world works.

In the Rabin case, it's sort of the same thing. They are selling us on the idea that Rabin was some kind of hero or at least some kind of enemy to some real force in the world. But he was a lifetime actor just like JFK. Plus, both the accepted story and the mainstream conspiracy narratives serve to further the divide and conquer strategy by pushing people apart.

Does that help answer the question?

Does that help answer the question?

It's more than I hoped for! Thank you.

I'm going to think of a way to give such amazing insights more visibility.

How did the kid get back home after the shooting happened.

Just like Waco, 911 Sandy Hook (another drill gone live), this school must be knocked down so no outside agencies can view the evidence, I mean, to protect the kids.

You would think by now, people would actually start to pay attention. This was a planned live shooter drill, same as Sandy Hook, multiple people and news articles confirm this. One article (I linked to earlier) in the daily beast even stated that the shooter used the MASS SHOOTER DRILL as cover. Not a very good plan but that is the story.

And for all those that think "it's too big for so many people to keep it quiet", well as I stated after Vegas, only a few people at the top need to know. The cops on the ground, the kids etc, they go on with the event as if it real.

Call me whatever names you like, but when drills magically go live and then the evidence must be immediately destroyed, I get a bit suspicious.

The demolishing of the school and that church after the church shooting is sketch, they just built this school less then ten years ago.

parkland was the name of the hospital Kennedy was taken to after being domed

Anyone have videos of the actual damage done...

You guys are hopeless lunatics who at the end of the day, will simply believe only what you want to believe.

Around the Newtown shooting, you guys talked like it's impossible for a 100 lb 20 year-old who plays shooting games all day, to shoot and kill cornered 9-year olds with an 8 lb rifle chambered in 5.56... but it's not unreasonable to believe in sex slave colonies on Mars, is it?

"I want to see video! I want the parents of Newtown to let me see their dead children's bodies full of holes and chunks torn away from them, so I can win arguments on the internet with strangers!"

Well, you guys finally got to see it after the Las Vegas shooting, and you called it "red soda", and "actors". You saw dead bodies on the floor, there was a dead girl being picked up out of the classroom in one video. What more do you want, a phone snap of the shooter? How willing are you to whip out your iPhone, go out in the hallway, and get a clear shot of a gunman who can kill you in 1.5 seconds?

So you don't have any evidence that a real shooting happened that you'd like to share?

What is evidence to you?

You don't believe that I own an iPhone X, so I show you a picture of it.

"That's not yours, a friend let you hold it!"

I show you the receipt.

"OK. It's yours, but the phone is a chinese fake!!"

I drive you to the official Apple store 10 minutes away and point you to the worker who sold it to me, he recognizes me and verifies my claim.

"He's just a paid shill hired by the Illuminati who sells fake iPhones to cover the fact that ((Apple)) is trafficking children in the basement!"

I can show you all the proof, and you will simply 1-up it every time.

Therefore, we should require no proof of any claims?

You have any proof that you put on your own pants in the morning? At a minimum this community would accept as proof: 1080p 60fps VIDEO (not a sequence of images) with audio of the zipper pulled up.

My putting my pants on is not such an extraordinary claim now is it?

Yes absolutely it is an extraordinary claim. To date there is zero evidence that you put on your own pants. I believe you at least have (((help))) zipping them up which is why audio evidence along with 1080p 60fps video (multiple angles are encouraged) is required to refute.

Hm that's a lot of bizarre words to say when you could simply offer evidence that a shooting took place. Please do so in today's thread.

No sorry through burden of proof is on YOU. There is a mass conspiracy here in this sub. It's a bunch of shills that have (((someone))) put on their pants for them. It's obvious that anyone who can't put on their pants has an agenda

I don't know you, but I love you

Here is an excellent checklist and run down for dealing with this staged deception question.

can you send me the video evidence? Apparently the link has been removed.

It seems to me the only way you’d believe anything happened is if you were physically there yourself.

Since you weren’t there, and I wasn’t either, I posted a link to the ama of somebody who was there. You also failed to back up your opinion on why ama’s are meaningless by the way. But like you said it’s not about you it’s about evidence posted on the thread, here it is.

So "proof" that a shooting happened is a student ID?

You can have a mixture of real deaths, plants, and crisis actors, ya' know. An example of this, would be 9/11 and the Harley guy.

In is bio the poster Sid Fischer says "I am a Junior that goes to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, I was in my 4th period class, Holocaust History, my teacher is Mrs. Schamis.

Curious given that the "shooting" is alleged to have occurred in the HS freshman wing.