DISNEY Movies/shows - Disney channel tv

7  2018-02-19 by succaneers

OK - so I have read posts here frequently over the past few months/years and often heard the anti-Disney/anti mainstream media/anti-jewish/anti-Zionists comments and I never really thought they were directly - or maybe even not even indirectly related -

But tonight something happened.

I watched Disney channel with my daughter for About 90 minutes -

The first hour was the second half of a movie about zombies. But it wasn't about zombies at all. It was about how people are different (in this case - the zombies had funny looking hair and made scary faces sometimes - but they weren't exactly dangerous) - and the whole theory of the movie is why can't we all just get past our differences and get along and live happily together regardless of our differences. A couple kids were represented as flaming gay stereotype (for 10 yr old audience) and I realized -

THEY ARE PROGRAMMING MY KID! Disney wants my daughter to grow up and believe - (liberal/accepting of - gay/different/look past our differences!) etc.

I am not saying I hate people of other race/creed/gender/religion/sexual preference - whatever - BUT god-dangit - I don't want Disney to program my daughter to believe [this or that] before she's 12.

Anyways - that's not the end - when the Zombie movie ended it went to some other show ANDY MACK? - (something) a girl with a boy's name who is kind of a tomboy but whatever - sort of irrelevant - BUT - it was interesting that her buddy in the show - was talking all about his bar mitzvah - and this whole series is based around her life and this kid getting ready for his bar mitzvah - again it perked my ears up - so I asked my daughter about "bar mitzvah" and she knew at least as much about it as I do -(I'm middle age white - non-jew) but I read a lot and know plenty about a lot of stuff - but not more than my daughter knows about jewish coming of age parties. and she's 10.

Again - I am not anti-jew - I don't care. but i do care that they (Disney) are programming my daughter.

And then suddenly - like a light went off in my head - BOOM it dawned on me. Disney/MTV/Nickelodeon/MSM - they brainwashed me too!

When I was a kid my dad was a hard corps "racist" redneck asshole drunk guy - and I grew up (birth to 11 yrs old) thinking that's just how people are - but by the time I was 13-14 I started thinking my dad is such an asshole for believing that way - BECAUSE TV told me: that it's wrong to think that way!

Maybe it is - maybe it isn't - it is sort of irrelevant whether what they brainwashed me to believe is correct or true or fair. But the fact that they snuck in all these little keys and queues in their shows over the years to convince me to believe what my dad was teaching me was wrong.... MSM is a conspiracy!

I got it tonight for the first time ever.


Disney and Nickolodeon are hell bent on corrupting children to believe in degenerate propaganda and zio-globalism.

Oh boy you have a deep rabbit hole to dive into. Pro tip, Disney was okay before the 80s and 90s

Same thing for zootopia

Oh man... Zootpoia is such blatant urban globalist society propaganda. Cute bunnies tho

Early Disney stuff was pretty racist so maybe they are trying to make up for it.

The '70s through the '90s were prime programming years... They had every media source possible.

Welcome to the New Order. You have been conditioned.

So I am going to preface this by saying I in no way am disputing Disney is evil because they obviously are.

Now that being said is it really so horrible that tv is culturing your child? I mean don’t you want your child to be accepting of others, and knowledgeable of all sorts of things including all the crazy religions in the world? Aren’t you glad you didn’t turn out to be a crazy redneck asshole (I’m quoting here) like your dad? I did not have tv growing up, cable that is, we did get a few movies and I watched it when I had sleepovers, but I did watch a lot of Disney movies on VHS. Mostly read books though still, Look at me now I’m here on conspiracy looking at the world through a new perspective , as are you, and maybe it was because tv opened our minds to a world our parents may not have otherwise let us be privy to.

I don't know.

I cannot decide the answer right now. it's a complicated series of questions. And for me - maybe it didn't turn out too bad. I feel like I am a pretty successful adult - I have a good job and 2 healthy kids, own my own home, multiple cars etc.

But I have to wonder if things could have been different. I moved away from hickville USA 25 yrs ago because TV convinced me there was so much more out there. The big city life - etc. I moved here (southern California) and I never looked back. But on the rare occasion I do go back - I sometimes wonder how my life might have been different - if I had stayed this closed minded little guy I could live at a slower pace and enjoy the easy stuff - (fishing and a low paying job with no money - but no worries)

I'm not saying that openminded people couldn't do that. I am saying I intentionally wanted to get away from Hickville USA because of what I saw on TV. Not that I wanted to go to southern California - but that I wanted to get away from hickville USA. Like that was the worst place you can live. And as I look back on it - I do regret some things.

It's way off topic - but I am trying to figure out how to get back on topic and this is all I can come up with right this second.

How does it relate to Disney or MSM or racism or anything else? I don't know right now.

And yes my dad was crazy redneck asshole drunk - and he died. and I am not even really very sorry about it. - that's probably another reason I wanted to get away - but for a while - I just moved away and became the socal version of him

**happy ending - got sober haven't had a drink in 4 yrs (less happy ending - i used to love drinking. can't drink at all now for fear of becoming a drunk asshole like he was or i used to be)

Congrats on getting and staying clean! I’m sorry about you dad, I think it’s good that you have an open mind, and moved out of Hicksville USA. The simple life seems nice because ignorance truly is bliss, but it’s better to have an open mind and be curious and question everything and absorb knowledge and try to constantly better yourself even if it’s hard, to live with purpose means that you at least tried to live. A side note adventure time is a pretty cool show, and I watch it with all my god children it’s really philosophical, and makes you think while being silly and fun. I don’t drink I actually found life is better without it I used to have quite the drinking problem myself and going out and partying and just being an overall party girl, I filled the hole with with reading and research, not just conspiracy but random things, for instance right now I am currently reading about and writing about ancient gods of every culture and their correlation, because it keeps my mind busy. I guess I got off subject a bit as well.

interesting - so your research into the different gods - do you realize how much the various religions - almost world wide have very similar setups of their religions? (even though in many cases its pretty easy to prove that those people never met) - like the "gods" of the south americans actually correlate pretty well to the "gods" of the greeks - even though they lived on opposite continents with no internet.

Yea it’s immensely fascinating! It keeps my mind occupied reading about it and thinking how crazy it is, that is that the Hindus, Aztecs, Greeks, all the way up to modern religion all have similar stories and concepts and yet people just cling to these things it’s crazy. The world is fascinating and there is so much to take in I usually just pick something new every few months and dive in, last month it was psychology basics, and before that I taught myself the basics of French. It really helps, and keeps from going out and drinking or wasting my brain binge watching the office for the 7000th time lol.

ok - so get a book - it's called ISHMAEL - by Daniel Quinn - or the sequel - My Ishmael.

(it's not jewish.) by the name Ishmael - you might assume so - but it's not.

Its about civilization and how it started and the crazy way we got to where we are today.

I know its crazy to say this - but I have divided my life into two periods - my life before I read ISHMAEL - and my life since I read Ishmael -

It was a game changer. completely changed my outlook on religion and climate change and environmental destruction - and greed and capitalism and.....well about everything.

awesome series of books. Ifyou read those two - you have got the gist. SPOILER ALERT - these books are really good/great and you will want to read the other 2-3 after that - (but they are not as good - The Story of B is very good but not as great)

IMHO - Daniel Quinn is one of the best authors of the last 40 years and yet nearly no one ever heard of him.

The first 2 chapters you will be like - how did i let some internet stranger convince me to buy this stupid book but by chapter 9 you will stay up all night finish it and order MY Ishmael by 600 am the next morning.

**Yes I'm that sure.

if you order it - and don't love it - send it to me with the receipt and I will pay you back the cost. seriously.

I will definitely read it lol, and it would not be the first time or the second I’ve let a stranger on the internet convince me to read a book/buy a book lol.

funny. about the psychology thing - I went to a psychology class in college. I cannot remember anything. zero - except that the professor told us the first day of class that anything that comes to our mind that doesn't deal with class - write it down on the far left side of your paper and then forget about it. at the end of class go back and review that stuff. but it helps you to stay focused on what he's talking about vice day dreaming about the chore you need to do later or the bill you forgot to pay or whatever random thing pops in your head.

I have done that thing ever since - during meetings, during classes etc. anytime I think of something - I write it down and think of it later.

But I don't remember ANYTHING about psychology class.

YOU SAID: I’m sorry about you dad, I think it’s good that you have an open mind, and moved out of Hicksville USA.......but it’s better to have an open mind and be curious and question everything and absorb knowledge and try to constantly better yourself

I am not sure if I believe that today. I talked to my brother - who still lives in Hicksville USA - and he is completely oblivious to the worlds problems -has NO CLUE about the vegas shootings or possible conspiracies or even what reddit is. But he doesn't care. He feeds his stupid cat and works at some junior college taking care of the facility and he is happy. Like truly happy. Never complains about anything. I offered him to come out to vegas - and he just laughed - I don't know nobody in vegas. And I sure as heck ain't going to give them casinos my money so I aint going out there....and boom that was it. no arguments. just a simple life he is good with it.

Yes ignorance is bliss. While he may be happy he will have lived a life never reaching any full potential never experiencing the feeling of holy shit that’s insane I never knew that, or that’s incredible. When I go visit my father (he lives in Georgia I have split family half in Chicago half in Georgia) I pity them. I have had them tell me things like, the government does the best they can for us, racism is blacks faults they act like dumbasses and don’t wanna work so we hate them, I even had my 21 year old sister tell me that Australia is not a country and That she did not know Ireland was real she thought it was a fake place where leprechauns come from like a fairy tale and that’s sad to me. I would hate to live like that in such ignorance unable to expand my mind, and when I correct them in a gentle way or show them the facts like that Australia is a country they flat out deny it or ignore it and choose not to learn.

** show them the facts like that Australia is a country.... **

did you take her to Australia? hard to prove it by showing a map.

I been to Australia (6 times) love it. it's a beautiful place. probably go again in 2019.

Lol that’s funny, But pretty great advice I always keep a little detective notepad with for my wandering mind. I think the best thing I learned in my venture of phycology is to learn how to shift the tide of a room and pick up on when a situation is tense and be able to break that tension in a tactful way, it’s helped a lot since my boyfriend suffers from social anxiety and my boss is social inept and I find myself digging him out of countless holes in meetings at work. The other thing is learning how to fake it till you make it lol which has actually gotten me through a lot of life.

  • did you learn this from a book? how to shift the tide of a room and pick up on when a situation is tense and be able to break that tension in a tactful way

If yes - I would be interested to read this book. - or some internet articles - whatever you got - please share.

One of the books I read was Phycology Applied to Modern Life :Adjustment in the 21st Century by Wayne Weiten, Dana S. Dunn, Elizabeth Yost Hammer. It is a college book actually, I find a lot of friends who kept their old books for some reason and I always borrow them, and another less grueling but still very interesting is a I believe sort of ted type talker, he uses his background in psychology to help people better themselves in work situations and social situations I watch his videos often as they are short and interesting his name is Kerwin Rae.

are kerwin rae videos on youtube?

(i will search tomorrow or maybe later tonight)

Yes most of them are! Like I said they are usually short and interesting and free free is always good lol.