The push for gun control is the inevitable result of a society of “last men”.

25  2018-02-19 by [deleted]



I regret that I have but 1 upvote to give.



Isn't hiding behind guns the easy option though. I don't need guns to protect my family. I don't live in fear of anyone. If you can pull your own teeth you can punch some fucker in the face.

Or have guns w/e just have better mental health screenings. I don’t really think America has a gun problem, we have a mental health crisis exacerbated by entities like the NRA that want 0 restrictions so manufacturers can make as much profit as possible.

Good luck using your fists when someone pulls a gun on you from 10 feet away

Not very likely i don't live in the US

I'm guessing you don't live anywhere south of the US either. Not everyone has the luxury of living in a very safe country.

Australia is pretty far south

Doesn't matter when the Chinese show up.

What doesn't matter

Then it's your own government who will be pulling the gun on you.

Things start to go south politically and the citizens want to organize and effect change. What's stopping the police from coming to your apartment and tossing the place, maybe throwing your ass in prison. Maybe worse. This is already happening in Western Europe over wrongthink tweets.

Believe it or not the US government fears the armament of its people, as was the intention when we started this party. There's a reason TPTB are desperate to disarm the citizenry.

There are some really bad people out there that are armed. I weigh 130 lbs and have little kids to protect.

What are my options?

If you live in fear move somewhere better.

What? There is a place that is safe from abusers and intruders?

I'm 36 have a 2 year old I've never been a victim of crime or seen a gun that wasn't being held by a policeman. You only get one life don't spend it shaking like a shitting dog waiting for bad things to happen

Hmmm.. Well, I'm nearly 48, have kids from 5 to 28 and have actually used my gun to ward of a group of gangbangers in a hospital parkinglot that had tried to car jack the girl and only stabbed her. They came back to make sure she was dead. In a really nice town.

The kid with the gun was 15.

Sounds lovely. Would you not consider a safer country for your kids sake. I moved to Au because my daughter would have a higher standard of life than the UK

Taking my gun away would not have helped the girl that had been carjacked and stabbed, nor keep the child with a black market gun from coming back to finish the job.

You likely think I'm making this up, but I posted about it years ago. It was on r/all.

I believe you. I just struggle to understand why you wouldn't move away from that shit.

37 with 2 kids. Ive always avoided fights, but I did catch an intruder in my backyard once, and had a loaded shotgun at the time. He tried to reach inside his jacket, for what I assume was a gun.

Had to yell at him to, "stop! I have a loaded shotgun aimed at your face!"

Thankful I had a gun and my 2 dogs at my side.

If you think having access to guns somehow helps you in not being totally reliant on the state and a sheep and a cog in the machine then you are sadly mistaken.

Obviously the average American is not less of a “letztemenschen" than anyone else on this planet. However every/most other country doesn't have this free access to guns as the US does. So can you explain this? The logic dictates then that access to guns does not magically make the population more self-reliant.

Personally I think this access to guns is absolutely insane. There is no need for it and it absolutely will not help you or your militia make any kind of dent in the government military. All it does is allow people to kill other people very efficiently in the heat of the moment or psychotically with planning, whereas in other countries most of these would-be killings end up as simple fights or something less violent and less lethal. People are generally pretty stupid, witness the amount of toddlers accidentally shooting their parents. You yourself may know how to handle weapons in a safe way but most people don't and also you are yourself susceptible to use your weapons in a revenge or rage type attack.

When people’s main goal in life has become comfort and the absence of difficulty and struggle, instead of personal responsibility, self-reliance, and self-improvement, then they have become “letztemenschen” or “last men”.

This is what fascist propaganda looks like.

I've taken LSD over half a dozen times now, and I've lost count of the number of times I've used mushrooms. I know that the essential background fabric of reality is fundamentally extremely positive, loving, and compassionate. The idea that conflict is an inevitable prerequisite of life, and a basic justification of existence is sick, catastrophic in its' practical consequences, and fundamentally delusional.

Take some MDMA, and then come back and tell me that life is dependent on us killing each other and playing Last Man Standing.

This is what fascist propaganda looks like

It's Nietzsche. Op is contrasting Nietzsche's concepts of the Last Man with his idea of the Superman.

A few decades later, some other people co-opted these ideas for their own purposes. But that doesn't mean the original thoughts equate with "fascism".

It's Nietzsche. Op is contrasting Nietzsche's concepts of the Last Man with his idea of the Superman.

That doesn't mean it isn't fascist propaganda. If it was, say, Julius Evola's writing, someone else would have used the f-word before I did; but for some inexplicable reason, Nietzsche gets a free pass. I suspect it's because Nietzsche advocates people dominating each other regardless of political context. Evola was more specific.

Study your definitions. Fascism is about conformity and the supremacy of a corporatist state over the individual.

Nietzsche's ideas about the Last Man fit in a lot better with a fascist society than his idea of The Superman does.

Watch this video. It's only ten minutes and when you're done, you'll have a basic idea of the concepts involved.

it's because Nietzsche advocates people dominating each other regardless of political context

There's absolutely zero about people dominating each other. I admit don't know about Evola though.

Fascism is about conformity and the supremacy of a corporatist state over the individual.

In practice, yes; but one of the ways it seduces people is by offering theoretical independence. The survival of corporatism also depends on the Will to Power; the idea that if you get high enough up in the corporate hierarchy, you too can go from being one of the abused, to one of the abusers.

Most supposedly non-fascist conservatives talk a good game about independence; but all you need to do in response to that, is ask them how they feel about the police and military, which are two groups who they almost unfailingly express outright worship towards. Find me a single, self-identifying adherent of the Right, who doesn't view the police as public saviours; and the reason why that matters, is because in practice, individual liberty can not exist in a scenario where the state has both an outward facing and an inward facing army.

but one of the ways it seduces people is by offering theoretical independence

It offers a lie. How so?

Any totalitarian state likes to redefine Freedom as freedom from fear/risk. This is not true freedom, but security posing as freedom. State then sets itself up in the role of "protector" as the individual becomes "the protected" (a form of surrender).

Real Freedom is freedom to do or to be. Another word for this is Liberty. The concept of liberty fits in pretty well with Nietzsche's ideas about independence, personal transformation and spiritual evolution.

Most supposedly non-fascist conservatives talk a good game about independence

Yes they do. But if you look at what they do vs what they say, you usually notice how they go after personal liberties instead.

Any totalitarian state likes to redefine Freedom as freedom from fear/risk.

I don't know anyone on Reddit who mentions the word freedom in association with anything they want, in any context. The political consensus of this web site is authoritarian Communist. The word "socialist" is preferred, but that is only really because they know that Communism as a term still has the potential to alienate some.

Millennials as a generation, in my experience are completely incapable of recognising unregulated, unmediated, or unsupervised scenarios of any kind, as having any positive worth or value whatsoever. They want their hand held in literally every aspect of their lives. They can't imagine making opinions or thinking for themselves without input from some kind of pre-approved, third-party "expert," and they don't believe that any form of activity should ever be taken without the approval of one of said experts, or some other kind of authority figure.

So no. Freedom doesn't need to be redefined, in the current context. We've gone way past that. Millennials want nothing to do with freedom; they don't even want to use that word as a euphemism for dependency. They want their entire life on rails, and they want to be sure that no one can ever say anything which might hurt their feelings. The single main thing that has caused the level of despair which I experience on a daily basis, is the degree of constant hatred for liberty which I see Millennials on this site express. I have never seen or heard of another generation in our species' history, which more passionately or adamantly loves its' cage.

It's the ramblings of someone so insecure that he believes that allowing others to be happy will diminish his own happiness so that he feels he must crush them into submission.
Fucking pathetic.

Nailed it.

Or have guns w/e just have better mental health screenings. I don’t really think America has a gun problem, we have a mental health crisis exacerbated by entities like the NRA that want 0 restrictions so manufacturers can make as much profit as possible.

Good luck using your fists when someone pulls a gun on you from 10 feet away

There are some really bad people out there that are armed. I weigh 130 lbs and have little kids to protect.

What are my options?

Australia is pretty far south