Seeming to be interacting with very clever bots here. Yes? No? Maybe?

30  2018-02-18 by torkarl

Do we have enough data to profile the bots that are being tested against us at this point?

What are the best countermeasures?

Should we ignore it?

Is it something like the Interstellar movie where our survivors channel back in time to this forum trying to warn us that the whole sub gets electronically nailed and arrested and thrown into WalMart centers? /s

Think about it: why would a user, with no interest in conspiracy at all, come to this subreddit and make it their mission to debunk conspiracy stuff - from flat earth to 9/11? Like, how many subs do you go to because you hate what they stand for???

My first attempt at profiling:

The overall effect seems to be that you are chatting with someone over multiple comments, but that other user just doesn't display all the clues that you would expect from a normal person. Like they always go back to a certain theme, without really telegraphing that they know that you know that we already talked about that theme - let's move on.

Ultimately: We could play a game of double reverse botsmanship by trying to determine which posts attract the most bots. Then publish that information, as a sort of indirect measure of Mainstream interest and interference.


I'm certain that I've argued with bots on this sub. They are awful. I wouldn't worry until they get the quantum AI working well.. then we're fucked.

Do you know quantum well? I hear it takes colliders or is it neutrinos?

Yes, I'm a relative expert around here. Currently it takes josephson junctions, which are really used as optimization calculation engines. it can answer anything posed as an optimization problem.

The Josephson effect is an example of a macroscopic quantum phenomenon.

I think we can assume ([they]) are far enough ahead that we need to track how quickly they are coming up even with human intelligence - do you have ideas on that?

Whatever they come up with will be part of it's own experiment. There's no telling. Likely the AI will tend towards becoming 'conspiracy theorist' and reject official narratives - then get shut down.

There's no telling.

Every show has a tell. It's not like the MSM turned into what it is without plenty of people saying "wait, where's my normal news?" I can remember when the news-crafters introduced the concept of "sound bite" to describe - and warn - about complex news being miniaturized to a phrase - that was in the 1990's as I recall.

Anyway, just saying we should be able t track with this trend and come up with counter strategies - like this - a messy mulridirectional - shared meaning level human interaction.

If indeed it IS that.

answer anything posed as an optimization problem. So does this make it good at problems traditionally solved by gradient descent, or does it go a step further and help solve the global minimum instead?

Not sure, but I think the implication is that the quantum element somehow introduces an oracle, which then allows the extrema to be localized immediately rather than indefinitely. Am I close on that?

Ive been testing this out for a day.... they are everywhere. Suddenly posts that are buried are getting never before seen levels of attention by people with suspicious and polarised histories with nothing but insults and negativity. The new section suddenly has tons of never before seen users

I can't speak for anyone else or on anything else, but I try to debunk flat-earth whenever I see it. It's just painfully dumb. I'm not into the whole "I'm just asking questions!" narrative some people push, either. Maybe we're looking for different things in r/conspiracy - I'm looking for plausible, fact-based conspiracies.

Same honestly. It physically hurts to imagine that some people actually believe it. There is just such an insane amount of evidence against it from multiple fields of science.

I'm not into the whole "I'm just asking questions!" narrative some people push to justify talking about nonsense

I’ve seen this popping up a lot lately. They can be easily spotted because as soon as you answer their “questions” they reply countering your answer. These are not real “questions” they’re looking for a soapbox without being called out on their beliefs, and providing that false “I’m not one of them” premise, they think more people will come in and participate.

You can add to that those that pop in to say… "Ok if "X" event was actually a hoax/FF, what was the reason?"

Because, ya know, if we don't have that particular insight then any evidence we offer is obviously wrong.

Flat-earth does seem to be some kind of pivot conspiracy. People get fanatical.

Personally, I respect flat earthers and honor their right to their conspiracy, because I see at least some possibilities in the hollow earth theory. The two are distinct but in the same family...

debunk flat-earth

I think TPTB started flooding this sub with tin foil shit during the last election to delegitimize the people screaming it was corrupt election.

I'm not sure what to make of the flat earth debate. My personal belief is the Earth is round. But I also do believe in questioning everything to an extent. But what if the flat-earth debate was created to seriously make all conspiracies look foolish?

I’ve met people who don’t believe in FE but say they’re proponents of it only because it gets people to engage in critical thinking regarding things and ideas they’ve held for granted. I’m not sure how effective that is, but that’s what they claimed.

Just as a precaution:

This sentence is false.

I suspect the logic gates they deploy can handle almost anything we can throw at them.

Maybe try: "How is the weather in the peanut butter sandwich?"

Easiest way to know. They never stop commenting when having a tennis match. They also struggle to do sentence diagramming by spelling or use of slang. I have reported 2 this week.

Excellent. Very similar to my observation that they don't know when to quit or change subject.

Also I found user behavior of posting every hour with 2 hour breaks every 10 hours over 72 hours. This led me to believe that we had offshore teams working 24/7. Then I noticed a total switch. I called out 1 user who now states publically when he is leaving. He is pretty popular on this sub but the guy literally posted every hour for 3 days. He went back and deleted posts. Shady as fuck.

It's to the point where something needs to change. Shit gets old.

Also I found user behavior of posting every hour with 2 hour breaks every 10 hours over 72 hours. This led me to believe that we had offshore teams working 24/7. Then I noticed a total switch. I called out 1 user who now states publically when he is leaving. He is pretty popular on this sub but the guy literally posted every hour for 3 days. He went back and deleted posts. Shady as fuck.

It's to the point where something needs to change. Shit gets old.

I have defintely interacted with at least one bot that was very good. Our conversation didn't feel right.

Of course there is no way to really prove it. It is just a feeling.

So that counts as a "maybe". I have several of those...

I wonder about the voting aspect. Crazy amount of upvotes saying that CNN is a legitimate news source. There are numerous threads and people who are defending the podesta's like never before. To me, this feels very calculated and not an organic conversation.

Right, but how can you tell that. We need to reverse engineer that legitimizing assumption.

Someone mentioned before that keywords like "podesta" trigger a flag. The people that are responding to the posts know how to make the conversations go in circles and are always asking for links and the question every aspect of the post instead of using common sense.

And when you make a really good point all they can do is tear apart your grammar. We don't have access to the tools they do, they might even be moderators, I don't know.

they might even be moderators

Any conspiracy folks with mod experience want to jump in here?

They are astroturfing. r/conspiracy backing Clinton, Podesta & any corporate news source.

That shit ain't organic traffic.

Probably not. The resources to run such a bot would be wasted in a comment thread here.

They would get much better return by having bots post simple comments just to seem real and give early support to posts, plus vote on posts relevant to their interests while they are young.

More intelligent bots are far better used on twitter, where an argument/discussion has a fat wider reach.

Not if it's being tested. This would be a pretty decent place to test a bot before letting it out into the wild. Or just let it soak up patterns of speech while watching vote counts on different comments, learning as it goes. I'm surprised more people here don't look at /r/subredditsimulator.

  • Checks subreddit *Scrolls down *Finds...

"To kill net neutrality, FCC might have to figure out a way to get laid"

Those bots are geniuses.

They’re info mining.

Wierd, I said "Podesta" might be a keyword and here you come? Aint that a coincidence?

Are you following me because you're in love with me? I'm flattered, but already taken.

As for your accusation, I'm hoping you realize this is a public forum. I'm going to paste my response to the reply you deleted in another thread just a very short time ago.

I'm not following or downvoting you, except during our conversations and only on the posts where you throw your tantrums and refuse to elucidate anything. You're on a public forum posting quite a bit, so it shouldn't come as a surprise if I end up reading a thread containing your posts. I would've called them arguments or discussions, but that's a huge stretch.


Now that I'm done explaining that you, feel free to post your reply. I'm dying to read your next work of art, but I'm also ending this conversation here. You can carry on tilting at windmills.

Hey bro, just found it strange they way you cheerlead for the podesta's. Real strange. Then you pop in another thread to inform me that you've been scouring through my posts. OK, whos following who?

I deleted my post because you were wierding me out. I got this Tony Podesta man fan following me with a username called "Kind_Of_A_Dick".

I say above that podesta might be a keyword because it was mentioned before and here you come? It could be a coincidence and you're one of those guys that has nothing better to do or.......

I've had them tagged for the better part of year, it's absolutely no coincidence.

fat wider reach

Twitter doesn't carry the full-range conspiracy spectrum... does it?

I'm not entirely sure that I've understood you correctly. I think that pretty much every conspiracy that would be posted here does the rounds there.

OK - i dont do twitter - i suppose bot activity is strong there as you suggest - just didn't know first hand.

Probably. Reddit makes it very easy to make a bot in the first place. Python makes it surprisingly easy to use some type of AI in that bot.

Reddit is also very easy to game, and having an upvote advantage to get out of /r/new is an incredible help.

Are you suggesting that the "built-in rules" and frameworks make it a good platform to test AI interactions with real humans?

From the human side, should we fight a serious fight, or let them think they are winning?

Do something akin to blade runner. Ask for emotional questions, ask for the to come up with something, to describe something. Just think about things that would have impact on human in a dialogue.

Excellent idea. But it would have to be something more than "what's your favorite color?" Maybe "what was your first sexual experience like?" That should screw with the AI a bit... (only half kidding)

Half kidding, half truth. That was just idea i came up with. Practice with real people, see how they react, so you can distinguish who as behind that text/post. Also plenty of stupid/mentally disturbed people that can't have coherent dialogue too. Both ends of the same stick I guess.

Did you read that fucking goddam piece of shit article about how some study found that people who use swear words are more honest? Or at least "truthier" than grown ups who only use certain language bits and sublimate the scat? Or was it that they were smarter?

Yea, i've heard it from mouth to mouth, more like a rumor. But, honestly, i swear sometimes alot like im alone, or like those words are parasitic, is i even dont notice, and make my coworkers or other people uncomfortable. But thats just might be some bullshit spreading around like virus. (there probably is some difference, but it is probably linked to other personality traits, like low inhibition maybe). Anyway, the fact that i fluently speak three languages, as in change pattern of thought (speak two almost perfectly, with accent on both) could have more impact on my personality (or their switch, more than my style of speech or expression, which just could show my potential spectrum or some shit, lol)

Just today wondered how Indians have this fucking annoying english accent, yet, if he would grow up since infancy in america or somewhere, like Pajeet Pai, he would have no accent at all. Languages influences our thoughts and emotions and etc. Its more like parameters, configuration for specific culture, thought processes and emotions, to the specific group language comes from. Hence some language is mind control or some shit conspiracies, which sound beyond lcd trip or some hippie shit crazy, but would actually make sense. Because assuming people nowadays think in text,voice languages in their head, rather using another ability to process information. As in, when you think of a problem, you think it as of a text problem, and understand it as string of words, just like pc, but not a string of emotions, shapes, colors, smells and etc but i digressed so badly theres no way back lool.) Anyway, knowing specific language or culture, influences more than the use of said language.

ps im sorry if you read this but im rolling another one

They’re info mining.

OK - i dont do twitter - i suppose bot activity is strong there as you suggest - just didn't know first hand.